1. The document discusses the "mystery of the kingdom" and describes a story of a woman whose son was dying and how realizing the perfection of all things in the divine kingdom helped lift her mental state and healed her son.
2. It explains that all things are perfect in the divine plan of creation and realizing this perfection sets one free from illusion, death, and darkness.
3. True knowledge of things comes from living in truth and keeping close contact with the soul of things, which allows one to see all and find all within one's own mind.
1. The document discusses the "mystery of the kingdom" and describes a story of a woman whose son was dying and how realizing the perfection of all things in the divine kingdom helped lift her mental state and healed her son.
2. It explains that all things are perfect in the divine plan of creation and realizing this perfection sets one free from illusion, death, and darkness.
3. True knowledge of things comes from living in truth and keeping close contact with the soul of things, which allows one to see all and find all within one's own mind.
1. The document discusses the "mystery of the kingdom" and describes a story of a woman whose son was dying and how realizing the perfection of all things in the divine kingdom helped lift her mental state and healed her son.
2. It explains that all things are perfect in the divine plan of creation and realizing this perfection sets one free from illusion, death, and darkness.
3. True knowledge of things comes from living in truth and keeping close contact with the soul of things, which allows one to see all and find all within one's own mind.
1. The document discusses the "mystery of the kingdom" and describes a story of a woman whose son was dying and how realizing the perfection of all things in the divine kingdom helped lift her mental state and healed her son.
2. It explains that all things are perfect in the divine plan of creation and realizing this perfection sets one free from illusion, death, and darkness.
3. True knowledge of things comes from living in truth and keeping close contact with the soul of things, which allows one to see all and find all within one's own mind.
THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM A. K. MOZUMDAR 2 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM The Mystery of the Kin!o" In affliction, disease, or misfortne, read t!is "oo#$ It %ill remo&e t!e dimness of 'or e'es, free 'or sol from t!e s!ado%s of mortalit', and "rin( 'o t!e )eace, !ealt!, and *o' of t!e eternal Kin(+ dom$ ,l%a's act in t!e reali-ation t!at all t!in(s !a&e "een eternall' done$ ,s lon( as !armon' and )eace a"ide in 'o, 'o need fear not!in($ .et not t!e %orld fri(!ten 'o, nor t!e dread of defeat de)ress 'or !eart$ T!ere is no defeat in t!e Kin(dom$ T!at %!ic! "rin(s 'o inner )eace and *o' is for 'o to do, "ecase it is t!e &er' t!in( God ,lmi(!t' %ants 'o to do$ Yor &ision and ins)iration find 'o %!ere&er 'o )lace 'orself$ ,$ K$ MO/0MD,R$ 1 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM The Mystery of the Kin!o" 0nto 'o It is (i&en to #no% t!e m'ster' of t!e Kin(dom of God2 "t nto t!ose t!at are %it!ot, all t!ese t!in(s are done in )ara"les$ Mark 3411 See# 'e first t!e Kin(dom of God, and His ri(!teosness2 and all t!ese t!in(s s!all "e added nto 'o$ Matt. 5411$ 1$ Once a )oor %oman %as an6iosl' %aitin( otside m' std' to see me$ Her c!ee#s %ere !ollo%$ T!e dar# rin(s arond !er e'es told t!e stor' of man' slee)less ni(!ts and mc! mental strain$ Her onl' "o' %as l'in( at deat!7s door$ He %as slo%l' sli))in( a%a' from !er$ , mot!er7s !eart ne&er loses !o)e, e&en to t!e &er' last$ So %!en s!e sa% me, s!e as#ed4 8Is t!ere no !el) for m' "o'9 I feel sre t!ere mst "e some !el)$ ,ll+ mercifl God cannot fail to ans%er a mot!er7s )ra'er$ Yo:'o mst !el) m' "o'$8 ,nd s!e "ro#e do%n$ 2$ I sa% at a (lance t!at t!e %oman %as facin( a ner&os colla)se, and t!at somet!in( mst "e done to relie&e !er mental strain$ I reali-ed t!at it Tr#th $on% %old "e seless to (i&e !er Trt! in $rete &n! t!e terms of an a"stract )!iloso)!', &'str&$t. S!e needed somet!in( concrete and definite in order to find rest and )eace$ I told !er, t!erefore, to SEE HER ;OY IN THE KINGDOM, FORE<ER =ERFE>T ,ND ?HO.E, and t!at t!ere %as no fear$ T!at %as t!e one concrete idea t!at I cold (i&e !er$ ,ll of Natre7s facts are &er' concrete, 'et t!ere are times %!en e&en t!e' fail to ma#e an im)ression$ T!erefore, I tried to e6)lain to t!e )oor %oman %!at I meant "' t!e Kin(dom$ 3 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 1$ 8IN THE DI<INE =.,N OF >RE,TION E<ERYTHING IS =ERFE>T$ E&er't!in( in t!at )lan is )erfectl' manifested2 t!at is, it is manifested Di(ine )*&n as it s!old "e manifested$ ?it!ot &n! M&nifes% t!e la% of order and !armon', a =lan t&tion fore(er cold not "e carried ot$ T!erefore, )erfe$t. an't!in( t!at is manifested "' t!e e6act .a% of order and !armon' is )erfectl' mani+ fested$ Tr' to see 'or "o' as !e is in t!e Di&ine =lan and in Di&ine Manifestation$ He is fore&er )erfect and %!ole$ TRY TO SEE THIS =ERFE>TION IN YO0R MIND ,ND .ET GO OF ,.. SEEMING >ONDITIONS ?HI>H YO0R ;OY IS ,==,RENT.Y M,NIFESTING$8 3$ S!e (ras)ed t!e (eneral idea, "t s!e cold not (et t!e #no%led(e of t!e t!in(, t!e )!iloso)!' of it$ E&en t!at !el)ed !er, !o%e&er, and s!e %ent !ome mc! comforted$ S!e !eld t!e idea of )erfection all t!at da' and ni(!t:t!at !er "o' %as free in t!e Kin(dom fore&er$ Sddenl' s!e felt an )lifted mental state$ , !ea&enl' *o' flooded !er entire being. T!e same moment t!e crisis )assed, and t!e "o' "e(an to im)ro&e &er' ra)idl'$ @$ No% let s std' t!is )!enomenon and see %!at actall' trans)ired$ ,ll of 'o #no% t!at t!e !man "ein( on t!is manifested )lane is a mental being; t!at is, !e mentall' en*o's and mentall' sffers, M&n & "ent&* mentall' li&es and mentall' dies$ +ein. ,ll conditions t!at !e e6)eriences are related to !is mind$ ?it!ot a conscios or instincti&e reco(nition, a condition cannot e6ist to !im$ Yo also #no% t!at %!en t%o minds are en rapport %it! eac! ot!er, t!e' atomaticall' affect eac! ot!er$ In t!e case of t!e "o' t!is &er' @ THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM t!in( too# )lace$ T!e mot!er7s )lifted mental state, de to !er s"lime &ision of t!e eternal )erfection of t!in(s, affected t!e "o', "ecase t!e mot!er and t!e son %ere in close toc! %it! eac! ot!er7s consciosness$ 5$ Some of 'o ma' t!in# t!at m' statement t!at !er "o' %as )erfect in t!e Kin(dom acted as a stron( stimlatin( s((estion, and t!at a)art from t!at, ,erfe$tion of t!ere is no trt! in t!e statement the Kin!o" itself$ T!is is t!e &er' )oint I %old & f&$t. ma#e clear$ ?!ate&er mi(!t !a&e "een t!e s((esti&e &ale of m' statement, t!ere %as an a"solte fact "ac# of it$ ?!en t!at fact is reali-ed "' an'one, it sets !im free from t!e snare of illsion, deat!, and dar#ness$ E&en %!en t!at fact is acce)ted on "lind fait!, it (i&es one a certain mental )lift t!ro(! re)eated im)ression$ A$ No% do 'o as#4 ?!ere is t!at Kin(dom 9 It is !ere and no%$ Yo are li&in( in it, t!o(! 'o ma' not "e conscios of it$ ?!en 'o are conscios Mystery of of a t!in(, it comes to e6ist to 'o$ the Kin!o" Similarl', %!en 'o "ecome re(e&*e!. conscios of t!e Kin(dom, It comes to e6ist to 'o:to 'or mind$ Hence, Bess t!e >!rist said4 "The Kingdom of God is within you" Cin 'or conscios reco(nitionD$ T!e m'ster' of t!e Kin(dom is t!at e&er't!in( t!at is Eternal in t!e Di&ine =lan is also Eternal in Manifestation$ Reali-e t!is m'ster' and "ecome free from )o&ert', misfortne, and all forms of disease$ E$ NOTHING IS E<ER .OST$ E<ERYTHING E<ER REM,INS M,NIFESTED SOME?HERE 5 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM IN THE <,ST S?EE= OF >RE,TION$ To make Tr#e mental contact with a thing by realiz- ,ossession. in( t!is truth is to come to possess it. !our en"oyment of a thing is in your mental sense of possession. The freer you are from attachment:due to your limited sense of possession:the more you will realize and en"oy that thing. F$ THE KNO?.EDGE OF , THING ,;IDES IN YO0, HEN>E THE KNO?.EDGE OF FREEDOM SETS YO0 FREE$ In 'or self+conscios Free!o". mental life e&er't!in( t!at 'o reali-e "ecomes manifested to 'o$ T!at %!ic! 'o reali-e in t!e Kin(dom is Eternal and =erfect: t!at is, t!e nature of a t!in( remains nc!an(ea"le t!ro(!ot Eternit'$ In t!at realm of eternal )erfection t!ere is no im)erfection nor lac# of an' #ind$ That which #$ fore%er #$. T!ere, e&er't!in( !as "een eternall' flfilled$ T!at &er' #no%led(e sets 'o free from t!e ni(!tmare of t!e %orld of mortalit', or mental ne(ation of Trt!$ 1G$ Yo mst !a&e t!e tre #no%led(e of t!in(s in order to nderstand t!e m'ster' of t!e Kin(dom of God$ TH,T TR0E KNO?.EDGE DOES NOT Tr#e >OME 0N.ESS YO0 ,;IDE IN TR0TH : Kno-*e!e. 0N.ESS YO0 KEE= YO0RSE.F IN >.OSE TO0>H ?ITH THE SO0. OF THINGS IN YO0R >ONTEM=.,TION$ YO0 M0ST EHTEND YO0R <ISION F,RTHER ,ND F,RTHER ,?,Y FROM YO0R =ERSON,. >ON>E=T OF .IFE, 0NTI. YO0 EM;R,>E ,.. ,ND THE <,ST >OSMOS >OMES TO D?E.. IN YO0R MIND$ T!en %it!in 'or o%n mind 'o %ill see all and find all$ A THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 11$ ;' li&in( accordin( to 'or #no%led(e of Trt!, 'o learn to li&e$ T!ere is no %aitin(:t!ere is no tomorro%$ From t!is &er' moment 'o mst )ln(e ,ro$r&sti% !eadlon($ !ou cannot make Truth work nation. while you cling to your idea of a few pounds of clay through fear of what will become of you. #t cannot be done. YO0 M0ST ?,.K FROM THIS <ERY MOMENT IN THE .IGHT ?HI>H THE S=IRIT OF TR0TH H,S GI<EN YO0$ THEN, ,ND ON.Y THEN, ?I.. YO0 RE,.I/E YO0R ETERN,. FREEDOM ,ND:;E FREE$ 12$ Do 'o %ant ad&entre, romance, t!rills, and t!e accom)lis!ment of (reat t!in(s9 T!en "e a fatalist$ O)ti"isti$ Ne&er for a moment lose si(!t of t!e fact F&t&*is". t!at "what will happen will happen" and it %ill !a))en for t!e "est$ E<ERY RES0.T TH,T IS =OSITI<E, TR0E, ,ND GOOD IS INE<IT,;.E$ Yo cannot esca)e from it$ !ou may be able to put off the ultimate realization of a positi%e result by worry and fear but you will ne%er be able to defeat destiny. T!en %!' %orr'9 T!en %!' not clti&ate t!e carefree s)irit %it! t!e )ositi&e assrance of an e&er+!a))' endin( of all t!in(s9 11$ !ou are here to glorify God:to en"oy your life free from all negati%e deeds imaginations and thoughts. &i%e and let e%erybody li%e in the healthy atmosphere of e%er-free $pirit. .et 'or t!o(!ts e&er Yo#r Mission "ear t!e messa(e of (ood+c!eer and 'or in *ife. &oice rin( %it! eternal !o)e and o)timism$ Know and realize that you cannot fail:you cannot perish unless that 'ter- E THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM nal (oundation underneath all manifestation fails and perishes. T!is Fondation, ot of %!ose Om+ niscient ;osom 'or )resent e6istence !as arisen: li#e t!e rest of creation:cannot fail and It cannot )eris!$ !ou are not separate )but together with this (oundation. T!e t!in( t!at %as not, cold not "e$ Ot of not!in(, somet!in( does not come$ 13$ T!at 'o are !ere is a self+e&ident, )ositi&e fact$ Yo !a&e come from Somet!in( into 'or )resent self+conscios e6istence$ THIS SOMETHING IS Fro" -here THE 0NDER.YING FO0ND,TION !o -e $o"e. T!is Somet!in( cold not "rin( into "ein( e&en a microsco)ic life if It did not !old in Its ;osom t!at )ossi"ilit' and )otentialit'$ ,S , SEED OF ,N ,>ORN ;RINGS FORTH ,N O,K, SO THE INTRINSI> =OTENTI,.ITY OF THE >RE,TI<E+.IFE ;RINGS FORTH THE >RE,TION$ 1@$ T!e creation is t!e >reati&e+life Self+manifest$ If t!is >reati&e+life:t!e Eternal Fondation of all t!in(s:is eternal, %old It "rin( into mani+ Eternity festation t!at %!ic! is e)!emeral9 of &** Follo% t!is sim)le reasonin( and see "&nifest&tion. %!ere it leadsI It %ill lead 'o to t!e reali-ation of Immortalit' and t!e eternit' of all manifestation$ Yo are li#el' to sa' t!at t!at %!ic! !as a "e(innin( mst !a&e an endin($ To concei&e t!e "e(innin( of a t!in( is to admit its endin( in )oint of time$ Grantin( it is tre, %!at reason !a&e 'o to t!in# t!at a t!in( !as a "e(innin(9 Its eternit' is )ro&ed in t!e fact t!at it eternall' e6isted in Somet!in( %!ic! !as cased its manifestation$ F THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 15$ The manifestation of a thing does not imply its first appearance in point of e*istence. #t simply means that that which was hidden is now in e%idence. T!e )oint of difference "et%een a )otential form and t!e form in manifestation is in 'or )erce)tion or in 'or a"ilit' to )ercei&e it$ 1A$ To t!e Eternal Fondation all t!in(s eternall' e6ist to(et!er %it! It$ T!e' constitte Its &er' Natre$ The sum total of things in this uni%erse fore%er remains So"ethin intact. Not!in( can "e added to or fro" nothin$ ta#en from t!e sm total of t!in(s$ T!is conclsion is "ased on t!e fact t!at that which wa$ not could not be and that out of nothing something could not come. 1E$ If t!is )art of t!e )!iloso)!' a))ears to 'o to "e a"stract and &a(e, t!en ta#e t!in(s as you find t!em$ Yo cannot den' t!e fact t!at all manifested t!in(s once e6isted as (erminal or )otential forms in t!e Eternal Somet!in(, and t!at t!e' cannot "e se)arated from t!at Somet!in($ ?!o of 'o can defeat t!e Natre of t!at Eternal Fondation : %!o of 'o can se)arate !imself and (o !is o%n %a'9 T!en %!' t!is an6iet' and %orr' a"ot an't!in(9 1F$ $ince happiness is the goal of life let us be happy. Ha))iness is a mental state 2 so is n!a))iness$ One state is )ositi&e and t!e ot!er ne(ati&e$ T!e ne(ati&e ne(ates or denies t!at Ha))iness, t!e )ositi&e 2 !ence, t!e )ositi&e is tre and t!e ne(ati&e H&))iness/ the ntre$ One s((ests t!e e6istence of a o&* of *ife. t!in( or a condition, and t!e ot!er s((ests t!e non+e6istence of a t!in( or a con+ 1G THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM dition$ T!e non-e*istence of !a))iness is nt!in#a"le nless 'o !a&e t!e )re&ios conce)tion of !a))iness$ Hence !a))iness is a tre and a )ositi&e fact$ 0n!a))iness is merel' an idea of lac# or t!e a"sence of t!at )ositi&e state$ T!en %!' not "e !a))' in 'or )ositi&e, fatalistic conce)tion of life9 2G$ Kee) on mo&in( in 'or mental realm$ Sta(nation means deat!$ Gi%e birth to positi%e ideas entertain positi%e thoughts and build up an e%er new hope on the Ment&* ashes of the dead hopes. Rat!er "ild an air 0re&tion. castle t!an to remain in 'or ne(ati&e mental dar#ness$ ?!o #no%s t!at 'or air castle is not ma#in( 'o a castle d%ellerI T!ere is not!in( im)ractical in t!is idea$ ,fter all, are not 'or *o' and !a))iness a mental state9 21$ Your e*istence is positi%e that is you +,'. -ow can your destiny be negati%e. !our positi%e desires aspirations and dreams cannot be in %ain. They must The tr#e be realized because they are in the /i%ine !estiny. order of things. Yo mst not lose fait!: 'o !a&e no reason for losin( it$ +s long as your mind dwells in the positi%e sphere:the 0reati%e-sphere: and as long as you feel the romantic thrill in your heart :freedom of soul:you recreate and regenerate your body and mind:you remain young. 22$ Do not let t!e fires of 'or !ol' altar "rn do%n$ T!is fire is lo&e, all+em"racin(, and all$ Kee) it "rnin( in 'or mental as %ell as in 'or oter e6)ression$ T!is Lo(e fire of life, on t!e ideal )lane, "rin(s $on1#ers &**. 'o in toc! %it! !manit'$ It transmtes and resrrects 11 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM an't!in( t!at it toc!es$ It (i&es 'o t!e reali-ation of God in all "ein(s and t!in(s$ 21$ If 'o %ant to nderstand t!e m'ster' of t!e Kin(dom, 'o ma' "e(in %it! small t!in(s$ In t!is &ast realm of manifested life t!ere are li&es %!ic! are Mystery of so small t!at "' 'or fart!est stretc! the Kin!o". of t!e ima(ination 'o can not concei&e of t!eir e6istence$ If 'o ta#e a dro) of %ater from a sta(nant )ool and )lace it nder an ordinar' microsco)e, 'o %ill disco&er li&es %!ic! 'o %ill fail to see %it! 'or na#ed e'e$ Yo ma' t!in# t!at 'o !a&e o"ser&ed all t!e li&es t!at t!e dro) of %ater contains$ ;t *st %ait and seeI No% ta#e t!e most )o%erfl microsco)e 'et in&ented and from t!at dro) of %ater fill t!e e'e of a small needle$ To 'or sr)rise 'o %ill disco&er still smaller forms of life t!at are manifestin( t!e Fat!er+Mot!er =rinci)le of t!e One Omniscient .ife, and li&in( on ot!er forms of or(anic matter, %!ic! are a (reat deal smaller t!an t!e'$ 23$ Or mind sta((ers %!en "ro(!t face+to+face %it! t!e fact t!at t!e same .a% of Order t!at re(lates t!ose &ast )onderos stars in t!e !ea&ens is 0o#nt*ess also mindfl of t!e inconcei&a"l' "in#te *i(es. Minte li&es %!ic! can d%ell %it!in t!e s)ace of t!e e'e of a tin' needle$ T!is o)ens ) a ne% &ista of contem)lation and (i&es s a faint (lim)se of t!e %orld of li&es in %!ic! %e are li&in($ ?e come to reali-e t!at at t!e "ac# of it all ONE <,ST OMNIS>IENT .IFE IS ETERN,..Y ,>TING ?ITH ITS O?N INNER 0RGE, ,ND THRO0GH ITS MYRI,DS OF EH=RESSIONS ETERN,..Y RE<E,.ING ITS O?N IDENTITY$ 12 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 2@$ To s)ea# a"ot t!e ONE .IFE is to s)ea# a"ot t!e totalit' of t!e t!in(s manifest$ T!en is it not tre t!at the whole of creation is a continuous play of 12' &#(' One *ife. which is maintaining #ts unity and integrity through #ts di%ersity of e*pressions. Yet 'o falter and faint %!en 'o t!in# of %!at ma' "ecome of 'o if some of 'or )ro"lems are not sol&ed$ Yor )ride and )ossession, (ood or ill+fortne, !a))' or n!a))' dream is after all &er' small com)ared %it! t!e &ast =rotecti&e .ife %!ic! is fore&er !oldin( 'o close to Its ;osom$ To rest your mind on this 'ternal (oundation of all things is not only to find comfort and peace but also to realize all of your dreams and aspirations. 25$ No% let s trn to a little )lant$ Do 'o nderstand its di&ine m'ster'9 Do 'o !ear its %ondros stor':t!e re&elation of God7s eternal Di(ine "ys% lo&e9 It is tellin( 'o a stor' from in s"&** %!ic! 'o can learn t!e m'ster' of t!is thins. &ast ni&erse %it! its m'riads of stars and constellations$ It is tellin( 'o t!at it once e6isted in a tin' seed as a )lan$ T!at )lan %as a Di&ine =lan and is still a Di&ine =lan$ It is Di&ine "ecase it is eternal$ T!at )lan %as !idden in t!e "osom of t!e >reati&e+life, t!e Final+ener('$ ?ere it not for a )lan and t!e eternal >osmic 0r(e, a seed cold ne&er "rin( fort! a )lant of its o%n #ind$ , )lan is re(lated "' an e6act la%$ T!e 0r(e %!ic! "rin(s a )lant ot of a seed into t!is field of manifestation is also fore&er !oldin( t!at )lant in Its ;osom$ 2A$ If 'o !ear %it! 'or inner ears, 'o %ill !ear t!at little )lant sa'in( to 'o4 8I am safe and 11 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM secre in t!e "osom of m' Omniscient Fat!er$ Not!+ M&nifest&tion in( %ill e&er "e a"le to destro' or etern&* to the dislod(e me from m' Infinite .ife$ If M&nifestor. I %ere not fore&er in m' Fat!er7s ;osom, I cold not "e !ere toda'$ E&en %!en I am ot of 'or si(!t, I remain e&er manifested to m' Fat!er: some%!ere in t!is &ast s%ee) of creation$ On accont of 'or nfoldin( consciosness 'or &ision is c!an(in($ So to 'or c!an(in( &ision, I a))ear and disa))ear, "t to t!e Eternal Manifestor, I remain e&er manifested$ 2E$ 8No% from me loo# at t!ose )onderos stars$ T!e' are all tellin( t!e same stor'$ T!e' are tellin( 'o L&- of t!at t!e .a% of !armon' and order is h&r"ony &n! s)reme in t!e ni&erse$ ?it!ot t!is or!er. .a% t!e' %old rn into one anot!er order and soon fall into c!aos$ In Di&ine order t!e' are comin( and in Di&ine order t!e' are (oin($ T!is comin( and (oin( is merel' eternall' mo&in( accordin( to t!e n&ar'in( =lan and t!e .a%$ ;t t!e' are remainin( e&er+manifested to t!e One >reati&e+.ife$ To 'o, t!ere is a t!in( called a )lan, "ecase 'o see %it! 'or limited &ision$ ;t in t!e One >reati&e+.ife t!ere is no )lan$ Yo are li&in( in t!e %orld of e&er+ manifested God$ T!is &ast ni&erse is God e&er+ manifest$ To 'o, creation e6ists as distinct from t!e >reati&e+life, "ecase somet!in( ne% is al%a's comin( to 'or &ision$ ;t to t!e illmined sol, t!is ni&erse is ,ll+God$ T!at %!ic! IS, fore&er IS$ 2F$ 8If 'o do not nderstand it toda', "e not distr"ed$ Bst follo% t!is sim)le fact, t!at %it!ot 13 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM a )lan not!in( cold come:e&en 'o, as a self+ conscios t!in#in( man, %old not "e !ere$ Yor The &**% comin( is as mc! of a )ro)!etic in$*#si(e ,*&n. e&ent as t!e comin( of a (rain of sand$ Onl' 'o are more mar&elos, "ecase 'o are consciosl' e6)ressin( more of 'or cosmic )os+ si"ilities$ Yo can #no% %!o 'o are and %!at 'o are, "t a (rain of sand cannot$ Yo, %it! 'or self+ conscios mind, can contact creation and e6ert a certain inflence o&er it, "t I as a )lant cannot do t!at$ Yet I "less all %it! t!e =o%er of God, and lo&e all %it! t!e .o&e of God$ M' e&er' e6istence !ere is m' eternal "lessin($ M' life is God7s .o&e manifest$ 1G$ 8Yo can see 'orself in t!e Kin(dom, )erfect as a Di&ine =lan and Di&ine Manifestation, or 'o can loo# "ac# and ima(ine 'orself "ein( in t!e E&$h "&ni% land of t!e 'et n"orn, "t I cannot do fest&tion & t!at$ Yo can ma#e 'or !ea&ens and Mess&e. !ells, and "rea# t!em as it )leases 'or %!im, "t I cannot$ Yo can rise to t!e s"lime !ei(!ts of consciosness in 'or an(elic fli(!t, or (o to t!e &er' de)t!s of 'or mental ni(!t$ T!is I cannot do$ Yet I !a&e one )lace to fill, %!ic! no one can ta#e$ It is t!e )lace %!ic! I do occ)' in t!is &ast >osmos$ I !a&e one messa(e to deli&er, %!ic! I am eternall' deli&erin($ It is t!e messa(e of t!e eternal "irt! ot of t!e land of t!e n"orn$ It is T!e Messa(e to t!ose %!o can recei&e it$ It is all a"ot t!e "irt!less "irt! and deat!less deat!$ It is a messa(e of a realm %!ere sorro% cannot enter, !earts cannot "rea#, des)air and disa))ointment cannot drin# dr' t!e fontain of !a))iness and *o'$ It is t!e realm 1@ THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM of eternal nderstandin(, %!ere no one can misn+ derstand 'o$ T!ere 'or o%n nderstandin( stands corrected$ T!erefore, it "e!oo&es 'o to #no% and reali-e it$ 11, 8Yo !a&e no reason to dis"elie&e or distrst t!e .a% of =ro&idence$ Yor &er' self+conscios life is t!e li&in( e&idence of t!e .a% E&erlastin($ Tr#st in the Yo are t!in#in( man$ Yo must s$he"e of t!in#$ Yor t!in#in( in t!e ri(!t direc+ 0re&tion. tion %ill clarif' 'or &ision$ Yo %ill a(ain see %it! 'or e'e of trst t!e (lorios sc!eme of creation$ ?it!ot trst t!ere can "e no lo&e$ Yo cannot lo&e 'or God nless 'o !a&e trst in Him t!ro(! nderstandin($ ,s a t!in#in( man, I call )on 'o to t!in#$ ?!ere %as t!e eart! millions of 'ears a(o 9 12$ 8It is said t!at t!is eart! %as once a fier', molten mass$ ,s it (radall' "ecame cooler, t!e oter crst %as formed$ T!ere %as no &isi"le si(n Fro" inor% of an' or(anic life$ It %as a lon( strec! &ni$ to from inor(anic s"stance to or(anic or&ni$. life$ Yet t!e so+called inor(anic s"stance %as all t!e time )lsatin( %it! .ife :.ife %it! its "irt!+carr'in( messa(e$ T!ro(! some m'sterios )rocess, or(anic life came$ Yet it %as a lon( %a' from or(anic life to t!e !man state$ Ho%e&er, ot of t!e "are "reast of t!e eart! t!e (iant forest rose$ .ater came t!e mammot! animals of all descri)tions$ ;t man %as not 'et$ ,fter a lon( ni(!t of %aitin(, t!e first da%n of self+conscios life:man :"ro#e )on t!e eart!$ T!at man %as not t!e same #ind of man 'o see toda'$ He %as a different t')e, 'et t!e t')e t!at God !ad in Himself$ E&er' t')e of "ein( and t!in( is in t!e li#eness of 15 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM God, "ecase God Himself in His Finalit' is all )lans, all )otentialities, and all manifestations$ 11$ 8;t t!e most remar#a"le t!in( is, t!at as t!e creatre came, so came t!e necessities of !is life$ T!at creatre %as )laced in a sita"le en&ironment$ ,ro(ision for In t!e Di&ine flan )ro&ision tor !is e&er' e(ery nee!. need %as made$ ?it! t!e ad&ent of man t!ere came corn, (rain, and ot!er &e(eta"les, as t!o(! t!e' !ad accom)anied !im t!ro(! t!e in&isi"le corridor of time$ T!eir footste)s %ere silent2 'et at t!is )oint of &isi"ilit' t!e' a))eared to(et!er %it! man$ So it is %it! e&er't!in(:e&er't!in( t!at is related to !is self+ conscios mental life$ His as)iration, ins)iration, in&enti&e (enis, and !is reali-ation are marc!in( to(et!er %it! !im$ T!at inner )ressre of t!e 0r(e %!ic! !as "ro(!t !im is also "rin(in( !im e&er't!in(, accordin( to !is timel' need$ ?!en t!e &ision of t!is >osmic Sc!eme o)ens, man comes to a"ide in t!e Kin(dom$ He no lon(er !o&ers arond t!e &alle' of deat!:t!e a"ode of ncertaint'$ 13$ 8He t!en #no%s t!at !e is delded %!o ta#es credit to !imself for %!at !e does, "elie&in( t!at !is )ersonal effort "rin(s a"ot a certain reslt$ Man !as not!in( of +e*ief in )er% !is o%n:not e&en t!e )o%er to lift son&* effort & !is fin(ers$ From t!e consciosness !e*#sion. of )ossession, attac!ment is formed$ From attac!ment comes t!e mis(ided sense of res)onsi"ilit'$ Man can (i&e not!in( and ta#e not!in( %!ic! !as not "een (i&en !im to (i&e and ta#e$ 1@$ "'%eryone recei%es according to his measure. '%eryone recei%es what he is capable of recei%ing 1A THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM according to his cosmic correspondence when he abides in the Truth. '%eryone draws his own. Yor 0orres)on!% fat!er, mot!er, "rot!ers, sisters, and en$es. friends are all !ere$ T!e' !a&e "een sent to 'o "' 'or !ea&enl' Fat!er$ ?!en 'o are in tne %it! t!e Di&ine =lan, t!e' "rin( !armon' and )eace to 'o$ Yo s!old meet t!em in t!e s)irit of !armon' and )eace$ ?!ere t!ere is friction, God7s Trt! cannot a"ide$ 15$ 8Yor %orld7s %a's are t!e %a's of 'or %ron( t!in#in($ Yo )lan and fi(re to ma#e "ot! ends meet, "t 'o do not scceed$ T!ere al%a's remains a !itc!: Tr#e free!o". somet!in( to "e ad*sted$ +nything that causes friction should be abandoned. +ny method that dri%es your mind from God3s way is the wrong method. The thing that is for you in accordance with the 0osmic 4lan always brings you a blessing and leads you away from the narrow gauge of personality. ,l%a's follo% t!e inner ins)iration and %isdom, and 'o %ill "e !a))'$ No oter condition can e&er "ond 'or mental !ori-on$ ?!en 'o are mentall' free, 'o are trl' free$ Yor inner freedom remo&es all 'or oter "arriers$ Kno% t!is Trt! and li&e itI =eace and "liss %ill a"ide in 'o fore&er$8 1A$ No% from t!e %onderfl stor' of t!is little )lant trn to 'orself$ ?!o are 'o and %!ence are 'o9 Ha&e 'o fond an' ans%er to t!at eternal Jestion9 If M&n Hi"se*f not, t!en #no% t!at 'o are from t!e the infinite >reati&e+life, and 'o are t!at .ife$ It Life. is t!e >reati&e+life in 'o t!at is e6)ressin( Itself as 'o$ ;ac# of 'o is t!e >reati&e+life$ It is t!at .ife t!at animates 'o to 1E THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM mo&e, t!in#, and s)ea#$ Do 'o reali-e t!is mar+ &elos Trt! 9 T!is .ife mst "e all or not!in($ 1E$ Yor =o%er to t!in# of t!is .ife mst "e t!is .ife$ Yo cannot den' 'or o%n being and 'et sa' t!at all t!at 'o t!in# or "elie&e is treI Yor "od' and mind A *oi$&* !a&e "een "ro(!t ot "' t!e >reati&e+ 1#estion. life$ Yo as a )ersonalit' !a&e "ro(!t not!in(, "ecase 'or &er' )ersonalit' de)ends )on T!at %!ic! sstains it: t!e .ife E&erlastin($ No% do 'o see a Di&ine =lan "ac# of 'or "od' and mind9 Do 'o reali-e t!at, %it!ot a =lan and t!e .a% of !armon' and order, 'or )resent self+conscios t!in#in( life %old not "e !ere9 T!is self+conscios life is natral, "ecase$+it !as "een manifested accordin( to t!e )erfect Di&ine =lan$ 1F$ Im)erfection or disease is merel' t!e mental reflection of 'or %ron( t!in#in($ The moment you think rightly or enter into the Kingdom by behold- Yo# &re ing the eternally perfect 4lan and $#re!. Manifestation you are cured. Yo are cred of t!e idea t!at an't!in( e&er needs to "e cred$ ?!ere e&er't!in( !as "een eternall' done, man sim)l' comes to #no%$ ;' #no%in(, !e sim)l' li&es :!e li&es accordin( to t!at #no%led(e$ 3G$ Yor mind, t!e t!in#in( instrment, %as essentiall' in t!e Di&ine =lan, and t!erefore 'o can t!in#$ In 'or !man state 'o !a&e t!e o)tion to Riht &n! t!in# of, or &ie%, a t!in( ri(!tl' or -ron %ron(l', accordin( to t!e same Di&ine thin2in. =lan$ If it %ere not in accordance %it! t!e Di&ine =lan, 'o cold not &ie% a t!in( in t%o %a's$ ;t 'or ri(!t or %ron( &ie% does not c!an(e t!e t!in( itself, nor does it c!an(e t!e Di&ine 1F THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM =lan and t!e ni&ersal .a% of !armon'2 "t it does c!an(e t!e reaction )on 'or self+conscios t!in#in( life$ For e6am)le, if in a "ri(!t, c!eer' )lace somet!in( n)leasant !a))ens to 'o, t!at )lace %ill no lon(er loo# "ri(!t and c!eer' to 'o$ ;t 'or mental mood or condition does not c!an(e t!e )lace itself$ Onl' in 'or t!in#in( do 'o find 'or !a))iness or miser'$ ;e'ond 'or t!in#in( or conscios reali-ation a condition does not e6ist to 'o$ 31$ Yo #no% no% t!at t!e Master+!and t!at !as (ided 'o so far !as not onl' made )ro&ision for 'or e&er' need, "t is also s))l'in( it$ Since t!is is tre, does it M&ster not stand to reason t!at 'or a"ilit' to t!in#, thin2er. to discriminate, to tili-e God7s free "onties, !as and !ell onl' in 'or t!in#in($ In ri(!t t!in#in(, accordin( to 'or natral state of mental nfoldment, 'o also "een (i&en to 'o "' t!is same Master+!and9 Onl' in 'or t!in#in( 'o "elie&e t!at 'o t!in# %it! 'or o%n inde)endent )o%er, and t!at 'o t!in# t!e t!o(!t %!ic! is ne% and distinct in 'or indi&idal sc!eme of life$ 5ut when you enter into the Kingdom by right thinking you find that e%ery thought no matter in what significance you use it is the thought of the 1ne Great Master Thinker. T!is &er' reali-ation ta#es a%a' t!e so+called %ron( t!in#in(, "ecase t!at t!in#in( itself constittes Ri(!t T!in#in($ 32$ In 'or t!in#in( life 'o "rin( )on 'orself a )leasant or n)leasant reaction, accordin( to t!e natre of 'or t!in#in($ Yo reali-e 'or !ea&en and !ell onl' He&(en in 'or t!in#in($ In ri(!t t!in#in(, or or he** in accordin( to 'or natral state of mental tho#ht on*y. nfoldment, 'o see a t!in( in t!e ri(!t meanin(, no matter no% tne t!in( a))ears$ Yor ri(!t t!in#in( "rin(s 'o in 2G THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM t!e ri(!t contact %it! t!e Di&ine .a% and =lan of manifestation$ >onseJentl' 'o en*o' !a))iness and )eace$7 Yo need not )a' attention to t!e a))earance of a t!in($ It is *st as it s!old "e to 'or state of )erce)tion$ 31$ Some %ill tell 'o t!at 'o see t!is creation )side do%n$ .et not t!is distr" 'or mind$ If 'o see it )side do%n, t!at mst "e t!e ri(!t %a' of Non% seein( it, "ecase 'or seein( faclt' itself essenti&*s. is in accordance %it! t!e Di&ine =lan$ No% s))ose 'o see a man %it! !is feet on t!e eart! and !is !ead !an(in( do%n into s)ace$ Does t!at add an't!in( to t!at man or detract an't!in( from !im9 Yor common sense %ill tell 'o t!at it does not$ No2 t!ere is not!in( in sc! a )!iloso)!'$ Science ma' tell 'o t!at 'o see a t!in( )side do%n or re&ersed, "t it does not tell 'o t!at 'o see it %ron(l' on t!at accont$ T!at %!ic! %e see in t!e natral order of t!in(s, %e see ri(!tl'$ 33$ T!en t!ere are some %!o "elie&e t!at in t!in#in( lies all tro"le:t!at all falsit' can "e traced to t!in#in($ T!erefore t!e' sa'4 8Kit t!in#in($8 In t!eir Non%thin2in. o)inion t!at is t!e )anacea for all ailments$ T!e' ad&ance %onderfl lo(ic to )ro&e t!eir )!iloso)!', "t t!eir lo(ic is an't!in( "t lo(ical$ Bst see t!eir inconsistencies I If in t!in#in( lies all tro"le and falsit', are t!e' not ado)tin( a t!in#in( )rocess to )ro&e t!eir )!iloso)!'9 If t!in#in( itself is a %ron( t!in(, !o% can t!e' )ro&e %!at is ri(!t "' t!in#in(9 3@$ T!en a(ain, %!en t!e' t!in# t!at t!e' !a&e sto))ed t!in#in(, are t!e' not still thinking t!at 21 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM t!e' are not t!in#in(9 Similar lo(ic ma' "e a))lied to I**#sion. t!e t!eor' of illsion and mortal mind$ If t!is &isi"le %orld is illsion, and 'o 'orself are in illsion, !o% can 'o determine %!at is not illsion9 ?ill not t!e reslt of 'or determination "e illsion also 9 T!en 'or idea of li"eration from t!is illsion %ill also "e illsion$ If t!at "e t!e case, %!' all t!e discssion a"ot reli(ion, God, man, and sal&ation9 ,ccordin( to 'or )!iloso)!' t!e' all mst "e t!e )rodct of illsion$ No, t!at cannot "e$ There is something truer than all your thought imagination or philisophy. #t is That which concei%es it. ?it!ot a concei&er or a t!in#er, %!o %ill sa' t!is is illsion and t!at is not illsion9 T!en illsion is *st as mc! a conce)tion as non+illsion$ In t!is t!in#in( t!e onl' t!in( t!at is tre and an ndenia"le Trt! is t!e T!in#er$ T!is T!in#er ma#es and nma#es e&er' t!o(!t tre to Itself, accordin( to Its o%n In!erent Di&ine =lan$ 35$ T!e t!o(!t t!at is )ositi&e and tre a(rees %it! t!e tre Natre of t!e T!in#er$ In t!is sense some t!o(!ts ma' "e termed correct and some in+ Tr#e tho#ht. correct$ 1ur mind may be called mortal when it encourages incorrect or negati%e thought; and /i%ine when it is true to the 'ternal -armony and 1rder according to the /i%ine 4lan 3A$ E&er' fact in t!e Kin(dom is a )ositi&e fact$ T!e ne(ation of t!at fact in 'or %ron( t!in#in( is a ne(ati&e conce)t$ T!erefore, t!at %!ic! s((ests A ne&ti(e lac#, loss, or a"sence is a ne(ati&e con+ $on$e)t. ce)t$ + negati%e concept does not e*ist in itself but e*ists as a denial of a positi%e fact. E&er't!in( or condition t!at eternall' 22 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM e6ists in t!e Di&ine =lan and Manifestation is a )ositi&e fact$ It is erroneos to den' a ne(ati&e conce)t, "ecase t!e &er' denial %old ma#e it )ositi&e$ T!at %!ic! does not e6ist needs no denial$ For instance, %!en 'o sa' t!e ta"le does not e6ist, 'o admit t!at t!ere is somet!in( called a ta"le %!ic! does not e6ist$ T!erefore, 'o s!old not den' a ne(ati&e conce)t in order to reali-e a )ositi&e fact$ + positi%e fact is eternal and absolute and a negati%e concept is merely a mental negation or denial of that fact. 3E$ T!is &isi"le %orld is not t!e )rodct of mortal mind$ Yor a"ilit' to see determines %!at is &isi"le and %!at Mort&* "in!. is in&isi"le$ Onl' so mc! is &isi"le as 'o are a"le to see$ Onl' so mc! is in&isi"le as 'o are na"le to see$ Yo are t!e seer of all t!at is seen and of all t!at is to "e seen, e&en of t!at %!ic! is as 'et "e'ond 'or &ision$ If, in t!e last anal'sis, a solid o"*ect is redced to t!e )oint of disa))earance, t!at does not )ro&e t!e non+e6istence of t!e t!in(, nor does It )ro&e t!at 'o !ad t!is e6)erience in 'or mortal mind$ 3F$ If it is admitted t!at t!is mortal mind is error, !o%, t!en, can an' e6)eriment condcted "' mortal mind or an' e6)erience (ained "' it )ro&e Trt!9 One Min!. ?it! %!at mind do 'o dra% t!e dis+ tinction "et%een Trt! and error9 ?it! %!at mind do 'o determine and reco(ni-e %!at is Di&ine Mind and %!at is Trt!9 Yor mind is neit!er mortal nor immortal$ It IS$ It "ecomes mortal or immortal to 'o in t!e si(nificance in %!ic! 'o se it$ Modern science tells s t!at e&er't!in( can "e resol&ed into Final Ener('$ If )on 21 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM t!at conclsion 'o desire to "ild 'or s)irital )!iloso)!', t!en do not sa' t!at all 'or t!in#in(, anal'sis, and o"ser&ation are t!e )rodct of t!e mortal mind$ @G$ ,s far as t!e a))earance of a t!in( is concerned, 'o see it as 'o s!old see it accordin( to 'or nfoldin( )erce)tion$ T!is a))earance is c!an(ea"le, 'et it is ,er"&nent )ermanent in its c!an(ea"leness$ Yor $h&ne% seein( a t!in( in an' form is in &'*eness. accordance %it! t!e Di&ine =lan$ No, 'o are not in illsion as far as seein( an o"*ect is concerned$ Yo are in illsion in 'or %ron( t!in#in(, "ecase in %ron( t!in#in( 'o (i&e a false &ale to a t!in($ #n your wrong thinking your perspecti%e of life becomes limited and thus you become greedy and selfish. Yo for(et t!at t!in(s are e&er s!iftin( and c!an(in(:e&en 'or o%n )ersonalit'$ Yo can !old not!in($ If 'o do not let (o of 'or attac!ment for a t!in(, eit!er it %ill case 'o ntold sfferin(, or it %ill "e ta#en a%a' from 'o, or 'o %ill in some %a' "e se)arated from t!at &er' t!in($ @1$ #n your right thinking you realize that e%erything is eternal and e%erything is for your timely use. !ou use it freely as a gift of 4ro%idence. !ou ha%e no fear of loss The ifts of hence you lose nothing. In 'or %ron( ,ro(i!en$e t!in#in( 'o strain e&er' ner&e to etern&*. acJire and accmlate %ealt!$ Yo s"*ect 'orself to constant friction$ T!s 'o lose 'or faclt' of en*o'in( life$ T!at is called t!e deat! of sol life$ Yo li&e, 'et 'o are dead$ Yo cannot en*o' t!e t!in(s 'o acJire$ ?!at do 'o )rofit "' t!em9 Not!in($ Yo onl' ta#e )on 'orself %orries and cares$ In 23 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 'or mis(ided sense or sccess 'o e&en lose lo&e and affection for t!ose %!o once nrsed 'o in t!eir fondest !o)e$ @2$ In 'or mad rs! after t!in(s 'o for(et t!at that which is yours by your di%ine right no one can take away from you. Yor &er' trst and )eacefl attitde The &ttit#!e "rin( 'or mind in tne %it! Natre7s of tr#st. sc!eme of life, and 'o recei&e t!at %!ic! "elon(s to 'o "' t!e la% of corres)ondence$ It does not mean t!at 'o remain idle and a t!in( comes to 'o ot of no%!ere, "t it means t!at 'o follo% t!e inner ins)iration and (idance to do t!e ri(!t t!in( at t!e ri(!t time$ ?!en 'o !a&e )erfect )eace of mind t!ro(! trst, 'o recei&e ins)iration from 'or Infinite .ife, "ecase t!en 'or self+ conscios mental life corres)onds to t!e Di&ine =lan and .a% of !armon'$ ,ccordin( to t!e same =lan 'o recei&e t!e ins)iration t!at 'o s!old recei&e$ ;efore 'o as#, God !as ans%eredI T!e Di&ine =lan or =r)ose is called t!e ?ill of God$ ?!en 'o do t!e ?ill of God, 'o do t!e ri(!t t!in($ T!erefore, 'o recei&e t!e reaction of )eace and !a))iness$ @1$ Trt! is )ositi&e, so is 'or e&er' tre desire$ !our true desire is the gift of God; hence you should ha%e no fear as to its fulfillment. T!is &er' O'st&$*es &re contem)lation %ill detac! 'or ste))in mind from fear and %orr'$ Kee)in( stones. 'or mind on God, 'o s!old for(e a!ead to%ard 'or (oal$ Yo !a&e no o"stacle to o&ercome$ ?!at 'o call obstacles are but the stepping stones to a better order of things. If 'o are not fri(!tened "' t!e %orld7s discora(ement and limitation, 2@ THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 'o %ill "e a"le to read t!e messa(e from God in e&er' o"stacle$ In t!e face of defeat or failre #ee) ) 'or 'ot!fl e6"erance of s)irit "' e6)andin( 'or &ision, as t!e %!ole %orld is 'or field of action$ O)timism is "t anot!er name for t!e &ision of nlimited o))ortnit'2 it is t!at in%ard sense of reali-ation t!at if a t!in( does not come to )ass one %a' it %ill come anot!er %a'$ So+called failre is "t t!e ,lmi(!t'7s in&itation to come ot of 'or narro% (a(e of life into t!e "roader field of nlimited o))ortnit'2 it is to call ) 'or latent force ot of its dee) slm"er for t!e fller e6)ression of life$ To !a&e fait! in t!e ltimate sccess of 'or no"le &entre is to !a&e fait! in all t!at is (ood and tre$ @3$ YO0R RO,D IS NE<ER ;.O>KED$ ?!at a))ears from a distance to "e a "arrier is "t t!e trn of t!e road$ So #ee) on marc!in( %it! t!e -eal of a The t#rn of )ro)!et, en*o'in( e&er' moment and the ro&!. e&ent of 'or life$ .o&e, li&e and let li&e, and "rin( (ood c!eer to t!ose %!o are falterin($ T!at is t!e meanin( of t!e !man life$ ?!' fearI Fear "rin(s 'o not!in($ .i#e t!e rest of t!e cara&an, 'o, too, s!all )ass on$ T!e man %!o smiles and ma#es ot!ers smile and (laddens t!e saddened !eart, (ets t!e most ot of life$ T!e main incenti&e for most of or actions is to (ain !a))iness$ -appiness is not ahead of us it is with us; it is in or t!in#in(, "elie&in(, and li&in( all t!at is tre and natral$ @@$ ,ll t!e "rden t!e ric! carr' on t!eir s!ol ders and t!e )oor on t!eir feet %ill not "rin( an iota 25 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM of !a))iness$ ?it! t!e load on t!e s!olders and t!e 0he&tin s!ac#les on t!e feet, no one can en*o' a yo#rse*f. free man7s )ri&ile(e$ ;e free from t!is mental sla&er'$ Do all t!e (ood toda'$ ;e !a))' toda'$ Do not %ait for tomorro%$ Tomorro% ne&er comes$ ;' )ttin( off 'or dt' ntil tomorro%, 'o are sim)l' c!eatin( 'orself ot of t!at mc! !a))iness$ @5. E<ERY DEED TH,T YO0 SHO0.D DO, E<ERYTHING TH,T YO0 SHO0.D RE>EI<E, E<ERY THO0GHT TH,T YO0 SHO0.D THINK E(ery !ee! ,>>ORDING TO THE =ERFE>T fore(er !one. =.,N OF H,RMONY, H,S ;EEN FORE<ER DONE, FORE<ER RE>EI<ED, FORE<ER THO0GHT$ To li&e in t!at reali-ation is to li&e in t!e Kin(dom$ That which you belie%e must be done will be done. The repeated mental assurance based on unwa%ering faith is a positi%e action. E&er' )ositi&e action is in accordance %it! a )ositi&e, ni&ersal fact$ It is eternall' done$ T!is &er' reali-ation %ill li"erate 'or mind from an6iet' and fear and "rin( to )ass t!at %!ic! 'o are see#in($ ?!ene&er 'o %ant t!at mental assrance, imagine that from your #ndwelling $pirit you are hearing the 6oice to the effect that it will "be done. @A$ Yo s!t 'or e'es to t!e li(!t, and that which you concei%e in the darkness is the phantom-child of darkness. The mental correspondence of that which Ment&* $orre% you form in your bedarkened state of s)on!en$e. mind is not in accordance with the /i%ine 4lan of $piritual correspondence. Hence it ne&er "rin(s !a))iness and )eace$ Yet t!e Di&ine .a% of ad*stment %or#s ot 2A THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 'or sal&ation t!ro(! so+called n)leasant reactions$ @E$ T!e )r)ose of reaction is to read*st 'or mental life to Natre7s =lan of creation$ Hence %e maintain t!at t!e la% of casation e6ists onl' in 'or mental ne(ation The *&- of or denial of Trt!$ In t!e Di&ine =lan $&#s&tion. of creation it does not e6ist$ The entire span of the cosmos is not the product of cause and effect nor go%erned by the law of causation. #t is the %ery 2ature of the 0reati%e-life #tself. T!at %!ic! is Natre7s sc!eme of creation is atomaticall' comin( fort! to or c!an(in( &ision of life$ @F$ Yor corres)ondence in t!e casal )lane: in t!e )lane of mental ne(ation of Trt!:s!all )ass a%a'$ In its )lace t!ere %ill come, t!ro(! t!e resrrection of t!e S)irit#&* 0or% mental life, t!e $piritual res)on!en$e. correspondence in accordance %it! t!e Di&ine .a% of Harmon'$ T!at %!ic! is not tre mst (o$ Hence, t!at %!ic! 'o concei&e in 'or mental dar#ness is "ond to fade a%a' into its ori(inal not!in(ness$ The 'ternal &ight shines all about you and in you. !ou can ne%er escape from this &ight. The &aw of causation will pass away )but the e%erlasting Truth of your &ife shall endure fore%er. T!at is t!e Kin(dom t!at !as "een !eralded "' all illmined sols$ T!at is t!e Kin(dom t!at t!e race of men %ill reali-e and reco(ni-e more and more$ 5G$ Once a 'on( %oman %!o %as std'in( or Messa(e came to see me$ T!e moment s!e %as seated s!e "e(an !er com)laints$ 8I s!old li#e to #no%,8 s!e said, 8%!' 'o i(nore me, %!en 'o are so cordial and attenti&e to ot!ers98 In re)l' I said4 2E THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 8M' (ood %oman, it is certainl' not for an' ot%ard reason$ Yo #no% t!at 'o are 'on( and (ood+loo#in($ ;t t!ere are $ot!er t!in(s %!ic! are more im)ortant$ Yo seem to )ossess t!e n)leasant faclt' of "rin(in( ) all t!e ne(ati&e t!o(!t and (ossi) of t!e %orld$ Most of 'or con&ersation is a"ot some"od' %!o !as done somet!in( %ron(2 some"od' %!o !as said somet!in( %!ic! !e s!old not !a&e said2 or some"od' %!o is (oin( to (et e&en %it! some"od'$ ;t 'o !a&e not 'et "ro(!t me a sin(le ele&atin( t!o(!t or messa(e$ Not once !a&e 'o told me !o% %onderfll' t!e .a% !as %or#ed in 'or dail' life$ 51$ 8;t ot!ers, %!en t!e' come, "rin( me some %onderfl messa(e$ T!e' tell me t!in(s %!ic! ins)ire m' fait!, increase m' de&otion, and e6)and m' &ision$ Riht ?!en 'o learn to see t!e %or#in( of t!e thin2in. .a% in t!e little t!in(s of 'or life, 'o, too$ %ill come closer to m' consciosness$ T!en it %ill "e a )leasre to tal# to 'o$8 S!e listened attenti&el' to m' e&er' %ord$ ,fter a fe% moments7 silence s!e said4 8?!', I see t!e %or#in( of t!e la% e&en in t!is, or little tal#$ It !as cleared a%a' somet!in( from m' mind$ I feel so t!an#fl for it$ It is sim)l' %onderflI8 I (a&e !er t!e (lad !and+clas) of fello%s!i)$ I reminded !er of %!at Bess once said4 "7ho is my mother. and who are my brethren. . . . (or whosoe%er shall do the will of my (ather which is in hea%en the same is my brother and sister and mother." 52$ T!e ne6t time I met t!is 'on( %oman s!e manifested an entirel' different s)irit$ S!e tal#ed of not!in( "t t!e %onderfl %or#in( of t!e .a% 2F THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM and %!at it does for t!e one %!o nreser&edl' li&es t!e life of Trt!$ 51$ T!ere are man' t!in(s in life %!ic! a))ear to "e !it+and+miss, "t in realit' t!e' are not so$ T!ere is an e6act trt! a"ot t!is manifested life$ T!at trt! is, This "&ni% t!at %it!ot an Eternal =lan t!e Eternal feste! *ife &n >osmic Ener(' cold not "rin( ot e3&$t Tr#th. an' e6)ression of life$ E&er't!in( mst "e eternal or it cold not "e$ T!is sim)le fact no one can reasona"l' den'$ If t!is t!in#in( life is tre, as 'o #no% it is, "ecase 'o are conscios of 'orself, not a sin(le e6)ression of t!is life can "e ntre$ ;ein( tre, it is ine&ita"le and nc!an(ea"le$ T!is is t!e mar&elos Trt! reali-ed "' Bess$ T!erefore !e said4 "7hich of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature." Yet t!at statement does not teac! ne(ati&e fatalism$ It teac!es t!at it is God7s =lan or Di&ine ?ill t!at man in !is self+conscios mental life s!old act %it! t!e #no%led(e of t!is Trt! and "e free from t!e consciosness of se)arate life and se)arate action$ T!e closer 'o dra% to t!e Di&ine .a% and Di&ine =rinci)le, i(norin( all t!e ne(ati&e ideas of (ood and e&il of t!e %orld+consciosness, t!e more 'o %ill reali-e t!is Trt!$ 53$ R""is! is r""is!, %!et!er it too# 'o man' centries or one lifetime to (at!er it$ ?!en a mind is not free and clear, God7s li(!t does not enter into it$ 0onfor"in to 0nless 'o conform to God7s .a%, Go!4s L&-. 'or idea of s)iritalit' %ill not ma#e 'o one %!it more s)irital$ T!e man %!o is conscios of "ein( from God, mst do God7s %or#$ T!at %or# %ill "rin( !im e&erlastin( 1G THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM *o', )eace, and !a))iness2 t!at %or# %ill (lorif' !im$ 5@$ /o not try to create a new result by means of %isualization but realize the thing that is eternally yours in the Kingdom. If 'o tr' to create a ne% reslt De"on% "' &isali-in( a t!in(, 'o ma' scceed in str&tion. dra%in( it to 'o, "t 'o are not certain t!at it %ill (i&e 'o !a))iness and )eace$ T!at %!ic! is not 'ors accordin( to t!e >osmic =lan can ne&er (i&e 'o !a))iness and )eace$ &i%e in the consciousness of ha%ing a thing and you will ha%e it. S)irital demonstration mst "e made on a sre "asis$ 55$ T!e #no%led(e t!at in t!e Kin(dom 'o !a&e e&er't!in( t!at 'o desire %ill set 'or mind free from an6ios antici)ation$ T!at is t!e Kin(dom7s %a' of recei&in( a t!in( in 'or conscios as)ect of life$ #f you can find mental rest in the realization that that which you seek in the Kingdom has been eternally done the result will be simply phenomenal. T!s 'o do not antici)ate a ne% reslt$ It is merel' t!e eternal reslt made manifest to 'or consciosness$ 5A$ T!in# not t!at 'o can dra% a line "et%een mortal lo&e and s)irital lo&e$ There is only one kind of lo%e in this uni%erse and that is /i%ine &o%e :now and Di(ine Lo(e. fore%er. ,n attac!ment is not lo&e$ It is t!e )er&erted se of t!e t!in( %!ic! is eternal$ Yor lo&e for 'or fat!er, mot!er, "rot!er, sister, and s%eet!eart, is Di&ine .o&e$ God ,lmi(!t' !as )lanted t!at lo&e in 'or !eart accordin( to His eternal =lan$ 7hen in your lo%e you realize God3s lo%e it is God +lmighty who lo%es through you as you. In t!at lo&e 'o e6)ect 11 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM not!in( more t!an %!at is freel' (i&en to 'o$ Mtal lo&e is God7s co&enant$ No man !as an' ri(!t to Jestion it$ No cort !as an' *risdiction o&er it$ "7hat God has "oined together let no man put asunder." T!e decision !as "een made "efore t!e Hi(!est >ort, %!ere God ,lmi(!t' is t!e onl' Bd(e$ T!is trt! %ill "e reali-ed more and more as t!e race ad&ances$ 5E$ Ha&e 'o e&er trl' lo&ed 9 If 'o !a&e, 'o !a&e li&ed an eternit' in one moment2 'o !a&e !ear#ened nto t!e <oice of God t!at lo&e %ill ne&er end$ .o&e Di(ine Lo(e. reall' does not end "t e6)ands2 its sco)e is infinite$ ,lt!o(! 'or animal )ro)ensities ma' "efo( 'or mind and o"scre 'or &ision, 'or lo&e remains$ 0nderneat! t!e lre of (reed and sensalit', %rec# and rin, lo&e remains2 it does not fade a%a' and it ne&er %ill$ In t!e t%ili(!t of 'or eart!l' life %!en all 'or animal )assions !a&e "een !s!ed into slee): %!en 'o )ase and t!in# %it! "o%ed !ead:t!e &ision of 'or ideal lo&e comes "ac#2 it soot!es 'or %earied sol %it! its son( celestial$ .o&e is t!e "ri(!test lminar' in t!e firmament of one7s life$ ,nimal )assion "rns )2 it fades a%a' into its ori(inal not!in(ness 2 "t lo&e (ro%s lar(er and lar(er %!en clti&ated$ Its "ondaries e6)and to t!e limitless !ori-on$ .o&e fses all into one "' its s"lime toc!$ It "rea#s do%n all "arriers of race, color, and creed$ 5F$ In order to "e &i"rant and radiant 'o mst lo&e$ ;' lo&in(, 'o learn to lo&e$ T!in#in( and "elie&in( t!at 'o are lo&in(, 'o (enerate t!at radiant Jalit'$ Do Ho- to *o(e. 'o desire to de&elo) a s)irital )ersonalit'9 T!en 'o mst dra% all men and creatres nto 'o2 t!en 'o 12 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM mst )t lo&e into 'or e&er' %ord t!at 'o s)ea# and e&er' t!o(!t t!at 'o t!in#$ .et 'or %!ole "ein( "reat!e lo&e$ Do not des)air if t!e+)rocess is slo%2 'o %ill (radall' "ecome t!e cosmic lo&er$ T!e dail' )ractice, e&en in 'or limited circle, %ill (radall' "rin( 'o t!at all+com)re!ensi&e lo&e$ AG$ E&en 'or emotional lo&e on t!e s)irital )lane is radiant$ That which you gi%e forth will draw its own kind. ;' lo&in( 'o not onl' learn to lo&e, "t 'o are Lo(in/ yo# also lo&ed$ T!e onl' t!in( t!at is not in &re *o(e!. accord %it! lo&e is ntrt!$ .o&e in its !i(!est e6)ression ma#es a !man "ein( a God+man2 it is democratic "ecase it is &er' "i($ &o%e con8uers without force and it gi%es without asking. A1$ In India I once met an ascetic %!o %as a (reat lo&er and %!ose eJal I !a&e ne&er seen$ He sed to roam from )lace to )lace doin( all t!e (ood t!at !e cold, so A**%in$*#si(e (reat %as !is lo&e for all creatres$ He *o(e. al%a's li&ed nder "i( trees$ Some )eo)le t!o(!t t!at !e %as mentall' deran(ed "ecase of !is Jeer actions$ For instance, at one time, %!en !e %as )re)arin( !is sim)le meal, a do( stole "e!ind !im and too# a%a' !is "read$ T!e ascetic ran after t!e do(, sa'+ in(4 8O! .ord, %aitI .et me "tter 'or "read$8 T!is stran(e act re&ealed !is tre c!aracter to t!ose %!o %ere a"le to see "e'ond t!e &eil$ He reali-ed God in e&er' "ein( and t!in(2 !e %as li&in( in t!e %orld of ,ll+God$ Ho%e&er, !is )ersonalit' %as so comfortin( and so soot!in( and !is %ords %ere so encora(in(, t!at t!e ric! and )oor ali#e so(!t !im for )eace and comfort %!en in sic#ness, sorro%, or 11 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM tro"le$ It is trl' said t!at God is .o&e$ T!e !i(!est attri"te of God and man is .o&e$ A2$ T!e )!iloso)!' t!at teac!es $t!at so+called !man lo&e is emotional, and t!erefore sinfl, is t!e )!iloso)!' %!ic! denies God7s trt!:t!e natral di&ine e6)ression Di(inity of of life$ It ta#es a%a' t!e sanctit' and h#"&n *o(e. !oliness of t!in(s %!ic! are eternal$ ?!at if t!is so+called !man lo&e "e emotional9 Did not t!at lo&e e6ist in t!e Di&ine =lan9 ?!at %old t!is life "e %it!ot t!is lo&e 9 ?!at %old !ea&en "e if a sol cold not cele"rate itself in anot!er sol9 ?it!ot t!e fat!er+mot!er )rocess %!at %old "e t!e !man e6)ression of life9 If t!is )rocess %ere no lon(er necessar', t!ere %old no lon(er "e an' !man e6+ )ression$ ?!ate&er t!at e6)ression mi(!t "e called, it %old not "e !man$ A1$ I do not t!in# t!at m' fat!er7s and mot!er7s lo&e %as im)re2 I do not t!in# m' )resent e6)ression t!ro(! t!at lo&e is n!ol'$ I am fll' conscios t!at it is God7s ,#rity of e6)ression$ I #no% t!at m' fat!er7s and h#"&n *o(e. mot!er7s lo&e %as God7s lo&e$ E&er' c!ild t!at comes into t!is %orld is !ol' to me, "ecase it comes t!ro(! t!e same Fat!er+Mot!er =rinci)le of God$ ?!et!er a man or a %oman is conscios of t!at fact or not, t!e eternal Trt! remains nco&ered$ =leas+ ant or n)leasant reaction )on a self+conscios mental life cannot defeat God7s .a% and His =lan$ Man !as t!e o)tion of c!oosin( "et%een !is ri(!t and !is %ron($ He mst c!oose t!e ri(!t in order to do t!e ?ill of God and in order to "e !a))'$ A3$ Man "ecomes conscios of t!e e&er+manifested =lan in t!e conce)t of time2 t!erefore, t!ere 13 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM is a ne% manifestation to !im$ Yet t!e moment !e The se$ret of (ras)s t!e eternal manifestation of 1#i$2 !e"on% t!in(s and conditions, !e "ecomes str&tion. free$ #f you want to make the 8uickest demonstration of Truth do not anticipate a new result but simply claim that which is eternally manifested for you. Do not claim a condition in t!e !o)e of (ettin( rid of some ot!er condition, "t claim it as t!e natral corse of e&ents$ For it is in accordance %it! t!e Di&ine =lan t!at 'o s!old claim t!at %!ic! is tre and natral$ !ou are truly free; it is not that you are going to )be free. If 'o can act and li&e in t!at #no%led(e and reali-ation, t!e ot!er so+called ndesira"le condition %ill not matter$ It %ill disa))ear in t!e same manner in %!ic! it came, %it!ot (i&in( an' )re&ios notice$ Mentall', 'o are to let (o of it$ Yo s!old not resist it or )a' an' attention to it$ A@$ Once a middle+a(ed %oman came to !a&e a tmor treated$ I told !er to see !erself in t!e Kin(dom as s!e %as, %it!ot an' tmor$ To see !erself %it!in !er o%n The i")ort% mind, and li&e and act accordin( to &n$e of f&ith. t!at &ision$ I told !er not to )a' an' attention to t!e tmor, "ecase in t!e Kin(dom sc! a t!in( does not e6ist$ I (a&e !er stron( s))ort %it! m' reali-ation of !er )erfect condition in t!e Kin(dom, and it %or#ed li#e a c!arm$ ;efore man' %ee#s t!e tmor disa))eared$ I find t!at a )atient %it! a stron( ima(ination, or fait!, can "e reac!ed mc! more easil' t!an one %it! an ar(mentati&e attitde of mind$ A5$ ?!en a )atient does t!e t!in( 'o tell !im to do, !e is Jic# to res)ond to 'or reali-ation$ 1@ THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM Once, after a treatment$ I told a man to (o strai(!t The fo**o-in !ome and contine t!e meditation of instr#$tion. of seein( !imself in t!e Kin(dom$ On !is %a' !e sto))ed o&er to see a friend for a fe% moments$ T!e ne6t time !e came !e told me t!at !e did not see mc! im)ro&ement in !is condition$ I as#ed !im %!et!er !e !ad follo%ed m' instrctions to t!e letter$ He said t!at !e !ad, e6ce)t t!at !e !ad sto))ed o&er to see !is friend for a fe% moments$ It %as so s!ort a &isit t!at !e did not t!in# it %old matter mc!$ I told !im t!at !is %as t!e #ind of mind %!ic! cold not "e easil' reac!ed, "ecase !e lac#ed t!at a"solte trst and o"edience %!ic! )la's a lar(e )art in effectin( a cre$ AA$ T!ere is anot!er t')e of man %!o is also !ard to reac!$ He comes to "e treated %it! t!e offer t!at, if 'o can cre !im, !e %ill )a' 'o li"erall':as Gi(in &n! t!o(! t!e 0ni&ersal .a% can "e re$ei(in. "ri"ed$ It is "etter to send !im !ome %it! a nice little tal#$ If !e comes "ac#, !e %ill come in a ne% and more reasona"le frame of mind$ Some )eo)le do not "elie&e t!at a )ractitioner s!old c!ar(e$ T!at is a s)lendid idea$ ;t %!en 'o tell t!e )atient to do !is &er' "est in !is lo&e+offerin(, !e s!o%s !is limitation$ 0nless 'o can free a )erson from limitation, 'o cannot do an't!in( %it! !im$ Most of t!ose %!o com)lain a"ot )a'in( for a treatment or a lesson are t!e ones %!o (i&e t!e least, and also recei&e t!e least$ T!e' do not t!in# as mc! as t!e' )retend a"ot t!e )rinci)le of t!e t!in($ T!e' are concerned mostl' a"ot t!eir o%n dollars and cents$ Yes, t!ere are e6ce)tions to all rles$ In Bess7 time, %!en t!e )eo)le came to "e !ealed, t!e' offered all t!at t!e' )os+ 15 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM sessed to t!e ser&ices of t!e .ord$ No% do 'o %onder %!' t!e' %ere so Jic#l' !ealed9 AE$ I !a&e fond a %a' to li"erate a )atient from !is limitations$ I as# !im to ma#e t!e follo%in( )ra'er "efore (i&in( !is lo&e+offerin(4 "&ord this is my best Lo(e%offerin. gift in Thy ser%ice. The best # gi%e according to my means; the test # recei%e. Thou knowest the innermost secret of my heart." T!s !e %ill rise or fall "efore !imself, so !e cannot "lame an' one if !is mind is not free from limitation$ , disease is a form of mental limitation$ T!e moment a )erson sets !imself free, !is mind a(ain comes in tne %it! t!e Di&ine Order of t!in(s$ AF$ I mst sa' a fe% %ords in connection %it! a )ractitioner7s recei&in( a fee or lo&e+offerin($ T!e )ractice itself ma' not "e re(arded as nreasona"le$ 'et 0o")ens&tion. it is li#el' to lea&e one7s mind o)en to t!e tem)tation of financial (ain$ T!at %onderfl s)irit of #indl' ser&ice ma' disa))ear from t!e consciosness of t!e )ractitioner, if !e loses si(!t of t!e fact of alle&iatin( t!e )ain and sfferin( of !manit'$ EG$ It is not a Jestion of !o% mc! one recei&es as a com)ensation for one7s ser&ices, "t !o% mc! one (i&es$ T!e )ri&ile(e of (i&in( is !is$ "#n the measure we G&in. gi%e we recei%e" from t!e ni&ersal .a% of *stice$ T!e loss is not to !im %!o freel' (i&es t!at %it! %!ic! !e !as "een endo%ed "' S)irit2 "t t!e loss is to !im %!o refrains from s!o%in( t!e )ro)er a))reciation of t!at %!ic! !e so freel' recei&es$ E1$ T!is commercial as)ect of recei&in( mone' for s)irital ser&ice:as a &ocation:is re(arded "' 1A THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM man' as nri(!teos$ Ho%e&er, it is t!e s)irit in L&'orer is %!ic! %e reac! ot and recei&e a -orthy of hire. t!in( t!at determines t!e !oliness or n!oliness of an action$ If t!ere "e sc! a t!in( as commercialism, it mst "e made Di&ine "' or !ol' moti&e and "' or reali-ation t!at t!e ,ctor of all actions is One$ E&en Bess t!e >!rist said4 "My (ather worketh hitherto and # work" and !e also said, "The laborer is worthy of his hire" E2$ Once a %oman com)lained to me4 8I #no% a %oman %!o )t a dollar in !er en&elo)e as !er lo&e+ offerin( to a teac!er and s!e (ot !er !ealin( Jic#l'2 I )t in fi&e dollars and did not (et &er' mc! "enefit$ No% )lease tell me t!e reason$8 I ans%ered4 8T!e reason is o"&ios$ S!e %as tre to !er )ra'er, and s!e reall' (a&e !er "est accordin( to !er means$ E&identl' 'o did not$ If 'o ta#e ) t!e matter %it!in 'or self, 'o %ill find t!e trt! a"ot it$ Yor mind is limited, and t!erefore 'o *d(e "' t!e amont 'o (a&e and not "' t!e trt! of t!e matter$8 S!e %ent !ome &er' mc! dis)leased$ E1$ No% to come "ac# to t!e !ealin($ I !a&e !ad man' %onderfl e6)eriences treatin( )atients in t!e Kin(dom7s %a' "' reali-in( t!e )erfect manifestation The s)irit#&* of all "ein(s and t!in(s accordin( to $on$e)t of *ife. t!e Eternal Di&ine =lan$ It, of corse, is t!e sim)lest %a' to reac! t!e a&era(e )erson$ Ho%e&er, "' reali-in( one7s e&er+)erfect S)irit, one can !a&e (reater )o%er and at!orit'$ ;t t!is is difficlt for one %!o is still a no&ice on t!e )at!$ To #no% t!at t!e >oncei&er is a"o&e disease and all conditions, is to attain to Masters!i)$ ?!en 'o !a&e nfolded far eno(! to #no% t!at you are not the tody:t!e "od' t!at 'o 1E THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM !a&e learned to concei&e of as a )eris!a"le t!in( of time:but $pirit 'ternal 'o s!old not t!en t!in# and act accordin( to t!e "od' conce)t$ If 'o do, t!e reaction %ill %!i) 'o "ac# into line$ ?H,TE<ER YO0 ;E.IE<E YO0R MIND ,ND ;ODY TO ;E, SO SH,.. THEY RE,>T TO YO0$ E3$ Yo s!old #no% t!at not!in( is )eris!a"le in t!e Im)eris!a"le One .ife, %!ic! is ,ll+inclsi&e and ,ll$ '%erything that you are:that you hope to be: L&st can be but the different phases of the &n&*ysis. manifestation of $pirit. #n the last analysis the basis of this tangible body is #ntangible $piritual $ubstance. E<ERY O;BE>T OF THIS =HENOMEN,. 0NI<ERSE IS RED0>I;.E TO IM=ONDER,;.E, FIN,. ENERGY, ?HI>H IS GOD$ This %ery realization will remo%e from your mind all obstacles due to the erroneous thinking that disease can ha%e a permanent hold upon your body. !ou obstruct your %ision by thinking yourself to be the perishible body and by the belief that the body is unable to gi%e response to your #ntangible positi%e thought. E@$ #n order to attain to the perfect mastery o%er your body you must know that the ultimate nature of the body is "ust as #ntangible as your positi%e thought M&stery. regarding your '%er (ree $pirit. Then your body will ha%e the same rhythmic swing as your thought. #f out of #mponderable $ubstance all tangible forms could be brought into manifestation by a &aw does it not stand to reason that they also could be influenced by #mponderable positi%e thoughts which are in perfect harmony with the same &aw. 1F THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM E5$ No% let s trn "ac# to t!e Kin(dom7s %a' of !ealin($ One e&enin( as I %as a"ot to (o ot to #ee) an a))ointment, t!e tele)!one ran($ I too# do%n t!e I**#str&tion recei&er and a man7s &oice s)o#e$ He of the Kin% stated %!o !e %as and said4 "# !a&e !o"4s -&y attended 'or meetin(s se&eral times of he&*in. %it! m' %ife, and no% %e are callin( on 'o for !el)$ M' %ife !as "een (i&en ) "' t!e doctors, and I am afraid s!e %ill not li&e t!ro(! t!e ni(!t$ I %is! 'o cold come o&er at once$8 >onsiderin( t!e r(ent need, I consented$ ?!en I reac!ed t!ere, I %as s!ered into t!e sic# room %!ere a %oman %as l'in( !el)less on !er "ed$ S!e %as &er' %ea#, "reat!in( &er' lo%2 'et s!e %as fll' conscios of m' )resence$ In fact, s!e manifested *o' at seein( me$ In a faint &oice s!e said4 8I #no% t!at 'o can !el) me:'o are a man from God$ I do not %ant to )ass ot$8 I re)lied4 8Yo do not !a&e to$ Tr' to (ras) t!e idea of 'or eternal )erfection in t!e Kin(dom, Yo are not going to "e %ell2 'o are %ell ri(!t no%, "ecase 'o !a&e fore&er "een %ell$ Tr' to see 'orself as 'o are in t!e Kin(dom, and act and mo&e accordin( to t!at &ision of 'orself$8 Immediatel' s!e %as mc! relie&ed and !er consciosness %as lifted$ In a clear tone s!e as#ed4 8Do 'o mean to sa' t!at if I reco(ni-e t!is eternal fact and act )on it, I %ill !a&e no difficlt' in findin( m' stren(t!98 8Yes,8 I ans%ered$ T!ere)on s!e tried to sit ) in !er "ed, and scceeded after a little effort$ EA$ S!e as#ed for a (lass of %ater, %!ic! s!e dran# %it! mc! relis!$ T!en, leanin( on !er )illo%, s!e trned to me and said4 8I "elie&e 'o$ I !a&e alread' disco&ered t!at 'or )rinci)le %or#s$ 3G THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM I feel "etter$ I feel !n(r', too2 ma' I eat some "read and mil#98 I nodded m' !ead in assent$ ,fter s!e !ad eaten, s!e felt still more im)ro&ed$ ?it! a fe% %ords of frt!er encora(ement, I left !er$ Ne6t mornin( %!en m' tele)!one ran(, to m' sr)rise I !eard t!e &oice of m' )atient, %!ic! %as almost normal$ S!e told me t!at s!e %as ) and t!at s!e cold %al# a little$ In ten da's s!e %as a"le to come to see me$ T!is is one of t!e mar&elos demonstrations of Trt!$ EE$ ,not!er case is t!at of a %oman %!o !ad consm)tion$ S!e %as &er' sensiti&e a"ot !er co(!$ S!e t!o(!t s!e %as attractin( t!e attention of )eo)le to !er tro"le$ I said to !er4 8Ne&er mind t!at$ No matter %!at condition 'o manifest e6ternall', 'o do not manifest it in t!e Kin(dom$ =a' no attention to t!e e6terior condition$ Kee) 'or mind on 'or self as 'o are in t!e Kin(dom, i(norin( all ot%ard manifestations to t!e contrar'$8 In a m'sterios %a' !er oter condition disa))eared, and s!e (radall' re(ained !er normal stren(t!$ EF$ , %ido% %!o !ad mort(a(ed !er little !ome to see !er "o' t!ro(! medical colle(e %as &er' do%n+ !earted at not "ein( a"le to meet t!e )a'ment on t!e mort(a(e, %!ic! %as de in t%o %ee#s$ E&er' da' conted$ S!e %as tr'in( to sell !er !ome, "t so far !ad met %it! no sccess$ S!e came to see me to find ot %!et!er I cold (i&e !er an' s)irital !el)$ 8Kno% t!at t!ere is no loss in t!e Kin(dom,8 I said to !er$ 8T!at %!ic! is 'ors no one can ta#e$ No% see t!at in t!e Kin(dom 'or mort(a(e !as "een eternall' )aid, and find )eace and rest in t!at &ision$ ;' %orr'in( 'o are not !el)in( t!e matter2 in fact, 'o are ma#in( it %orse$8 S!e %ent !ome 31 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM mc! more c!eerfl, %it! a firm con&iction and an n%a&erin( fait!$ , fe% da's later s!e came "ac# to tell me t!at !er !ome %as sold, t!e mort(a(e )aid, and s!e !ad a nice little sm left$ FG$ ,ll t!e tro"le in t!is life comes as a reslt of t!e %ron( mental attitde$ T!e man %!o acts in t!e ri(!t mental attitde cannot lose an't!in($ The riht T!e %or# t!at 'o do in )eace %ill "rin( "ent&* 'o )eace, if 'o can maintain t!at same &ttit#!e. frame of mind all t!e %a' t!ro(!$ Yo s!old not nderta#e to do an't!in( if 'o are %orried a"ot its otcome$ T!e t!in( 'o cannot see in t!e Kin(dom %it! )eace of mind, 'o s!old not do$ Do not nderta#e to do an't!in( nless 'o can reali-e t!at it !as "een eternall' done$ T!e dail' )ractice of t!is Trt! %ill )t 'or mind in a )osition to recei&e constant ins)iration and (idance from %it!in$ In t!e s)irital conce)t of life 'o cannot remain idle for a sin(le moment$ E&en in 'or slee), 'or sol %ill commne %it! God$ F1$ T!e ri(!t mental attitde can conJer all o))osition$ ?!en man acts %it! t!e %!ole ni&erse of !armon', !e does not acce)t in!armon' as a c!allen(e$ Drin( m' The )o-er of tra&els I once met a 'on( man %!o h&r"ony. told me a &er' interestin( stor' a"ot !imself, illstratin( !o% !armon' can "e esta"lis!ed in t!e )lace of in!armon'$ He %as in t!e em)lo' of a (roc!' old man, %!o %old not miss a sin(le o))ortnit' of findin( falt %it! somet!in( or someone of !is office force$ F2$ T!is 'on( man needed a &acation &er' "adl' on accont of !is %ife7s ill+!ealt!2 "t !e #ne% 32 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM it %old "e difficlt to "roac! t!e s"*ect to !is em)lo'er$ On t!e da' t!at !e made ) !is mind to as# for a &acation, !is "oss %as e6tremel' irrita"le and ot of sorts$ ;t it did not discora(e !im$ He %ent "oldl' to !is )ri&ate office and calml' stated %!at !e %anted$ His em)lo'er (a&e !im a fierce loo# and %as at t!e )oint of e6)lodin($ Some!o% !e c!an(ed !is mind and !e merel' (ro%led$ F1$ ,fter a )ase, %it!ot loo#in( ) !e said4 8Of all t!e st)id, "rainless men I !a&e e&er seen, 'o !a&e no eJal$ ?e are s!ort of !el) no% and e&er't!in( is (oin( %ron(, and 'o !a&e t!e ner&e to as# me for a &acationI Go "ac# to 'or des# and if 'o anno' me a(ain, I7ll fire 'o$8 F3$ T!e 'on( man %as not so easil' deterred2 !e sed ot!er tactics$ He said4 8<er' %ell, I %ill do as 'o sa'$ Ho%e&er, I am more concerned a"ot 'o t!an a"ot m' &acation$ Bst t!in# !o% little %e (ain "' "ecomin( so )set$ ?e are all !ere for sc! a s!ort %!ile, %!' not tr' to "e !a))' "' !el)in( one anot!er98 ,t t!is )oint t!e old man e6)loded li#e a "om"s!ell$ 8I do not %ant t!is )reac!in( from 'o$ Get ot "efore I lose m' tem)er$8 T!e 'on( man smiled and left t!e office$ F@$ T!e same e&enin(, "efore t!e closin( !or, t!e mana(er sent for !im$ ?!en !e %ent in, !e fond !im in a mc! "etter !mor$ T!e old man in&ited !im to sit do%n, a t!in( %!ic! !e !ad ne&er done "efore$ T!en !e too# !is time at li(!tin( a lon( ci(ar$ .eanin( "ac# in !is c!air, !e loo#ed at t!e 'on(er man %it! a faint smile in t!e corner of !is mot!, and said in a #indl' &oice4 8Yo are t!e first man in t!is office %!o !as e&er dared critici-e me to m' face2 "t I (ess 'o are ri(!t$ ?!at is 31 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM t!is life (ood for, if %e cannot en*o' it e&er' minte9 Bst for t!is ser&ice I am (oin( to let 'o !a&e 'or &acation$8 ,nd, s!a#in( !is !and, !e dismissed !im$ F5$ I !a&e alread' said t!at in t!e s)irital )!iloso)!' of life t!ere is a s"tle distinction "et%een trt! and falsit'$ To t!e %orld, t!e actal case of disease and sfferin( Distin$tion e6ists, and t!erefore it is a fact$ 7e do 'et-een tr#th not say disease and suffering do not &n! f&*sity. e*ist. 7e simply say that they e*ist only in the world-consciousness:in the wrong thinking of humanity. 5ut in the Kingdom they do not e*ist; that is not in 2ature3s scheme of automatic action. In t!e discriminatin(, t!in#in( state, a condition can e6ist as t!e reslt of a t!o(!t, "t it cannot affect t!e t!in( %!ic! Natre7s sc!eme of creation is "rin(in( ot$ T!o(! one7s "od' and mind can "e inflenced "' one7s %ron( t!o(!t, or nnatral li&in(, 'et t!e tre t')e of "od' and mind e6ists to t!e S)irit Eternal$ FA$ ?!en a t!in( is tre to itself, %e call it )erfect$ T!is !man e6)ression is a )art of t!e &ast cosmic e6)ression$ Since t!is ni&erse is tre to itself, t!at is, The tr#e h#% tre to t!e Di&ine =lan and "&n e3)res% Manifestation, does it not stand to sion )erfe$t. reason t!at t!e !man e6)ression is also tre to itself9 ?!', 'o mi(!t as#, does t!is !man discriminatin( state e6ist, %!erein man can t!in# and act ri(!tl' or %ron(l'9 It e6ists "ecase it is t!e natre of t!e t!in( itself$ ?!' is li(!t, li(!t9 ;ecase it is t!e natre of t!e li(!t to "e li(!t$ ?!' is (old, (old9 ;ecase it is t!e natre of (old to "e (old$ ?!' does a !man "ein( t!in#9 ;ecase t!e !man state is t!e t!in#in( state$ ?!' can !e t!in# 33 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM ri(!tl' or %ron(l'9 ;ecase it is t!e natre of t!at state$ E&er't!in( is fi6ed in Natre7s sc!eme of creation$ ?!at Ecclesiastes sa's is &er' tre4 "The thing that hath been it is that which shall "be3 and that which is done is that which shall be done." FE$ God does not create "' conscios t!in#in($ If He did, He %old "e res)onsi"le for creatin( t!e maimed, t!e man(led, t!e "lind, t!e deaf, t!e idiot, and t!e )oor$ 0re&tes 'y He %old "e res)onsi"le for e&er' n&t#re. a"omina"le condition e6istin( in t!e %orld$ >old 'o !a&e res)ect for sc! a God9 NoI God creates "' His eternal Natre$ He creates, or rat!er "rin(s ot, t!at %!ic! is alread' in Himself$ T!e !man t!in#in( state %as also in Himself$ In t!e t!in#in( state, man t!in#s$ He can t!in# ri(!tl' or %ron(l', %!ic!e&er %a' !e c!ooses$ T!is &er' c!oice of action constittes t!e !man state$ FF$ Some )eo)le mi(!t sffer a s!oc# from t!is "lnt e6)osition of Trt!$ ?!at can 'o do for t!em9 T!at %!ic! is natral to t!em ma' not "e natral to 'o$ Tr#e E&en (rantin( t!at t!e' are in t!e $on(ersion. "edar#ened state of mind, 'o !a&e no reason to "e in t!at state$ Yo can, !o%e&er, )ra' and reali-e for t!em t!is eternal Trt!$ .et t!ose %!o can recei&e, recei&e t!is li(!t$ Kee) on marc!in( in t!is illmined %a'$ ?!en 'o see a t!in( in t!e >osmic li(!t, 'o see it in t!e eternal si(nificance2 t!en t!e ni&ersal meanin( is re&ealed to 'o$ T!at %!ic! in 'or mental !a-e 'o once sa% in distorted form, no% a))ears )erfect and %!ole$ T!e former order of t!in(s is )assed a%a'$ Yo %a#e ) in t!e li#eness of 'or )erfect Yorself$ T!at is called con&ersion$ Yo are con&erted to t!e s)irital &ision of life$ 3@ THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 1GG, E&en 'or man' friends, %!o are s))osed to "e t!e standard+"earers of Trt!, are li#el' to fall "ac# into dar#ness$ ?it! %ea#ened &italit' of sol+consciosness, N&t#re4s or!er t!e' sometimes re&ert to t!e narro% )roressi(e. ort!odo6 idea of s)iritalit'$ ?!en a )erson follo%s a false ideal, !e is dead in s)ite of !is !i(! sense of s)iritalit'$ ,n a"normal condition cannot sstain a sol &er' lon($ Earl' s((estions and im)ressions are )o%erfl t!in(s$ ?!en a man7s mental s'stem is disor(ani-ed, !is %ea#ness o&ercomes !im$ T!en !e (oes "ac# to t!e old rote, "elie&in( t!at !is life %ill "e clear sailin($ ;t it can ne&er "e clear sail+ in($ It is not Natre7s order t!at man s!old (o "ac#%ard$ He cannot (o "ac#%ard$ If !e is not %illin( to mo&e, t!e ne&er+ceasin( >osmic flo% %ill carr' !im on in s)ite of !imself o&er t!e roc#s and rid(es of t!e cataract, ntil !e falls into t!e Mi(!t' Ocean:0ntil !e "ecomes conscios of !is Infinite .ife$ 1G1$ #f a man3s religion does not bring him peace and "oy and breadth of %ision it is not the ri8ht religion for him. He is sim)l' tr'in( to conform to t!e %orld7s )la' F#*fi**in the of life and not to t!e &oice of !is Sol$ Di(ine Wi**. T!e ,lmi(!t' .a% does not (i&e a man )eace ntil !e flfills t!e Di&ine ?ill$ 0nless !e re+ nonces all !is )reconcei&ed ideas of life, and lea&es !is !eart and sol o)en for e&er new re&elations of God7s (lor', !e ne&er finds t!e %a'$ ?!ile (ro)in( in t!e dar#, !e ta#es t!e husk for t!e #ernel$ He "elie&es t!at a"ilit' to )rodce certain )!enomena is t!e sre si(n of s)iritalit'$ He is al%a's an6ios a"ot ma#in( demonstrations$ 35 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 1G2$ , s)irital demonstration lies in t!e #no%led(e of t!e t!in( itself$ ?!en t!at #no%led(e comes, man finds )eace$ S)irital *o' is t!e flfillment of all )ro)!ec'$ S)irit#&* 5oy. T!at *o' cannot come ntil man "ecomes free from t!e t!in(s %!ic! "ind !im$ In "onda(e no man can en*o' a free man7s )ri&ile(e$ T!ere is somet!in( in t!e #no%led(e of t!in(s %!ic! ma#es a man (i&e ) e&er't!in($ He fears no "onda(e, condemnation, or limitation$ He ta#es, (i&es, nor does not!in( %!ic! does not "rin( !im )eace and !a))iness$ He sa's4 8.ord, !o% and %!en a t!in( is (oin( to "e demonstrated to m' consciosness, I do not #no%2 "t it is sfficient for me to #no% t!at it !as "een eternall' demonstrated in T!' Kin(dom$ I srrender m'self to t!e Great =lan:T!' ?illI8 Sc! a state of mind #no%s no defeat$ It is nconJera"le$ 1G1$ ,n6iet', !rr', and %orr' come from one7s mortal conce)t of life, %!ere man "elie&es !e is onl' a fe% )onds of cla' and is !ere onl' for a s!ort time$ T!en E&$h "&nifes% %!at9 He does not #no%$ 9 He ma' t&tion essenti&* ma#e !imself "elie&e t!at t!ere is a to the ,*&n. !ereafter, "t !e cannot reali-e !is Im)eris!a"le, Infinite .ife, or t!e Eternal Di&ine =lan and Manifestation$ He does not #no% t!at, e&en as a manifestation, t!e %!ole ni&erse %old "e incom)lete %it!ot !im$ ?it!ot !im t!e >reati&e+life cold not #ee) (oin($ T!e %!ole >osmos %old !a&e to %ait, if it %ere )ossi"le for !im to %ander a%a' from Its limitless e6)anse$ His deat! or anni!ilation %old mean t!e deat! of all$ ;t t!at cannot "e$ In t!e %orld of conscios #no%in(, t!ere is a Kno%er$ The 4ower-to- know cannot cease be cause e%en to think that #t can cease you are think- 3A THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM ing with that 4ower:the 4ower which is self-e%ident. -ence no determination about this 4ower will supersede the 4ower-to-determine. 1G3$ In !is )!'sical conce)t of life man7s mental %orld is &er' limited$ His mental %orld (ro%s lar(er and lar(er as !is &ision e6)ands:as !e sees a lar(er M&n4s )er$e)% %orld %it!in !is mind$ His tion of 0os"i$ mind is ca)a"le of !oldin( t!e tr#ths. %!ole ni&erse, if !e is ca)a"le of ta#in( it in$ ,s mc! as !e reali-es t!is ni&erse, t!at mc! it "ecomes !is mental ni&erse$ ,s mc! as !e t!in#s and lo&es an o"*ect, t!at mc! it "ecomes !is mental o"*ect, , cosmic t!in( "ecomes mental accordin( to man7s )erce)tion$ T!ere is no t!in( %it!ot a form, no matter in %!at si(nificance man ma' see it$ , formless conce)tion of a t!in( leads !im to t!e &er' Essence$ Grantin( t!at all form e6ists in man7s seein(, t!ere mst "e somet!in( t!at !e sees in form$ 1G@$ It is a !ard )!iloso)!' for man' to nderstand: t!at in Natre7s sc!eme of creation, or in t!e Di&ine =lan, t!ere is no sin, s!ame, nor sedction$ T!ere is No sin in N&% no ar"itrar' rle, nor in!armon'$ t#re4s s$he"e. T!at %!ic! is in!armonios mst (o:t!e .a% of !armon' %ill ad*st it$ God7s .a% is "rea#in( do%n nnatral selection$ Natral selection mst )re&ail$ T!e Di&ine .a% %ill not "roo# an' interference$ It is t!is attem)t at interference t!at is casin( so mc! miser' in t!e %orld$ T!e man %!o is li&in( in t!e consciosness of "ein( a fe% )onds of cla' cannot see "e'ond !is self+im)osed limitation: cannot see t!ro(! !is )er&erted &ision$ 1G5$ In Natre7s sc!eme e&er't!in( t!at is "orn, or rat!er, e&er't!in( t!at comes, is God+sent$ E&er' 3E THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM fat!er and mot!er is e&er !ol', "ecase God Himself is E(erythin e6)ressin( Himself as a fat!er and Go!%sent. mot!er$ ?!at a (rand and s"lime conce)t is t!isI If it does not "rin( tears to 'or e'es, t!rill 'or sol, o&er%!elm 'o %it! Di&ine .o&e, man, 'o are deadI Not!in( "t t!e >!rist S)irit can resrrect 'o$ In t!e %orld7s )la' of life, %!ere 'o !a&e made lo&e a commodit' to "e "o(!t and sold, 'o !a&e for(otten t!e Di&ine in*nction:'o !a&e lost 'or sol$ Yo reco(ni-e ar"itrar' !man rles in order to (ratif' 'or selfis!ness$ Yo interfere %it! Di&ine .a% and Di&ine Bstice, and t!erefore 'o "rin( )on 'orself t!e )rif'in( fire of God$ Yor im)rit' mst "e cleansed:'o mst "e "ro(!t "ac# to t!e road of !armon' and )eace$ T!at is t!e Di&ine .a% and t!e Di&ine =lan$ 1GA$ T!e man %!o !as not t!e s)irital *o' and )eace, !as not t!e tre sense of s)iritalit'$ T!e man %!o still clin(s to !is idea of a fe% )onds of cla':"elie&in( it Tr#e to "e t!e Real Man: is far from s)irital S)irit#&*ity. #no%led(e$ He cannot !a&e t!e s"lime &ision of t!e immortalit' of all "ein(s and t!in(s$ He *d(es from t!e e6ternal, and !is *d(ment is not tre$ He is too co%ardl' and &acillatin( to admit God7s Trt! o)enl'$ Yet, e&en to !im, occasionall' t!e li(!t comes$ ;t it is too mc! for !is narro% sol$ He cra%ls "ac# a(ain into t!e dar#ness$ T!en !e sends fort! a cr' of des)air to t!e Fat!er of .i(!t4 8?!' am I in dar#ness9 ?!at !a&e I done98 O!, man, t!in#:"e not afraidI T!e .i(!t of Trt! is %it!in 'or sol$ O)en 'or mind to recei&e it as it is2 and not as 'o %ant it to "e$ Ne&er mind %!at #ind 3F THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM of reli(ion !as "ro(!t !a))iness and )eace to 'or nei(!"or2 t!at reli(ion ma' not "e for 'o$ Yor state of consciosness ma' demand a (reater "readt! and (reater &ision of life$ 1GE$ In t!e #no%in( and li&in(, all t!in(s come to 'o$ T!en li&e accordin( to 'or lar(er &ision: t!e &ision t!at t!e .i(!t of Trt! !as "ro(!t 'o:t!e &ision The *&rer %!ic! ma#es 'o reali-e t!at t!e &er' (ision. dst of t!e Eternal Road is God manifest$ Did 'o e&er feel t!at t!e %!ole creation %as God manifest, and t!at t!e &er' oceans and montains cried to 'o, sa'in(4 8.o, "e!oldI I am !ereI T!at %!ic! 'o toc!, feel, and see, is M' Eternal =resence$ O, M' Eternal Son, "e not afraid of t!e %orld7s a))ro&al and disa))ro&al$ I am %it! 'o al%a's$8 If 'o !ad t!at e6)erience, 'o %ere on t!e >osmic Road$ Yo ca(!t t!e (lim)se of t!e effl(ent (lor' %!ic! is e&er "rnin( from Eternit'7s s!ore$ 1GF$ =er!a)s 'o nderrated t!at %onderfl &ision, "ein( lred "' t!e )!enomena of si(ns and s'm"ols$ =er!a)s 'o t!re% a%a' t!e Ko!inoor:t!e (reat No ti"e in diamond:and retrned !ome %it! a Eternity4s !andfl of dst$ If t!at "e t!e case, it $y$*e. is no %onder 'or !eart is desolate, 'or mind "arren$ >an dar#ness )rodce li(!t9 >an t!e %orld of limitation (i&e 'o t!at s)irital "readt! %!ere t!e !ori-on of man melts a%a' into God9 It cannot: 'o #no% t!at it cannot$ If 'o are a%a#ened a(ain, 'o s!old not re(ret t!e )ast$ In Eternit'7s c'cle of e6)ression, t!ere is no time$ T!en %!' s!old 'o tarr' on t!e %a'side t!ro(! fear of lost time9 T!e .i(!t of Trt! is %aitin( for 'o in t!e n"ro#en >osmic Trail2 marc! onI @G THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 11G$ Yo !a&e learned t!ro(! e6)erience t!at t!is %orld does not (i&e an'one !a))iness and )eace$ T!is %orld of mortalit', created "' t!e a((re(ate false ,e&$e in t!in#in( of t!e !man race, cannot Tr#th on*y. s!a)e t!e destin' of Di&ine Man$ Its fears and )!antoms are e)!emeral$ T!e' cannot ro" 'o of 'or Di&ine Ei(!t$ Yo are afraid of t!e %orld7s tomorro% and its needs$ T!e .i(!t of Trt! tells 'o4 "There is no tomorrow in the self-e*isting 'ternal &ife. !our fear of tomorrow is a nightmare. (ear not. # ha%e made pro%ision for your e%ery need. +s # ha%e brought you out without your conscious thought so # will take care of you. -a%e trust and faith in me and you shall not want." T!e %orld tells 'o4 8Do not "elie&e an' sc! nonsense$ E&er' man for !imself$ Yo !a&e to %or# for e&er't!in( 'o (et$ Ne&er mind t!e ot!er fello%:(et %!at 'o can "' fair means or fol$8 T!e .i(!t of Trt! %arns 'o4 "7hich of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature." "+re not two sparrows sold for a farthing. +nd one of them shall not fall on the ground without your (ather." "5ut the %ery hairs of your head are numbered." "(ear ye not therefore ye are of more %alue than many sparrows." "+ man3s foes shall be they of his own household." "-e that taketh not his cross and followeth after me is not worthy of me." 111$ Do 'o not #no% t!at t!e t!o(!ts 'o t!in# in !armon' and )eace !a&e "een (i&en 'o from Eternit'9 Bst "elie&e, and 'o s!all "ecome conscios of Destiny. recei&in( all$ Do not %orr'2 not!in( %ill e&er de)ri&e 'o of t!e t!in(s %!ic! 'o are to recei&e, "ecase 'o !a&e @1 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM alread' recei&ed t!em in t!e Di&ine =lan$ Do 'o not #no% if 'o contine follo%in( t!e %orld7s %a', 'o %ill "e com)elled to come "ac# to God7s %a'9 ;e not "lind and i(norant$ See t!e %or#in( of t!e Master+ !and t!at is e&er (idin( t!e destin' of all creation$ Yes, man does come "ac#$ Millions !a&e (one do%n t!e %orld7s %a' and millions !a&e retrned$ Toda' or tomorro% t!e' all retrn$ Yes, e&en t!ro(! t!e (ate of sorro% and sfferin( t!e' retrn$ E&er' moment is Eternit'7s No%$ 112$ #n e%ery wakeful moment watch yourself and see that you are happy. '%ery moment spent in unhappiness is misspent. ;ein( n!a))', 'o (ain The h&))iness not!in(:'o sim)l' den' God7s h&'it. )resence in 'or mind:'o (o contrar' to t!e )r)ose of life$ T!s 'o miss all t!at .ife !olds for 'o$ 111$ God is !a))iness or, as t!e ancient orientals e6)ressed it, 8T!e Infinite Bo'$8 T!is Infinite Bo' is )ermeatin( 'or e6istence$ T!e reco(nition of t!is Ass#r&n$e of fact %ill (i&e 'o t!at )ermanent h&))iness. assrance of !a))iness$ .i#e all ot!er tem)orar' conditions of t!is %orld, so+called cases of n!a))iness s!all also )ass a%a'$ ?!', t!en, create t!e ni(!tmare of n!a))iness "' (i&in( a )ermanent si(nificance to t!em9 113$ T!e t!in( t!at 'o !o)e to acJire or t!at 'o !a&e acJired cannot in itself (i&e 'o !a))iness$ The more you ha%e the more you desire. The endless Gree!. procession of desires and the endless desire for possessions keep your mind e%er discontented:e%er an*ious. ;t t!e tre nderstandin( of 'or desire and its flfillment sets 'o free from all a"normal conditions$ @2 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 11@$ -appiness is not only a mental state but also a mental habit. ;' t!in#in( and "elie&in( t!at 'o are !a))' e&er' moment, 'o ma#e 'or life one continos !a))' dream$ 115$ T%ent' centries a(o Bess t!e >!rist said4 "7hat shall ye profit if ye gain the whole world and lose your own soul." It is 'or sol+consciosness t!at So#* distin(is!es 'o from t!e rest of t!e e3)&nsion. animal creation$ If t!e sol is lost, all t!at ma#es t!is life %ort! li&in( is lost$ Yor as)iration, ins)iration, ideal, and dream are lost "ecase t!e' are t!e &er' attri"tes of t!e sol$ E&er' man is "orn %it! a sol+consciosness$ ?it! t!e e6)ansion of &ision t!e sol e6)ands$ ?it!ot e6)ression t!e sol %it!ers a%a'$ E6)ression means e6)ansion$ 11A$ ,s lon( as man #ee)s !is sol ali&e and a%a#ened, !e li&es and lo&es$ He sees e&er't!in( in t!e li(!t t!at God !as (i&en !im to see$ He !ears t!e !ea&enl' c!ors, Re$o")ense. e&en in t!e "oisteros noise of c!ildren at )la', or in t!e "ar#in( of t!e do(s at ni(!t in a slee)in( &illa(e$ He sees, !ears, and feels %it! !is s)irital senses$ To !im t!e flo%ers smile, t!e "roo# sin(s, t!e montains in t%ili(!t in&ite and %ait, t!e moonlit ni(!t trns t!e str((lin( %orld into a celestial a"ode, and t!e da%n a%a#ens in t!e !man !eart as)iration and de&otion$ >an a man afford to lose !is sol and li&e in tter em)tiness9 ?!at %ill !e )rofit if !e (ain t!e %!ole %orld and lose !is a"ilit' to en*o' it9 11E$ T!e first %arnin( of t!e deat! of sol comes, %!en a man cannot entertain !imself %!en alone, @1 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM eit!er "' contem)lation or "' o"ser&ation$ Hie inner e'e De&th of so#*. (ro%s dim, and !is inner ear "e+ comes deaf "ecase !e fails to se t!em$ ;' !is insane (reed and intense desire for )ossession, !e creates str((les and )ro"lems$ He "ecomes so a"sor"ed in !is %orld of selfis!ness t!at !e cannot see an't!in( "e'ond its narro% %alls$ T!s !is sol is stifled$ T!e sn, moon, stars, montains, ri&ers, and forests lose t!eir )oetic and s)irital meanin($ T!ere comes a time %!en !e cannot en*o' life an' more$ His sol !as "een lost$ ?it!ot )ro)er clti&ation and noris!ment t!e flo%erin( (arden !as trned into a desert$ If !e !as ac!ie&ed sccess in accmlatin( %ealt!, !is case is still %orse, "ecase !is finer sense of s)irital discernment !as "een "lnted and !is ima(ination can rn onl' t!ro(! one narro% c!annel$ He !as lost all fait! in !man nselfis!ness, (enine #indness, and tre !a))iness$ His ss)icios mind !ar"ors all #inds of fear$ E&en !is sol can "e resrrected nder )ro)er treatment, "' "rin(in( !is mind in toc! %it! t!e s)irit of t!in(s2 "' infsin( into !is sol t!e eli6ir of life from t!e &ast store!ose of Natre$ 11F$ Once an elderl' man came to see me$ He %as %ei(!ed do%n "' "siness cares and %orries, a &erita"le ner&os %rec#$ 8If 'o can strai(!ten me ot,8 The 'rin2 !e said, 81 %ill (i&e 'o mone'$ I !a&e of the &'yss. lots of it$8 T!in# of t!e ideaI E&en as !e stood on t!e "rin# of t!e dar# a"'ss, t!at man %as "ra((in( a"ot !is mone'2 as t!o(! mone' %old follo% !im all t!e %a'I In re)l' I said4 8M' friend, %!at (ood %old 'or mone' do, if t!is ne6t moment 'o %ere com)elled to )art %it! e&er't!in( 'o !a&e in t!is %orld98 In @3 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM a fri(!tened tone !e e6claimed4 8No, no, t!at cannot "eI I cannot die so soonI I mst li&e lon(erI8 I re)lied4 8Yet 'o sa' t!at 'or doctor !as (i&en 'o onl' a fe% mont!s to li&e$ ,ccordin( to t!e dia(nosis of 'or case, 'o !a&e a"ot one c!ance in a !ndred to reco&er$ Is t!at not so 9 T!en %!at (ood %ill 'or mone' do 'o 9 ?!at (ood %ill 'or "siness do 'o9 None, a"soltel' noneI Yet I #no% somet!in( %!ic! %ill sa&e 'o$ T!ere is !o)e for 'o:t!at is, if 'o do t!e t!in( I tell 'o to do$8 8?!at is it98 !e %!im)ered, an6iosl'$ 8Gi&e ) 'or "siness and retrn to t!e Kin(domI8 8?!atI8 !e e6claimed, 8(i&e ) m' "sinessI Gi&e ) t!e frit of m' fifteen 'ears7 la"orI Ne&erI I %ill not consent to t!atI8 12G$ ;ac# at !im I came %it!ot an' com)nction 4 8T!en 'o7d "etter "e )re)ared to meet t!e ine&ita"leI8 M' %ords fell )on !im li#e a deat! sentence$ Yo sa' it is crel 9 No, not at all$ Some+ times one !as to se e6treme means to *ar a man loose from t!e &er' t!in( %!ic! is rs!in( !im to !is rin$ ,s a last resort m' )atient a(reed to (i&e ) !is "siness, "t !e %anted a little time to ad*st !is affairs$ 8Yor &er' decision to (i&e ) t!e "siness is eno(!,8 I said2 8no% )t a relia"le man in 'or )lace and ta#e a lon( &acation$8 8<er' %ell,8 !e re)lied, 8I %ill do as 'o sa'2 "t %!at I cannot nderstand is, %!' "siness is a %ron( t!in(98 121$ 8, "siness itself is not a %ron( t!in(,8 I ans%ered2 8"t t!e %a' t!e a&era(e )erson condcts !is "siness is decidedl' %ron($ T!ere is a N&t#re4s -&y. Kin(dom7s %a' of doin( e&er't!in($ T!e moment a man feels friction, or nde strain, !e s!old #no% t!at t!e ,lmi(!t' .a% is @@ THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM (i&in( !im %arnin( to c!an(e !is corse of action into t!e ri(!t direction$ ?!en !e follo%s t!is %arnin( !e !as smoot! sailin(2 "t %!en !e does not, t!e .a% tries to ad*st t!at condition for !im$ No%, as 'o !a&e (one too far from t!e Kin(dom7s %a', 'o mst retrn$ Yo sa' 'o do not #no% !o%$ Yo need not %orr' a"ot t!at$ Some da' I %ill tell 'o all a"ot it$ In t!e meantime, (o to a montainos contr' %!ere t!ere are lots of )ines, s)rce, and cedars$ ?!ere t!e montain streams rn da' and ni(!t in t!eir %ild freedom2 %!ere c!i)mon#s, li-ards, and sJirrels roam freel' in t!eir nati&e !ants$ T!en %al# arond and (et acJainted %it! t!e trees, and feel 'orself in s'm)at!etic, li&in( toc! %it! t!em$ ?atc! t!e li&in( t!in(s of t!at forest !ome and ta#e an interest in t!em as 'o sed to in 'or "o'!ood da's$ Get as far a%a' as 'o can from "siness t!o(!ts and from t!e memor' of 'or %orld7s e6)erience$ T!is %ill a(ain "rin( 'or mind in toc! %it! e&er romantic and e&er 'ot!fl Natre$ Yor consciosness %ill once more "e infilled %it! t!e t!in(s t!at God !as made$ Yor dead sol %ill li&e a(ain$ Yor mental e'e, instead of "e!oldin( t!e %orld and its a"omina"le )ractices, %ill "e!old God7s "ondless e6)anse of creation and its %onders$ T!is e6)ansion of &ision is life, and limitation is deat!$ ,fter 'o !a&e sfficientl' fond 'orself in toc! %it! all creation, free from an6iet' and care, come "ac# to me and I %ill tell 'o some+ t!in( a"ot t!e m'ster' of t!e Kin(dom$8 122$ T!ree mont!s after%ards t!e man retrned, as t!o(! "orn a(ain, %it! a !ealt!' "od' and a @5 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM !ealt!' mind$ T!ere %as a ne% li(!t in !is e'es$ His Etern&* first (reetin( %as4 8T!an# God, I !a&e fond )erfe$tion. m'selfI8 Gladl' clas)in( !is !and, I re)lied4 8T!en 'o #no% %!at real life is$ The mystery of the Kingdom is that in God3s eternal 4lan and Manifestation e%erything is eternally fulfilled and e%erything is eternally perfect. No% li&e in t!at &ision and 'o %ill not die a(ain: 'o %ill !a&e t!e e&erlastin( life$8 121$ Mone'+mad, fame+cra-ed man does not #no% real !a))iness$ ,eal happiness is not to be found in limitation but in the e*pansion of %ision. #n the E3)&nsion of e*pansion of his %ision man becomes vision. conscious of owning the whole uni%erse. #n that consciousness man is merged into his #nfinite &ife. -e is then God incarnate. #n that freedom of soul he finds that desire for name and fame is merely a mortal snare which robs him of his pri%ilege to lo%e and li%e. The world3s fame takes away his shelter:the hiding place of this 0osmic 6astness. It costs !im more to #ee) ) !is fame t!an to "ild it$ ,n n#no%n tra&eler %!o #no%s t!e Self is far "etter off t!an !e %!o is onl' #no%n "' ot!ers$ ?!en too man' )eo)le cro%d !is mind, !e cannot find !imself$ Yet %!en !e s!ines in !is o%n >osmic li(!t, it does not matter %!et!er !e is #no%n or n#no%n$ T!at is t!e "lessedness of freedom$ 123$ ,not!er m'ster' of t!e Kin(dom is 'or t!o(!t: t!e eternal t!o(!t$ It is tre t!at "' ta#in( t!o(!t 'o Thin2er &n! cannot add an iota to t!at %!ic! eternall' tho#ht. e6ists$ Yet 'or t!o(!t is fll of meanin($ T!e Jestion arises, %!o ta(!t t!e first man to t!in#9 T!ere is "t one ans%er, namel', t!at it is t!e natre @A THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM of man to t!in#2 t!at it is t!e natre of man (radall' to nfold !is t!in#in( ca)acit'$ Is it not tre, t!en, t!at as man %as enfolded %it!in !is >reati&e+life, so %ere !is t!in#in( and !is t!o(!t 9 No matter t!ro(! %!at )rocess 'o are de&elo)in( 'or t!in#in(, 'o are "ecomin( a t!in#er atomaticall'$ Yo t!in# t!e t!o(!t t!at !as "een fore&er t!o(!t$ That which is eternal in 5eing is also eternal in Manifesting. T!e t!in( t!at is eternall' "ein( manifested, remains eternall' manifested$ 12@$ No% t!e Jestion is, can 'o t!in# of an't!in( if it does not e6ist 9 Since t!e >reati&e+life !as (i&en 'o a t!o(!t to t!in#, !o% cold 'o t!in# of an't!in( if t!at A** "&nifest&% t!in( did not e6ist some%!ere in t!is tion etern&*. e&er+manifested ni&erse9 Ho% cold 'o (et t!e conce)tion of a t!in(9 Ordinaril' "' seein( a t!in( 'o form a conce)tion of it$ ?!at a"ot t!e so+ called nseen t!in(s9 Ho% did 'o come to concei&e t!em9 Yo s)ea# of a man !a&in( a s)erstitios "elief2 !o% cold a man !a&e an' "elief, if t!at "elief %ere not in!erentl' in !is >reati&e+life as a )lan9 Ho% cold t!ere "e an' )lan %it!ot its eternal manifestation 9 E&er' sta(e of !man e6)ression and e6)erience mst "e tre to itself$ 125$ >an a s!ado% e6ist inde)endent of an o"*ect9 No$ >an a conce)tion e6ist inde)endent of a t!in(9 >ertainl' not$ T!en %!at a"ot 'or conce)tion of De(i*s. an(els, demons, and de&ils9 Yes, t!e' e6ist$ T!e' affect 'or mental life %!en 'o consciosl' toc! t!em "' 'or t!in#in($ Yor conscios toc! animates t!em$ T!e' arise from t!eir slee)in( &alts$ T!is is tre of t!e an(els, demons, and de&ils of 'or t!o(!t @E THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM %orld$ T!ere are t%o #inds of an(els and t%o #inds of de&ils$ One t!e !man, and t!e ot!er t!e t!o(!t$ T!e !man #ind acts %it! a certain amont, of conscios &olition and t!e t!o(!t #ind acts %it! t!e animation of 'or conscios t!in#in($ T!e !man #ind of de&il is less !armfl t!an 'or t!o(!t #ind$ One stands a)art from 'o in its indi&idal conce)t of life, and t!e ot!er !(s close to 'or "osom$ 12A$ T!e !man an(els:t!e (reat sols of t!e >osmic .ife:are more ser&icea"le to 'o t!an 'or t!o(!t an(els, "ecase 'or t!o(!t an(els come to Ane*s. e6ist to 'o "' 'or t!in#in(2 "t t!e !man an(els are al%a's %it! 'o to (ide 'o and lead 'o to t!e s)ernal !ei(!ts of consciosness$ Yor t!o(!t an(els %ill do as mc! for 'o, if 'o "elie&e in t!eir so doin($ No% do not for(et t!at t!is is sim)l' Natre7s )rocess of manifestation$ If toda' %e are inclined to !el) one anot!er, !o% can %e cease to !el) one anot!er drin( Eternit'7s tomorro%9 Toda'7s eart!+sodden man is tomorro%7s an(el$ It is all one Di&ine E6)ression of .ife$ 12E$ $o-called physical man is after all meta- physical. -e fore%er li%es within himself:he li%es in his thought world. 1nly through lo%e and emotion M&n & "et&% does man bring himself into closer )hysi$&* touch with another e*pression. #n this Being. closer touch distance disappears. #t is the world of soul-consciousness. #t is here that one man meets another through the silent corridors of spaceless thought:physically apart yet together in consciousness. T!is in&isi"le nion is ta#in( )lace e&er' da' in or li&es$ Ho% man' are comin( to &isit s, or rat!er meet s, %e do not #no%$ ;ond @F THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM "' t!e )!'sical conce)t of life, %e cannot feel t!e silent )resence of or friends$ T!e' are not onl' comin( to s, "t %e are (oin( to t!em$ Yet %e ma' "e nconscios of t!is comin( and (oin($ Once in a (reat %!ile %e feel an im)ression from some one and %e instantl' t!in# of !im$ ;t %!at a"ot t!e !ndreds of sols %!om %e !a&e not )!'sicall' met in t!is life9 In t!eir t!in#in( t!e' are contactin( s, %it!ot #no%in( %!en and %!ere$ It is one of t!e m'steries of t!e Kin(dom:Natre7s )rocess of Eternal Manifestation$ 12F$ #n thinking and belie%ing we reach e%erything and we make manifest a 8uality which we want to manifest. IF YO0 ;E.IE<E TH,T YO0R +eho*!in the >RE,TI<E+.IFE, YO0R =O?ER &$tion of TO THINK ,ND MO<E, IS S)irit. DOING SOMETHING FOR YO0, IT ?I.. ,>T0,..Y DO IT FOR YO0$ IT ?I.. DO ,S M0>H ,S YO0 RE,.I/E IT DOING$ It is actin( not onl' atomaticall', "t also t!ro(! 'or conscios reali-ation of Its action$ Yo sim)l' "e!old Its action and It does t!e %or#$ Yo s!old, !o%e&er, al%a's remem"er t!at t!e atomatic action of t!e >reati&e+life is fore&er condci&e to !armon' and )eace$ If 'o i(nore t!at fact, 'o %ill s"*ect 'or+ self to all #inds of n)leasant reaction$ ;' t!e con+ stant )ractice of "e!oldin( t!e atomatic action of S)irit, 'o come to reali-e t!e (reat Trt!4 My (ather worketh hitherto and # work." ?!en 'o act in t!at consciosness, 'o cannot !el) doin( t!e ri(!t t!in($ 11G$ In 'or self+conscios mental life 'o li&e "' feelin($ If 'o do not feel a condition, it does not 5G THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM e6ist to 'o$ If 'o do not feel !n(er, )ain, disease, or I")ort&n$e misfortne, it does not e6ist to 'o$ Of fee*in. E&er' condition t!at 'o feel e6ists to 'o, "ecase "' feelin( 'o come to #no% t!at condition$ Yor %!ole emotional life is in&ol&ed in 'or feelin($ Yor )oetic e6"erance, s)irital ecstas', and !a))' commnion of sol, are all t!e natral otlets of 'or emotional natre$ Hman natre, or rat!er t!e !man state of consciosness, is constittionall' emotional$ ?!ere t!ere is conscios #no%in(, conscios reali-ation and en*o'ment, t!ere mst "e a discriminatin( emotion or feelin($ Kite contrar' to )o)lar "elief, 'or !man emotion is t!e "asis of 'or discriminatin( faclt'$ ;' t!e feelin( of )leasantness or n)leasantness, 'o determine %!at 'o li#e and %!at 'o do not, %!at is (ood for 'o and %!at is not (ood for 'o$ 111$ In t!is life of feelin( 'o mst feel a condition in order to en*o' it$ ?it!ot t!is feelin( 'or reali-ation %old "e meanin(less2 t!erefore t!e moment 'o feel a The e&siest condition, 'or intellectal #no%led(e )&th. "ecomes a reali-ation$ ?!en 'or sn (oes do%n "e!ind t!e "lac# clods of mortalit', %!en 'o "e(in to clin( to t!e )!antoms of 'or o%n mental !allcination, t!ere remains onl' one )at! o)en to 'o in order to re(ain 'or lost Kin(dom2 it is t!e )at! of de&otion$ T!e )at! of de&otion is t!e easiest )at!:it !as no toll, toil, nor tro"le$ It is t!e )at! of consecration, t!e )at! of self+srrender, t!e )at! t!at leads to t!e &er' t!rone of t!e ,lmi(!t'$ It is to srrender one7s self to t!e S)irit of t!in(s in s))lication or )ra'er$ 51 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 112$ =ra'er !as dri&in( )o%er$ It dri&es one7s mind to t!at %!ic! is )ra'ed to$ T!e tro"led mind, t!e mind t!at !as "een scattered "' t!e &ision of t!e ,r&yer$ %orld7s !ideos monsters, is "ro(!t to(et!er in one )oint and dri&en in one direction$ >ora(e and !o)e t!at %ere at t!eir lo%est e"" s%ell ra)idl' %it! e&er' ascendin( ste) of sol to%ard t!at effl(ent .i(!t %!ic! is God$ Yo are li#el' to as#4 8?!o is God and %!ere is God 98 Yo need not (o &er' far to see#$ GOD IS YO0R <ERY SE.F:YO0R =O?ER TO THINK, ,>T, ,ND MO<E$ T!is =o%er ans%ers 'or e&er' )ra'er and administers to 'or e&er' need$ If 'o !a&e lost 'or s)irital e6"erance, if 'o !a&e sn# into t!e dee) dar#ness of mental inertia, t!en trn 'or mind to 'or God, %!o )ermeates and animates 'or "od'2 and )ra' to Him$ 111$ T!is =o%er %ill do an't!in( 'o %ant done: an't!in( 'o "elie&e it can do$ ?!ile )ra'in(, #ee) 'or mind )olari-ed to Yorself:to 'or God in Ho- to )r&y. 'orself$ T!s 'o %ill come nearer and nearer in consciosness to feelin( t!e Eternal =resence in 'orself, ntil 'o finall' lose 'orself in t!e Infinite Em"race of Yorself$ Gradall' 'o %ill "e t!rilled %it! t!e #no%led(e t!at 'o are facin( 'or God in 'orself$ Not a far+a%a' God, "t a God %!o is 'or &er' .ife$ T!is )ra'er %ill raise 'or mind a(ain to t!e Kin(dom, and 'o %ill a(ain come to %al# %it! 'or God t!ro(! t!e &alle' of sns!ine and t!e eternal "looms of !a))iness$ 113$ Do not )ra' as t!e self+ri(!teos of t!e %orld )ra', "ut pray as a son speaking to his father 52 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM or mother. Keeping your mind3 on God talk to -im as ,erfe$t you would talk to your best friend with ,r&yer. lo%e and affection "but with no embellishment of language. =ra' in t!is manner4 "(ather you ha%e already granted what # ha%e been asking but # ha%e not that consciousness this %ery moment. Make me aware of your eternal gifts; make me happy in the conscious knowledge of my own immortality and of the things which you ha%e eternally gi%en me." Do not follo% t!is set form, "t ta#e t!e s"stance of t!is )ra'er$ Kee) on )ra'in( ntil 'or mind meets God in 'orself:ntil 'o "ecome conscios of t!e )resence of God in 'or &er' =o%er to t!in#, act, and mo&e$ T!e moment 'o !a&e t!at mental ele&ation or ecstac': t!ro(! feelin( His )resence: 'or )ra'er !as "een ans%ered to 'or consciosness$ 11@$ In 'or de&otional ser&ice 'o s!old )ra' alod so t!at 'o ma' !a&e t!e s))ort of 'or "rot!ers and sisters in t!e same fait!$ One da' se&eral of m' friends A !e(otion&* (at!ered at m' )lace$ T!e' %anted ser(i$e. me to condct a de&otional ser&ice, of %!ic! I %as s)ea#in( mc! at t!at time$ 8<er' %ell, let s !a&e a de&otional ser&ice$ ;t I %ant e&er' one of 'o to )ra' alod ntil !e recei&es !is ans%er t!ro(! !is mental ele&ation$8 T!e' all a(reed$ Drin( or ser&ice one lad' %!ose fin(er %as affected "' "lood )oisonin( claimed t!at s!e %as instantl' !ealed$ ,not!er %!o !ad a cataract on !er e'e at once cold see$ , man %!o !ad "een sfferin( from a r)tre for se&eral 'ears declared t!at !e %as !ealed "' !is )ra'ers in a s!ort time$ T!e demonstrations %ere sim)l' mar&elos$ ,nd t!e' %ere all made t!ro(! scientific )ra'er$ 51 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 115$ I call it scientific )ra'er, "ecase t!ere is an e6act #no%led(e "ac# of sc! )ra'er$ T!ere is not!in( !it+ and+miss a"ot it$ ?e #no% or God to %!om %e )ra'$ Re&*i6&tion of ?e also #no% %!' %e )ra'$ ?e )ra' Go! -ithin. to lift or minds to t!at )lane of conscios #no%in( %!ere e&er't!in( !as "een eternall' done$ ?e reali-e or God in orsel&es, and His ne&er+ ceasin( action t!ro(! His Eternal =lan$ Or de&otional ser&ice is a real =entecostal feast$ It !as no irrational e6+ cita"ilit', "t t!ere is an orderl' e6)ression of lo&e and de&otion$ ?e do not e6)ect an' nsal )!enomena to ta#e )lace, "t %e antici)ate t!e s"lime reali-ation of God, %!o "ecomes ,ll+in+,ll in or li&es$ Sc! an emotional )lift is t!e natral means of sol e6)ression$ E&er' emotion in its creati&e s)!ere is Di&ine$ It is t!e stream of self+conscios life flo%in( )%ard$ It lifts man to t!e s"lime reali-ation of God and His eternal creation !ere and no%$ 11A$ ?!en 'o desire to (i&e a !ealin( treatment to an'one "' de&otional means, *st trn 'or mind to 'orself and see God in 'orself doin( t!e %or#, "' Tre&tin c!an(in( t!e mind of t!e afflicted one to others. t!e reali-ation of !is eternal )erfection$ T!is %ill not ma#e 'o conscios of t!e a))arent im)erfection t!at t!e )atient ma' manifest$ Yo sim)l' "e!old t!e %or#in( of t!e .ord in c!an(in( t!is mental idea of im)erfection to t!at of )erfection, "t 'o do not directl' se 'or mentalit' to c!an(e or inflence !is mind$ Yo can also )ra' to t!e God in 'or )atient to c!an(e t!e mental )ictre of im)erfection or lac# and reali-e t!at t!e actal %or# is "ein( done$ T!is 53 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM form of de&otional !ealin( %ill #ee) 'or mind in s"lime toc! %it! 'or Infinite .ife, free from an' n)leasant reaction$ 11E$ Yo s!old reali-e t!e e&er+acti&e God %it!in: God %!o ins)ires 'o and mo&es 'o to action$ Yor )resent t!in#in( state is t!e reslt of t!e eternal action Go!/ & Go! of God, or else 'o cold not !a&e of &$tion. t!is t!in#in( state$ Do not for(et t!at onl' in t!e t!in#in( state do 'o feel t!e necessit' for t!e reali-ation of s)reme "liss$ That which is eternal in 5eing must be eternal in action. T!e ne&er+ceasin( ;ein( !as ne&er+ceasin( action$ T!is action is eternal motion$ T!e >reati&e+life is eternall' mo&in( t!at %!ic! is eternall' e6istin(, t!at is, It is eternall' mo&in( %it!in Itself$ So feel t!e &ital, animatin(, im)ellin( force of God in 'o$ Yor mental contact %it! sc! a conce)tion of God %ill ta#e a%a' 'or self+consciosness and (i&e 'o t!e cora(e and con&iction to act %it! ins)iration$ 11F$ Yo s!old "' no means tr' to reali-e t!e static or stationar' state of God, in t!e "elief t!at t!is creation and its action are illsion$ If 'o do it %ill !rl 'o into No tho#ht mental inertia$ If an't!in( is illsion, it -itho#t &$tion. mst "e t!e creation of t!e One .ife, %!ic! is ,ll+in+,ll$ T!en %it!ot action !o% cold t!at One .ife create illsion9 Ho% cold t!at One .ife create an't!in(, if it %ere not in!erentl' in Itself to create9 T!en illsion mst "e t!e most natral t!in($ E&en to #no% illsion as illsion is, in itself, an action$ ?it!ot t!e act of #no%in(, !o% cold 'o #no% a t!in(9 Similarl', to #no% t!at 'o !a&e sto))ed t!in#in(, 'o %old still "e t!in#in(2 5@ THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM or to #no% t!at God is motionless or actionless, 'o %old still "e actin($ 13G, Since e&er' action is t!e action of t!e One .ife, !o% cold 'o #no% or reali-e t!at One .ife %it!ot action 9 No% s))ose 'o are free from t!e illsion of F&**&$y of the t!e so+called &isi"le %orld, %ill not theory of t!at reali-ation ta#e a%a' all 'or i**#sion. am"ition to do an't!in( %!ic! s((ests illsion 9 ?ill 'o not lose all 'or incenti&e to do an't!in( for t!is e6)ression+life9 Hence, 'or li"eration from illsion %ill !a&e no )ractical &ale to 'o$ Sc! a doctrine in&aria"l' creates mental inertia$ T!e indi&idal or nation %!ic! !as follo%ed sc! a doctrine !as (one do%n into !istor' as a non+entit'$ If 'o are am"itios or of an acti&e trn of mind, 'o %ill "e com)elled to li&e a lie in 'or efforts to reconcile t!e doctrine of illsion %it! t!e le(itimate e6)ression of life$ In one "reat! 'o %ill sa' t!at t!e o"*ect of 'or desire is illsion and !ence it does not e6ist in realit', and in anot!er "reat! 'o %ill sa' t!at 'or &er' reali-ation of freedom !el)s 'o to (et t!e t!in( t!at 'o %ant$ 131$ ,ll 'or s)eclations, t!eories, or ideas, are merel' 'or conce)tions, and 'o are t!e >oncei&er$ Ho%e&er, 'or cosmic creation is 'or atomatic conce)tion, The etern&* %!ic! is in!erentl' in 'or Natre$ 0re&ti(e Yo sim)l' consciosl' reali-e t!is &$tion. eternal conce)tion t!ro(! 'or indi&idal )oint of e6)ression$ Yo are indi&idal in 'or e6)ression "t ni&ersal Essence in 'or ;ein($ Bess7 reali-ation %as of t!e e&er+acti&e God$ Hence !e said4 "My (ather worketh hitherto and # work" T!ere %as a d'namic force in t!is &ision:t!at "ac# of !is indi&idal e6)ression 55 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM t!e im)ellin( =o%er of t!e ,lmi(!t' remains e&er+ constant$ Yet !e #ne% t!at t!e indi&idal e6)ression %as t!e e6)ression of t!e One .ife4 "# and my (ather are one." T!e man %!o !as sc! a reali-ation cannot !el) feelin( t!e ins)iration of t!e Hol' G!ost to dare and to do t!e so+called im)ossi"le$ His action is al%a's condci&e to lo&e, *stice, !armon', and )eace$ Sc! action ne&er lac#s t!e nJenc!a"le fire of -eal$ It reco(ni-es no o"stacles, no "arriers$ 132$ +lways bear in mind that you can recei%e as much as you are capable of recei%ing at this present moment. +ccording to your need and capacity to use you Yo#r )resent recei%e. If 'o do not se %!at !as nee! s#))*ie!. alread' "een (i&en 'o, 'o %ill in&ite all forms of n)leasant reaction$ It is n*st to "e en&ios of t!e man %!o !as a (reater ca)acit' to demonstrate God7s (ifts$ He is no more res)onsi"le for !is )o%er to recei&e t!an 'o are for 'ors$ ;t accordin( to 'or ca)acit' 'o ma' "e as (reat as t!e so+called (reat man$ + great man has more responsibility than you that is greater ser%ice is demanded of him. ,eal greatness consists in being natural without greed or desire to outshine some one else. ,s t!e ri&er flo%s to%ard t!e ocean natrall', as t!e flo%er+"d "lossoms accordin( to its timel' e6)ression, so a (reat man li&es natrall' accordin( to !is nfoldment$ 131$ ?!en man stands firml' "' a )rinci)le accordin( to !is nderstandin(, %!en !e li&es, acts, and dreams natrall', %it!ot infrin(in( on t!e li"ert' of anot!er Tr#e re&tness. indi&idal, !e is trl' (reat$ Neit!er time nor tide can inflence !im to (i&e ) t!e )rinci)le %!ic! !as 5A THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM "ro(!t !im !is !a))iness and *o'$ Em)ires ma' rise and fall2 !man con&entions ma' come and (o2 t'rants ma' crcif' >!rist "' )!oldin( time+%orn instittions, and totter to t!eir fall nder t!eir o%n "rden2 "t t!e trl' (reat man, t!e son of eternal destin', stands firml' on t!e roc# of a(es$ He does not com)romise2 !e does not %!im)er nder t!e merciless las!es of t'rann', "t mo&es steadfastl' on %it! t!e >osmic Tide$ He is in&inci"le, "ecase !e !as t!e deat!less consciosness of Eternal Man$ 133$ =riests, scri"es, and =!arisees !a&e mc! to lose$ T!e %orld7s !onor, t!e %orld7s )resti(e, and t!e %orld7s %ors!i) are not so eas' for t!em to (i&e )$ ;t t!e tre The tr#e "&n man of God fears not!in($ His one of Go! is aim is to li&e t!e life ) to t!e le&el fe&r*ess. of !is &ision$ E&er' reform t!at !as "lessed !man societ', e&er' no"le t!in( t!at %e can "e )rod of, is t!e %or# of t!e fe% (reat sols$ ?!en ot!ers faltered, de"ated t!e loss and (ain, t!ese !eroes acted at t!e ris# of %!at t!e %orld calls life$ Not so &er' lon( a(o %omen %ere treated li#e c!attel sla&es$ T!e' %ere denied e&er' )ri&ile(e t!at men en*o'ed$ Toda', in all ci&ili-ed commnities, t!at iron+clad rle !as "een a"olis!ed$ ?!o c!am)ioned t!is no"le case 9 Not t!e c!rc!2 not t!e )riests and scri"es and no"ilities, "t a fe% darin( sols$ 13@$ T!e ones %!om 'o once ridicled and )ersected, toda' 'o %ors!i)$ T!e' do not need 'or %ors!i), t!e' do not need "elated %reat!s and larels, "t t!e' need The -&y% 'or nderstandin( to #ee) )ace sho-ers. %it! natral !man nfoldment$ In s)ite of t!ese no"le e6am)les "efore 'o, 'o do not c!an(e$ Yo still 5E THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM follo% 'or inclination to crcif' a !i(!er ideal and no"ler conce)tion of freedom$ ;' )!oldin( t!e false ideals of "'(one a(es, 'o stri&e to rose a mo" feelin( a(ainst !man li"ert' and "rot!erl' lo&e$ No% do 'o %onder %!' t!e )rif'in( fire of God descends )on 'o9 ?!' 'or self+ri(!teosness cannot sa&e 'o from disease, miser', and misfortne9 135$ E&er't!in( is mo&in( on an ascendin( scale$ Yo need not (rie&e o&er an' loss$ T!e "etter order of t!in(s is constantl' dra%in( nearer to 'o$ ?!en it costs 'o N&t#re4s an effort to #ee) a t!in(, 'o s!old #no% s$he"e &n t!at 'o are !oldin( fast to t!at %!ic! "#st &s$en!in (o$ Natre ne&er ta#es a%a' from 'o th&t s$&*e. %!ic! 'o s!old !a&e$ ,nd %!en It ta#es a%a' an't!in(, It al%a's "rin(s in retrn a "etter order of t!in(s$ The moment you let go your mental hold upon a wrong thing in anticipation of the right thing the better order steps into its place. It is so difficlt for t!e %orldl'+minded to nderstand t!is$ T!e' !old fast to t!e &er' t!in( %!ic! is casin( t!em )ain and miser'$ 13A$ Mar&elos are God7s =lan and Manifestation$ ?!', t!en, (o contrar' to t!e ni&ersal and eternal order of t!in(s9 ?!en 'o !a&e t!e ri(!t t!in(, it ne&er (i&es The h&r"ony 'o an' case for %orr' and care$ It of Go!4s al%a's "rin(s 'o !a))iness and *o'$ ,*&n4s. T!en 'o find no in!armon' or friction in 'or mental realm$ ?!en t%o )ersons are !armonios %it! eac! ot!er, !o% natrall' t!e' fall into t!e r!'t!m of t!e ni&ersal .a% of !armon'$ If 'o are more t!an mere fles! and "lood, %!' not !a&e t!e "roader &ision of life: 5F THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM %!' not let t!e idea of sin and sedction (o and follo% God7s eternal )at! of !armon'9 Yes, I #no%2 'o are afraid of tradition:afraid of t!e *eers and condemnation of t!e %orld$ Yo are tormented da' and ni(!t:al%a's fearfl and ss)icios of %!at mi(!t !a))en to 'o if 'o dared to li&e t!e sinless, free life of God$ ,s lon( as 'o are in t!at state of mind, 'o are far from God7s Trt!$ 13E$ Yes, t!ere is a rain"o% trail t!ro(! %!ic! a sol )asses from (lor' to (lor':and in %!ic! it finds "liss$ In God7s (lorios %a' a sol !olds commnion %it! The r&in'o- anot!er sol, free from t!e trammels tr&i*. of t!e eart!$ Yo mst follo% t!is rain"o% trail:it is t!e trail of !armon' and lo&e:it is t!e trail )on %!ic! God !as s!o%ered eternal "enediction, and )rononced it e&er !ol' and )erfect$ Here mind transcends t!e "od', and sol ascends in its (lor' to t!e consciosness of >!rist fore&er and no%$ T!e ni&ersal corse of action does not consist of sorro% and sfferin(, "t of "liss and )eace$ ?!' not follo% t!is )at! of "liss and )eace and "e (lorified %it! t!e (lor' t!at %as fore&er in t!e Fat!er7s ;osom 9 ?!' not (et in toc! %it! t!e &ast >osmos and feel t!e t!rill of a resrrected sol9 13F$ One afternoon I felt t!e r(e to ta#e a %al# do%n t!e cree#$ ,s I strolled alon( a"sor"ed in m' o%n t!o(!t, I met a tram), %!om I (reeted$ It occrred to The story me to !a&e a c!at %it! t!is tram) and of & tr&"). learn somet!in( of !is life7s !istor'$ I sto))ed, and seatin( m'self on a lo( %!ic! %as not &er' far from !im, en(a(ed !im in con&ersation$ He not onl' s)o#e intelli(entl' "t also %it! t!e distinct articlation of AG THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM t!e cltred$ I %as (eninel' sr)rised to find a man of !is cali"er in sc! a condition$ In t!e Orient, %!ere reli(ion is t!e main incenti&e to (i&e ) a %orldl' career, I !ad met %it! man' sc!, "t it seemed nsal to meet one in t!e Occident$ 1@G$ I inJired t!e case of !is lea&in( !ome$ He re)lied t!at it %as a lon(, lon( stor', and !is e'es "ecame sad and meditati&e as t!o(! !e %ere re&ie%in( !is nfortnate )ast$ I did not "rea# t!at silent re&erie of !is sol, "t in a fe% moments !e rosed !imself from !is mental a"straction and smilin(l' said4 8Yo seem to "e interested to #no% m' )ast$ ?ell, since %e are not li#el' to meet a(ain, I %ill tell 'o all a"ot it$ Yo see me toda' as t!e scm of t!e eart!, "t ten 'ears a(o it %as not so$ Ten 'ears a(o I %as dreamin( of !a))iness and a "ri(!t ftre$ I %as raised in a contr' !ome on an eastern farm2 I !ad an !onest fat!er and a (ood mot!er$ ?!en I sa' I !ad a (ood mot!er, t!at does not fll' e6)ress m' t!o(!t, for s!e %as, to me, all t!at stood for t!e no"le and tre$ I %as natrall' a dreamer and idealist$ 1@1$ 8?!en I %as (radated from colle(e I mo&ed to a cit' in order to see# %ider o))ortnities$ T!ere I met t!e (irl %!om I lo&ed and married$ For a fe% 'ears I %as e6tremel' !a))' in m' %edded life, "ecase I lo&ed and li&ed in tter a"andonment of self$ I ne&er ss)ected an't!in( %ron(, ne&er dreamed t!at t!is !a))iness mi(!t e&er come to an end$ One da' I retrned from m' office as sal and called to m' %ife$ T!ere %as no ans%er$ I loo#ed e&er'%!ere, "t s!e %as no%!ere to "e fond$ On t!e ta"le I fond a note tellin( me t!at s!e !ad (one %it! t!e man s!e lo&ed more t!an me$ T!is came as A1 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM a t!nder"olt ot of a clear s#'$ It "ro#e m' !eart and s!attered m' ideal$ ;roodin( o&er m' tro"le ndermined m' !ealt!$ I too# a &acation and %ent to a montain resort, "t it did me no (ood$ One da', as I %as strollin(, I met a tram)$ ,fter seein( !is care+free life, I !ad t!e ins)iration to follo% !is e6am)le in t!e !o)es of for(ettin( m' tro"le$8 1@2$ I listened to !im &er' attenti&el'$ ,fter !e !ad finis!ed, I said4 8M' (ood friend, do 'o not #no% t!at t!at %!ic! is ors no one can ta#e a%a' from s9 T!ere The *&- of is a la% in t!is ni&erse %!ic! is *st &!5#st"ent. and tre and %!ic! ne&er ma#es a mista#e$ T!is la% ad*sts e&er' %ron( condition$ ?!en 'o are in t!e %ron( )lace, t!e la% leads 'o to t!e ri(!t )lace$ ?!en 'o !a&e t!e %ron( )artner, t!e la% :"' some means or anot!er:"rin(s a"ot a se)aration and tries to lead 'o to t!e ri(!t one, %!o is some%!ere %aitin( for 'o$ ?it!ot some )lan of creation 'o %old not "e !ere$ So, %it!ot t!is =lan, 'o %old not !a&e con*(al lo&e and t!e desire for a com)anion$ T!ere is, t!erefore, also a )lan for t!e flfillment of 'or desire$ Yor desire for con*(al lo&e is natral at t!is sta(e of 'or nfoldment$ E&er' natral desire !as "een eternall' flfilled in t!e Di&ine =lan$ Do not des)air, someone is %aitin( for 'o some%!ere on t!is n"ro#en >osmic Trail$8 1@1$ ,t t!is )oint !e clas)ed m' !and and arose$ ?it! e'es streamin( %it! tears, !e said4 8Yo do not #no% %!at 'o !a&e done for me$ I mst (o no%:I mst (o to find t!at someone %!o is %aitin( for me some%!ere on t!is >osmic Trail$ I #no% s!e %ill "e (lad to see meI I mst (oI8 He stoo)ed and re&erentl' #issed m' !and$ T!en !e !astil' %al#ed a%a'$ A2 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 1@3$ '%en through the path of so-called sorrow and misery the +lmighty &aw is leading man to the 'ternal +bode of peace and happiness. T!erefore, The 2in!o" %i)e a%a' t!e tears of sadness &n! of H&))iness. smile t!e smile of (ladness$ T!e smile t!at ne&er fades, "t floods t!e %!ole %orld %it! its sns!ine$ ?!en 'o are !a))', 'or sol sin(s ot s)ontaneosl' its o%n son( in a m'stic refrain$ Yor mind sli)s into anot!er %orld: t!e %orld t!at is made of (ladness and t!e %orld t!at e6ists in 'or immortal &ision$ #t is in the upper stratum of mental life where e%erything looks so beautiful so transcendental. Then why tarry in the %alley of sorrow and death. 7hy not come up to the mountain top where you will behold the boundless e*panse of God3s 'ternal Kingdom. 1@@$ If m' tram) friend !ad sta'ed a little lon(er, I %old !a&e told !im man' more t!in(s$ I %old !a&e told Mm t!at or ideal is real$ Or ideal is not an em)t' The re&*ity of dream, "t it e6ists some%!ere in t!is o#r i!e&*s. manifested creation$ I %old !a&e told !im t!at %!en %e dream or ideal, it comes to s t!ro(! t!e in&isi"le corridors of t!e s)aceless %orld: t!e %orld t!at e6ists in or t!in#in($ ?e ma' not !ear its silent footste)s, "t %e can feel its in&isi"le )resence$ ?e ma' not !ear its e6)ression of lo&e and "lessin(, "t %e can nderstand its sentiment:t!e sentiment %!ic! %e %ant it to e6)ress$ ?e ma' not distin(is! its ndefined form, "t %e are acJainted %it! its Jalit'$ T!is ideal ma' "e in Me6ico, =er, or ;ra-il2 it ma' "e in Ne% /ealand, Sot! ,frica, or in Ba)an$ Yet s)ace is no "arrier and time is of no conseJence$ A1 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 1@5$ ,s %e dream of and meet or ideal, in or t!o(!t %orld, so one da' %e meet it in its o"*ecti&e manifestation$ One da', in some m'sterios %a', The o'5e$ti(e %e meet it on destin'7s !i(!%a'$ If "&nifest&tion. t!e )reconcei&ed )!'sical "arrier is not too stron( for s to o&ercome, %e reco(ni-e one anot!er "' or inner sense of attraction and !armon'$ T!at %!ic! %as an a"stract &ision a))ears clot!ed in fles!$ T!erefore, t!ere ma' "e a little !esitation, a little timidit' on or )art to come ot "oldl' and sa'4 8I #no% 'o2 %e !a&e met "efore$8 ,s %e *orne' fort! t!ro(! life, man' times %e rene% or in&isi"le acJaintance in so+called fles! %it! t!e #indred sols %!ose )resence %e once felt and lo&ed$ If t!e ideal can "e #e)t ali&e, one da' t!e real comes into or life$ 1@A$ One da' a Hind "o' as#ed a Sa(e4 8Master, %!en s!all I meet m' Guru Cs)irital teac!erD in t!is life98 T!e Sa(e ans%ered4 8Yor Guru !as *st started from a distant contr' to meet 'o$ ?atc! and %ait$ One da' !e %ill reac! 'o$8 T!e "o' %atc!ed and %aited t!ree 'ears$ One da' a man stood "e!ind !im, and (entl' )lacin( !is !and on !is s!older, said4 8;o', I am !ere$ Yo are loo#in( for me$ Follo% meI8 T!e "o' reco(ni-ed t!e Master7s call in !is &oice and follo%ed$ Yo ma' t!in# it stran(e$ T!ere is not!in( stran(e a"ot it$ In t!is e&er+manifested %orld e&er't!in( remains e&er+manifested$ T!e moment 'o "ecome conscios of an ideal, 'o ma#e a mental contact %it! it$ From t!at &er' moment t!at ideal mo&es to%ard 'or &isi"le s)!ere2 and one da' 'o meet it$ Yet, "ond do%n "' 'or fles!l' conce)t of life, 'o ma' fail to reco(ni-e its o"*ecti&e manifestation$ A3 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 1@E$ S))ose 'or ideal is a >!rist+li#e man$ Yo %ant t!is man to come to 'o and teac! 'o s)irital %isdom$ No%, s))ose !e comes in a "lac#, "ro%n, red, or R&$i&* 'ello% "od'9 ?ill not 'or racial )re*dice )re5#!i$e. #ee) 'o from reco(ni-in( !im9 T!e )!'sical ideal destro's t!e meta)!'sical ideal:t!e ideal of Jalit'$ ?!en t!is o"*ecti&e %orld s!all "ecome a s"*ecti&e manifestation to 'o, 'o %ill not "e so decei&ed "' a))earances$ T!e tre &ale of an a))earance is t!e Jalit' %!ic! 'o reali-e in it$ T!erefore, as 'or consciosness rises !i(!er, so 'or a))reciation of t!e tre Jalit' (oes !i(!er$ 1@F$ If 'o %ant >!rist to come to 'o, 'o s!old not limit !im to 'or idea of a))earance and 'or idea of action$ If 'o do, 'o are li#el' to "e decei&ed$ Yor Mis)*&$e! idea of definite a))earance and definite *o(e. action is limited "' 'or &ision$ T!at ideal ma' not "e s)erior to 'orself$ ;t if 'o "elie&e in an ideal %!ic! can lead 'o and (ide 'o, irres)ecti&e of 'or )re+concei&ed ideas of a))earance and action, 'o %ill soon ma#e contact %it! a >!rist+li#e sol$ T!e >!rist+li#e man does not act accordin( to t!e %orld7s formla, "t acts from a !i(!er moti&e$ , man %!o ans%ers t!e descri)tion of 'or )!'sical ideal and acts to )lease 'or )articlar !o""', ma' trn ot to "e a %olf in s!ee)7s clot!in($ T!at is t!e reason %!' men and %omen of )!'sical ideal so often mis)lace t!eir lo&e and affection$ ?!en t!e a%a#enin( comes, t!eir ideal is s!attered$ ,n ideal of Jalit' ne&er fails to "rin( !a))iness and *o' %!ic! t!e %orld cannot destro'$ A@ THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 15G$ It %as on accont of t!eir )!'sical ideal t!at t!e Scri"es and =!arisees cold not reco(ni-e t!e Messia! %!en Bess t!e >!rist came$ T!e em"odiment of t!e Re$onition Eternal >!rist is in e&er' man7s sol$ Of the i!e&*. ,ll ideals s!old "e meta)!'sical, "ecase 'o are li&in( in a meta)!'sical %orld:t!e %orld of t!in#in($ If 'or )!'sical ideal is stron(, 'o are li#el' to trn a%a' from t!e &er' one %!om 'o !a&e dreamed of and lo&ed all 'or life$ 151$ Once an En(lis!man told me t!at se&eral 'ears "efore, %!en !e li&ed in >anada, !e sed to feel t!e in&isi"le )resence of an ideal (irl$ Her )!'sical I!e&* a))earance %as not so %ell defined, 'et !er re&*i6e!. in&isi"le )resence %old t!rill !im$ T!ree 'ears later !e met t!e (irl$ S!e !ad come all t!e %a' from Ne% /ealand, and %as torin( t!e ?estern Hemis)!ere$ T!e meetin( occrred in a manner t!at !e %old !a&e deemed im)ossi"le$ T!e One .ife "rin(s Its different e6)ressions to(et!er "' Its o%n immta"le la% of corres)ondence$ The 8uality that you attribute to an unknown and unseen person draws him within your mental radius. Yor ideal does not reco(ni-e 'or )ast :its onl' concern is %it! 'or )resent state of mind$ 152$ ?!' does 'or dream or ima(ination of a certain ideal t!in( or condition t!rill 'o9 ?!' do 'o e&en t!in# of it9 ;ecase it is time for 'o to t!in# t!at The n&t#r&*% t!o(!t, dream t!at dream, ima(ine t!at ness of condition$ Ima(ination of an't!in( t!at i"&in&tion. t!rills 'o and (laddens 'or !eart is for 'o to ima(ine2 God ,lmi(!t' %ants 'o to ima(ine it$ ,n' t!o(!t t!at (i&es 'o A5 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM )eace and *o', and does not interfere %it! t!e tre ri(!ts or li"ert' of anot!er )erson is a ri(!t t!o(!t$ Yo, in t!is manifested life, li&e "' t!in#in( or ima(inin($ Yor *o' does not come from a t!in(, "t from t!e ima(inar' &ale t!at 'o attri"te to t!at t!in($ T!en t!ere is not!in( %ron( in ima(inin( t!at 'o are li&in( in a "eatifl mansion, or en*o'in( t!e most "eatifl t!in( on eart!, if t!at #ind of ima(ination is natral to 'o$ 151$ If 'o are a"le to en*o' a t!in( in 'or ima(ination, 'o are reall' %ort!' of it$ T!is en*o'ment mst "e natral and s)ontaneos$ It mst "e Riht free from all )ast and all ftre$ Sc! a i"&in&tion. )rero(ati&e is 'ors and it is in ac+ cordance %it! t!e Di&ine =lan$ Yor natral &ision determines 'or ca)acit' to (i&e, ta#e, and en*o'$ T!is ca)acit' is free from (reed and selfis!ness$ If 'o desire a t!in( merel' for t!e )leasre of )ossession, 'o %ill ne&er feel real satisfaction %!en 'o do )ossess it$ , dead sol cannot en*o' t!e li&in( toc! of a t!in($ It !as lost its &i"rant, animatin( Jalit'$ ;t %!en 'o en*o' a t!in( in 'or ima(ination as t!o(! 'o actall' !ad it, 'o learn to en*o' t!e real Jalit' of t!e t!in( and, t!erefore, 'o contine to en*o' %!en t!at t!in( is materiali-ed to 'or consciosness$ 153$ T!e t!in( or condition t!at fires 'or ima(ination, "rin(s t!rills to 'or sol, is for 'or se and not merel' for 'or )ossession$ T!en %!' not se it ri(!t no% in F#*fi**"ent. 'or ima(ination9 T!is ac#no%led(ment of t!e Di&ine =lan and its flfillment %ill one da' "rin( t!e #ind of t!in( 'o dream$ Find )eace and !armon' in #no%in( t!at t!e t!in( t!at 'o en*o' in 'or ima(+ AA THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM ination !as "een eternall' 'ors$ T!is )erfect )oise and )eace of mind %ill ma#e 'o a most )o%erfl a(ent to do (ood to !manit' and 'orself$ 15@$ Here is a concrete illstration of %!at ri(!t ima(ination %ill do for one4 , )oor little (irl sed to ride in a limosine and li&e in a mansion, all in !er Dre&"% ima(ination$ ;t %!en s!e (re% ) s!e -or*!. married a com)arati&el' )oor man$ Yet s!e contined to li&e in !er dream %orld$ It so !a))ened t!at !er !s"and died and left !er )enniless$ S!e %as com)elled to find %or# in order to earn !er li&in($ T!e )lace %!ere s!e %or#ed %as mana(ed "' a ric! 'on( man$ He fell in lo&e %it! !er$ T!is lo&e terminated in marria(e$ No% s!e is not onl' li&in( in a mansion "t also ridin( in a limosine$ One da' I as#ed !er4 77?ere 'o not sr)rised to see t!at 'or dream came tre98 S!e re)lied4 8No, not at all$ It is as natral for me to ride in a limosine and li&e in a lar(e !ose as t!o(! I !ad done it all m' life$8 155$ It is said t!at %!en Na)oleon "ecame Em)eror of France, !e felt Jite at !ome in %ieldin( t!e sce)ter$ He %as accstomed to "ild em)ires in !is The !re&" ima(ination$ ?!en !e fond t!e f#*fi**e!. cro%n of France in t!e (tter, !e )ic#ed it ) and %ore it %it! t!e natral (race and ease of a "orn rler$ Yes, 'or e&er' dream comes tre %it!in t!e .a% of manifestation$ If t!is eart! does not afford 'o t!e )ro)er en&ironment for t!e flfillment of 'or dream toda', it %ill tomorro%$ If sc! en&ironment is no lon(er )ossi"le !ere, 'o %ill "e remo&ed to anot!er eart! %!ere t!at )ossi"ilit' e6ists$ Yes, e&en 'or nnatral dream comes tre$ ;t %!en it comes AE THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM tre, it al%a's "rin(s 'o )ain and sorro%$ T!e .a% is tre and (ood$ It al%a's (i&es 'o %arnin( %!en 'o are in t!e %ron( )lace or %!en 'o !a&e t!e %ron( t!in($ 15A$ Yo !a&e !eard )eo)le sa' t!at 'o s!old not %ors!i) )ersonalit'$ Since 'o #no% t!at it is all t!e One .ife7s )la', 'o s!old not %orr' a"ot ,erson&*ity %ors!i))in( )ersonalit'$ #n the 1ne of One Life. &ife3s play or e*pression there is no personality. If 'o call it )ersonalit', remem"er it is t!e )ersonalit' of One .ife$ Yo !a&e "ro#en do%n all "arriers and limitations$ To 'o, e&er' man in !is Finalit' is t!e One Man, and e&er' man is 'or o%n e6)ression of .ife$ If 'o !ad an' )ersonalit', it !as "ecome im)ersonal "' t!at master toc! of consciosness$ No%, t!erefore, %!ate&er 'o toc! "ecomes im)ersonal to 'o$ 15E$ Bess t!e >!rist said4 "#n my (ather3s house there are many mansions." ?!ere are t!ose mansions9 I %onderI On clear smmer ni(!ts:%!en I lift ) m' Uni(erse e'es to t!e measreless e6)anse of t!e "le #n!erstoo!. &alt a"o&e: I "e(in to %onder %!at are t!ose m'riads of !ea&enl' "odies9 T!e' are millions and millions of miles from one anot!er$ Yet %it! one s%ee)in( (lance %e can co&er "illions of miles in fat!omless s)ace$ ?!en I t!in# of it m' sol stands ent!ralled in t!is terrif'in( &astness$ , ra' of cosmic li(!t "e(ins to "rea# into m' "efo((ed mind, %!ic! is )er!a)s str((lin( t!ro(! eons and eons of time to clear t!e co"%e"s of t!e lo%er )lane of creation$ T!en a faint reali-ation da%ns )on me t!at amidst t!is infinite s)lendor, t!e &ast starfields a"o&e, t!ere is not a sin(le s)ot %!ere man can "e AF THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM alone$ T!en I !ear t!e &oice of Bess t!e >!rist rin(in( t!ro(! t!e corridors of time4 "#n my (ather3s house there are many mansions." 15F, ?it!ot t!e &ision of t!e ,ll+encom)assin( .ife, in %!ose ;osom re&ol&es m'riads of %orlds, t!e fll meanin( of t!e sa'in( of Bess is not re&ealed to s$ 0os"i$ ?!en I t!in# t!at t!ere are t!ree t!osand (&stness. millions of sns in or mil#' %a', and t!at eac! of t!ose sns is lar(er t!an or sn, and t!at eac! sn !as its )lanetar' s'stem, I am as!amed of m' )ett' t!o(!ts, %orries and tro"les$ In t!is cosmic &astness I reali-e t!e eternal )romise of or !ea&enl' Fat!er t!at, "+ll that -e hath is ours." 1AG$ ?e are told t!at "e'ond t!is mil#' %a' t!ere is anot!er mil#' %a' containin( )er!a)s as man' sns$ Or mind sta((ers and %e are na"le to form a Life is com)re!ensi&e idea of t!e nm"er of e(ery-here. sns and t!e )lanets in t!is &ast cosmos$ In t!is infinite )la'(rond of life %e cannot t!in# of lifeless creation$ ?!o %ill tell s %!at t!ose trillions of )lanets contain, %!at form of life, %!at form of e6)ression9 Since t!is creation is (oin( on t!ro(!ot eternit', timeless and "e(innin(less, %!o can tell s to %!at effl(ent !ei(!t t!e manifested li&es !a&e reac!ed in consciosness and reali-ation9 Ho% far !a&e t!e' nfolded9 ?!at reason !a&e %e to "elie&e t!at t!e !i(!est form of !man e6)ression on t!is eart! is t!e limit9 Since t!ro(!ot eternit' t!e creation is (oin( on, t!e formless and static creation is nt!in#a"le$ E&en t!e so+called inanimate o"*ects are animate$ One ,ll+)er&adin( .ife is )lsatin( in t!em$ Science is (radall' demonstratin( t!at fact$ EG THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM 1A1$ Is it t!en nreasona"le to ima(ine t!at nm"erless sols:in!a"itants of "illions of )lanets far off in t!e fat!omless s)ace:!a&e reac!ed t!at !ei(!t of s)irital S#)erior nfoldment %!ere t!e' are nselfis! eno(! 'eins. to "e interested in or %elfare9 ?e:t!e str((lin( !manit':are (ro)in( in t!e dar# li#e a com)assless mariner on a storm' ni(!t$ ?e are still see#in( a safet' !ar"or of )eace and rest$ >an %e not tne or mental radio to recei&e t!e messa(e of !o)e and (ood c!eer from t!ose s)erior "ein(s9 1A2$ It is or Di&ine )rero(ati&e to face or )ro"lem %it! t!e &ision of t!e infinite realms of creation and of t!e Master sols %!o are e&er sendin( fort! t!eir Ment&* "lessin(s to all "ein(s$ In or tter r&!io. !el)lessness, %!en %e lose si(!t of or o%n inner .i(!t, %e can certainl' call )on t!ose cosmic sols for !el) and to set in motion all t!at is (ood and tre$ Since e&er' da' %e are consciosl' or nconsciosl' contactin( and attractin( some n#no%n )ersons in a social or "siness %a' "' or mental radio, %ill it not t!en "e )ossi"le to contact and attract cosmic sols9 If 'o t!in# t!at t!is is merel' a fi(ment of ima(ination, t!en tell me, %!at is "e'ond ima(ination and 'et concerns t!is life9 T!is I sa' is Masterl' Ima(ination$ 1A1$ Ho% do 'o #no% e&er't!in( t!at 'o ima(ine toda' and reali-e tomorro% !as not "een t!e ima(ination and reali-ation of some ot!er creatre in Nothin ne-. t!is &ast s%ee) of creation9 Ho% do 'o #no% t!at e&er' ne% idea t!at 'o concei&e is not t!e Eternit'7s e&er+)resent idea and t!at it is not eternall' concei&ed "' some )oint of manifested life9 Yor "siness )lans, finan+ E1 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM cial ideas, )oetic t!o(!ts, s)irital &ision, and in+ &enti&e ins)iration are of cosmic "irt!$ ,s %it!ot form creation is nt!in#a"le, so %it!ot some #ind of em"odiment manifested life is nt!in#a"le$ ?!o #no%s t!at %e are not ta#in( on em"odiment after em"odiment and mo&in( from or !ea&enl' Fat!er7s one mansion to anot!er, accordin( to or desire, as)iration, and nfoldmentI 1A3$ Yo reco(ni-e Natre7s )rocess of creation, "ecase t!is )rocess is related to 'or conscios as)ect of life$ In Natre7s Eternal =la' 'o reco(ni-e E(ery st&e e&er't!in( e&er+manifested$ Bess, of e3)ression. ;dd!a, Kris!na, 'o and I are all eternal in or different sta(es of manifestation$ E&er' state or sta(e of e6)ression is eternal$ Hence, t!at %!ic! I %as and t!at %!ic! I %ill "e, fore&er IS to t!e Eternal S)irit$ Yet toda' m' eternal e6)ression is different from m' eternal e6)ression of 'esterda'$ T!e sta(es of Bess, ;dd!a, and Kris!na are eternal, re)resentin( different an(les or as)ects of God+consciosness$ Hence, "#n my (ather3s house are many mansions." T!ese mansions are eternal and t!e' ne&er remain &acant$ Hndreds of sols are enterin( into eac! mansion, "t in >!rist, in ;dd!a, in Kris!na all are "ecomin( one in "od' and mind$ T!e !i(!er t!e )lane of consciosness t!e more niform "ecome t!e t!o(!ts and e6)ressions$ 1A@$ E&er' mansion "ecomes t!e mansion of t!e one %!o enters into it$ T!is m'ster' >!rist Bess re&ealed to !is disci)les t%ent' centries a(o, and it is a(ain "ein( The Etern&* re&ealed to s$ ?!' t!en Jarrel a"ot E3)resser. t!ese mansions in t!e !ose of God9 In t!e eternal creation t!e creation means e6)ression:t!e e6)res+ E2 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM sion of T!at %!ic! is eternall' Sell+e6)ressed$ Do 'o not #no% t!at an e6)ression "elon(s to an e6+ )resser9 Yo are t!e eternal E6)resser in t!is eternal E6)ression in 'or Finalit':in 'or Essence$ In t!e last anal'sis t!e E6)resser and t!e E6)ression are One$ 1A5$ >ome closer to 'orself and 'o %ill !a&e a %onderfl re&elation of 'orself$ Yors is t!e Infinite .ife, onl' conscios at t!is )oint$ !ou are the #nfinite The Infinite &ife conscious. ?!at a startlin( Life/ re&elation is t!isI Yo can consciosl' $ons$io#s. #no% 'or o%n eternal (lor'$ Yo can consciosl' ma#e 'or e&er' dream come tre:t!e dream t!at !as eternall' come tre :in t!e reali-ation t!at a t!in( !as "een done, and in feelin( t!e t!rill of an e&er+accom)lis!ed tas#$ ;e alone %it! 'orself at least at !a))' da%n and (lo%in( t%ili(!t$ Yo %ill reali-e t!at in 'orself all )romises and as)irations !a&e "een eternall' flfilled$ T!e moment 'o #no% a t!in( !as "een done, it is done to 'o$ T!at is t!e m'ster' of Self+commnion$ Yo can settle e&er' )ro"lem in 'or conscios #no%in($ Kno%in( 'or Self in 'or self+commnion, 'o set 'orself free$ 1AA$ ,"o&e man7s conscios t!in#in( mind t!ere e6ists a s"*ecti&e #no%in( mind$ T!is mind, or rat!er fore+#no%in( faclt', )ossesses t!e Fore% fore#no%led(e of t!in(s t!at are to 2no-*e!e. !a))en from t!e case and effect of t!e o"*ecti&e mind$ It also )ossesses intiti&e #no%led(e of all t!at is )ositi&e, tre, and (ood$ In ot!er %ords, it intiti&el' #no%s all t!at e6ists in t!e >osmic =lan and Manifestation$ It sim)l' )ro&es t!at t!e ))er stratm of !man life ne&er E1 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM loses its s)irital )rit', alt!o(! t!e lo%er stratm ma' "e s"mer(ed "' t!e del(e of t!e %orld7s clas!in( and conflictin( t!o(!ts$ From t!is ))er stratm not onl' comes t!e )ersonal ans%er to a )ersonal )ra'er, "t also admonitions and s)irital in*nctions$ T!is !as "een called "' some, 8T!e >!rist Eternal,8 and "' ot!ers, 8T!e .i&in(, )ersonal God in man$8 1AE$ From t!e &er' "e(innin( of creation, t!is =ersonal ,s)ect of t!e ni&ersal God !as "een (radall' nfoldin( and re&ealin( Itself t!ro(! eac! indi&idal ,erson&* )oint of creation$ In t!e !man state Its &s)e$t of Go!. action "ecomes clearer and clearer$ It is more t!an )ersonal e(o, and 'et It e6ists to(et!er %it! it$ Hence, %e maintain t!at man in !is totalit' of e6)ression is )ersonal God and man$ T!is distinction is %i)ed ot as man reali-es t!e ,llness of God and t!e Oneness of life$ T!e more 'o !old 'or conscios mind in )eacefl attnement, t!e more clearl' 'o recei&e li(!t, ins)iration, and #no%led(e from t!e ))er stratm of 'or life$ 1AF$ Yo s!old al%a's "ear in mind t!at t!is ))er stratm is tireless in its action2 it #no%s no rest nor slee)$ It is t!at )art of 'o %!ic! "rin(s )eace and Di(ine comfort to 'or conscios mind, %!en #i!&n$e. nder t!e stress of circmstances 'o loo# for !el) from t!e Di&ine Sorce$ It is T!at %!ic! a%a#ens 'o at ni(!t at t!e e6act time %!en 'o desire to a%a#en$ It is t!at Somet!in( %!ic! tells 'o %!at is ri(!t for 'o to !a&e2 %!at is ri(!t for 'o to do$ 1EG$ Bess t!e >!rist said4 "6erily # say unto you e*cept ye be con%erted and become as little E3 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM children ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of The $hi*!*i2e !ea&en$8 If 'o do not "ecome as &ttit#!e. trstfl and natral as little c!ildren, 'o %ill ne&er enter into t!at s"lime &ision of life$ Yo %ill sffer in 'or o%n limitation$ =er!a)s 'o !a&e lost t!e natral road to )eace and !a))iness$ =er!a)s %orldl' %isdom !as ro""ed 'o of t!e &italit' of 'or sol$ =er!a)s t!e fontain of 'or eternal 'ot! !as (one dr'$ Yo are afraid to "e natral in 'or o%n !ome, amon( 'or o%n famil' and friends$ If t!at "e t!e case t!en "rea# t!e s!ac#les "' one master+stro#e, #no%in( t!at 'or S)irit is "ond "' no fetters$ It is e&er free and e&er %!ole$ 1E1$ Do not %ait for tomorro% to come$ Do not %ait for e6)lanations to t!e %orld$ From t!is &er' moment start to li&e t!e life$ Yo o%e a)olo(ies to no one for li&in( Li(in God7s free life$ It interferes %it! no one, the *ife. and it concerns no"od' "t 'orself$ ;' trstin( t!e .a%, 'o mst tr' to li&e t!e sim)le, natral life$ ;' trstin( alone, 'o learn to trst$ If 'o !a&e not t!e cora(e to li&e t!e life as 'o s!old li&e it, 'o !a&e no alternati&e "t to sffer:to )a' t!e )rice for 'or o%n foll'$ &i%ing the spiritual life does not mean following the con%entional dictum of sanctimoniousness. #t means li%ing the life of harmony and peace by doing the right thing by yourself and others f as God has gi%en you the understanding of right. 1E2, Yo mst learn to see e&er't!in( in t!e Kin(dom7s %a', if 'o %ant !ealt! and !a))iness$ E@ THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM Yo mst a"andon 'or narro%ness and "i(otr'$ Yo The f&*se !a&e read4 ":nto the pure all things are st&n!&r!s of pure." So 'o s!old tr' to see all t!in(s the -or*!. in t!eir nati&e )rit'$ Yo mst not *d(e :'o mst not accse$ If 'o *d(e, 'or *d(ment %ill not "e tre$ Yo *d(e from t!e mortal standard of life, %!ic! is %ron($ Bd(in( "' t!e same standard, 'or "siness code and social s'stem are also %ron($ T!e' are not "ased on t!e "rot!er!ood of man#ind, on lo&e and *stice$ T!e' are one+sided, man+made rles to encora(e selfis!ness$ T!e' !a&e not "een made for t!e con&enience and comfort of all$ T!erefore t!e' mst (o$ T!e' %ill "e s%e)t a%a' "efore t!e risin( tide of )ro(ressi&e !man consciosness$ 1E1$ .i&in( t!ro(! centries of dar#ness, 'o !a&e formed a %ron( conce)t of ri(!t$ Yor idea of ri(!t is )ositi&el' %ron(, "ecase it is a(ainst t!e fndamental I""or&* )rinci)le of life, %!ic! is nit' and lo&e$ mor&*ity. Yor (reed, )assion, and *ealos' are "orn of 'or limited &ision of life$ T!erefore, %!en 'o *d(e 'or fello%men, 'o sim)l' )!old 'or o%n )assion and *ealos', "t not *stice$ Yo tr' to sa&e t!e time+ %orn totterin( instittion t!ro(! fear t!at t!e old order of t!in(s ma' )ass a%a', and 'o ma' "e com)elled to li&e in more li(!t, mtal nderstandin(, and *stice$ ?!en 'o tr' to sa&e t!e t!in(s %!ic! 'o !a&e ot(ro%n "' 'or natral order of nfoldment, 'o do not scceed$ 1E3$ , mi(!t' tide !as risen$ Yo are na"le to resist t!is %a&e, %!ic! is s%ee)in( a%a' all E5 THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM )riestl' and =!arisaical doctrines$ It is t!e da' of t!e The Ne- .ord:t!e da' of t!e )eo)le$ T!e )eo)le D&y. s!all rise for t!e Kin(dom7s sa#e$ T!e Kin(dom offers t!em (reater freedom and (reater res)ect and lo&e for mtal nderstandin($ T!e enemies of )ro(ress are a))ealin( to t!e )rimiti&e instinct of man, to )reser&e t!eir self+interest$ T!e' are fomentin( race+)re*dice in t!e name of ci&ic &irte, social la%s and cstoms$ T!e )ro(ressi&e s)irit of t!e a(e c!allen(es t!eir moti&e and ta#es a decided stand on t!e "road "asis of !manit'$ In s)ite of i(norance and )re*dice and narro% class consciosness, God7s trt! is marc!in( on$ ,ll t!e relics of "ar"arism are (radall' "ein( s%e)t a%a'$ T!e s)ecial )rero(ati&e and )ri&ile(es of a certain class are doomed to destrction$ T!e Di&ine ri(!ts of all men are (radall' "ein( reco(ni-ed$ 1E@$ No matter %!at comes to 'o, "e it )leasant or n)leasant, learn to acce)t it in t!e Kin(dom7s %a'$ E&er't!in( is for t!e (lorification of God$ E&er't!in( The Kin% leads man God%ard$ Yo need not di( !o"4s -&y. dee) into a case and *d(e t!e effect$ In t!e Kin(dom7s %a' e&er' effect is for one )r)ose and t!at )r)ose is to lead man God%ard$ T!erefore, %!en Bess %as as#ed "' !is disci)les a"ot t!e man "orn "lind4 "Master who did sin." !e ans%ered4 "2either hath this man sinned nor his parents but that the work of God should be made manifest in him." Yo s!old not *d(e 'orself eit!er %!en 'o are in a ti(!t )lace$ Bst #no% t!at it %as to "e and it is for 'or (ood$ It is to remind 'o t!at 'o mst %al# God%ard$ EA THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM T!at is t!e onl' t!in( t!at %ill "rin( 'o li(!t, !a)+ )iness, and *o'$ 1E5$ Yo !a&e more t!in(s to "e t!an#fl for t!an to re(ret$ In t!is %orld7s )la' of life, 'o easil' for(et all t!e %onderfl "lessin(s t!at 'o !a&e recei&ed, and O#r "&nifo*! 'o remem"er t!e fe% n)leasant '*essins. t!in(s, %!ic! 'o ma(nif' "' "roodin( o&er t!em$ If 'o %atc! all t!e e&ents of 'or dail' life, 'o %ill "e o&er%!elmed "' t!e lo&e and "lessin(s t!at are constantl' "ein( s!o%ered )on 'o$ ;' "e!oldin( dar#ness, %!at do 'o (ain9 Not!in(I Yo sim)l' "ecome na"le to see li(!t$ 1EA$ T!e S)irit of t!e Na-arene is cr'in( to 'o do%n t!ro(! t!e centries, sa'in(4 "$eek ye first the Kingdom of God and -is righteousness; and all The S)irit of these things shall "be added unto the N&6&rene. you." Yo are )a'in( no !eed$ Yo are still driftin( alon( in 'or old %a'$ It is time t!at 'o follo%ed t!e Master7s in*nction$ It is Bess t!e >!rist %!o is s)ea#in( to 'o$ It is not t!e Bess %!ose descri)tion 'o !a&e !eard, all mee# and (entle, ne(ati&el' (ood, "t it is Bess as !e trl' %as$ It is t!e Bess %!o re"#ed =eter, sa'in(4 "Get thee 3behind me $atan; thou art an offense unto me;" It is t!e Bess %!o %!i))ed t!e mone'+c!an(ers in t!e tem)le2 it is t!e Bess %!o crsed t!e Scri"es and =!arisees, and called t!em fools and told t!em t!at t!e' %old !a&e t!e damnation of !ell$ It is t!e Bess %!o rode to Bersalem on a don#e'7s "ac# in order t!at t!e Scri)tres mi(!t "e flfilled, and %!o dared def' t!e traditions of t!e )riests of Bersalem$ It is t!e Bess %!o %as merciless to t!e )rod, and (entle to t!e mee#$ EE THE MYSTERY OF THE KINGDOM It is t!e Bess %!o %e)t for t!e )oor and do%n+ trodden, and &aliantl' fo(!t t!eir "attles$ It is t!e Bess %!o al%a's follo%ed t!e inner (idance and ins)iration, and %!o !ad t!e ne&er+failin( trst in =ro&idence$ It is t!e Bess %!o !ealed t!e sic# and raised t!e dead$ It is t!e Bess %!o %as &illified and called a sinner and a %ine+"i""er, friend of )"licans and !arlots$ It is t!e Bess %!o ne&er com)romised !is &ision$ It is t!e Bess %!o lo&ed and %!o died for t!e %orld$ T!at Bess is sa'in( to 'o t!ro(! t!e Eternal >!rist4 8See# 'e first t!e Kin(dom of God, and His ri(!teosness, and all t!ese t!in(s s!all "e added nto 'o$8 =E,>E ;E 0NTO YO0$