Contribute Training: Website Content Editing: Professional Development For Teachers

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Contribute Training:

Website Content Editing

Professional Development for Teachers

Educational Transfer Plan

IISME Fellow: Michael Allen

School: Susan B. Anthony Elementary School

Mentor: Barbara Lewis

Sponsor Company: Applied Materials

Table of Contents

Abstract 4
Objectives 4
Description 4
Standards 4
Materials 5
Resources 5
Procedure 5
Module 1: Introduction 6
Module 2: Connecting to a Site 6
Module 3: Editing and Adding Content 7
Module 4: Adding Links, Images, and Tables 7-8
Module 5: Creating a New Page 9
Module 6: Reviewing and Publishing 9-10
Survey 11
Evaluation 12
Power Point Presentation Slides 13-32

This project introduces teachers to website content management and provides training in the
software application Contribute. Instruction, guidance, and support will be given to teachers on
how to update and manage their individual classroom web pages using Contribute.


• Develop and implement a Contribute training program that will give teachers the
necessary skills to become content managers of their own individual classroom websites

• Give teachers a tool so they can focus on keeping website content current rather than
html coding

• Increase communication among, school, parents, and the community by encouraging all
teachers to have a functional website


This project is designed to help teachers create and manage their own classroom website
content by introducing them to the software program Contribute. Teachers will attend a
workshop, which through demonstration, discussion, and hands on practice, are taught the basic
features and functions of Contribute. Teachers will learn the essential skills necessary to edit the
content of their individual classroom websites.
Teachers will be taught how to use the software application by attending a professional
development workshop. The workshop has been divided into 6 interactive learning modules.
Each module contains a brief introduction, list of objectives, and step by step instructions on how
to perform a specific function and/or feature. Each module will provide participants an
opportunity to practice each function after seeing an example of it being used.
The first module is a basic introduction to the Contribute, which outlines the user interface
and identifies a variety of resources for help with the software program. The remaining modules
provide instruction and practice of specific skills and/or features of Contribute.
The ultimate goal of the project is to increase communication among teachers, peers, and
parents within the school community. Providing teachers the skills and tools to edit their own
websites, gives them responsibility for the content as well. Classroom websites with current
information available for viewing will be an important tool to help build communication with in
the learning community. Parents will be more likely to access the information on the website if
they know that it will be current and important to view.


The project addresses two ISTE National Technology Standards: Standard I B-demonstrate
continual growth in technology knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current and emerging
technologies and Standard IV D- use technology to communicate with peers, parents, and the
larger community in order to nurture student understanding.

One of my summer fellowship responsibilities was to learn the latest version of Contribute and
create a curriculum for an employee training session. Contribute will allow content owners to
easily add and update content on their respective business group's webpage. Since the use of
websites is standard in industry and business sectors, schools should implement the same
practice and help teachers create individual websites. I will incorporate the materials I created
during my fellowship and use them to train teachers. The training will focus on how to make
website content editing relatively simple and accessible by using Contribute.


An adequate number of software licenses and copies of Contribute need to be purchased and
installed to provide program accessibility for all teachers. Webpage templates need to be created
in Dreamweaver. Access to the school's website server files by teachers needs to be arranged.
Training sessions need to be organized and scheduled.


Below is a list of sites that offer a variety of resources for Contribute.

Adobe video training

This is free training but additional video can be purchased video training

This is free training but additional video can be purchased

Peachpit Press Contribute 3 Visual Quick Start Guide

This book can be purchased at a discount at Academic Superstore

Discounted software of Contribute 3 at Academic Superstore


• Ask teachers to complete “Pre-Workshop Contribute Survey”

• Plan, schedule, and invite teachers to Contribute workshop
• Conduct Contribute workshop
• Ask teachers to complete Post-Workshop Contribute Survey” and “Workshop
• Provide assistance as needed throughout the year to those teachers who choose to edit and
manage their own classroom website
Contribute is a software application that makes website content editing open to everybody,
everyday, while providing administrative controls and standards. Contribute allows the site
administrator to give other people access to the site by creating roles. Roles are a collection of
settings and privileges assigned to each role. Additional roles include publisher and writer.

• Understand the Contribute workspace
• Identify Help resources

Locate and describe the following features of the workspace

• Main Toolbar- some of the options can be found in the other toolbar
• Toolbar- options on this toolbar will change depending on your activity
same options can be found under main toolbar
• Address bar- works just like an address bar on your web browser
• Content Area- this is the area used to view/edit web pages
• Pages- you can find links to the pages that you are currently working on
• Draft Console- provides a status report for all the drafts

Locate and Identify Contribute help resources

• Click How do I….. button at the bottom of the panel on the left side
• Click Help button in the Main Toolbar


Connection keys contain the information that is needed for users to establish a connection to
the website, which they are working on. You can either e-mail the file to users, or save it to your
computer for users to download and import. The connection key can be a file or URL. Once a
connection has been established it will always appear on the startup menu when Contribute is
An easy way to find the page you want to edit is to browse for it in the Contribute browser,
which works like any web browser. However, the only pages you will be able to edit are the
ones that you have established a connection key for. You can also type in the website address
and go directly to the page you want.

• Use a Connection Key
• Establish a connection to website
• Browse to a page

Establish a connection to website with a Connection Key

1. Open e-mail message
2. Double click the Connection Key and save to your computer
3. Enter you name, e-mail and password and click OK
Browse to a page- do one of the following
• Type in the website page address and click GO or
• Click Choose<highlight file<OK
You can edit pages that you have connections to and have permission to edit. Only one
person may edit a particular page at a time. If you try to edit a page someone else has checked
out, you will not be able to connect to it. As you edit a page it will be saved as a draft and appear
in the left hand side tool bar. The editing toolbar is very similar to the one in Microsoft Word
and you can actually cut and paste text from Word. Not all regions will be editable, for example
headers, navigation bars, and anything text or images found on all pages.

• Open a page to edit
• Identify features and functions of toolbar
• Identify editable and non-editable regions
• Add text to page

Open a page to edit

1. Browse to or Choose a page that you want to edit
2. Click Edit Page

Editable and non-editable regions

1. Move your cursor throughout the document
• A blinking cursor means it is editable
• A universal red circle with a slash sign means it is not editable

Edit and/or add text

1. Locate and identify features of editing toolbar
• Text style, font, and size drop down menus
• Align left, center, align right, and justify text buttons
• Numbered and bulleted list buttons
• Indent and outdent text buttons
• Text color and highlight color buttons
2. Place cursor inside the cell were you want to insert text
3. Choose appropriate size, color, justification, etc. for text in toolbar
4. Type in text or delete text to replace it
5. Click Save for Later to save your work in progress or
6. Click Send for Review if you finished editing and don’t have publishing rights or
7. Click Publish if you are finished and have publishing rights


Contribute allows you to make text or images on the webpage act as links. When a visitor
views your page and clicks a link, either specified text or an image, the browser will take this
visitor to another web page or file.
Images from several sources can be added to your web page. Images should be either a JPG
or GIF file. Image file sizes should be between 7-10K. Images can be edited using the editing
tools located in the toolbar. You can crop, change dimensions, sharpen, and adjust the brightness
and contrast images.
Web pages are usually made of tables within tables. You can easily add a table and/or adjust a
variety of features of existing tables. The number of rows or columns can be added or
subtracted. Some advanced table properties that can be changed are text alignment, cell width
and height, cell padding, and cell spacing. All of these changes are made in the Table Properties
dialog box.

• Insert a link
• Insert and modify an image
• Insert and modify a table

Insert a Link
1. Highlight Text
2. Click Link and select “Drafts and Recent Pages….”
3. Select the page you want to link
4. Under Advance choose Target Frame
• Default-within content area
• Entire Window- replaces the current window
• New Window- uploads in a new window
5. Click OK

Insert an Image
1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the image
2. Click on Image and select the location of the image
3. Choose image and click Select
4. Edit the image if needed

Edit an Image
1. Click on the image you want to edit- image will have a blue bounding box around it
2. Click on Format in the Toolbar
3. Select Edit Image
4. Choose the action you want: Resize, Rotate, Crop. etc
5. Hold the shift key down when you resize or rotate to maintain proper proportions
6. Click on the right align, center, left align button if needed

Insert a Table
1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the table
1. Click on Table in the Toolbar
2. Specify the number of rows and columns you want
3. Click OK

Modify a Table
1. Place the cursor in the cell of a table you are modifying
2. Click on Table in the Toolbar
3. Select the Action you want: Insert Row/Column , Delete Row/Column, Split Cell


There are a variety of ways to create a new page. You may either choose to create a page
using an existing page already on the website or use an appropriate template for the type of page
you are creating. Using a template created with Dreamweaver provides a workspace that has
both editable and locked regions. Templates help maintain a consistent look across the website.
If there is an existing page with the look and layout that you want your page to have, you can
make a copy of it. You can only make a copy of a page that you are currently viewing in your
Contribute browser. You cannot create a new page that is a draft and. When you create your
new page remember to create links to connect it to the rest of your website

• Understand basic design principles and development of a webpage
• Create a page from an existing page
• Create a page from a template

Design and Development

• Define business objectives and audience needs
• Identify what you want to communicate
• Determine the page’s content categories and sub-categories
• Develop initial draft of the pages’ content organization
• Create a functional mock up of the site
• Alpha test your mock up
From an Existing Page
1. Browse to a source page
2. Click New Page
3. Choose Copy of Current Page
4. Enter Title of new page
5. Click OK
From a Template
1. Click New Page
2. Choose appropriate template
3. Enter Title of new page
4. Click OK


• Send a page for review
• Review a page
• Publish a page

The draft review process allows you to get feedback from and collaborate with others before
the draft is published. If you do not have publishing rights you will have to send the page you
have finished editing or creating to someone who does. You can send the draft to more than one
Contribute user but only one person may review it at a time. Once it is sent, you have transferred
the ownership and requires the recipient to take action on it.
You could be sent a draft to review. The drafts that require your attention to review are found
in the Draft Console. Open, review and edit the drafts that you are supposed to and then either
send it to another user or publish it if you have the rights to do so.
The administrator of the website will assign roles each with its own permission levels. If you
are able to publish a page, when you click on the Publish button you will be asked to name the
file. If you have created any new pages be sure to have created links to them from existing pages
on the site. Once you click Publish the pages you have edited or created will be added to your
website and be displayed in the Contribute browser.

Send for Review

1. Click Send for Review and choose one of the following:
2. Click “Send e-mail with link to preview of draft or
For those who do not have Contribute
You can continue working on the draft
3. Click “Send draft to another Contribute user”
4. Check “Notify recipients through e-mail”
5. Select name of review and enter comments
For those who have Contribute and can publish
Cannot continue working on the draft
6. Click Send

Review a Page
1. Open the Draft Console
2. Click the page you want to review under Drafts for Review
Page will also show up under Pages in the left hand column
3. Make changes and add comments to the draft
Remember to use Editing Color
4. Click and follow directions for Send for Review

Publish a Page
1. Click Publish if you have authorization to publish
Contribute Staff Development Training Workshop

Please rate your satisfaction with the training using this scale:
1- Very Dissatisfied
2- Dissatisfied
3- Neither Satisfied or Dissatisfied
4- Satisfied
5- Very Satisfied

Usefulness of training 1 2 3 4 5

Format of training 1 2 3 4 5

Content of training 1 2 3 4 5

Objectives outlined 1 2 3 4 5

Topics covered 1 2 3 4 5

Speaker’s skills 1 2 3 4 5

Overall rating 1 2 3 4 5

General comments:




Please answer the questions below:

Are you going to create a classroom website?

yes maybe no
Would you like additional help and support to create a classroom website?

yes maybe no
Contribute Training :
Website Content Editing

Michael Allen
Susan B Anthony Elementary School

Key Terms
Main Toolbar Toolbar
Some of these options also
Options on this toolbar will change
can be found on the other
depending on the your activity. Same
toolbar. options can be found under main toolbar.

Address bar
This address bar works just like the
address bar on your web browser.
Content Area
This is the area
used to view/
edit web pages.

You can find links to the pages that
you are currently working on.
Draft Console
Draft console provides status report for all the drafts.

Contribute Help
If you need help, look under How Do I or
Help menu on the main toolbar.
Connecting to a website

Using a Connection Key

1. Open e­mail message 3. Enter your name, e­mail and password

Remember: The password is 
located in the email

2. Double Click the Connection Key and save to your computer 4. Click OK
Loading a Website

Type in the site name as you would

Remember: do on a regular web browser and
•Contribute works just like a web browser click on Go

You must have a connection already established to this site

Browse to a Page
Click Choose and highlight the file you want to open and click OK.
Note: Site administrator can restrict access to certain files and/or
folders. Page Preview
Preview pane shows
the selected page.

Opening page for editing
1. Browse or Choose a page you want to edit

2. Click edit page to start editing

Send the page for
review This will close the
page without saving it

Save as draft Note: A new toolbar will appear

Text Properties Page Properties

Click on Publish
button to publish
the page

Text Formatting

Text Style Font Size Text Properties

Font Name =

• Use the text styles names to guide you on when to use them. Please do not take creative license.
• Fonts and sizes can be restricted by the Site Administrator. If you have permission to use fonts and
sizes, do so very prudently.
Adding a link
1. Hi-light the text
2. Click on Link and select “Drafts and Recent Pages…”

Adding a link Continued

3. Select the page

4. Click OK
Adding a Library Image
1. Place the cursor where you want to insert the image
2. Click on  Image and select the location of image

Image size dimension should 
not exceed 180 x 300 pixels
3. Choose image and click  Select

Adding a Screenshot
1. To capture your screen shot press the Alt and Print Screen Keys together

2. Open up Paint Start<Program<Accessories<Paint 3. Click Edit<Paste

4. Click the square Select button

5. Marquee the area of image you want

you canÕt resize it once you unclick
If you need to resize click Edit<Undo
And marquee again
Adding a Screenshot Continued
6. Click Edit<Cut

7. Click File<New

8. click No in the Pop Up Window

Adding a Screenshot Continued

9. Click Edit<Paste

After you paste the image, if there is any

white canvas showing Complete step 10,
if not continue to step 11.

10. Delete white canvas area

• Hover you mouse around the
small blue dot in the corner of the canvas
• Cursor will turn into a small
double pointed black arrow
• Move cursor to decrease the canvas
until it matches the image size

11. Click Save As

Adding a Screenshot Continued

12. Type in the name of your image in File Name

13. Select GIF in the pull down menu

in Save as Type

14. Click Save

The image is now

saved to your library

14. Return to the Contribute page and place the cursor where you want to insert the image

15. Follow the instructions for Adding a Library Image

Editing an Image
1. Click on the image you want to edit

Image will have a blue bounding box around it

2. Click on Format in the Toolbar 

3. Select Edit Image

4. Choose the action you want
Editing an Image Continued
Crop: Grab one the blued boxes to adjust the size

Resize: Grab one of the blue boxes to adjust the size

Remember: Hold the shift key down as you edit image to retain image proportions

You can also left align, center, or right align using the symbols in the Toolbar

Modifying an Existing Table
1.  Place the cursor in the cell  2. Click on Table in the Toolbar
of the table you are modifying

2. Select the action you want
Inserting a Table
1.  Place  the cursor where you 
want to insert the table

2. Click on Table in the Toolbar

3. Enter the number of rows and columns you need

4. Click OK

Creating a
New Page
Creating a New Page:
Website Design and Development

 Define business objectives and audience

 Identify what you want to communicate
 Determine the page’s content categories
and sub-categories
 Develop initial draft of the page’s content
 Create a functional mock up of the site
 Alpha test your mock up

Creating a New Page:

Key Points


Directory tree file structure

File naming scheme

Use lower case characters

Make the first letter of a directory folder upper case
Always use alphanumeric characters
Use underscore characters instead of spaces
Only use periods before your file extension
Always use .htm instead of .html
Creating a New Page:
Option #1-From an Existing Page

1. Browse to a source page 2. Click New Page

3. Choose Copy of Current Page

4. Enter title of new page

Preview of selected page

5. Click OK

Creating a New Page:

Option #2 -From a Template
1. Click New Page

2. Choose appropriate template

3. Enter title of new page

Preview of selected page

4. Click OK
Reviewing &

Send for Review

Option #1
1. Click  Send for Review

2. Choose  Sen d e ­ m ail w ith link to preview  of dr aft

3 . Click   Send
Send for Review
Option #2
1. Click  Send for Review

2. Choose  Send dr aft to another  Con tribute user

3. Select  name(s ) of reviewer and enter comments

4 . Check t he box t o send an e ­mail notification

¥Cannot  continue working on t he draft

¥For t hose who have Cont ribut e and can publish it

5 . Click  Send

Send for Review

Option #2 Continued

4. Type in the names of

the recipients and
click Send

¥This option is for those who do not have Contribute

¥You can continue working on the draft

Review a Page
Page will also show up 
under Pages in the left 
hand column

1. Open  Draft Console

2. Click on the page you want to edit 
under  Drafts for Review

Review a Page
Page will also show up 
under Pages in the left 
hand column

1. Open  Draft Console

2. Click on the page you want to edit 
under  Drafts for Review

Click Publish if you have authorization to publish the site

Click Send for Review for others to view, edit, and/or publish the site

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