Roti CookBook
Roti CookBook
Roti CookBook
: Roties :
Aloo ka Parantha
2 cups whole-wheat
water to knead the dough
1/2 cup ghee
dry flour for dusting
Mix together
2 cups potatoes-boiled
and mashed
2 tbsp chopped
coriander leaves
1 tsp finely chopped
green chillies
salt to taste
1 tbsp lemon juice
Make like matar ka parantha substituting the potato
mi!ture for the green pea mi!ture"
Users Comments
# $ can also add dry toasted and grounded moti saunf to add special flovour to the parathas"
- %aru &erma 'taru(verma2)))*yahoo"com+
# its good food to prepare and for health
- mohammed haneef 'bakharhaneef*hotmail"com+
# ,ey -iru .or me main flavour in aloo parantha comes from the spices""" Add roasted cumin seed powder
and amchur 'mango powder+ in the potatoes and see the difference"""// Also if you like onions add lil bit of
very finely chopped onions too" %ry it out""
- 0ajni Arora 'abc+
# too much tasty/
- lubna 'sweet(lubs*hotmail"com+
# wadhiya hai ji
- sher-e-punjab
# you can fry alittle ater boil the allo and add bit of tmato pureewith the chillicoriander
- boji 'niceboji*yahoo"com+
# all your recipes are simpleand east to follow
- prema 'adri*vsnl"com+
# 1t taste good" 1 would recomend to also with some garam masala powder with mashed potatoes"
- &ivek 2henoy 'vivekdshenoy*gmail"com+
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1/2 kg black gram daal
1 kg flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
salt according taste
refined oil to fry
2oak the daal in warm water and leave overnight"
4lean and husk the daal and grind it to a paste"
Add the baking soda to the flour along with some water and
knead it well"
Make small rounds from the dough and add the prepared
daal to each ball" 0oll it like a chappati and deep-fry it"
2erve hot with any sabji"
Users Comments
# 5h"""yummy i love babru being here in $2 i made babru for shivratri" 1t was nice to see this recipe on
- 2angeeta
# 1 hail from 6angra 7istrict in ,imachal" 3abru as 1 have known is a sweet dough pancake like product" 8ou
may like to review"
- &"4"2ood 'vijay*pulse-india"com+
3ajre ki 0oti/3hakri 'Millet 3read+
bajre ka atta-finely ground
warm water
%ake the bajre ka atta and knead with warm water9sprinkle little by little and
knead for a long time till soft and pliable" 1t takes some practice and patience"
6nead small amounts at a time"
%o shape the roti you have to use your palms as it keeps breaking" 7o not use a
rolling pin" 8ou have to make a small ball and keep pressing with your open
palm to make thinner" 1f you do it in a hurry it might break" 7o it slowly"
5nce it has reached the si:e you want cook over a hot tawa on both sides till
cooked through" 2erve smeared with ghee.
Bajra is always served with e!tra helpings of ghee as it is said to be very dry"
And the ideal daal with this is dhuli urad ki daal.
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3a;arkhani 0oti
Oven Temp: 375 !"#$
< cups refined flour
1 1/2 tsp baking powder
1 cup ghee
1 tsp salt
1 tbsp sugar
1 cup milk
2 tbsp raisins
1 cup almonds-thinly
1 tsp 2crew pine 'kewra+
Poppy seeds 'Khus Khus+
to sprinkle
Mi! together the flour baking powder 1 cup ghee salt sugar milk raisins
almonds and kewra and knead to a firm dough using some water if re;uired"
4over and leave to rest for an hour"
3reak the dough up into 1)-12 rounds and roll into 1/=> rounds" 3rush rounds
with ghee and sprinkle some poppy seeds" ?ift one edge and fold 1/@" .old the
opposite edge to come up above the folded edge"
2mear a little more ghee over the folded part and sprinkle some poppy seeds
too" -ow fold the narrow edges 1/@ from one side and then the opposite side to
come over it" .orms a s;uare"
0oll the s;uare 1/=> thick brush with some ghee and bake in a pre-heated oven
till crisp and brown"
A cup dhuli urad ki daal-
soaked in water for @
1/= tsp asafoetida
1 A tsp cumin seeds
A tsp garam masala
A tsp chilli powder
1 A tsp coriander powder
1/= tsp powdered black
2 cups whole-wheat flour
1 tbsp oil
water to knead the dough
oil for deep-frying
Mi! the salt and oil into the flour" 6nead into a soft and pliable dough with water"
4over the dough and rest for at least half an hour"
Brind the lentils coarsely and add the rest of the ingredients for the filling"
2hape into small rounds" 8ou will need to wet your palms off and on to make
sure that the filling does not stick to them"
Make walnut-si:ed smooth balls with the dough and flatten between your palms"
%ake one round and pinch and wet the edges all around" Place a round of filling
in the center" 3ring the edges together and pinch to seal" .latten by pressing
gently and roll into rounds" Brease the surface of the rolling pin if necessary"
,eat the oil till such time as a piece of dough tossed in comes up immediately"
.ry the bedvins in it over high heat till golden on both sides"
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3iraiee 0oti
2 cups whole-wheat flour
1 cup water
some dry flour to help in
1 cup channa dal
A tsp turmeric
salt to taste
< cloves
< peppercorns
seeds of 1 black
1 tsp cumin seeds
6nead the dough as you would for normal rotis and leave to rest"
3oil the lentils with ingredients for the filling using just enough water to cook the
lentils and be absorbed into them" -o e!tra water should remain visible"
Chen cool enough to handle grind the lentil mi!ture"
Make round balls of the dough and flatten into round patties between your palms"
Press flat with your fingers to make them about D cm/2 A in"
Pinch the edges about one-third way towards the center so that they are thinner
than the center and form a sort of cup" %ake some of the lentil mi!ture and
place it in the center of the cup then pinch the edges to seal"
0oll out this stuffed ball as thinly as you can without tearing" $se dry flour to
dust while rolling"
4lean a griddle on both sides" Place inverted on high heat" 4ook the rolled out
roti over it first on one side and then on the other and serve hot" %he rotis can
also be kept in a covered container until ready to serve"
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7abeli '7ouble 0oti 6utch 2tyle+
1 kg potatoes
< medium onions
garam masala can be used
1 cup peanuts
2 tsp salt
2 tsp red chillie powder
< tbsp imli and gur
2 tbsp garlic chutney
3oil the potatoes and after pealing mash them well and
keep aside"
1n a dekchi heat 1/2 cup oil for frying the peanuts deep fry
and add salt about 1 tsp 1 tsp sugar red chilly powder 1/2
1n the remaining oil add garlic chutney allow to si::le add
garam masala red chillie powder imli chutney to this add
the mashed potatoes"
2erve hot as filling in bun with fried peanuts E chopped
Users Comments
# Breat 0ecipe" 8ou can try adding a spicy chutney F sweet chutney on the bread for some e!tra spice"
- 6M
# ama:ing stuff""i had one back in mandvi-kutch where it originated from tastes similar"""great stuff
- advaita 'advaitasolanki*rediffmail"com+
# tasty Espicy recipe
- %GHA? 'beautybab(tk*yahoo"co"in+
# Pogranate seeds 'fresh+ adds more taste to it
- sharmila 'sdhanwani*indatimes"com+
# the garlic chutney may be avoided as it has a very strong taste and odour" it may mar the delicate taste of
the vegetable cooked" .or a change cookedcauliflower and peas may be also added to the mashed
potatoes"And for a light punch a bit of tadka of hing and mustard may be given to the imli and jaggery
- Priya 3iswas 'killpriya*yahoo"co"in+
# awesome best recipe on this page
- raju khanna
# simple and easy to make recipe"
- &andana mehta
# if u keep @ chutneys seprately and then place it in pau it will taste much better"
- rekha gohil 'nkgohil*sancharnet "in+
# 3est dish
- 3ansri 3hatiya
# $se roasted peanuts to make it crunchy" %he receipe is very - yummy
- 2ushil 2ablok 'sksablok*yahoo"co"in+
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Bobhi 6a Parantha '4auliflower 2tuffed 1ndian 3read+
7ough as in an ordinary
roti-made from 2 cups
whole wheat flour
1/2 cup ghee
%ing' mix together
2 cups grated cauliflower
2 tbsp chopped coriander
1 tsp finely chopped
1 tsp finely chopped green
chillies 'or according to
1 tbsp salt
1 tbsp lemon juice
3reak the dough into small pieces shape into round balls and flatten"
Pinch the edges to form a cup and place some gobhi mi!ture in the centre" Cet
the edges and bring together to enclose the filling" Pinch to seal"
0oll out this stuffed ball to smoothen dip in dry flour and roll out as thinly as you
can without tearing like you roll a chapati being careful not to tear it"
,eat the tawa till very hot lower the heat and place one parantha over it" Chen
the edges start lifting take some ghee and make a trail along the outer edge of
the parantha and some on the surface"
3rown on both sides and serve"
6hamiri 0oti
2 cups whole wheat flour
1/2 cup beaten yogurt
1/< cup water
salt to taste
or the (i%%ing
1/2 cup grated cottage
1 tsp roasted cumin
1 tsp chopped ginger
1 tsp chopped green
salt to taste
%ake whole-wheat flour in a bowl and add yogurt water and salt" 6nead to a
dough and leave it overnight to ferment"
To prep)re the (i%%ing' take a separate bowl and mi! cottage cheese with
cumin ginger green chillies and salt"
-ow divide the fermented dough into e;ual portions"
Put the filling in the center and with the help of the rolling pin flatten in a shape
of a roti.
Option)%: .latten the dough portions with the help of a rolling pin and spread the
filling on top"
3ake the rotis in a traditional oven and serve"
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Malabari Parantha
2 cups maida
water to knead
1/2 cup ghee
dry flour- for dusting
6nead the flour into soft and pliable dough with the water" 4over and let rest for
@) minutes"
Make = round and smooth balls" 0oll into a round of about 1/< cm/1/=I
2mear the surface of this round with ghee" .old in 1/2 smear the surface with
ghee again and make another fold from corner to corner" 0oll thinly without
,eat the griddle 'tava+ and place one parantha on to it"
Chen the edges start lifting slightly smear some ghee over it letting it trickle
under it"
3rown on both sides and serve"
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Matar ka Parantha
2 cups whole-wheat flour
1 cup water
dry flour to help with
small bowl of water to dip
fingers in while working
or the (i%%ing grin*
1 cup shelled and boiled
greens peas
1/= tsp asafetida-powder
1 1/2 tsp roasted cumin
1/2 tsp chilli powder
Make a dough with the flour and water and make small balls of it" After you have
flattened the round balls between press flat a little more with your fingers to
make rounds"
Pinch the edges to about one-third way towards the center so that the edges are
thinner than the center and form a sort of a cup"
Place a tbsp of the ingredients ground together in the center of the cup"
7ip your fingers in the water so that any filling sticking to them is washed off
and wet the edges before bringing them together to enclose the filling" Pinch to
0oll out to smoothen and then dip in dry flour to coat well before rolling again"
5n a surface dusted with dry flour roll out the parantha as thinly as you can
without tearing it as you would roll a chapatti" More care is needed with this as
the wet filling inside causes it to tear more easily"
,eat the griddle till very hot"
?ower the heat and place one parantha on the hot griddle" Chen the edges start
lifting make a trail of ghee along the outer edge of the parantha so that some
ghee trickles under it" %hen smear some ghee on the surface"
Chen underside is a golden brown increase heat and turn the parantha over"
?ower heat and cook on the other side" %ake off when both sides are brown"
2erve hot"
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0oti / Phulkas
2 cups whole wheat flour
1 cup water
some dry flour to help in
an iron griddle 'tawa+
6nead the flour into a soft smooth dough with water 'a finger pushed in presses
without much pressure+ and leave to rest for 1J-2) minutes"
2hape into smooth balls and flatten a bit"
5n a well dusted surface roll these into 1/=> thick rounds"
Place the griddle over the fire and heat till a drop of water thrown over it
evaporates immediately with a si::ling sound"
Place a rolled chapatti over the hot griddle and as soon as the edges start rising
lift it with a pair of tongs and place over a direct flame with the uncooked side
down" 1t should start puffing up immediately"
Chen fully puffed or a spotty brown on the underside flip over to cook the other
side" %ake it off the flame and serve hot with a brushing of ghee
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Mooli ka Parantha
2 cups whole-wheat flour
2 cups water
some dry flour for dusting
Mix together
2 cups grated white
2 tbsp chopped coriander
1 tsp finely chopped
1 tsp finely chopped
green chillies
salt to taste
1 tbsp lemon juice
6nead the flour with the water and make into a soft pliable dough" 4over and
leave the dough to rest for @) minutes"
3reak the dough into = pieces and shape each of them into a round smooth ball
using dusting of flour if it sticks"
%ake a ball and using a rolling pin roll it into rounds" .latten the round balls
between your palms and press flat a little more with your fingers to make smaller
Pinch the edges to about one-third way towards the center so that the edges are
thinner in the center and form a sort of a cup"
Place a tablespoonful of the filling ingredients in the center of the cup"
7ip your fingers in the water so that any filling sticking to them is washed off and
wet the edges before bringing them together to enclose the filling" Pinch to seal"
0oll out to smoothen and then dip in dry flour to coat well before rolling again"
5n a surface dusted with dry flour roll out the parantha as thinly as you can
without tearing it as you would roll a chapatti" More care is needed with this as
the wet filling inside causes it to tear more easily"
,eat the griddle till very hot" ?ower the heat and place one parantha on the hot
griddle" Chen the edges start lifting make a trail of ghee along the outer edge of
the parantha so that some ghee trickles under it" %hen smear some ghee on the
Chen the underside is a golden brown increase the heat and turn the parantha
over" ?ower heat and cook on the other side" %ake off when both sides are brown
and serve hot"
Parat-Cala Parantha
< cups whole-wheat
1 cup ghee softened
and mi!ed with 1 tbsp
ghee for frying the
6nead the flour into a dough and leave to rest for about 1J minutes"
2hape walnut-si:ed balls of the dough and roll them out into 1 cm/1/2 in thick
%ake one round smear it with the ghee mi!ture and place another round over
it" 0epeat till you have used up D rounds" 7o not smear the last one with ghee"
$sing dry flour to dust roll out these layers together with a light hand so that
the dough does not tear" 0oll as thin as you can without tearing turning over
every now and then and dusting with flour"
,eat a heavy-based griddle" Pour in the ghee to form a layer" Place a rolled out
parantha over griddle carefully and lower the heat to cook slowly"
2mear the top with ghee and turn over to cook the other side" 7ribble a trail of
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