This document provides information about the 1st International Symposium on Distributed Generation and Smart Grids, which will take place on October 18-19, 2006 in Vienna, Austria. The symposium will discuss solutions related to distributed generation and smart grids. It is organized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology and arsenal research. The event will involve presentations from politicians, industry representatives, researchers and grid operators on topics like experiences with distributed generation, regulation, innovation, and visions for the future of distributed energy systems.
This document provides information about the 1st International Symposium on Distributed Generation and Smart Grids, which will take place on October 18-19, 2006 in Vienna, Austria. The symposium will discuss solutions related to distributed generation and smart grids. It is organized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology and arsenal research. The event will involve presentations from politicians, industry representatives, researchers and grid operators on topics like experiences with distributed generation, regulation, innovation, and visions for the future of distributed energy systems.
This document provides information about the 1st International Symposium on Distributed Generation and Smart Grids, which will take place on October 18-19, 2006 in Vienna, Austria. The symposium will discuss solutions related to distributed generation and smart grids. It is organized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology and arsenal research. The event will involve presentations from politicians, industry representatives, researchers and grid operators on topics like experiences with distributed generation, regulation, innovation, and visions for the future of distributed energy systems.
This document provides information about the 1st International Symposium on Distributed Generation and Smart Grids, which will take place on October 18-19, 2006 in Vienna, Austria. The symposium will discuss solutions related to distributed generation and smart grids. It is organized by the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology and arsenal research. The event will involve presentations from politicians, industry representatives, researchers and grid operators on topics like experiences with distributed generation, regulation, innovation, and visions for the future of distributed energy systems.
Organiser: Division of Energy and Environmental Technologies
Head of Division: DI Michael Paula A-1010 Vienna, Renngasse 5 Location TECHbase Vienna Giefinggasse 2 / Siemensstrae 103 A-1210 Vienna AUSTRIA Information and registration arsenal research Ms Silke Unger Phone: +43 (0) 50 550 6497 Fax: +43 (0) 50 550 6589 E-mail: [email protected] Symposium fees EUR 480.00 before 25th Sept. 2006 EUR 600.00 after 25th Sept. 2006 EUR 39.00 for students Symposium languages: German and English with simultaneous interpretation 18 th and 19 th October 2006 TECHbase Vienna The framework conditions for the electrical power supply have changed fundamentally. Legislators liberalised the energy market, fostered renewable energy sources and announced a battle against rising emissions. Distributed power generation is one of the possible answers to these changes and at the same time raises new questions. New technological and organisational standards emerge related to the complexity of the electrical power supply system. Fundamental questions concerning the electricity system itself like grid management, capacity planning, stability, protection strategies as well as the power quality and at the same time optimisation of energy supply and demand come to the fore. The borders between producers and consumers become more and more indistinct. New business models have to be developed. The RTD programme Energy Systems of Tomorrowof the Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology has got one of its main focuses dedicated to the research topics distributed generation and smart grids. The 1st International Symposium Distributed Ge- neration and Smart Gridsaddresses experts from different fields like electricity production, grids and environment. Prominent representatives from politics, industry and the research community are invited to discuss possible solutions concerning distributed generation and grids. Taking the background of international developments into account, the research topics in question shall be further developed and concretised. The event is based on findings from the Energy Systems of Tomorrowprogramme and presents a contribution to the Energie 2050 strategy process of the BMVIT. (For further information see also, Date 18 th and 19 th October 2006 Co-operation partners Verband der Elektrizittsunternehmen sterreichs sterreichischer Verband fr Elektrotechnik PROGRAMME 1 st International Symposium on Distributed Generation and Smart Grids Decentralised generation as seen by plant operators Interview Session Chair: Klaus Fischer, Bohmann-Verlag publishers Stefan Hantsch, IG Windkraft sterreich (Austrian Wind Energy Association) Gerhard Fallent, Photovoltaic Austria Federal Association Bernhard Pelinka, European Small Hydropower Association Franz Kirchmeyr, ARGE Kompost & Biogas sterreich (Austrias Compost & Biogas Working Group) Gnther Herdin, GE Jenbacher AG Break Chair: Andreas Lugmaier, arsenal research Decentralised generation as seen by grid operators Experiences of Austrian grid operators with DG Andreas Abart, Energie AG Obersterreich Christian Kitz, Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG Rudolf Pointner, Salzburg AG Energy management in the low-voltage grid: conclusions for distribution grid operators gained from the Am Steinweg ecological estate Britta Buchholz, MVV Energie AG Experiences of Stadtwerke Karlsruhe Norbert Lewald, Stadtwerke Karlsruhe POMS the load management system Christof Wittwer, Fraunhofer Institut Solare Energiesysteme Cell controller pilot project (CCPP) and aspects of decentralised energy supply in Denmark Carsten Strunge, Energinet DK Champagne reception Special guest lecture Jrgen Schmid, Head of ISET (Institut fr Solare Energieversorgungstechnik) in Kassel, Germany Introductory statements: Gerd Schauer, Verbund evening buffet 2.45 pm 3:40 pm 4:00 pm 6:00 pm 7:00 pm followed by Chair: Michael Hbner, Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology Austrian research highlights from the Energy Systems of Tomorrow programme line EE+PQ, Helfried Brunner, arsenal research DG DemoNetz, Andreas Lugmaier, arsenal research IRON, Friederich Kupzog, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Computer Technology Autonomous regenerative energy systems, Gnther Brauner, Vienna University of Technology, Institute of Power Systems and Energy Economics Micro turbine, Helmut Nedomlel, Wels Strom GmbH Break Development framework for decentralised generation in Austria Regulatory aspects of decentralised generation Tahir Kapetanovic, Energie Control GmbH What we wish for decentralised generation Hans Auer, Vienna University of Technology, Energy Economics Groupp Lunch break Innovation impulses for the Austrian economy Christoph Panhuber, Fronius International GmbH Sergej Kalaschnikow, VA TECH ELIN EBG Elektronik GmbH & Co Heinrich Wilk, Energie AG Obersterreich Johann Hell, Nesha Danilovic, VA TECH Hydro GmbH & Co Round table visions for the future of decentralised generation Norbert Lewald, Stadtwerke Karlsruhe Hans Auer, Vienna University of Technology, Energy Economics Group Walter Tenschert, Energie AG Obersterreich Werner Friesenecker, Vorarlberger Kraftwerke AG Tahir Kapetanovic, Energie Control GmbH Karl Derler, Eurelectric Chair and summary: Hubert Fechner, arsenal research End of symposium 9:00 am 10:40 am 11:00 am 12:00 am 1:30 pm 3:00 pm 4:30 pm Symposium programme Registration Chair: Hubert Fechner, arsenal research Opening Anton Plimon, Managing Director of arsenal research Eduard Mainoni, State Secretary forTechnology, Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology Heinz Kaupa, Verband der Elektrizittsunternehmen sterreichs (VE) (Austrian Association of Electricity Companies) Decentralised generation in an international context ENARD and other activities of the International Energy Agency (IEA) Samantha lz, International Energy Agency EU technology platform Smart Grids Gerald Vones, Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour Challenges and advantages arising from decentralised generation Goran Strbac, Imperial College London, DTI Centre for Distributed Generation and Sustainable Electrical Energy Relevant aspects for Europe from a US-American viewpoint Chris Marnay, Berkeley Laboratories, CA Break Decentralised generation in Austria Framework conditions for research and development in Austria Michael Paula, Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, Division of Energy and Environmental Technologies Standardisation and regulation of DG in Europe and Austria Roland Brndlinger, arsenal research Opportunities and challenges of distributed generation for Austria Hubert Fechner, arsenal research Lunch break 8:15 am 9:00 am 9:45 am 11.40 am 12.00 am 1:15 pm Wednesday, 18 th October 2006 Thursday, 19 th October 2006
Advances in Energy System Optimization Proceedings of the first International Symposium on Energy System Optimization 1st Edition Valentin Bertsch 2024 scribd download