This recipe is for biko, a Filipino sticky rice dessert. It involves cooking sticky rice in water until almost dry, then combining it with coconut milk, brown sugar, and water. This mixture is cooked until thickened. The cooked rice is then added and mixed in and further cooked until the liquid evaporates. The biko is spread in a pan, flattened, and topped with latik, which is made by boiling coconut cream until the oil separates and solids form.
This recipe is for biko, a Filipino sticky rice dessert. It involves cooking sticky rice in water until almost dry, then combining it with coconut milk, brown sugar, and water. This mixture is cooked until thickened. The cooked rice is then added and mixed in and further cooked until the liquid evaporates. The biko is spread in a pan, flattened, and topped with latik, which is made by boiling coconut cream until the oil separates and solids form.
This recipe is for biko, a Filipino sticky rice dessert. It involves cooking sticky rice in water until almost dry, then combining it with coconut milk, brown sugar, and water. This mixture is cooked until thickened. The cooked rice is then added and mixed in and further cooked until the liquid evaporates. The biko is spread in a pan, flattened, and topped with latik, which is made by boiling coconut cream until the oil separates and solids form.
This recipe is for biko, a Filipino sticky rice dessert. It involves cooking sticky rice in water until almost dry, then combining it with coconut milk, brown sugar, and water. This mixture is cooked until thickened. The cooked rice is then added and mixed in and further cooked until the liquid evaporates. The biko is spread in a pan, flattened, and topped with latik, which is made by boiling coconut cream until the oil separates and solids form.
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2 cups sticky rice(malagkit)
4 cups coconut milk(gata)
2 cups brown sugar 1 1/2 cups water Procedures: Part 1 1. In a cooking pot, boil sticky rice and water and cook until the rice is done and almost dry. et aside. Part 2 1. In a big wok, boil the coconut milk in low heat, stir occasionally until most o! the li"uid e#aporates and the oil separating !rom the milk. $ontinue stirring until brownish residues are !ormed. %rain the brownish residues and set aside. &his will ser#e as toppings(latik) !or biko. Part ' 1. &hen dilute brown sugar in the remaining oil, keep stirring until the te(ture becomes thick. 2. )dd the cooked sticky rice in the mi(ture then mi( well, continue cooking until all the li"uid e#aporates but do not o#ercook. *emo#e !rom heat. '. &rans!er the cooked biko in a ser#ing plate then !latten the sur!ace. 4. pread the toppings o#er the sur!ace and slice into ser#ing pieces. +n,oy- Biko Recipe Ingredients 2 cups glutinous rice (aka sticky rice or malagkit) 1 1/2 cups water 2 cups brown sugar 4 cups coconut milk 1/2 tsp salt Cooking Procedure 1.Combine the sticky rice and water in a rice cooker and cook until the rice is ready (we intentionally combined lesser amount of water than the usual so that the rice will not be fully cooked) 2.While the rice is cooking combine the coconut milk with brown sugar and salt in a separate pot and cook in low heat until the te!ture becomes thick. "tir constantly. #.$nce the rice is cooked and the coconut milk%sugar mi!ture is thick enough add the cooked rice in the coconut milk and sugar mi!ture then mi! well. Continue cooking until all the li&uid e'aporates (but do not o'ercook). 4."coop the cooked biko and place it in a ser'ing plate then flatten the surface. (."hare and )n*oy+ Biko Ingredients 1-1/2 cups glutinous rice 2 cups coconut milk 1 cup dark brown sugar 1 cup water 2 tablespoons coconut oil (from making latik) Latik For the Latik 2 cups coconut cream Instructions 1.Wash glutinous rice and drain well. 2.Grease bottom and sides of a baking dish with coconut oil. et aside. !."n a wide pan o#er medium heat$ combine coconut milk$ water and rice. %ring to a simmer and cook$ stirring occasionall&$ until rice is tender. 'dd more water in 1/2 cup increments if rice mi(ture is dr&ing before rice is cooked. ).When rice mi(ture begins to thicken$ add sugar and stir until sugar is dissol#ed and full& incorporated. *ontinue to cook$ stirring regularl&$ until mi(ture is #er& thick and stick&. %iko is read& when it is alread& #er& difficult to stir and it pulls awa& from pan. +.poon biko into prepared baking dish and pat down to flatten. 'llow to cool and set. Lightl& brush top with coconut oil and top with latik. *ut into portions to ser#e. For the Latik ,."n a pan o#er medium heat$ add coconut cream and bring to a boil. *ontinue to cook$ stirring occasionall&$ until li-uid starts to thicken. Lower heat and simmer. 's oil starts to separate and solids begin to form$ regularl& stir and scrape sides and bottom of pan to pre#ent from burning. *ontinue to cook and stir until curds turn golden brown. .rain latik from the oil. /.0se coconut oil to grease sides and bottom of pan and to lightl& brush o#er biko. 1op biko with latik. *ook 1ime2 )3 minutes 4ield2 5 er#ings