GJ-15 - US v. Mark Congi, 0806
GJ-15 - US v. Mark Congi, 0806
GJ-15 - US v. Mark Congi, 0806
De f e n d a n t ,
s et o u t b e l o w .
po s s i 1 e s e n t en ce o f a. - e r m of i mp r i s o n me n t o f 20 y e a r s , a fi n e of
$ 8 0 0 , 0 0 0 , or both , a mand c o r y $ _0 0 s p e c i a l a s s e s s men t, an d a te r m
, J
that the penalties set forth in this paragraph are the maximum
be paid to the victims or, where such losses have been paid by
Act of 1984).
-3 -
c. that the defendant agreed that a conspirator would commit
facts, which form the basis for the entry of the plea of guilty
property from union and non-union construction
contractors, and from union and non-union employees
and laborers. In the time period of 1996 through
May 2002, the defendant served as President and
Business Agent of Local 91.
Also in furtherance of the conspiracy charged in
Count One of the Lnd i.c t rnerrt., and as described
further in Racketeering Acts Five and six, sometime
prior to on or about April 21, 1997, the defendant,
Albert Celeste r and others followed employees of
Sansla, Inc., as such employees left their job site
at the Drinking Hater Treatment Plant (DWTP) in
Niagara Falls, New York, for the purpose of
de t e rrru na nq where such employees lived and for
attempting to instill fear in the minds of the
Sansla emp Loye e s . At the time, employees of
Sansla, Inc., were performing an asbestos reIToval
project at the DWTP, were not members of any labor
union, and the defendant, Albert Celeste, Paul
Bellreng, and other members of Local 91 wanted to
ob~ain the work being performed, and the payment of
associated wages and benefits received by the
Sansla employees. The defendant additionally
directed Anthony Cerrone, Andrew Shomers, Robert
Malvestuto, Jr., and Randall Butler to throw two
explosive devices into the residence of the
employees of SarrIsa, Inc., such residence located
in the Town of Niagara, New York, with said conduct
of the codefendants in fact occurring during the
evening hours of April 21, 1997. One of the
employees of Sansla suffered permanent injury as a
result of the April 21, 1997 attack.
Also in f uz-t he r ance of the conspiracy charged in
Count One of the Indictment, and as charged in
Racketeering Acts Nine and Ten, during the morning
hours of September 16, 1998, Mark Congi di rected
members of Local 91, including Andrew Shomers,
Anthony Cerrone, Steven Markle, Larry Quarcini, and
others to immediately go to the Wegman's
oorie t ru c t Lon project on Military Road in Niagara
Falls, New York. The defendant also went to the
wegman'S project, and there joined several other
Local 91 members, including Dominick Dellaccio,
Salvatore Be:r:t.:.ino
I Shomers, Cerrone, Markle /
Quarcini, and others. The defendant thereafter
instructed the Local 91 members to confront members
of a bricklayers union who at that time were
performing tile~,etting work for the E. G. Sackett
Company, Inc. Tr;e ensuing attack of the
tilesetters coris i s t.ed of the members of Local 91
punching, kicking, stomping and otherwise striking
the Sackett employees. The reason that the
defendant and ot.her Local 91 members participated
in this attack was to obtain from the Sackett
company and its employees property consisting of
aspects of the j cbs be i.nq performed by Sackett and
its employees I and the wages and benefits
associated with those jobs.
Guidelines &§ 283.2 (b) (2) and 2B3.1 (b) (7) (B) (loss to
victim exceeding $10, 000); a two-level increase pursuant
to Guidelines § 2B3.2 (b) (1) for express or implied threat
of bodily injury; a two-level increase pursuant to
Guidelines § 2B3.2(b) (4) (B) for bodily injury sustained
by four victims i and a two-level increase pursuant to
Guidel ines § 283.2 (b) (5) (B) for restraint of the victims.
the offense levels for R~cketeering Acts One and Two (Vulcan) are
combined offense level of 19; for Racketeering Acts Five and Six
combined for a combined offense level of 30; for Racketeering Acts
Nine and Ten (Sackett) are 25 and that these two offense levels
Racketeering Acts Eleven and Twelve (Mader) are 20 and that these
of 20. The government unci the defendant agree that the offense
10. The government and the defendant agree that the following
obstructing and impeding the administration of justice during the
Indictment is 37.
defense request that the Court apply the two (2) level downward
defendant understands that the defendant has no right to withdraw
the other party of any agreements made in this plea agreement with
based on the facts known to the government on the date of the entry
period of six months following the date upon which the withdrawal
defendant's behalf that are inconsistent with the
information and eVldence available to the
U.S.C. §3600, the defendant has the right to file a motion with the
Court to have such items tested for DNA in an attempt to prove that
plea has been entered in this case. The defendant has discussed
this right with defense counsel, and the defendant knowingly and
voluntarily waives the right to make such a motion and to have such
DNA testing performed on any such items the government may have or
22. The defendant understa~ds that by agreeing to not
right to challenge the sentence in the event that in the future the
defendant's sentence.
cooperation shall also include submitting to interviews by
and completely before grand juries and at such pre-trial and trial
act of violence other than those about which the defendant has
26. The defendant understands that, notwithstanding the
defendant's sentence.
sentencing, the government will make the nature and extent of the
has been truthful and complete, the defendant may use his
government agents regarding the matters set forth in this
basis for the defendant to forfeit to the United States all of his
of the above-described property rights and to take whatever steps
35. The defendant freely, voluntarily, knowingly and
between the defendant, MARK CONGl t and the government. There are
wri t ten or oral, entered into between the government and the
United States Attorney
Western District of New York
u. S. Attorney
Assistant U. S.
I have read this agreement, which consists of 22 pages. I
free will, and in signing it, I voluntarily and freely admit those