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Abstract- This essay is primarily about the libertarian party in the United States.

Why it
is a good for American citizens and society, why it would be negative, and why it would
not change the United States in anyway. The libertarian party has minimal government
intervention that will allow American citizens to promote their own self-interest and
benefit themselves and society.
Entering the Discourse
Americans Third Party
intro-The United States has two main parties, the epublican !arty, and the "emocrat
party. #any wonder whether or not we need or should have another party. $ne of the
largest and strongest up and coming %third parties% is the libertarian party. There are
many different arguments regarding this issue, some believe that we need the
libertarian party, some believe that it would have a negative affect, and some believe
that it truly is not necessary. All arguments have valid aspects and opinions, but &
believe we need a libertarian party in the United States. The libertarian party is closely
aligned to the epublican party in many ways, individuals that are considered either
very conservative or conservative ma'e up ()* percent of the political ideology
according to the +,-. American /alues Survey. 0oth believe in a smaller federal or
central government, and both to some e1tent are fiscally conservative. 2ibertarians also
have similar ideologies to those of the democrats, most libertarians are pro-choice,
believe in same se1 marriage, and the legalization of mari3uana due to their belief that
the government should not be involved in their personal affairs. 0ut libertarians ta'e it a
step further and want the government to be as minimal in the individuals life as possible
to promote the individuals self interest. The perception of the libertarian party can be
warped at times by someone who many not understand the ideologies, theories, and
policies, or they may have a lac' of interest for politics in general. #any believe that the
libertarian party is unrealistic, lac's compassion, and is too e1treme to ever be effective.
$ne of the biggest issues that we have in todays society is the economy while having
different aspects and ideas on how this should be solved the libertarian party is no
different in that they want to address the issues in which ever way they feel is most
effective. The 2ibertarian party is at times overloo'ed, there are many aspects of this
political party that are shared with our two main parties we have today, the epublican
and "emocrat party.
Literature Review
The United States has a very limiting amount of choices when it comes to voting for our
political beliefs. $ne can either vote epublican or "emocrat, for big central
government, or small central government, pro life or pro choice, legalization of gay
marriage or not, legalization of mari3uana or not. We are limited to follow these over
simplified, and stereotypical choices, which affect everyone in our society. With the
libertarian party we would be adding a new perspective and understanding for many of
the issues we have in society today. The economy has a multitude of issues, ranging
from poverty, welfare, government spending, and ta1es. Simply, the libertarian party
believes that the government should stay out of our economic realm, and see' to
protect us the ta1 payer. %A free and competitive mar'et allocates resources in the most
efficient manner. 4ach person has the right to offer goods and services to others on the
free mar'et. The only proper role of government in the economic realm is to protect
property rights, ad3udicate disputes, and provide a legal framewor' in which voluntary
trade is protected. All efforts by government to redistribute wealth, or to control or
manage trade, are improper in a free society.% 52ibertarian !arty !latform, Section +.,
+,,67 This leads into why libertarians believe that we should move away from our
current welfare state. 4ver since the US began the war on poverty in -89(, they have
spent over :( trillion dollars, and the gap between the rich and the poor has only grown
larger. This not only ta'es away money from everyone who is not on welfare, but it is a
vicious cycle for those who are on welfare. This system is unfair and cheated everyday
by people who do not have any intention of wor'ing, and plan on living off other wor'ing
Americans. And by then end of %+,-; minimum wage is e1pected to lose about +* of its
value, which is about :+(,.% 5"emocratic <ational =ommittee +-,;.7 &f minimum wage
does lose its value, why should wor'ing Americans lose even more to pay for a failed
welfare system, and also with less government evolvement the 3obs we have today will
be more prosperous. The lac' of government involvement would ta'e away the many
unnecessary rules, regulations, licensing laws, and zoning laws. #any as' if there is no
welfare what will the people who are actually not able to wor' do> The answer is not
easy, the libertarian party has proposed to %establish a dollar-for-dollar ta1 credit for
contributions to private charity.% 52ibertarian !arty +,-;7 This means that whichever
individual contributes to a private charity to provide better versions of the social welfare
services we have today, they will reduce the individuals ta1es the e?ual amount the
individual has contributed. The US has proven that we are one of the most charitable
and generous countries, not only to our own but to other as well, the change from
privatizing welfare will not be easy but it will benefit the US and the citizens as a whole.
The libertarian party would have a negative affect on American society and politics
because it would cause misbalance in our current party system, it could chaos in our
society because of their e1tremist ideals and their lac' of government intervention in
their polices. American citizens are used to having the government to support them in
times of needs, and to help control andy uprising or disorganization. 0ecause the US
already has a bicameral system the addition of another party could cause more
instances of grid loc' in policy ma'ing, slowing the process even more. $ne of their
most e1treme and unrealistic policies would be to end welfare all together. The
libertarian party in the United States is unnecessary, and irrelevant 0ecause the US has
a bicameral legislature it would not be in any sense logical, or affect the voting, policies,
and actions of the United States. #any believe that @third parties are li'e beesA once
they have stung they die.B 50urns, +,,)7 $ne of the biggest opposing arguments
between the libertarian party and many of there parties is the economy and the policies
that go along with it. Cnowing that privatizing social welfare is e1tremely difficult and at
times not promising, it is unrealistic.
The discussion is not necessarily wether or not the libertarian party is a %better%, more
effective , or if it is going to fade away and be overpowered by our two party system.
The discussion here is if the libertarian policies and ideologies can ma'e for a more
functional society and a better for life for American citizens. With current issues li'e
foreign policy, healthcare, ta1es, privacy and gun control to name a few there is clearly
not only going to be one way to solve it. & believe that prompting ones self interest is at
the upmost importance, without an individual attempting to promote their own self
interest there is no advancement in any aspect. Without self interesest technology,
government, and society would not be where it is today. And the 2ibertarian party is an
avid believer in promoting the individuals beliefs, and once again self interest with less
government involvement. & believe that the libertarian ideology can ma'e individuals
more prosperous, and secure without government intervention, which hinders and at
times completely stops the growth of the individual.
Throughout this essay the positive,and negative aspects of the libertarian party. The
conte1t that needs to be ta'en from this is that all there is not one single, or two political
ideologies. There is an infinitive amount of ideas and ideologies, that are overloo'ed
and overpowered by big name political parties. And at times we are not loo'ing at the
whole issue, and solemnly focusing on big party names. The libertarian party has the
potential of being one of the most effective political parties in the United States, which
not only empowers the individual, but the country as a whole.
- https://www!porg/
Dournal of !olicy Eistory. $ct+,,), /ol. -8 &ssue ;, p;(+-;),. -8p

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