Year 7 Energy Resources and Electrical Circuits Mark Scheme

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Medway LEA Advisory Service

Energy resources/electrical circuits

7I & 7J
31 min
33 marks
Q1-L3, Q2-L4, Q3-L4, Q4-L5, Q5-L5, Q6-L6
1. (a) 2
a i r m o v e m e n t
c h e m i c a s
s o a r c e s
s ! n i " h t
h e a t
# e t r o " e n e r a t o r
if more than one line is drawn from either
method, award no mark for that method
($) (i) no i"ht accept no rays from the Sn! 1
do not accept no heat from the Sn!
accept no snshine!
accept not eno"h li"ht!
accept it is dark!
accept they cannot collect the Sn!s ener"y
at ni"ht!
accept #ecase they need li"ht to work!
accept no Sn!
Medway LEA Advisory Service 1
(ii) it mi"ht not $e windy accept no wind! 1
the wind mi"ht not $e stron" eno!"h
accept needs air mo$ement! or wind!
accept sometimes the wind is weak!
accept sometimes the wind is stron"er!
2. (a) ethano or acoho if more than one #o% is ticked, 1
award no mark
($) any one %rom 1
$!rnin" hydro"en does not #rod!ce car$on mono&ide
accept petrol or ethanol or alcohol
prodces car#on mono%ide!
$!rnin" hydro"en does not #rod!ce s!#h!r dio&ide
accept petrol prodces slphr dio%ide!
$!rnin" hydro"en ony #rod!ces water
$!rnin" #etro ca!ses acid rain accept hydro"en or ethanol or alcohol
does not case acid rain!
(c) hydro"en accept &
!! 1
accept "as!
(d) o&y"en if more than one #o% is ticked, 1
award no mark
(e) any one %rom 1
it can $e "rown accept it does not take lon" to "row!
it can $e re#anted accept it can #e replaced!
it is renewa$e
it can $e re#rod!ced accept it prodces seeds!
3. (a) oi 1
nat!ra "as accept "as! 1
answers may #e in either order
($) (i) any two %rom answers may #e in either order 2
(ii) ' E ( ' ( 2
if all three letters are correct, award two
if one letter is correct, award one mark
4. (a) (i) circit () series 1
circit )) #arae
Medway LEA Advisory Service 2
both answers are re*ired for the mark
Medway LEA Advisory Service 3
($) (i) the circ!it or heatin" eement wi sto# workin" 1
accept it will not work! or it will #e off!
accept the whole circit has no crrent thro"h it!
accept it #ecomes cooler!
do not accept it #reaks the heater or element or it!
(ii) any one %rom 1
the circ!it or eement wi contin!e to work
one wire wi not heat the window
accept the #ottom one has no crrent thro"h it!
nothin"! or it will not #e affected! are insfficient
accept it will work less well!
accept the #ottom wire #ecomes cooler!
do not accept it #ecomes cooler!
do not accept it does not work properly!
(c) (i) therma acce#t *heat+ 1
(ii) from soid to i,!id to "as 1
all three states are re*ired for the mark
accept from solid to li*id to $apor or steam!
accept from ice to water to $apor or "as!
5. (a) #ick-!# wire 1
meta whee answers mst #e in the correct order
#oth answers are re*ired for the mark
($) One mark is for drawing the two motors connected in parallel.
One mark is for drawing one switch in series with each motor.
Both marks should only e awarded if the circuit is correct.

p o w e r
s u p p l y
the switches may #e drawn either side of the
(c) any one %rom 1
it com#etes the circ!it
it acts as a switch
accept #ecase the circit is not complete!
the pedal connects the motor! is insfficient
accept the pedal connects the motor to the
power spply!
Medway LEA Advisory Service 4
(d) any one %rom 1
he does not com#ete a circ!it
accept the circit is not complete!
he does not connect the %oor and wire mesh ceiin"
accept he is not tochin" the ceilin"!
accept he wears trainers! or he has r##er
(e) (i) it sto#s 1
(ii) it is not a%%ected or it kee#s "oin" 1
accept it "oes sli"htly faster!
!. (a) "he first marking point is for the transfer of energy from water to turine.
"he second marking point is for the transfer of energy from turine to generator.
"he third marking point is for the transfer of energy away from the generator.
any two %rom 2
#otentia ener"y in the water to kinetic ener"y in the t!r$ine
accept +,-, to .,-,!
accept transferred from the water to the
accept .,-, in the water to .,-, in the
accept +,-, in the water to .,-, in the
kinetic ener"y in the t!r$ine to kinetic ener"y in the "enerator
accept transferred from the tr#ine to the
kinetic ener"y in the "enerator to eectrica ener"y in the circ!it
accept .-, to electrical ener"y!
accept from the "enerator to the circit!
accept transferred from the "enerator #y
accept .-, in the tr#ine to electrical
ener"y in the circit!
accept potential ener"y in the water to
electrical ener"y in the circit! for #oth
accept +,-, to electrical ener"y
or from the water to the circit! for one
($) any one %rom 1
$eca!se the Moon+s #! or "ravity is aways there
$eca!se the tides or the water cannot r!n o!t or $e !sed !#
accept #ecase there are tides e$ery day!
or #ecase there is an endless spply!
(c) . %rom wave ener"y or %rom the waves 1
accept /cean 0hermal -ner"y 'on$ersion!
or /0-'!
do not accept hydro-electric power!
Medway LEA Advisory Service 5
(d) it is easier to contro or it can $e t!rned on when it is needed 1
accept the tides only "i$e power at certain
times or yo can #ild an oil-fired power
station anywhere or it is smaller1
any one %rom
oi is non-renewa$e accept oil will rn ot!
it ca!ses #o!tion accept it "i$es ot "reenhose "ases!
or it can case oil spills!
Medway LEA Advisory Service 6

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