The Food Scotland Bill

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Advice Paper

May 2014
a response to the Scottish Parliaments Health and Sport Committee
1 The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE), Scotlands
National Academy, welcomes the opportunity to
contribute to the call for evidence by the Health and
Sport Committee of the Scottish Parliament on the
Food (Scotland) Bill. In preparing this response the
RSEhas drawn on the expertise within its Fellowship
in those areas of research covered by the Bill, which
has included people involved in the establishment of
the Food Standards Agency in Scotland.
2 The RSEhas also previously submitted a response
to the Scottish Government when it consulted on the
establishment of what was then termed a NewFood
Body in May 2013. The current Bill, which aims to
establish a newbody, Food Standards Scotland (FSS)
is broadly inlinewiththeearlier consultationproposal.
3 Ensuring the safety of food is one of the most
fundamental issues to all in society and putting in
place the best structure to ensure this is one of the
most important duties of government. This Bill is
therefore one that the Committee should scrutinise
very closely.
4 The food and drink sector is significant in the health
of the nation. It is also a major part of the Scottish
economy, being a major export earner (with food
exports of 5.3 billion in 2012). Delivering an
increasingly coordinated approach to build on
Scotlands food quality and provenance is vital to
supporting and enabling this export market to grow.
5 The RSEis of the viewthat there is significant merit
in the Bill as it seeks to bring enhanced coordination
to the issue of food safety. We would also wish to
drawsome issues to the attention of the Committee
in its scrutiny process and would be very happy to
provide a witness to the Committee in its Stage One
exploration of the Bill.
6 There are three main objectives of the Bill and these
will be addressed in turn.
Toprotect thepublic fromhealthrisk
7 The Food Standards Agency in Scotland (FSA) has
since its inception played a valuable role in protecting
the public fromhealth risks and so the RSEis of the
viewthat the newbody should, at a minimum,
performall of the existing functions of the FSA.
8 We agree that, if established, the FSS should perform
a comprehensive whole food chain approach to
safety, fromthe farm, through the distribution chain,
to the shop, to the restaurant or domestic kitchen.
9 The links between agricultural practices and food
safety are already well recognised in Scotland, so the
newbody should seek to develop this understanding
10 The organisation should adopt a risk-based approach
to monitoring those premises deemed on the basis
of evidence to be lowrisk should be visited less
11 The enforcement powers of the body need to be
closely linked with other statutory agencies, such as
the local authorities, procurator fiscal services and
other relevant regulatory bodies.
12 The FSS should concentrate on Scotland-wide issues
to do with food safety. Local inspection of premises
should remain a local government function. The
Scottish Parliament should ensure that these local
government services are resourced sufficiently.
13 There is much documented evidence that many
health problems in Scotland are related to diet. The
RSEviews it as reasonable that the FSS should play a
role in promoting a healthy diet, providing that it is
sufficiently resourced to fulfil that role and that it is
well connected to researchers on the aspects of diet
that impact upon good health and to the scientific
advisers to the Scottish Government. Aregular
programme of engagement with the Chief Scientific
Adviser, the Scottish Science Advisory Council and
the Chief Medical Officer would be useful.
14 The FSS also has an important role to play in advising
the Scottish and UKGovernments on clear and
effective labelling of food products to ensure that
people can make informed choices about healthy
food choices.
15 The question should also be considered as to
whether FSS should also play a role in advising
Scottish Government on the role of alcohol in
diet. The Scottish Government, over several
administrations, has recognised the importance of
this in the health of people in Scotland. It may be that
FSS could play a supportive role in this regard. High
alcohol consumption is not only related to conditions
such as liver disease, but also in many cases to other
aspects of unhealthy food consumption that lead to
obesity and to other health complications.
Additional InformationandReferences
Advice Papers are produced on behalf of the RSECouncil by an appropriately diverse working group in whose expertise
and judgement the Council has confidence. This Advice Paper has been signed off by the General Secretary.
Any enquiries about this AdvicePaper shouldbeaddressedtotheRSEs Headof Policy Advice, BristowMuldoon
(Email: [email protected]). Responses are published on the RSEwebsite (
Advice Paper (Royal Society of Edinburgh) ISSN2040-2694
The Royal Society of Edinburgh (RSE) is Scotlands National Academy. It is anindependent body with a multidisciplinary fellowship of menand women
of international standing which makes it uniquely placed to offer informed, independent comment onmatters of national interest.
The Royal Society of Edinburgh, Scotlands National Academy, is Scottish Charity No. SC000470
Advice Paper 14 05
Toprotect other interests of
consumers relatedtofood
16 The issue of food fraud has clearly moved up in the
publics mind following the issue of horsemeat being
sold as beef, although there are other examples that
didnt attract the same media attention. Food fraud is
a different issue fromfood safety; however it is right
that the consumer receives the type of food that they
believe they are buying. The newFSS should have a
role in monitoring and, where necessary, taking
actionagainst, retailers foundtobesellingincorrectly
labelled products. Retailers and food producers
themselves have a responsibility to ensure that they
are carrying out due diligence in the sourcing of their
17 In relation to the issue of alcohol, fraud is also a
potential issue here, with the risk that fraudulent
products are not simply being mis-sold, but may also
have contents with significant risk to health, such as
18 Key to the success of Food Standards Scotland will
be access to the best available research and
public analyst services. Much of the current
research funding comes fromUKGovernment
sources it is important that the FSS is able to
access this. Strong links need to be developed with
the Scottish Funding Council, the UKResearch
Councils, key universities and research institutions.
19 The monitoring of food safety also depends upon
well-resourced and well-staffed public analyst
laboratories. There may be a case for Scotland
having a single laboratory to support the work of FSS
and one with its own research facility, but linked to
key researchers in universities in Scotland, the UK
and internationally. The FSS should use the best
research, whether generated in Scotland, or sourced
fromelsewhere, to advise the Scottish Government
andParliament onchallengestobefacedinfoodsafety.
20 As well as testing locally sourced food products, the
international transport involved in the modern food
industry requires that the FSS should also develop a
programme of testing imported food products: for
pathogens; pesticides not permitted for use in the
UKor EU; and also for antibiotics or growth
promoters in imported meat.
21 Research capacity requires to be directed towards
specific pathogens thatare recognised as having a
high level of incidenceinScotland, suchas
22 Research and laboratory support should also
be directed to veterinary science where there is a
direct relationship fromanimal to human health
through the food chain.
23 The newbody should also at an early stage
undertake a reviewof the number of public analysts
available in Scotland, whether working directly for
FSS or for local authorities and advise the Scottish
Government on the sufficiency of available, qualified
individuals. Links should be built with organisations
such as the Royal Society of Chemistry, who provide
the statutory qualification as a public analyst
(MChemA). As well as the availability of public
analysts a study should also be undertaken on the
effect of funding pressures on the number of
analysts employed in local government.
Accountability andGovernance
24 It is important that the newbody has firm
accountability to the Scottish Government and the
Scottish Parliament. It should provide a public
annual report to the Parliament on its activities
and on food safety developments, including on
nutrition. The Chief Executive of the organisation
should have an annual evidence session at the
Health and Sport Committee (or any successor) and
the Cabinet Secretary for Health should have regular
planned meetings with the body.
25 The independence of the FSS fromthe food industry
is critical. The Chair and board members should
not be perceived to have any current or recent
commercial links with the industry.
26 On governance, the proposed minimumboard size
of 3 appears too small to maintain scrutiny of the
operations and allowfor rotation of board members.
We would suggest that a minimumof 5 would be
more appropriate.
27 The FSS should have the power to establish advisory
committees on specific issues, but where such
committees already exist at a UKlevel, rather than
duplicate, the body should seek to access advice that
has already been developed there.

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