This document discusses genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Europe and the United States. It provides the following key points:
1. Europe initially had less strict regulation of GMOs than the US in the 1990s, but adopted stricter rules in the 2000s in response to food safety issues and public concern over GMOs.
2. The approval of GMO crops in the US led to a decline in US corn exports to Europe due to Europe's restrictive policies on imports containing unauthorized GMO varieties.
3. The US and other countries filed a WTO complaint against Europe, arguing its regulatory process was too slow and standards were unreasonable, but Europe implemented new regulations on labeling and traceability.
This document discusses genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Europe and the United States. It provides the following key points:
1. Europe initially had less strict regulation of GMOs than the US in the 1990s, but adopted stricter rules in the 2000s in response to food safety issues and public concern over GMOs.
2. The approval of GMO crops in the US led to a decline in US corn exports to Europe due to Europe's restrictive policies on imports containing unauthorized GMO varieties.
3. The US and other countries filed a WTO complaint against Europe, arguing its regulatory process was too slow and standards were unreasonable, but Europe implemented new regulations on labeling and traceability.
This document discusses genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Europe and the United States. It provides the following key points:
1. Europe initially had less strict regulation of GMOs than the US in the 1990s, but adopted stricter rules in the 2000s in response to food safety issues and public concern over GMOs.
2. The approval of GMO crops in the US led to a decline in US corn exports to Europe due to Europe's restrictive policies on imports containing unauthorized GMO varieties.
3. The US and other countries filed a WTO complaint against Europe, arguing its regulatory process was too slow and standards were unreasonable, but Europe implemented new regulations on labeling and traceability.
This document discusses genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in Europe and the United States. It provides the following key points:
1. Europe initially had less strict regulation of GMOs than the US in the 1990s, but adopted stricter rules in the 2000s in response to food safety issues and public concern over GMOs.
2. The approval of GMO crops in the US led to a decline in US corn exports to Europe due to Europe's restrictive policies on imports containing unauthorized GMO varieties.
3. The US and other countries filed a WTO complaint against Europe, arguing its regulatory process was too slow and standards were unreasonable, but Europe implemented new regulations on labeling and traceability.
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CENTRU DE INSCRIERE SI EDUCATIE UNIVERSITATEA BRAILA REFERAT ENGLEZA NUME STUDENT: Oleniuc(Vilcu) Lucy Research genetically !"i#ie" !rganiss$cr!%s& anials& #ars' in y!(r area) %!ssi*le har#(l e##ects+ European Union See also: Regulation of the release of genetic modified organisms Europe Genetic !"i#icati!n has *een the s(*,ect !# internati!nal tra"e "is%(tes& !ne !# -hich ar!se *et-een the Unite" States an" E(r!%e in the early .///s+ Until the 011/s& E(r!%e2s reg(lati!n -as less strict than in the U+S+ In 0113& h!-e4er& the (se !# MON30/& a Bt e5%ressing ai6e c!n#erring resistance t! the E(r!%ean c!rn *!rer& -as a%%r!4e" #!r c!ercial c(lti4ati!n in E(r!%e+ M!re!4er& in the 011/s a series !# (nrelate" #!!" crises create" c!ns(er a%%rehensi!n a*!(t #!!" sa#ety in general an" er!"e" %(*lic tr(st in g!4ernent !4ersight !# the #!!" in"(stry ) !st i%!rtantly& the in#ecti!n !# c!-s -ith *!4ine s%!ngi#!r ence%hal!%athy an" the ishan"ling !# #!!" sa#ety *y E(r!%ean a(th!rities+ In 0113& a de facto !rat!ri( le" t! the s(s%ensi!n !# a%%r!4als !# ne-genetically !"i#ie" !rganiss $GMO' in the E(r!%ean Uni!n %en"ing the a"!%ti!n !# re4ise" r(les t! g!4ern the a%%r!4al& ar7eting an" la*elling !# *i!tech %r!"(cts+ The a%%r!4al !# genetically !"i#ie" cr!%s in the Unite" States in the i")011/s %reci%itate" str!ng %(*lic c!ncern in E(r!%e an" le" t! a "raatic "ecrease in Aerican e5%!rts t! E(r!%e+ 89ri!r t! 011:& c!rn e5%!rts t! E(r!%e re%resente" a*!(t ;< !# t!tal U+S+ c!rn e5%!rts& generating a*!(t =>// illi!n in sales+ Starting in 011:& h!-e4er& the U+S+ largely st!%%e" shi%%ing *(l7 c!!"ity c!rn t! the EU *eca(se s(ch shi%ents ty%ically c!ingle" c!rn #r! any #ars& incl("ing genetically !"i#ie" 4arieties n!t a%%r!4e" *y the EU+ The change -as "raatic+ F!r e5a%le& *e#!re 011:& the U+S+ s!l" a*!(t 0+:? illi!n t!ns !# c!rn ann(ally t! S%ain an" 9!rt(gal& the t-! largest i%!rters !# U+S+ c!rn in the EU+ B(t in the 0113@11 cr!% year& S%ain *!(ght less than a tenth !# the %re4i!(s yearAs a!(nt an" 9!rt(gal *!(ght n!ne at all+8 B;.;C In May .//>& the Unite" States an" t-el4e !ther c!(ntries #ile" a #!ral c!%laint -ith the D!rl" Tra"e Organi6ati!n that the E(r!%ean Uni!n -as 4i!lating internati!nal tra"e agreeents& in *l!c7ing i%!rts !# U+S+ #ar %r!"(cts thr!(gh its l!ng)stan"ing *an !n genetically !"i#ie" #!!"+ The c!(ntries arg(e" that the EU2s reg(lat!ry %r!cess -as #ar t!! sl!- an" its stan"ar"s -ere (nreas!na*le gi4en the !4er-heling *!"y !# scienti#ic e4i"ence sh!-ing that the cr!%s -ere sa#e+ The case -as als! l!**ie" *y U+S+ *i!techn!l!gy giant M!nsant! an" France2s A4entis& as -ell as *y US agric(lt(ral gr!(%s s(ch as the Nati!nal C!rn Gr!-ers Ass!ciati!n+ In res%!nse& in E(ne .//>& the E(r!%ean 9arliaent rati#ie" a U+N+ *i!sa#ety %r!t!c!l reg(lating internati!nal tra"e in genetically !"i#ie" #!!"& an" in E(ly agree" t! ne- reg(lati!ns reF(iring la*eling an" tracea*ility& as -ell as an !%t)!(t %r!4isi!n #!r in"i4i"(al c!(ntries+ A#ter-ar"& the a%%r!4al !# ne- genetically !"i#ie" !rganiss *egan again in May .//;+ Dhile a n(*er !# !ther GMOs ha4e *een a%%r!4e" since then& a%%r!4als reain c!ntr!4ersial an" 4ari!(s c!(ntries ha4e (tili6e" the !%t)!(t %r!4isi!ns+ In .//G& the D!rl" Tra"e Organi6ati!n r(le" that the %re).//; restricti!ns ha" *een 4i!lati!ns&
alth!(gh the r(ling ha" little ie"iate e##ect since the !rat!ri( ha" alrea"y *een li#te"+ In late .//:& the U+S+ a*assa"!r t! France rec!en"e" 8!4ing t! retaliati!n8 t! ca(se 8s!e %ain8 against France an" the E(r!%ean Uni!n in an atte%t t! #ight the French *an an" changes in E(r!%ean %!licy t!-ar" genetically !"i#ie" cr!%s& acc!r"ing t! a U+S+ g!4ernent "i%l!atic ca*le !*taine" *yDi7iLea7s+ Are these cr!%s -ith %estici"es (se)har#(l e##ect !n en4ir!nentH 9estici"es an" the En4ir!nent Since the %(*licati!n !# Rachel Cars!nAs lan"ar7 01G. *!!7 Silent S%ring& the i%acts !# %estici"es !n the en4ir!nent ha4e *een -ell 7n!-n+ 9estici"es are t!5ic t! li4ing !rganiss+ S!e can acc((late in -ater systes& %!ll(te the air& an" in s!e cases ha4e !ther "raatic en4ir!nental e##ects+ Scientists are "isc!4ering ne- threats t! the en4ir!nent that are eF(ally "ist(r*ing+ 9estici"e (se can "aage agric(lt(ral lan" *y haring *ene#icial insect s%ecies& s!il icr!!rganiss& an" -!rs -hich nat(rally liit %est %!%(lati!ns an" aintain s!il healthI Dea7ening %lant r!!t systes an" i(ne systesI Re"(cing c!ncentrati!ns !# essential %lant n(trients in the s!il s(ch nitr!gen an" %h!s%h!r!(s+ The Myth !# Sa#etyJ A Faile" Reg(lat!ry Syste Des%ite -hat g!4ernent agencies an" c!r%!rati!ns tell y!(& %estici"e %r!"(cts c(rrently !n the ar7et are n!t sa#e& e4en -hen they are (se" legally+ There are any #la-s in the -ay that %estici"es are registere" an" in !(r %!litical %r!cess that all!-s c!r%!rati!ns t! in#l(ence %estici"e %!licy t! all!- the c!ntin(e" (se !# their %!is!n!(s %r!"(cts+ E4en i# -e 7n!- that a %estici"e ca(ses se4ere health an" en4ir!nental i%acts& incl("ing cancer an" genetic "aage& it ay still *e all!-e" #!r (se+ The E9A ay "eterine that a cancer)ca(sing cheical ay *e (se" "es%ite its %(*lic health ha6ar" i# its 8ec!n!ic& s!cial !r en4ir!nental8 *ene#its are "eee" greater than its ris7+ Acc!r"ing t! the US E9A& !re than :/ acti4e ingre"ients 7n!-n t! ca(se cancer in anial tests are all!-e" #!r (se+ Alth!(gh in"(stry tests #!r a -i"e range !# en4ir!nental an" health i%acts& the 4ast a,!rity !# %estici"es c(rrently !n the ar7et ha4e n!t *een #(lly teste"+ 9estici"es !#ten c!ntain inert ingre"ients in a""iti!n t! the acti4e ingre"ients that are "esigne" t! 7ill the target %est+ Un#!rt(nately& the %(*lic is n!t %r!4i"e" in#!rati!n a*!(t -hat inert ingre"ients are incl("e" in %estici"es in !st cases+ At least >3. !# the cheicals that the U+S+ E9A lists as inert ingre"ients -ere !nce !r are c(rrently als! registere" as %estici"e acti4e ingre"ients+ This eans that the %(*lic is 7e%t in the "ar7 a*!(t the c!ntents !# %estici"e %r!"(cts that ay *e ha6ar"!(s+ A!ng the ingre"ients that are liste" as *!th inert an" acti4e ingre"ients are chl!r!%icrin& -hich has *een lin7e" t! astha an" %(l!nary e"ea& an" chl!r!than!nil& a %r!*a*le h(an carcin!gen+ The S!l(ti!n t! 9estici"es De nee" t! a7e !(r #!!"& !(r air& !(r -ater& an" !(r s!il #ree #r! t!5ic cheicals+ The real s!l(ti!n t! !(r %est an" -ee" %r!*les lies in n!n)t!5ic an" c(lt(ral eth!"s !# agric(lt(re& n!t in %(lling the %estici"e trigger+ Organically gr!-n #!!"s an" s(staina*le eth!"s !# %est c!ntr!l are 7ey t! !(r #ailiesA health an" the health !# the en4ir!nent+ Better testing+ State an" #e"eral agencies sh!(l" reF(ire stricter in"e%en"ent testing& incl("ing testing !# synergistic e##ects !# %estici"es+ 9estici"es 7n!-n !r s(s%ecte" !# ca(sing h(an health %r!*les sh!(l" *e %hase" !(t+ 9r!tect !(r chil"ren+ Beca(se !(r chil"ren are the !st 4(lnera*le %!%(lati!n t! %estici"es& %estici"e (se sh!(l" *e %r!hi*ite" in %laces -here !(r chil"ren li4e an" %lay& incl("ing sch!!ls& %ar7s& an" %laygr!(n"s+ ReF(ire strict n!n)t!5ic %est anageent %r!gras #!r s(ch %laces+ 9estici"e Use Re"(cti!n+ 9r!4i"e technical assistance t! #arers& l!cal g!4ernents& *(sinesses& an" h!e!-ners !n n!n)t!5ic alternati4es t! %estici"e (se+ This incl("es alternati4es t! n(isance s%raying #!r !sF(it!es an" c!ntr!lling Dest Nile 4ir(s an" !ther %est %r!*les+ 9r!hi*it %!ll(ti!n !# !(r -ater an" %!is!ning !# !(r c!(nities+ Ens(re that aerial %estici"e (se "!es n!t %!ll(te !(r -ater-ays thr!(gh strict r(les g!4erning s%raying an" *(##er 6!nes that %re4ent the har#(l e##ects !# "ri#t+ 9r!hi*it the (se !# %estici"es #!r %(rely aesthetic reas!ns+ 9re4ent %estici"e a%%licati!ns t! -ater *!"ies& instea" (sing n!n)cheical eth!"s !# anaging aF(atic in4asi4e -ee"s+ Right t! 7n!-+ 9r!4i"e #ree an" (ni4ersal n!ti#icati!n t! resi"ents a*!(t %estici"e (se& incl("ing -h! is (sing cheicals& -here& -hen& h!-& -hat %estici"es are *eing (se"& an" -hy+ 9r!tect -!r7ers+ 9r!4i"e %r!tecti!n t! -!r7ers an" #arers t! %re4ent ac(te an" chr!nic %estici"e %!is!ning+ Are there !rganic #ars an" cr!%sH DELCAMAG enhances gra%e %r!"(cti!n The #arers -h! ha4e (se" DELCAMAG as aen"ent #!r aci" s!ils in the central an" n!rthern KOrganic is n!t a l(5(ry& *(t an alternati4e strategy t! reach the g!al !# s(staina*le agric(lt(reL @ Mar7(s Ar*en6& E5ec(ti4e Manager !# IFOAM IFOAM $The Internati!nal Fe"erati!n !# Organic Agric(lt(re M!4eents' is the !st+ Organic a%%le ,(ice @ MERITABIO MERITABIO is a%%le ,(ice a"e #r! certi#ie" ec! ec!l!gical& #resh %ic7e" #r! their !-n !rchar" in Cheresig $Bihar' an" s!rte" acc!r"ing t! F(ality+ Organic h!ney an" *ee %r!"(cts SC En,!yent !# Nat(re LLC acti4ity %riarily ais t! !*tain the h!ney *ee& h!ney)"eri4e" %r!"(cts an" !ther !rganic *ee %r!"(cts& an" ar7eting !# a%ic(lt(re %r!"(cts+ Entere" the ar7et in .//3& !(r c!%any& as the an(#act(rer g(arantees that all %r!"(cts are 0//< nat(ral+ Organic #r(its an" 4egeta*les @ Bi!"(*ra4a Organic icr! Bi!"(*ra4a is !%en t! e4ery!ne t! %(rchase !rganic #r(its an" 4egeta*les+ 9r!"(ct range is %art !# the 4egeta*les gr!-n (n"er c!ntr!lle" !rganic %r!"(cti!n techn!l!gies at E(r!%ean le4el+ 9(rchase can *e a"e "irectly #r! the s7i sl!%es& gi4ing the *(yer the %leas(re !# c!llecting %ers!nal #a4!rite 4egeta*les+ List > cheicals ha4ing har#(l e##ects in #!!"& c!setics& *(il"ing aterials $etc+' !n the %r!"(ct la*el $e5+ %hthalates #r! %lastic aterials'+ M(an *i!!nit!ring st("ies sh!- that any en4ir!nental c!ntainants& incl("ing 7n!-n an" %!tential carcin!gens& are #in"ing their -ay int! %e!%leAs *!"ies+ The s!(rces !# these c!ntainants are -i"e) rangingJ 9estici"esJ c!n4enti!nal %estici"es (se" in agric(lt(re& in"(stry& h!e& an" gar"en& as -ell as chl!rine an" !ther "isin#ectants& an" -!!" %reser4ati4es+ In"(strial cheicals& -astes& an" -aste *y%r!"(cts #r! ining #acilities& selting !%erati!ns& cheical an(#act(ring an" %r!cessing %lants& %etr!cheical %lants& an" e"ical an" (nici%al -aste #acilities+ S(ch #acilities release *illi!ns !# %!(n"s !# cheicals int! the en4ir!nent e4ery year+ Cheicals in c!ns(er %r!"(cts& incl("ing *(il"ing aterials& #(rnit(re& an" #!!" %ac7aging aterials& an" c!setics+ 9!ll(ti!n #r! c!al)#ire" %!-er %lants& a(t!!*ile e5ha(st& an" !ther s!(rces+ The #!ll!-ing are e5a%les !# c!!n en4ir!nental cheicals lin7e" t! cancer+ S!e are liste" as 7n!-n carcin!gens *y the Internati!nal Agency #!r Research !n Cancer $IARC'& %art !# the D!rl" Mealth Organi6ati!n& !r *y the En4ir!nental 9r!tecti!n Agency+ Others are %r!*a*le !r %!ssi*le carcin!gens+ Beca(se s!ething has *een classi#ie" as a carcin!gen "!es n!t ean that e4ery instance !# e5%!s(re t! that s(*stance -ill res(lt in the "e4el!%ent !# cancer+ By the sae t!7en& a listing !# K%r!*a*leL !r K%!ssi*leL carcin!genicity "!es n!t ean -e ha4e e5ha(ste" st("y !n that s(*stance+ It eans the s(*stance is n!t yet s(##iciently st("ie"+ S(ch s(*stances ay& -ith #(rther st("y& t(rn !(t t! *e "e#initi4ely carcin!genic+ There are h(n"re"s !# !ther s(*stances "e#initi4ely lin7e" t! cancer in %e!%le+ Arsenic& As*est!s&Ben6ene& Bis%hen!l A $B9A'& Chr!i( Me5a4alent c!%!(n"s& Di!5ins& F!ral"ehy"e& 9!ly*r!inate" "i%henylethers $9BDEs'& 9!lycyclicar!atic hy"r!car*!ns $9AMs'& Vinyl Chl!ri"e+ Are there %r!tecte" s%ecies& %r!tecte" areas an" en"angere" s%ecies in y!(r resi"ential areaH At the en" !# a r!a"& that s(r%asses .+3G/ 7& gathering ri4ers t! an !(tstan"ing *asin& -ith a s(r#ace that c!4ers !re than 3/< !# the E(r!%ean s(r#ace& Dan(*e& the sec!n" largest ri4er !# the !l" c!ntinent *(il"s at its intersecti!n -ith the Blac7 Sea& #!r !re than 0/+/// years& !ne !# the !st *ea(ti#(l K"eltaL !# E(r!%e an" e4en !re& !# the entire -!rl"& 7n!-n as !ne !# the !st h(i" areas !# the 9lanet+ The stretches !# -ater an" lan"s that -ere #!re" here& gi4es great c!n"iti!ns !# li#e #!r a large a!(nt !# s%ecies !# %lants an" anials+ Fr! these& the ree" a7es !ne !# the largest c!%act areas !# the -!rl"& an" the -!!"s Latea an" Cara!ran re%resent the n!rthern liit #!r t-! rare s%ecies !# !(r c!(ntry& !a7 trees& #reF(ently seen in the s!(thern area !# the Bal7an an" Italian 9enins(la+ Al!ng -ith the great n(*er !# aF(atic an" terrestrial %lants -e enc!(nter c!l!nies !# %elicans an" c!r!rants that are s! %r!%er t! the Dan(*e Delta& li7e the large n(*er !# !ther aF(atic *ir"s that li4e !r c!e t! hatch !r hi*ernate+ Als!& -e are als! t! n!tice the great n(*er !# s%ecies !# #ish -ith an ec!l!gical 4al(e an" als! -ith a higher ec!n!ic+ It can *e sai" that -ith these rear7a*le "i4ersity !# the ha*itats an" li#e #!rs that h!sts int! a relati4ely sall area& Dan(*e Delta re%resents a tr(e (se( !# *i!"i4ersity& a layer !# nat(ral genes& -hich is in4al(a*le #!r the (ni4ersal nat(ral heritage+ Many s%ecies !# 4egeta*les !r anials als! #rae" i%!rtant nat(ral res!(rces& ec!n!ical e5%l!ita*le& -hich "ra-n %e!%le t! these %laces #!r !l" ties+ The h(an settleents esta*lishe" -ere *ase"& #irst !# all& !n the e5%l!itati!n !# nat(ral res!(rces "e4el!%ing in this -ay the tra"iti!nal ec!n!ic acti4ities an" s!cial relati!ns+ A#ter-ar"s& there -as the ani#estati!n !# ten"ency !# the !4ere5%l!itati!n !# nat(ral res!(rces+ This ten"ency -hich is ani#este" e4en in the %resent thr!(gh a gr!-n %ress(re (%!n these res!(rces an" es%ecially (%!n the #ish an" %ast(res& as -ell as the ten"ency t! "e4el!% s!e ec!n!ical acti4ities ina%%r!%riate t! the KDeltaL syste& as the in4estent sit(ati!n -as& #!r the e5%l!itati!n !# the san" #r! Cara!ran& ha" res(lte" in the "ist(r*ance !# the e5istent nat(ral *alance thr!(gh the e5tincti!n !# s!e areas !# nat(ral re%r!"(cti!n !# the #ish !r !# !ther s%ecies& thr!(gh the -ar%ing !# s!e channels !r thr!(gh the a%%earance !# the e(tr!%hicati!n %hen!en!n !# the la7es an" %!!ls etc+ The negati4e e##ects generate" !# the h(an acti4ity in the interi!r !# the "elta c((lates -ith th!se generate" *y acti4ities& !re acti4e& -hich r(ns !(tsi"e the "elta& ha4ing the ris7 !# these c!n,(gate" e##ects t! #(rther a##ect the *alance !# the nat(ral ec!syste an" t! -!rsen i# there -!nAt *e eas(res !# re"(cing the negati4e %hen!ena& !# re*(il"ing s!e a##ecte" areas& !# %r!tecting the e5istent areas& -h!se 4al(e arenAt a##ecte" *y the l!cal !r regi!nal c!!%erati!n in all !# these acti!ns+ These characteristics re%resente" the arg(ents that le" t! the "eclarati!n !# the Dan(*e Delta& *y the R!anian G!4ernent in 011/& t! *ec!e a *i!s%here reser4ati!n& "ecisi!n c!n#ire" a#ter-ar"s *y the R!anian 9arliaent& thr!(gh la- nr+ 3.N011>+ The (ni4ersal 4al(e !# the reser4ati!n -as rec!gnise" *y its incl(si!n in the internati!nal net-!r7 !# the *i!s%here reser4ati!n $011/'& -ithin the %r!grae KMan an" Bi!s%here L $MAB'& la(nche" *y UNESCO in 01:/& *eca(se Dan(*e Delta #(l#ils the ain characteristics !# a *i!s%here reser4ati!nJ a' %reser4es e5a%les !# ty%ical ec!syste an" c!ntains areas strictly %r!tecte"& areas !# tra"iti!nal (tilities !# res!(rces& #!r e5a%le #ish an" ree" res!(rces an" *(##er areas t! re"(ce the i%act !# h(an acti4itiesI *'it is an c!stal !r na4y area -here %e!%le re%resent an integral c!%!nent an" it is a"inistrate" #!r ca(ses g!ing #r! the #(lly %r!tecti!n t! the intensi4e %r!"(cti!n& -hich is "(ra*leI c' it is a regi!nal central #!r !nit!ring& research& #!r e"(cati!n (%!n the nat(ral an" a"inistrate" ec!systesI "' it is a %lace -here the g!4ernent %!licy ar7ers& scientists an" !ther %!licy ar7ers an" the l!cal %!%(lati!n c!!%erate t! "e4el!% a sa%le %r!grae #!r the territ!rial an" aF(atic a"inistrati!n t! res!l4e the h(an necessities t!gether -ith the c!nser4ati!n !# nat(ral %r!cess an" *i!l!gical res!(rces+ e' it ser4es as a sy*!l t! 4!l(ntary c!!%erati!n #!r the c!nser4ati!n an" (sage !# the res!(rces& #!r the g!!" !# all an7in"+ Fr! Se%te*er 011/& Dan(*e DeltaAs Bi!s%here Reser4ati!n -as rec!gnise" as a h(i" area !# internati!nal i%!rtance& es%ecially as a ha*itat #!r -ater *ir"s& *een incl("e" a!ng the !re than G// !# s(ch areas& *(t l!cate" a!ng the largest !# these areas+ The (ni4ersal nat(ral heritage 4al(e !# the Dan(*e DeltaAs Bi!s%here Reser4ati!n -as rec!gnise" in Dece*er 011/ *y incl("ing !4er a hal# !# this s(r#ace in the D!rl" Meritage List+ Create" *y the D!rl" Meritage C!ittee in the C!n4enti!n !n the 9r!tecti!n !# the D!rl" C(lt(ral an" Nat(ral Meritage a""!%te" *y Me*er States !# UNESCO in 01:.I this acti!n has the r!l !# %r!tecting against h(an acti4ities -ith "istr(cti4 e##ect !n the areas !# -hich 4al(e is i%!rtant n!t !nly #!r e4ery c!(ntry *(t #!r the entire h(anity