KEC-KMe Manual

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Installation and Maintenance Instructions ENGLISH

GEA Searle: KEC/KMe,

This concerns the hazards, which may be encountered when
installing and maintaining this equipment. It is therefore
important that these instructions are followed.
1.1 Before installation
Ensure that:
a) The voltage, working fuid and the maximum
working pressure stated on the product
nameplate are suitable for the working
b) The proposed method of mounting is adequate
to support the total operational weight of the units.

1.2 During installation and maintenance
Ensure that:
a) The unit is installed and maintained by qualifed
personnel only.
b) The electrical supply is isolated and secured
from accidental reconnection.
c) The working area is adequately ventilated.
d) The temperature of coils with vinyl coated fns
does not exceed 150C (e.g. during brazing) as
toxic fumes would be produced.
2.1 General
Upon receipt, the units should be visually inspected and the sup-
plier notifed (within seven days) of any damage or
shortages. The units are designed for ceiling mounting using the
fxing holes provided. Units are not portable and are only for per-
manent installation. Knockouts in the side of the unit give access
for the connection of services.
2.2 Location
The location of the unit should be carefully selected to
ensure that:
a) Air distribution from the cooler is not adversely
affected by obstructions and is appropriate for the
size and shape of the room, optimum air distribution
should be targeted. Product loading must be in ac
cordance with good refrigeration practice.
b) Air entering the cooler is not obstructed
c) The unit must be installed level in both directions
d) Maintenance access should be considered when
locating the product, including adequate space for
heater withdrawal when appropriate
e) The unit is not subjected to physical loads

2.3 Handling
For transportation the unit is inverted and bolted to the base of
the packing case. Care must be taken while removing the pack-
aging and installing to prevent damage, particularly of the fnned
The drainpan is ftted to the unit (in its transit/lifting position)
for transportation. Remove the draintray by removing the four
fxings and then ft the hexagonal drain connection and gasket
into the hexagonal well inside the draintray. Hand tighten this
assembly using the knurled nut on the outside.
Reft the draintray in its transit position (fxings loose) making
use of the slots in the tray so that it moves into contact with
the underside of the cooler bottom plate so that the weight is
transferred directly to the chassis of the unit when lifng into po-
When the cooler is in position ensure that the drainpan is dropped
down into the operating position before tightening its fxings.
2.4 Pipework
Refrigeration Pipework
Pipework to and from the unit should be selected to suit the
application and not the connection size of the unit. It should be
supported independently from the unit and in a way that pre-
vents the transmission of vibration to the unit . A
competent engineer should install refrigeration pipwork to a high
standard of refrigeration practice. The distributor must be
Condensate Drainage
Once the unit is in place the drain tray MUST slope downwards
towards the drain connection. On the KEC and KMe the fxings at
the rear of the drain tray should be loosened to allow the back of
the drain tray to drop into its operating position. The drain con-
nection is 1 BSP (M) nylon on the KMe and KEC and should be
hand tightened when connected to the drain. Ensure that drain-
line size is equivalent to that of the drain connection and that it
has an adequate fall. It is essential that the drainline includes a
trap, ftted outside the coldroom.
TEV Selection
It is important that the TEV is correctly sized. The TEV size should
be determined using the maximum design capacity and the
minimum valve pressure drop. This occurs at the
minimum condensing pressure. An externally equalised TEV must
be used. When calculating the minimum valve pressure drop, al-
lowance must be made for the coolers distributor
R404A, R407C, R410A, R507A , R744 1.5 bar
R134a 1.0 bar
To avoid potential moisture related problems; it is necessary to
evacuate the complete system to a minimum of 1 torr (1.3mbar).
All parts of the system must be above freezing and ideally higher
than +10C during evacuation.
2.5 Electrical
Motors, and defrost heaters when ftted, are factory wired to
a junction box. An internal wiring diagram is affxed to the lid
of this box, except aerofoil fans that require the supply to be
connected direct to the motors terminal box. Generally cage
clamp type terminals are used. These are opened by pushing
a correctly sized screwdriver into the square aperture adjacent
to the conductor entry. Conductors should be between 1 and
2.5mm. KMe single fan units use a screw type terminal block
for motor supply.
Internal and site wiring share common terminals, so care must
be exercised to ensure that the internal wiring is undisturbed.
All single phase motors have automatic internal overload protec-
tion, and can be used in conjunction with a high quality triac
type speed controller. Three phase motors MUST be protected
against overload and single phasing. Overloads must be set to
cut out at FLC + 15% @ 10C room temperature and FLC
+ 25% @ minus 30C room temperature (proportion for
other temperatures). Check that the fan rotation of 3 phase units
is correct.
The standard rotation on KMe and KEC units is clockwise when
looking into the fan discharge. On 3 phase units the rotation can
be changed by reversing any two phases of the motor supply.
Some KMe units with electric defrost have an auxiliary terminal
box at the refrigerant connection end of the unit. It is
not necessary to make any electrical connection to this box.
If RCDs (Residual Current Detectors) are to be used, a trigger
level of less than 100 mA is likely to result in nuisance
2.6 Low temperature models
Natural defrost is not suitable for coolers operating with an air
leaving temperature of less than 3C. If the initiation of defrost
periods is by a timing device then it is recommended that it be
initially set to two defrost periods per 24 hours for KEC units and
four for KMe units until operating experience is gained. (Speed
controlled units may require more frequent defrosts). System
pump down (fans running) is recommended (essential on very
low temperature applications) prior to defrost so that the result-
ing defrost is neither prolonged nor uneven.
Initial Defrost Termination Settings
Time/Time defrost system
Electric defrost(230/400volts)
KMe:30 minutes
KEC:30 minutes
(220/380volt: + 5min, 240, 240/415volt: - 5min)
Time/Temperature termination system
Electric defrost: minimum setting 4.5C
Time/Pressure termination system
Reverse cycle/hot gas defrost
Pressure equivalent to 25C SST of the system
Drain Down Time
A drain down time, with fans off and no cooling, of fve
minutes duration should be given immediately following a
defrost termination.
Fan Delay Setting
a) With Thermostat: -7C
b) With Pressure Switch: Refrigerant pressure at a
saturation temperature of -12C.
Defrost Termination Thermostat
If a defrost termination thermostat is to be ftted then care must
be taken in locating its sensor. It should initially be positioned
between the coil fns on the air on side, away from heater
elements. It may be secured into position by wrapping the fns
around it. Small sensors should be enclosed in a suitable copper
tube to slow response. Once the system is in operation it may be
necessary to relocate the phial to the area of the coil where ice
remains the longest during defrost (possibly air off face). Gener-
ally, it is possible to wire an internally located phial through the
units internal junction box.
Drain Line Heaters
Drain line heater cables or tapes should be permanently ener-
gised and cover the drain pan connection.
2.7 Air Throwers
Air throwers can be ftted to the guards of the 400mm fansets,
on KMe units they ft over the terminal box and clip onto the wire
mesh guard.
Before running the unit for the frst time, check that all guards,
motor mountings and electrical covers are secure, all un-
necessary terminal block links are removed and fans rotate freely.
Ensure that the drainpan has been lowered to the
operating position. Once running, check that there are no unu-
sual noises or vibrations. After allowing the unit to operate for
at least 2 hours at conditions close to design, the TEV must be
adjusted to provide the correct level of superheat. This is between
0.6 and 0.75 x cooler TD, to a maximum of 8K.
Similarly review all defrost settings.
4. MAINTENANCE (Routine)
The following routine maintenance is required:
Periodically inspect units for ice build up where the ambient tem-
perature is below 5C.
KEC Wiring Diagrams

Every 12 months check
1) Security of fxings especially fan motor mountings.
2) Refrigerant pipeline for damage and leaks.
3) Motor(s) rotate freely.
4) Electrical connections for security of attachment.
5) Defrost, if used, is operating effectively.
When necessary
Clean the fns, guard, drain pan and drain lines and general
casework. Care must be taken when cleaning the fns to
prevent damage. A soft brush and mild detergent solution is rec-
1. Loosen end panel screws and lift off end covers
2. Remove all M5 pozi screws (4 off) to remove fan
3. Remove M5 countersunk screws (2off) to remove
Coil Block Heaters
Coil block heaters are either U bent or straight and they have
to be disconnected from the terminal box at the electrical
connection end and sometimes from the auxiliary terminal box
at the refrigeration connection end of the cooler. These heaters
are withdrawn and replaced from the refrigeration
connection end of the cooler taking care to retain the anti-creep
clips. These clips may be re-used but will possibly need retension-
ing. To avoid damage to either the coil fns or the heater cable,
the heater cable should be inserted into a similar length of 1/4
OD copper tube and fed carefully through the fns with a twist-
ing motion. With care the heater element sheaths can be curved
through 90 (minimum radius 600mm) for removal and reftting
purposes. Before attempting to reft a heater it is essential to en-
sure that the coil heater hole has not become obstructed with ice
and wherever possible the coil block should be above freezing
Drain Pan Heaters
Replacement is achieved by disconnecting the elements from the
terminal box(es) after removing the end cover and drain pan, and
unclipping/unscrewing the heater retaining clips.
Failure to install, set up or put to work any part of the
equipment in the manner specifed in the Installation and
Maintenance Instructions could invalidate the guarantees set out
in the Standard Terms and Conditions of Sale.

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KMe Wiring Diagrams

GEA Heat Exchangers
GEA Searle
20 Davis Way, Newgate Lane, Fareham, Hants, PO141AR
Tel. + 44 (0) 1329 823344, Fax + 44 (0) 1329 821242
[email protected], Part Number Oct 2010 272-000-315

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