Tensile Strength Properties of Tropical Hardwoods in Structural Size Testing-Z Ahmad
Tensile Strength Properties of Tropical Hardwoods in Structural Size Testing-Z Ahmad
Tensile Strength Properties of Tropical Hardwoods in Structural Size Testing-Z Ahmad
T = The average tensile strength
2.33 = 1
percentile coefficient
1 N
= Standard deviation
FOS = Factor of Safety = 2.5
It was also assumed that the tensile stress distribution was
normal. By comparing the grade stresses, the grade stresses
from the experiment were higher than the grade stresses from
MS 544: Part 2. This indicates that when using MS 544 Part
2 the design could be over-designed. This would lead to
bigger section and higher cost.
Modulus of Elasticity (MOE)
An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was performed to
determine if there were differences in mean MOE values
among the species tested. F-test indicated that there were
significant differences in the mean MOE of different species
(p-value = 0.01) at 5% significance level. By DUNCAN
multiple comparisons, it was found that there was significant
different between Kedondong and Bintagor and between
Kedondong and Keruing but there was no significant
different between Bintagor and Keruing. The summary
statistics for the MOE of different species is given in Table
The values of MOE for both Bintangor and Keruing
showed little difference either in the mean or minimum
values. However, Kedondong has wavy grain fibers that
could make it stiffer and higher MOE. Whilst, a straight
grain timber such as Bintangor or Keruing might not have
significant effect on stiffness.
Table 2: Summary statistics of MOE values for all species
Mean Minimum
MS 544 Part 2
Mean Min.
Kedondong 13.4 3.26 9.6 3.20 12.0 7.5
Bintangor 11.9 4.28 8.2 5.17 14.0 9.6
Keruing 11.2 4.25 8.2 2.49 11.9 8.7
For design, the mean value of MOE is used for load
sharing factor, while the minimum value of MOE is for non-
load sharing for the structural design purposes. Load sharing
factor is used in the design for joist, or joint timber and etc.,
while non-load sharing factor is used in the design of column
and beam.
From Table 2, it can be seen that the mean and minimum
values for MOE for structural size specimens are not in the
same order as in MS544 Part2. These results further enhance
the need to revise the mechanical properties of tropical
timber based on structural size specimens.
Poissons Ratio
ANOVA was performed to determine if there were
differences in mean Poissons ratio values among the species
tested. F-test indicated a p-value = 0.063 at 5% significance
level, which indicates that there was no significant
differences in Poissons ratios among the different species
and it was also found that the Poissons ratios vary within
Table 3: Summary statistics of mean and coefficient of
variation of Poissons ratio
Poissons ratio
mean COV
Kedondong 0.63 0.90
Bintagor 0.60 0.28
Keruing 0.54 0.10
After testing, the failed specimens were cut for moisture
content determination. It was also found that the moisture
content does not vary within species. This is because the
average of moisture content for the three species is less than
19% which is considered dry.
International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences IJBAS-IJENS Vol: 10 No: 03 6
The properties of tensile strength of solid timber made
from Kedondong (Canarium,spp), Bintangor
(Calophyllum,spp) and Keruing (Dipterocarpus,spp) were
investigated. The following conclusions were derived:
i. There is no significant difference in tensile strength
for the investigated species; Kedondong, Keruing and
Bintangor. This investigation confirmed that these
species are in the same strength group.
ii. The grade stresses for timber in structural size are
relatively higher than the grade stresses based on
small clear specimen.
iii. The species which has the highest value of MOE is
Kedondong followed by Bintangor and Keruing.
There is no significant difference in the MOE of
Bintangor and Keruing since the timbers are of
straight grains.
iv. The MOEs based on structural size specimens were
not in the same order as the MOEs based on small
clear specimens.
The work reported here was financially supported by the the
Institute of Research, Development and Comercialization,
Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia.
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