FSG Reports
FSG Reports
FSG Reports
Do you know many financial reports have been written using Oracle's Financial Statement Generator in Oracle EBS since
very begining. This is one of robust tool that allows us to create reports which meet user defined criteria. Lets take quick
overview of FSG and its usage.
What Are Oracle FSGs?
FSG is short form of Financial Statement Generator.
In brief , is a powerful reporting engine that supports interchangeable report objects, server-based processing for high
performance, and report scheduling for efficient use of system resources.
A user defined report that allows for the rollup of GL Account Balances (i.e. combinations of accounting segments GL
Code Combinations) into logical groupings for reporting
The FSG allows you to?
This is End user tool , which enables end business user for financial reporting without any programming
Most of these reports are oriented toward financial statements
These are very very easy to use :-)
Transfer accounting information to a popular spreadsheet if you prefer to use your personal computer for analysis
and planning.
Report on both translated and entered foreign currency amounts.
Access a wide variety of standard management and accounting reports for the detail information you need, including
chart of account listings, journals, general ledgers and trial balances.
Define the complex financial statements you need to analyse your business,including responsibility reports for
business units, profit centres and cost centers.
The good things is that all these reports run through concurrent manager
Most important there is no additional setup required
We can design our reports to meet your business needs
Design to print directly to MS Excel
Schedule reports to run directly from the application
You cant do what with FSG?
Limited flexibility in formatting
Access GL balances only - no details
Minimal security
What are the reports which is based out of FSG Reports
Financials-P&L, Bal Sht, Cash Flow, Rev/Exp detail, cost center detail
Auditor Schedules - trial balance mapped to financial stmts
Income tax workpapers
Partial trial balances
Income Statement
What are the FSG Component or Structure
Row Sets
Column Sets
Content Sets
Row Orders
Display Sets
Report Sets
Row Set
Description to appear on left hand side
Define accounting flexfield ranges or summary accounts here
Define row calculation - total, etc.
What are the Column Set
1. Column Sets typically define the format and content of the columns in an FSG report
2. Oracle provides seeded column sets, or you can build your own
Column Set Attributes-The commonly assumed attributes for a column set are:
-Time period (PTD, QTD, YTD, etc)
-Account type (Actual, Budget or Encumbrance)
-These two elements are defined by an Amount Type
What is Column Set: Proforma
Proforma is an accounting term that refers to an annual fiscal amount that is comprised of actual amounts and budget
amounts together.
What is a Content Set?
Content Sets are used to override row/column account assignments and display types to create
multiple variations of existing reports
You can generate many similar reports in a single run by using content sets
Use to expand a range to give multiple values on one report OR separate reports for each
value in the range
Override applied separately to each segment in flexfield
What is a Row Order?
Row Orders are used to control how detail rows are displayed and/or sorted on a report
Used with Row Set expand and Content Sets
Allow user to expand detail of a row
Can display
o Segment value
o Segment description
o Both
List alphabetically or numerically
Report Display Group
Grouping of rows or columns i.e. hide column 20
Specify a sequence number range from your row set or column set i.e. from 20 to 20
Used in your display set
Report Display Set
Assign Display Group(s) to your Set i.e. display column 1, 3, 4
Can assign multiple row and/or column groups to one set i.e. hide column 20
For each assignment, can specify whether to display the values on the report (Display = Yes) or (Display =
The Rule of Thumb for FSG
One FSG = One row set + one column set + one content set
Underline technology of FSG?? any guess , C, SQL, Java...
Important to know FSG reports are created from a program written in 'C' code, not from Oracle Reports, as is the case with
standard reports. Many modules and tables are used to create reports based on the definition and component of a particular
What is FSG (Financial Statement Generator) Controller Program?
The FSG (Financial Statement Generator) Controller runs when you generate an FSG with a content set 'Type' set to
Parallel. The FSG Controller kicks off the sub requests for the FSG's that are created with the content set.
What is in BackgroundThe FSG Query
As these report are developed in C, it's impossible to break the code, but if you do some trace on you will find , the code is
based out of GL balances table, addition to the some other tables which keeps the structure on the front end.
here is the hidden query:
nvl(bal.PERIOD_TYPE, ''),
nvl(bal.PERIOD_YEAR, -1),
nvl(bal.PERIOD_NUM, -1),
nvl(bal.PERIOD_NUM, -1),
decode(cc.TEMPLATE_ID, NULL, 'N', 'Y'),
nvl(bal.BUDGET_VERSION_ID, -1),
nvl(bal.TRANSLATED_FLAG, ''),
nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_DR, 0) -nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_CR, 0),
nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_DR, 0),
nvl(bal.PERIOD_NET_CR, 0),
nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_DR,0)-nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_CR, 0),
nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_DR, 0),
nvl(bal.QUARTER_TO_DATE_CR, 0),
nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_DR, 0) -nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_CR, 0),
nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_DR, 0),
nvl(bal.BEGIN_BALANCE_CR, 0),
nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_DR, 0) -nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_CR, 0),
nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_DR, 0),
nvl(bal.PROJECT_TO_DATE_CR, 0) ,
AND nvl(bal.TRANSLATED_FLAG, 'x')in('Y','N','x')
AND ( (nvl(SEGMENT3,'') >= '4001'
AND nvl(SEGMENT3,'') <= '5999')OR (nvl(SEGMENT3,'') >= '6020' AND nvl(SEGMENT3,'') <= '6370') OR
(nvl(SEGMENT3,'') >= '6390'
AND nvl(SEGMENT3,'') <= '7250')OR (nvl(SEGMENT3,'') >= '7510' AND nvl(SEGMENT3,'') <= '9100') OR (nvl(SEGMENT3,
'') in ('9310','9320')))AND ( (nvl(SEGMENT2,'') >= '000'
AND nvl(SEGMENT2,'') <= '01'))
AND((bal.period_name in ('Jun-07','Jun-07')
AND ((nvl(bal.period_name,'') = 'Jun-07'
AND(bal.PERIOD_NET_DR!= 0 or bal.PERIOD_NET_CR!= 0))OR((bal.ACTUAL_FLAG= 'B'
AND bal.BUDGET_VERSION_ID= 1111)OR((bal.ACTUAL_FLAG= 'A')) ))) OR(nvl(bal.period_name,'') = 'Jun-07'
( (bal.ACTUAL_FLAG = 'A'
AND (bal.PERIOD_NET_DR != 0 or
bal.PERIOD_NET_CR != 0))))))
) ) < /P > < /P >
The data is loaded into memory, and then sorted according to report format
How do you define a FSG Report?
Reports are created by specifying a combination of report components (ie Row Set, Column Set, etc). Typically,
values specified when defining a report override values specified at the individual component level
The value entered in the Title field will appear at the top of the report
Where to run FSG Reports:
In Oracle EBS Running FSG Reports can be achieved from 3 different ways:
Run Financial Reports form
Concurrent Manager
o The name of the request is "Program -Run Financial Statement Generator"
ADIs Request Cente