Continuous Countercurrent Extraction of Hemicellulose From Pretreated Wood Residues
Continuous Countercurrent Extraction of Hemicellulose From Pretreated Wood Residues
Continuous Countercurrent Extraction of Hemicellulose From Pretreated Wood Residues
Table 2
Sugar Composition of Liquid Fraction
of Starting Pretreated Softwood and Liquid Extract from Continuous Countercurrent Extraction (g/L)
Liquid Cellobiose
Glucose Xylose Galactose Arabinose Mannose
Liquid fraction 1.9 17.4 22.6 9.4 7.7 32.4
of pretreated softwood
Extract from L/IS = 2.1 ND 13.3 16.4 7.8 6.2 27.8
Extract from L/IS = 3.4 ND 7.6 10.9 5.2 4.3 17.1
Extract from L/IS = 5.6 ND 5.4 7.3 4.2 2.0 10.2
ND, not detected by HPLC.
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tions. For a two-batch extraction, the filtered solids obtained from the first
extraction were reslurried with 280 mL of deionized water, stirred, and
filtered. This was repeated as many times as the number of extraction
batches before the extracted solids were dried in the 105C oven. The weight
ratio of added water to dry insoluble solids (L/IS) was 24 for the single-
batch extraction, 47 for the two-batch extraction, and 118 for the five-batch
extraction. At 80C, the resulting soluble solids concentrations were 1.2,
0.25, 0.11, 0.05, and 0.02% (w/w) corresponding to the number of extraction
of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5, respectively.
Drainage Rate of Pretreated Biomass
The continuous countercurrent screw extractor used in the present
study relies on percolation of water by gravity through the pretreated
biomass. If the pretreated biomass has poor water drainage proper-
ties (i.e., very slow drainage rate), channeling or blockage may occur inside
the extractor, which can result in low sugar recovery or low throughput.
Therefore, bench-scale percolation tests were performed using silicone
columns to compare the water drainage rates for three pretreated materi-
als: softwood chips, yellow poplar sawdust, and yellow poplar chips.
Pretreated wood residues (15.6 g on a dry wt basis) were placed in a
2.5-cm (1-in.) diameter 30.5-cm (12-in.) high silicone column, which was
fitted with a filter at the bottom. Hot water at 60C was added to the top of
the column. To keep the total slurry concentration in the column in the first
percolation batch (15.2% on a dry wt basis) constant per pretreated mate-
rial, the weight ratio of added water to total dry solids (L/S) was varied
depending on pretreated materials. The L/S ratios in the first batch were
3.4, 4.4, and 3.9 for the pretreated softwood, yellow poplar sawdust, and
yellow poplar chips, respectively. Seven consecutive percolations, each
with the same amount of water, were performed on the same column to
determine whether the drainage rate changed as the amount of water used
increased. The time period required for the liquid to completely drain from
the column was recorded. The average drainage rate was calculated by
dividing the mass of liquid collected by the draining time.
Countercurrent Extraction of Pretreated Biomass
Figure 3 shows a schematic diagram of the pilot-scale continuous coun-
tercurrent extractor designed by NREL. A 10-cm (4-in.) diameter 305-cm
(10-ft) long, U-trough screw conveyor, driven by a Link-Belt
(Rexnord, Philadelphia, PA), was purchased from FMC (Tupelo, MS) and
modified for the purpose of this process. The helical screw has 36 short-
pitch flights. Half-inch holes were drilled into the flights and mixing
paddles were installed between the flights to improve liquid/solid contact.
Because the solids discharge opening was 31 cm (1 ft) from the top of the
conveyor, the effective length of the extraction zone was only 274 cm (9 ft).
The total working volume of the extractor was 28 L. To minimize channel-
260 Kim et al.
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ing of water along the bottom of the trough, the screw extractor was
mounted with an inclined angle of 50 from horizontal.
At the beginning of a run, a batch of pretreated softwood was loaded
into a constant volumetric feeder (Acrison
Chicago, IL) to determine constants a and b with different operating
262 Kim et al.
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Results and Discussion
Effect of Water Temperature on Extraction of Pretreated Softwood
As shown in Fig. 4, the recovery of solubles from the pretreated soft-
wood forest thinnings increased significantly as the wash water tempera-
ture was raised from 25 to 80C. This effect of water temperature was
especially pronounced when low amounts of water were used such as in
single- and double-batch extractions, which were carried out with an L/IS
ratio of 24 and 47, respectively. Therefore, it is important to use hot water
in countercurrent extraction in which a low L/IS ratio is maintained to
obtain high extraction efficiency. In the pilot-scale continuous extraction
experiments, 57C water was sprayed on the pretreated biomass and 60C
water was circulated through the screw conveyor jacket.
Comparison of Drainage Rates
Pretreated biomass has different particle sizes depending on the par-
ticle size of the starting materials and the pretreatment conditions. If the
particle size is too small to give an adequate drainage rate, channeling and
blockage of liquid flow may become serious problems for countercurrent
screw extractors. In the present study, drainage tests were performed on
three different pretreated wood residues; Figure 5 shows the results. The
drainage rate through pretreated softwood chips was significantly higher
than those obtained with pretreated yellow poplar sawdust and chips,
which contain a large amount of fines. This higher drainage rate of the
pretreated softwood was most likely attributable to its large particle sizes
in comparison to the pretreated yellow poplar materials. The increase in
Fig. 4. Effect of wash water temperature on the extraction of solubles from pre-
treated softwood.
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drainage resistance probably was caused by the compaction of the bed of
washed materials. The bed heights of both the pretreated yellow poplar
residues shrank approx 40% after four consecutive extraction batches,
whereas that of the pretreated softwood shrank about 25%. A similar pack-
ing problem in a column extractor was also reported in oil extraction from
fine soybean flour (13). The drainage rates of pretreated wood residues
generally decreased as the number of percolation batches increased and
later on remained constant. This was probably because water-absorbed
wood matrix hampered the water drain in the packed column. Basing our
selection on the results of the drainage tests, we chose pretreated softwood
for running extraction experiments with the countercurrent extractor.
The two pretreated yellow poplar materials with lower water drainage
rates will be considered in future studies.
Countercurrent Extraction of Pretreated Softwood Forest Thinnings
Countercurrent extraction of pretreated softwood forest thinnings
was performed at three different L/IS ratios and a fixed solid feed rate of
approx 220 g/min (228, 209, and 234 g/min for L/IS = 2.1, 3.4, and 5.6,
respectively). The L/IS ratio was determined by dividing the amount of
water in the extract by the amount of insoluble solids in solids feed. The
wash water flow rate was varied for different L/IS ratios (175, 240, and
400 g/min for L/IS = 2.1, 3.4, and 5.6, respectively) and the solids feed rate
was kept constant for all runs. Because the screw rotation speed was fixed
at 20 rpm for the entire extraction runs, the average solids residence times
in the extractor were essentially the same (approx 20 min) for all runs.
Figure 6 shows the concentrations of solubles and pH of extracts
recovered during the steady-state operation of the continuous countercur-
rent extractor at various L/IS ratios. The concentration of solubles in the
Fig. 5. Comparison of water drainage rates for different pretreated materials using
a 1-in. (2.5-cm) diameter 12-in. (30.5-cm) high column.
264 Kim et al.
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extract decreased as the L/IS increased because of dilution of the sugar
solution contained in the pretreated wood residues at higher water flow
rates. Therefore, it is necessary to keep the L/IS ratio low to achieve high
solute concentrations in the extract as long as the extraction efficiency is
maintained at an adequate level. The increase in extract pH with the L/IS
ratio also indicates the dilution effect at higher water flow rates. Table 2 lists
the sugar composition of the liquid fraction of the starting pretreated
material (i.e., before extraction) and extracts collected from the countercur-
rent extraction runs at the different L/IS ratios. As expected, the sugar
concentration decreased as the L/IS ratio was raised.
Fig. 6. Extract pH and concentration of solubles in extract recovered from the bot-
tom of the extractor in continuous countercurrent extraction of pretreated softwood at
different L/IS ratios.
Fig. 7. Percentage of insolubles in extracted solids discharged from the top of the
extractor in continuous countercurrent extraction of pretreated softwood at different
L/IS ratios.
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Figure 7 illustrates the percentage of insolubles in extracted solids
discharged during the steady-state operation of the countercurrent extrac-
tor. Higher FIS (i.e., insoluble fraction in extracted solids) values were
obtained at higher L/IS ratios. This result indicates that higher amounts of
soluble solids were extracted at higher L/IS ratios. The lower value of
percentage of insolubles in extracted solids at 70-min extraction time from
L/IS = 3.4 can be attributed to a disruption in steady-state operation when
the clogged filters were replaced. The gradual decline in FIS value for the
run of L/IS = 3.4 was most likely caused by plugging of the filters at the
bottom of the extractor. After the filter was replaced at 70 min, the extrac-
tion efficiency improved, as indicated by the rising FIS trend. We installed
a different type of filter for the other two runs and did not observe severe
plugging problems.
Operating Line
To establish the operating line of the recovery of solubles with respect
to location in the extractor, extracted solids remaining in the extractor were
recovered at the end of each extraction run and analyzed for percentage of
solubles extracted. The experimental data are indicated by closed symbols
in Fig. 8. The solid lines represent the best-fitted operating lines to the
experimental data by the empirical equation (Eq. 2).
The percentage of solubles recovery increased as the distance from the
bottom of the extractor increased. This was confirmed by an increase in pH
of the liquid in the extracted solids. At 274 cm (9 ft) from the bottom of the
extractor, where solids were discharged, the solubles recoveries for L/IS
ratios of 5.6, 3.4, and 2.1 were 98, 91, and 77%, respectively. In plant opera-
Fig. 8. Solubles recovery and pH of liquid in extracted solids at different locations
in the continuous countercurrent extractor operated at steady state after 120 min.
Closed symbols indicate experimental data and lines represent the predicted curves.
266 Kim et al.
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tion, assuming that the extracted solids would be pressed to approx 45%
(w/w) solid content to recover the entrained solubles and the obtained
liquid returned to the extractor, one would expect a slight enhancement in
the solubles recovery, as represented by the open symbols in Fig. 8. The
soluble recovery was higher at a higher L/IS ratio for the same extractor
length. The values of constants a and b for the empirical equation used
(Eq. 2) for plotting the operating lines in Fig. 8 were estimated to be 99.9120
and 0.1910, 99.9938 and 0.2327, and 99.9710 and 0.6251 for L/IS = 2.1, 3.4,
and 5.6, respectively.
Figure 9 presents the prediction of soluble recoveries when the length
of the extractor is extended to increase the extraction stages. The estimated
values of constants a and b for Eq. 1 used in plotting the predicted curves
in Fig. 9 were 99.9950 and 0.8937, 99.9969 and 0.9926, 99.9981 and 1.0920,
and 99.9988 and 1.1916 for extractor lengths of 274.3, 304.8, 335.3, and
365.8 cm, respectively (9, 10, 11, and 12 ft, respectively). A 12-ft extractor
with the same configuration as the current extractor used in this work is
expected to achieve >95% recovery of solubles at an L/IS ratio of 3.0.
This predicted performance is better than the predicted 93.8% soluble
recovery for the three-stage stagewise countercurrent washer mentioned
earlier (Fig. 2).
We have demonstrated that continuous countercurrent extraction of
hemicellulosic sugars from pretreated softwood residues using a pilot-
scale screw extractor can be effectively achieved. The soluble recovery yield
decreased as L/IS ratio was reduced. The empirical equation predicts that
Fig. 9. Prediction of soluble recovery with respect to L/IS ratio for continuous
countercurrent extraction of the pretreated softwood with different extractor lengths.
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adequate recovery of soluble sugars can be obtained in the low-range L/IS
ratio of 2.53.0, if the length of the extractor is extended to about 366 cm (12 ft).
This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of
Fuels Development.
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Continuous Countercurrent Extraction of Hemicellulose from Pretreated
Wood Residues