Montessori Stamp Game With Full Instructions

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MF-65 Printable Stamp Game & Instructions Montessori Print Shop 2012

!"# %&'() *'(# + ,--.&./0

Small coloured tiles or stamps; green with 1
written on them to represent units, blue
with 10 to represent tens, red with 100 to
represent hundreds, green again to represent
thousands. Pencil, squared paper and a

Presentation #1:

Part 1 Introduction of Stamps
this exercise is done with individual children
this material gives symbol instead of quantity
first show the child the connection between the beads (the thousands,
hundreds, tens, and units) on the presentation tray and the cards, and then
show the child the stamps
bring the bead presentation tray, a box of large number cards, the box of
stamps and tray with graph paper, pencil and paper to the table with the
remove the thousand, hundred, ten and unit from the large number cards and
place upside down on the table with the unit on the top
point to the unit on the tray and ask the child what it is, then take the
unit card and place it below the tray
repeat this procedure for the ten, hundred and thousand
take from the stamp box a unit, a ten, a hundred, and a thousand
tell the child that instead of using the beads and cards he will be using the
stamps that have the numbers written on them
gather up the cards replace into the box and replace on the shelf with the
bead tray, place the stamps back into the box
ask the child for various quantities from each category with the stamps (i.e.
"could I please have 5 thousands"
after the child gives you the correct amount of stamps place them back into
the box and ask for another quantity from another category (6 tens, 9
units, 4 hundreds etc.)
make sure that you ask the child for a good
variety of each category
be sure to show the child how to line up the
stamps in a vertical row with each stamp in the
row touching, leaving space between categories

Part 2 Introduction to the Squared Paper
show the child the graph paper that you will be
writing on
explain that each number is written in one square
write a number on the paper for the child
ask the child to make it with the stamps
the child can lay the stamps either from units to
thousands, or thousands to units
make a number with the stamps and have the child
count the stamps and write the number on the graph

Vertical rows with space
between categories.
MF-65 Printable Stamp Game & Instructions Montessori Print Shop 2012

Part 3 Static Addition
tell the child that you are going to write an addition question
write down the numbers and tell the
child that they are addends, with the
ruler draw a line underneath the addends
then tell the child "So that we remember
that we are adding we shall add this
little sign which is called a plus or
addition sign."
ask the child to lay out the first
you show the child how to lay out the second addend with a space in between
the 2 addends; you can lay out 2 categories and then have the child help to
lay out the remaining of the second addend
tell the child "Let's find out how much the 2 addends add up to. Can you push
up the units of the addends together, now the tens, the hundreds and
make sure that the columns are in a straight vertical line, you can use the
ruler to straighten them out
begin counting the units
be sure that after a
stamp has been counted
that you slide it down
slightly on the table in
order to differentiate it
from the stamps that have
not yet been counted;
write this number under
the units column on the
graph paper
have the child finish
counting from the tens,
hundreds and thousands
making sure that he
writes down the number of
each category after it
has been counted
when the child has
finished tell him that
"This is the sum" -
pointing to the answer

Part 4 Dynamic Addition
write a 3 addend addition for the child on the graph paper (make sure the sum
is not over 9000)
together with the child lay out the addends (unless the child wishes to do it
on his own)
have the child push the addends together
ask the child to count the units; when the child counts up to ten he must
change the ten units for a ten and place the ten under the tens category, the
child then counts the remaining units and writes that number down on the
this process of changing is repeated for the categories that have more then
10, the remaining number is then written down
ask the child to chose a number and write it down on the paper
Push Up and Count
MF-65 Printable Stamp Game & Instructions Montessori Print Shop 2012
have the child complete the process of
laying out, changing and counting, and
writing the sum down

Exercise #1:
same as Presentation #1
children can use Addition Command Cards to
work independently

to give the child the opportunity of carrying out individual exercises;
previously with the Bead Material they needed the collaboration of other
children to do the calculations

5 6 years

Personal Notes:

Dynamic Addition Command Card
MF-65 Printable Stamp Game & Instructions Montessori Print Shop 2012
!"# %&'() *'(# + 123&.)3.4'&./0

Small coloured tiles or stamps; green with 1
written on them to represent units, blue with
10 to represent tens, red with 100 to
represent hundreds, green again to represent
thousands. Pencil, squared paper and a ruler.

Presentation #1:
you do not need to start with static
multiplication as it is the same process as addition
tell the child that you are going to do multiplication
write down a number on the paper; tell the child that "This is the
write down another number; tell the
child "his is the multiplier, it
tell us how many times we are taking
the multiplicand"
with the ruler make a line under the
multiplier, and then show the child
the multiplication sign
tell the child to lay out the stamps
as many times as the multiplier
tells him
have the child continue on as in addition; push up, count, write down the
when each category has been totaled tell the child that the final number is
the product
have the child choose a number, write it down, and then find the product
be sure to tell the child that if he is going to choose a higher multiplier
then 2, he must not have to many thousands or he will run out of stamps

Exercise #1:
same as Presentation #1
children can use Multiplication Command
Cards to work independently

to give the child the opportunity of
carrying out individual exercises;
previously with the Bead Material they
needed the collaboration of other
children to do the calculations

5 6 years

Personal Notes:

Dynamic Multiplication
Command Card
MF-65 Printable Stamp Game & Instructions Montessori Print Shop 2012
!"# %&'() *'(# + %25&6'4&./0

Small coloured tiles or stamps; green with 1
written on them to represent units, blue
with 10 to represent tens, red with 100 to
represent hundreds, green again to represent
thousands. Pencil, squared paper and a

Presentation #1:

Part 1 Static Subtraction
write down a number for the child
introduce the child to the minuend,
subtrahend, difference, and the
subtraction sign
ask the child to lay out the minuend
ask the child what the subtrahend is
(how many units he is suppose to take
have the child to take away the units, count the units remaining in the
minuend and then write the number down
ask the child to continue with the tens, hundreds and then the thousands
tell the child that what he now has is the difference; when the subtrahend is
taken away from the minuend you are left with the difference

Part 2 Dynamic Subtraction
choose a dynamic subtraction question and write it down (make sure that the
subtrahend is large except in the thousands) i.e. 6431 3798
ask the child "Can you take 8 units from 1 unit?" no
show the child how to change a ten for 10 units (take a ten and set it beside
the stamp box, count out ten units and place them in line with the units set
out in the question, place the ten that you had set beside the box into the
box; the ten is set aside as a reminder of what you are counting out and to
make sure its removed from the question
now take 8 away from the 11 units, count what remains (3) and write it down
have the child continue on with the changing and counting until the difference
is found

Exercise #1:
same as Presentation #1
children can use Subtraction Command Cards to
work independently

to give the child the opportunity of carrying
out individual exercises; previously with the
Bead Material they needed the collaboration
other children to do the calculations

5 6 years
Dynamic Subtraction
Command Card
MF-65 Printable Stamp Game & Instructions Montessori Print Shop 2012
!"# %&'() *'(# + 7.8.9./0

Small coloured tiles or stamps; green with 1
written on them to represent units, blue
with 10 to represent tens, red with 100 to
represent hundreds, green again to represent
thousands. Twenty-nine skittles one large
green and nine each red and blue, 10 green.
Plastic counters one red, one blue and one
green. Pencil, squared paper and a ruler.

Presentation #1:

Part 1 Dynamic Division
write a number and introduce the child to the dividend, divisor, quotient,
and the division sign

remind the child of the Long Division with Bows (Collective Exercise, page
#49); red bow got 10 times the amount of the blue bow, the blue bow got 10
times the amount of the green bow, etc
introduce the child to the skittles; red hundred, blue ten, green unit, and
the large green thousand
explain that we use the skittles to represent the divisor
ask the child what the divisor is 222
ask the child what skittles he will need - how many hundreds (2), tens (2),
and units (2)
tell the child "Let's take out the dividend, but we aren't going to line them
up, we are just going to group them together
tell the child to share them out to the skittles and change when it is
necessary; the sharing is the same process as with short division
when the child is finished ask "Do you remember where we find the answer?"
the child should answer "The green skittle".
The answer is what one green skittle gets - the answer is 8. We call that
the quotient."

MF-65 Printable Stamp Game & Instructions Montessori Print Shop 2012
Part 2 Remainder
choose a question that will result in a remainder
have the child find the quotient
show the child how to write the remainder with an R at the end of the

Exercise #1:
same as in Presentation #1

Presentation #2: Divisor with a Zero in
the Tens
give the child a division with the
divisor having a zero in the tens (203)
have the child place the red skittles for
the hundreds
ask the child "How many tens?" - none
take the blue counter out of the box and
place it on the table to the right of the
red skittles "We use this counter to
place it where the tens would be."
place the green skittles
when sharing out; share out to the
then ask the child "What do the tens
get?" - none. "Make sure that another
skittle does not get his share! The units
get ten times less than the tens
would get if it had been there."
continue on the sharing out process until
the quotient can be found under a green

Exercise #2:
same as in Presentation #2

Presentation #3: Divisor with a Zero in the Units
give the child a division with the divisor having a zero in the units (230)
share out everything as usual; there is no special procedure because there is
nothing less than a unit to share out to
to the child "We have no units so how can we find out what the quotient would
be (there are no green skittles)?
if the child doesnt have an answer say to him Let's take out 1 tens share
and share it out among 10 green skittles to find the quotient."
place the blue skittle back into the box and take out the green skittles,
line them up across the table
share out the quantity to 10 green skittles; the quotient is under 1 green
Divisor with a Zero in the Tens
9135 - 203 = 45

MF-65 Printable Stamp Game & Instructions Montessori Print Shop 2012

Exercise #3:
same as in Presentation #3

to give the child the opportunity of carrying out individual exercises;
previously with the Bead Material they needed the collaboration of
other children to do the calculations

5 6 years

Divisor with a Zero in the Units
9660 - 420 = 23

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