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E560 MPR01 DS

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Data Sheet Mouting Plate Rack 560MPR01

Doc-No.: 1KGT 150 598 V004 1 1
Mounting Plate Rack 560MPR01

The Mounting Plate Rack 560MPR01 accommo-
dates up to 2 communication units 560CMU02 or
560CMU05 and up to 8 peripheral modules in a
RTU560 substation. One more (extension) mount-
ing plate rack can be connected to the 560MPR01
via the RTU560 serial peripheral bus (SPB).
A subrack, 3U high, to take single Europe format
boards according to DIN 41494, is mounted on a
printed circuit board with a height of 6U. The sub-
rack has 9 slots for mounting one communication
unit and up to 8 I/O modules. The power supply
and power supervision, the watchdog and the in-
put for the minute interrupt of a real time clock
560RTC0x are integrated and supported on the
device. If a 560CMU05 is used, only power super-
vision is supported. To realize other functions a
560BCU02 is needed.
It is possible to direct connecting the process volt-
age of the input/output devices by using the inte-
grated jumper field. Additionally the output super-
vision board 23BA23 can be directly connected to
the command output devices 23BA20.
Another set of jumper is used to connect the mi-
nute interrupt of a real time clock 560RTC0x to
the communication unit 560CMU02, if the clock is
mounted in slot 2 (DIN 29).
A monitoring circuit on the mounting plate rack
560MPR01 checks the supply voltage of the
boards (24 V DC, 5 V DC).
Allocation of the slots:
Slot 1 (DIN 34) for 560CMU02 (or empty)
Slot 2 to 9 for max. 8 peripheral boards
(DIN 29 to DIN 01)
Slot 1/2 for one 560CMU05
Slot 3/4 for two 560CMU05
The process signal cables are connected to plug-
in sockets with screw terminals or to connection
pins for Standard Termi Point. The process sig-
nals can therefore be disconnected from the plug-
in socket block at any time. The connection point
#17 (PE) is not connected any more.
In addition to the process signal connections, the
following interface possibilities are located on the
rear side of the printed circuit board:

Interface to the serial peripheral bus (SPB)
External input for minute interrupt
Power source connection
Relay contact for monitoring the internal
voltages (24 V DC and 5 V DC)
Relay contact for Warnings (Set by software)
Inputs for process voltages, for direct distribu-
tion to the input/output devices
Power Supply
The power supply unit 560PSU40 / 41 is used to
supply the mounting plate rack 560MPR01 with 24
V DC. If another power supply is used, the device
has to fulfil the following conditions:
Over-voltage category II
Safe separation to a SELV circuit, according to
EN 60950

Data Sheet Mounting Plate Rack

2 Doc.No.: 1KGT 150 598 V004 1

Figure 1: Mounting Plate Rack, Front View
Figure 2: Mounting Plate Rack, Side View


Data Sheet Mounting Plate Rack

Doc.-No. 1KGT 150 598 V004 1 3

Technical Data
In addition to the RTU560 general technical data,
the following applies:
Height 3 U, 9 slots according to DIN 41494
1 slot = 4 raster = 20,32 mm
132,8 x 192 x 178 mm (H x W x D)
Mounting depth with boards 198 mm
with boards and front plugs 248 mm
Mounting Panel
Dimensions 266 x 265 mm (H x W)
Height = 6 U: 265,6 mm
Weight 1,4 kg
Connection Type
CMU, I/O boards Indirect, 48 pole,
Type F DIN 41612
Process signals Plug-in terminal strip, 19
pole, 18 signals, shield not
Serial Interface
Peripheral Bus RJ45 socket connector
Minute interrupt
Plug-in terminal strip,
2 pole, 24 V DC
Power supply
Plug-in terminal strip,
2 pole, 24 V DC,
20.4 28.8 V DC,
Output (internally):
5 V DC, max. 5 A
24 VDC direct connect
from 24 VDC input
Relay Alarm Plug-in terminal strips,
2 * 2 pole, relay contact:
1 A / 60 V DC, 30 W
Relay Warning Plug-in terminal strip,
2 pole, relay contact:
1 A / 60 V DC, 30 W
Process voltag-
C1, C2 and Up
Plug-in terminal strips,
2 * 2 pole, 60 V DC,
max. 5 A
Protection earth 2 * Fasten 6,3 mm
Fuse, SMD type
SMT FUSET 154 3820
125 V 4A (delayed), ex-
Manufacture: Little FUSE
Order code: 154004TDR
Transient voltage accord-
ing to EN60255-5,
12/2001, chapter 6.1.3, re-
spectively EN60870-2-1,
07/1997, chapter 6, class
5 kV DC,
Withstand voltage accord-
ing to EN60255-5,
12/2001, chapter 6.1.4, re-
spectively EN60870-2-1,
07/1997, chapter 6, class
2,5 kV AC
50 Hz
Insulation resistance ac-
cording to EN60255-5,
12/2001, chapter 6.2.2
>100 M
at 500 V DC
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Electrostatic discharge
immunity test accord-
ing EN61000-4-2,
12/2001, (level 3)
6 kV Conducted
8 kV Air

Performance criteria A
Radiated radio-
frequency electro-
magnetic field immuni-
ty test according to
11/2003, (level 3)
10 V/m

Performance criteria A

Data Sheet Mounting Plate Rack

4 Doc.No.: 1KGT 150 598 V004 1
Electrical fast transi-
ent/burst immunity test
according to
07/2005 (level 3)
4 kV

Performance criteria A
Surge immunity test
according to
12/2001, (level 3)
2 kV (line to line)
4 kV (line to earth)
Performance criteria A
Immunity to conducted
disturbances, inducted
by radio-frequency
fields according to
12/2001 (level 3)
10 V

Performance criteria A
Oscillatory wave im-
munity test according
to EN61000-4-12,
12/2001 (level 3)
2,5 kV (Common Mode)
1 kV (Differential Mode)

Performance criteria A
Test for immunity to
conducted, common
mode disturbances
according to
04/2005 (level 4)
0 Hz to 150 kHz
30 / 300 V

Performance criteria A
Test for immunity to
voltage dips/short in-
terruptions according
to EN61000-4-29,
-100 %: 50 ms

Performance criteria A
Electromagnetic dis-
turbance characteris-
tics according to
EN55011, 08/2003
0.01 to 30 MHz
66 V

Class A
Electromagnetic dis-
turbance characteris-
tics according to
EN55011, 08/2003
30 MHz to 1 GHz
50 V/m

Class A

Information Technology
Equipment according to
EN60950-1, 03/2003
Over voltage category
II, pollution degree II,
reinforced insulation


Data Sheet Mounting Plate Rack

Doc.-No. 1KGT 150 598 V004 1 5
Mechanical Stress
Vibration tests (sinusoi-
dal) according to
05/1996, chapter 4.2,
class 1
0.0350 mm
0.5 g at 10 150 Hz
Mechanical influences
(sinusoidal) according
to IEC60870-2-2,
06/1998, chapter 4.2,
class B
10 m/s
at 9 200 Hz
15 m/s
at 200..500 Hz
Vibration, shock, bump
and seismic tests ac-
cording to IEC60255-
21-2, 05/1996, chapter
4.2, class 1
15 g, 25 g / 11 ms
6 impulse / ordinate
10 g / 16 ms
1000 impulse / ordi-
Seismic test 3.5 mm / 1 g / 19 Hz
935 Hz
Environmental Conditions
Temperature: 0 ... 70 C
Relative humidity: 5 ... 95 %
(non condensing)
Ordering Information
560MPR01 R0001 1KGT 012 500 R0001
560BCU02 R0001 1KGT 012 700 R0001


Data Sheet Mounting Plate Rack

6 Doc.No.: 1KGT 150 598 V004 1

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