Identifying Piano Notes

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Identifying piano notes

In this lesson on piano notes identification we will take the mystery out of
knowing what tones (notes) are represented by those "black dots" on and between
the lines on a Treble Clef and Bass Clef. Hae you eer looked at a piece of sheet
music and wondered how the person playing knows what keys to play on the piano!
Before we begin" you need to know that a "full si#e" piano keyboard is comprised of
$$ keys. It (the keyboard) contains % octaes beginning with an & tone (note) on the
lower end and ending with a C tone (note) on the high end. The seen octaes
therefore begin on this lower & tone (note) and proceed to the ne't & tone (note) up
the piano keyboard. This pattern is repeated % times. &ctually" if you want to be
"technical"" the piano keyboard is % octaes plus the notes Bb" B" and C on the high
(ow before we begin our piano notes identification on the treble clef" bass clef" and
grand staff we will need to identify where "middle C" is on the piano keyboard. &s
the name implies middle C "splits" the keyboard down the middle. To find it begin on
the lower & tone (note) we discussed earlier and count up )* tones (notes)" black
and white piano notes. The )*th tone (note) is middle C.
The top part of the +rand ,taff is called the Treble Clef (or Treble ,taff) and the
bottom portion is known as the Bass Clef (or Bass ,taff). The two together form the
+rand ,taff. The graphic below shows the tones (notes) as they appear on a Treble
Clef and Bass Clef.
By viewing this graphic you can see why I took the time to explain about middle C on the
piano. If the piano notes are located on a Treble Clef, they will be played above middle
C. If the notes are located on the Bass Clef, they will be played below middle C. While it
looks like there should be more tones notes! between the B located "ust above the last
line on the Bass Clef and #iddle C located "ust below the $ tone note! below the Treble
Clef, these two tones notes! are side by side on the piano keyboard.
In addition to learning how to identify piano notes, you also need to know what key
signatures are. % key signature is all those sharps &! and flats b! you see following the
treble clef and bass clef symbols either on or between the lines!. The number of sharps
or flats tell you what 'key' a piece of music is in.
(or example, if there are no sharps or flats on the treble or bass clefs, the music piece is
in the key of 'C'. )ou will remember from your study of piano scales that a C ma"or
scale is all white keys, no sharps or flats. *n the graphic above, let+s say that there was a
sharp symbol &! where the ( , C notes are located. This would mean the music piece
was in the key of '$'. %gain, refresh your memory on piano scales, the $ ma"or scale is
composed of $, -, (&, ., %, B, C&, $ octave!.
$o not let the information provided here overwhelm you. There is a neat tool you can
download which will provide you a means to learn note identification on the treble clef,
bass clef, and grand staff. In addition to learning how to identify piano notes, you will
also see the corresponding key signatures on the treble clef and bass clef while you are
learning. Click piano notes to download this application to your computer. This will
open a new window. When you are finished you close the window and come back here.
)ou now possess the knowledge to form a scale from any point on the piano. )ou can
use this knowledge of scales to form ma"or, minor, /th, and other types of piano chords.
)ou have a working knowledge of some of the more popular chord progressions and how
to form the re0uired scale tone chords. %nd with this lesson on piano notes identification
and the cool piano notes I$ application, you will be able to identify notes on a treble clef
or bass clef.
It is my sincere wish and hope! that the information provided on this site has been of
benefit to you in your endeavor to learn to play the piano and to learn the basics of music
education. 1ow...get back to practice22

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