Library Management File
Library Management File
Library Management File
This project of LIBRARY MANAGEMENT gives us the complete information about the library. We
can enter the record of new books and retrieve the details of books available in the library. We can
issue the books to the students and maintain their records and can also check how many books are
available in the library. In this project we can maintain the late fine of students who returns the
issued books after the due date.
Problem Statement
Library management system comprises of a Librarian and members (students).
The task of the Librarian is to:
Register a member- The librarian has to register a member and issue a membership card to Him/Her.
Validate membership- The librarian will either renew or cancel the membership of a particular user after
a stipulated period of time.
Register books- The librarian will have to update the register whenever a new book is added to the
collection (through buying, donations etc) or deleted (books being lost, stolen etc)
Search books- The librarian will have to search for a book which a member is looking for, and issue it to
The task of the member is to:
Search books- The member will have to look for a book and if it is available ask he librarian to issue it for
Return book- The member will have to return the book to the library,and if not returned within the
stipulated period of time, He/She will have to pay the fine.
Use Case Diagram
Use Case Description
Use case name: Register member
Use case no: 1
Actor: Librarian
Pre-condition: The member should go to the library.
Post-condition: The member receives membership id.
Description: The user needs to submit his name, contact number and address. He is then
made a member after issuance of the membership id.
Use case name: Register member
Use case no: 1.1
Actor: Librarian
Pre-condition: The user needs to submit his name, contact number and address.
Post-condition: He is then made a member after issuance of the membership id.
Description: The user needs to submit his name, contact number and address. He is then
made a member after issuance of the membership id.
Use case name: Register books
Use case no: 2
Actor: Librarian
Pre-condition: The register for books in the library is not updated.
Post-condition: The register is updated after adding/deleting books.
Description: The librarian will have to update the register whenever a new book is added to the
collection (through buying, donations etc) or deleted (books being lost, stolen etc)
Use case name: Update
Use case no: 2.1
Actor: Librarian
Pre-condition: A particular book is lent/returned
Post-condition: The record of lending/returning the book is updated in the librarys register
Description: After lending/returning a book, its record is updated in the is updated in the
librarys register
Use case name: Add
Use case no: 2.2
Actor: Librarian
Pre-condition: A particular book is bought/donated
Post-condition: The record of buying/donating the book is updated in the librarys register
Description: After receiving a book through buying/donation , its record is updated in the
librarys register that the book is now available
Use case name: Delete
Use case no: 2.3
Actor: Librarian
Pre-condition: A particular book is lost/stolen/damaged
Post-condition: The record of losing the book is updated in the librarys register
Description: After losing a book, its record is updated in the is updated in the librarys register
that the particular copy is no longer available
Use case name: Search Book
Use case no: 3
Actor: Librarian, Member
Pre-condition: A particular books availability is searched in the records of the library
Post-condition: If available the result is displayed as positive and issued to the member
Description: A particular book is searched in the library and the result shows whether it is
available in the library or not
Use case name: Issue Book
Use case no: 3.1
Actor: Librarian
Pre-condition: A particular book is searched
Post-condition: The book is issued to the member
Description: After searching a particular book, if available it is issued to the member
Use case name: Return Book
Use case no: 4
Actor: Member
Pre-condition: A particular book is returned
Post-condition: The record of returning the book is updated in the librarys register
Description: After returning a book, its record is updated in the librarys register. If it is returned
after the due date, a fine is charged
Use case name: Fine
Use case no: 4.1
Actor: Member
Pre-condition: A particular book is returned
Post-condition: If book is returned after due date, a fine is charged
Description: After returning a book, its record is updated in the librarys register. If it is returned
after the due date, a fine is charged
Use case name: Validate Membership
Use case no: 5
Actor: Librarian
Pre-condition: The membership of a particular member has expired
Post-condition: The membership is either renewed or cancelled
Description: The membership period of a member is checked. After that the librarian decides to
renew the membership or cancel the same
Class Diagram
Class Diagram Description
Class name: RegMember
Class no: 1
Attributes: RegMember_ Name (char), RegMember_add(Varchar), RegMember_mobile(int),
Method: RegMember_generateid()
Relationship mapping:
Many members are associated with one librarian
One id for one member
Class name: Librarian
Class no: 2
Attributes: Librarian_ name (char), Librarian_Id (Int)
Methods: Librarian_Issuebook(), Librarian_returnbook(), Librarian_collectfine(fine:int),
Librarian_verifyno(id:int), Librarian_orderbook(bookname:char)
Relationship mapping:
One librarian is associated with registration of many members
One librarian is associated with many members
One librarian is associated with search for many books
One librarian is associated with registration of many books
Class name: Member
Class no:3
Attributes: Member_Regid (Int), Member_regname(char)
Methods: Member_reqbook(), Member_returnbook(),Member_payfine ()
Relationship mapping:
Many members make requests to one librarian
One member has one registered id
Class name: Searchbook
Class no: 4
Attributes: Searchbook_id(char), Searchbook_author(char)
Methods: Searchbook(id: char), Searchbook(author: char),
Relationship mapping:
One librarian makes many book searches
Class name: Regbook
Class no: 5
Attributes: Regbook_bookname(char), Regbook_authorname(char), Regbook_copy(int)
Methods: Regbook_generatebookid(bookname:char)
Relationship mapping:
One librarian is associated with registration of many books
Sequence Diagram
Sequence Diagram Description
Diagram name: Register member
Sequence no: 1
Actor: Member
Description: The member enters his details and the boundary class sends them to
the controller class. The details are then stored in the entity
class. Member id (eid) is generated at the controller class, which is
again sent to the boundary class and received by the member.
Diagram name: Register book
Sequence no: 1
Actor: Librarian
Description: The librarian enters book details and the boundary class sends them to the
controller class. The details are then stored in the entity class. Book id (bid) is
generated at the controller class, which is again sent to the boundary class
and received by the librarian.
Diagram name: Librarian Works
Sequence no: 3
Actor: Librarian
Description: The librarian enters book details which is
searched by member and the boundary class
sends them to the controller class. The book is
searched in the entity class. Then availability of
book and book id(bid) again sent to the
boundary class and received by the librarian.
Again librarian enters book details which is
requested by member , member details and
boundary class sends then to the controller
class of register member. This data is stored in
the entity class. Then entity class again sent
requested book details and member id(eid) to
the boundary class and received by librarian.
Again librarian enters book details which is
issued to member, member id(eid), book id(bid)
and boundary class sends then to the controller
class. The details are then stored in the entity
class. which is again sent to the boundary class
and received by the librarian.
Again librarian enters book details which is
Returned by member, member id(eid), book
id(bid) and boundary class sends then to the
controller class. The details are then stored in
the entity class. Then calculate the fine if any
and this is received by boundary class.
Collaboration Diagram
Register member
Register book
Search book
Request book
Issue book
Return book
Collaboration Diagram description
Diagram name: Register member 1
Description: The member enters his details and the boundary class sends them to
the controller class. The details are then stored in the entity
class. Member id (eid) is generated at the controller class, which is
again sent to the boundary class and received by the member.
Diagram name: Register book
Description: The librarian enters book details and the boundary class sends them to the
controller class. The details are then stored in the entity class. Book id (bid) is
generated at the controller class, which is again sent to the boundary class
and received by the librarian.
Diagram name: Search book
Description: The librarian enters book details which is
searched by member and the boundary class
sends them to the controller class. The book is
searched in the entity class. Then availability of
book and book id(bid) again sent to the
boundary class and received by the librarian.
Diagram name: Request book
Description: Again librarian enters book details which is
requested by member , member details and
boundary class sends then to the controller
class of register member. This data is stored in
the entity class. Then entity class again sent
requested book details and member id(eid) to
the boundary class and received by librarian.
Diagram name: Issue book
Description : Again librarian enters book details which is
issued to member, member id(eid), book id(bid)
and boundary class sends then to the controller
class. The details are then stored in the entity
class. which is again sent to the boundary class
and received by the librarian.
Diagram name: Return book
Description : Again librarian enters book details which is
Returned by member, member id(eid), book
id(bid) and boundary class sends then to the
controller class. The details are then stored in
the entity class. Then calculate the fine if any
and this is received by boundary class.