San Francisco inset below Vea el mapa de San Francisco que se encuentra abajo Vea el mapa de la zona centro de la ciudad de Oakland que se encuentra a la derecha 24th St Mission 24th St Mission Balboa Park San Francisco International Airport (SFO) Millbrae Coliseum/ Oakland Airport Fruitvale San Leandro Bay Fair Hayward South Hayward Union City Fremont Rockridge West Oakland Ashby Richmond Downtown Berkeley El Cerrito del Norte North Concord/ Martinez Pittsburg/ Bay Point Concord Lafayette Orinda Walnut Creek Pleasant Hill North Berkeley Glen Park El Cerrito Plaza Daly City Colma South San Francisco San Bruno Castro Valley Dublin/Pleasanton 22nd St Broadway Burlingame Hayward Park California Ave San Antonio Mountain View Sunnyvale Lawrence College Park Tamien Atherton Menlo Park San Mateo San Bruno Hillsdale Belmont San Carlos Redwood City Palo Alto Santa Clara San Jose Diridon South San Francisco Bayshore Fo o th ill R d Bailey Rd High St Treat Blvd California St Fell St M a s o n i c A v e A rg u ello B lvd A St 98th Ave Seminary Ave Concord Blvd Stevenson Blvd M ission Blvd Driscoll Rd Buchanan Rd Kirker Pass Rd Vineyard Ave Bay St H arbor St Otis Dr R ailroad A ve Liverm o re A ve Liverm ore Ave Lincoln Way Hopyard Rd El C harro Rd Clarem ont Ave Whipple Rd 20th St 35th Ave U n io n C ity B lvd Su n set B lvd L St Alvarado Niles Rd Peralta St Fruitvale A ve Niles Canyon Rd Peralta Ave D o lo res St Pacifc Ave Park Blvd 2 8 th A ve Som ersville Rd Positas Blvd Leland Rd Valley Ave H o lm es St Bernal Ave G reat H w y Newark Blvd Monument Blvd Geary Rd N . M ain St Island Dr Lincoln Ave 17th St Gilman St Vienna St 2 5 th A ve 3 3 rd A ve Winton Ave C la w iter R d Clipper St Vicente St La ke M erced B lvd John Daly Blvd L St Mansell St Ingalls St M aritim e St 4th St Powell St Central Ave 16th St Harder Rd H esp erian B lvd Crisp Rd Thornton Ave M ow ry Ave Cesar Chavez Palou Ave 18th St H a rb o r B a y P kw y M a in St Sand Hill Rd Monterey Blvd 14th St Jackson St H a rriso n St Atlantic Ave Clayton Rd Industrial Pkwy Marina Blvd A St M a rket St Bunker Rd Bridgeway Blvd Solano Ave Central Ave Moeser Ln Marin Ave Grizzly Peak B lvd Arlington Blvd Moraga Ave Joaquin Miller R d St M a rys R d M o ra g a R d M oraga W ay Pinehurst R d Skyline B lvd Snake Rd Skylin e B lvd Bellevue Ave Hillside Blvd F St Lincoln B lvd Carlson Blvd Cutting Blvd 1 3 th St H a rb o u r W a y M a rin a W a y Market Ave El Portal Dr 2 3 rd St San Pablo Ave Hilltop Dr Castro St San Pablo Dam Rd Cam ino Pablo Ygnacio Valley Rd M arsh Creek Rd R edw ood R d Lake Chabot Rd Golf Links Rd M acA rth u r B lvd Sharp Park Rd Westborough Bl vd 101 101 101 Trousdale Dr Ralston Ave Chateau Dr E 3rd Ave Ralston Ave Crestview Dr Hillsdale Blvd Foster City Blvd San Carlos Ave Junipero Serra Blvd Bay Rd 5th Ave Brittan Ave Whipple Ave Edgewood Rd A lam eda De Las Pulgas Page M ill Rd El Monte Ave M ira m o n te A ve Rengstorff A ve Castro St Sa n A n to n io R d Foothill Expy G ra n t R d M a ry R d Stellin g R d M ath ild a A ve La w ren ce E xp y Fair O aks A ve D e A n za B lvd W o lfe R d B la n ey A ve Cuesta Dr Embarcadero Rd Oregon Expy Z a n ker R d Brokaw Rd Coleman Ave Montague Expy Agnew Rd Tasman Dr B o w ers A ve K elly B lvd 1st St 4th St 7th St M cLaughlin A ve 10th St 17th St Lafayette St Naglee Ave Park A ve Saratoga Ave M o n ro e St B a sco m A ve Lincoln A ve W in ch ester B lvd Hedding St Julian St M cKee Rd M abury Rd Alum Rock Ave Hostetter Rd Cropley Ave Landess Ave Calaveras Blvd Berryessa Rd Sierra Rd To yo n A ve Fleming Ave Clayton Rd W hite Rd P ied m o n t R d M orrill A ve Lu n d y A ve M ilp itas B lvd W arm Sp rin g s B lvd M a in St A b el St Capitol Ave C apitol Expy W hite R d Quimby Rd Story Rd O aklan d R d Arboretum Rd Valparaiso Ave Atherton Ave Alma St Evelyn Ave Maude Ave Central Expy Stevens Creek Blvd Fremont Ave Homestead Rd Remington Dr Charleston Rd Arastradero Rd Trimble Rd S a n T o m a s Exp y Monroe St Benton St Scott B l v d Sho re lin e B lvd Paseo Padre Pkw y Blacow Rd Palomares Rd Tennyson Rd Castro Valley Blvd F airm ont D r Dutton Ave Bockman Rd San Leandro St B an cro ft A ve Davis St Grant Ave Norris C anyon Rd C ro w C a n yo n R d Su n o l B lvd First St 51st St Appian Way C o n tra C o sta B l v d Taylor Blvd W illow Pass R d E m p i r e M ine Rd P le a sa n t H ill Rd C a n yo n R d 23rd A ve Mandana Blvd 13th Ave D oolittle D r D a n ville B lvd S k y l i n e B lvd
Hickey Blvd Tiburon Blvd M iller Ave Shoreline Hwy Alameda De Las Pulgas Skyline Blvd Crystal Springs Rd Burlingame Ave Farm Hill Blvd Woodside Rd Paradise Dr Paseo Padre Pkwy Grimmer Blvd Cushing Pkw y Auto Mall Pkwy Durham Rd Jacklin Rd Portola Ave El Cam ino Real Grand Ave E Blithedale Ave S a c r a m en to St D o u g h erty R d Canada Rd C a m in o Ta ssa ja ra Sloat Blvd Encinal Ave Lincoln Ave Broadw ay Park St Owens Dr Sa n R a m o n R d Dublin Blvd Sa n ta R ita R d 1st St Stanley Blvd Fulton St Geary Blvd Colum bus Ave A v e n u e H California Ave Judah St F illm o re S t Mission St M ission St Santos St Taraval St Balboa St 1 9 th A v e 4 8 th A v e 4 6 th A v e La P la ya S t Haight St M arket St S a n B ru n o A v e Silver Ave Geneva Ave 3 rd S t W P o rtal Ave D ew ey Blvd Cortland Ave Doyle Dr Portola Dr Ocean Ave Evans Ave Cargo W ay 30th St 26th St C a stro S t C h u rch S t D iv isa d e ro S t McAllister St Sutter St Lombard St North Point St Union St A irp o rt B lvd McDonnell Rd Millbrae Ave Bayshore B lvd Airport Blvd M endell St 7th St S a n P a b lo A v e San Pab lo A ve MacDonald Ave University Ave Durant Ave Ashby Ave Te le g ra p h A v e C o l l e g e A v e 73rd Ave Foothill Blvd International Blvd In te rn a tio n a l B lvd E 14th St W e b ste r S t Santa Clara Ave H e g e n b e rg e r R d Airport Dr Visitacion Ave Arleta Ave El Camino Real El Cam ino Real W illow Rd University Ave Middlefeld Rd Santa Clara St Tully Rd K ing R d El Camino Real Jefferson Ave Bay Rd Newbridge St Lytton Ave El Camino Real The A lameda M issio n B lvd D e co to R d Frem ont Blvd Walnut Ave Estudillo Ave MacArthur Blvd Foothill Blvd M acA rth u r B lvd P o tre ro A v e M issio n S t N o e S t B a ysh o re B lv d S h a t t u c k A v e 7 th S t San Francisco Bay Lake Merced San Pablo Bay Pacifc Ocean Wildcat Canyon Regional Park Redwood Regional Park Chabot Regional Park Dry Creek Pioneer Regional Park Coyote Hills Regional Park Sunol Valley Regional Park Knowland Park Golden Gate Park The Presidio San Bruno Mountain State and County Park Angel Island State Park Golden Gate National Recreation Area Black Diamond Mines Regional Preserve Albany El Sobrante Emeryville San Pablo Moraga Livermore Dublin Newark Pleasanton Alamo Foster City Pacifca San Francisco Sausalito Marin City Tiburon Mill Valley Corte Madera San Francisco State University University of California Berkeley California College of the Arts Berkeley Adult School Contra Costa College Mills College Patten University Las Positas College California State University East Bay Concord Campus Saint Marys College of California Diablo Valley College Los Medanos College California State University East Bay Ohlone College San Jose State University Notre Dame De Namur University San Jose City College Chabot College Ohlone College Newark Center Campus Santa Clara University De Anza College Mission College Foothill College Caada College College of San Mateo Skyline College University of California San Francisco University of San Francisco City College of San Francisco Stanford University Menlo College Oakland International Airport Mineta San Jose International Airport Oakland Zoo Berkeley Amtrak Station Hilltop Mall Great Mall The Shops at Tanforan Eastridge Mall Eastmont Transit Center Cow Palace Livermore Transit Center Stoneridge Mall L L N 397 397 297 397 297 397 801 801 805 840 805 802 800 800 108 800 851 851 5 91 91 91 14 91 90 38 22 22 22 22 24 24 101 101 1 101 80 24 13 880 880 1 280 280 238 580 580 92 92 84 84 280 280 880 880 880 80 80 580 580 580 1 1 4 4 680 680 680 680 242 237 85 85 87 MAP NOT TO SCALE EL MAPA NO EST A ESCALA Lake Merritt MacArthur MacArthur See 14th & Broadway inset at left Vea el mapa de la calle Broadway y la Calle 14 que se encuentra a la izquierda 19th St/Oakland 19th St/Oakland Oakland City Center/ 12th St Oakland City Center/ 12th St 801 840 840 805 802 800 800 800 851 851 851 Lake Merritt Embarcadero M arket St 2nd St G rand A ve Brush St 27th St Franklin St 5th Ave Lakeside D r Wesley Ave B a y P l 2nd Ave Peralta St 7th St 19th St 8th Ave O ak St 10th St 19th St 32nd St W Grand Ave S a n Pa b lo A ve MacArthur Blvd Piedmont Ave 40th St M a rtin Lu th er K in g Jr W a y E 18th St Embarcadero 14th St Park Blvd Oakland Ave Lakeshore Ave M arina Village P k w y B ellevu e A v e M acArthur Blvd S a n P a b lo A v e Te le g ra p h A v e B ro ad w ay Grand Ave H a rriso n St 14th Ave C lay St H arriso n St 7th St 7th St 8th St 12th St 11th St 12th St W eb ster St W e b ste r S t B ro ad w ay 20th St Fo o thill B lvd 15th St Internatio nal B lvd 1st Ave 14th St 880 580 580 24 580 980 Jack London Square Laney College College of Alameda Samuel Merritt University Downtown Oakland El centro de la ciudad de Oakland See Market & Van Ness inset at right Vea el mapa de la calle Market y la Van Ness que se encuentra a la derecha L N N 397 397 800 800 108 5 91 91 91 91 14 14 90 90 38 22 Montgomery Montgomery Powell Powell Embarcadero Embarcadero Civic Center Civic Center 4th & King 4th & King 16th St Mission 16th St Mission Harrison St H yd e S t Jo n e s S t Bush St Jackson St 1st St Geary St Sutter St V a n N e ss A v e K e a rn y S t S to ck to n S t OFarrell St Golden Gate Ave M arket St M arket St M ission St Tow nsend St Berry St M ission St Folsom St How ard St 11th St 10th St 9th St 4th St 3rd St Frem ont St M ain St Beale St Steuart St Division St M issio n S t P o tre ro A v e K a n sa s S t C o n n e cticu t S t 3 rd S t 16th St 16th St 17th St Channel St McAllister St Em barcadero Em b a rca d e ro Transbay Temporary Terminal UCSF Mission Bay Metreon California College of the Arts Golden Gate U. Academy of Art U. UC Hastings Downtown San Francisco El centro de la ciudad de San Francisco M a rke t S t M ission St 11th St 12th St S V a n N e ss A v e Fra n k lin S t Oak St 800 14 90 397 L N 14 L N 90 90 L N L N 397 800 800 14 90 90 90 14th St 15th St 13th St B r o a d w a y Franklin St 801 800 840 851 801 800 851 805 802 800 802 851 800 (SF) 805 840 802 851 805 840 800 (Richmond) 801 AC Transit Muni SamTrans VTA All Nighter Bus Routes Rutas de autobuses que funcionan toda la noche Express: route does not stop Express: la ruta no tiene paradas For schedule information dial 5-1-1 or visit Mon-Fri: 4 a.m.midnight Sat: 6 a.m.midnight Sun: 8 a.m.midnight Approximate hours of operation Horas aproximadas de funcionamiento Approximate hours of operation Horas aproximadas de funcionamiento Mon-Fri: 5 a.m.midnight Sat: 8 a.m.midnight Sun: 8 a.m.9 p.m. Timed transfers between buses Horarios programados para transferencias entre autobuses BART or Caltrain station served by All Nighter route Estacin de BART o Caltrain que cuenta con el servicio de la ruta de servicio nocturno (All Nighter) BART or Caltrain station within a few blocks of All Nighter route Estacin de BART o Caltrain a pocas cuadras de la ruta de servicio nocturno (All Nighter) BART or Caltrain station not served Estacin de BART o Caltrain que no cuenta con el servicio Bus stop Parada del autobs Medical center Centro mdico Point of interest Punto de inters School Escuela Airport Aeropuerto BART Caltrain AC Transit Muni SamTrans VTA All Nighter Bus Routes Rutas de autobuses que funcionan toda la noche Express: route does not stop Express: la ruta no tiene paradas For schedule information dial 5-1-1 or visit Mon-Fri: 4 a.m.midnight Sat: 6 a.m.midnight Sun: 8 a.m.midnight Approximate hours of operation Horas aproximadas de funcionamiento Approximate hours of operation Horas aproximadas de funcionamiento Mon-Fri: 5 a.m.midnight Sat: 8 a.m.midnight Sun: 8 a.m.9 p.m. Timed transfers between buses Horarios programados para transferencias entre autobuses BART or Caltrain station served by All Nighter route Estacin de BART o Caltrain que cuenta con el servicio de la ruta de servicio nocturno (All Nighter) BART or Caltrain station within a few blocks of All Nighter route Estacin de BART o Caltrain a pocas cuadras de la ruta de servicio nocturno (All Nighter) BART or Caltrain station not served Estacin de BART o Caltrain que no cuenta con el servicio Bus stop Parada del autobs Medical center Centro mdico Point of interest Punto de inters School Escuela Airport Aeropuerto BART Caltrain Between approximately 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. daily Diariamente, aproximadamente entre la 1 a.m. y las 5 a.m. Agency (Agencia) Route (Ruta) Frequency (Frecuencia) AC Transit 800 801 60/30* min 802 805 840 851 60 min Muni 5 22 24 38 90 91 L Owl N Owl 30 min 14 1560 min 108 4050 min SamTrans 297 397 60 min VTA 22 4580 min *60-minute frequency on weekdays, 30-minute frequency on weekends. *Los autobuses pasan cada 60 minutos de lunes a viernes, cada 30 minutos los fnes de semana. Bus Service Frequencies Frecuencia del servicio de autobuses For more information, dial 5-1-1 or visit Para obtener ms informacin llame al 5-1-1 o visite Published by (Publicado por): AC Transit, June 2012 | Funded by (Fondos provedos por): Metropolitan Transportation Commission, RM2 | Map available online at (El mapa est disponible en lnea en): N W E S VTA 22 Palo Alto Transit Center to Eastridge Transit Center Via: University Ave. (from Alma St.), El Camino Real, Benton St., Railroad Ave., El Camino Real, The Alameda, Santa Clara St., King Rd., Tully Rd., Capitol Expy., Eastridge Loop, Eastridge Way Frequency (1 a.m.5 a.m.): Every 4580 minutes Span of Service: 24 hours Points of Interest: Palo Alto Transit Center Stanford University Stanford Hospital and Clinics San Antonio Shopping Center Santa Clara Caltrain Santa Clara University San Jose Diridon Transit Center HP Pavilion San Jose State University Eastridge Transit Center Muni 5 Fulton: The Richmond to Downtown Via: La Playa St. (from Cabrillo St.), Fulton St., Central Ave., McAllister St., Larkin St., Golden Gate Ave., Jones St., McAllister St. Frequency (1 a.m.5 a.m.): Every 30 minutes Span of Service: 24 hours Points of Interest: Ocean Beach Golden Gate Park University of San Francisco Herbst Theater War Memorial Opera House Davies Symphony Hall City Hall Univ. of Calif. Hastings College of the Law 14 Mission: Daly City to Downtown Certain buses do not complete the full route. Check with the bus operator before boarding. Ciertos autobuses no completan la ruta entera. Pregntele al conductor del autobs antes de abordar. Via: Mission St. (from San Jose Ave.), Main St., Market St., Steuart St. (to Mission St.) Frequency (1 a.m.5 a.m.): Every 1560 minutes Span of Service: 24 hours Points of Interest: Samuel Merritt University, Learning Center Calif. Pacifc Medical Center, St. Lukes Campus 24th Street BART 16th Street BART Metreon Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Academy of Art University, Main Campus Golden Gate University Transbay Temporary Terminal Ferry Terminal 22 Fillmore: The Marina to Potrero Hill Via: Fillmore St. (from Bay St.), Union St., Steiner St., Broadway, Fillmore St., Hermann St., Church St., 16th St., Kansas St., 17th St., Connecticut St., 18th St., Third St. (to 20th St.) Frequency (1 a.m.5 a.m.): Every 30 minutes Span of Service: 24 hours Points of Interest: Marina District University of the Pacifc School of Dentistry Fillmore Auditorium 16th Street BART Calif. College of the Arts, San Francisco Campus Dogpatch 24 Divisadero: Pacifc Heights to Bayview Via: Divisadero St. (from Sutter St.), Castro St., 26th St., Noe St., 30th St., Mission St., Cortland Ave. (to Bayshore Blvd.) Frequency (1 a.m.5 a.m.): Every 30 minutes Span of Service: 24 hours Points of Interest: UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion California Pacifc Medical Center, Davies Campus Castro Theatre Bernal Heights 38 Geary: The Richmond to Downtown Via: 48th Ave. (from Point Lobos Ave.), Geary Blvd., Starr King Way, OFarrell St./Geary St., Market St., Beale St. (to Howard St.) Frequency (1 a.m.5 a.m.): Every 30 minutes Span of Service: 24 hours Points of Interest: Sutro Heights Park San Francisco VA Medical Center University of San Francisco Kaiser Permanente Medical Center UCSF Medical Center at Mount Zion Fillmore Auditorium Japantown Union Square Montgomery Street BART Academy of Art University, Main Campus Golden Gate University Transbay Temporary Terminal 90 San Bruno Owl: Fort Mason to Visitacion Valley Via: Van Ness Ave. (from North Point St.), Mission St., 11th St., Division St., Potrero Ave., Bayshore Blvd., Silver Ave., San Bruno Ave., Bayshore Blvd. (to Arleta Ave.) Frequency: Every 30 minutes Span of Service: Approximately 1 a.m.5 a.m. Points of Interest: Fort Mason Ghirardelli Square Herbst Theatre War Memorial Opera House Davies Symphony Hall City Hall California Institute of Integral Studies San Francisco General Hospital 91 Owl Bus: 19th Avenue & Holloway Street to West Portal Muni Metro Via: 19th Ave., Park Presidio Blvd., The Presidio, Lombard St., North Point St., Columbus Ave., Stockton St., 3rd St./4th St., 3rd St., Visitacion Ave., Santos St., Geneva Ave., Ocean Ave., Junipero Serra Blvd., West Portal Ave. Frequency: Every 30 minutes Span of Service: Approximately 1 a.m.5 a.m. (to West Portal Muni Metro), 12 a.m.4 a.m. (to 19th Ave. & Holloway St.) Points of Interest: San Francisco State University Golden Gate Park Crissy Field Palace of Fine Arts Ghirardelli Square North Beach Chinese Hospital Chinatown Metreon Yerba Buena Center for the Arts AT&T Park UCSF Mission Bay City College of San Francisco, Evans Campus Balboa Park BART City College of San Francisco, Ocean Campus West Portal Muni Metro 108 Treasure Island: Downtown to Treasure Island Via: Beale St. (from Howard St.), Folsom St., Essex St., I-80, Treasure Island Rd., Avenue of the Palms, California Ave., Avenue H, Gateview Ave., Avenue B, 9th St. Frequency (1 a.m.5 a.m.): Every 4050 minutes Span of Service: 24 hours Points of Interest: Transbay Temporary Terminal Treasure Island L-Owl Taraval Owl Bus: The Zoo to Downtown Via: 46th Ave. (from Wawona St.), Taraval St., 15th Ave., Ulloa St., Claremont Blvd., Dewey Blvd., Laguna Honda Blvd., Woodside Ave., Portola Dr., Market St. (uses island stops until Fremont St.), Steuart St. (to Mission St.) Frequency: Every 30 minutes Span of Service: Approximately 1 a.m.4 a.m. (weekdays to Downtown), 1 a.m.5 a.m. (weekends to Downtown), 1 a.m.5 a.m. (to the Zoo) Points of Interest: San Francisco Zoo West Portal Muni Metro Forest Hill Muni Metro Laguna Honda Hospital and Rehabilitation Center Castro Muni Metro Church Muni Metro Van Ness Muni Metro Civic Center BART Powell Street BART Montgomery Street BART Ferry Terminal N-Owl Judah Owl Bus: Ocean Beach to Downtown Via: Judah St. (from La Playa St.), 9th Ave., Irving St., Arguello Blvd., Carl St., Cole St., Haight St., Fillmore St., Hermann St., Church St., Market St. (uses island stops until Fremont St.), Steuart St., Mission St., The Embarcadero, King St., 3rd St., Townsend St. Frequency: Every 30 minutes Span of Service: Approximately 1 a.m.5 a.m. (weekdays & Saturdays), 1 a.m.7 a.m. (Sundays) Points of Interest: Golden Gate Park University of California, San Francisco Haight-Ashbury Church Muni Metro Van Ness Muni Metro Civic Center BART Powell Street BART Montgomery Street BART Ferry Terminal AT&T Park San Francisco Caltrain AC Transit 800 Richmond BART to Market Street & Van Ness Avenue Via: Macdonald Ave. (from 16th St.), San Pablo Ave., University Ave., Shattuck Ave., Adeline St., Ashby Ave., Telegraph Ave., Broadway Westbound into San Francisco: 12th St., I-980, I-580, I-80, I-101, Market St. to Van Ness Ave. Eastbound to Oakland: Market St. (fromVan Ness Ave.), Beale St., FolsomSt., I-80, I-880, 7th St., Clay St., 14th St. Frequency: Every 60 minutes (weekdays), every 30 minutes (weekends) Span of Service: Approximately 1 a.m.5 a.m. (weekdays), 1 a.m.6 a.m. (weekends) Points of Interest: Richmond BART/Amtrak El Cerrito Del Norte BART El Cerrito Plaza Shopping Center Berkeley Adult School Berkeley Repertory Theatre Downtown Berkeley BART University of California, Berkeley Berkeley City College Alta Bates Summit Med. Ctr., Herrick Campus Ashby BART Alta Bates Summit Med. Ctr., Alta Bates Campus Temescal Plaza Childrens Hospital MacArthur BART Samuel Merritt University, Main Campus Alta Bates Summit Med. Ctr., Summit Campus Paramount Theatre 19th Street BART 12th Street BART San FranciscoOakland Bay Bridge Van Ness Muni Metro Station Eastbound route only: Civic Center BART Powell Street BART Montgomery Street BART Academy of Art University Golden Gate University Transbay Temporary Terminal West Oakland BART Jack London Gateway Center 801 Downtown Oakland to Fremont BART Via: Broadway (from 14th St.), 11th St., International Blvd., E. 14th St., Coelho St., E. 14th St., Mission Blvd., Decoto Rd., Fremont Blvd., Walnut Ave. Frequency: Every 60 minutes (weekdays), every 30 minutes (weekends) Span of Service: Approximately 12 a.m.5 a.m. (weekdays), 12 a.m.6 a.m. (weekends to Downtown Oakland), 1 a.m.6 a.m. (weekends to Fremont BART) Points of Interest: 12th Street BART Lake Merritt BART Laney College Fruitvale BART San Leandro BART San Leandro Hospital Bayfair Center Bay Fair BART Hayward BART California State University, East Bay South Hayward BART Union City BART Centerville ACE/Amtrak Fremont Hub Center Walnut Plaza Center Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Fremont Washington Hospital Fremont BART 802 Berkeley Amtrak to Downtown Oakland Via: University Ave., San Pablo Ave., T.L. Berkley Way, Broadway (to 14th St.) Frequency: Every 60 minutes Span of Service: Approximately 1 a.m.5 a.m. Points of Interest: Berkeley Amtrak East Bay Bridge Center Oakland Greyhound Paramount Theatre 19th Street BART 12th Street BART 805 Downtown Oakland to Oakland Airport Via: Broadway (from 14th St.), T.L. Berkley Way, Grand Ave., MacArthur Blvd., Seminary Ave., MacArthur Blvd., Eastmont Transit Ctr., 73rd Ave., Hegenberger Rd., Coliseum BART/Amtrak, Hegenberger Rd. Frequency: Every 60 minutes Span of Service: Approximately 1 a.m.5 a.m. Points of Interest: 12th Street BART 19th Street BART Paramount Theatre Highland Hospital Mills College Eastmont Transit Center Coliseum BART/Amtrak Oakland Coliseum Oracle Arena Oakland International Airport (OAK) 840 Downtown Oakland to Eastmont Transit Center Via: Broadway (from 14th St.), 11th St./12th St., 1st Ave., E. 15th St./Foothill Blvd., 14th Ave., Foothill Blvd., Eastmont Transit Ctr. Frequency: Every 60 minutes Span of Service: Approximately 1 a.m.5 a.m. Points of Interest: 12th Street BART Lake Merritt BART Laney College Patten University Eastmont Transit Center 851 Downtown Berkeley to Fruitvale BART Via: Shattuck Ave. (from Center St.), Durant Ave./Bancroft Way, College Ave., Broadway, Webster Tube/ Posey Tube, Webster St., Santa Clara Ave., Broadway, Blanding Ave., Tilden Way, Fruitvale Ave. Frequency: Every 60 minutes Span of Service: Approximately 12 a.m.4 a.m. Points of Interest: Berkeley Repertory Theatre Downtown Berkeley BART University of California, Berkeley Berkeley City College Rockridge BART California College of the Arts, Oakland Campus Kaiser Permanente Medical Center, Oakland Samuel Merritt University, Main Campus Alta Bates Summit Med. Ctr., Summit Campus Paramount Theatre 19th Street BART 12th Street BART Oakland Chinatown College of Alameda Marina Village Center Fruitvale BART SamTrans 297 Redwood City Caltrain to Palo Alto Transit Center Via: James Ave., El Camino Real, Jefferson Ave., Middlefeld Rd., Willow Rd., Newbridge St., Bay Rd., University Ave., Webster St., Lytton Ave. Frequency: Every 60 minutes Span of Service: Approximately 11 p.m.2 a.m. (weekdays to Palo Alto Transit Center), 7 p.m.2 a.m. & 7 a.m.9 a.m. (weekends to Palo Alto Transit Center), 11 p.m.12 a.m. & 4 a.m.5 a.m. (weekdays to Redwood City Caltrain), 7 p.m.12 a.m. & 4 a.m.8 a.m. (weekends to Redwood City Caltrain) Points of Interest: Redwood City Caltrain Fox Theatre St. Patrick's Seminary & University Palo Alto Transit Center Stanford University 397 San Francisco to Palo Alto Transit Center SamTrans Route 397 Stops Restriction: SamTrans cannot pick up northbound passengers at San Francisco stops. Southbound passengers boarding in San Francisco may not disembark in San Francisco. Restricciones para las paradas de la ruta 397 de SamTrans: SamTrans no puede recoger a pasajeros que van hacia el Norte en las paradas que estan en San Francisco. Los pasajeros que van hacia el Sur y suben en San Francisco no pueden bajarse en San Francisco. Via: Main St. (from Folsom St.), Mission St., 12th St., Market St., 11th St., Mission St., 9th St./10th St., Potrero Ave., Bayshore Blvd., Airport Blvd., McDonnell Rd., Millbrae Ave., El Camino Real, Jefferson Ave., Middlefeld Rd., Willow Rd., Newbridge St., Bay Rd., University Ave., Webster St./Tasso St., Lytton Ave., High St. Frequency: Every 60 minutes Span of Service: Approximately 1 a.m.4 a.m. (to Palo Alto Transit Center), 1 a.m.3 a.m. (to San Francisco) Points of Interest: Transbay Temporary Terminal Golden Gate University Academy of Art University Yerba Buena Center for the Arts Metreon Design District SF General Hospital Brisbane Park & Ride South San Francisco Convention Center San Francisco International Airport (SFO) Millbrae Transit Center Mills-Peninsula Medical Center Hillsdale Caltrain San Carlos Caltrain Redwood City Caltrain Fox Theatre St. Patrick's Seminary & University Palo Alto Transit Center Stanford University Bay Area transit stays up as late as you do! El transporte pblico del rea de la Baha se queda despierto tan tarde como usted! Additional Service Information Fares Pasajes Informacin adicional del servicio The All Nighter Service is a network of regional bus routes that run during the late night/early morning hours of 1 to 5 a.m. (approximately), connecting passengers to BART stations, Caltrain stations, and other local destinations outside the operating hours of regular rail and bus lines. Operated by four regional transit agencies, the service includes several late-night bus systems with coordinated schedules that create convenient timed transfers between bus routes at main points of intersection. Regional Measure 2, the 2004 $1.00 bridge toll increase, provides funding for several of the dedicated All Nighter routes. Visit or check the website of a participating transit agency for more information on late night bus services: AC Transit Muni SamTrans VTA Funded by: Metropolitan Transportation Commission, RM2 Published by: AC Transit, June 2012 | Cover photo by: Vinayak Hegde El servicio de Disponibilidad durante Toda la Noche es una red de rutas de autobs regionales que funcionan tarde por la noche y temprano por la maana entre los horarios de (aproximadamente) 1 a 5 de la maana. Esta red conecta a los pasajeros que van a las estaciones de BART, Caltrain y a otros puntos de destinos locales fuera de los horarios regulares de funcionamiento de las lneas de ferrocarril y autobs. Operado por cuatro entidades del transporte pblico regional, el servicio incluye varios sistemas que ofrecen servicio de autobs tarde por la noche, con horarios coordinados que ofrecen transferencias en horarios convenientes entre rutas de autobs en los puntos principales de interseccin. La Medida Regional 2, que aumento la tarifa para cruzar puentes a $1 en el 2004, proporciona fondos para varias de las rutas especiales de servicio durante toda la noche. Visite o vea el sitio Web de una agencia de transporte pblico participante para obtener ms informacin sobre los servicios de autobs nocturno: AC Transit Muni SamTrans VTA Fondos provedos por: Metropolitan Transportation Commission, RM2 Publicado por: AC Transit, junio 2012 | Foto de portada de: Vinayak Hegde One-Way Fare Pasaje de ida Adult Adultos Youth Jvenes Senior* Personas. Mayores* Disabled* Discapac- itados* AC Transit Local Transbay Transbaha $2.10 $4.20 $1.05 $2.10 $1.05 $2.10 $1.05 $2.10 Muni $2.00 $0.75 $0.75 $0.75 SamTrans Local 397 (leaving SF) (saliendo de SF) $2.00 $4.00 $1.25 $2.50 $1.00 $2.00 $1.00 $2.00 VTA $2.00 $1.75 $1.00 $1.00 Fares are subject to change. Las tarifas pueden cambiar. *Passengers may verify eligibility for senior/disabled discount fares by showing an RTC Discount ID card, a Medicare card plus photo ID, or an acceptable ID issued by another transit provider. Seniors may also show a valid drivers license or DMV ID card. Persons with disabilities may also show a DMV parking placard ID card plus photo ID or a disabled license plate registration plus photo ID. *Los pasajeros pueden verifcar su elegibilidad para tarifas de personas mayores/discapacitados mostrando una tarjeta de identifcacin para descuentos de RTC, una tarjeta de Medicare ms una identifcacin con foto, o una identifcacin aceptable otorgada por otro proveedor de transporte pblico. Los personas mayores tambin pueden mostrar una licencia de conducir o tarjeta de identifcacin vlida del Departamento de Vehculos Motorizados (DMV). Las personas con discapacidades tambin pueden mostrar una tarjeta de identifcacin para estacionar del DMV ms una identifcacin con foto o una placa de matrcula para discapacitados ms una identifcacin con foto. Fares can be paid in cash, or by using the regional Clipper transit card. Please have an appropriate pass or Clipper Cash preloaded onto your Clipper card before tagging it to a card reader when boarding an All Nighter bus. When paying with cash, please have exact fare. Bus operators do not carry change. Transfers between Muni buses are free for 90 minutes. AC Transit transfers are good for a single additional ride within 120 minutes. AC Transit transfers cost 25 cents with payment of a local fare but are free with payment of a transbay fare. Passengers must pay full fare when transferring between All Nighter transit agencies. Los pasajes pueden pagarse en efectivo, o utilizando la tarjeta Clipper para pagar los pasajes de transporte pblico. Al subir a un autobs de servicio nocturno y antes de tocar el logotipo de Clipper en el lector con su tarjeta, asegrese de que previamente haya agregado un pase apropiado o Dinero Clipper a su tarjeta. Cuando pague con efectivo, por favor tenga la tarifa exacta. Los conductores no tienen cambio. Las transferencias entre los autobuses de Muni son gratuitas durante 90 minutos. Las transferencias de AC Transit sirven para un solo viaje adicional nico dentro de los 120 minutos. Las transferencias de AC Transit cuestan 25 centavos con el pago de un pasaje local, pero son gratuitos con el pago de un pasaje de transbaha. Los pasajeros deben pagar toda la tarifa de pasaje completa cuando se transferan entre systemas de transporte pblico nocturno. Accessibility All buses used on All Nighter routes are equipped with lifts or ramps to facilitate the boarding of wheelchairs and people with diffculty climbing steps. Service animals are allowed on the bus. Bicycles Most All Nighter buses have front racks for bicycles. Please let the bus operator know that you will be removing your bike from the rack before you get off the bus. After removing your bicycle, please return the rack to its proper upright position. Bicycles may be allowed inside some All Nighter buses at the bus operators discretion. Online Visit and click on All Nighter Service under the Regional Info tab for more information. Accesibilidad Todos los autobuses de las rutas que funcionan durante toda la noche estn equipados con elevadores o rampas para permitir el abordaje de sillas de ruedas y personas con difcultades para subir las escaleras. Se permiten animales de servicio en el autobs. Bicicletas La mayora de los autobuses que funcionan toda la noche tienen soportes para bicicletas. Por favor, antes de bajarse del autobs, avsele al conductor del autobs que va a quitar su bicicleta del soporte. Despus de quitar la bicicleta, por favor vuelva a colocar el soporte en su posicin vertical. Es posible que se pueda subir a algunos autobuses de servicio nocturno con la bicicleta, dependiendo del criterio del conductor. En lnea Visite y haga clic en All Nighter Service (Servicio nocturno) bajo la seccin Regional Info (Informacin regional) para obtener ms informacin. Bay Area All Nighter Routes Rutas de servicio nocturno en el rea de la Baha Late night buses operating between approximately 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. nightly to Bay Area transit stations and destinations. Autobuses nocturnos que funcionan entre aproximadamente la 1 y las 5 de la maana rumbo a las estaciones de trnsito y puntos de destino del rea de la Baha. BAY AREA ALL NIGHTER ROUTES ingls | espaol Via Frequency Va Frecuencia Span of Service Duracin del servicio Points of Interest Puntos de inters Weekdays - entre semana Weekends - fnes de semana L a t e N i g h t B a y A r e a B u s S e r v i c e S e r v i c i o n o c t u r n o d e a u t o b u s e s d e l r e a d e l a B a h a E f f e c t i v e J u n e 2 0 1 2 | A p a r t i r d e j u n i o d e 2 0 1 2 S y s t e m M a p M a p a d e l s i s t e m a Alameda County, Contra Costa County 800 Richmond BART to Market Street & Van Ness Avenue 801 Downtown Oakland to Fremont BART 802 Berkeley Amtrak to Downtown Oakland 805 Downtown Oakland to Oakland Airport 840 Downtown Oakland to Eastmont Transit Center 851 Downtown Berkeley to Fruitvale BART AC TRANSIT San Francisco County 5 Fulton: The Richmond to Downtown 14 Mission: Daly City to Downtown 22 Fillmore: Marina to Potrero Hill 24 Divisadero: Pacifc Heights to Bayview 38 Geary: The Richmond to Downtown 90 San Bruno Owl: Fort Mason to Visitacion Valley 91 Owl Bus: 19th Avenue & Holloway Street to West Portal Muni Metro 108 Treasure Island: Downtown to Treasure Island L-Owl Taraval Owl Bus: The Zoo to Downtown N-Owl Judah Owl Bus: Ocean Beach to Downtown MUNI San Mateo County 297 Redwood City Caltrain to Palo Alto Transit Center 397 San Francisco to Palo Alto Transit Center SAMTRANS Santa Clara County 22 Palo Alto Transit Center to Eastridge Transit Center VTA