Subsoil Drainage
Subsoil Drainage
Subsoil Drainage
Subsoil drainage systems are provided to drain away subsurface water in order to:
increase the stability of the ground and footings of buildings by inducing a more stable
moisture regime and reducing foundation movements due to the variations in the soil
moisture content;
mitigate surface water ponding and waterlogging of soils by lowering watertables;
alleviate ground water pressures likely to cause dampness in below-ground internal parts
of buildings or damage to foundations of buildings, other structures, or pavements
increase soil strength by reducing the moisture content.
Subsoil drainage is an important part of road construction.Vehicular traffic on pavement with a
saturated subbase results in rapid deterioration of the pavement. Entrapped water that is subect
to vehicular loadings creates large hydrostatic and hydrodynamic pressures within the
subbase,reducing its ability to provide stable support forthe pavement. !orrectly designed roads
and paved areas have a highly permeable base or subbase construction and may include subsoil
drains to promote the rapid outflow of subsurface water. "ne important factor indicating a need
for subsoil drainage is the presence of a watertable high enough to have an adverse effect on
buildings and infrastructure within urban developments. Subsoil drainage is particularly
important in hillside areas due to the potential to create land instability . #rains behind retaining
walls are designed using similar principles as other subsoil drains.
Types of Subsoil Drainage
$he most common type of subsoil drainage is in the form of a special pipe that is covered with a
geote%tile material. $he pipe itself has a number of perforations through it to let the water
through to be drained away. $he geote%tile covering is important as it stops soil and other
particles from going through to the pipe and clogging it up so that it cannot serve its purpose of
draining the water away. ¬her type of subsoil drainage that you can utilise is to bury some
rocks or pebbles. $hese are free draining and will let water through 'uite readily.
$he layout is directly related to the topography, the location of buildings and access points, the
geology (nature of subsoil and level of groundwater) and area of a property. *ain subsoil drains
often follow natural depressions. Subsoil drains should connect to a stormwater pit or a point of
connection, and be consistent with the layouts for the site stormwater drain and the e%ternal
stormwater drainage network. +elevant layouts for the types of subsoil drainage systems
covered in this chapter include:
subsoil drains on one or more sides of a building or
cutting, including cut-off drains for interception of
groundwater flows from higher land;
drainage systems for mitigating waterlogging or
lowering watertables on small to medium areas of
land, e.g. less than ,-- m. .$hese layouts may involve branch subsoil drains
connecting to a main subsoil drain.