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Hypertension Study Guide

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Angeles University Foundation

College of Nursing

Written Report in

CHN – Sapalibutad

Submitted by:

Carl Elexer C. Ano

BSN III- 1, Group 1

Submitted to:

Joanne Galang RN, MN

February 25, 2009

1 |Hypertension

 A sustained elevation in the mean arterial pressure.

♥ Types of Hypertension according to Etiology ♥

1. Primary/Essential/ Idiopathic Hypertension – no definite cause, usually

attributed to atherosclerosis.
2. Secondary Hypertension – usually derived from diseases such as renal

Risk Factors:
 Family history
 Advancing age (55y/o ↑)
 Race
 High salt intake
 Obesity
 lifestyle
 ↓K+ intake
 Stress
 Use of contraceptives

Sign & Symptoms

Hypertension usually does not produce clinical effects until vascular changes in the
major organs occur. But usually the client would complain of:

♥ Nape pain
♥ Nausea
♥ Vomiting

But in cases of major organ affectation it may result to:

♥ Stroke
♥ MI
♥ Blindness
♥ Renal Failure

How is it diagnosed?
Hypertension has different stages. Namely:
† Prehypertension – BP of greater than 120/80 mmHg but less than 140/90
† Stage 1 – BP of 140 – 159 mmHg/ 90 – 99 mmHg
† Stage 2 – BP of 160 ↑ mmHg/ 100↑ mmHg

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* Three consecutive BP reading of either stage 1 or 2 confirms the diagnosis.
Management for Hypertension

† ↓ Salt, ↓Fat diet
† Antihypertensive Drugs
o ACE Inhibitor
o Blocker
o channel Blocker

Prevention of Hypertension

 Encourage proper nutrition

 Weight monitoring
 Smoking cessation
 Regular BP monitoring

DOH Related Programs

HL to the MAX - focus on the prevention of risk factors that give rise to the
incidence the four main chronic diseases that affect all members of the
family - from the newborn to the elderly. (Launched Feb. 16, 2009)

• NO SMOKING (Huwag Manigarilyo)

• NO TO ILLEGAL DRUGS (Talo Ka sa Droga)
• DIET (Wastong Pagkain)
• DO PHYSICAL ACTIVITY (Katawang Aktibo)
• MANAGE STRESS (Bawas Stress)

National Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control Program

Legal Mandate

• Proclamation No. 973 Declaring Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and

Control as Priority Program of Government.
• Memorandum Order No. 416 Providing for the Nationwide Implementation of
the Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Control Program

3 |Hypertension
Program Policies

1. The prevention and control of cardiovascular diseases shall be a priority program

of the Department of Health.

2. The program shall be community based, comprehensive in scope and relevant to

the existing local situation.

3. Considering the etiopathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases, primordial and

primary prevention shall be the priority strategies of the program.

4. All levels of the health care delivery system shall be involved in the delivery of
services to prevent and control cardiovascular diseases.

5. The program shall utilize operational strategies which are appropriate and
responsive to local needs and situation.

6. The program shall be integrated with the existing health care delivery system
utilizing the primary health care approach.

7. Collaboration with GOs, as well as participation of NGOs and the private sector,
shall be maximized in the implementation of the program.

8. CVD prevention and control shall utilize the mass based population approach.

- caloi ®


Sarah Y. Yuan, Handbook of Diseases 3rd edition., 2004 Lippincott Williams and
Wilkins, Hong Kong
Cuevas F. et.al, Public Health Nursing in the Philippines 10th edition 2007, National
League of Philippine Government Nurses Inc. Manila
Zerwekh J. et.al Mosby’s Pharmacology Notecards: Visuals, Mnemonics, and Memory
Aid for Nurses, reprinted edition 2007, Elsevier, Philippines

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