Referat Engleza: NUME STUDENT: Oleniuc (Vilcu) Lucy

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NUME STUDENT: Oleniuc(Vilcu) Lucy
Research genetically !"i#ie" !rganiss$cr!%s& anials& #ars' in
y!(r area) %!ssi*le har#(l e##ects+
European Union
See also: Regulation of the release of genetic modified organisms
Genetic !"i#icati!n has *een the s(*,ect !# internati!nal tra"e
"is%(tes& !ne !# -hich ar!se *et-een the Unite" States an" E(r!%e in the
early .///s+ Until the 011/s& E(r!%e2s reg(lati!n -as less strict than in the
U+S+ In 0113& h!-e4er& the (se !# MON30/& a Bt
e5%ressing ai6e c!n#erring resistance t! the E(r!%ean c!rn *!rer& -as
a%%r!4e" #!r c!ercial c(lti4ati!n in E(r!%e+ M!re!4er& in the 011/s a
series !# (nrelate" #!!" crises create" c!ns(er a%%rehensi!n a*!(t #!!"
sa#ety in general an" er!"e" %(*lic tr(st in g!4ernent !4ersight !# the
#!!" in"(stry ) !st i%!rtantly& the in#ecti!n !# c!-s -ith *!4ine
s%!ngi#!r ence%hal!%athy an" the ishan"ling !# #!!" sa#ety *y
E(r!%ean a(th!rities+ In 0113& a de facto !rat!ri( le" t! the s(s%ensi!n
!# a%%r!4als !# ne-genetically !"i#ie" !rganiss $GMO' in the E(r!%ean
Uni!n %en"ing the a"!%ti!n !# re4ise" r(les t! g!4ern the a%%r!4al&
ar7eting an" la*elling !# *i!tech %r!"(cts+
The a%%r!4al !# genetically !"i#ie" cr!%s in the Unite" States in the
i")011/s %reci%itate" str!ng %(*lic c!ncern in E(r!%e an" le" t! a
"raatic "ecrease in Aerican e5%!rts t! E(r!%e+ 89ri!r t! 011:& c!rn
e5%!rts t! E(r!%e re%resente" a*!(t ;< !# t!tal U+S+ c!rn e5%!rts&
generating a*!(t =>// illi!n in sales+ Starting in 011:& h!-e4er& the U+S+
largely st!%%e" shi%%ing *(l7 c!!"ity c!rn t! the EU *eca(se s(ch
shi%ents ty%ically c!ingle" c!rn #r! any #ars& incl("ing
genetically !"i#ie" 4arieties n!t a%%r!4e" *y the EU+ The change -as
"raatic+ F!r e5a%le& *e#!re 011:& the U+S+ s!l" a*!(t 0+:? illi!n t!ns
!# c!rn ann(ally t! S%ain an" 9!rt(gal& the t-! largest i%!rters !# U+S+
c!rn in the EU+ B(t in the 0113@11 cr!% year& S%ain *!(ght less than a
tenth !# the %re4i!(s yearAs a!(nt an" 9!rt(gal *!(ght n!ne at all+8
In May .//>& the Unite" States an" t-el4e !ther c!(ntries #ile" a
#!ral c!%laint -ith the D!rl" Tra"e Organi6ati!n that the E(r!%ean
Uni!n -as 4i!lating internati!nal tra"e agreeents& in *l!c7ing i%!rts !#
U+S+ #ar %r!"(cts thr!(gh its l!ng)stan"ing *an !n genetically !"i#ie"
#!!"+ The c!(ntries arg(e" that the EU2s reg(lat!ry %r!cess -as #ar t!!
sl!- an" its stan"ar"s -ere (nreas!na*le gi4en the !4er-heling *!"y !#
scienti#ic e4i"ence sh!-ing that the cr!%s -ere sa#e+ The case -as als!
l!**ie" *y U+S+ *i!techn!l!gy giant M!nsant! an" France2s A4entis& as
-ell as *y US agric(lt(ral gr!(%s s(ch as the Nati!nal C!rn Gr!-ers
Ass!ciati!n+ In res%!nse& in E(ne .//>& the E(r!%ean 9arliaent rati#ie"
a U+N+ *i!sa#ety %r!t!c!l reg(lating internati!nal tra"e in genetically
!"i#ie" #!!"& an" in E(ly agree" t! ne- reg(lati!ns reF(iring la*eling an"
tracea*ility& as -ell as an !%t)!(t %r!4isi!n #!r in"i4i"(al c!(ntries+
A#ter-ar"& the a%%r!4al !# ne- genetically !"i#ie" !rganiss *egan again
in May .//;+ Dhile a n(*er !# !ther GMOs ha4e *een a%%r!4e" since
then& a%%r!4als reain c!ntr!4ersial an" 4ari!(s c!(ntries ha4e (tili6e" the
!%t)!(t %r!4isi!ns+ In .//G& the D!rl" Tra"e Organi6ati!n r(le" that the
%re).//; restricti!ns ha" *een 4i!lati!ns&

alth!(gh the r(ling ha" little
ie"iate e##ect since the !rat!ri( ha" alrea"y *een li#te"+
In late .//:& the U+S+ a*assa"!r t! France rec!en"e" 8!4ing
t! retaliati!n8 t! ca(se 8s!e %ain8 against France an" the E(r!%ean
Uni!n in an atte%t t! #ight the French *an an" changes in E(r!%ean
%!licy t!-ar" genetically !"i#ie" cr!%s& acc!r"ing t! a U+S+
g!4ernent "i%l!atic ca*le !*taine" *yDi7iLea7s+
Are these cr!%s -ith %estici"es (se)har#(l e##ect !n en4ir!nentH
9estici"es an" the En4ir!nent
Since the %(*licati!n !# Rachel Cars!nAs lan"ar7 01G. *!!7 Silent
S%ring& the i%acts !# %estici"es !n the en4ir!nent ha4e *een -ell
7n!-n+ 9estici"es are t!5ic t! li4ing !rganiss+ S!e can acc((late in
-ater systes& %!ll(te the air& an" in s!e cases ha4e !ther "raatic
en4ir!nental e##ects+ Scientists are "isc!4ering ne- threats t! the
en4ir!nent that are eF(ally "ist(r*ing+
9estici"e (se can "aage agric(lt(ral lan" *y haring *ene#icial
insect s%ecies& s!il icr!!rganiss& an" -!rs -hich nat(rally liit %est
%!%(lati!ns an" aintain s!il healthI
Dea7ening %lant r!!t systes an" i(ne systesI
Re"(cing c!ncentrati!ns !# essential %lant n(trients in the s!il s(ch
nitr!gen an" %h!s%h!r!(s+
The Myth !# Sa#etyJ A Faile" Reg(lat!ry Syste
Des%ite -hat g!4ernent agencies an" c!r%!rati!ns tell y!(&
%estici"e %r!"(cts c(rrently !n the ar7et are n!t sa#e& e4en -hen they are
(se" legally+ There are any #la-s in the -ay that %estici"es are registere"
an" in !(r %!litical %r!cess that all!-s c!r%!rati!ns t! in#l(ence %estici"e
%!licy t! all!- the c!ntin(e" (se !# their %!is!n!(s %r!"(cts+
E4en i# -e 7n!- that a %estici"e ca(ses se4ere health an"
en4ir!nental i%acts& incl("ing cancer an" genetic "aage& it ay still
*e all!-e" #!r (se+ The E9A ay "eterine that a cancer)ca(sing
cheical ay *e (se" "es%ite its %(*lic health ha6ar" i# its 8ec!n!ic&
s!cial !r en4ir!nental8 *ene#its are "eee" greater than its ris7+
Acc!r"ing t! the US E9A& !re than :/ acti4e ingre"ients 7n!-n t! ca(se
cancer in anial tests are all!-e" #!r (se+
Alth!(gh in"(stry tests #!r a -i"e range !# en4ir!nental an" health
i%acts& the 4ast a,!rity !# %estici"es c(rrently !n the ar7et ha4e n!t
*een #(lly teste"+
9estici"es !#ten c!ntain inert ingre"ients in a""iti!n t! the acti4e
ingre"ients that are "esigne" t! 7ill the target %est+ Un#!rt(nately& the
%(*lic is n!t %r!4i"e" in#!rati!n a*!(t -hat inert ingre"ients are incl("e"
in %estici"es in !st cases+
At least >3. !# the cheicals that the U+S+ E9A lists as inert
ingre"ients -ere !nce !r are c(rrently als! registere" as %estici"e acti4e
ingre"ients+ This eans that the %(*lic is 7e%t in the "ar7 a*!(t the
c!ntents !# %estici"e %r!"(cts that ay *e ha6ar"!(s+ A!ng the
ingre"ients that are liste" as *!th inert an" acti4e ingre"ients are
chl!r!%icrin& -hich has *een lin7e" t! astha an" %(l!nary e"ea& an"
chl!r!than!nil& a %r!*a*le h(an carcin!gen+
The S!l(ti!n t! 9estici"es
De nee" t! a7e !(r #!!"& !(r air& !(r -ater& an" !(r s!il #ree #r!
t!5ic cheicals+
The real s!l(ti!n t! !(r %est an" -ee" %r!*les lies in n!n)t!5ic an"
c(lt(ral eth!"s !# agric(lt(re& n!t in %(lling the %estici"e trigger+
Organically gr!-n #!!"s an" s(staina*le eth!"s !# %est c!ntr!l are 7ey t!
!(r #ailiesA health an" the health !# the en4ir!nent+
Better testing+ State an" #e"eral agencies sh!(l" reF(ire stricter
in"e%en"ent testing& incl("ing testing !# synergistic e##ects !# %estici"es+
9estici"es 7n!-n !r s(s%ecte" !# ca(sing h(an health %r!*les sh!(l"
*e %hase" !(t+
9r!tect !(r chil"ren+ Beca(se !(r chil"ren are the !st 4(lnera*le
%!%(lati!n t! %estici"es& %estici"e (se sh!(l" *e %r!hi*ite" in %laces -here
!(r chil"ren li4e an" %lay& incl("ing sch!!ls& %ar7s& an" %laygr!(n"s+
ReF(ire strict n!n)t!5ic %est anageent %r!gras #!r s(ch %laces+
9estici"e Use Re"(cti!n+ 9r!4i"e technical assistance t! #arers&
l!cal g!4ernents& *(sinesses& an" h!e!-ners !n n!n)t!5ic alternati4es
t! %estici"e (se+ This incl("es alternati4es t! n(isance s%raying #!r
!sF(it!es an" c!ntr!lling Dest Nile 4ir(s an" !ther %est %r!*les+
9r!hi*it %!ll(ti!n !# !(r -ater an" %!is!ning !# !(r c!(nities+
Ens(re that aerial %estici"e (se "!es n!t %!ll(te !(r -ater-ays thr!(gh
strict r(les g!4erning s%raying an" *(##er 6!nes that %re4ent the har#(l
e##ects !# "ri#t+ 9r!hi*it the (se !# %estici"es #!r %(rely aesthetic reas!ns+
9re4ent %estici"e a%%licati!ns t! -ater *!"ies& instea" (sing n!n)cheical
eth!"s !# anaging aF(atic in4asi4e -ee"s+
Right t! 7n!-+ 9r!4i"e #ree an" (ni4ersal n!ti#icati!n t! resi"ents
a*!(t %estici"e (se& incl("ing -h! is (sing cheicals& -here& -hen& h!-&
-hat %estici"es are *eing (se"& an" -hy+
9r!tect -!r7ers+ 9r!4i"e %r!tecti!n t! -!r7ers an" #arers t! %re4ent
ac(te an" chr!nic %estici"e %!is!ning+
Are there !rganic #ars an" cr!%sH
DELCAMAG enhances gra%e %r!"(cti!n
The #arers -h! ha4e (se" DELCAMAG as aen"ent #!r aci"
s!ils in the central an" n!rthern
KOrganic is n!t a l(5(ry& *(t an alternati4e strategy t! reach the g!al
!# s(staina*le agric(lt(reL @ Mar7(s Ar*en6& E5ec(ti4e Manager !# IFOAM
IFOAM $The Internati!nal Fe"erati!n !# Organic Agric(lt(re
M!4eents' is the !st+
Organic a%%le ,(ice @ MERITABIO
MERITABIO is a%%le ,(ice a"e #r! certi#ie" ec! ec!l!gical& #resh
%ic7e" #r! their !-n !rchar" in Cheresig $Bihar' an" s!rte" acc!r"ing t!
Organic h!ney an" *ee %r!"(cts
SC En,!yent !# Nat(re LLC acti4ity %riarily ais t! !*tain the
h!ney *ee& h!ney)"eri4e" %r!"(cts an" !ther !rganic *ee %r!"(cts& an"
ar7eting !# a%ic(lt(re %r!"(cts+ Entere" the ar7et in .//3& !(r
c!%any& as the an(#act(rer g(arantees that all %r!"(cts are 0//<
Organic #r(its an" 4egeta*les @ Bi!"(*ra4a
Organic icr! Bi!"(*ra4a is !%en t! e4ery!ne t! %(rchase !rganic
#r(its an" 4egeta*les+ 9r!"(ct range is %art !# the 4egeta*les gr!-n (n"er
c!ntr!lle" !rganic %r!"(cti!n techn!l!gies at E(r!%ean le4el+ 9(rchase
can *e a"e "irectly #r! the s7i sl!%es& gi4ing the *(yer the %leas(re !#
c!llecting %ers!nal #a4!rite 4egeta*les+
List > cheicals ha4ing har#(l e##ects in #!!"& c!setics& *(il"ing
aterials $etc+' !n the %r!"(ct la*el $e5+ %hthalates #r! %lastic aterials'+
M(an *i!!nit!ring st("ies sh!- that any en4ir!nental
c!ntainants& incl("ing 7n!-n an" %!tential carcin!gens& are #in"ing their
-ay int! %e!%leAs *!"ies+ The s!(rces !# these c!ntainants are -i"e)
9estici"esJ c!n4enti!nal %estici"es (se" in agric(lt(re& in"(stry&
h!e& an" gar"en& as -ell as chl!rine an" !ther "isin#ectants& an" -!!"
In"(strial cheicals& -astes& an" -aste *y%r!"(cts #r! ining
#acilities& selting !%erati!ns& cheical an(#act(ring an" %r!cessing
%lants& %etr!cheical %lants& an" e"ical an" (nici%al -aste #acilities+
S(ch #acilities release *illi!ns !# %!(n"s !# cheicals int! the en4ir!nent
e4ery year+
Cheicals in c!ns(er %r!"(cts& incl("ing *(il"ing aterials&
#(rnit(re& an" #!!" %ac7aging aterials& an" c!setics+
9!ll(ti!n #r! c!al)#ire" %!-er %lants& a(t!!*ile e5ha(st& an" !ther
The #!ll!-ing are e5a%les !# c!!n en4ir!nental cheicals
lin7e" t! cancer+ S!e are liste" as 7n!-n carcin!gens *y the
Internati!nal Agency #!r Research !n Cancer $IARC'& %art !# the D!rl"
Mealth Organi6ati!n& !r *y the En4ir!nental 9r!tecti!n Agency+ Others
are %r!*a*le !r %!ssi*le carcin!gens+ Beca(se s!ething has *een
classi#ie" as a carcin!gen "!es n!t ean that e4ery instance !# e5%!s(re
t! that s(*stance -ill res(lt in the "e4el!%ent !# cancer+ By the sae
t!7en& a listing !# K%r!*a*leL !r K%!ssi*leL carcin!genicity "!es n!t ean
-e ha4e e5ha(ste" st("y !n that s(*stance+ It eans the s(*stance is n!t
yet s(##iciently st("ie"+ S(ch s(*stances ay& -ith #(rther st("y& t(rn !(t t!
*e "e#initi4ely carcin!genic+
There are h(n"re"s !# !ther s(*stances "e#initi4ely lin7e" t! cancer
in %e!%le+
Arsenic& As*est!s&Ben6ene& Bis%hen!l A $B9A'& Chr!i(
Me5a4alent c!%!(n"s& Di!5ins& F!ral"ehy"e& 9!ly*r!inate"
"i%henylethers $9BDEs'& 9!lycyclicar!atic hy"r!car*!ns $9AMs'& Vinyl
Are there %r!tecte" s%ecies& %r!tecte" areas an" en"angere"
s%ecies in y!(r resi"ential areaH
At the en" !# a r!a"& that s(r%asses .+3G/ 7& gathering ri4ers t! an
!(tstan"ing *asin& -ith a s(r#ace that c!4ers !re than 3/< !# the
E(r!%ean s(r#ace& Dan(*e& the sec!n" largest ri4er !# the !l" c!ntinent
*(il"s at its intersecti!n -ith the Blac7 Sea& #!r !re than 0/+/// years&
!ne !# the !st *ea(ti#(l K"eltaL !# E(r!%e an" e4en !re& !# the entire
-!rl"& 7n!-n as !ne !# the !st h(i" areas !# the 9lanet+ The stretches
!# -ater an" lan"s that -ere #!re" here& gi4es great c!n"iti!ns !# li#e #!r a
large a!(nt !# s%ecies !# %lants an" anials+ Fr! these& the ree" a7es
!ne !# the largest c!%act areas !# the -!rl"& an" the -!!"s Latea an"
Cara!ran re%resent the n!rthern liit #!r t-! rare s%ecies !# !(r c!(ntry&
!a7 trees& #reF(ently seen in the s!(thern area !# the Bal7an an" Italian
9enins(la+ Al!ng -ith the great n(*er !# aF(atic an" terrestrial %lants -e
enc!(nter c!l!nies !# %elicans an" c!r!rants that are s! %r!%er t! the
Dan(*e Delta& li7e the large n(*er !# !ther aF(atic *ir"s that li4e !r c!e
t! hatch !r hi*ernate+ Als!& -e are als! t! n!tice the great n(*er !#
s%ecies !# #ish -ith an ec!l!gical 4al(e an" als! -ith a higher ec!n!ic+
It can *e sai" that -ith these rear7a*le "i4ersity !# the ha*itats an"
li#e #!rs that h!sts int! a relati4ely sall area& Dan(*e Delta re%resents a
tr(e (se( !# *i!"i4ersity& a layer !# nat(ral genes& -hich is in4al(a*le
#!r the (ni4ersal nat(ral heritage+
Many s%ecies !# 4egeta*les !r anials als! #rae" i%!rtant nat(ral
res!(rces& ec!n!ical e5%l!ita*le& -hich "ra-n %e!%le t! these %laces
#!r !l" ties+ The h(an settleents esta*lishe" -ere *ase"& #irst !# all&
!n the e5%l!itati!n !# nat(ral res!(rces "e4el!%ing in this -ay the
tra"iti!nal ec!n!ic acti4ities an" s!cial relati!ns+
A#ter-ar"s& there -as the ani#estati!n !# ten"ency !# the
!4ere5%l!itati!n !# nat(ral res!(rces+ This ten"ency -hich is ani#este"
e4en in the %resent thr!(gh a gr!-n %ress(re (%!n these res!(rces an"
es%ecially (%!n the #ish an" %ast(res& as -ell as the ten"ency t! "e4el!%
s!e ec!n!ical acti4ities ina%%r!%riate t! the KDeltaL syste& as the
in4estent sit(ati!n -as& #!r the e5%l!itati!n !# the san" #r! Cara!ran&
ha" res(lte" in the "ist(r*ance !# the e5istent nat(ral *alance thr!(gh the
e5tincti!n !# s!e areas !# nat(ral re%r!"(cti!n !# the #ish !r !# !ther
s%ecies& thr!(gh the -ar%ing !# s!e channels !r thr!(gh the a%%earance
!# the e(tr!%hicati!n %hen!en!n !# the la7es an" %!!ls etc+
The negati4e e##ects generate" !# the h(an acti4ity in the interi!r !#
the "elta c((lates -ith th!se generate" *y acti4ities& !re acti4e& -hich
r(ns !(tsi"e the "elta& ha4ing the ris7 !# these c!n,(gate" e##ects t! #(rther
a##ect the *alance !# the nat(ral ec!syste an" t! -!rsen i# there -!nAt *e
eas(res !# re"(cing the negati4e %hen!ena& !# re*(il"ing s!e
a##ecte" areas& !# %r!tecting the e5istent areas& -h!se 4al(e arenAt a##ecte"
*y the l!cal !r regi!nal c!!%erati!n in all !# these acti!ns+
These characteristics re%resente" the arg(ents that le" t! the
"eclarati!n !# the Dan(*e Delta& *y the R!anian G!4ernent in 011/& t!
*ec!e a *i!s%here reser4ati!n& "ecisi!n c!n#ire" a#ter-ar"s *y the
R!anian 9arliaent& thr!(gh la- nr+ 3.N011>+ The (ni4ersal 4al(e !# the
reser4ati!n -as rec!gnise" *y its incl(si!n in the internati!nal net-!r7 !#
the *i!s%here reser4ati!n $011/'& -ithin the %r!grae KMan an"
Bi!s%here L $MAB'& la(nche" *y UNESCO in 01:/& *eca(se Dan(*e Delta
#(l#ils the ain characteristics !# a *i!s%here reser4ati!nJ
a' %reser4es e5a%les !# ty%ical ec!syste an" c!ntains areas
strictly %r!tecte"& areas !# tra"iti!nal (tilities !# res!(rces& #!r e5a%le #ish
an" ree" res!(rces an" *(##er areas t! re"(ce the i%act !# h(an
*'it is an c!stal !r na4y area -here %e!%le re%resent an integral
c!%!nent an" it is a"inistrate" #!r ca(ses g!ing #r! the #(lly %r!tecti!n
t! the intensi4e %r!"(cti!n& -hich is "(ra*leI
c' it is a regi!nal central #!r !nit!ring& research& #!r e"(cati!n (%!n
the nat(ral an" a"inistrate" ec!systesI
"' it is a %lace -here the g!4ernent %!licy ar7ers& scientists an"
!ther %!licy ar7ers an" the l!cal %!%(lati!n c!!%erate t! "e4el!% a
sa%le %r!grae #!r the territ!rial an" aF(atic a"inistrati!n t! res!l4e
the h(an necessities t!gether -ith the c!nser4ati!n !# nat(ral %r!cess
an" *i!l!gical res!(rces+
e' it ser4es as a sy*!l t! 4!l(ntary c!!%erati!n #!r the c!nser4ati!n
an" (sage !# the res!(rces& #!r the g!!" !# all an7in"+
Fr! Se%te*er 011/& Dan(*e DeltaAs Bi!s%here Reser4ati!n -as
rec!gnise" as a h(i" area !# internati!nal i%!rtance& es%ecially as a
ha*itat #!r -ater *ir"s& *een incl("e" a!ng the !re than G// !# s(ch
areas& *(t l!cate" a!ng the largest !# these areas+
The (ni4ersal nat(ral heritage 4al(e !# the Dan(*e DeltaAs Bi!s%here
Reser4ati!n -as rec!gnise" in Dece*er 011/ *y incl("ing !4er a hal# !#
this s(r#ace in the D!rl" Meritage List+ Create" *y the D!rl" Meritage
C!ittee in the C!n4enti!n !n the 9r!tecti!n !# the D!rl" C(lt(ral an"
Nat(ral Meritage a""!%te" *y Me*er States !# UNESCO in 01:.I this
acti!n has the r!l !# %r!tecting against h(an acti4ities -ith "istr(cti4 e##ect
!n the areas !# -hich 4al(e is i%!rtant n!t !nly #!r e4ery c!(ntry *(t #!r
the entire h(anity

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