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The Seven-Step Problem Solving Method 20080220

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Granite State Section ASQ

Monthly Dinner Meeting

February 20, 2008
The Yard
Manchester, NH
The Seven-Step Problem Solving Method
Bill OBrien
The Seven-Step Problem Solving
Our companies have done an inadequate job of helping people
solve problems. The evidence is painful:
Teams work for years on problems with little to show for it.
Problems thought to be solved keep popping up.
Teams jump to solutions without any data analysis to show
that the root cause of the problem has been identified.
Teams evaporate after failing to identify the problem.
Attendance at meetings is poor.
Groups within the same company do not know that another
group has already solved a similar problem.
Help comes in the form of a standardized, disciplined approach
to exploring problems, understanding root causes and
implementing solutions that stick.
The Seven-Step Process
Plan Step 1: Theme Selection
Step 2: Data Collection and Analysis
Step 3: Causal Analysis
Do Step 4: Solution Planning and Implementation
Check Step 5: Evaluation of Effects
Act Step 6: Standardization
Step 7: Reflection
When to use the 7-Step Problem
Solving Method
For Reactive Problems: When a process goes out
of control, and a problem recurs over and over
again, it is a weak process.
Five Reactive Evils: defects, delays, mistakes,
waste and accidents.
The 7-Step Method is a reactive problem-solving
methodology. Teams apply the method when a
correction must be made to the plan based on
recurring incidences of one of the five reactive evils.
When to use the 7-Step Problem
Solving Method
Reactive problems require an orientation
toward the weaknesses that undermine the
successful operation of standardized
The 7-Step Problem Solving Method is a
step-by-step process of problem solving that
enables executives, managers, quality
improvement teams and workers to get to the
root of a problem and respond effectively.
When to use the 7-Step Problem
Solving Method
The 7-Step methodology is an important contribution to
the art of problem solving because
the 7-Steps allow more people to participate in
problem solving;
the 7-Steps are used in solving many different types
of problems;
the methodology helps to focus on the most important
it allows teams to develop more effective solutions;
by following a standardized approach, the 7-Step
methodology fosters organizational learning.
When to use the 7-Step Problem
Solving Method
The 7-Step Method is used for solving problems where
the solution is not obvious.
Quality Improvement teams most commonly use the 7-
Steps to respond to a known defect or weakness such
as late deliveries, yield loss or product failure.
Managers can use the 7-Steps process to make sure
teams are focusing on the most important problems
and have chosen a good solution.
The 7-Step Method is also useful in refining a product
development process or in diagnosing quality
improvement efforts.
Team Guidelines
The 7-Step Problem Solving Method is most often
applied in a team setting.
The Team should
- have a clearly defined, written theme;
- use a metric that correlates to the theme;
- have a measurable, quantifiable goal;
- operate as a team;
- publish minutes of each meeting;
- maintain high attendance at meetings;
- use PDCA and follow the 7-Steps;
- have 4-7 members;
Team Guidelines (Cont.)
- have a team leader and trained facilitator;
- allow membership to be voluntary;
- focus on facts; emphasize data collection
(not opinion, judgment and abstraction);
- own both the problem and the solution;
- be able to implement the solution themselves;
- learn about team recognition opportunities;
- deliver the 7-Steps QI Story to management after
the problem is solved.
General Instructions
The essence of the 7-Steps is that it is a
standardized process for improvement.
If everyone follows the same 7-Steps process, uses a
common vocabulary and follows standard formats, it is
easy for others to learn from the experience.
Employees do not have to waste time trying to
translate what you did into their language.
Ideally, a team should be able to execute the 7-Steps
in three to four months
Step 1. Theme Selection
The purpose of Theme Selection is to
recognize the importance of the problem and to
define the problem clearly.
Some tools: Block Diagrams, Run Charts,
Graphs, Brainstorming, LP method, Theme
Selection Matrix, Flowcharts and Benchmarking
Step 1. Theme Selection
Identify The General Problem That The Team Is Addressing:
Collect any examples (facts) that help describe the problem.
Identify the pain caused by the problem.

Team should consider the theme that works best for the
problem they need to solve. Its up to the team to select an
approach that will work for them.

Explore many problems at the outset. This can be
accomplished by brainstorming or using the LP Method. Use
the Theme Selection Matrix to choose the best problem to
Step 1. Theme Selection

Use as much data as necessary to identify
the most important problem.
Address methods or machines, not human

Consider the companys and divisions goals
in your theme selection.
Address one of the five evils: defects,
delays, mistakes, waste and accidents.
Step 1. Theme Selection

Avoid problems that focus on accidents. They
are more difficult to address than the other four

Remember, there should be a high probability
of success within a reasonable time frame (limit
the scope of the project)

Team members tend to lose their motivation
if the project takes too long.
Step 1. Theme Selection
Hint: The 7-Steps process is most effective on
problems with an existing documented process
that people understand. Many teams begin
working on a problem and soon find that a
process is not documented, or understood, or
does not even exist.
Step 1. Theme Selection
Write the theme, addressing the problem you have
Make your theme measurable.
Poor: Reduce customer frustration.
Better: Reduce the number of days
required to respond to customer inquiries.
Poor: Reduce employee dissatisfaction.
Better: reduce the employee turnover rate.
Step 1. Theme Selection

Consider at what level to tackle the problem. It is
better to start a few levels down the ladder of
Spend the right amount of time on the problem
The theme should be customer focused.
The theme should be weakness oriented.
Poor: Improve yield at system test.
Better: Reduce defects at system test.
Step 1. Theme Selection
The best application of the 7-Step Method is problems
and deviation from a given standard. Focusing on a
weakness fosters continuous improvement by drawing
attention to problems.
The theme must be one complete sentence.
Make the theme action oriented.

Avoid the use of abstract words, acronyms and
location-specific lingo.
Example: Reduce the FLTS/BD on SMT mods
tested at FDY west BTE.
Step 1. Theme Selection

Do not use absolutes. Words such as eliminate can convey
the meaning that something is either present or not.
Poor: Reduce mistakes at order entry due
to input errors.
Better: Reduce order entry mistakes.
Do not state judgments and opinions.
Do not state the root cause in the theme.
Do not state the solution in the theme.
Do not spend too much time initially developing your theme. You
can refine it later.
Step 1. Theme Selection
Visualize the problem:

Use a block diagram or flowchart to show the area
being addressed and location of the customer in the

Use a graph or a run chart to show the magnitude
and importance of the problem over time.
Verify that the data you need to collect can be
generated and will be available frequently. Data every
week will be more helpful than once per quarter.
Step 1. Theme Selection
Develop a planned schedule:

It is difficult at this stage to predict the exact
schedule for the 7-Steps. It will help the team if
they can bound the scope of the work. Is this a
3-month, 6-month or 9-month project?

The team and sponsor should work together
to make a reasonable estimate as to how to
allocate time on each step.
Step 2. Data Collection and
The purpose of Data Collection and Analysis is
to investigate the specific features of the
problem from a wide range of different
Some Tools: Checksheets, Graphs, Pareto
Diagrams, Milestone Charts, Histograms and
Voice of the Customer Interviewing Techniques
Step 2. Data Collection and
Develop a checksheet to collect data:

Verify that the desired data is being collected. Make
modifications to the checksheet as necessary. It usually takes
several iterations on the sheet and training of those providing the
data before the correct data is being collected.

Think about what all the possible causes may be and maybe
do a fishbone diagram. This will help avoid collecting the wrong

Design a checksheet with enough categories avoid
discovering later that you wish you had other relevant data.
Step 2. Data Collection and
Collect data:
Go to the site and collect your own data first.
Spot-check the data to prove its validity.
Assist in designing the data collection scheme.
Do not rely on existing data or historical information.
Collect data on as many variables as possible.

Collect data that represents many different
Collect only as much of the data as you need.
Step 2. Data Collection and
Develop a broad checksheet which can be used to
organize the data and generate many Pareto diagrams.
Once the data has been collected, stratify the data in
many forms. Do multiple Paretos.

Be certain to put the teams conclusion(s) at the
bottom of the Pareto.

Highlight the bar on the Pareto that the team will
investigate further.

Use the highlighted bar of the first Pareto diagram as
a starting point to develop the next Pareto and so on.
Step 2. Data Collection and
Hint: If the bars on the Pareto are flat, you have
not cut the data enough. Try looking at it in a
different way until a major problem surfaces.
Plan for Step 5:
You will need data to confirm the results of the
implemented solution or experiment. This
preparation in step 2 will assist in shortening the
cycle-time of data generated in step 5.
Step 2. Data Collection and

Consider the schedule of the product or service
planned for step 5 verification. If the expected cycle-
time of data generated at step 5 is longer than planned,
think creatively: do an experiment; run an internal test
rather than waiting for field data; apply the solution to
historical situations to determine the probability of
If appropriate, based on your analyses, revise your
Now that the scope of the project and the theme has
been finalized, prepare a milestone chart.
Step 3. Causal Analysis
The purpose of Causal Analysis is to find the
main causes of the problem.
Some Tools: Fishbone Diagram, Relations
Diagram, Scattergram, Pareto Diagram,
Flowchart, Tree Diagram, Matrix Diagram and
Step 3. Causal Analysis
Involve people who know the process.

Talk to and involve people closest to the work to
discover the real problem.

Use the brainstorming technique to generate many
Do or refer to a flowchart of the process.

A flowchart will assist in highlighting potential causes
and may point out other areas of concern. It will also
assist in identifying possible root causes.
Step 3. Causal Analysis
Construct a fishbone diagram.

The fishbone diagram is used to find root
causes, will aid in communication and will
document activities for future reference. The
highest bar of the Pareto, chosen earlier by the
team, establishes the why question for the
head of the fishbone.

Make as many fishbone diagrams as the
problem dictates.
Step 3. Causal Analysis

Make the effect (the head of the fishbone) as specific as

Use the brainstorming technique to generate many theories of

Answer the question, Why did this evil occur? Ask it
repeatedly (usually five times) until you reach the root cause.
Example: Problem - The car did not start
Why? Fuel problem
Why? Fuel tank was empty
Why? Did not refuel
Why? Ran out of money to buy gas
Why? Did not plan well, bank was closed
Step 3. Causal Analysis
Do not assume you know the cause.
Get your facts. Base your decisions on data.
Make sure the root cause is controllable.

Be sure to circle the probable causes as indicated by
the teams voting.
Make a conclusion for each fishbone diagram.

Reaching conclusion about main causes is not a
guessing game or democratic process. Simply voting to
identify root causes does not prove anything. It is
necessary to verify the root cause you have selected.
Verification of root causes requires statistical analysis.
Step 3. Causal Analysis
Recycle back to step 2.
Step 3 often begins with theories. You must have data
to prove those theories.

Be certain that you are addressing the largest (or
selected) bar on the Pareto.

If your team cannot reach consensus on the root
cause, you must go back and collect additional data.

Be patient. Finding the root cause will not usually be
easy. If it were easy, why would you be going through
this process. Being impatient may very well lead to
assuming the wrong root cause.
Step 4. Solution Planning and
The purpose of Solution Planning and
Implementation is to take action that will
eliminate the causes of the problem.
Some Tools: Fishbone Diagram, 4W & 1H
Matrix, Brainstorming, Matrix Diagram, Tree
Diagram, Contingency Planning (PDPC),
Solution Selection Matrix, Benchmarking and 9-
Step Project Management System
Step 4. Solution Planning and
Develop a solution that prevents the recurrence of the root

Be certain that the solution focuses on the root cause
identified in step 3.
If necessary, develop several possible solutions (alternatives).

Examine the advantages and disadvantages of each possible

Consider improving the existing process before revamping the
entire process.

Determine whether any of the solutions will produce negative
side effects.
Step 4. Solution Planning and

Consider the effect this change will have on
other processes.

If necessary, create a Solution Selection
Matrix to show how each solution addresses
the major root cause.

Obtain group consensus on the recommended

Make sure the solution is something the team
can implement.
Step 4. Solution Planning and
Run an experiment:

Step 4 normally is an experiment to test the
planned solution, providing it is not too time
consuming. You will confirm this experiment in
step 5 and, if successful, standardize in step 6.

In describing the solution, explain what it is,
not the details on how to do it.

Be sure to document an action plan that
addresses the 4W & 1H.
Step 4. Solution Planning and
Use a time line to describe the implementation

Make changes as necessary to the milestone
chart from step 2.

Get knowledgeable and affected individuals
involved in the planning stage. This improves the
likelihood of a successful solution and helps the
team better understand the possible roadblocks
to implementation.
Step 4. Solution Planning and
Determine the measurement which will confirm
that the solution actually worked.

Step 5 confirms the results, but this is the time
to think about the feedback loops and
measurement system that will measure the
effect of the solution.
Step 5. Evaluation of Effects
The purpose of Evaluation of Effects is to make
sure that the solution will correct the problem.
Some Tools: Pareto Diagrams, Graphs,
Histograms and Scattergrams
Step 5. Evaluation of Effects
Collect data:
Use the same method and format as in step 2.

Confirm the results with the customer if it is practical
to do so.
Evaluate the results:

Compare the data from before and after the
implementation of the solution using both Paretos and
run charts.

Assess and list potential side effects, both negative
and positive.
Step 5. Evaluation of Effects

If there are other effects during the implementation period, list
them (e.g., a hurricane or snowstorm shut the plant down or a
new product was introduced during the project period.

Evaluate the intangible results of the solution (satisfaction,
motivation and skill development of the people involved in the

Whenever possible, convert the data into monetary impact for
senior management.

If the evaluation bears out that the solution was successful
(target has been or will be reached), go on to step 6. If not, go
back to step 4 and revise the solution or go back to step 3 to see
if the real root cause was missed. Apply the PDCA philosophy.
Step 6. Standardization
The purpose of Standardization is to ensure
that the cause of the problem has been
eliminated permanently.
Some Tools: Flowchart, Control Chart, Trend
Chart, 4W & 1H matrix and Graphs
Describe the task necessary to standardize the

Use the 4W & 1 HC matrix to develop a matrix
as in step 4.
Step 6. Standardization
Document the process change:
Use the existing documentation system if possible.

Provide the organization with clear instructions that
last over time. Answer why the new standard is
necessary. It increases the likelihood that the standards
will be observed.
Ensure that your process change has provision for
updating and revising the process:
Other changes may be necessary in the future.
Revise the standard as necessary.
Step 6. Standardization
Make changes to the existing flowchart to
communicate the new standard.
Continue to monitor the results over time;
Use a graph.

Confirm that the results do not deteriorate
over time.

Identify how and by whom the status of the
new standard will be monitored.
Step 6. Standardization
Train, inform and/or involve affected individuals.

Ensure that all affected individuals know about the change and
their role in it.

Put in place appropriate metrics to keep the focus on the intent
of the new standard as the quality improvement team fades
Ensure that you communicate with other parts of the organization
who could benefit from your experience. Chances are that other
parts of the organization within the company are wrestling with
the same or similar problem.
Step 6. Standardization
Summarize (list) the changes that have been

Make it clear to the QIT and others what was
actually done. This list is a good communication
vehicle for others to see the QITs progress.
Step 7. Reflection
The purpose of Reflection is to review the problem-
solving process and to identify the next problem.
Some Tools: 4W & 1H Matrix, Brainstorming, LP
Method, Pareto Diagram and Theme Selection Matrix
Summarize the teams achievements:

Confirmation of results occurred in step 5, but this is
an opportunity to step back and look at the big picture.
Step 7. Reflection
Summarize the lessons learned related to the 7-Steps:
The focus here should be on the process.

Use the 4W & 1H matrix to describe the practices
that worked well and how you plan to standardize these

Use 4W & 1H matrix to describe the practices that
did not work well and how you plan to correct them or
avoid them next time.

Reflect back on the effectiveness of using the 7-
Steps problem solving methodology.
Step 7. Reflection
Step 7. Reflection
Compare the milestone chart plan and actual.
Identify what went wrong and why.
Recognize the team and other contributors.
Recognize the teams efforts.
Recognize those not on the team but making contributions.
Evaluate team dynamics and performance.
Recommend a weakness for the next PDCA cycle.
Communicate the report.

Determine who else needs to know and disseminate your
experience. This will help others learn. Others will be motivated
by seeing your success.

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