Is 2363

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IS 2363 (1981): Glossary of terms relating to wire ropes
[MED 10: Wire Ropes and Wire Products]
UDC 67772 : 0014
( First Reprint JANUARY I& Is: 2363 - 1981
Indian Standard
(First Revision )
1. Scope - Covers definitions of terms relating to wire ropes and .accessories.
2. Terminology
2.1 Abrasion - Surface wear by an external agency on the wires of a wire rope.
2.2 Acceleration Stress - Additional stress imposed on a wire rope due to increasing velocity of
2.3 Aerial Conveyor - See 2.189.
2.4 Aircraft Cables - Strands, cords and wire ropes primarily intended for aircraft controls and for
miscellaneous uses in the aircraft industry.
2.5 Alberts Lay - Synonymous with Langs Lay ( see Fig. 1 ).
2.8 Alternate Lay ( Reverse Lay ) - A rope that is a combination of regular lay and Langs
lay ; the lay of the wires in adjacent strands is alternately right-hand lay and left-hand lay.
2.7 Alternate Lay, Special - A rope that has two Langs lay strands alternating with one
regular lay strand.
2.8 Area, Metallic - Sum of the cross-sectional areas of individual wire in a wire rope or strand.
2.9 Armoured Rope - See 2.224.
2.10 Black Balance Wheel - Used on haulage roads; it is essentially a pulley over which the working
rope passes and is carried from the wheel in a carriage so that the weight causes sufficient working
tension in the rope to take up intermittent draft or shock on the rope. The wheel is run in the
same plane as the rope leads.
2.11 Back-stay -
Guy used to support a boom or mast; or that section of a main cable, as on a
suspension bridge, rope-way, etc, leading from the tower to the anchorage.
2.12 Bail -
A U-shaped member of a bucket, socket or other iiftihg gear.
2.13 Bailing Line - The wire rope which operates the bailer for removing water ,and or111 cuttings
In drilling a well.
2.14 Barney Car - A relatively small car permanently attached to a haulage rope for pushing cars
along a haulage system.
2.15 Basket of Socket - The conical portion of a socket into which a splayed rope end is inserted
and secured with metal.
2.18 Becket Loop -
,A loop of small rope or strand fastened to the end of a large wire rope to
facilitate installation.
Adopted 24 December IQ81
@ March 1984, BIS
NEW DELHI l l ooo2

(Reaffirmed 2001)
Right Hand
Ordinary Lay
Right Hand
Langs Lay
Left Hand
Ordinary Lay
Left Hand
Langs ;Lay
2.17 Bending Stress - Stress imposed on wires of a wire rope by bending.
2.18 Birdcaging - A defect in a rope in which all the strands leave their original lay and open
2.19 Bordeaux Connection - Fitting for connecting a wire rope to a link-chain ( see Fig. 2 I.
2.20 Breaking Strength, Actual - The measured load required to break a straight wire rope in
2.21 Breaking Strength, Aggregate - The sum of the breaking strengths in tension of all the wires
of a wire rope based on the mean tensile range involved.
2.22 Breaking Strength, Nominal -
The strength of the wire rope obtained after deducting 8;
percentage to cover the losses which inevitably occurs during stranding and rope making from the
aggregate breaking strength.
2.23 Bridge Cable - The all metallic wire ropes or strands used as the catenary and suspenders or)
a suspension bridge.

I S : 2363 - t 98t
2.24 Bridge Socket -
Steel castings with baskets, for securing rope ends and equipped with
adjustable bolts. The closed type has a U-bolt .
The open type has two eye-bolts and a pin.
2.25 Bridle Cable - A two-part wire rope sling attached to a single line. The legs of the sling
are spread to divide and equalize the load.
2.28 Bright Rope - Wire rope made of carbon steel wires that are not coated with zinc or tin.
2.27 Brittie Fracture - A fracture of a wire in a wire rope, normal to the axis of the wire without,
or with negligible reduction in cross-sectional area at the plane of fracture.
2.28 Bronze Ropes - Wire rope made of bronze wires.
2.29 Bulldog Grips - A type of clip ( see
Fig. 3 ).
2.30 Button Conveyor Rope - Wire ropes to which buttons or discs are attached at regular intervals
to move material in a trough.
2.31 Cable - A term loosely applied to wire
2.32 Cable-laid Wire Rope - A rope obtained
a seventh rope.
ropes, wire strands, manila ropes and electrical
by spinning six ropes around a flbre core or around
2.33 Cable Tool Drilling Line - The wire rope used to operate the cutting tools in drilling by the
standard or cable tool method.
2.34 Capacity Factor ( Cape1 Factor or Load Factor ) - In hoisting or winding practice, a term used
to describe the ratio of the actual breaking strength of a wire rope to the actual total suspended
load at the cape1 ( that is, neglecting weight of rope ).
2.35 Cape/ Factor - Synonymous with Capacity factor .
2.36 Casing Line - Wire rope used to install the casing in an oilwell, synonymous with rotary
drilling line in some fields.
2.37 Centre - Axial member of the strand about which wires are laid.
2.38 Centreless Rope - A wire rope having no core.
2.39 Centreless Strand -.A strand having no centre.
2.40 Centre Wire ( King Wire ) - A round or shaped wire used as the axial member of a strand.
2.41 Choker Rope -
moved or. lifted.
Short wire rope sli,ng used to form a slip noose around the object to be
2.42 Circumference -
Measured perimeter of a circle circumscribing the wires of a strand or the
strands of a wire rope.

I S : 2363 - 1331
2.43 Clamps Strand - A fitting for forming a loop at the end of. a length of strand, consisting
of two grooved plates and bolts.
2.44 Cieaning Out Line - Wire rope used with tools for cleaning out the bottom of an oil well.
2.45 C/eves - See 2.206.
2.46 Clifton Wheel - A pulley having fewer laps of driving rope used on haulage roads to
increase efficient driving friction.
2.47 Clip - Fitting for clamping two parts of a wire rope.
2.48 Closed Socket
Fig. 4 ).
- Wire rope and fitting consisting of basket and bail made integral ( see
2.49 Closing Lihe - Wire rope that closes a clam shell or orange peel bucket and then operates
as a hoisting rope.
2.50 Coil - Circular bundle of wire rope not wound on a real.
2.51 Come-along - Device for making a temporary grip on a wire rope.
2.52 Conical Drum - Grooved hoisting drum of varying diameter.
2.53 Construction - Design of wire rope including number of strands, number of wires per
strand and arrangement of wires in each strand ( see Fig. 5 for various types of constructions for
wire ropes ).
2.54 Continuous Bend - Reaving of wire rope over sheaves and, drums so that it bends in one
direction, as opposed to reverse bend.
2.55 Conveyor Rope - Par.allel endless wire ropes used to carry material ( see also 2.30 ).
2.56 Cord - The term applied to wire ropes of small sizes.
2.57 Core - The centre of a strand or the centre of a rope.
2.56 Coring Line -
drilling of a well.
Wire ropes used to operate the coring tool for taking core sam.ples during the
2.59 Corrosion - Chemical deterioration of the wires of a rope by exposure to moisture, acids,
alkalies or other destructive agents.
2.60 Corrosion Fatigue -
Term applied to accelerated progressive fractures of wires of a rope
when corrosion is present.
2.61 Corrugated
- Term used to describe the grooves of a sheave or drum when wore so as to
show the impression of a Wire rope.

I S: 2383- 1989
6x S/ S/ l
6x1417 and 7/ 7/ l
6x 7/ 7/ l
6x16/ 12/ 6/ 1
6x6 811
6x 12, 6, 1
6x18/ 8 and 8/ 8/ l
6x10/ 12 or l ess/ A

4s : 2363 - 1981
6 x 15/12/A
6x 18/12/A
8x 12/6+6Fll
8 x 9/9/l

I S : 2363 - 1981
2.82 Cotton Centre - See 2.52.
2.53 Cotton Core - See 2.93.
2.54 Coupling ( Track Strand 1 - Device for joining the ends of two lengths of track strand.
2.65 Cover Wires - Outer layer of wires.
2.55 Cratiker - Manila rope spliced to the end of a wire rope drilling line.
2.67 Critical Diameter - Inside diameter of the smallest bend for a given wire rope which
permits the wires and strands to adjust themselves by relative movement while remaining in their
normal position.
2.53 Cross Lay -
A rope in which the wires in the successive layers of the strand are spun at
approximately the same lay angle. It follows that the wires in successive layers make point contact.
f.Md (=erdowd Cable
- A wire rope used to force the bucket
2.78 Cylindrical Drum - Hoisting drum of uniform diameter.
2.71 Dead Lane - An endless wire rope used in drilling for
crown block.
of a power shovel into the material
suspending the casing block from the
2.72 Deceleration Stress - Additional stress imposed on a wire rope due to decreasing velocity
of the load.
2.73 Deflection - Sag of rope in a span. Usually measured at midspan as the depth from the
chord joining the points of suspension at the two supports.
2.74 Diameter - Diameter ( of round wire, round strand or round rope ) of the .perpendicular
cross section of the wire, strand or rope ( see Fig. 6 ).
2.15 Discard Factors - The factors effecting the discard of the wire ropes, such as limiting work
done, wear, corrosion, etc.
2.75 Dog-Leg - Permanent short bend or klnk in a wire rope caused by improper use.
2.77 Drag Line - Wire rope used to pull an excavating or drag bucket.
2.78 Drilling LinG - See 2.33 and 2.+(10.
2.79 Drum - A cylindrical flanged barrel of uniform or tapering diameter on which rope is
wound for operation or storage. It may be smooth or grooved. . I

I S: 236301981
2. 80 Ductile Fracture - A fracture of a wire in a wire rope showing necking of the wire prior to
fracture, the planes of fracture usually forming male and female 45 cones.
2.81 Efficiency ( Wire Rope ) - Percentage ratio of measured breaking strength of a wire rope to
the aggregate breaking strength of all individual wires taken separately.
2.82 Elastic Limit
- Limit of stress above which a permanent deformation takes plaqe within the
2.83 Endless Rope - Rope whose two ends are spliced together to form a continuous loop.
2.84 Equal ( Parallel ) Lay Rope
ail have an equal lay length.
- A rope in which the wires in the strands are so spun that they
It follows that the contact between all wires is linear ( see Fig. 6A 1.
2.85 Equalizer Sheave
- A sheave used on hoistlc equipment to balance or equalize the. load on att
the falls of the one rope.
2.88 Equalking Slings
- Slings composed of wire rope and equalizing fittings.
2.87 Eye -
A loop with or without a thimble formed in the end of a wire rope.
2.89 Facfor of Safety
- Ratio of the nominal breaking strength of a wire rope to maximum dead
working toad under a given set of working conditions.
2.89 Fall cope
--Wire rope in the falls or tackle.
2.90 Fatigue
- The tendency to fracture by means of a progressive crack and repeated alternating
or cyclic stresses considerably belowthe ultimate tensile strength.
2.91 Farry Rope
- Wire rope suspended to gtiide a boat.
2.92 Fibre Centre -
A rope of ftbrous material used as the axial member of a strand.
2.93 Fibre Core ( FC )
- A sisal, cotton, manile, or jute ftbre rope used as the axial member of a
wire rope.
2.94 Fill Factor ( of the Rope )
- The ratio between the sum of the cross-sectional areas of atl
the wires, and the area of the circumscribed circle of the rope, the diameter of the later being equal
to the nominal diameter of the rope.
2.99 Filler Wire -
Comparatlvely small wires used in certain constructions of equal lay ropes to
obtain the necessary number of lnteratlces for supportlng the layer of covering wires.

I S:2363-1981
2.96 Fiffing - Any accessory used as an attachment for wire rope.
2.91 Flag - Marker on a rope to designate position of load.
2.98 Flat Rope - A construction made up of unit ropes (
reddies ) laid side by side and interlaced with stitching wires.
2.99 Flattened Strand Rope - A wire rope with either oval
presents a flattened rope surface.
generally of four strands called
or triangular shaped strand which
2.100 Float Angle
- The angle subtended by the rope at its extreme position on the drum to the
plane of the nearest fixed pulley over which it passes ( see Fig. 7 ).
U i II
2.101, Fracture - See 2.21 and 2.(10.
2.102 Friction Winding - Koepe winding in which instead of a single large rope, multiple ropes
are used thereby reducing the diameter of the Koepe pulley.
Generally speaking there are two
distinct designs of multirope friction winders - the ground type and the tower type.
2.103 Full-lock Coil Ropk -Ropes consisting of one or more layers of round wires wound
helically around a core and of one or more layers ofsuitabiy shaped wires.
2.104 Galvanize - To coat with zinc to protect against corrosion.
2.105 Galvanized Rope - Rope made of galvanized wire.
2.106 Galvanized Strand - Strand made of galvanized wire.
2.107 Galvanized Wire - Wire coated with zinc.
2.108 Grades, Rope - Classification of wire rope by the tensile strength of the wire.
2.109 Grades, Strand - Classification of strand by its tensile strength.
2.110 Grain Shovel Rope -,6x 19 marlin-clad rope used for handling grain in scoops.

IS : 2363 - 193;
2. 111. Grommet - An endless seven strand wire rope made from one continuous length of strand.
2.112 Grooved Drum - Drum with grooved surface to accommodate and guide the rope.
2.113 Grooves - Depressions in the periphery of a sheave or drum for positioning and supporting
a rope.
2.114 Guard Rail Cable - A galvanized wire rope or strand erected along a highway.
2.115 Guy line - Strand or rope, usually galvanized, for holding a structure or equipment in
2.716 Half-Lock Coil Ropes - Ropes consisting of one or more layers of round wires wound heti-
gaily around a core. The external layer is made of half-lock and round wires wound alternately.
2.117 Haulage Rope
- Wire rope used for pulling cars on a track.
2.118 Hawser - Wire rope usually, galvanized, used for towing or mooringvesseis.
2. 119 Highway Guard Cab/e - See 2.114.
2.120 Holding Line - Wire rope on a ciam shell or orange peel bucket that holds the bucket white
the closing line is released to dump the load.
2.121 Idler - Sheave or roller used to guide or support a rope.
2.122 Incline Ropes
- Ropes used to operate cars on an incline haulage.
2.123 Independent Wire Rope Core ( IWRC )
- A secondary wire rope used as the axial member
of the primary wire rope.
2.124 Inner Wires -
All wires of a strand except surface or cover wires.
2.125 Insert -
Fibres so placed as to separate adjacent strands or wires in the same or covering
2.126 Internally Lubricated -
Wire rope or strand having all wires coated with lubricant.
2.127 IWRC - See 2.123.
2.128 King Wire -
Synonymous with Centre Wire .
2.129 Kink -
Sharp bend in a wire rope that permanently distorts the wires and strands.
2.130 Koepe System of Winding
-A system of winding in which a single rope is connected to
the two cages and passes over a grooved winding wheel with an angle of contact between 190 and
A tail rope underneath the cages is invariably used.
2.131_ Lagging -
External wood covering on a realof rope or strand.
2.132 Langs faY -
Rope in which the direction of lay in the stranding is the same as the direction
of lay in closing the rope.
2.133 Lay -
The direction of strand or wirehelix.
2.133.1 Lay Length ( Pitch ) of a Wire in the Strand
- The pitch of the helix of the axis of the wire
in the longitudinal axis of the strand.
2.133.2 Lay Length ( Pitch ) of Laying of a Strand
-The pitch of the helix of the axis of,the
strand in the longitudinal axis of the rope.
2.134 Layer -
A group of adjacent wires helically laid about the strand axis in one operation. A
centre wire is not a layer; a strand centre is a layer.

I S : 2363 - 1981
2. 135 Lead Line - That part of a rope tackle leading from the flrst or last sheave to the drum.
2.136 Left Lay ( S-Lay ) - The direction of strand or wirci helix corresponding to that of a left-
hand screw thread.
2.137 Line - Synonymous with Wire Rope .
2.139 Load-Bearing Wires - All the wires which are considered as contributing to the breaking
load of the rope.
2.139 Load Factor - Synonymous with Capacity Factor and Cape1 Factor .
2.140 Locked Coil Rope - Smooth surfaced rope composed of shaped wires laid in concentric
layers around a centre of round wires.
2.141 Loop - See 2.97.
2.142 Left-Hand Ordinary Lay -
A stranded rope where the individual wires coil around the rope in
the opposite direction to that of the left haod directed strand.
2.143 Left-Hand Langs Lay - A stranded rope where the individual wires also coil around the rope
in the left hand direction as do the strands.
2.144 Marlin Spike -
Tapered steel pin used in. splicing of wire rope.
2.145 Measured ( Actual ) Aggregate Breaking Load (of all the Wires ) - The sum of the breaking
loads of all individual wires in the rope resulting from the tensile testing in the prescribed manner
of all the.wires taken from the completed rope.
2.146 Measured ( Actual ) Breaking Load -
The maximum load obtained by testing a sample of the
rope to destruction usjng a prescribed method.
2.147 Measured ( Actual ) Diameter -
The diameter obtained by measuring, using a prescribed
~.I48 Measured Value -
The value derived by direct measurement in the prescribed manner.
2.149 Messenger Strand - Galvanized strand or bronze strand used to support telephone and
electrical cables.
2.150 Metallic Cores - See 2.123.
2.151 Minimum Breaking Load - The calculated product of the square of the nominal rope
diameter ( in square millimetres), the nominal tensile strength of all the wires ( in newtons per
square mlllimetre ) and coefficient appropriate to the construction of the rope.
2.152 Modulus of Elasticity- Mathematical quantity giving the ratio, within the elastic limit,
between a definite range ot unit stress on a wire rope to the corresponding unit elongation.
a2.153 Mooring Lines - Galvanized wire rope usually 6~ 12, 6 x24 or spring lay construction, for
holding ships to dock.
2.154 Multiple Layer Strand - A strand having two or more layers of wires. It may or may not have
a centre. It may be fabricated in one or more operations.
2.155 Multiple Operation Strand - A multiple layer strand in which at least one layer has a
,different pitch than the other layer and Is laid in a separate stranding operations.
2.158 Nominal Aggregate Breaking Load ( of All the Wires ) - The calculated product of the total
nominal cross-sectional areas and the nominal tensile strength of all the wires in the rope.
2.157 Nominal Diameter - The nominal value of the diameter of the wire, strand or rope,
2.158 Nominal Value A The conventional value by which the characteristic Is designated.

I S : 2363 - 1981
2.159 Nominal Spinning Loss - The difference betwee the nominal aggregate breaking load and
the minimum breaking load of the rope. It is fixed for each type of rope on the basis of the
statistically determined mean value of the measured spinning loss.
2.160 Non-Preformed - The wires and/or strands not shaped to the helical form they assume in
the strand and/or rope.
2.101 Non-Rotating Wire Rope - Wire rope containing more than one layer of strands, one or
more of these layers being laid in opposite directions resulting in the finished rope possessing
qualities which render it considerably less liable to rotate under load, than a standard construction.
2.162 Non-Spinning Wire Rope - See 2.161.
2.163 One Operation Strand -
laid in one stranding operation.
A strand in which all the layers have the same pitch and lay Pnd are
A single layer strand is always a one operation strand.
2.164 ODen Socket -Wire rope fitting consisting of a basket and two *ears with a pin (see
Fig. 8 ).
2.165 Ordinary Lay - See 2.182.
2.166 Outer Wires - See 2.65.
2.167 Overlap or Overwind - When the rope leaves the drum or the clifton wh+l from its upper
side, the rope Is said to be overwound.
2.168 Oval Strand - A strand having a perpendicular cross section which Is approximately the
shape of an oval.
2.169 Parallel Lay - Synonymous with equal Lay .
2.170 Partial Measured Spinning LOSS - The difference between the measured aggregate breaking
load and the measured breaking load. This difference results from the effects and the interaction
of tensile, bending, and shearing stresses in the complete rope.
2.171 Part/a/ Measured Spinning Loss Between the Aggregate Breaking Loads - The difference
between the sums of the breaking toads of all wires in the rope measured beforeand after spinning,
resulting from the deformation of the wires and the alteration of their structure due to spinning.
2.172 Peening
- Permanent distortion of outside wire in a rope caused by pounding ( see
also 2.175 1.

I S : 2363 - i 381
2.173 Pitch or Length of Lay - The. distance parallel to the axis of the rope ( or strand ), in
which a strand ( or wire ) makes one complete helical convolution about the core ( or centre ).
2.174 Plastic Flow - See 2.172.
2.175 Plastic Wear -
Reduction in the measured diameter cf a wire rope due to plastic flow of
the metal in the wires without OF with negligible reduction in the cross-sectional area of the wires.
2.176 Preformed -
The wires and/or strands shaped to thei helical form they assume in. the
strand and/or rope.
2.177 Prestressing -
Stressing a wire rope or strand before use under such a tension and for
such a time that the constructional stretch is largely removed.
2.178 Proportional Limit
- Considered synonymous with Elastic Limit .
i 2.179 Rated Capacity
- A load value which a wire rope, or wire rope sling. When new, is designed
to handle under given or assumed factors of safety and operating conditions.
2.180 Reel - The flanged spool on which wire rope or strand is wound for storage or shipment.
2.181 Reeving -
The process of passing the rope over all the pulleys, sheaves and the drums.
2.192 Regular Lay
- Rope in which the direction of lay in the stranding is opposite to the
direction of lay in closing the rope ( see Fig. 1 ).
2.199 Reserve Strength
- Strength represented by the,inner wires of a wire rope.
2.184 Reverse Bend -
Reeving of a wire rope over sheaves and drums so that it bends in
opposite directions ( see Fig. 9 ).
-- --
;i$5hRevers@ Lay
- A strand In which the direction of lay is reversed at intervals along its
2.199 Right Lay ( Z-by 1
- The direction of strand or wire helix corresponding to that of a right-
hand screw thread.
2.187 Rigging Screws
-Screws which provide means for length adjustments or for tensioning:
They are used for setting up ships standing riggings (,see Fig. 10 ).
2.199 R&lers - Relatively small diameter cylinders or wide faced sheaves for supporting or
guiding ropes.

IS : 2363 - 1901
2.~!.~ Ropeway
- Aerial conveying system for transporting single loads along suspended track
2.190 Rotary Lines-The wire rope on a rotary drilling rig which controls the position of the
drill pipe and raises or lowers the same.
2.191 Round Strand - A strand having a perpendicular cross section which is approximately the
shape of a circle.
2.192 Running Rope - A term used ,for those shipping and engineering ropes which are
employed on cranes, winches, etc, and therefore, move in operation as opposed to rigging ropes
which do no1 move and are referred to as Standing Ropes *.
2.192 Ribbon Strand - A strand having a perpendicular cross section which is approximately
shape of a rectangle or a parallelogram.
2.194 Right-Hand Ordinary Lay
- A stranded rope where. the individual wires coil around
rope in the opposite direction to that of right hand directed strands.
2.199 Right-Hand fangs Lay - A stranded rope where the individual wires coil around the rope
in the right direction as do the strands.
2.199 Safety Factor - See 2.86.
2.197 Sag - See 2.73.
2.198 Sand Line - See 2.13.
2.199 Sash Cord - Term applied to small wire ropes commonly made of iron, bronze or copper
2.200 Sea/e -
A strand construction having one size of cover wires with the same number of one
size of smaller wires in the inner lay, and each layer having the same length and direction of lay.
Most common construction is one centre wire, nine inner wires, and nine cover wires.

2. 201 Seize -To bind securely a wire, rope or strand with seizing wire or strand or with a
wrapping of fibre cord.
2.202 Seizing Strand - Smallstrand usually of seven-wires made of soft annealed iron wire ( see
a/so 2.201 ).
2.263 Seizing Wire - Single wires, or wires formed into strands, used for making a close-wound
helical serving to retain the components of a strand or rope in their assembled position (see
also 2.200 ).
2.204 Serve - See 2.200.
2.205 Sewing Wires - See 2.96.
2.206 Shackle - A U-shaped fitting with pin ( see Fig. 11 ).
2.207 Sheave - A grooved pulley for use with rope.
2.206 Shipping Rope - A galvanized steel wire rope used in shipping.
2.209 Sing/e Layer Strand - A strand having either a fibre or wire centre and one layer of uniform
size wires. It is fabricated in one operation.
2.210 Single Strand Ropes - Ropes consisting of one or more layers of round wires wound helically
around a core.
2.211 S-Lay - Synonymous with Left Lay .
2.212 Slings - Wire ropes made into forms, with or without fittings, for handling loads and so
made as to permit the attachment of a lifting medium ( see Fig. 12 ).
2.213 Slings, -Braided - A very flexible sling composed of several individual wire ropes braided
into a single sling.
2.214 Smooth Coil Strand - Strand composed entirely of round wires, used as an aerial conveyor
track cable.
2.215 Smooth Faced Drum - Drum with a plain face, not grooved.
2.216 Socket - Type of wire rope fitting ( see also 2.24, 2.46 and 2.250 ).
2.217 Special Alternate Lay - A rope that has two Langs lay strands alternating with one regular
lay strand.
2.216 Spinning - The name given to the group of operations which includes stranding of wires and
closing of strands.
2.219 Spiral Groove - Groove which follows the path of a helix around the drum, as the thread
of a screw.
2.220 Splicing - Securing the ends of a rope Into its own parts by interweaving the strands or
by methods of mechanical splicing.

IS : 2263 - 1681
OrdinyeTEhntTbte at
Reevt ng Thirkble
at Other End
Bat ha&d*

I S:236311981

I S : 2393 - 1981
Ring at One
End, Ordinary
Thimble at
Other End
Ring at
One End,
Hook at
Other End

IS : 2363 - 1931

i s : M63 - 1981
2.221 Spring Lay Rope - Preformed cable laid rope consisting of six ropes around a fibre core.
Each i,ndividual rope consisting of three galvanized, steel strands and three ftbre cords laid
alternately around a flbre core.
2222 Stainless Steel Rope - Wire rope made of chrome-nickle steel wire having great resistance
to corrosion.
2.223 Standing Rope - See 2.182,
2.224 Steel Clad Rope - Rope with individual strands spirally wrapped with flat steel wire.
2.225 Stitching Wires - Single wires, or wires formed into strands, used for the stitching of flat
2.223 Stirrup - The U-bolt or eye-bolt attachment of a bridge socket.
2,227 Stone Sawing Strand - 2 or 3 wire strand used insawing stone or slate.
2.228 Strand - An element of rope consisling of an assembly of several wires of appropriate shape
and dimensions spun helically in one or more layer.
Note - In some cases a single strand constitutes a rope.
2.228 Strand Centre - A wire strand used to replace a centre wire of a multiple layer strand as the
axial member of a strand.
2.230 Strand Core-- A wire strand used as the axial member of a wire rope.
2.231 Strand Rope - An assembly of several strands spun helically in one more layers around a
2.232 Suspension Bridge Cable - See 2.23.
2.ffkoiuspension Rye
- A wire rope for use with -lifts and hoists, attached by cold flowing
UMoiwaged Fittings - Fittings in which wire rope is inserted and attached by cold flowing
2.238 Triangular Strand - A strand having a perpendicular cross section which is approximately
the shape of a triangle.
2.238 Tag Line - A small wire rope used to prevent rotation of load.
2.237 Tapered Drum - See 2.52.
2.238 Tapering and Welding - Reducing the diameter of the end of a wire rope and welding it to
facilitate reeving.
.2.238 Tensile Grade - A level of requirement of tensile strength. It is designated by the minimum
value of the appropriate range of the tensile strength.
2.240 Thimble - Grooved metal fltting to protect the eye of a wire rope ( see Fig. 13).
2.24f Tiller Rope - A very flexible operating rope, commonly made by cable lay size 6 x 7 ropes
around a flbre core.
2.242 Tinned Wire - Wire coated with tin.
2.243 Total Spinning Loss Measured T -
The difference between the sum of the breaking loads of
all wires in the rope, measured before spinning and the measured breaking load of the rope.
2.244 Towline - Galvanized wire rope used for towing.
2.245 Track Cable -
The suspended wire rope or strand along which the carriers move on an
aerial conveyor.
2.246 Traction Rope -
Wire rope that propels the carriers on an aerial conveyor.

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I S : 2363 - 1981
2.247 Turnbuckle or Stretching Screw -
in length.
Device attached to wire rope for making limited adjustments
it consists of a barrel and right and left-hand threaded bolts (see Fig. 14).
2.248 Underlap or Underwind - When the
side, the rope is said to be underwound.
rope leaves the drum or the cliften wheel from its under-
2.243 Warrington - A strand construction in which one layer of wires, usually the outer, is compos-
ed of alternating large and small wires so that the Inner layer of wires tits the interstices of the
outer layer.
2.250 Wedge Socket - Wire rope fhting in which the rope end is secured by a wedge.
2.251 Winding Rope - A wire rope used for winding purposes In mines.
2.252 Wire (Round ) -A single circular roped continuous length of metal cold-drawn from a rod.
2.253 Wire (Shaped 1 7 A single geometrlcal shaped ( other than round ) continuous length of
metal either cold-drawn-or cold-rolled from a rod.

I S. : 2363 - 16& l
2.254 Wire Rope - A constructioq of several strands wound helically in one or more layers.
Note - In some cases, a rope is constituted by a single strand.
a) Ropes with low internal stresses -
stresses arising from spinning.
Ropes which are manufactured using methods aimed at reducing internal
These methods can include preforming and postforming.
b) Ropes with low torsional stresses - Ropes in which the wires and layers bf strands are disposed in such a
manner that, when under tension due to a free axial load, the rope will have a minimum torque or a minimum
degree of rotation. This result can be obtained In different degree either by using two or more layers of
strands of the-same construction non-rotating ropes or by using one layer of strands around an independent
wire rope core ( semi-balanced ropes 1.
2.255 Z-lay - Synonymous with Right Lay .
This standard was first issued in 1965. The present revision has been taken up to incorporate
certain additional definitions and to slightly modify some of the existing definitions.
It is felt that the revised version of the glossary will further do away with variation in the
terminglogy relating to wire ropes and accessories and will help in their correct interpretation.
Whenever the definitions are rather involved, sketches have been made to make the definition
clear. This glossary is not to be considered as technical dictionary. This represents an attempt
to further simplify the buying and specifying of wire ropes by standardizing nomenclature.
While preparing this standard assistance has been derived from IS0 2532-1974 Steel wire
ropes - Vocabulary issued by InternationakOrganlzation for Standardization ( IS0 ).
Printed at Dae'Kay Rinter~, New D&i, India

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