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A Estrutura Básica Da Futura ISO 45001 de Segurança e Saúde No Trabalho

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A estrutura bsica da futura norma ISO 45001 de SST

Comparativo preparado pela BSI - British Standards Institution, em maro/2013.

This uses the ISO Annex SL structure and text, and examines alignment to the current draft of ISO 14001 (2015).
Annex SL
ISO/WD2 14001
OHSAS 18001 integrated into
Annex SL
Normal black text: Annex SL text
Blue text is proposed integrated text for
ISO 14001:201X
Red italics text is text from ISO
14001:2004 that has not yet been
discussed by the working
Blue text is Annex SL
Black text is OHSAS migration into
Annex SL
Organizations of all kinds are
increasingly concerned with achieving
and demonstrating sound environmental
performance by controlling the impacts
of their activities, products and services
on the environment, consistent with their
environmental policy and objectives.
They do so in the context of increasingly
stringent legislation, the development of
economic policies and other measures
that foster environmental protection, and
increased concern expressed by
interested parties about environmental
matters and sustainable development.
Organizations of all kinds are
increasingly concerned with achieving
and demonstrating sound occupational
health and safety (OH&S) performance
by controlling their OH&S risks,
consistent with their OH&S policy and
objectives. They do so in the context of
increasingly stringent legislation, the
development of economic policies and
other measures that foster good OH&S
practices, and increased concern
expressed by interested parties about
OH&S issues.
Many organizations have undertaken
The Introduction is too long and
should be shortened to be of
more value to users
Many organizations have undertaken
environmental reviews or audits to
assess their environmental
performance. On their own, however,
these reviews and audits may not be
sufficient to provide an organization with
the assurance that its performance not
only meets, but will continue to meet, its
legal and policy requirements. To be
effective, they need to be conducted
within a structured management system
that is integrated within the organization.
International Standards covering
environmental management are
intended to provide organizations
with the elements of an effective
environmental management system
(EMS) that can be integrated with other
management requirements and help
organizations achieve environmental
and economic goals. These standards,
like other International Standards, are
not intended to be used to create
nontariff trade barriers or to increase or
change an organization's legal
This International Standard specifies
requirements for an environmental
management system to enable an
organization to develop and implement a
policy and objectives which take into
account legal requirements and
information about significant
environmental aspects. It is intended to
apply to all types and sizes of
organization and to accommodate
diverse geographical, cultural and social
OH&S reviewsor auditsto assess
their OH&S performance. On their own,
however, these reviewsand audits
may not be sufficient to provide an
organization with the assurance that its
performance not only meets, but will
continue to meet, its legal and policy
requirements. To be effective, they need
to be conducted within a structured
management system that is integrated
within the organization.
The International Standards covering
OH&S management are intended to
provide organizations with the elements
of an effective OH&S management
system that can be integrated with other
management requirements and help
organizations achieve OH&S and
economic objectives. These standards,
like other International Standards, are
not intended to be used to create non-
tariff trade barriers or to increase or
change an organizations legal
This International Standard specifies
requirements for an OH&S management
system to enable an organization to
develop and implement a policy and
objectives which take into account legal
requirements and information about
OH&S risks. It is intended to apply to all
types and sizes of organizations and to
accommodate diverse geographical,
cultural and social conditions. The basis
of the approach is shown in Figure 1.
The success of the system depends on
commitment from all levels and
conditions. The basis of the approach is
shown in Figure 1. The success of the
system depends on commitment from all
levels and functions of the organization,
and especially from top management. A
system of this kind enables an
organization to develop an
environmental policy, establish
objectives and processes to achieve the
policy commitments, take action as
needed to improve its performance and
demonstrate the conformity of the
system to the requirements of this
International Standard. The overall aim
of this International Standard is to
support environmental protection and
prevention of pollution in balance with
socio-economic needs. It should be
noted that many of the requirements can
be addressed concurrently or revisited
at any time.
The second edition of this International
Standard is focused on clarification of
the first edition, and has taken due
consideration of the provisions of ISO
9001 to enhance the compatibility of the
two standards for the benefit of the user
For ease of use, the subclause numbers
in Clause 4 of the body of this
International Standard and in Annex A
have been related. For example, 4.3.3
and A.3.3 both deal with objectives,
targets and programme(s), and 4.5.5
and A.5.5 both deal with internal audit.
In addition, Annex B identifies broad
technical correspondences between ISO
functions of the organization, and
especially from top management. A
system of this kind enables an
organization to develop an OH&S policy,
establish objectives and processes to
achieve the policy commitments, take
action as needed to improve its
performance and demonstrate the
conformity of the system to the
requirements of this International
The overall aim of this International
Standard is to support and promote
good OH&S practices, in balance with
socio-economic needs. It should be
noted that many of the requirements can
be addressed concurrently or revisited
at any time.
This International Standard
has taken due consideration of the
provisions of ISO 9001, ISO14001, ILO-
OSH, and other OH&S management
system standards or publications to
enhance the compatibility of these
standards for the benefit of the user
There is an important distinction
between this International Standard,
which describes the requirements for an
organizations OH&S management
system and can be used for
demonstration of conformity, and a non-
certifiable guideline intended to provide
generic assistance to an organization for
establishing, implementing or improving
an OH&S management system. OH&S
14001:2004 and ISO 9001:2008 and
vice versa.
There is an important distinction
between this International Standard,
which describes the requirements for an
organization's environmental
management system and can be used
for certification /registration and/or self-
declaration of an organization's
environmental management system,
and a non-certifiable guideline intended
to provide generic assistance to an
organization for establishing,
implementing or improving an
environmental management system.
Environmental management
encompasses a full range of issues,
including those with strategic and
competitive implications. Demonstration
of successful implementation of this
International Standard can be used by
an organization to assure interested
parties that an appropriate
environmental management system is in
Guidance on supporting environmental
management techniques is contained in
other International Standards,
particularly those on environmental
management in the documents
established by ISO/TC 207. Any
reference to other International
Standards is for information only.
(Fig 1 Omitted)
Figure 1 Environmental management
management encompasses a full range
of issues, including those with strategic
and competitive implications.
Demonstration of successful
implementation of this International
Standard can be used by an
organization to assure interested parties
that an appropriate OH&S management
system is in place.
Those organizations requiring more
general guidance on a broad range of
OH&S management system issues are
referred to ISO XX002. Any reference to
other International Standards is for
information only.
(Fig 1 , Similar to ISO 14001 Fig 1,
NOTE This International Standard is
based on the methodology known as
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). PDCA can
be briefly described as follows.
Plan: establish the objectives and
processes necessary to deliver results in
accordance with the organizations
OH&S policy.
Do: implement the processes.
Check: monitor and measure
processes against OH&S policy,
objectives, legal and other requirements,
and report the results.
Act: take actions to continually
improve OH&S performance.
Many organizations manage their
operations via the application of a
system of processes and their
The text in 14001 Para 7,
concerning certification, self-
declaration etc., (highlighted
text) is no longer permitted in
an ISO MSS following TMB
resolution 69/2012
system model for this International
Standard ISO
NOTE This International Standard is
based on the methodology known as
Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA). PDCA can
be briefly described as follows.
Plan: establish the objectives and
processes necessary to deliver results in
accordance with the organization's
environmental policy.
Do: implement the processes.
Check: monitor and measure
processes against environmental policy,
objectives, targets, legal and other
requirements, and report the results.
Act: take actions to continually
improve performance of the
environmental management system.

Many organizations manage their
operations via the application of a
system of processes and their
interactions, which can be referred to as
the process approach. ISO 9001
promotes the use of the process
approach. Since PDCA can be applied
to all processes, the two methodologies
are considered to be compatible.

This International Standard contains
only those requirements that can be
objectively audited. Those organizations
requiring more general guidance on a
broad range of environmental
management system issues are referred
to ISO 14004.

This International Standard does not
establish absolute requirements for
interactions, which can be referred to as
the process approach. ISO 9001
promotes the use of the process
approach. Since PDCA can be applied
to all processes, the two methodologies
are considered to be compatible.

This International Standard contains
requirements that can be objectively
audited; however it does not establish
absolute requirements for OH&S
performance beyond the commitments,
in the OH&S policy, to comply with
applicable legal requirements and with
other requirements to which the
organization subscribes, to the
prevention of injury and ill health and to
continual improvement. Thus, two
organizations carrying out similar
operations but having different OH&S
performance can both conform to its

This International Standard does not
include requirements specific to other
management systems, such as those for
quality, environmental, security, or
financial management, though its
elements can be aligned or integrated
with those of other management
systems. It is possible for an
organization to adapt its existing
management system(s) in order to
establish an OH&S management system
that conforms to the requirements of this
International Standard. It is pointed out,
however, that the application of various
elements of the management system
might differ depending on the intended
environmental performance
beyond the commitments, in the
environmental policy, to comply with
applicable legal requirements and with
other requirements to which the
organization subscribes, to prevention of
pollution and to continual improvement.
Thus, two organizations carrying out
similar operations but having different
environmental performance can both
conform to its requirements.
The adoption and implementation of a
range of environmental management
techniques in a systematic manner can
contribute to optimal outcomes for all
interested parties. However, adoption of
this International Standard will not in
itself guarantee optimal environmental
outcomes. In order to achieve
environmental objectives, the
environmental management system can
encourage organizations to consider
implementation of the best available
techniques, where appropriate and
where economically viable, and fully
take into account the cost effectiveness
of such techniques.
This International Standard does not
include requirements specific to other
management systems, such as those for
quality, occupational health and safety,
financial or risk management, though its
elements can be aligned or integrated
with those of other management
systems. It is possible for an
organization to adapt its existing
management system(s) in order to
purpose and the interested parties
The level of detail and complexity of the
OH&S management system, the extent
of documentation and the resources
devoted to it depend on a number of
factors, such as the scope of the
system, the size of an organization and
the nature of its activities, products and
services, and the organizational culture.
This may be the case in particular for
small and medium-sized enterprises.
establish an environmental management
system that conforms to the
requirements of this International
Standard. It is pointed out, however, that
the application of various elements of
the management system might differ
depending on the intended purpose and
the interested parties involved.
The level of detail and complexity of the
environmental management system, the
extent of documentation and the
resources devoted to it depend on a
number of factors, such as the scope of
the system, the size of an organization
and the nature of its activities, products
and services. This may be the case in
particular for small and medium-sized
1. Scope
1. Scope
This International Standard specifies
requirements for an environmental
management system to enable an
organization to develop and implement a
policy and objectives which take into
account legal requirements and other
requirements to which the organization
subscribes, and information about
significant environmental aspects.
It applies to those environmental
aspects that the organization identifies
as those which it can control and those
which it can influence. It does not itself
state specific environmental
performance criteria.
1 Scope
This International Standard specifies
requirements for an occupational health
and safety (OH&S) management
system, to enable an organization to
control its OH&S risks and improve its
OH&S performance. It does not state
specific OH&S performance criteria, nor
does it give detailed specifications for
the design of a management system.
This International Standard is applicable
to any organization that wishes to:
a) establish an OH&S management
system to eliminate or minimize risks to
personnel and other interested parties
who could be exposed to OH&S hazards
associated with its activities;
This International Standard is applicable
to any organization that wishes to
a) establish, implement, maintain and
improve an environmental management
b) assure itself of conformity with its
stated environmental policy,
c) demonstrate conformity with this
International Standard by
1) making a self-determination and
self-declaration, or
2) seeking confirmation of its
conformance by parties having an
interest in the organization, such as
customers, or
3) seeking confirmation of its self-
declaration by a party external to the
organization, or
4) seeking certification/ registration of
its environmental management system
by an external organization.
All the requirements in this International
Standard are intended to be
incorporated into any environmental
management system. The extent of the
application depends on factors such as
the environmental policy of the
organization, the nature of its activities,
products and services and the location
where and the conditions in which it
b) implement, maintain and continually
improve an OH&S
management system;
c) assure itself of its conformity with its
stated OH&S policy;
d) demonstrate conformity with this
International Standard by:
All the requirements in this International
Standard are intended to be
incorporated into any OH&S
management system. The extent of the
application will depend on such factors
as the OH&S policy of the organization,
the nature of its activities and the risks
and complexity of its operations.
This International Standard is intended
to address occupational health and
safety, and is not intended to address
other health and safety areas such as
employee wellbeing/wellness
programmes, product safety, property
damage or environmental impacts.
ISO 14001 Bullet c), sub-bullets
1) to 4) (highlighted) are no
longer permissible following
TMB resolution 69/2012, on
statements of limitation
2. Normative references
2. Normative references
No normative references are cited. This
clause is included in order to retain
clause numbering
identical with the previous edition (ISO
2. Normative references
Note No normative references are
cited. This clause is included in order to
maintain clause numbering In alignment
14001:1996). with other ISO management system
3. Terms and definition
For the purposes of this document,
the following terms and definitions
3. Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the
following terms and definitions apply.
3. Terms and definition
For the purposes of this document, the
following terms and definitions apply.
Venha discutir as novas ISO 9001 e ISO 14001:2015 (e a estrutura bsica da futura ISO 45001 de SST) no nosso
prximo Encontro Tcnico. Clique na figura abaixo para mais informaes.
person or group of people that has
its own functions with
responsibilities, authorities and
relationships to achieve its
objectives (3.08)
Note 1 to entry: The concept of
organization includes, but is not limited
to sole-trader, company, corporation,
firm, enterprise, authority, partnership,
charity or institution, or part or
combination thereof, whether
incorporated or not, public or private.
person or group of people that has its
own functions with responsibilities,
authorities and relationships
to achieve its objectives (3.12A)
Note 1 to entry: The concept of
organization includes, but is not limited
to sole-trader, company,
corporation, firm, enterprise, authority,
partnership, charity or institution, or part
or combination thereof,
whether incorporated or not, public or
Note 2 to entry: For organizations with
more than one operating unit, a single
operating unit may be defined as an
person or group of people that has its
own functions with responsibilities,
authorities and relationships to achieve
its objectives (3.08)
Note 1 to entry: The concept of organization
includes, but is not limited to sole-trader,
company, corporation, firm, enterprise,
authority, partnership, charity or institution, or
part or combination thereof, whether
incorporated or not, public or private.
Note 2 to entry: For organizations with
more than one operating unit, a single
operating unit may be defined as an
14001 Note 2 may not be
necessary. The issue is covered
by reference to partin the Note
1 to the Annex SL definition.
interested party (preferred term)
stakeholder (admitted term)
person or organization (3.01) that
can affect, be affected by, or
perceive themselves to be affected
by a decision or activity
interested party (preferred term)
stakeholder (admitted term)
person or organization (3.01) that can
affect, be affected by, or perceive
themselves to be affected by
a decision or activity
interested party
person or group concerned with or
affected by the environmental
performance (3.17B) of an
organization (3.01)
interested party (preferred term)
stakeholder (admitted term)
person or organization (3.01) that can
affect, be affected by, or perceive
themselves to be affected by a decision
or activity
OHSAS 18001
3.10 interested party
person or group, inside or outside the
workplace (3.23), concerned with or
affected by the OH&S performance
(3.15) of an organization (3.17)
workplaceand OH&S
performanceare key issues in
the OH&S definition, as is the
issue of whether the definition
adequately covers visitorsto
the workplace.
need or expectation that is stated,
need or expectation that is stated,
need or expectation that is stated,
Not in OHSAS 18001
generally implied or obligatory
NOTE 1 to entry: Generally implied
means that it is custom or common
practice for the organization and
interested parties that the need or
expectation under consideration is
NOTE 2 to entry: A specified
requirement is one that is stated, for
example in documented information.
generally implied or obligatory
Note 1 to entry: Generally implied
means that it is custom or common
practice for the organization
and interested parties that the need or
expectation under consideration is
Note 2 to entry: A specified requirement
is one that is stated, for example in
documented information.
environmental issues
concerns about the impact of
organizations, products and services,
technology, consumption and
other human activity on the environment
and the impact of environmental
changes on organizations.
surroundings in which an organization
(3.01) operates, including air, water,
land, natural resources, flora, fauna,
humans, and their interrelation
Note 1 to entry: Surroundings in this
context extend from within an
organization (3.01) to the global
environmental aspect
element of an organization's (3.01)
activities or products or services that
can interact with the
environment (3.05)
Note 1 to entry: Significant
environmental aspect has or can have a
generally implied or obligatory
NOTE 1 to entry: Generally impliedmeans
that it is custom or common practice for the
organization and interested parties that the
need or expectation under consideration is
NOTE 2 to entry: A specified requirement is
one that is stated, for example in
documented information.
significant environmental impact

environmental impact
any change to the environment (3.05),
whether adverse or beneficial, wholly or
partially resulting from an
organization's (3.01) environmental
aspects (3.06)

environmental impact
any change to the environment whether
adverse or beneficial, wholly or partially
resulting from an organization's (3.01)
environmental aspects (3.06) or any
change by the environment (3.05) on
the organisation. 3.07B text proposed by Ad
Hoc Drafting Group in Bangkok
3.1 acceptable risk
risk that has been reduced to a level that
can be tolerated by the organization
having regard to its legal obligations and
its own OH&S policy (3.16)

Not in Annex SL
3.6 hazard
source, situation, or act with a potential
for harm in terms of human injury or ill
health (3.8), or a combination of these

Not in Annex SL
3.7 hazard identification
process of recognizing that a hazard
(3.6) exists and defining its
Not in Annex SL
3.8 ill health
identifiable, adverse physical or mental
condition arising from and/or made
worse by a work activity and/or work-
related situation
Not in Annex SL
3.9 incident
work-related event(s) in which an injury
or ill health (3.8) (regardless of severity)
or fatality occurred, or could have

NOTE 1 An accident is an incident
which has given rise to injury, ill health
or fatality.

NOTE 2 An incident where no injury, ill
health, or fatality occurs may also be
referred to as a near-miss, near-hit,
close call or dangerous

NOTE 3 An emergency situation (see
4.4.7) is a particular type of incident.
Not in Annex SL
3.12 occupational health and safety
conditions and factors that affect, or
could affect, the health and safety of
employees or other workers (including
temporary workers and
contractor personnel), visitors, or any
other person in the
workplace (3.23)

NOTE Organizations can be subject to
legal requirements for the health and
safety of persons beyond the immediate
workplace, or who are exposed to the
workplace activities.
Not in Annex SL
3.22 risk assessment
process of evaluating the risk(s) (3.21)
arising from a hazard(s), taking into
account the adequacy of any existing
controls, and deciding
whether or not the risk(s) is acceptable
Not in Annex SL

The definitions of risk
assessment, risk identification,
and risk source from ISO 31000
may need to be considered
3.23 workplace
any physical location in which work
related activities are performed under
the control of the organization

NOTE When giving consideration to
what constitutes a workplace, the
organization (3.17) should take into
account the OH&S effects on personnel
who are, for example, travelling or in
transit (e.g. driving, flying, on boats or
trains), working at the premises of a
client or customer, or working at home.
Not in Annex SL
management system
set of interrelated or interacting
management system
set of interrelated or interacting
management system
set of interrelated or interacting

manage its risksis a key issue
elements of an organization (3.01)
to establish policies (3.07) and
objectives (3.08) and processes
(3.12) to achieve those objectives
NOTE 1 to entry: A management
system can address a single discipline
or several disciplines.
NOTE 2 to entry: The system
elements include the organizations
structure, roles and responsibilities,
planning, operation, etc.
NOTE 3 to entry: The scope of a
management system may include the
whole of the organization, specific and
identified functions of the organization,
specific and identified sections of the
organization, or one or more functions
across a group of organizations.

elements of an organization (3.01) to
establish policies (3.11A) and
objectives (3.12) and processes
(3.16A) to achieve those objectives
Note 1 to entry: A management system
can address a single discipline or
several disciplines.
Note 2 to entry: The system elements
include the organizations structure,
roles and responsibilities,
planning, operation, etc.

Note 3 to entry: The scope of a
management system may include the
whole of the organization,
specific and identified functions of the
organization, specific and identified
sections of the organization,
or one or more functions across a group
of organizations.

environmental management system
part of an organization's (3.01)
management system used to develop
and implement its
environmental policy (3.11B) and
manage its environmental aspects
Note 1 to entry: A management system
is a set of interrelated elements used to
establish policy and
objectives and to achieve those
Note 2 to entry: A management system
includes organizational structure,
planning activities,
responsibilities, practices, procedures
elements of an organization (3.01) to
establish policies (3.07) and objectives
(3.08) and processes (3.12) to achieve
those objectives
NOTE 1 to entry: A management system
can address a single discipline or several
NOTE 2 to entry: The system elements
include the organizations structure, roles
and responsibilities, planning, operation, etc.
NOTE 3 to entry: The scope of a
management system may include the whole
of the organization, specific and identified
functions of the organization, specific and
identified sections of the organization, or one
or more functions across a group of

OHSAS 18001
3.13 OH&S management system
part of an organizations (3.17)
management system used to develop
and implement its OH&S policy (3.16)
and manage its OH&S risks (3.21)

NOTE 1 A management system is a set
of interrelated elements used to
establish policy and objectives and to
achieve those objectives.

NOTE 2 A management system
includes organizational structure,
planning activities (including, for
example, risk assessment and the
setting of objectives), responsibilities,
practices, procedures (3.19),
processes and resources.
in the OH&S definition
(3.16B), processes and resources.
NOTE 3 Adapted from ISO 14001:2004,
top management
person or group of people who
directs and controls an
organization (3.01) at the highest
NOTE 1 to entry: Top management
has the power to delegate authority
and provide resources within the
NOTE 2 to entry: If the scope of the
management system (3.04) covers
only part of an organization then top
management refers to those who direct
and control that part of the
top management
person or group of people who directs
and controls an organization (3.01) at
the highest level

Note 1 to entry: Top management has
the power to delegate authority and
provide resources within
the organization.

Note 2 to entry: If the scope of the
management system (3.08A) covers
only part of an organization
then top management refers to those
who direct and control that part of the
top management
person or group of people who directs
and controls an organization (3.01) at
the highest level
NOTE 1 to entry: Top management has the
power to delegate authority and provide
resources within the organization.
NOTE 2 to entry: If the scope of the
management system (3.04) covers only
part of an organization then top management
refers to those who direct and control that
part of the organization.

Not in OHSAS 18001
extent to which planned activities
are realized and planned results
extent to which planned activities are
realized and planned results achieved
extent to which planned activities are
realized and planned results achieved
Not in OHSAS 18001
intentions and direction of an
organization (3.01) as formally
expressed by its top management

intentions and direction of an
organization (3.01) as formally
expressed by its top management

environmental policy
overall intentions and direction of an
organization (3.01) related to its
environmental performance (3.17B)
as formally expressed by top

intentions and direction of an
organization (3.01) as formally
expressed by its top management
3.16 OH&S policy
overall intentions and direction of an
organization (3.17) related to its OH&S
performance (3.15) as formally
expressed by top management

NOTE 1 The OH&S policy provides a

related to its OH&S
performanceis a key issue for
the OH&S definition
Note 1 to entry: The environmental
policy provides a framework for action
and for the setting of environmental
objectives (3.12B) and environmental
targets (3.18).
framework for action and for the setting
of OH&S objectives (3.14)

NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 14001:2004,

result to be achieved
NOTE 1 to entry: An objective can be
strategic, tactical, or operational.
NOTE 2 to entry: Objectives can relate
to different disciplines (such as
financial, health and safety, and
environmental goals) and can apply at
different levels (such as strategic,
organization-wide, project, product and
process (3.12)).
NOTE 3 to entry: An objective can be
expressed in other ways, e.g. as an
intended outcome, a purpose, an
operational criterion, as an XXX
objective or by the use of other words
with similar meaning (e.g. aim, goal, or
NOTE 4 to entry: In the context of
XXX management systems XXX
objectives are set by the organization,
consistent with the XXX policy, to
achieve specific results.

result to be achieved
Note 1 to entry: An objective can be
strategic, tactical, or operational.
Note 2 to entry: Objectives can relate to
different disciplines (such as financial,
health and safety, and
environmental goals) and can apply at
different levels (such as strategic,
organization-wide, project,
product and process (3.16A)).
Note 3 to entry: An objective can be
expressed in other ways, e.g. as an
intended outcome, a
purpose, an operational criterion, as an
environmental objective or by the use of
other words with
similar meaning (e.g. aim, goal, or
Note 4 to entry: In the context of
environmental management systems
environmental objectives are
set by the organization, consistent with
the environmental policy, to achieve
specific results.

environmental objective

overall environmental goal, consistent
with the environmental policy (3.11B),
that an organization
(3.01) sets itself to achieve
result to be achieved
NOTE 1 to entry: An objective can be
strategic, tactical, or operational.
NOTE 2 to entry: Objectives can relate to
different disciplines (such as financial, health
and safety, and environmental goals) and
can apply at different levels (such as
strategic, organization-wide, project, product
and process (3.12)).
NOTE 3 to entry: An objective can be
expressed in other ways, e.g. as an intended
outcome, a purpose, an operational criterion,
as an OH&S objective or by the use of other
words with similar meaning (e.g. aim, goal,
or target).
NOTE 4 to entry: In the context of OH&S
management systems OH&S objectives are
set by the organization, consistent with the
OH&S policy, to achieve specific results.

3.14 OH&S objective
OH&S goal, in terms of OH&S
performance (3.15), that an
organization (3.17) sets itself to

NOTE 1 Objectives should be quantified
wherever practicable.

NOTE 2 4.3.3 requires that OH&S
objectives are consistent with the OH&S
policy (3.16).

OH&S performanceis a key
issue for the OH&S definition


effect of uncertainty
NOTE 1 to entry: An effect is a
deviation from the expected positive
or negative.
NOTE 2 to entry: Uncertainty is the
state, even partial, of deficiency of
information related to, understanding or
knowledge of, an event, its
consequence, or likelihood.
NOTE 3 to entry: Risk is often
characterized by reference to potential
events (ISO Guide 73, and
consequences (ISO Guide 73,, or a combination of these.
NOTE 4 to entry: Risk is often
expressed in terms of a combination of
the consequences of an event
(including changes in circumstances)
and the associated likelihood (ISO
Guide 73, of occurrence.

effect of uncertainty

Note 1 to entry: An effect is a deviation
from the expected positive or

Note 2 to entry: Uncertainty is the state,
even partial, of deficiency of information
related to, understanding or knowledge
of, an event, its consequence, or

Note 3 to entry: Risk is often
characterized by reference to potential
events (ISO Guide 73, and
consequences (ISO Guide 73,,
or a combination of these.

Note 4 to entry: Risk is often expressed
in terms of a combination of the
consequences of an event
(including changes in circumstances)
and the associated likelihood (ISO
Guide 73, of
effect of uncertainty
NOTE 1 to entry: An effect is a deviation
from the expected positive or negative.
NOTE 2 to entry: Uncertainty is the state,
even partial, of deficiency of information
related to, understanding or knowledge of,
an event, its consequence, or likelihood.
NOTE 3 to entry: Risk is often
characterized by reference to potential
events (ISO Guide 73, and
consequences (ISO Guide 73,, or a
combination of these.
NOTE 4 to entry: Risk is often expressed in
terms of a combination of the consequences
of an event (including changes in
circumstances) and the associated
likelihood (ISO Guide 73, of

3.21 risk
combination of the likelihood of an
occurrence of a hazardous event or
exposure(s) and the severity of injury or
ill health (3.8) that can be caused by
the event or exposure(s)

Risk is a major problem, as the
draft is now trying to address
two different types of risk:
a) OH&S hazards and their
associated risks
b) the risk that the management
system does not achieve OH&S

The Annex SL def, or alternately
the ISO Guide 73 def (which is
the same as the ISO 31000 def)
are OK for b), but are not
sufficient for a)

The Annex SL and Guide 73
definitions do not adequately
address the issue of a risk
related to time, e.g. exposure
ability to apply knowledge and
skills to achieve intended results
ability to apply knowledge and skills to
achieve intended results
ability to apply knowledge and skills to
achieve intended results
Not in OHSAS 18001
documented information
information required to be
controlled and maintained by an
organization (3.01) and the
medium on which it is contained
NOTE 1 to entry: Documented
information can be in any format and
media and from any source.
NOTE 2 to entry: Documented
information can refer to
the management system (3.04),
including related processes (3.12);
information created in order for the
organization to operate
evidence of results achieved

documented information
information required to be controlled and
maintained by an organization (3.01)
and the medium on
which it is contained
Note 1 to entry: Documented information
can be in any format and media and
from any source.
Note 2 to entry: Documented information
can refer to
the management system (3.08A),
including related processes (3.16A);
information created in order for the
organization to operate (documentation);
evidence of results achieved (records).

information and its supporting medium

Note 1 to entry: The medium can be
paper, magnetic, electronic or optical
computer disc, photograph
or master sample, or a combination

Note 2 to entry: Adapted from ISO
9000:2000, 3.7.2.
documented information
information required to be controlled and
maintained by an organization (3.01)
and the medium on which it is contained
NOTE 1 to entry: Documented information
can be in any format and media and from
any source.
NOTE 2 to entry: Documented information
can refer to
the management system (3.04), including
related processes (3.12);
information created in order for the
organization to operate (documentation);
evidence of results achieved (records).

OHSAS 18001

3.5 document
information and its supporting medium

NOTE The medium can be paper,
magnetic, electronic or optical computer
disc, photograph or master sample, or a
combination thereof.
[ISO 14001:2004, 3.4]
Not in OHSAS 18001, but
definitions of record and
document are.

Annex SL only refers to
documented information,
however we still have some
references to records. Note 2 to
the definition of documented
information (3.11) refers to
documents and records.
set of interrelated or interacting
activities which transforms inputs
set of interrelated or interacting activities
which transforms inputs into outputs

set of interrelated or interacting activities
Process is not defined in
OHSAS 18001, but a definition
of procedure is

Note however that Annex SL
into outputs

specified way to carry out an activity or a
Note 1 to entry: Procedures can be
documented or not.
Note 2 to entry: Adapted from ISO
9000:2000, 3.4.5.
which transforms inputs into outputs
OHSAS 18001
3.19 procedure
specified way to carry out an activity or a

NOTE Procedures can be documented
or not.
[ISO 9000:2005, 3.4.5]
now only makes reference to
processes, which may be
sufficient for the OH&S
standards. It would be confusing
to mix the two.
measurable result
NOTE 1 to entry: Performance can
relate either to quantitative or
qualitative findings.
NOTE 2 to entry: Performance can
relate to the management of activities,
processes (3.12), products (including
services), systems or organizations

measurable result

Note 1 to entry: Performance can relate
either to quantitative or qualitative

Note 2 to entry: Performance can relate
to the management of activities,
processes (3.16A),
products (including services), systems
or organizations (3.01).

environmental performance
measurable results of an organization's
(3.01) management of its
environmental aspects (3.06)

Note 1 to entry: In the context of
environmental management systems
(3.08B), results can be measured
against the organization's (3.01)
environmental policy (3.11B),
objectives (3.12B), environmental
targets (3.18) and other environmental
performance requirements.

environmental target
detailed performance requirement,
applicable to the organization (3.01) or
parts thereof, that arises
from the environmental objectives
(3.12B) and that needs to be set and
met in order to achieve
those objectives
measurable result
NOTE 1 to entry: Performance can relate
either to quantitative or qualitative findings.
NOTE 2 to entry: Performance can relate to
the management of activities, processes
(3.12), products (including services),
systems or organizations (3.01).

OHSAS 18001
3.15 OH&S performance
measurable results of an organizations
(3.17) management of its
OH&S risks (3.21)

NOTE 1 OH&S performance
measurement includes measuring the
effectiveness of the organizations

NOTE 2 In the context of OH&S
management systems (3.13), results
can also be measured against the
organizations (3.17) OH&S policy
(3.16), OH&S objectives (3.14), and
other OH&S performance requirements.

OH&S risksis a key issue in
the OH&S definition
outsource (verb)
make an arrangement where an
external organization (3.01)
performs part of an organizations
function or process (3.12)
NOTE 1 to entry: An external
organization is outside the scope of the
management system (3.04), although
the outsourced function or process is
within the scope.

outsource (verb)
make an arrangement where an external
organization (3.01) performs part of an
function or process (3.16A)

Note 1 to entry: An external organization
is outside the scope of the
management system (3.08A),
although the outsourced function or
process is within the scope.
outsource (verb)
make an arrangement where an external
organization (3.01) performs part of an
organizations function or process
NOTE 1 to entry: An external organization
is outside the scope of the management
system (3.04), although the outsourced
function or process is within the scope.

Not in OHSAS 18001
determining the status of a system,
a process (3.12) or an activity
NOTE 1 to entry: To determine the
status there may be a need to check,
supervise or critically observe.

determining the status of a system, a
process (3.16A) or an activity

Note 1 to entry: To determine the status
there may be a need to check, supervise
or critically observe.
determining the status of a system, a
process (3.12) or an activity
NOTE 1 to entry: To determine the status
there may be a need to check, supervise or
critically observe.

Not in OHSAS 18001
process (3.12) to determine a

process (3.16A) to determine a value
process (3.12) to determine a value

Not in OHSAS 18001
systematic, independent and
documented process (3.12) for
obtaining audit evidence and
evaluating it objectively to
determine the extent to which the
systematic, independent and
documented process (3.16A) for
obtaining audit evidence and
evaluating it objectively to determine the
extent to which the audit criteria are
systematic, independent and
documented process (3.12) for
obtaining audit evidence and evaluating
it objectively to determine the extent to

Annex SL def is consistent with
19011. The Annex SL definition
is sufficient as a replacement for
the OHSAS 18001 definition 3.2,
and a separate definition of
auditoris not needed.
audit criteria are fulfilled
NOTE 1 to entry: An audit can be an
internal audit (first party) or an external
audit (second party or third party), and
it can be a combined audit (combining
two or more disciplines).
NOTE 2 to entry: Audit evidenceand
audit criteria are defined in ISO

Note 1 to entry: An audit can be an
internal audit (first party) or an external
audit (second party or
third party), and it can be a combined
audit (combining two or more
Note 2 to entry: Audit evidenceand
audit criteriaare defined in ISO 19011.

internal audit
systematic, independent and
documented process for obtaining audit
evidence and evaluating it
objectively to determine the extent to
which the environmental management
system audit criteria set
by the organization (3.01) are fulfilled

Note 1 to entry: In many cases,
particularly in smaller organizations,
independence can be demonstrated by
the freedom from responsibility for the
activity being audited.

person with the competence to conduct
an audit
[ISO 9000:2000, 3.9.9]
which the audit criteria are fulfilled
NOTE 1 to entry: An audit can be an
internal audit (first party) or an external audit
(second party or third party), and it can be a
combined audit (combining two or more
NOTE 2 to entry: Audit evidence and
audit criteriaare defined in ISO 19011.

fulfilment of a requirement (3.03)
fulfilment of a requirement (3.03)
fulfilment of a requirement (3.03)
Not in OHSAS 18001
non-fulfilment of a requirement

non-fulfilment of a requirement (3.03)

[ISO 9000:2000, 3.6.2]
non-fulfilment of a requirement (3.03)
OHSAS 18001
NOTE A nonconformity can be any
deviation from:
relevant work standards, practices,
procedures, legal
requirements, etc.
OH&S management system (3.13)

Same definition as OHSAS
18001, 3.11, apart from the Note
action to eliminate a detected
nonconformity (3.19)
action to eliminate a detected
nonconformity (3.25)
action to eliminate a detected
nonconformity (3.19)
Not in OHSAS 18001
corrective action
action to eliminate the cause of a
nonconformity (3.19) and to
prevent recurrence
corrective action
action to eliminate the cause of a
nonconformity (3.25) and to prevent

corrective action
action to eliminate the cause of a
detected nonconformity (3.25)

preventive action
action to eliminate the cause of a
potential nonconformity (3.25)
corrective action
action to eliminate the cause of a
nonconformity (3.19) and to prevent

OHSAS 18001
3.4 corrective action
action to eliminate the cause of a
detected nonconformity (3.11) or other
undesirable situation

NOTE 1 There can be more than one
cause for a nonconformity.

Annex SL sought to remove the
need for a clause on Preventive
action, by making a key
purpose of the management
system to be preventive
NOTE 2 Corrective action is taken to
prevent recurrence whereas preventive
action (3.18) is taken to prevent
[ISO 9000:2005, 3.6.5]

3.18 preventive action
action to eliminate the cause of a
potential nonconformity (3.11) or other
undesirable potential situation

NOTE 1 There can be more than one
cause for a potential nonconformity.

NOTE 2 Preventive action is taken to
prevent occurrence whereas corrective
action (3.4) is taken to prevent
[ISO 9000:2005, 3.6.4]

continual improvement
recurring activity to enhance
performance (3.13)
continual improvement
recurring process of enhancing the
environmental management system
(3.08B) in order to achieve
improvements in overall environmental
performance (3.17B) consistent with
the organization's (3.01)
environmental policy (3.11B)

Note 1 to entry: The process need not
take place in all areas of activity

prevention of pollution
use of processes, practices, techniques,
materials, products, services or energy
to avoid, reduce or control (separately or
in combination) the creation, emission or
discharge of any type of pollutant or
waste, in order to reduce adverse
environmental impacts (3.07A)
Note 1 to entry: Prevention of pollution
can include source reduction or
elimination, process, product
or service changes, efficient use of
resources, material and energy
substitution, reuse, recovery, recycling,
reclamation and treatment.

document (3.15B) stating results
achieved or providing evidence of
activities performed
Note 1 to entry: Adapted from ISO
9000:2000, 3.7.6.
continual improvement
recurring activity to enhance
performance (3.13)

OHSAS 18001
3.3 continual improvement
recurring process of enhancing the
OH&S management system (3.13) in
order to achieve improvements in overall
OH&S performance (3.15) consistent
with the organizations (3.17) OH&S
policy (3.16)

NOTE 1 The process need not take
place in all areas of activity

NOTE 2 Adapted from ISO 14001:2004,

3.20 record
document (3.5) stating results achieved
or providing evidence of activities
[ISO 14001:2004, 3.20]

Annex SL definition 3.22 is
sufficient to replace OHSAS 3.3

4. Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization
and its context
The organization shall determine
external and internal issues that
are relevant to its purpose and
that affect its ability to achieve the
intended outcome(s) of its XXX
management system.

4. Context of the organization

4.1 Understanding the organization
and its context

The organization shall determine
external and internal issues, including
environmental issues, that are
relevant to its purpose and that affect its
ability to achieve the intended
outcome(s) of its
environmental management system.

In order to ensure the integration of the
environmental management system
requirements into the
organizations business processes, the
organization shall:
take into account these issues when
determining risks and opportunities (See
evaluate the impact of any changing
issues on the organizations ability to
achieve the intended
outcomes of its EMS (See 9.3)

NOTE 1 Examples of external issues
can include
resource availability and pricing
economic situation
competitive positioning
supply chain

NOTE 2 Examples of internal issues can
4 Context of the organization
4.1 Understanding the organization
and its context

The organization shall determine
external and internal issues that are
relevant to its purpose and objectives
and that affect its ability to achieve the
intended outcome(s) of its OH&S
management system.

The14001 text is not needed, as
the issue of integration into
business processes is dealt with
in 6.1. The examples can be
given in ISO XX002 Application
strategy, mission, vision and values
product portfolio
mergers and acquisitions
employees satisfaction
purchasing and procurement
4.2 Understanding the needs and
expectations of interested parties

The organization shall determine
the interested parties that
are relevant to the XXX
management system, and
the requirements of these
interested parties.

4.2 Understanding the needs and
expectations of interested parties

The organization shall determine
the interested parties that are relevant
to the environmental management
system, and
the requirements, as defined by this
International Standard (3.03), of these
interested parties.

The organization shall:
take into account these requirements
when determining risks and
opportunities (See 6.1)
take into account these requirements
when determining the need for internal
and external communications (7.4)
evaluate the implications of any
changing requirements (See 9.3)

NOTE 1 Interested parties can include
customers, community, suppliers,
regulators, non government
organizations, investors, employees

NOTE 2 Requirements can include
customer conditions on their supply
chain, compliance with permits,
legislation and voluntary commitments,
community expectations
4.2 Understanding the needs and
expectations of interested parties

The organization shall determine

the interested parties that are
relevant to the OH&S
management system, and
the requirements of these
interested parties.

The14001 text is not needed, as
the issues are dealt with
elsewhere in the standard. The
examples can be given in ISO
XX002 Application Guidelines.
4.3 Determining the scope of the
XXX management system
4.3 Determining the scope of the
environmental management system
4.3 Determining the scope of the
OH&S management system

The organization shall determine
the boundaries and applicability of
the XXX management system to
establish its scope.

When determining this scope, the
organization shall consider

the external and internal
issues referred to in 4.1,
the requirements referred to
in 4.2.
The scope shall be available as
documented information.

The organization shall determine the
boundaries and applicability of the
environmental management
system to establish its scope.
When determining this scope, the
organization shall consider
the external and internal
issues referred to in 4.1, and
the requirements referred to
in 4.2.

The scope shall be available as
documented information.

The organization shall determine the
boundaries and applicability of the
OH&S management system to establish
its scope.

When determining this scope, the
organization shall consider
the external and internal issues
referred to in 4.1, and
the requirements referred to in

The scope shall be available as
documented information.

4.4 XXX management system

The organization shall establish,
implement, maintain and
continually improve an XXX
management system, including the
processes needed and their
interactions, in accordance with
the requirements of this
International Standard.

4.4 Environmental management

The organization shall establish,
document, implement, maintain and
continually improve an environmental
management system, including the
processes needed and their interactions,
in accordance with the requirements of
this International Standard.

The organization shall determine how it
will fulfil these requirements.
4.4 OH&S management system

The organization shall establish,
implement, maintain and continually
improve an OH&S management system,
including the processes needed and
their interactions, in accordance with the
requirements of this International

The ISO 14001 text is implicit in
the Annex SL text, so is not
5. Leadership
5. Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment
Top management shall demonstrate
5. Leadership
5.1 Leadership and commitment

5.1 Leadership and commitment
Top management shall
demonstrate leadership and
commitment with respect to the
XXX management system by

ensuring that the XXX policy
and XXX objectives are
established and are
compatible with the
strategic direction of the
ensuring the integration of
the XXX management
system requirements into
the organizations business
ensuring that the resources
needed for the XXX
management system are
communicating the
importance of effective XXX
management and of
conforming to the XXX
management system
ensuring that the XXX
management system
achieves its intended
leadership and commitment with respect
to the environmental
management system by

- ensuring that the environmental policy
and environmental objectives are
established for the environmental
management system and are
compatible with the strategic direction of
the organization

- ensuring the integration of the
environmental management system
requirements into the organizations
business processes

- ensuring that the resources needed for
the environmental management system
are available

- communicating the importance of
effective environmental management
and of conforming to the
environmental management system

- ensuring that the environmental
management system achieves its
intended outcome(s)

- directing and supporting persons to
contribute to the effectiveness of the
environmental management system
Top management shall demonstrate
leadership and commitment with respect
to the OH&S management system by:

ensuring that policies and
objectives are established for
the OH&S management system
and are compatible with the
strategic direction of the

ensuring the integration of the
OH&S management system
requirements into the
organizations business
ensuring that the resources
needed for the OH&S
management system are
communicating the importance
of effective OH&S management
and of conforming to the OH&S
management system

ensuring that the OH&S
management system achieves
its intended outcome(s)

directing and supporting
persons to contribute to the
effectiveness of the XXX
management system
promoting continual
supporting other relevant
management roles to
demonstrate their
leadership as it applies to
their areas of responsibility.
NOTE Reference to businessin this
International Standard should be
interpreted broadly to mean those
activities that are core to the purposes
of the organizations existence.

- promoting continual improvement

- supporting other relevant management
roles to demonstrate their leadership as
it applies to their areas of responsibility.

NOTE Reference to businessin this
International Standard should be
interpreted broadly to mean those
activities that are core to the purposes of
the organizations existence.
directing and supporting
persons to contribute to the
effectiveness of the OH&S
management system
promoting continual
supporting other relevant
management roles to
demonstrate their leadership as
it applies to their areas of

appointing a member(s) of top
management with specific
responsibility for OH&S,
irrespective of other
responsibilities, and with defined
roles and authority for ensuring
that reports on the performance
of the OH&S management
system are presented to top
management for review and
used as a basis for improvement
of the OH&S management

NOTE Reference to business in this
International Standard should be
interpreted broadly to mean those
activities that are core to the purposes of
the organizations existence.

5.2 Policy

Top management shall establish a
5.2 Policy

Top management shall establish an
environmental policy that, within the
5.2 Policy

Top management shall establish a
OH&S policy that

XXX policy that

is appropriate to the
purpose of the organization

provides a framework for
setting XXX objectives
includes a commitment to
satisfy applicable
requirements, and

includes a commitment to
continual improvement of
the XXX management

The XXX policy shall

be available as documented

be communicated within the
be available to interested
defined scope of its
environmental management system,

- is appropriate to the purpose of the
organization and to the nature, scale
and environmental impacts of its
activities, products and services

- includes a commitment to prevention of

- provides a framework for setting
environmental objectives and targets

- includes a commitment to satisfy
applicable requirements, including legal
requirements and other requirements to
which the organization subscribes which
relate to its environmental aspects, and

- includes a commitment to continual
improvement of its environmental
performance using the environmental
management system.

The environmental policy shall

- be available as documented

- be implemented and maintained

- be communicated within the
organization, including all persons
working for and on behalf of the

- be available to interested parties,

is appropriate to the purpose of the
organization and to the nature and
scale of the organizations OH&S

provides a framework for setting
and reviewing OH&S objectives
includes a commitment to satisfy
applicable requirements including
legal requirements and other
requirements to which the
organization subscribes that relate
to its OH&S hazards, and
includes a commitment to
prevention of injury and ill health
and to continual improvement of the
OH&S management system and
OH&S performance.

The OH&S policy shall

be available as documented
be communicated within the
organization to all persons
working under the control of the
organization with the intent that
they are made aware of their
individual OH&S obligations;
be available to interested

parties, as appropriate.

including the public, as appropriate. parties, as appropriate.
is reviewed periodically to
ensure that it remains relevant
and appropriate to the

5.3 Organization roles,
responsibilities and authorities

Top management shall ensure that
the responsibilities and authorities
for relevant roles are assigned and
communicated within the

Top management shall assign the
responsibility and authority for:

a) ensuring that the XXX
management system conforms
to the requirements of this
International Standard: and
b) reporting on the
performance of the XXX
management system to top

5.3 Organization roles,
responsibilities and authorities

Top management shall ensure that the
responsibilities and authorities for
relevant roles are assigned,
documented and communicated within
the organization in order to facilitate
effective environmental

Top management shall assign the
responsibility and authority for:

a) ensuring that the environmental
management system conforms to the
requirements of this
International Standard: and

b) reporting on the performance of the
environmental management system to
top management for review, including
recommendations for improvement.
5.3 Organizational roles,
responsibilities, accountabilities and

Top management shall ensure that the
responsibilities, accountabilities and
authorities for relevant roles are
assigned and communicated within the
organization and are documented.

Top management shall assign the
responsibility and authority for:

a) ensuring that the OH&S
management system conforms to
the requirements of this International
Standard: and
b) reporting on the performance of the
OH&S management system to top

The identity of the top management
appointee shall be made available to all
persons working under the control of the

NOTE The top management appointee
(e.g. in a large organization, a Board or

executive committee member) may
delegate some of their duties to a
subordinate management
representative(s) while still retaining

6. Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and

When planning for the XXX
management system, the
organization shall consider the
issues referred to in 4.1 and the
requirements referred to in 4.2
and determine the risks and
opportunities that need to be
addressed to

assure the XXX
management system can
achieve its intended
prevent, or reduce,
undesired effects
achieve continual

6. Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and

When planning for the environmental
management system, the organization
shall consider the issues referred to in
4.1, the requirements referred to in 4.2

- identify the environmental aspects of
its activities, products and services
within the defined scope of the
environmental management system that
it can control and those that it can
influence taking into account planned or
new developments, or new or modified
activities, products and services,

- determine those aspects that have or
can have significant impact(s) on the
environment (i.e. significant
environmental aspects).

- identify applicable legal requirements
and other requirements to which the
organization subscribes related to its
environmental aspects and determine
how these requirements apply to
its environmental aspects.

The organization shall document this
6. Planning
6.1 Actions to address risks and

When planning for the OH&S
management system, the organization
shall consider the issues referred to in
4.1 and the requirements referred to in
4.2 and determine the risks and
opportunities that need to be addressed

assure the OH&S management
system can achieve its intended
prevent, or reduce, undesired
achieve continual improvement.

The organization shall establish,
implement and maintain a procedure(s)
for the ongoing hazard identification.

The procedure(s) for hazard
identification shall take into account:

a) routine and non-routine activities;

b) activities of all persons having access
to the workplace (including contractors

information and keep it up-to-date.

The organisation shall determine the
organisational risks and opportunities
related to significant environmental
aspects and to the fulfilment of its legal
requirements and other requirements
that need to be addressed to

- assure the environmental management
system can achieve its intended

- prevent, or reduce, undesired impacts

- meet its legal requirements and other

- achieve continual improvement.

and visitors);

c) human behaviour, capabilities and
other human factors;

d) identified hazards originating outside
the workplace capable of adversely
affecting the health and safety of
persons under the control of the
organization within the workplace;

e) hazards created in the vicinity of the
workplace by work-related activities
under the control of the organization;

NOTE 1 It may be more appropriate for
such hazards to be assessed as an
environmental aspect.

f) infrastructure, equipment and
materials at the workplace, whether
provided by the organization or others;

g) changes or proposed changes in the
organization, its activities, or materials;

h) modifications to the OH&S
management system, including
temporary changes, and their impacts
on operations, processes, and activities;

i) any applicable legal obligations
relating to risk assessment and
implementation of necessary controls;

j) the design of work areas, processes,
installations, machinery/equipment,
operating procedures and work
organization, including their adaptation

The organization shall plan:

a) actions to address these risks
and opportunities, and
b) how to
integrate and implement the
actions into its XXX
management system
evaluate the effectiveness
of these actions.

The organization shall plan actions to
address its significant environmental
aspects, legal requirements and other
requirements and its organizational risks
and opportunities, and how to

- integrate and implement the actions
into its environmental management
system processes and how to

- evaluate the effectiveness of these

to human capabilities.

The organizations methodology for
hazard identification shall be defined
with respect to its scope, nature and
timing to ensure it is proactive rather
than reactive;

The organization shall determine and
document the risks

For the management of change, the
organization shall identify the OH&S
hazards and OH&S risks associated
with changes in the organization, the
OH&S management system, or its
activities, prior to the introduction of
such changes.

The organization shall plan:
a) actions to address these risks and
opportunities, and
b) how to
integrate and implement the
actions into its OH&S
management system processes,
including hazard identification,
risk assessment and
determining controls and
emergency preparedness and
evaluate the effectiveness of
these actions.

6.2 XXX objectives and planning
to achieve them
6.2 Environmental objectives and
planning to achieve them
6.2 OH&S objectives and planning to
achieve them

The organization shall establish
XXX objectives at relevant
functions and levels.

The XXX objectives shall

be consistent with the XXX
be measurable (if
take into account applicable
be monitored
be communicated, and
be updated as appropriate.

The organization shall retain
documented information on the
XXX objectives.
When planning how to achieve its
XXX objectives, the organization

The organization shall establish
environmental objectives at relevant
functions and levels.

The environmental objectives shall

- be consistent with the environmental

- include targets and indicators to
demonstrate performance achievement

- be measurable (if practicable)

- take into account applicable

- shall take into account the legal
requirements and other requirements to
which the organization subscribes, and
its significant environmental aspects. It
shall also consider its technological
options, its financial, operational and
business requirements, and the views of
interested parties

- be monitored

- be communicated, and

- be updated as appropriate.

The organization shall retain
documented information on the
environmental objectives.

When planning how to achieve its

The organization shall establish OH&S
objectives at relevant functions and

The OH&S objectives shall

be consistent with the OH&S
policy including the
commitments to the prevention
of injury and ill health, to
compliance with applicable legal
requirements and with other
requirements to which the
organization subscribes and to
continual improvement
include key performance
indicators, to demonstrate
performance achievement
be measurable (if practicable)
take into account applicable
requirements, including legal
requirements and other
requirements to which the
organization subscribes
be monitored
be communicated, and
be updated as appropriate.

The organization shall retain
documented information on the OH&S
When planning how to achieve its OH&S

shall determine
what will be done
what resources will be
who will be responsible
when it will be completed
how the results will be

environmental objectives, the
organization shall determine

- what will be done

- what resources will be required

- who will be responsible

- when it will be completed

- how the results will be evaluated,
including the environmental targets and
indicators necessary to
demonstrate performance
objectives, the organization shall
what will be done
what resources will be required
who will be responsible (e.g.
who will be the Top
management representative and
which persons will have the
responsibility and authority for
achieving objectives at relevant
functions and levels of the
when it will be completed
how the results will be

7. Support
7.1 Resources

The organization shall determine
and provide the resources needed
for the establishment,
implementation, maintenance and
continual improvement of the XXX
management system.

7. Support

7.1 Resources
The organization shall determine and
provide the resources needed for the
establishment, implementation,
maintenance and continual improvement
of the environmental management

Resources include human resources
and specialized skills, organizational
infrastructure, technology and financial
7. Support
7.1 Resources

The organization, through its top
management, shall determine and
provide the resources needed for the
establishment, implementation,
maintenance and continual improvement
of the OH&S management system.

The14001 text is not needed,
but could be used in the ISO
XX002 Application Guidelines.

7.2 Competence
The organization shall
determine the necessary
7.2 Competence

The organization shall:

- determine the necessary competence
7.2 Competence

The organization shall:

competence of person(s)
doing work under its control
that affects its XXX
performance, and
ensure that these persons
are competent on the basis
of appropriate education,
training, or experience;
where applicable, take
actions to acquire the
necessary competence, and
evaluate the effectiveness
of the actions taken, and
retain appropriate
documented information as
evidence of competence.
NOTE Applicable actions may include,
for example: the provision of training to,
the mentoring of, or the re-assignment
of currently employed persons; or the
hiring or contracting of competent

of person(s) doing work under its control
that affects its environmental
performance and their tasks have the
potential to cause a significant
environmental impact(s) identified by the
organisation, and

- ensure that these persons are
competent on the basis of appropriate
education, training, or experience;

- identify training needs associated with
its environmental aspects and its
environmental management system;

- where applicable, take actions to
acquire the necessary competence, and
evaluate the effectiveness of the actions
taken, and

- retain appropriate documented
information as evidence of competence.

NOTE Applicable actions may include,
for example: the provision of training to,
the mentoring of, or the re-assignment
of currently employed persons; or the
hiring or contracting of competent
determine the necessary
competence of person(s) doing
work under its control that
affects its OH&S performance,
ensure that these persons are
competent on the basis of
appropriate education, training,
or experience;
where applicable, determine
OH&S training needs and take
actions to acquire the necessary
competence, and evaluate the
effectiveness of the actions
taken, and
retain appropriate documented
information as evidence of

NOTE Applicable actions may include,
for example: the provision of training to,
the mentoring of, or the re-assignment
of currently employed persons; or the
hiring or contracting of competent

Training procedures shall take into
account differing levels of:
a) responsibility, ability, language skills
and literacy; and
b) risk.

7.3 Awareness

7.3 Awareness

The organization shall establish,
7.3 Awareness

Persons doing work under the

ISO 14001 text is too
Persons doing work under the
organizations control shall be
aware of

the XXX policy
their contribution to the
effectiveness of the XXX
management system,
including the benefits of
improved XXX performance
the implications of not
conforming with the XXX
management system

implement and maintain a procedure(s)
to ensure that persons doing work under
the organizations control shall be aware

- the environmental policy

- the importance of conformity with the
environmental policy and procedures
and with the requirements of the
environmental management system,

- the significant environmental aspects
and related actual or potential impacts
associated with their work,

- their roles and responsibilities in
achieving conformity with the
requirements of the environmental
management system, and

- their contribution to the effectiveness of
the environmental management system,
including the benefits of improved
environmental performance

- the implications of not conforming with
the environmental management system
organizations control shall be aware of

the OH&S policy and their roles
and responsibilities and
importance in achieving
conformity to the OH&S policy
and processes and to the
requirements of the OH&S
management system, including
emergency preparedness and
response requirements
their contribution to the
effectiveness of the OH&S
management system, including
the benefits of improved OH&S
the implications of not
conforming with the OH&S
management system

the OH&S consequences, actual
or potential, of their work
activities, their behaviour, and
the OH&S benefits of improved
personal performance

the potential consequences of
departure from specified

prescriptive in calling for a

7.4 Communication
The organization shall determine
the need for internal and external
communications relevant to the
7.4 Communication

The organization shall determine its
strategy for internal and external
communications relevant to the
environmental management system
7.4 Communication, participation and
7.4.1 Communication
The organization shall determine the
need for internal and external

XXX management system including
on what it will communicate
when to communicate
with whom to communicate.

- on what it will communicate

- when to communicate

- with whom to communicate.

With regard to its environmental aspects
and environmental management
system, the organization shall establish,
implement and maintain a procedure(s)

a) internal communication among the
various levels and functions of the

b) receiving, documenting and
responding to relevant communication
from external interested parties.
communications relevant to the OH&S
management system including:
on what it will communicate
when to communicate
with whom to communicate

1) internally among the various
levels and functions of the
2) with contractors and other
visitors to the workplace
3) with external interested

how it will receive, document
and respond to relevant
communications from external
interested parties.

7.4.2 Participation and consultation
The organization shall establish,
implement and maintain a process for:
a) the participation of workers by their :
appropriate involvement in
hazard identification, risk
assessments and determination
of controls;
appropriate involvement in
incident investigation;

ISO 14001 text is too
prescriptive in calling for a
involvement in the development
and review of OH&S policies and
consultation where there are any
changes that affect their OH&S;
representation on OH&S matters.

Workers shall be informed about
their participation arrangements,
including who is their
representative(s) on OH&S
b) consultation with contractors where
there are changes that affect their
The organization shall ensure that, when
appropriate, relevant external interested
parties are consulted about pertinent
OH&S matters.
7.5 Documented information

7.5.1 General

The organizations XXX
management system shall include

documented information
required by this
International Standard
documented information
determined by the
organization as being
7.5 Documented information

7.5.1 General

The organizations environmental
management system shall include

- documented information required by
this International Standard

- documented information determined by
the organization as being necessary for
the effectiveness of the environmental
management system.

7.5 Documented information
7.5.1 General

The organizations OH&S management
system shall include

documented information
required by this International

a description of the main
elements of the OH&S
management system and their
interaction, and reference to
related documented information;

necessary for the
effectiveness of the XXX
management system.

NOTE The extent of documented
information for a XXX management
system can differ from one organization
to another due to

the size of organization and its
type of activities, processes,
products and services,

the complexity of processes and
their interactions, and

the competence of persons.

NOTE The extent of documented
information for a environmental
management system can differ from
one organization to another due to

- the size of organization and its type of
activities, processes, products and

- the complexity of processes and their
interactions, and

- the competence of persons.

documented information,
including records, determined by
the organization as being
necessary for planning,
operation and control of
processes that impact on the
effectiveness of the OH&S
management system and its
management of its OH&S risks

NOTE The extent of documented
information for a OH&S management
system can differ from one organization
to another due to
the size of organization and its
type of activities, processes,
products and services,
the complexity of processes and
their interactions, and
the competence of persons.

7.5.2 Creating and updating

When creating and updating
documented information the
organization shall ensure

identification and
description (e.g. a title,
date, author, or reference
7.5.2 Creating and updating

When creating and updating
documented information the
organization shall ensure appropriate

- identification and description (e.g. a
title, date, author, or reference number)

7.5.2 Creating and updating

When creating and updating
documented information the
organization shall ensure appropriate

identification and description
(e.g. a title, date, author, or
reference number)

format (e.g. language,
software version, graphics)
and media (e.g. paper,
review and approval for
suitability and adequacy.

- format (e.g. language, software
version, graphics) and media (e.g.
paper, electronic)

- review and approval for suitability and

- update as necessary,
format (e.g. language, software
version, graphics) and media
(e.g. paper, electronic)

review and approval for
suitability and adequacy.

Additional 14001 text is
addressed in 1
para, so is not
7.5.3 Control of
documented information

Documented information required
by the XXX management system
and by this International Standard
shall be controlled to ensure
it is available and suitable
for use, where and when it
is needed
it is adequately protected
(e.g. from loss of
confidentiality, improper
use, or loss of integrity).
For the control of documented
information, the organization shall
address the following activities, as
distribution, access,
retrieval and use,
storage and preservation,
including preservation of
7.5.3 Control of documented
Documented information required by the
environmental management system and
by this International Standard shall be
controlled to ensure

- it is available and suitable for use,
where and when it is needed

- it is adequately protected (e.g. from
loss of confidentiality, improper use, or
loss of integrity).

For the control of documented
information, the organization shall
address the following activities, as

- distribution, access, retrieval and use,

- storage and preservation, including
preservation of legibility

7.5.3 Control of documented

Documented information required by the
OH&S management system and by this
International Standard shall be
controlled to ensure

it is available and suitable for
use, where and when it is
it is adequately protected (e.g.
from loss of confidentiality,
improper use, or loss of

For the control of documented
information, the organization shall
address the following activities, as
distribution, access, retrieval,
traceability and use,
storage and preservation,
including preservation of

control of changes (e.g.
version control)
retention and disposition
Documented information of
external origin determined by the
organization to be necessary for
the planning and operation of the
XXX management system shall be
identified as appropriate, and
NOTE Access implies a decision
regarding the permission to view the
documented information only, or the
permission and authority to view and
change the documented information,

- control of changes (e.g. version

- retention and disposition

Documented information of external
origin determined by the organization to
be necessary for the planning and
operation of the environmental
management system shall be identified
as appropriate, and controlled.

The organization shall establish,
implement and maintain a procedure(s)
to control the documented
information associated with the
environmental management system.

NOTE Access implies a decision
regarding the permission to view the
documented information only,
or the permission and authority to view
and change the documented
information, etc.

7.5.4 Documentation
The environmental management system
documentation shall include
a) the environmental policy, objectives
and targets,
b) description of the scope of the
environmental management system,
c) description of the main elements of
the environmental management system
and their interaction, and reference to
related documents,
d) documents, including records,

control of changes (e.g. version
retention and disposition
Documented information of external
origin determined by the organization to
be necessary for the planning and
operation of the OH&S management
system shall be identified as
appropriate, and controlled.
NOTE Access implies a decision
regarding the permission to view the
documented information only, or the
permission and authority to view and
change the documented information,

ISO 14001 text is too
prescriptive in calling for a

The J TCG had long discussions
over the merits of including a
listing of the documentation
required or not. In the end it was
not included, but left it to
individual TCs to decide if they
wanted to add it in. TC 207 has
gone for that option by adding
7.5.4. As many of these items
are addressed in 8.1, this would
be better as guidance in ISO
XX002 Application Guidelines
required by this International Standard,
e) documents, including records,
determined by the organization to be
necessary to ensure the effective
planning, operation and control of
processes that relate to its significant
environmental aspects.
8. Operation
8.1 Operational planning and

The organization shall plan,
implement and control the
processes needed to meet
requirements, and to implement
the actions determined in 6.1, by

establishing criteria for the
implementing control of the
processes in accordance
with the criteria
keeping documented
information to the extent
necessary to have
confidence that the
processes have been
carried out as planned.

8. Operation

8.1 Operational planning and control

The organization shall plan, implement
and control the processes needed to
meet requirements, and
to implement the actions determined in
6.1, by

- establishing criteria for the processes

- implementing control of the processes
in accordance with the criteria

- establishing, implementing and
maintaining a documented procedure(s)
to control situations where their absence
could lead to deviation from the
environmental policy, objectives and

- establishing, implementing and
maintaining procedures related to the
identified significant environmental
aspects of goods and services used by
the organization and communicating
8. Operation
8.1 Operational planning and control

The organization shall plan, implement
and control those processes needed to
meet requirements, and to implement
the actions determined in 6.1, by:

establishing criteria for
processes, especially those
that need to be controlled;

implementing the control of
these processes in
accordance with the criteria;

keeping documented
information to the extent
necessary to have confidence
that the processes have been
carried out as planned and to
cover situations where their
absence could lead to
deviations from the OH&S
policy and the objectives.

establishing controls for the
purchasing of goods,
equipment and services;

The additional 14001 text is
overly prescriptive in calling for a

The organization shall control
planned changes and review the
consequences of unintended
changes, taking action to mitigate
any adverse effects, as necessary.

The organization shall ensure that
outsourced processes are

applicable procedures and requirements
to suppliers, including contractors

- keeping documented information to the
extent necessary to have confidence
that the processes have been carried
out as planned.

The organization shall control planned
changes and review the consequences
of unintended changes, taking action to
mitigate any adverse effects, as

The organization shall ensure that
outsourced processes are controlled.

The organization shall control planned
changes and review the consequences
of unintended changes, taking action to
mitigate any adverse effects, as

The organization shall ensure that
outsourced processes are controlled.

When determining controls, or
considering changes to existing controls,
consideration shall be given to reducing
the risks according to the following

a) elimination;
b) substitution;
c) engineering controls;
d) signage/warnings and/or
administrative controls;
e) personal protective equipment.

The organization shall document and
keep the results of identification of
hazards, risk assessments and
determined controls up-to-date.

The organization shall ensure that the
OH&S risks and determined controls are
taken into account when establishing,
implementing and maintaining its OH&S

8.1.1 Emergency preparedness and

The organization shall establish,
implement and maintain a procedure(s)
to identify potential emergency
situations and potential accidents that
can have an impact(s) on the
environment and how it will respond to

The organization shall respond to actual
emergency situations and accidents and
prevent or mitigate associated adverse
environmental impacts.

The organization shall periodically
review and, where necessary, revise its
emergency preparedness and response
procedures, in particular, after the
occurrence of accidents or emergency

The organization shall also periodically
test such procedures where practicable.
management system.

NOTE 2 For further guidance on hazard
identification, risk assessment and
determining controls, see ISO XX002
Application Guidelines.

8.2 Emergency preparedness and

The organization shall establish,
implement and maintain a process:

a) to identify the potential for
emergency situations;
b) to respond to such
emergency situations.

The organization shall respond to actual
emergency situations and prevent or
mitigate associated adverse OH&S

In planning its emergency response the
organization shall take account of the
needs of relevant interested parties, e.g.
emergency services and neighbours.

The organization shall also periodically
test its process to respond to emergency
situations, where practicable, involving
relevant interested parties as

The organization shall periodically
review and, where necessary, revise its
emergency preparedness and response
process in particular, after periodical
testing and after the occurrence of

emergency situations.

9. Performance evaluation
9.1 Monitoring, measurement,
analysis and evaluation

The organization shall determine
what needs to be monitored
and measured

the methods for monitoring,
measurement, analysis and
evaluation, as applicable, to
ensure valid results
when the monitoring and
measuring shall be
when the results from
monitoring and
measurement shall be
analysed and evaluated.

9. Performance Evaluation

9.1 Monitoring, measurement,
analysis and evaluation

9.1.1 General

The organization shall determine

- what needs to be monitored and
measured, including
- the key characteristics of its operations
that can have a significant
environmental impact,
- applicable operational controls and
- conformity with the organizations
environmental objectives and targets

- the methods for monitoring,
measurement, analysis and evaluation,
as applicable, to ensure valid results

- when the monitoring and measuring
shall be performed

- when the results from monitoring and
measurement shall be analysed and

The organization shall ensure that
calibrated or verified monitoring and
measurement equipment is used and
maintained and that documented
information is retained as evidence

1 Performance evaluation

1.1 Monitoring, measurement,
analysis and evaluation

9.1.1 General
The organization shall determine
what needs to be monitored and
measured to determine the
extent to which objectives and
applicable requirements are

the methods for monitoring
measurement, analysis and
evaluation, as applicable, to
ensure valid results (the
monitoring or measurement can
be either qualitative or
quantitative in nature);
when the audit, inspection,
monitoring and measuring shall
be performed;
when the results from audit,
inspection, monitoring and
measurement shall be analysed
and evaluated.

The organization shall retain
appropriate documented
information as evidence of the
The organization shall evaluate the
XXX performance and the
effectiveness of the XXX
management system.

The organization shall retain appropriate
documented information as evidence of
the results.

The organization shall evaluate the
environmental performance and the
effectiveness of the environmental
management system.

The organization shall retain appropriate
documented information as evidence of
the results, and be sufficient to facilitate
subsequent corrective action and
preventive action analysis

The organization shall:
1) take action when necessary to
address adverse trends or
results before nonconformity
2) evaluate the OH&S performance
and the effectiveness of the
OH&S management system (for
health as well as safety);
3) take proactive measures of
performance that monitor
conformance with the OH&S
programme(s), controls and
operational criteria;;
4) take reactive measures of
performance that monitor ill
health, incidents (including
accidents, near-misses, etc.),
and other historical evidence of
deficient OH&S performance;
If equipment is required to monitor or
measure performance, the organization
shall establish and maintain processes
for the calibration and maintenance of
such equipment, as appropriate.

The organization shall retain appropriate
documented information as evidence of
the results.

9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance Consistent with its commitment
to compliance, the organization shall
establish, implement, and maintain a
procedure(s) for periodically evaluating
compliance with applicable legal
The organization shall keep records of
the results of the periodic evaluation. The organization shall evaluate
compliance with other requirements to
which it subscribes.
The organization may wish to combine
this evaluation with the evaluation of
legal compliance referred to in []
or to establish a separate procedure(s).
The organization shall keep records of
the results of the periodic evaluation.
9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance Consistent with its stated
commitment to compliance (see 4.2),
the organization shall establish,
implement and maintain a process for
periodically evaluating compliance with
applicable legal requirements.
The organization shall keep documented
information on the results of the periodic
evaluation. The organization shall evaluate
compliance with other requirements to
which it subscribes.
The organization may wish to combine
this evaluation with the evaluation of
legal compliance referred to in []
or to establish a separate procedure(s).
The organization shall keep documented
information on the results of the periodic
9.2 Internal audit
The organization shall conduct
internal audits at planned intervals
to provide information on whether
the XXX management system;
a) conforms to
the organizations own
9.2 Internal Audit
The organization shall conduct internal
audits at planned intervals to provide
information on whether the
environmental management system;
a) conforms to
- the organizations own requirements
9.2 Internal audit
The organization shall conduct internal
audits at planned intervals to provide
information on whether the OH&S
management system:
a) conforms to:
- the organizations own
requirements for its OH&S
requirements for its XXX
management system
the requirements of this
International Standard;
b) is effectively implemented
and maintained.
The organization shall:

a) plan, establish,
implement and maintain an audit
programme(s), including the
frequency, methods,
responsibilities, planning
requirements and reporting. The
audit programme(s) shall take
into consideration the
importance of the processes
concerned and the results of
previous audits;
b) define the audit criteria
and scope for each audit;
c) select auditors and
conduct audits to ensure
objectivity and the impartiality of
the audit process;
d) ensure that the results of
the audits are reported to
relevant management, and
e) retain documented
information as evidence of the
implementation of the audit
for its environmental management

- the requirements of this International

b) is effectively implemented and

The organization shall:

a) plan, establish, implement and
maintain an audit programme(s),
including the frequency, methods,
responsibilities, planning requirements
and reporting. The audit programme(s)
shall take into consideration the
environmental importance of the
processes concerned and the results of
previous audits;

b) define the audit criteria and scope for
each audit;

c) select auditors and conduct audits to
ensure objectivity and the impartiality of
the audit process;

d) ensure that the results of the audits
are reported to relevant management,

e) retain documented information as
evidence of the implementation of the
audit programme and the audit results.
management system;
- the requirements of this
International Standard;

b) is effectively implemented and
c) is effective in meeting the
organizations OH&S policy and

The organization shall:
a) plan, establish, implement and
maintain an audit programme(s),
including the frequency, methods,
responsibilities, planning
requirements and reporting. The
audit programme(s) shall be based
on risk assessments and take into
consideration the importance of the
processes concerned and the
results of previous audits;
b) define the audit criteria and scope
for each audit;
c) select competent auditors and
conduct audits to ensure objectivity
and the impartiality of the audit
d) ensure that the results of the audits
are reported to relevant
management; and
e) retain documented information as
evidence of the implementation of
the audit programme and the audit

programme and the audit


9.3 Management review
Top management shall review the
organization's XXX management
system, at planned intervals, to
ensure its continuing suitability,
adequacy and effectiveness.

The management review shall
include consideration of:
a) the status of actions
from previous management
b) changes in external and
internal issues that are relevant
to the XXX management
c) information on the XXX
performance, including trends
nonconformities and
corrective actions
monitoring and
measurement results,
audit results;
9.3 Management review

Top management shall review the
organization's environmental
management system, at planned
intervals, to ensure its continuing
suitability, adequacy and effectiveness.

The management review shall include
consideration of:

a) the status of actions from previous
management reviews;

b) changes in external and internal
issues that are relevant to the
environmental management
system, including:

- changes in needs and expectations of
interested parties, including
developments in legal requirements and
other requirements related to its
environmental aspects.

- changes in risks and opportunities
identified in 6.1;

c) information on the environmental
performance, including general trends

- nonconformities and corrective actions

9.3 Management review

Top management shall review the
organizations OH&S management
system at planned intervals to ensure its
continuing suitability, adequacy and
The management review shall include
consideration of:
a) the status of actions from
previous management reviews;
b) the results of participation and
c) relevant communication(s) from
external interested parties,
including complaints;
d) changes in external and internal
issues that are relevant to the
OH&S management system;
e) information on the OH&S
performance, including trends
incidents, nonconformities and
corrective actions;
monitoring and measurement
audit results;
evaluations of compliance with
applicable legal requirements

d) opportunities for
continual improvement.
The outputs of the management
review shall include decisions
related to continual improvement
opportunities and any need for
changes to the XXX management

The organization shall retain
documented information as
evidence of the results of
management reviews.

- monitoring and measurement results,

- the environmental performance of the

- the extent to which objectives and
targets have been met, and

- environmental management system
audits results;

d) opportunities for continual

e) evaluations of compliance with legal
requirements and with other
requirements to which the
organization subscribes;

f) communication(s) from external
interested parties, including complaints.

The outputs of the management review
shall include decisions related to
continual improvement opportunities and
any need for changes to the
environmental management system,
including the environmental policy and
environmental objectives and targets.

The organization shall retain
documented information as evidence of
the results of the management reviews.
and with other requirements to
which the organization
f) the extent to which OH&S policy
and objectives have been met;

g) status of incident investigations,
corrective actions and
preventive actions; and

h) opportunities and
recommendations for continual

The outputs of the management review
shall include decisions related to the
organizations commitment to continual
improvement opportunities and any
need for changes to the OH&S
management system, in particular:
a) OH&S performance;
b) OH&S policy and objectives;
c) resources; and
d) other elements of the OH&S
management system.

The organization shall retain
documented information as evidence of
the results of management reviews.
Relevant document information shall be
made available for communication and

10. Improvement
10.1 Nonconformity and
corrective action
When a nonconformity occurs, the
organization shall:
a) react to the nonconformity,
and as applicable
take action to control
and correct it, and
deal with the
b) evaluate the need for
action to eliminate the causes of
the nonconformity, in order that
it does not recur or occur
elsewhere, by
reviewing the
determining the causes
of the nonconformity,
determining if similar
nonconformities exist,
or could potentially
10. Improvement
10.1 Nonconformity and corrective
The organization shall establish,
implement and maintain procedures for
dealing with nonconformities and taking
corrective action.
When a nonconformity occurs, the
organization shall:
a) react to the nonconformity, and as
- take action to control and correct it,
- deal with the consequences, including
the mitigation of any environmental
b) evaluate the need for action to
eliminate the causes of the
nonconformity, in order that it does not
recur or occur elsewhere, by
- reviewing the nonconformity
- determining the causes of the
nonconformity, and
- determining if similar nonconformities
exist, or could potentially occur;
10 Improvement
10.1 Incident investigation,
nonconformity and corrective action
The organization shall establish,
implement and maintain a process for
dealing with incidents, nonconformities
and taking corrective action.
When an incident or a nonconformity
occurs, the organization shall:
a) react to the incident or
nonconformity, and as
take action to control
and correct it, and
deal with the
b) evaluate the need for action to
eliminate the causes of the
incident or nonconformity, in
order that it does not recur or
occur elsewhere, by
reviewing the incident or
investigating to
determine the
underlying OH&S
deficiencies and other
contributing factors,
causes of the incident or
nonconformity, and
determining if similar
14001 text not relevant to OH&S
c) implement any action
d) review the effectiveness
of any corrective action taken;
e) make changes to the
XXX management system, if

Corrective actions shall be
appropriate to the effects of the
nonconformities encountered.

The organization shall retain
documented information as
evidence of

the nature of the
nonconformities and any
subsequent actions taken,
the results of any corrective

c) implement any action needed;

d) review the effectiveness of any
corrective action taken; and

e) make changes to the environmental
management system, if necessary.

Corrective actions shall be appropriate
to the effects of the nonconformities
encountered, to the magnitude of the
problems and the environmental impacts

The organization shall retain
documented information as evidence of

- the nature of the nonconformities and
any subsequent actions taken, and

- the results of any corrective action.
conditions or
nonconformities exist, or
could potentially occur;

c) implement any action needed;
d) review the effectiveness of any
corrective action taken;
e) communicating the results of
corrective action(s) and
f) make changes to the OH&S
management system, if

Corrective actions shall be appropriate
to the effects or potential effects of the
incidents or nonconformities
encountered and with the OH&S risk(s)

The organization shall retain and
maintain documented information as
evidence of

the nature of the incidents and
nonconformities and any
subsequent actions taken, and
the results of any corrective

The investigations shall be performed
within a reasonable time following an
incident, by competent persons.

Where the corrective action and
preventive action identifies new or
changed hazards or the need for new or

14001 text not relevant to OH&S

Preventive action ?
changed controls, the procedure shall
require that the proposed actions shall
be taken through a risk assessment
prior to implementation.
10.2 Continual improvement
The organization shall continually
improve the suitability, adequacy
and effectiveness of the XXX
management system.
10.2 Continual improvement
The organization shall continually
improve the suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of the environmental
management system in order to
enhance its environmental performance.
10.2 Continual improvement
The organization shall continually
improve the suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness of the OH&S management
system in order to enhance its OH&S

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