12go - Asia Company Presentation

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Company Presentation
Ba ng ko k 2014
Who we are
12Go Asia was established in
211 by Ale! Abolmaso"# a
"eteran in $omple! data
mana%ement and so&tware
The company develops
proprietary software for
transportation companies.
All company products are
developed in-house with an
intimate understanding of
transportation companies pain
points and with a vision about
the future of transportation in
Southeast Asia.
Now the company has its HQ in
Singapore with a dedicated !"
office in #ang$o$% Thailand.
What we do
(he $ompany)s line o& prod*$ts $onsists
o& three $omponents# all to%ether
$reatin% an inte%ral $losed+loop sol*tion
&or all transportation mar,et
parti$ipants# &rom transport operators to
passen%ers and tra"el a%ents.
Transport &anagement Software
'(enios)* consists of +lobal "istribution
System '+"S*% ,leet &anagement
Software ',&S* and -nterprise esource
&anagement '-.* solutions built into a
single pre-pac$aged product offered as
SaaS 'software-as-a-service*.
(enios) is an operational assistant which
helps you manage all aspects of
transportation business from controlling
your vehicles and planning routes to
selling tic$ets and chec$ing-in
-Y-(.M /0O1: 22C
How it works
PRO'UC( -P.C3/3C-
What we do (contd.)
/outes and departures management system
/,leet management system
/#oo$ing management and reporting
/-mployees and agents management
/0orporate and mar$et reporting and analysis
/+.S vehicle trac$ing
/ 1ehicle route and movement analysis and
/ News and content management
/ ,ree automated website in multiple languages
/ Tic$ets sale and chec$ing-in
/ .aperless accounting
-Y-(.M CO4.RAG.
What is our ride?
Where are we?
-Y-(.M /0O1
How it works (cont.)
(ra"el A%ent 2oo,in%
Assistant 67enios
A%ent89 is a cloud-based
tic$et boo$ing and seat
selection engine% enabling
travel agents to connect to
transportation companies
available seats database
and manage boo$ing and
payment process in real
12Go.asia web-site is the
ultimate destination for
passengers. The web-site
offers seat boo$ing for ground
and marine transportation2
buses% trains and ferries%
currently available in Thailand
and aiming to become the first
choice destination for both
international and domestic
travelers across multiple
Southeast Asias destinations.
-ele$ted &eat*res:

Search for buses% rail routes%

ferries% minivans% flights% etc.%
including connections

Hotels% points of interest% tours%

pac$ages% and other affiliate

Save% manage and share trips and


&obile apps 'i3S% Android*

45 languages

#oo$ing of the whole pac$ or

individual hop
6ere loo$ing for transportation
companies partners who want to offer
their seats to hundreds of thousands
of daily travelers using our web-site
and native mobile applications to plan
and boo$ their travel.
A'4AN(AG.- AN' 3N(.GRA(3ON
Why do we do this?
1e)re in the b*siness o&
helpin% yo* %row. O*r
sol*tion is the *ltimate
tool to mana%e yo*r & leet#
$*t $osts and in$rease yo*r
sales n*mbers. Conta$t *s
today and ma,e *se o& o*r
re$ent promotions.
7ntegration with our system
is easy2 our integration
specialists will assist you
throughout the process and
our support managers will
be always there to help you
with any post-integration
8uestions you might have.
3N/RA-(RUC(UR. '.4.0OPM.N(:
The +lobal 0ompetitiveness 7nde9 :54:;:54<2 #asic re8uirements
'Source2 The +lobal 0ompetitiveness eport :54:;:554<*
1hat is 3n&rastr*$t*re: Typically% this term refers to the technical structures or
facilities that support society. The word infrastructure has been used in -nglish
since at least 4=:>% originally meaning "The installations that form the basis for
any operation or system.
1hy is in&rastr*$t*re de"elopment important: These facilities are necessary
for the proper functioning of economy and society in order to develop the
3N/RA-(RUC(UR. '.4.0OPM.N( 3N (5A30AN'
urrent status
7nfrastructure 8uality ran$ing
'Source2 The +lobal 0ompetitiveness eport% 6orld -conomic ,orum % :54:*
3N/RA-(RUC(UR. '.4.0OPM.N( 3N (5A30AN'
urrent status
'Source2 7nternational ?nion of ailways*
,rom the research of 7nternational ?nion of ailways% the commuters in Thailand
&ar less use public transportation than other developed countries.
(RA4.0 PA((.RN /OR P.OP0. 3N 2ANG;O;
urrent status
/ The Thai government recently unveiled an ambitious long-term #t:.:tn
'@A5bn* mega-infrastructure plan designed to enhance regional connectivity
and position Thai cities as regional hubs ahead of the implementation of
AS-AN -conomic 0ommunity 'A-0*.
/ The proposal% which currently awaits for parliamentary approval to borrow
the funds% could increase per capita income to ?S@45%555 per year from the
present ?S@B%555 within the ne9t 45 years according to the 0urrent Status
of 7nfrastructure "evelopment in Thailand 'source2 ,iscal .olicy esearch
7nstitute ,oundation*.
/ 7n accordance with the plan BB infrastructure proCects are to be completed
by :5:5. 7f approved by parliament% ADE of the total budget will be spent on
<4 railway proCects including D high-speed rail proCects% :DE on road
proCects% and 4:E on water and air transportation infrastructure.
/OR (5. 0OCA0 N..'- 13(5 R.G3ONA0 3MPAC(
What are the future plans for de!elopment in Thailand?
/OR (5. 0OCA0 N..'- 13(5 R.G3ONA0 3MPAC(
"ur ambition
Part o& the premise o& the
A-.AN .$onomi$
Comm*nity to $ome li"e in
21< is to facilitate the
travel of goods% services
and people between the
member states.
12Go Asia was established
to foster development of
initiatives started by
member states in
preparation for the A-0 and
will assist member
governments in faster and
painless transition to
becoming a single
transportation mar$et.
&ember countries 'AS-AN*
(han, yo* &or yo*r attention=
Conta$t in&ormation:
#ogdan #utyrev
0hief #usiness "evelopment 3fficer
--mail2 bogdanF4:+3.asia
.hone2 GAA = <54A =B=>
6eb2 4:+3.asia
+uido Neil
"irector #:# Sales 3perations
--mail2 guidoF4:+3.asia
.hone2 GAA H ><5D 5H54
6eb2 4:+3.asia

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