A Model For Developing An Airport Security Plan

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Te Journal of Aviation/Aerospace Education & Research

Volume 4
Number 2 JAAER Winter 1994
Article 1
Atef Ghobrial
Ken Fleming
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Ghobrial, A., & Fleming, K. (1994). A MODEL FOR DEVELOPING AN AIRPORT SECURITY PLAN. Te Journal of Aviation/
Aerospace Education & Research, 4(2). Retrieved from htp://commons.erau.edu/jaaer/vol4/iss2/1
Atef Ghobrial and Ken Fleming
In order to protect passengers, staff, airlines, aircraft, and property, airports should develop, implement,
and maintain a system security plan. The plan should be a complete guide for establishing and maintaining
a comprehensive security program for the airport system. Increased security should be accomplished through
the use of a system approach, with both proactive and law enforcement activities clearly outlined in the plan.
This paper presents a model for developing an airport security plan.
Not long ago, security problems at airports were
confined to conventional crimes associated with other
transportation modes: vandalism, theft, assault and
battery, trespassing, and facility damage. Since the late
19608, airports have also become the focus of other
crimes, such as terrorism, hijacking, sabotage of targets
in the air and on the ground, and overt acts of
aggression. Between 1963 and 1971, the Assembly of the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) called
three major meetings for the purpose of drafting
International Conventions on the security of civil
aviation: The Tokyo Convention (1963), the Hague
Convention (1970), and the Montreal Convention (1971).
In 1974, a set of standards and recommended procedures
was adopted by ICAO. The document was published as
Annex 17 to the original Chicago Convention. The
document is titled "Standards and Recommended Prac-
of Unlawful Interference."
In 1969, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
established a Task Force on Deterrence of Air Piracy. In
1971, the FAA issued notices of proposal rule-making
for the landmark revisions of the airport and airline
security measures. One notice proposed the issuance of
Part 107 of the Federal Aviation Regulations to give to
airport operators the responsibility for providing
protection against unauthorized access to air operations
areas. The second notice proposed a new Section 538 to
FAR Part 121, which required each scheduled carrier to
develop and implement a security program designed to
prevent or deter the carriage aboard aircraft of sabotage
JAAER, Winter 1994
devices or weapons. The new Public Law 99-83, the
International Security and Development Cooperation
Act of 1985, established an explicit statutory basis for the
FAA's Federal Air Marshal program. The Public Law
99-83 was enacted in August 1985 to direct the Secretary
of Transportation to assess the effectiveness of security
measures at foreign airports served by U.S. carriers, or
from which foreign air carriers serve the United States,
and those airports that pose high risk to international
travelers. In 1989, the FAAissued its final rule requiring
foreign air carriers to submit their security programs (in
writing and inEnglish) to the FAAfor acceptance by the
In order to protect passengers, staff, airlines, aircraft,
and property, airports should develop, implement and
maintain a system security plan. Increased security
should be accomplished through the use of a system
approach with both proactive and law enforcement
activities clearly outlined in the plan. A system is
composed of people, property, environment, and
procedures that are integrated to perform a specific
operational function in a specific environment. The
elements of a system are diverse and interactive. A
successful airport security plan should integrate and
coordinate the functions of each element in the system.
The airport security plan is a well-defined program
that describes the actions to be taken to protect airlines,
passengers, staff, aircraft, and property against terrorist
or criminal acts. Security plans should not be viewed as
a set of theoretical procedures to follow, rather they
Page 27
A Model for Developing an Airport Security Plan
should define the objectives of the program and give
enough flexibility to deal with particular events. Because
timing, situations, or locations of unlawful acts cannot be
forecast, it is necessary to leave the detailed course of
actions to those persons in charge of airport security.
The main objective is to ensure that the actions taken to
safeguard the facility are coordinated with the overall
In developing a security plan, lead security personnel
at the airport should consult with the FAA, the ICAO,
and other security professionals, and should review
security plans at similar airports. Next, authors of the
security plan should collect all of the appropriate
security-related information within the airport.
This information includes the location of the airport,
the type of traffic, the passenger mix (domestic and
international), the resources of the airport, and the
capabilities of the different groups overseeing airport
The next step is to write the specific sections of the
plan. There is no standard format or layout; however,
security personnel should be able to find all references
to their roles and responsibilities easily and quickly. The
outline can be adjusted as appropriate to suit the
circumstances of a particular airport.
The need for developing an airport security plan has
been emphasized in many aviation management books
(Moore, 1991; Phipps, 1991; Wells, 1992). This paper
provides a model for developing an airport security plan.
It presents an outline of an airport security program
followed by a description of the different sections
comprising the plan.
Opening Pages to the Airport Security Plan
The opening pages of the security plan should include
acknowledgment, a foreword, and a management policy
statement. The author should acknowledge those
professionals, local and state and federal agencies, and
international organizations that contributed to
developing the security plan. The foreword section
should provide a clear understanding of how the plan is
expected to serve as the dynamic structure for
implementing an effective system security program. The
opening pages should also contain a management
Page 28
directive/policy statement that establishes full
commitment to security. The plan also directs
responsibility for security to an individual or a group
and indicates full support for them. The security
classification and copy number should appear
prominently at the top of each copy of the document.
Introduction to Airport System Security
Purpose ofAirport Security Plan
An airport security plan is of limited value unless it
fully defines and implements a security program. The
plan should emphasize identifying potential threats and
areas of wlnerability, and developing proactive,
prevention-oriented approaches that will minimize them.
This threat and vulnerability management, as applied to
all aspects of people, property, prOcedures, and
environment of the airport, is known as "systemsecurity.n
Goals, Objectives and Tasks of the Plan
The primary goal of the plan, of course, is to
implement a programthat ensures system security. Broad
yet airport-specific objectives supporting that goal should
be identified; each objective should include a set of
reasonable and attainable tasks to achieve that objective.
For example, the objective of a plan could be to ensure
the security of an airport or an airline against unlawful
acts at maximum cost-effectiveness.
Scope of the Plan
This section should summarize the intent of the plan,
and list personnel involved and their functions, and what
organizations are affected.
Description of the Airport System
Organizational Structure
A brief description, preferably with a diagram, of the
organizations of the airport, including security
Operating Environment
Detailed information about flights by type (domestic
and international), current and projected flight schedule,
estimated number of passengers, types of airlines
(domestic and international), political systems of
countries whose airlines operate at the airport, high-risk
flights and so on.
This section should also include a brief description of
the airport, including configuration, ground access,
terminal facilities, and airside layout.
JAAER, Winter 1994
Current Security Conditions
A summary containing the current security breaches,
threats, and likely forms of terrorist or criminal
interferences. Examples include assault and battery,
bomb scares, vandalism, sabotage, and terrorism.
Existing Security Capabilities and Practices
A summary of the major proactive methods,
prOcedures, devices, and systems that currently exist to
prevent or minimize security breaches. These may
include committee work, analysis, personnel training
programs and passenger coaching, and proactive security
Management of the Airport Security Plan
This section identifies those in charge of managing
the overall security plan and the daily activities of the
program. For instance, in small airports, the airport
manager can assume overseeing airport security and
carrying out the plan on a daily basis. In larger airports,
although an airport manager is ultimately accountable
for system security, daily security activities are most
likely coordinated by another individual. This section
should also include a listing of all major positions within
the security organization and their respective
responsibilities. Depending upon the size of the airport,
its identity as a domestic or international airport, and
traffic volume, a proactive security committee and a
security breach review committee could be created.
Finally, this section concludes by discussing the levels of
training programs available for everyone involved in the
security plan. It should also describe the training
required to implement new proactive measures. The
above items can be presented using the following
Management of the Plan
Identify whether the airport manager or another
individual will be in charge of daily security activities.
Responsibilities and Roles of
Security Personnel and Divisions
List the responsibilities and roles of security
personnel and the functions carried out by each.
Airport Security Committees (if applicable)
Identify each committee name, its purpose, members,
and how recommendations could be evaluated and
JAAER, Winter 1994
A Model for Developing an Airport Security Plan
Describe the different training programs for everyone
involved in airport security.
Airport Security Plan
This is the main body of the document. It describes in
detail the different security functions and procedures that
should be carried out to safeguard passengers, personnel,
airlines, aircraft, and property. This section covers the
security of all elements of airport operations, including
ground access, passenger flow within the terminal,
passenger and baggage screening, cargo, aircraft and auto
Developing a solid information system for directing
passenger flow, from arrival at the terminal curbside to
boarding the aircraft, is essential to airport security. For
instance, installing accurate and well-displayed signs for
directing passengers to particular concourses and gates
can help identify those attempting to pass through
access-restricted areas. This procedure will also reduce
the incidence of questioning innocent passengers who
may not be familiar with the terminal layout and
accidentally try to enter restricted areas.
Security of Passengers from Auto Parking/Ground Access
Points to Terminal
Identify security/patrolling functions performed at the
parking areas, who is responsible for conducting the
function, levels of manning, hours of operations, and
means of communication. Identify locations of allowed
access points to the terminal building, security/patrol
functions and responsibilities, and control posts by
location. Also identify additional passenger-screening
functions (if any) at the access points, such as restricting
access to ticketed-passengers only and checking passport
Security of Passenger Flow Wzthin the Terminal
Ideally, a security system should operate efficiently
throughout the whole process of tiCketing, passenger and
baggage check-in, and boarding. Specify the following:
1. How to control the flow of arriving and departing
2. How to control the flow of domestic and
international passengers.
3. The areas where access passes are required.
4. The criteria for granting access passes, howand by
Page 29
A Model for Developing an Airport Security Plan
whom these passes are issued, and the format of
identification cards, as well as penalties for not
complying with regulations.
5. Regulations for the movement of merchandise
into the concessions areas.
6. Regulations of passenger movement from duty-
free areas to gates.
Screening of ~ s n g r s and Carry-on Baggage
Depending upon the type of airport, passengers must
pass through one or more screening points. Screening
can be conducted at a central location, piers and
concourses, and sometimes pre-departure at the gate.
For every screening method, the security plan should
1. Location of screening points, manning of these
locations, and qualifications and training of security
2. Methods and equipment used in screening
passengers at different locations.
3. Methods of communications between security
personnel at these locations and central airport security.
4. Screening methods for crewflights and diplomats.
5. Screening methods for sensitive carry-on material
such as cameras, laptop computers, and X-ray sensitive
6. Screening methods for airport and airline
employees who have access to restricted areas.
7. Methods to deal with prohibited items discovered
in the course of screening.
Screening of Baggage
This section covers the security control of baggage
checked-in by passengers at airline counters that are
destined for carriage in the hold of aircraft. The security
plan should specify:
1. Location of screening points, manning these
locations, and qualifications and training of security
2. Methods and equipment used in screening
3. Methods of communications between security
personnel at these locations and central airport security.
4. Screening methods for baggage carried by crew
flights and diplomats.
5. Methods and equipment used to control the flow
Page 30
of baggage (for example, visual control or closed-circuit
6. Screening methods for airport and airline
employees who have access to these restricted areas.
7. Methods to deal with prohibited items discovered
in the course of screening.
Security of Cargo
The cargo terminal is a high-activity area that could
allow illegal access to the airside area and to both
passenger and cargo aircraft. An airport security plan
should specify the access points to the cargo terminal,
staff identification by access passes and cards, vehicle
identification, methods of surveillance of doors and
windows, and alarm and warning signals of open doors
and windows. Similar rules can be established for
screening mail.
Airside Security
This section includes security of aircraft, passenger
and vehicle movements in the apron areas, and security
of interlining passengers and baggage. The FAA's
Advisory Circular 150/5200-6A includes thorough
guidelines for aircraft security at airports. The security
plan should specify the following:
1. Airlines' responsibilities for safeguarding the
aircraft and coordination plans with the airport security
2. Rules for parking unattended aircraft, inspection
of aircraft brought from maintenance hangars, and
handling hijacked or high-risk flights.
3. How to control the flow of transit/connecting
passengers, especially at international airports.
4. The criteria for granting access passes, howand by
whom these passes are issued, and the format of other
identification cards, as well as penalties for not
complying with regulations.
5. Vehicle identification passes with periodic checks.
Security of Navigation Aids
The plan should identify the following:
1. Rules for fencing and location of access points
that must be kept to a minimum.
2. Methods of patrolling these access points and
methods of communications with the central security
control unit.
3. Identification of personnel who must have access
JAAER, Winter 1994
to inspect the navigation aids.
Emergency Plan
In 1979, the ICAO Council adopted Amendment No.
33 to ICAO Annex 14. The amendment specifies that
states shall prepare and implement a program for
planning emergency measures at airports. These
emergency situations include arrival of a hijacked
aircraft, bomb threats against an aircraft on the ground
or in the air, bomb threats to airport facilities, and
attacks ground-to-air or ground-to-ground. For each of
these situations, the security plan should identify the
location and name of the group that will be contacted to
deal with the situation (for example, bomb disposal
service, ambulances, fire brigade, police and armed
forces). The plan would also include procedures for
dealing with hijacked aircraft, such as aircraft parking
position, locations and names of support groups, and
evacuation procedures of airside and terminal
Phipps (1991) suggested that detailed contingency
plans should be included as annexes to master copies of
the security plan and circulated only to those with a need
to know the detailed operation of each contingency plan.
Appendix A: Bibliography
Includes a bibliography of good publications on airport
security that contribute to the usefulness of the plan.
The bibliography also demonstrates that significant
research was considered and that the concepts of the
A Model for Developing an Airport Security Plan
plan are consistent with federal and international
Appendix B: Glossary of Security Terms
A glossary of security terms will provide readers of
the plan with information necessary to fully appreciate
and comprehend its contents.
Appendix C: Security Forms and Logs
Copies of different security-related forms and logs in
day-to-day operations should be cataloged, labeled, and
included in this appendix.
Additional Appendices
Because a security plan is tailored to meet the
situation of a particular airport, any additional
appendices that may be needed or useful may also be
This paper presented a model for developing an
airport security plan. There is no standard format or
layout; however, security personnel should be able to
find all references to their roles and responsibilities
easily and quickly. The outline can be adjusted as
appropriate to suit the circumstances of a particular
airport. These circumstances include location, type of
airport (domestic or international), identity of carriers
operating at the airport, and volume of passenger traffic.
In developing a security plan, it is necessary to leave the
detailed course of actions to those persons in charge of
airline/airport security.[J
AteCGhobrial is the Director of Aviation Programs at Georgia State University in Atlanta. He has published numerous
articles in the aviation field, and is now teaching aviation security courses. He has also been active in security-planning
research for the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta.
Ken Fleming is the Director for Management and Program Development at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.
He is a member of the research committee for Partners in Education, a Department of Transportation/university effort
devoted to developing research and curriculumin transportation security. He has also worked with the FAATechnical
center doing cost-benfit analysis in the security field.
JAAER, Winter 1994 Page 31
A Model for Developing an Airport Security Plan
Federal Aviation Administration. Security of aircraft at airports. (Advisory Circular 150/5200-6A). Department of
Transportation. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.
Federal Aviation Administration. Airport security. (FAR Part 107). Department of Transportation. Washington, DC:
u.s. Government Printing Office.
International Civil Aviation Organization. (1971). Security manual for the prevention of unlawful acts against civil
aviation. (Document 8973). Montreal, Quebec, canada.
International Civil Aviation Organization. (1974). Safeguarding international civil aviation acts o/unlawful interference.
Annex 17 to the Conventional on International Civil Aviation. Montreal, Quebec, canada.
International Civil Aviation Organization. (1976, June). Aerodromes (7th 00.). Annex 14 to the Conventional on
International Civil Aviation. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
Moore, K. (1991). Airport, aircraft and airline security. Boston: Butterworth Heinemann.
Phipps, D. (1991). The management of aviation security. London: Pitman Publishing.O
Page 32 JAAER, Winter 1994

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