RTL Design Using VHDL

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The document discusses VHDL design techniques including register transfer level design, components, packages and libraries. It also covers topics like metastability, input synchronization and eliminating glitches.

The document covers VHDL design using components, packages and libraries. It also discusses register transfer level design and interfaces including metastability, input synchronization and glitches.

The document discusses using slower clock frequencies, flip-flops with shorter setup and hold times, and using multiple flip-flops in series to handle metastability.


2000/2001 W INTER S ESSION , T ERM 1

RTL Design with VHDL

This chapter covers some features of VHDL that are useful for logic synthesis. You should learn to:
make library packages visible

declare components in architectures and packages

declare constants

instantiate components into an architecture

declare std logic, std logic vector, signed and unsigned signals

declare enumerated types and subtypes of array types in architectures and packages

declare and use entities with generics

use conditional signal assignments

convert between std logic vector, unsigned and integer types

instantiate tri-state outputs

create RAM and ROM memories

classify a VHDL description as a behavioral, structural, or dataow (RTL) description

We will also learn an approach to logic design called Register Transfer Level (RTL) or dataow design. This is the
method currently used for the design of complex logic circuits such as microprocessors.
You should be able to:
select a sufcient set of registers and logic/arithmetic functions required to implement an algorithm

convert the algorithm into a sequence of register transfers through logic/arithmetic functions
write synthesizeable VHDL RTL code to implement the algorithm

We also cover three topics related to the design of interfaces to logic circuits: metastability, input synchronization
and glitches. You should be able to: identify circuits where metastable behaviour is possible; compute the mean time
between metastable outputs; identify circuits that could fail due to asynchronous inputs; add synchronizer ip-ops
to reduce the probability of metastability; remove race conditions by registering inputs; and use registered outputs to
eliminate glitches.

Reserved Words

or it can be sub-system of your design.

Table ?? lists the 97 reserved words that cannot be

used as VHDL identiers.
Before we use a component, we rst need to declare it. A component declaration is very similar to
an entity declaration it denes the input and output signals, not the functionality.

Libraries, Packages and Components

When designing complex logic circuits it helps to decompose a design into simpler parts. Each of these
parts can be written and tested separately, perhaps
by different people. If the parts are sufciently general then its often possible to re-use them in future
projects. In VHDL, design re-use is done by using components. A component can be a generalpurpose building-block (e.g. an adder or a counter),

In order to avoid declaring each component in every architecture where it is used, we typically place
component declarations in packages. A package
typically contains a set of component declarations
for a particular application. Packages are themselves

abs access after alias all and architecture array assert attribute begin block body buffer bus
case component conguration constant disconnect downto else elsif end entity exit le for function generate generic group guarded if impure in
inertial inout is label library linkage literal loop
map mod nand new next nor not null of on open
or others out package port postponed procedure
process pure range record register reject rem report return rol ror select severity signal shared
sla sll sra srl subtype then to transport type unaffected units until use variable wait when while
with xnor xor

library ieee ;
use ieee.numeric_bit.all ;

and if you wanted to use the dsp package in the WORK

library you would use:
use work.dsp.all ;

Exercise 35:

Why is there no library statement in the second


Note that a component denes an interface to another device. That device may not have been designed with VHDL so there may not necessarily be a
corresponding entity declaration.

Table 1: VHDL reserved words.

Creating Components

stored in libraries:



A component declaration is similar to an entity declaration and denes the input and output signals.
Component declarations can be placed in an architecture before the begin. But its usually more
convenient to put component declarations within a
package declaration. When we compile (or analyze) the package declaration the information about
the components in the package is saved in a le in the
WORK library. The components in the packages can
then be used in an architecture (in that same le or in
other les) by using the appropriate use statements.
For example, the following code declares a package called flipflops. This package contains only
one component, rs, with inputs r and s and an output q:



In the Synopsys Design Compiler1 and

Max PlusII VHDL implementations, a library
is a directory and each package is a le in that
directory. The package le is a database containing
information about the components in the package
(the component inputs, outputs, types, etc).
To use a component in a design, we use library
statements to specify the libraries to be searched and
a use statement for each package we need to use.
The two most commonly used libraries are called
The WORK library is always available without having to use a library statement. In Design Compiler
the WORK library is a subdirectory of the current directory called WORK while in Max PlusII it is the
current project directory.
library and use statements must be used before
each design unit (entity or architecture) that uses
those packages2 . For example, if you wanted to use
the numeric_bit package in the ieee library you
would use:

package flipflops is
component rs
port ( r, s : in bit ; q : out bit ) ;
end component ;
end flipflops ;

Exercise 36: If this code was stored in a le called ff.vhd, how

many les would be created? What would they contain? Where
would they be placed?

Component Instantiation
1 The logic synthesizer used to create the schematics in these
lecture notes.
2 An exception: when an architecture immediately follows its
entity you need not repeat the library and use statements.

Once a component has been declared, it can be used

(instantiated) in an architecture. A component instantiation describes how the component is hooked

up to the other signals in the architecture. It is a concurrent statement (as is a selected assignment statement).
The following example shows how three 2-input
exclusive-or gates can be used to build a 4-input
parity-check circuit using component instantiation.
This type of description is called structural VHDL
because we are dening the structure rather than the
behaviour of the circuit.
In this case we have put the component declaration
into the le mypackage.vhd. The xor_pkg contains
the xor2 component (although a typical package denes more than one component):

would then be recreated every time we analyzed

Although components dont necessarily have to be
created using VHDL, we could have done so by using the following entity/architecture pair in le called
-- xor gate
entity xor2 is
port ( a, b : in bit ; x : out bit ) ;
end xor2 ;
architecture rtl of xor2 is
x <= a xor b ;
end rtl ;

-- define an xor2 component in a package

package xor_pkg is
component xor2
port ( a, b : in bit ; x : out bit ) ;
end component ;
end xor_pkg ;

VHDL versus C Terminology

The following comparison shows some rough equivalents between the VHDL concepts described above
A second le, parity.vhd, describes the parity and C programming3 .
entity that uses the xor2 component:
-- parity function built from xor gates
use work.xor_pkg.all ;
component function
entity parity is
port ( a, b, c, d : in bit ; p : out bit ) ;
end parity ;
architecture rtl of parity is
-- internal signals
signal x, y :
x1: xor2 port
x2: xor2 port
x3: xor2 port
end rtl ;


std logic Packages

map ( a, b, x ) ;
map ( c, x, y ) ;
map ( d, y, p ) ;

The IEEE library contains two useful packages.

These packages dene alternatives to the bit and
The resulting top-level schematic for the parity en- bit_vector types for logic design.
tity is:
The rst package, std_logic_1164, denes the types std_logic (similar to bit) and
std_logic_vector (similar to bit_vector). The
advantage of the std_logic types is that they can
have values other than 0 and 1. For example, an
Exercise 37: Label the connections within the parity generator std_logic signal can also have undened (X) and
schematic with the signal names used in the architecture.
high-impedance values (Z). The std_logic_1164
When the parity.vhd le is analyzed (com- package also redenes (overloads) the standard
piled), the synthesizer will search the (WORK) direc3 The effect of a call is rather different than a component intory for the xor_pkg package.
stantiation: in VHDL we get an extra copy of the component
We could also have put the xor_pkg package dec- each time it is used. In C we get only one copy of a function no
laration in the parity.vhd le (the package le matter how many times it is called.

boolean operators (and, or, not, etc.) so that they

work with std_logic signals.
The second package, std_logic_arith4 denes
the types signed and unsigned. These are subtypes of std_logic_vector with overloaded operators that allow them to be used both as vectors of
logic values and as as binary numbers (in signed
twos complement or unsigned representations). The
hierarchy of these logic types could be drawn as follows:
declared in


declared in




The standard arithmetic operators (+, -, *, /, **, You can declare symbolic constants in the same way
>, <, <=, >=, =, /=) can be applied to signals of type as signals. For example:
signed or unsigned. Note that it may not be practical or possible to synthesize complex operators such
constant zero_bits : unsigned (3 downto 0) := "0000" ;
as multiplication, division or exponentiation.
For example, we could generate the combinational A constant declared in a package is available to all
logic to build a 4-bit adder using the following archi- design units (packages, entities and architectures)
that use that package. You should use symbolic constants for any values that are likely to change or if it
makes your code easier to read or easier to modify.


library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all ;

VHDL also includes an integer type which is useful for specifying small constants (e.g. next x <=
x + 1 ;). However, signals should be declared
std_logic or one of its subtypes, not integer.
Declarations sometimes use the natural (values
0), and positive (values 0) types. Integer
constants can be specied in non-decimal base. For
example, the value 2000 hex can be specied as:

architecture rtl of adder4 is

c <= a + b ;
end rtl ;

entity adder4 is
port (
a, b : in unsigned (3 downto 0) ;
c : out unsigned (3 downto 0) ) ;
end adder4 ;

Type Conversion Functions

The resulting (rather messy) schematic is:
VHDL is a strongly-typed language each operator must be supplied arguments of exactly the right
4 The IEEE standard is really numeric std but its not widely type or the synthesizer will give an error message.
Although many functions and operators (e.g. and)

Type Declarations

are overloaded so that you can use the same function/operator with more than one type, in many cases
you will need to use type conversion functions.
The following type conversion functions are found
in the the std_logic_1164 package in the ieee library:


Its often useful to make up new types for a project.

We can do this in VHDL by using type declarations.
The most common uses for dening new types are
to create signals of a given width (i.e. a bus) and
to declare types that can only have one of a set of
possible values (called enumeration types).
Type declarations are often placed in packages
to make them available to multiple design units.
The following example shows a package called
dsp_types that declares two new types:

to bitvector(x)
to stdlogicvector(x)

The abbreviations bv, lv, un and in are used for

bit_vector, std_logic_vector, unsigned and
integer respectively.
The following type conversion functions are found
in the the std_logic_arith package in the ieee library.


package dsp_types is
type mode is (slow, medium, fast) ;
subtype word is std_logic_vector (15 downto 0) ;
end dsp_types ;

Note that we need to use a subtype declaration in

the second example because the std_logic_vector
type is already dened.

std logic vector(x)
conv integer(x)
conv unsigned(x,len)
conv std logic vector(x,len)

Exercise 39:

Write a declaration for a signal that controls

whether the value in a register should be loaded, incremented,

decremented, or held. Write the declaration for an 8-bit signal
type called byte.


Functions in the std_logic_arith package

overload most of the arithmetic and comparison
operators (e.g. +, =) so that they take integer as well
as unsigned operands.
Note that when converting an integer you must
explicitly specify the number of bits in the result
For example:

An entity can be declared with a bus or register size

that is left undened until the component is used
(instantiated) by adding a generic clause in its entity and component declarations. For example, a register with negated outputs could be declared in the
le nregister.vhd as:
-- register with negated output
entity nregister is
generic ( width : integer ) ;
port ( d : in bit_vector (width-1 downto 0) ;
q : out bit_vector (width-1 downto 0) ;
clk : in bit ) ;
end nregister ;

constant awidth : integer := 24 ;

constant dwidth : integer := 8 ;
constant r1addr : std_logic_vector (awidth-1 downto 0)
:= to_stdlogicvector(X"1A_0002") ;
signal abus : unsigned (awidth-1 downto 0) ;
signal r1, d : std_logic_vector (dwidth-1 downto 0) ;
r1 <=
d when abus = unsigned(r1addr) else
"00000000" ;

Exercise 38:

architecture rtl of nregister is

signal tmp : bit_vector(width-1 downto 0) ;
if clkevent and clk=1 then
tmp <= d ;
end if ;
end process ;
q <= not tmp ;
end ;

What is the type of the constant X"1A 0002"?

What is the purpose of the unsigned() function in the last line

of the above example? What conversion function(s) would you
need to use if r1addr was declared to be of type bit vector?

you might declare the nregister component in a

package as:

n <=
end rtl ;

package registers is
component nregister
generic ( width : integer ) ;
port ( d : in bit_vector (width-1 downto 0) ;
q : out bit_vector (width-1 downto 0) ;
clk : in bit ) ;
end component ;
end registers ;






Note that the conditions are tested in the order that

they appear in the statement and only the rst value
whose controlling expression is true is assigned.
In the same way that we can view a selected assignment statement as the VHDL model for a ROM
or lookup table, a conditional assignment statement
can be viewed the VHDL description of a tree of
multiplexers. For example, the structure of the example above could be drawn as:

and then use it in another architecture as follows:

use work.registers.all ;
r1: nregister
generic map ( 8 )
port map ( din, dout, clk ) ;



You should use generics if your component might

have to be instantiated with various signal widths.








Synthesizing the above description results in:

Each signal has a number of properties associated

with it which can be extracted and used in expressions by using VHDLs attributes. For example,
the number of elements in an array x is given by
xlength. Other useful attributes are left, right,
high, low which extract the appropriate index limits
and range which extracts the index range.

Exercise 40: Write a conditional assignment that models a 2to-1 multiplexer. Use an array x as the input, a signal sel to

Conditional Assignment

select the input and a signal y as the output. Repeat for a 4-to-1
multiplexer (sel is now an array).

In the same way that a selected assignment statement

models a case statement in a sequential programming
language, a conditional assignment statement models
an if/else statement. Like the selected assignment
statement, it is also a concurrent statement.
For example, the following circuit outputs the position of the left-most 1 bit in the input:

The choice of selected or conditional assignments

can affect the logic that is generated. A conditional
assignment implies an ordered sequence of two-way
decisions which results in the multiplexer tree as
shown above. A selected assignment implies a logic
circuit that evaluates all possible inputs simultaneously. This implies a single-stage sum-of-products
(or equivalent) circuit. The circuit generated by a selected assignment will typically require less logic but
will incur a longer propagation delay.
However the logic synthesizer may need to optimize the original circuit to meet either speed or space
constraints. The nal circuit may not match either of
the above models.

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
entity nbits is port (
b : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ;
n : out std_logic_vector (2 downto 0) ) ;
end nbits ;
architecture rtl of nbits is

Tri-State Buses

Memory Models

A tri-state output can be set to high and low logic levels as well as to a third state: high-impedance (Z).
This type of output is used where different devices
outputs are connected together and drive a common
bus (hopefully at different times!). To specify that an
output should be set to the high-impedance state, we
use a signal of type std_logic and assign it a value
of Z.
The following example shows an implementation
of a 4-bit buffer with an enable output. When the
enable is not asserted the output is in high-impedance
mode :

VHDL also allows the use of arrays with signal indices to model random-access memory (RAM). The
following example demonstrates the use of VHDL
arrays as well as bi-directional buses. We must use
the type-conversion function conv_integer because
the address input, a, is of type unsigned while the
array index must be of type integer.

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all ;

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;

entity ram is
port (
-- bi-directional data signal
d : inout std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) ;
-- address input
a : in unsigned (1 downto 0) ;
-- output enable and write strobe (clock)
oe, wr : in std_logic ) ;
end ram ;

entity tbuf is port (

d : in std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ;
q : out std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ;
en : in std_logic
) ;
end tbuf ;
architecture rtl of tbuf is
q <=
d when en = 1 else
"ZZZZ" ;
end rtl ;

architecture rtl of ram is

subtype byte is std_logic_vector (7 downto 0) ;
type byte_array is array (0 to 3) of byte ;
signal ram : byte_array ;
-- output value is the indexed array element
d <=
ram(conv_integer(a)) when oe = 1 else

The resulting schematic for the tbuf is:

-- register the indexed array element

if wrevent and wr = 1 then
ram(conv_integer(a)) <= d ;
end if ;
end process ;
end rtl ;

Tri-state outputs are used primarily to implement

bidirectional bus signals. Bidirectional buses are declared of type inout rather than in or out and their
values can be both read and written within the architecture (unlike signals of type out). When the bus
is to act as an input, the bidirectional bus signals are
driven to the high-impedance state and in this case
its the value of other signals that determine the signals value.
The tri-state enable is usually controlled by an address decoder or other enable input.

Exercise 41: Modify the design above to create a 16-element, 4bit wide RAM with separate input and output signals. How could
you model a ROM?

The result of synthesizing this description is:


debug your design.

Another design strategy is hierarchical decomposition. The device being designed should be decomposed into a number of modules (represented as
VHDL entities) that interface through well-dened
interfaces (VHDL ports). The internal structure of
these modules should not be visible from outside the
module. Each of these modules should then be further subdivided into other modules. The decomposition process should be repeated until the remaining
modules are simple enough to be easily written and
tested. This decomposition makes it easy to test the
modules individually, allows modules to be re-used
and allows more than one person to work on the same
project at the same time.
Its also a good idea to keep the design as portable
as possible. Avoid using language features that are
specic to a particular manufacturer or target technology unless they are necessary to meet other requirements. This will make it possible to use different manufacturing processes and different devices
with a minimum of redesign.

Structural Design
For many implementation technologies (FPGAs,
gate arrays, or standard-cell ASICs) there are usually vendor-specic ways of implementing memory
arrays that give better results. However, using a
VHDL-only model with random logic as shown
above is more portable and may be practical for small
memories such as CPU register les.

Structural design is the oldest digital logic design

method. In this method the designer does all the
work. The designer selects the low-level components
and decides exactly how they are to be connected.
The parity generator described previously is an example of structural design.

Exercise 42: Why is portability desirable?

A structural design can be represented as a parts

list and a list of the connections between the pins on
the components (for example: pin 12 on chip 3 is
Design Strategies
connected to pin 5 on chip 7). This representation
There are a number of strategies that are useful when of a circuit is called a netlist.
designing complex logic circuits. You may recognize
Schematic capture is the most common structural
similar strategies that are used in computer program- design method. The designer works with a program
similar to a drawing program that allows components
One strategy is to design at the most abstract to be inserted into the design and connected to other
(highest) level possible with the tools available. components.
For example, using a behavioral design style with
VHDL instead of a structural style (e.g. schemat- Exercise 43: What would be the most common type of stateics) will make it easier to write, read, document, and ment in a structural VHDL description?

Behavioral Design

As a simple example, consider a device that needs

to add four numbers. In VHDL, given signals of the
At the other extreme, a behavioral design is meant correct type, we can simply write:
to demonstrate the functional behaviour of a device
without concerning itself about implementation des <= ( ( a + b ) + c ) + d ;
tails. Thus a behavioral design may include operaThis particular description is simple enough that
tions such as integer division or behaviour such as
propagation delays that are difcult or impossible to it can be synthesized. However, the resulting circuit
will be a fairly large combinational circuit comprissynthesize.
However, every design should start with a behav- ing three adder circuits as follows:
ioral description. The behavioral description can be
simulated and used to verify that all of the required
aspects of the design have been identied. The output of a behavioral description can be compared to
the output of a structural or RTL description to check
for errors.
Exercise 44: A VHDL description contains non-synthesizeable
constructs such as propagation delays. Is it a behavioural or
structural description?

RTL Design
Register Transfer Level, or RTL5 design lies between
a purely behavioral description of the desired circuit
and a purely structural one. An RTL description describes a circuits registers and the sequence of transfers between these registers but does not describe the
hardware used to carry out these operations.
The steps in RTL design are: (1) determine the
number and sizes of registers needed to hold the
data used by the device, (2) determine the logic and
arithmetic operations that need to be performed on
these register contents, and (3) design a state machine whose outputs control how the register contents are updated in order to obtain the desired results.
Producing an RTL design is similar to writing a
computer program in a conventional programming
language. Choosing registers is the same as choosing variables. Designing the ow of data in the datapath is analogous to writing expressions involving the variables (registers) and operators (combinational functions). Designing the controller state machine is similar to deciding on the ow of control
within the program (if/then/else, while-loops, etc).

A behavioral description, not being concerned

with implementation details, would be complete at
this point.
However, if we were concerned about the cost of
the implementation we might decide to break down
the computation into a sequence of steps, each one
involving only a single addition:





where each operation is executed sequentially. The

logic required is now one adder, a register to hold
the value of s in-between operations, a multiplexer
to select the input to be added, and a circuit to clear
s at the start of the computation.
Although this approach only needs one adder, the
process requires more steps and will take longer. Circuits that divide up a computation into a sequence
of arithmetic and logic operations are quite common
5 The L in RTL sometimes stands for Language or
Logic all refer to the same method of designing complex and this type of design is called Register Transfer
logic circuits.
Level (RTL) or dataow design.

RTL Design Example

An RTL design is composed of (1) registers and

combinational function blocks (e.g. adders and multiplexers) called the datapath and (2) a nite state
machine, called the controller that controls the transfer of data through the function blocks and between
the registers.




The RTL designer can trade off datapath complexity (e.g. using more adders and thus using more chip
area) against speed (e.g. having more adders means
fewer steps are required to obtain the result). RTL
design is well suited for the design of CPUs and
special-purpose processors such as disk drive controllers, video display cards, network adapter cards,
etc. It gives the designer great exibility in choosing
between processing speed and circuit complexity.


In VHDL RTL design the gate-level design and

optimization of the datapath (registers, multiplexers,
and combinational functions) is done by the synthesizer. However, the designer must design the state
machine and decide which register transfers are performed in which state.


To show how an RTL design is described in VHDL

and to clarify the concepts involved, we will design
a four-input adder. This design will also demonstrate
how to create packages of components that can be
The datapath shown below can load the register
at the start of each clock cycle with one of: zero,
the current value of the register, or the sum of the
register and one of the four inputs. It includes one
8-bit register, an 8-bit adder and a multiplexer that
selects one of the four possible inputs as the value to
be added to the current value of the register.

from controller


The diagram below shows a generic component in Exercise 45: Other datapaths could compute the same result.
the datapath. Each RTL design will be composed of Draw the block diagram of a datapath capable of computing the
one of the following building blocks for each regis- sum of the four numbers in three clock cycles.
ter. The structure allows the contents of each regThe rst design unit is a package that denes a
ister to be updated at the end of each clock period new type, num, for eight-bit unsigned numbers and an
with a value selected by the controller. The widths enumerated type, states, with six possible values.
of the registers, the types of combinational functions nums are dened as a subtype of the unsigned type.
and their inputs will be determined by the application. A typical design will include many of these
-- RTL design of 4-input summer
-- subtype used in design





from registers






library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all ;

from controller

package averager_types is
subtype num is unsigned (7 downto 0) ;
type states is (clr, add_a, add_b, add_c,
add_d, hold) ;
end averager_types ;

The rst entity denes the datapath. In this case

the four numbers to be added are available as inputs
to the entity and there is one output for the current

The inputs to the datapath from the controller are input is an update signal that tells our device to rea 2-bit selector for the multiplexer and two control compute the sum (presumably because one or more
signals to load or clear (set to 0) the register.
of the inputs has changed).
This particular state machine sits at the hold
state until the update signal is true. It then sequences
-- datapath
through the other ve states and then stops at the hold
library ieee ;
state again. The other ve states are used to clear the
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all ;
register and to add the four inputs to the current value
use work.averager_types.all ;
of the register.
entity datapath is
port (
a, b, c, d : in num ;
sum : out num ;
sel : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) ;
load, clear, clk : in std_logic
) ;
end datapath ;

-- controller
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use work.averager_types.all ;
entity controller is
port (
update : in std_logic ;
sel : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) ;
load, clear : out std_logic ;
clk : in std_logic
) ;
end controller ;

architecture rtl of datapath is

signal mux_out, sum_reg, next_sum_reg : num ;
constant sum_zero : num :=
conv_unsigned(0,next_sum_reglength) ;
-- mux to select input to add
with sel select mux_out <=
a when "00",
b when "01",
c when "10",
d when others ;

architecture rtl of controller is

signal s, holdns, ns : states ;
signal tmp : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0) ;
-- select next state
with s select ns <=
add_a when clr,
add_b when add_a,
add_c when add_b,
add_d when add_c,
when add_d,
holdns when others ; -- hold

-- mux to select register input

next_sum_reg <=
sum_reg + mux_out when load = 1 else
sum_zero when clear = 1 else
sum_reg ;
-- register sum
if clkevent and clk = 1 then
sum_reg <= next_sum_reg ;
end if ;
end process ;

-- next state if in hold state

holdns <=
clr when update = 1 else
hold ;
-- state register
if clkevent and clk = 1 then
s <= ns ;
end if ;
end process ;

-- entity output is register output

sum <= sum_reg ;
end rtl ;

Exercise 46: Label the block diagram above with the bus widths
and signal names used in the entity.
What would happen if both clear and load inputs were asserted? Why do we need to dene both sum reg and sum signals?

-- controller outputs
with s select sel <=
"00" when add_a,
"01" when add_b,
"10" when add_c,
"11" when others ;

How many clock cycles will it take to compute the sum of the
four inputs?

The RTL designs controller is a state machine

whose outputs control the multiplexers in the datapath. The controllers inputs are signals that control
the controllers state transitions. In this case the only


<= 0 when s = clr or s = hold else 1 ;

clear <= 1 when s = clr else 0 ;

end rtl ;


The next section of code is an example of how the

datapath and the controller entities can be placed in
a package, averager_components, as components.
In practice the datapath and controller component
declarations would probably have been placed in the
top-level architecture since they are not likely to be
re-used in other designs.

The result of the synthesizing the datapath is:

-- package for datapath and controller

library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use work.averager_types.all ;
package averager_components is
component datapath
port (
a, b, c, d : in num ;
sum : out num ;
sel : in std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) ;
load, clear, clk : in std_logic
) ;
end component ;
component controller
port (
update : in std_logic ;
sel : out std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) ;
load, clear : out std_logic ;
clk : in std_logic
) ;
end component ;

The register ip-ops are at the upper right, the adder

is in the middle and the input multiplexer is at the
lower left.
The result of the synthesizing the controller is:

end averager_components ;

The top-level averager entity instantiates the two

components and interconnects them.
-- averager
library ieee ;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all ;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all ;
use work.averager_types.all ;
use work.averager_components.all ;

The following timing diagram shows the datapath

output and the controller state over one computation.
Note that the state and output transitions take place
on the rising edge of the clock. Also note that the
output is updated at the end of the state in which a
particular operation is performed.

entity averager is port (

a, b, c, d : in num ;
sum : out num ;
update, clk : in std_logic ) ;
end averager ;
architecture rtl of averager is
signal sel : std_logic_vector (1 downto 0) ;
signal load, clear : std_logic ;
-- other declarations (e.g. components) here
d1: datapath port map ( a, b, c, d, sum, sel, load,
clear, clk ) ;
c1: controller port map ( update, sel, load,
clear, clk ) ;
end rtl ;












a+b+c+d a+b+c+d

RTL Timing Analysis

As usual, the datapath should be designed as a synchronous sequential circuit that uses the same clock
for all registers. All register contents thus change
at the same time. The controller also uses the same
clock as the datapath.

The result is that each datapath register loads the

values computed during one state at the end of that
state (which is then the start of the computation for
the next state).
We can guarantee that the correct results will be
loaded into registers if the longest propagation delay (tPD ) through any path through the combinational
logic that lies between register outputs and inputs is
less than the clock period (tclock ) minus the registers setup time (ts ) and clock-to-output (tCO ) delays:




timing margin
register setup time

max. propagation

output delay

register input
state n1

state n

state n+1

clock edges
(change of state)

Using a single clock means we only need to compute the delay through combinational logic blocks
which is much simpler than having to predict the
effect of propagation delays on clock signals. This
is why almost all large-scale digital circuits are synchronous designs.
Synthesis tools can be asked to synthesize logic
that operates at a particular clock period. The synthesizer is supplied with the propagation delay specications for the combinational logic components
available in the particular technology being used and
it will then try to arrange the logic so that the longest
propagation delay between any register output and
any register input is less than the clock period (minus
setup and clock-to-output delays). This ensures that
the circuit will work properly at the specied clock

Behavioural Synthesis

description. The compiler does this by automatically

allocating registers and partitioning the processing
over as many clock cycles as are required to meet
high-level processing time requirements.

The proper operation of a clocked ip-op depends
on the input being stable for a certain period of time
before (the setup time) and after (the hold time) the
clock edge. If the setup and hold time requirements
are met, the correct output will appear at a valid
output level (between VOL and VOH ) at the ip-op
output after a maximum delay of tCO (the clock-tooutput delay). However, if these setup and hold time
requirements are not met then the output of the ipop may take much longer than tCO to reach a valid
logic level. This is called metastable behaviour or
An invalid logic level at the output of the ip-op
may be interpreted by some logic gates as a 1 and
by others as a 0. This leads to unpredictable and
usually incorrect behaviour of the circuit.
In the synchronous circuits we have studied thus
far we have been able to prevent metastability by
clocking all ip-ops from the same clock and ensuring that the maximum propagation delay of any combinational logic path is less than the clock period minus the ip-op setup time and clock-to-output delay.
However, when inputs to a synchronous circuit are
not synchronized to the clock, it is impossible to ensure that the setup and hold times will be met. This
will eventually lead to the incorrect behaviour of the
device. It is important to realize that all practical
logic circuits will eventually fail due to metastability. However, the designer should try to ensure that
these failures happen very infrequently (e.g. once per
103 or 106 years of operation) so that other causes of
failure predominate.

It is possible to work at even higher levels of abstrac- Computing MTBF

tion than RTL when design time is more important
than cost. Advanced synthesis programs (for exam- The average time between metastable outputs (mean
ple, Synopsys Behavioral Compiler) can convert a time between failures or MTBF) is given by the forbehavioral description of an algorithm into an RTL mula:

metastable-hardened ip-ops should be used on

asynchronous inputs.
eC2 tMET
If this does not result in the desired degree of reMTBF
C1 fclk fdata
liability it is possible to use two or more ip-ops
in series. In this case the output of the second ipwhere C1 and C2 are constants that depend on the
op will only be metastable if both ip-op outputs
technology used to build the ip-op, t met is the duwere metastable. The disadvantage of this approach
ration of the metastable output, and f clk and fdata
is that the input will now be delayed by one to two
are the frequencies of the synchronous clock and the
clock periods (instead of zero to one clock periods).
asynchronous input respectively.
Lets compute the MTBF assuming we used the
lab FPGA boards internal oscillator as a clock to
Input Synchronization
register the PC-104 bus IOR* signal. Since the clock
and the signal being registered are coming from dif- Inputs typically affect the results loaded into more
ferent oscillators the input is asynchronous. The than one ip-op. For example, an input that conclock frequency, f clk is 25.175 MHz. The exact trols state transitions in a state machine affects the
frequency of IOR* will depend on the program be- various ip-ops that hold the encoded state. If an
ing executed, but lets assume a value of fCLK2 4
asynchronous input changes shortly before a clock
8 333 4 2 08 MHz. For the Altera Flex10K fam- edge, it is possible that the outputs of the combinaily C1 1 10 13 and C2 1 3 1010 . For cor- tional logic will not have reached their correct values
rect operation of our circuit the settling time of the when the ip-ops are loaded. This will almost cerip-op output, the metastable time t MET , must be tainly lead to inconsistent and incorrect behaviour. A
less than the clock period minus the maximum prop- circuit that exhibits unpredictable behaviour as a reagation delays through the combinational logic ele- sult of the timing of its inputs is said to have a race
ments minus the setup times of the other ip-ops condition.
in the circuit. The setup time of the -4 speed grade
Such problems can be avoided by registering
10K20 input ip-ops, tIOSU , is is 3.2 ns, thus tMET
each asynchronous input using a single (preferably
tclk tPD tIOSU . If we assume tPD is, for example,
metastable-hardened) ip-op and using the output
30 ns, tMET 39 7 30 3 2 6 5ns and the MTBF
of this ip-op output to drive the rest of the logic.
This results in a delay of up to 1 clock period before
the circuit can respond to the changed input. Usually
1 3 1010 6 5 10 9
s this is an acceptable trade-off for improved reliabilMTBF
1 10 13 25 175 106 2 08 106

which about 1033 seconds (a very long time).

Exercise 47: Draw the schematic of an input synchronizer.

As a general rule, always synchronize (register)

asynchronous inputs.

Reducing Metastability
The simplest approach is to slow down the clock
since this provides a longer time for the output of
the ip-op to reach a stable output value. Because
the MTBF increases exponentially with t MET a small
reduction in clock frequency will often be enough to
increase the MTBF to an acceptable value. However,
in other cases this approach will be unacceptable because the resulting clock rate will be too slow.
Another approach is to use ip-ops with shorter
setup and hold times (and correspondingly smaller
C1 and larger C2 values). Whenever possible, these

Glitches are short temporary changes in outputs that
are caused by different propagation delays in a circuit. There are two reasons why glitches are undesirable.
The rst set of problems is related to noise and
power. Since glitches are short pulses much of their
energy is at high frequencies and this power couples easily onto adjacent conductors. This induces


noise into other circuits and reduces their noise immunity. Glitches also cause power supply current
spikes which result in voltage transients on the power
supply lines. Another problem with glitches is that
in CMOS logic families current consumption is proportional to the number of transistor switchings and
glitches lead to increased current consumption.
The second set of problems arises when the digital output of one circuit is used as a clock in another
circuit (e.g. to drive a counter or register). In this
case glitches cause undesired clock edges (similar to
switch bounce). In synchronous (single-clock) circuits these glitches are not a problem.
Glitches can be reduced by modifying the design
of the combinational logic. However, this usually introduces additional logic. Glitches on signals that
are conned to short paths within a circuit or inside
a chip are usually tolerated. However, when outputs
are brought off a chip, board or system (e.g. onto a
bus) it is good practice to eliminate glitches.
The simplest way to eliminate glitches is to use
a registered output signal. The output of a ip-op
changes only once, on the clock edge, and thus eliminates any glitches on its input. There are two ways
to register outputs. Often it is possible to use register
outputs directly such as when an output is already in
a data register or when the signals are state machine
state registers. The second method is to pass the signal through an additional ip-op before it is output.
The disadvantage of this method is that the output
will be delayed by up to one clock period.
As a general rule, always register outputs.


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