Establishing Measurement Uncertainty - Course Outline

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Establishing Measurement Uncertainty

Based on the guide to the expression of uncertainty in measurement, "GUM" (ISO and NIST
!earn so!id strategies to satisfy ISO"I#$ %&'() and ISO"TS %*+,+-(''( re.uirements for
esta/!ishing measuremnt uncertainty re.uirements0
Seminar Content
Review of measurement variation
1efining Uncertainty and common metro!ogica! terms
Basic concepts
#rrors, effects and corrections
2ractica! considerations
Evaluating standard uncertainty
Mode!ing the measurement
Type 3 e4a!uation of standard uncertainty
Type B e4a!uation of standard uncertainty
Graphica! i!!ustration of e4a!uating standard uncertainty
Determining combined standard uncertainty
Uncorre!ated input .uantities
$orre!ated input .uantities
Determining expanded uncertainty
#xpanded uncertainty
$hoosing the co4erage factor
Reporting uncertainty
Genera! guidance
Specific guidance
Summary procedure
Proficiency testing by interlaboratory comparisons
1e4e!opment and operation of proficiency testing schemes
ho Should !ttend
3nyone 6ho 6i!! /e managing or imp!ementing the process for esta/!ishing measurement
Seminar "ee# 7&()
3!! mea!s, exc!uding dinner, are inc!uded0
#ach participant 6i!! recei4e a comprehensi4e manua! and a $ertificate of $omp!etion at the
c!ose of the seminar0
Measurement Uncertainty !nalysis Using
Course %&'( ) ( Days ) %*+ CEUs
Call for pricing at your location*
$ourse O/8ecti4es
This seminar is designed to gi4e the participants an in9depth understanding of the
measurement uncertainty re.uirements of ISO"I#$ %&'(), and NIST Technica! Note %(+&0 The
participants 6i!! !earn ho6 to determine and ca!cu!ate measurement uncertainty, and ho6 to
contro! measurement uncertainty in their measurement processes0
Course ,enefits -nclude
2ro4ide the too!s for meeting the measurement uncertainty re.uirements of ISO +'''"
:S9+''', ISO"I#$ %&'(), 3NSI"N$S; <9),', and NIST TN %(+&
;earn the ho6 to in determining and contro!!ing measurement uncertainty
2ro4ide your customers 6ith ca!cu!ated measurement uncertainty statements
#nsure that your supp!iers are pro4iding you 6ith correct data
1etermine the o4era!! uncertainty of the measurement system
1etermine the ade.uacy of the measurement system /y comparing the o4era!!
measurement uncertainty 6ith the product specification
O/tain continuous and immediate feed/ac= on the status of the measurement system
>educe ca!i/ration costs %'?, ('?, @'? 00or more /y determining correct ca!i/ration
Ahat Bou Ai!! ;earn
Measurement uncertainty re.uirements of ISO"I#$ %&'() C NIST TN %(+&
#xpanded uncertainty (U e.uation
Sources and types of measurement uncertainties
>o!e of ca!i/ration and standards
Tracea/i!ity trees
1etermining and contro!!ing measurement uncertainty using 2M32
Basic statistica! too!s
>eporting uncertainties using contro! charts
3na!yDing measurement uncertainty data
Aho Shou!d 3ttend
3nyone see=ing to ensure the .ua!ity of production and measurement processes0
2roduct and ca!i/ration personne!
1irectors and managers of production and ca!i/ration processes
2rocess engineers
2roduct, test and design engineers
:ua!ity and metro!ogy managers
Metro!ogy engineers
;a/oratory and technica! personne!
Eno6!edge of /asic math
Basic =no6!edge of measurement uncertainty
Basic =no6!edge of using a statistica! ca!cu!ator

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