12go - Asia Company Presentation
12go - Asia Company Presentation
12go - Asia Company Presentation
Company Presentation
Ba ng ko k 2014
Who we are
12Go Asia was established in
211 by Ale! Abolmaso"# a
"eteran in $omple! data
mana%ement and so&tware
The company develops
proprietary software for
transportation companies.
All company products are
developed in-house with an
intimate understanding of
transportation companies pain
points and with a vision about
the future of transportation in
Southeast Asia.
Now the company has its HQ in
Singapore with a dedicated !"
office in #ang$o$% Thailand.
What we do
(he $ompany)s line o& prod*$ts $onsists
o& three $omponents# all to%ether
$reatin% an inte%ral $losed+loop sol*tion
&or all transportation mar,et
parti$ipants# &rom transport operators to
passen%ers and tra"el a%ents.
Transport &anagement Software
'(enios)* consists of +lobal "istribution
System '+"S*% ,leet &anagement
Software ',&S* and -nterprise esource
&anagement '-.* solutions built into a
single pre-pac$aged product offered as
SaaS 'software-as-a-service*.
(enios) is an operational assistant which
helps you manage all aspects of
transportation business from controlling
your vehicles and planning routes to
selling tic$ets and chec$ing-in
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How it works
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What we do (contd.)
/outes and departures management system
/,leet management system
/#oo$ing management and reporting
/-mployees and agents management
/0orporate and mar$et reporting and analysis
/+.S vehicle trac$ing
/ 1ehicle route and movement analysis and
/ News and content management
/ ,ree automated website in multiple languages
/ Tic$ets sale and chec$ing-in
/ .aperless accounting
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What is our ride?
Where are we?
-Y-(.M /0O1
How it works (cont.)
(ra"el A%ent 2oo,in%
Assistant 67enios
A%ent89 is a cloud-based
tic$et boo$ing and seat
selection engine% enabling
travel agents to connect to
transportation companies
available seats database
and manage boo$ing and
payment process in real
12Go.asia web-site is the
ultimate destination for
passengers. The web-site
offers seat boo$ing for ground
and marine transportation2
buses% trains and ferries%
currently available in Thailand
and aiming to become the first
choice destination for both
international and domestic
travelers across multiple
Southeast Asias destinations.
-ele$ted &eat*res:
45 languages