Psychometric Perspectives On Diagnostic Systems: Denny Borsboom

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Psychomet ri c Perspect i ves on Di agnost i c Syst ems

Denny Borsboom
University of Amsterdam
The author identies four conceptualizations of the relation between
symptoms and disorders as utilized in diagnostic systems such as the
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition
(DSM-IV; American Psychiatric Association, 1994): A constructivist
perspective, which holds that disorders are conveniently grouped sets
of symptoms; a diagnostic perspective, which holds that disorders are
latent classes underlying the symptoms; a dimensional perspective,
which holds that symptoms measure latent continua; and a causal
systems perspective, which holds that disorders are causal networks
consisting of symptoms and direct causal relations between them.
Advantages and disadvantages of these conceptualizations are
discussed. The author concludes that the psychometric analysis of
diagnostic systems is not settled, and that these systems require
deeper psychometric analysis than they currently receive. & 2008
Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Clin Psychol 64: 10891108, 2008.
Keywords: diagnostic systems; psychometrics; theoretical psychol-
ogy; latent variable models; causal networks
Over the past decades, considerable developments have taken place in the diagnosis
of mental disorders. The elds of clinical psychology and psychiatry have moved
from the ill-described and idiosyncratic methods of assessment, used during the
greater part of the 20th century, to standardized methods of diagnosis involving a
widely used diagnostic system as captured in, for instance, the Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition (DSM-IV; American
Psychiatric Association, 1994). The DSM results partly from consensus and partly
from compromise, and inherits the weaknesses inherent in both; however, there
This work was supported by NWO innovational research grant no. 451-03-068. I would like to thank Ellen
Hamaker, Marieke Timmerman, and Jan-Henk Kamphuis for providing feedback on an earlier version of
this paper.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to: Denny Borsboom, Department of
Psychology, University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 15, 1018 WB Amsterdam, The Netherlands;
e-mail: [email protected]
JOURNAL OF CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY, Vol . 64(9), 1089--1108 (2008) & 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Published online in Wiley InterScience ( DOI : 10. 1002/ j cl p. 20503
seems to be a widespread agreement that, in general, its development has been
benecial to the understanding of mental disorders. At the very least, the use of
standardized assessment methods facilitates communication between researchers,
and, to some extent, increases the comparability of studies carried out at different
locations by different researchers. In any event, diagnostic systems such as the DSM
currently form the basis for much of the scientic research in clinical psychology and
It should be noted, however, that this movement towards standardization has not
been paralleled by theoretical advances in understanding the conceptual and
psychometric underpinnings of diagnostic systems in general, and the DSM in
particular. One can see this clearly by asking a simple question: What is it that a
researcher, who uses the DSM for classication, really does? There is no single
theoretically and psychometrically convincing answer to this question; rather, as I
will show in this article, there are several distinct answers, which are all plausible to
some extent. The primary aim of the present article is to clarify these interpretations
of diagnostic systems on the basis of insights taken from psychometric theory.
In what follows, I describe three accounts that may be used to conceptualize the
relation between observables (in the diagnostic world commonly designated as
symptoms) and theoretical constructs (mental disorders) and associated views of the
diagnostic process. First, the constructivist view, which holds that disorders are
constructed by researchers and clinicians on the basis of convenient groupings of
symptoms; second, the diagnostic view, which says that these symptoms measure
categorical latent classes; and third, the dimensional view, which maintains that
symptoms measure latent continua. Subsequently, I will discuss several problems
with traditional psychometric models, which have been identied in the psycho-
metric literature over the past few years, because these problems appear to be
particularly salient in models for diagnostic systems. Finally, I will sketch an
alternative conceptualization based on the idea that disorders may be causal systems,
rather than constructions of the researcher or latent variables measured through
groups of symptoms.
The Constructivist View
One possible response to our focal question is that the researcher who uses the DSM
for classication constructs classes of people based on a convenient grouping of
symptoms into syndromes. In this view, the classication system is seen as relatively
arbitrary, which renders the resulting classes of people socially constructed kinds
rather than naturally existing ones (e.g., see Hacking, 1999). From this point of view,
a classication label such as depressed is more similar to, say, yuppie, than to
suffering from type 1 diabetes. The concept of a yuppie is a socially constructed
kind in the sense that it is implicitly dened by a convenient grouping of key
attributes (being young, urban, nancially well-off, etc.). Although such attributes
may hang together statistically, the concept that describes them does not identify a
homogeneous group of people, or at least it does not do so in a scientically
interesting sense. In contrast, the label, suffers from type 1 diabetes, does identify
such a group. This term identies a subpopulation of people who are homogeneous
at a level deeper than that of their manifest symptoms: for they share a decit in a
causal mechanism that produces these symptoms (i.e., insulin production in the
pancreas). If one considers depressed to be a label that functions in a similar way
as the label yuppieas a label that is merely useful to delineate a group of people
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who share some key attributes (e.g., having little pleasure or interest in life; depressed
mood), but does not cut nature at its jointsthen one views depression as a social
or logical construction. In what follows, I will designate this view as constructivist.
Constructivist conceptualizations have an arbitrary component, but it should be
clearly recognized that this does not imply that the whole process of diagnosis, and
the results of scientic research on mental disorders, are also arbitrary. Obviously,
for instance, the symptoms of depression hang together reliably, in the sense that
they are moderately positively correlated, and for this reason, the syndromes
constructed out of them will have a sense of reliability as well. Perhaps the best way
to interpret this sort of reliability is in the classical psychometric sense of internal
consistency. The higher the intercorrelations between a set of measures, the higher
internal consistency will be. Further, under the assumptions of classical test theory
(Lord & Novick, 1968), internal consistency estimates based on a set of items are a
lower bound to the reliability of the composite formed from these items (i.e., the sum
In a similar way, a constructivist may hold that syndromes have a sense of
consistency and stability, and thus acknowledge that in this sense, they are not
arbitrary. In addition, because people involved in diagnostic activity are supposed to
behave in a standardized fashion, different persons who diagnose the same person
are expected to produce comparable scores (i.e., the agreement among observers will
be considerable). Moreover, the constructivist may freely admit that people so
diagnosed can respond to treatments (e.g., serotonin reuptake inhibitors; cogniti-
vebehavioral therapy) with some homogeneity (e.g., many or most may show a
decrease in the number or severity of their symptoms). To see that this does not
contradict the constructivist position, it is illustrative to note that people may
respond to treatment (e.g., aspirin) with a reliable change of symptoms (e.g.,
decreasing fever) while they suffer from very different conditions (e.g., inuenza,
measles, pneumonia, malaria, AIDS). Naturally, fever itself may be a causally
homogeneous symptom, in the sense that it results from the same bodily processes
whenever it occurs, but that is not the point here. The point is that to deny that
symptoms like fever map to a homogeneous underlying syndrome is consistent with
acknowledging that the symptom can be uniformly responsive to a given treatment
like taking aspirin. The constructivist can acknowledge all of these nonarbitrary
aspects involving the diagnosis of mental disorders without contradicting himself or
What a constructivist does deny, however, is that a group of symptoms is anything
more than just that: a group of symptoms. Unlike the term, suffers from type 1
diabetes, which identies homogeneity at a deeper level than the symptoms of
diabetes themselves, the term depressed in this view only produces a reliable
classication. In a psychometric sense, one could say that a constructivist accepts
that a set of symptoms may have high internal consistency, but denies that they all
measure the same latent variable (unidimensionality). Now, it is important, at this
point, not to get trapped in a widely accepted but false idea of the relation between
internal consistency and unidimensionality, which is the idea that high internal
consistency is evidence for unidimensionality. Empirically speaking, internal
consistency is nothing more than a summary statistic of the intercorrelations
The meaning of the word reliability in this sentence is not clear to all who think about psychometric
matters (Borsboom, 2005), but researchers seem to get along quite well with it in the sense that they have
an intuitive understanding of reliability. I will not go into the interesting, but difcult question of what it is
precisely, that they have an understanding of because it is tangential to my present purposes.
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between a set of variables, and these correlations may come from everywhere and
nowhere. Any set of positively correlated variables (IQ, educational attainment,
salary, health, etc.) will show high internal consistency if run through the relevant
statistical analyses, even though they do not measure the same latent variable.
Conversely, a set of indicators that do measure the same latent variable may have
low internal consistency if the observables are contaminated by sizeable amounts of
measurement error. Therefore, there is no simple inference ticket from internal
consistency to unidimensionality.
Another way to see this is to realize that, as Haig (2005a) has convincingly argued
(see also Borsboom, Mellenbergh, & Van Heerden, 2003), the inference that a set of
indicators are affected by the same latent variable requires an abductive step: this
means that the acceptance of the latent variable hypothesis is not mandated by the
data alone, but requires an appeal to the explanatory merits of this hypothesis. Such
explanatory merits may, for instance, involve strong theory about the processes that
connect the latent variable to its indicators (Borsboom, Mellenbergh, & Van
Heerden, 2004) and coherence of the hypothesis with a body of accepted knowledge
(Haig, 2005a, 2005b). High internal consistency by itself, however, is not one of these
explanatory merits because it is merely a function of the correlations between
observed variables, and such correlations by themselves have no explanatory force.
Various statistical modeling schemes are at the disposal of one who endorses
constructivism. These modeling schemes, generically known as formative modeling,
have in common that they consider a theoretical term, such as depression, to be a
function of the observable symptoms rather than a common cause of them.
Examples of such models are described in Bollen and Lennox (1991) and Edwards
and Bagozzi (2000); a well-known instantiation of formative modeling is Principal
Components Analysis (PCA; see Bollen & Lennox, 1991). For a general discussion
on the status of formative models, see Bagozzi (2007), Bollen (2007), and Howell,
Breivik, and Wilcox (2007a, 2007b).
In exactly the same way that a psychometrician can accept that a set of indicators
may have high internal consistency, interobserver reliability, show a homogeneous
response to experimental manipulations, and allow the construction of pragmatically
useful composites, but at the same time deny that these indicators measure the same
latent variable, so the constructivist can accept that symptom groups have all of
those merits, but at the same time deny that they measure an underlying syndrome.
The constructivist position is thus crucially dependent on a negative appraisal of the
hypothesis that the symptoms hang together because of an underlying condition. In
other words, a constructivist refuses to take this abductive step, as described by Haig
(2005a, 2005b) in the context of latent variable modelsnamely, from correlations
between symptoms to an underlying condition. Two positions that explicitly do
make this abductive step are described next.
The Diagnostic View
A second possible description of the diagnostic process, as followed by a researcher
who uses the DSM for classication, is that such a researcher is involved in the
determination of latent class membership on the basis of manifest responses to
diagnostic questions. From this perspective, which I will designate as the diagnostic
view, because of its similarity to the classical idea of diagnosis as it originated in
medicine, symptoms in the DSM are more than conveniently grouped variables; they
are indicators of some underlying condition that, although we may not have direct
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observational access to it, does exist as a phenomenon independent of any diagnostic
activities. That is, there is such a thing as depression, in the sense that we could be
objectively right or wrong in diagnosing people as depressed. This means that there is
more to our being right or wrong than, say, being merely consistent or inconsistent
with a set of conventions (e.g., diagnose as depressed when the DSM-criteria for
depression are met, or match diagnosis as closely as possible to a conventional
grouping of symptoms). When the notion of error (i.e., misdiagnosis) is taken to
depend not on the adherence to, or violation of, such a set of conventions, but on the
actual state of affairs in the world, then one is prepared to take a realist position with
respect to mental disorders. That is, in such a view, the notion of error (i.e., wrong
diagnosis) is crucially dependent on the existence of a true value on the measured
variable (i.e., the underlying condition); in this sense, the notion of falsity is parasitic
on the notion of truth.
To esh out the difference with the constructivist perspective, it is instructive to
note that one cannot be misdiagnosed as a yuppie; if one is young, rich, urban, etc.,
one cannot fail to be a yuppie because that is how the concept of yuppie is dened.
There is no deeper reality to the term. In the diagnostic view, however, there is such a
deeper level of reality; to return to our previous example, a person may suffer from
the symptoms of type 1 diabetes (e.g., thirst, weight loss, nausea) for other reasons
than the condition itself; that is, the symptoms may be the result of an altogether
different disease. Thus, to admit the possibility of an erroneous diagnosis implies, in
a relevant sense, the acceptance of the hypothesis that the condition itself exists. That
is, one has to minimally accept that John has disease x has a denite truth value,
which is independent of the outcome of attempts diagnose him; otherwise a diagnosis
like John does not have disease x cannot be erroneous. Thus, in a relevant sense,
the condition of suffering from some disorder is something that is (ontologically)
distinct from the symptoms; it is not purely a function of them.
Because conditions like being depressed are not directly observable, the distinction
between people who do and people who do not suffer from a mental disorder
necessarily has hypothetical elements. However, the hypothesis that there is such a
distinction is not inconsequential. For instance, if one supposes that symptoms
are fallible indicators of class membership, where class membership is discrete
(e.g., does or does not suffer from depression or suffers from depression type
a, b, c, . . .), the implication that follows from this is that the symptoms should be
statistically independent conditional on class membership. This is a standard testable
implication of the latent class model (Heinen, 1996; Lazarsfeld & Henry, 1968). The
constructivist position does not have such implications.
Another consequence that follows from adopting the diagnostic view is of an
altogether different nature; namely, it suggests future courses of research. Because
the latent structure of mental disorders, according to the diagnostic view, is
categorical, there must be something deeper than the mere symptoms; and this
something homogenizes the people suffering from a given mental disorder like
depression, just like the failure of insulin production in the pancreas homogenizes the
population of people suffering from type 1 diabetes. By homogenizes I mean that
the diagnostic view implicitly promises that, with respect to some deeper level than
the symptoms, those who suffer from a mental disorder form an equivalence class:
They are exchangeable at a deeper level than that of the symptoms. If such a level
does not exist, then the hypothesized latent classes are purely ctional, and the
diagnostic view misses out on an ontological foundation that is essential to it; in this
case the position collapses to constructivism with fancy statistics.
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Many deeper levels of reality could be envisioned to do the job of homogenization,
but in our time the level that many people think is the right level to look at is the level
of biology. Therefore, researchers who adhere to the diagnostic view for instance,
may hope to someday get a handle on some neural mechanism that determines a
mental disorder like depression. Such researchers may expect that, at some currently
unknown level, patients who suffer from a given psychopathology will turn out to be
homogeneous in a nontrivial sense; they might share, for instance, a genetic decit or
be characterized by a disturbance in the equilibrium of neurotransmitters.
Proponents of the diagnostic view would thus be prepared to invest money and
time into the search for, say, the neural mechanisms that underlie depression. A
constructivist obviously would not expect serious scientic payoff from such an
exercise, for much the same reason that one would not expect much of attempts to
uncover the neural mechanism that produces yuppies.
It is beyond the scope of the present article to assess the successes and failures of
biological approaches in achieving the task of homogenization, but it is nevertheless
interesting to evaluate tentatively some cases in which this task may turn out to fail.
To give one example, especially in popular media it is sometimes suggested that
depression is a simple function of disturbances of the serotonin balance in the brain.
However, at least some authors argue that this hypothesis entertains very limited
support, suggesting that even if there is such a relation, it must be a weak one
(Lacasse & Leo, 2005). Similarly, despite the high heritability coefcients for most
psychologically interesting variables, including depression (Boomsma, Busjahn,
& Peltonen, 2002), the search for specic genetic decits underlying this condition
has so far achieved limited success. Some studies have suggested that specic genetic
loci are relevant to disorders like depression (e.g., Lesch et al., 1996; Zubenko,
Highers, Stifer, Zubenko, & Kaplan, 2002), but these claims have not proven
robust in replication studies (Beem et al., 2006; Middeldorp et al., 2007).
It is interesting to speculate what would happen if the task of homogenization fails in
the case of mental disorders like depression, that is, when it turns out that such a
disorder is not uniformly realized in different people (e.g., ones liability to develop
depression is strongly polygenic and the actual realization of a depressive disorder is not
biologically or otherwise homogeneous). This may imply that there is no deeper level of
reality than the symptoms themselves to justify the realist assumption of the diagnostic
view; that is, there is no level at which we nd equivalence classes of people that
correspond to the distinction of depressed and not depressed (or more complicated
categorical schemes). What should we conclude if this turned out to be the case? One
possible response, of course, is to give up the hypothesis that there are underlying
conditions that give rise to symptoms of mental disorders, and take a constructivist
view; another alternative, however, is to suggest that the categorical latent structure that
characterizes the diagnostic view is too simple. The latter approach may follow a line of
reasoning in which depression is not seen as a categorical structure, but as a continuum
that smoothly extends into the normal population (Solomon, Haaga, & Arnow, 2001).
The corresponding psychometric view is that symptoms depend not on causally
homogeneous latent classes, but on latent continua that determine psychopathology.
This perspective leads to a dimensional view of psychopathology.
The Dimensional View
A third description of the diagnostic processes followed in clinical research is that
such processes involve the determination of persons positions on a latent continuum
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on the basis of their manifest responses to diagnostic questions. This view, which I
will designate as the dimensional view, differs from the diagnostic view mainly
because its proponents conceptualize disorders as continua rather than as discrete
From this point of view, which is heavily inspired by traditional psychometric
theory, the continua are real, but the cut points that dene disorders may be
arbitrary. Proponents of the dimensional view commonly see patient populations as
extremes on a continuum that may extend into the normal population, so that people
who suffer from a mental disorder need not be homogeneous in the sense that they
share something that normal people do not have (Solomon et al., 2001). In the
dimensional view, madness is a matter of degree; for instance, people who suffer
from depression are really just people who occupy a higher position on a continuous
latent variable rather than being qualitatively different from the normal population.
This is a marked difference from the categorical system dening the diagnostic view.
For obvious reasons, those who adhere to the dimensional view typically have
difculty squaring the categorical classication procedures implied by the DSM with
the presumed continuous character of disorders, and would favor, for instance, the
use of (weighted) sum scores on diagnostic checklists, instead of categorical
assignments to disorders, as focal variables in research.
To get a clear view of the difference between the diagnostic and dimensional
perspectives, it is instructive to consider again the analogy with medicine. A factor
analogous to the dimensional perspective would not be a causally homogeneous
disorder like diabetes, but a continuous factor that underlies certain problems. For
instance, extremely tall people may have an increased probability of various
problems that are causally related to their height being out of the ordinary (mostly
problems that relate to the environmentthe design of ofces, cars, etc.being
tailored to people of average height; e.g., repetitive strain injury, suffering trauma in
accidents, back pain). However, they do not have something that normal people do
not have; they merely have a high position on the continuum of bodily height that is
causally relevant to these problems. The dimensional view is based on the idea that a
similar situation occurs for psychopathology; depressed people are positioned high
along some mood-related continuum, and it is the position on this continuum that
determines their liability to develop various symptoms. Symptoms are considered to
also have a location on the continuum, called a threshold, which determines how
easily they develop: The lower the threshold, the easier one will develop the
symptom. The resulting model, which is sometimes called a liability-threshold model,
hypothesizes a trade-off between symptom properties (thresholds) and person
properties (liabilities) that is essentially the same as the trade-off modeled in
educational assessments (between the item property of difculty and the person
property of ability). Formal modeling of this trade-off is done through the
application of the same models in both elds: item response theory (IRT) models
(e.g., see Aggen, Neale, & Kendler, 2005).
Because the dimensional view conceptualizes mental disorders as continuous
attributes, it naturally allows for greater heterogeneity at the level of such attributes.
This is a consequence of invoking a continuous latent variable; on a continuum,
there is an innite number of positions for any patient to take. Researchers and
clinicians nd this an attractive property because it naturally allows for
discrimination between different levels of severity of a disordera possibility that
the diagnostic view does not automatically accommodate (although it must be noted
that the extension of a latent class model into a system with categories like not
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depressed, mildly depressed, severely depressed is psychometrically trivial; see, for
instance, Sullivan, Kessler, & Kendler, 1998). It is perhaps worth noting, however,
that this property of the continuous model does not come free. The assumption that
a latent continuum underlies the symptoms, or more importantly, the assumption
that only one latent continuum underlies them, is not empirically emptyit has
consequences for the structure of the probability distribution over the item
responses. Thus, one cannot just say that depression is a latent continuum, and
be done with it. For we may just as well be talking about a set of latent continua,
intertwined in various ways, perhaps even about different sets of continua
for different groups of people (e.g., men and women, or ethnic groups). Given
that latent variables are latent, we have no direct way of knowing what their
structure is.
Fortunately, the latent continuum hypothesislike the latent class hypothesis
has testable consequences that allow us to investigate whether it is tenable (it should
be noted that this is by no means easy, but at least the possibility exists). For
instance, if symptoms are dichotomous (present/absent), monotonically increasing in
the latent variable (such that for every symptom the probability of having it is
greater for higher positions on that latent variable), and unidimensional (so that the
probability of symptoms depends solely on the latent continuum), the hypothesized
system is an IRT model (Sijtsma, 1998). At the level of observed symptoms, such a
model has implications for the frequency distribution of people over symptoms. If
these implications are not borne out, then something is wrong with the hypothesized
model; if they are, then the model is to some extent corroborated.
To get a clear view of the sort of implications that follow from assuming a
continuous latent variable, it is helpful to consider a mundane example of a trait
commonly viewed as continuous, say, working memory capacity. The idea is that
this capacity can be represented as a single dimension (a line) on which everybody
has a position (a point on the line), and that the probability to answer an item, that
requires a certain amount of working memory capacity, correctly increases with
higher levels of ability: The higher your working memory capacity, the better you do
on the item. This is a simple way of stating two of the core assumptions of the IRT
model, to wit, unidimensionality and monotonicity. We will get to the third core
assumption, local independence, shortly, but for now we will skip over it.
What does such a dimensional structure imply? It implies some quite important
things. Suppose we measure working memory capacity with a digit span task, in
which the respondent has to repeat sequences of digits (typically the numbers 09).
Now, if you can repeat the sequence, 3584607219, then we are quite
condent that you can also repeat the sequence, 48537, and virtually certain that
you can repeat 62. In general, the model structure implies that if a person masters a
highly difcult item, she or he will most likely master the great majority of the items
that are less difcult. The key assumption that gives rise to this implication is that the
items are unidimensional, which means that all of them measure (depend on) the
same latent variable. This is another way of saying that given an item, the only thing
that matters for whether a person will solve it is the distance of her or his point on
the ability scale to the difculty of the item. Now, because people differ on their
positions on the continuum, and items do so too, we may expect to see heterogeneity
in the item responses, in the sense that not everybody solves exactly the same items.
However, we do expect a very strict ordering in the items and persons; persons who
master very difcult items like 3584607219, but fail on 62 should be
extremely rare, for instance.
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It is questionable whether this is the sort of heterogeneity that we see (or that we
would expect) in data on, say, depression. For instance, the least prevalent symptom
in DSM-IV-based criteria for depression is whether the patient has attempted to
commit suicide. A much more prevalent symptom is whether the person is fatigued.
If the depression symptoms measured the same continuous latent variable, and
fatigue and suicide attempts were merely items that differed in their difculty, then
the analogy to difcult and easy digit span items would not be merely metaphorical,
but exact. The model structure would then imply that there are much fewer people
who have attempted to commit suicide, but were not fatigued, than there are people
who have attempted suicide and were fatigued. Moreover, this should be the case for
exactly the same reason that there are fewer people, who succeed on a difcult digit
span item but fail on an easy one, than there are people with the reversed pattern.
The items are exchangeable save for their difculty; the people are exchangeable save
for their ability: What determines the response frequencies is a trade-off between
these factors and nothing more.
Now, in this respect I think that most will agree that there is a difference between
the relation between fatigue and suicide attempts, on the one hand, and the relation
between repeating 3584607219, and repeating 62 on the other. That is, it
is hard to see why having attempted suicide would have strong implications for
fatigue, whereas it is easy to see why being able to repeat 3584607219 has
strong implications for being able to repeat 62. Where does this difference come
from? Plausibly, repeating 3584607219 requires essentially the same
resources as repeating 62, so to successfully respond to a more difcult item just
requires more of the samehere, greater working memory capacity. A similar
connection between the variables, fatigue and having attempted to commit
suicide is, however, quite a lot less obvious. That is, it is not at all clear that the
difference in prevalence between attempting to commit suicide and being fatigued is
merely a matter of suicide attempts requiring more of the same than fatigue. There
is, of course, an empirical connection between these variablesthey are not in the
coding scheme for depression by accident, and they do prove to be positively
correlatedbut it is truly doubtful whether this empirical connection occurs as a
result of the fact that these variables measure the same attribute. Yet, this is what
standard models like the IRT model hypothesize.
Thus, although dimensional models allow for some heterogeneity, this may not be
the kind of heterogeneity that we would expect for psychopathology symptoms like
those of depression. That is, such symptoms are likely to be heterogeneous in a way
that unidimensional latent variable models do not allow for; that is, they may be
heterogeneous in the sense that the symptoms measure completely different things.
This kind of heterogeneity, which I will denote as strong heterogeneity, is not solved
by a dimensional view of psychopathological syndromes. Should disorders like
depression be heterogeneous in this strong sense, then the dimensional view would be
a cover-up forand not a solution tothe real problem, which is that such
disorders are themselves heterogeneous. In that case, their symptoms are not
measures of a single latent continuum in the way that different digit span items may
measure working memory capacity; yet that is the way that unidimensional models
picture the situation.
Of course, the treatment above is based on a unidimensional modeling scheme,
and the division of a diagnostic system into subscales that measure different facets of
depression (e.g., vegetative, mood-related, and cognitive dimensions) may be more
appropriate in such situations. It certainly represents a possibility to accommodate
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strong heterogeneity. However, it is important to see that this does not speak to the
problem we are currently considering. One reason is that the solution simply
acknowledges that the symptoms do not measure the same continuum, and hence
their correlations cannot be explained based on the hypothesis that they do
(remember that this was what we were trying to achieve). Another reason is that the
solution simply reintroduces the same problem that the introduction of a latent
continuum was supposed to solve, only at a different level: instead of the question,
Why are the symptoms correlated? it yields the question, Why are the dimensions
correlated? In this case, the central question has been pushed back to a higher level
of abstraction, but not solved.
Thus, the dimensional view does create some room for heterogeneity, but it is not
clear that it does so in a way that is truly appropriate for the diagnostic systems used
in psychopathology. Despite the fact that psychometric analyses of psychopatho-
logical symptoms may be consistent with the empirical implications of IRT models
(see Aggen et al., 2005, in the context of depression; however see also Keller &
Kempf, 1997, who reach a different conclusion), the conditions for fruitfully
applying such models are not trivial and, perhaps more importantly, it is not at all
easy to imagine how they could be met in the rst place. By far the most important
hypothesis in these models is that the different symptoms measure the same
attribute, and it is precisely this hypothesis that is difcult to back up, either with
theory or common sense. Therefore, it is important to consider the meaning of the
word measurement, as we are using it presently, in detail, and to connect it to causal
structures that measurement models encode.
Measurement and Causality
We have discussed three ways of looking at the relation between symptoms and
constructs like depression, two of whichthe diagnostic and dimensional views
construct the relation between symptoms and construct as one of measurement.
Whereas the constructivist view accepts empirical relations between symptoms as a
fact, but makes no assumptions on the origin of these relations, the diagnostic and
dimensional views share the idea that the symptoms hang together empirically because
they measure the same latent structure. This structure is categorical in the diagnostic
view and continuous in the dimensional view, but in both cases it plays the same role;
namely it enters in the model as a representative for that which the symptoms
measurewhatever it may turn out to be.
The intuitions that render the diagnostic and dimensional views attractive are that
(a) symptoms do not correlate by accident (i.e., there must be some reason why they
correlate), and (b) symptoms within a disorder correlate more strongly than
symptoms between disorders (i.e., even though comorbidity in DSM diagnoses is
extremely high, symptoms do cluster in systematic ways; e.g., see also Hartman et al.,
2001). Latent structure models explain these facts, that is, symptoms hang together
because they measure the same thing, and correlations between symptoms within a
disorder are higher than correlations between symptoms belonging to different
disorders because they measure different things. Note that these are just the
implications of the logic of convergentdivergent validity, as rst explained by
Campbell and Fiske (1959). As Hartman et al. (2001) show, the diagnostic system of
the DSM does not fare altogether badly with respect to these implications; although
there is certainly room for improvement, factor models consistent with them t the
data relatively well.
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Measurement, however, requires more than model t; there must be a plausible
account of how the attributes to be measured are causally connected to a set of
indicators (here, the symptoms of the DSM-IV). That is, for a set of indicators
to measure an attribute it is required that differences in position on the attribute
structure (John is depressed, while Jane is not) cause differences in the symptoms
(John sleeps badly, while Jane does not). When such causal relevance of the
attribute for the indicators is absent, it is hard to defend the supposition that the
indicators are valid measures of the attribute, because in this case they are not
measures of the attribute at all (Bollen, 1989; Borsboom, Mellenbergh, & Van
Heerden, 2004).
There exist several problems with the requirement of a causal connection as
applied to the relation between symptoms and disorders. First, to my knowledge
there exists no substantively motivated account of what this causal relation should
be. In fact, insofar as a causal interpretation of this relation could be given at all, it is
likely to involve the emulation of a psychometric model in quasi-substantive terms
(e.g., with liabilities and thresholds) rather than a genuinely substantive model of the
measurement process that could steer and motivate psychometric models. As is very
often the case in psychology, we have many candidate measurement modelsthe
dimensional and diagnostic view are merely based on two typical psychometric
models, but these by no means exhaust the psychometric possibilitiesbut much less
is available in the way of theory to guide the choice between them (Borsboom, 2006).
Apart from the absence of scientic theory that could justify the interpretation of
the relation between symptoms and disorders as one of measurement, there are
considerable problems in the causal ontogenesis of symptom patterns. A latent
variable model, which must be the basis for the diagnostic and dimensional views
discussed above, views correlations between indicator variables as spurious, in the
sense that they do not reect direct causal relations between the indicators, but arise
as a result of the fact that the indicators measure the same attribute. One can think of
the indicators as a number of (noisy) thermometers; the fact that the thermometers
rise and drop in step with each other (i.e., the fact that they are correlated) originates
from their common dependence on the temperature of their environment. Thus, in
this situation, temperature functions as the common cause of the readings of the
different thermometers, which is fully consistent with the structure presumed in
measurement models.
One important consequence of a common cause relation is that conditioning on
the levels of the common cause screens off correlations between its effects. Therefore,
although our different thermometers will be strongly correlated when we examine
their readings over a range of temperatures, if we look at their correlation while
temperature is held constant, we will see that this correlation vanishes. The reason is
that the variation left in the individual thermometers readings, after the effect of
temperature is controlled for, is random error. So conditional on a value of their
common cause, indicator variables are uncorrelated. The same implication exists in
latent variable models, where this property is called local independence (local
in the sense that one position on the attribute is considered at a time, and
independence because the indicators are statistically independent in the
subpopulation of people who occupy this position). So latent variable models bear
a strong resemblance to common cause models (in fact, they are formally
indistinguishable). This should not be considered surprising as the very idea of a
latent variable model is that we can learn about differences in position on an
attribute (conceptualized as a latent variable) from observed differences in a set of
1099 Psychometric Perspectives on Diagnostic Systems
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indicators. It is hard to see how this may happen if the indicators do not share a
common dependence on this latent structure.
There are several problems with this view as it is applied in psychology, two of
which stand out clearly. The rst problem involves the lack of correspondence
between models for interindividual differences and intraindividual processes, a
problem that has been well documented over the last few years (Borsboom et al.,
2003; Cervone, 2005; Hamaker, Dolan, & Molenaar, 2005; Hamaker, Nesselroade,
& Molenaar, 2007; Molenaar, 2005; Molenaar, Huizenga, & Nesselroade, 2003). The
problem is that the structure of a model, as derived from interindividual differences
research (e.g., correlations between symptoms as computed over many people at a
single time point) has no discernable implication for the structure of the processes
that go on within an individual (e.g., which would apply to the correlation between
symptoms as computed within a single person over many time points, as these would
be present in the etiology of symptoms). Thus, the processes that generate data at the
individual level may have a completely different structure from that present in a
model for the differences between people.
Hamaker et al. (2007) present the problem clearly. Briey, they show that a latent
variable model with a single latent variable may t the correlations between
individual differences, even when the data are generated from arbitrarily complex
generating processes (e.g., the dynamic model that governs the development of
indicators over time may be a model with ve factors rather than one). In addition,
they show that if everybody has the same dimensionality and structure at the
intraindividual level (a single factor drives correlation between indicators over time),
we may nd an arbitrarily complex structure at the level of individual differences
(a 5-factor model). An exception to the second point occurs when subjects are not
only identical in the structure of their dynamic processes, but in addition strict
measurement invariance over subjects holds, so that any differences in observed
indicator means are a pure function of differences in latent means (Meredith, 1993;
see also, Muthe n, 1989). In the latter case, the dimensionality of an invariant
intraindividual structure should limit at least the dimensionality yielded by a factor
analysis of the covariance matrix computed over individual differences, although it
will not give estimates of the factor covariance structure that are interpretable at the
intraindividual level (e.g., see Muthe n, 1989, Eq. 6).
The conditions under which the
structure of interindividual differences is strictly isomorphic to the structure of
intraindividual processes, however, are extremely strong (Molenaar, 2005) and
cannot be expected to be met in common applications of psychometric modeling.
Note that this does not mean that we cannot investigate what the relation between
intraindividual and interindividual structures looks like; this is certainly possible
(e.g., with models that can combine intra- and interindividual variation; Hamaker et
al. 2007; Timmerman, 2006; Timmerman & Kiers, 2003). However, it does follow
that we cannot routinely assume that the model that describes the dynamics of the
individual is isomorphic to the model that describes individual differences. Thus, if
we think of liabilities and thresholds as dynamic concepts (so that, say, Johns
probability of attempting suicide increases as he moves forward on the latent
variable of depression) we are doing so entirely on our own account, that is, we
cannot adduce the t of a liability-threshold model to interindividual differences on
depression data to substantiate this interpretation. Now, if the dynamic structure
of intraindividual development is very different from the structure present in
I thank Marieke Timmerman for pointing this out to me.
1100 Journal of Clinical Psychology, September 2008
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interindividual differences, it is not entirely clear in what sense we may still have a
causal interpretation of the relation between the latent variable depression (i.e., the
structure describing interindividual differences) and the observed interindividual
differences in the observed symptoms. This point is more complicated than it may at
rst seem, and a full discussion of it is beyond the scope of this article (e.g., see
Borsboom, 2005; Borsboom et al., 2003, 2004). For present purposes, the important
thing for the reader to recognize is that the causal relation between latent variables
(depression) and indicators (symptoms of depression) is not straightforward; it
requires theoretical and empirical justication that goes beyond tting a latent
variable model to individual differences.
This brings us to a second difculty of the hypothetical structure coded in a latent
variable model, as it occurs in the context of psychopathology data. For if we cannot
routinely assume that the latent variable model (e.g., the liability-threshold idea) is
valid for describing the causal ontogenesis of symptom groups within individual
people, then we are forced to devote considerable attention to a theoretical analysis
of the processes that may generate the data on which we execute our psychometric
analyses. At this level, the diagnostic and dimensional views run into serious
problems that may, in some cases, largely invalidate them as plausible candidates for
a correct view of the relation between symptoms and theoretical attributes like
The problem is most easily explained through a simple example. Consider the
symptom group that denes panic disorder in the DSM-IV. Four of the symptoms of
panic disorder are (1) recurrent unexpected panic attacks; (2) at least one of the
attacks has been followed by 1 month (or more) of one (or more) of (2a) persistent
concern about having additional attacks, or (2b) worry about the implications of the
attack or its consequences (e.g., losing control, having a heart attack, going crazy);
and (3) there is a signicant change in behavior related to the attacks. A signicant
change of behavior that is often observed is that people who have suffered from
panic attacks tend to avoid public places (i.e., they develop agoraphobia). For
clarity, I will restrict the discussion to this particular change of behavior.
Think about the relation between these symptoms and panic disorder as a
measurement relation (i.e., the symptoms measure panic disorder) as considered in
the dimensional and diagnostic views. The model that corresponds to this idea is
graphically represented in the left panel of Figure 1. The model says that the
symptoms are correlated because they measure the same latent variable. Thus, the
observed variables are causally dependent (in some way) on the latent variable that
we measure.
Now think about how these symptoms relate to each other. One does not have to
do a deep literature search to encounter the not-altogether-implausible idea that, at
the level of the individual person, the symptoms are not effects of a common cause at
all; rather, they stand in direct causal relations to each other. For instance, a
plausible causal ontogenesis of the symptoms is (1) people have a panic attack in a
public place, which causes them (2b) to worry about the implications of that event,
and (2a) to worry that they may have another one in a public place, as a result of
which (3) they do not get out of the house anymore. This sequence of events
describes how each symptom arises as a result of the previous one, and therefore
describes a causal network. This network is represented in the right panel of Figure 1.
Now look at the models in the left and right panels of Figure 1. Which one makes
more sense to you? My experience suggests (in fact, up until now the verdicts of
scientic researchers, clinicians, and laypeople have been unanimous with respect to
1101 Psychometric Perspectives on Diagnostic Systems
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this issue) that you will favor the gure in the right panel. Rightly you should, for it
makes a good deal of theoretical sense. The implications of this model (should that
model be correct) for the idea that we are measuring the same theoretical attribute
with these different symptoms are, however, devastating. The existence of direct
causal relations between symptoms is in plain contradiction with the core idea that
motivates a latent variable model. The reason is that correlations between Symptoms
1, 2a, 2b, and 3 do not result from some underlying variable, but reect the direct
effects of Symptom 1 on Symptoms 2a and 2b, and of Symptom 2a and 2b on
Symptom 3. Hence, the correlations between the symptoms are not spurious in the
sense that a latent variable model assumes them to be; they reect direct causal
Thus, with respect to this set of symptoms, theoretical considerations do not
univocally support the diagnostic or dimensional views. For although the concept of
a latent variable, interpreted as the liability to develop symptoms, may be initially
attractive, when one recognizes the hypothesized causal structure (a common cause
structure) and contrasts this with an alternative (a causal chain) the measurement
model has a strong competitor. Naturally, the proof of the pudding is in the eating,
and the analysis of empirical data is necessary to validate the relative empirical
successes of the different approaches (although this may not be easy; it is notable, in
this respect, that many latent variable models are statistically equivalent to dynamic
state-space models, see Molenaar, 2003). In addition, the example given is a
relatively clear and plausible account of the ontogenesis of one particular mental
disorder. Much more theoretical and empirical research is necessary to establish
whether similar accounts can be given of other disorders. However, even a cursory
glance through diagnostic systems like the DSM suggests a multitude of direct causal
links between indicators of disorders. For instance, in depression one encounters
symptoms like (a) lack of sleep, (b) fatigue, and (c) lack of concentration, which may
plausibly make up a causal chain. Also, seldom encountered symptoms like suicide
attempts may be plausibly seen as distal effects of a persevering disturbance in other
variables commonly viewed as indicators (e.g., lack of pleasure, depressed mood,
feeling of worthlessness), rather than as indicators that stand at the same causal level
as all the other indicators (i.e., as effects of a common cause). For symptoms of
concern worry behavior
panic disorder
concern worry
Figure 1. The left panel shows the relation between panic disorder and its symptoms from a latent
variable modeling point of view. The right panel shows a representation of these symptoms as a causal
1102 Journal of Clinical Psychology, September 2008
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various addictive disorders, such causal chains also stand to reason. It is beyond the
scope of this article to discuss these structures in detail. Rather, the objective of the
present analysis was to point out that the causal ontogenesis of symptoms as a latent
variable model pictures it is (a) not at all straightforward, and (b) there are
alternative ways of explaining why symptoms hang together.
If panic disorder turns out to be properly conceptualized as a causal system, as
represented in the right panel of Figure 1, then the question arises what diagnostic
activities really come down to. In this respect, the concept of mental disorders as
being identical to causal systems of symptoms (analogous to the way van der Maas et
al., 2006, conceptualize intelligence as a causal system of mutually supportive
modules and processes) may be a fruitful alternative to the hitherto discussed views.
In fact, it may actually offer an integrated account of mental disorders that
incorporates several of the intuitively attractive properties of the constructivist,
diagnostic, and dimensional views. To this topic we now turn.
Disorders as Causal Systems
Suppose, as a matter of interesting speculation, that the relations between symptoms
as captured in diagnostic systems are, for a large part, direct causal relations.
means that the conceptualization of disorders as latent variables (either continuous
or categorical) is basically wrong. Of course, one may t a latent variable model to a
dataset, and that model may give a reasonable description of the relations between
variables. However, if the relations between symptoms are direct, it follows that the
latent variables invoked are purely ctional; they cannot be interpreted as real
entities. It would moreover be a case of language abuse to say that one measures
such latent variables; they would be convenient ctions, invented by the researcher
for some pragmatic reason. To say one measures a convenient ction is surely to
stretch the limits of language beyond what is reasonable. At the same time, it would
appear that a purely constructivist view fails to acknowledge a very important
property of the diagnostic categories, namely that the relations between symptoms
that dene them are far from arbitrary. That is, disorders do not consist of merely
conveniently grouped variables; they consist of sets of symptoms that are connected
through a system of causal relations.
Several important questions arise within such a scheme of thinking. The rst is the
question how we should conceive of the relation between indicators (e.g., lack of
sleep) and constructs (e.g., depression). Clearly, we could no longer say that the
indicators measure the construct, as in the diagnostic and dimensional views, because
the causal structure of measurement (a causal effect of the measured attribute on its
indicators) is not satised. Neither would we be inclined to say that the symptoms
are merely conveniently grouped into the disorder, as in the constructivist view
would have it; the relations between the symptoms are causal, i.e., the grouping
represents much more than convenience alone. It would seem that the relation
between indicators and constructs, in a causal systems perspective, is a mereological
(i.e., partwhole) relation rather than a causal one. That is, the symptoms are part of
a larger system of symptoms and causal connections that we refer to when we use the
word depression. They do not measure the construct, but constitute itand,
Various analyses of psychological constructs available in the literature are based on this idea; examples
are the analysis of developmental disorders as given in Morton and Frith (2004) and the analysis of the
positive manifold of intelligence test data by Van der Maas et al. (2006). In a broader sense, the
conceptualization is consistent with the basic tenets of dynamical systems theory (Smith & Thelen, 1994).
1103 Psychometric Perspectives on Diagnostic Systems
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importantly, they constitute it in a nonarbitrary way. So viewed, a causal systems
perspective evades the problems inherent in making sense of measurement models
for diagnostic systems (namely, guring out how constructs may have causal
relevance of their indicators). At the same time, it does not collapse into the
relativistic consequences of constructivist thinking (i.e., all groupings of variables are
empirically equally defensible, only some are more convenient for our purposes than
A second question that arises within a causal systems perspective is how we should
conceptualize diagnostic activity, i.e., what does the application of a diagnostic
system really come down to? It is important to note that although the cutoff scores
for diagnoses (i.e., ve out of nine depression symptoms equals major depressive
disorder) are no less arbitrary from a causal systems perspective than from a
measurement point of view, it is likely that they convey very nonarbitrary
information about (a) whether the causal system of symptoms is at all activated in
a person, and (b) where in the causal sequence a person is located at the time of the
diagnostic interview. Diagnostic activity could thus be conceptualized as a twofold
process, which involves the qualitative step of deciding whether a system is activated
(akin to latent class assignment in the diagnostic view) and the quantitative step of
deciding what a persons position in the causal structure currently is (akin to the
determination of a position on a continuum in the dimensional view).
For instance, satisfaction of the rst criterion of panic disorder (recurrent
unexpected panic attacks) indicates that the causal system has been entered by the
person being diagnosed. The other criteria (worry about attacks and behavioral
change, like avoidance of certain situations) indicate how far down the line a
person is. Panic disorder, as a diagnosis, requires that one is at least sufciently far in
the causal sequence that the symptom behavior change has been activated; panic
disorder with agoraphobia entails that one can no longer leave ones home without
fear. These are somewhat arbitrary lines, which may well be drawn based on
pragmatic rather than empirical considerations, but that does not render the
structure in the causal system, or the diagnostic activity itself, purely pragmatic.
Moreover, one could imagine that, for example, the distinction between panic
disorder with and without agoraphobia is empirically nonarbitrary in the
responsiveness of conditions to interventions (i.e., one might need different therapies
for the disorders).
Similarly, exclusive satisfaction of the criteria lack of sleep and fatigue suggests
that the causal system called depression has been entered, but that the person is not
far enough down the line to justify a diagnosis of major depressive disorder. To that
effect, one must not only proceed farther in the causal sequence, but in addition
activate symptoms that are central in the causal system (like depressed mood and
lack of pleasure). The notion of centrality, which plays an important role in
diagnostic systems in the form of criteria that are necessary for a diagnosis, may
receive various interpretations that are beyond the scope of this article. However, to
get a feel for the concept one might suppose that central symptoms are symptoms
with many incoming and outgoing relations from and to other symptoms that make
up the disorder. The converse of centrality occurs when variables are peripheral, that
is, are on the border of a causal system; suicide attempts, which can be imagined to
be located at the edge of the depression system, may be a peripheral variable in the
sense that they are an outcome that many of the other symptoms lead up to. The
ability to dene central and peripheral variables may be a signicant advantage over
traditional psychometric models, which cannot conceptualize such distinctions (for
1104 Journal of Clinical Psychology, September 2008
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exactly the same reason that there is no rationale to decide which of a set of
thermometers is central to the denition of temperaturein a latent variable model,
all indicators are on equal footing; Bollen, 1989). However, given the ubiquity of
such distinctions in diagnostic systems (as inclusive and noninclusive criteria) it
would seem that a psychometric model that cannot capture or formalize them is
missing out on something important.
In conclusion, it seems that the idea that constructs in psychopathology may refer
to causal systems rather than to latent variables has prima facie plausibility and
requires further conceptual analysis. However, it is beyond the scope of the current
article to present such an analysis. At this point, I think that the most important
message here is that the notion of diagnosis, in psychopathology, is not exhausted by
conceptual accounts that parallel traditional psychometric models (e.g., the
diagnostic and dimensional views); plausible alternatives that do not imply a
collapse into relativism (as implicit in the constructivist view) are available. Thus,
one does not have to cling to realism about latent variables (Borsboom et al., 2003)
to defend the notion that diagnostic systems are not purely arbitrary.
In this article, I have attempted to give a systematic clarication of the process of
diagnosis by connecting conceptual views of diagnostic systems to psychometric
theories on the relation between symptoms and constructs. Three viewpoints were
discussed: the constructivist view, which holds that disorders are conveniently
grouped sets of symptoms; the diagnostic view, which maintains that symptoms
measure categorical latent classes of people; and the dimensional view, which says
that symptoms measure continuous latent dimensions. Finally, I presented an
alternative view of mental disorders as causal systems, in which the relation between
symptoms and disorders is not one of convenient grouping (as in the constructivist
view) and neither one of measurement (as in the diagnostic and dimensional views),
but one of mereology. The symptoms are parts of a larger causal network; we
designate this network when we use words like depression or panic disorder. The
process of diagnosis, in the latter perspective, is a two-stage activity in which it is rst
assessed whether a person has entered a causal network, and second, where in the
network a persons current location is.
Some caveats regarding the implications of the present discussion are in order.
First, in scientic wildlife, the positions sketched are often encountered as all-
inclusive philosophies (e.g., scholars who are dismissive of a realist interpretation of,
say, depression, are likely to be dismissive of realism on all other disorders; similarly,
those who favor a dimensional perspective for one disorder generally favor a
dimensional perspective for all other disorders). However, it should be clearly
recognized that there is absolutely no inconsistency in adhering to a constructivist
perspective when it comes to, say, personality disorders, a diagnostic perspective
when it comes to schizophrenia, and a dimensional perspective when it comes to
depression. Thus, there is naturally room for a multitude of models and associated
frameworks within the study of a diagnostic system, as long as they do not apply to
the same disorders.
Despite this, it is clear that existing psychometric theories of the relation between
symptoms and disorders face problems that are of a very general nature. The
constructivist view would naturally translate into a formative modeling approach in
psychometrics (Borsboom et al., 2003). The formative model is ontologically loose,
1105 Psychometric Perspectives on Diagnostic Systems
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in the sense that it does not require the existence of a latent structure and a
measurement process that connects this structure to the observations, but it fails to
capture the fact that many groupings of symptoms do not appear to be arbitrary in
the sense of merely convenient. Something more is clearly going on in the data.
The diagnostic and dimensional views provide an explanation for the nonarbitrary
nature of many symptom groups through the hypothesis that the grouped symptoms
measure the same latent structure. However, it is not clear how the causal connection
between the presumed latent structure and the observable symptoms, which is
required to sensibly speak of measurement (Borsboom, 2005; Borsboom et al., 2004),
can be eshed out in the case of mental disorders. Models for interindividual
variation (i.e., all the models that have hitherto been tted to diagnostic systems
data) have no clear implications for intraindividual processes (Borsboom et al., 2003;
Hamaker et al., 2007), and it is far from clear whether in the case of psychopathology
they have any relevance whatsoever at the level of the individual. Thus, the idea that
models for intraindividual variation are isomorphic to models for interindividual
variation currently has little support, which means that such models cannot be
routinely assumed to describe the data generating process at the intraindividual level.
Now, I do not know of alternative conceptualizations of the data generating process
in the context of psychopathology, which would adequately tackle this problem in the
sense of providing a convincing alternative data generating mechanism to connect
variation in a latent structure to variation at the symptom level. This means that there
is a serious possibility that the entire latent variable framework is inappropriate for the
analysis of diagnostic systems; hence, both the diagnostic and dimensional views are
purely metaphorical. Moreover, at least for disorders such as panic disorder, a
dynamic causal structure involving direct causal relations between symptoms would
seem to be appropriate; this may well be the case for many other disorders. However,
such a dynamic structure is in direct contradiction to the tenets of the latent variable
model because it violates the common cause structure that such models instantiate
(Borsboom et al., 2003). In other words, the diagnostic and dimensional views are in
an awkwardly general sort of trouble.
Turning a vice into a virtue, I sketched a conceptual viewpoint based on a causal
systems view, akin to van der Maas et al.s (2006) theory of intelligence, that is based
on the idea that symptoms may bear direct causal relations to each other.
Unfortunately, however, there is currently no worked-out psychometric theory to go
with that perspective. Neither is there any empirical evidence that such a viewpoint
may be correct. Both the theoretical and empirical analysis of causal systems as
psychometric constructs thus need to be elaborated.
In conclusion, it seems that currently available psychometric conceptualizations of
diagnostic systems and of diagnostic activity as such, suffer from serious
shortcomings. Hence, whatever else one may think about the considerations
presented in this article, I think that one implication is relatively uncontestable:
Diagnostic systems deserve more elaborate psychometric thinking and analysis than
they currently receive.
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