This document is a material safety data sheet that provides information about the product Rosin Flux. It lists the product's hazardous ingredients including rosin, 2-butanol, and ethanol. It describes potential health effects such as eye and skin irritation. Instructions are provided for first aid, fire fighting, accidental release, handling, storage, exposure controls, and disposal. Additional information includes physical/chemical properties, toxicity, transportation requirements, and regulatory compliance.
This document is a material safety data sheet that provides information about the product Rosin Flux. It lists the product's hazardous ingredients including rosin, 2-butanol, and ethanol. It describes potential health effects such as eye and skin irritation. Instructions are provided for first aid, fire fighting, accidental release, handling, storage, exposure controls, and disposal. Additional information includes physical/chemical properties, toxicity, transportation requirements, and regulatory compliance.
This document is a material safety data sheet that provides information about the product Rosin Flux. It lists the product's hazardous ingredients including rosin, 2-butanol, and ethanol. It describes potential health effects such as eye and skin irritation. Instructions are provided for first aid, fire fighting, accidental release, handling, storage, exposure controls, and disposal. Additional information includes physical/chemical properties, toxicity, transportation requirements, and regulatory compliance.
This document is a material safety data sheet that provides information about the product Rosin Flux. It lists the product's hazardous ingredients including rosin, 2-butanol, and ethanol. It describes potential health effects such as eye and skin irritation. Instructions are provided for first aid, fire fighting, accidental release, handling, storage, exposure controls, and disposal. Additional information includes physical/chemical properties, toxicity, transportation requirements, and regulatory compliance.
PAGE 1 / 5 MSDS Code: 835 - liquid Material Safety Data Sheet Revision Date November 9, 2010 Prepared by Patti Rogers Technical Information 1-800-201-8822 or [email protected] Head Office 9347 - 193 Street, Surrey, B.C., V4N 4E7 Emergency Phone Canutech (613) 996-6666 Collect 24 hrs For updates please download from or fax requests to 1-800-708-9888
Section 1: Product Identification MSDS Code: 835 - liquid Name: Rosin Flux Related Part Numbers: 835-100ML; 835-1L; 835-4L Use: Soldering flux for electrical and electronic applications.
Section 2: Hazardous Ingredients CAS# Chemical Name Percentage by weight ACGIH TWA Osha Pel Osha Stel 8050-09-7 Rosin 46-51 N/E N/E N/E 78-92-2 2-butanol 25-27.5 100ppm 100ppm N/E 64-17-5 Ethanol 23-25.3 1000ppm 1000ppm N/E
Section 3: Hazards Identification Eyes:
Liquid and smoke from soldering can cause eye irritation. Skin:
May cause skin irritation. Inhalation:
Fumes during soldering may irritate mucous membranes and respiratory system. High concentrations can cause headache, dizziness, narcosis and nausea. Ingestion:
May cause burning sensation in the digestive tract. Chronic:
Prolonged or repeated skin contact can result in a rash.
Section 4: First Aid Measure Eyes:
Remove contact lenses. Flush with water. Get medical aid. Skin:
Wash skin with soap and water. Inhalation:
Immediately remove from exposure to fresh air. If not breathing, give artificial respiration. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. Get medical aid. Ingestion:
Do not induce vomiting. If conscious, give 1-2 glasses of water. Get medical aid.
Section 5: Fire Fighting Measures Autoignition Temperature: N/E Flash Point: 12C (53F) LEL / UEL: 2.0/12.0% Extinguishing Media: Use water spray, dry chemical, carbon dioxide, or alcohol foam. General Information: Will burn if involved in a fire.
Section 6: Accidental Release Measures Spill Procedure: Remove all sources of ignition. Provide adequate ventilation. Wear appropriate personal protection. Sprinkle absorbent compound onto spill, then sweep into a plastic or metal container. Wipe up further residue with paper towel and place in container. Wash spill area with soap and water.
Registered Quality System ISO 9001 QMI File #004008 Burlington, Ontario, Canada
PAGE 2 / 5 MSDS Code: 835 - liquid Section 7: Handling and Storage Handling: Wash thoroughly after handling. Avoid contact with eyes, skin, and clothing. Do not ingest or inhale. Do not expose container to heat or flame. Storage: Keep away from sources of ignition. Store in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area, away from incompatible substances.
Section 8: Exposure Controls Routes of entry: Eyes, ingestion, inhalation, and skin. Ventilation: Use adequate general or local exhaust ventilation to keep airborne concentrations below exposure limits. Personal Protection: Wear appropriate protective eyeglasses or chemical safety goggles. Wear appropriate protective clothing to prevent skin contact. Use a NIOSH approved respirator when necessary.
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties Physical State:
Stable at normal temperatures and pressures. Conditions to avoid:
Temperatures over 40C, ignition sources, open flame and incompatible materials. Incompatibilities:
Strong oxidizers Polymerization:
May occur. Decomposition:
May emit toxic fumes of carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Section 11: Toxicological Information Sensitization: (effects of repeated exposure) Not known to. Carcinogenicity: (risk of cancer) Not known to. Teratogenicity: (risk of malformation in an unborn fetus) Not known to. Reproductive Toxicity: (risk of sterility) Not known to. Mutangenicity: (risk of heritable genetic effects) Not known to. Lethal Exposure Concentrations: Ingestion (LD50): Inhalation (LC50): Skin (LD50): Inhalation (TCLo): Rosin 2.2 mg/kg Mouse 110 mg/m3 Rat N/A N/A 2-butanol 2193 mg/kg Rat 48500 mg/m3/4H Rat >2 gm/kg Rat 5000 ppm/7H Rat Ethanol 7060 mg/kg Rat 20,000 ppm/10H Rat N/A 50000 mg/m/2H Mouse
Section 12: Ecological Information General Information: Volatile Organic Compounds, % by weight: 50% Volatile Organic Compounds, grams per litre: 465 g/l Registered Quality System ISO 9001 QMI File #004008 Burlington, Ontario, Canada
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Section 13: Disposal Information General Information: Dispose of in accordance with all local, provincial, state, and federal regulations. Water runoff can cause environmental damage.
Section 14: Transportation Information Ground Canada: (sizes 1 liter or less)
Classified as Consumer Commodity. Recommend Shipper be trained and certified. Refer to TDG regulations (Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods regulations). Ground USA: (sizes 1 liter or less)
Classified as ORM-D. Recommend Shipper be trained and certified. Refer to USA CFR 49 Regulations (Parts 100 to 185). Ground Canada and USA: (all sizes larger than 1 liter)
Shipper must be trained and certified. Refer to TDG regulations (Canadian Transportation of Dangerous Goods regulations). Refer to USA CFR 49 Regulations (Parts 100 to 185). UN number: 1987, Shipping Name: Alcohols, N.O.S. (Ethanol), Class: 3, Packing Group: II, Flash Point: 12C. Air: (all sizes).
Shipper must be trained and certified. Refer to IATA Dangerous Goods Regulations. UN number: 1987, Shipping Name: Alcohols, N.O.S. (Ethanol), Class: 3, Packing Group: II, Flash Point: 12C. Subsidiary Risk nil, Recommend using original MG Chemicals certified outer cartons. Tape all seams on the carton. Hazard Label required Flammable Liquid. A double arrow orientation label is required and is already printed on the original outer carton. Sea - All Sizes:
Shipper must be trained and certified. Refer to IMDG regulations. UN number: 1987, Shipping Name: Alcohols, N.O.S. (Ethanol), Class: 3, Packing Group: II, Flash Point: 12C. Storage category A, segregation as for class 9 but away from sources of heat and separated from goods of class 1 except for those in division 1.4.
Section 15: Regulatory Information CANADA This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations and the MSDS contains all of the information required by the Controlled Products Regulations.
DSL All ingredients in this product are listed on the Domestic Substances List Health Canada Products produced by MG Chemicals intended for retail display conform to the Canadian Consumer Labeling regulations. Industry and Science Canada MG Labels products intended for the workplace to conform to WHMIS labeling regulations. Product identification, net quantity declaration, minimum printing type size heights, and packaging of this product is in compliance. WHMIS This product belongs to the following categories: B2, D2B CAA (Clean Air Act, USA) This product does not contain any class 1-ozone depletors. This product does not contain any class 2-ozone depletors. This product does not contain any chemicals listed as hazardous air pollutants.
USA SARA (Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, USA, 40 CFR 372.4) This product does not contain toxic chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 of Title III of the superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372: EPCRA (Emergency Planning and Right to Know Act, USA, 40 CFR 372.45 This product does not contain toxic chemicals subject to the reporting requirements of section 313 Title III of the SARA of 1986 and 40 CFR part 372: Registered Quality System ISO 9001 QMI File #004008 Burlington, Ontario, Canada
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TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act of 1976, USA) All substances are TSCA listed. California Proposition 65 (Chemicals know to cause cancer or reproductive toxicity, May 1, 1997 revision, USA) This product does contain chemicals known to the state to cause reproductive toxicity and cancer respectively.
EUROPE RoHS This product does not contain any lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, PBBs, or PBDEs, and complies with European RoHS regulations. WEEE This product is not a piece of electrical or electronics equipment, and is therefore not governed by this regulation.
Section 16: Other Information Definitions: N/A = not applicable, N/E = not established Disclaimer: This material safety data sheet is provided as an information resource only. M.G. Chemicals believes the information contained herein is accurate and compiled from reliable sources. It is the responsibility of the user to verify its validity. The buyer assumes all responsibility of using and handling the product in accordance with federal, state, and local regulations.