Beit Yosef Script: Jen Taylor Friedman, 2008
Beit Yosef Script: Jen Taylor Friedman, 2008
Beit Yosef Script: Jen Taylor Friedman, 2008
This sheet is intended to be used in conjunction with the laws of letter forms as
given by the Mishnah Berurah in Mishnat Soferim.
Verticals and horizontals: learn to make rectangles with clean lines and neat
corners; four rightangles. !et a feel for the effect of "en angle on your rectangles.
!et into the habit of "ulling your "en# not "ushing it.
Basic letter beit: joining vertical and horizontal strokes in a controlled way. !et a feel
for letter "ro"ortion. $emember never to "ush your "en. %ver.
&urves. $eish: a smooth curve from a horizontal line to a vertical line. 'traight khaf:
same# but learn to control when you turn. Vav: learn to turn early and control when
you sto".
(n the ideal world# vav has an e)tra vertical stroke inside the leg# so that the outside
of the corner is a curve and the inside is a rightangle.
&losed mem: an e)ercise in sto""ing. *earn to bring a horizontal into an e)isting
vertical to make a neat join# without overshooting.
+"ward curves; a smooth stroke from horizontal to vertical.
Bent khaf: joining a downward curve to an u"ward curve# as for closed mem; such
that the join doesn,t show. 'amekh and straight "eh: same idea# different
-ine lines. *earn to use the "oint of the nib# ti""ed u" sideways# as a very
small "en# to "ull ink out of a letter while it is still wet and sha"e it into lines.
.ow you can use this skill to give beit its two corners# its tag# and its heel. /ou can
also attach a vav to a bent khaf and adorn the vav# to give lamed.
-ine lines also give you a method of making the curves on the righthand sides of
letters. /ou need it for yud; you may choose to use it also for bent khaf.
Tilted vav is made like a regular vav# but with the nib at a stee" angle to the line#
rather than "er"endicular to it# and without the rightangle inside the corner.
Tilted vav# a sort of s0uarefooted khaf# and a fine line will give you o"en mem.
&ombining a neat rectangle# a neat vertical# a stroke starting at an angle to the line#
a righthandside curve# and some fine lines gives you tet. .ote the relative heights
of the taggin: from left to right low# high# medium.
1arallelograms: symmetric legs. 1en angle is the key here. 'ymmetric leg skills give
you zayin.
2en Taylor -riedman# 3445.
6ne can also make a symmetric leg with two strokes. This is useful for straight nun.
7ayin 8 fine lines 9 basic het.
(deally# het,s to"right corner is rounded. This uses the same curve techni0ue as for
Bent khaf 8 zayin 9 kuf.
:symmetric legs. There are several o"tions for asymmetric legs. &hoose one you
like and use that. -or instance# one can use a symmetric leg at an angle# use curve
techni0ues to construct a less symmetric leg# or rotate the nib during the stroke to
create a wedge.
&learly# this gives dalet. : variety of dalets.
;hich leads to hey and gimel.
-ine control: nun
'imilar techni0ue: tav
More fine control: bent "eh.
Tilted yud: sha"e with nib "oint.
(n different configurations and with greater or lesser involvement of other skills# will
give you straight tzaddi# shin and ale"h.
:yin,s foot is made with at least two strokes. 'tart at the bottom and "ull it u"wards.
'u"erfine control: bent tzaddi.
2en Taylor -riedman# 3445.