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Pathways To 'The Future We Want': Socio-Environmental Indicators

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CEBRI is a Think Tank that aims at developing
knowledge and promoting debate on topics
concerning international relations, ofering subsidies
to the defnition of public policies. It also seeks to
foster dialogue among diferent players, both in
the public and private sectors, aiming at a better
understating of the international agenda, as well as
Brazils role in the global scenario.
Located in Rio de Janeiro, the Center was created by
a group of diplomats, business leaders and scholars,
as an independent, multidisciplinary and nonpartisan
The Center develops projects that result in studies,
policy papers and reports, besides a number of
periodical publications and multimedia content that
are regularly produced. CEBRI also organizes lectures,
workshops, conferences, round tables, task forces
and study groups.
2013 - 1st VOLUME
Professor of the graduate programs of the Institute of International
Relations of the University of So Paulo (IRI/USP) and the Institute for
Ecological Research (IP). He has published 20 books and is a permanent
collaborator of the opinion columns of the newspaper Valor and the
Pgina22 magazine.
Suggested citation: VEIGA, Jos Eli da; CEBRI. Socio-environmental
Indicators. Rio de Janeiro: CEBRI, 2013.
Key-words: Economics; Socio-Environmental Indicators; Sustainable
Development Goals.
About the author
Jos Eli da Veiga
Convinced of the importance of discussing issues related to sustainable
development and seeking to contribute to the implementation of the decisions
agreed by countries in environmental multilateral meetings, the Brazilian
Center for International Relations (CEBRI), with the important support of the
Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), developed, in 2013, the project Pathways
to 'The future we want'.
Through this initiative, CEBRI intends to promote knowledge and give visibility
to three important multilateral processes boosted by the Rio+20 Conference
(2012); namely:

In the present article, Jos Eli da Veiga critically examines the socioeconomic
measures already established, like the GDP and the Human Development
Index (HDI). The author contextualizes the creation of such measures and
points out the limits of those, which can measure the economic performance
of a given society, but are not intended to measure welfare and sustainability.
With a keen eye, Eli da Veiga addresses the major issues related to the
development and adoption of new indicators, selecting four emerging
indicators to be examined in detail. These indexes all created by renowned
international institutions seek to overcome the notion of wealth based
on the production of commodities and on physical capital and propose a
narrative of progress that is more compatible with the 21st century, focusing
on peoples quality of life and on environmental sustainability.
For many years, countries have discussed the need to adopt measures
that complement the GDP. We hope that this work can contribute to the
understanding of the key issues of this debate and strengthen Brazil's
undertaking to promote more appropriate indicators to measure socio-
environmental development.
Roberto Fendt
Executive Director of CEBRI
Renata Hessmann Dalaqua
Project Coordinator
(i) The search for indicators that complement the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP), including measures of social welfare and sustainability
(ii) The analysis of the global mechanisms for fnancing mitigation and
adaptation to climate change
(iii) The creation of the Sustainable Development Goals
1 Introduction
The ideals of progress and/or prosperity were
the ones that prevailed and became dominant
in the seven or eight current civilizations,
even though several cultures continue to see
in the history of mankind a trajectory of decay
1996; RIST, 1996; JACKSON, 2009). It was only
in 1662 that the quantification of this process
began to take shape, with the estimate of Sir
William Petty (16231687) of what could be
the national income (ULLMER, 2011). And
more than three centuries were necessary
for an effective system of social accounting
to appear, under the triple influence of the
Great Depression, Keynes General Theory
and the Second World War. Thus, came into
existence, starting from 1945, the prerequisite
to calculating the economic performance of
nations through estimates of product. The one
that had greater acceptance was the GDP: Gross
Domestic Product (FOURQUET, 1980; PIRIOU,
1987; VANOLI, 2002).
However, soon after, in the 1950s, the intense
economic growth of several countries of late
industrialization (measured by the GDP) did
not translate in greater access of the poor to
material and cultural goods, as it had occurred
in the countries considered as developed. This is
how the intense international debate about the
difference between growth and development
emerged. This is a controversy that is still far
from over, but suffered an obvious enlightening
blow since the United Nations (UN) started to
disclose the annual index of development that
is not limited to income per capita.
Since the United Nations Development Program
(UNDP) launched the Human Development Index
(HDI) to avoid the exclusive use of economic
opulence as a criterion for evaluation, it became
very odd to treat development and growth as
if they were synonyms. The publication of the
frst Human Development Report in 1990 had
the clear objective of ending an ambiguity that
dragged on since the end of the Second World
War, when the promotion of development came
to be, along with the pursuit of peace, the very
reason of existence of the United Nations (MDA,
1999; VIVERET, 2003; GADREY, 2006 and 2010).
However, the very notion of development was
already being questioned, as the international
community, in 1972, afrmed that development
had as a sine qua non condition the conservation
of its biogeophysical fundaments, stated in the
historic decision of the United Nations Conference
on the Human Environment, in Stockholm.
Twenty years later, with the Rio Declaration
and the adoption of Agenda 21 at the United
Nations Conference on Environment and
Development, the demand for metrics that
would ensure effective monitoring of what came
to be called sustainable development began
to increase exponentially, thus overcoming the
shortcomings of GDP and HDI (IISD, 2000; van
BELLEN, 2005).
Although the subsequent proliferation
of indicators of sustainable development
was quite confusing and elusive as fully
demonstrated in the excellent collection
organized by the ecological economist Philip
LAWN (2006) the fog began to dissipate three
years later, with the publication of the STIGLITZ-
SEN-FITOUSSI report (2009, 2010).
In order to understand the crucial importance
of that report to the search for appropriate
Jos Eli da Veiga
Socio-Environmental Indicators
indicators to the Sustainable Development
Objectives (SDO) that will be adopted in 2015
the main aim of this text , it is necessary to
examine previous developments. Not only the
two unequivocally established measures GDP
and HDI will be addressed, but also measures
here referred to as emerging, which are
already perceived with some level of legitimacy.
2 Two established measures: GDP and HDI
The alert that the GDP, a measure restricted to
economic performance, would come to be wrongly
used as a measure of welfare was made in 1934
by one of its two main architects, Simon Kuznets,
in a statement to the U.S. Congress. This problem
did not fail to generate serious controversy, even
among conventional economists.
2.1 What is the GDP
GDP is a sum of values added by goods and
services which are sold and bought, without any
distinction between those that are beneficial
to the society or not. Expenses with accidents,
pollution, toxic contamination, crime, or wars
are considered as relevant as investments
in housing, education, health, or public
It does not take into account domestic work
which is not conducted by remunerated staff,
as it does not involve monetary transactions.
It also does not include depreciation of natural
resources caused by extraction or pollution. In
sum, as it makes no distinctions between what is
productive or destructive, or between expenses
that raise or lower the human condition, the GDP
can only pass by as a measure of progress and/or
prosperity for those who are not familiar with it.
Of course, in its defense it can always be said
that it wasn't invented to measure welfare or
quality of life, but to measure the growth of
the economic system, a means without which
is not possible to achieve those goals. But the
trap is not undone, for the idea of wealth that
gave birth to the GDP was overly influenced by
the atmosphere of the Second World War. This
concept has become obsolete, as it exclusively
gives importance to the production of goods and
to physical capital. On that account; the GDP per
capita is no more than an extremely precarious
proxy for social productivity. It only continues
to reign due to strong institutional inertia.
This obsolescence gave way to innovative
proposals, whose common denominator is
the desire to prevent that wealth from being
measured by petty sums of market products.
However, even though they have circumvented
technical difficulties inherent to the conceptual
ruptures undertaken, none of these alternatives
has proved sufficiently convincing or persuasive.
Hence the crucial importance for economists of
comprehending the main stages of this debate.
2.2 GDP versus "economic welfare"
In a pioneering work, William D. NORDHAUS
and James TOBIN (1972) made adjustments in
the calculation of the product of the United
States (national, GNP, or just internal, GDP) to
build a Measurable Economic Welfare (MEW).
On the one hand, they withdrew components
that do not contribute to welfare, and, on the
other, added some that do but are often absent
from the conventional calculation as they do
not belong to the market sphere.
The first step of these complicated corrections,
which figure in the 35 pages of the first
appendix, was to change the focus to the liquid
product, rather than the gross one, considering
the absolute need to include depreciation. Soon
after, it was introduced the idea of a per capita
consumption level that does not exceed the
trend of increasing labor productivity, which the
authors called "sustainable". For them, if the per
capita consumption exceeds this "sustainable"
level, it means that it is advancing on part of the
fruits of future progress.
In the conclusion, they compared the results
obtained for this measure of economic welfare
(MEW) with the data on the liquid product (Net
National Product, NNP), instead of comparing
them with the GNP (Gross National Product), what
would have been a lot more consistent with the
purpose of the work. If they had avoided such
subterfuge, they wouldnt have concluded that
product and welfare are correlated. Moreover,
today it's hard to believe that the duo didnt
include any estimates of environmental damage
in the calculations of what they called MEW-S:
"Measure of Sustainable Economic Welfare".
Even so, nothing prevents this concept from
being considered the remotest ancestor of all the
Note 01
cf. Beyond GDP <http://
key_quotes.html>: The
welfare of a nation can
scarcely be inferred from a
measurement of national
income. In the same
line, it is preferred to say
today that the GDP may be
a hopelessly misleading
index of human well-being
(DASGUPTA, 2005, p. 98).
Note 02
In another sense, the
adjective sustainable
began to be used to qualify
the development in the
UN in 1979. The term was
widely disseminated after
1987, with the publication
of the Brundtland
Commissions report Our
Common Future, and
consecrated in the famous
Rio Conference, in 1992.
Jos Eli da Veiga
exercises to correct or adjust the product so as
to achieve some aggregated measure of welfare.
2.3 GDP versus "genuine progress"
Inspired by the pioneering approach of
NORDHAUS and TOBIN (1972), seventeen years
later came the Index of Sustainable Economic
Welfare (ISEW) (COBB and DALY, 1989).
The ISEW had a great practical impact, it was
calculated in at least 11 other countries.4 And
in 2004 it became a genuine progress index,
although called an "indicator" (Genuine Progress
Indicator, GPI) by the U.S. non-governmental
organization that promotes it, the Redefining
The biggest problem of this kind of approach
is that, as much as conventional economists
and some ecologists work hard at perfecting
its methods of valuation, the pricing of
environmental damage, leisure and housework
or voluntary gains, for example, continues to be
highly arbitrary.
It will always be a controversial exercise to
assign monetary values to losses or gains that
don't have their prices determined by markets.
In the absence of an alternative, its clear that
a judge will prefer to have the value of an
indemnity calculated by any of these methods.
But something very different is wanting the
same to be accepted by society when it comes
to assign monetary values to damage caused by
pollution, to the work of mothers and fathers
on raising their children, or to the care a family
provides to their elderly.6
GDP corrections can lead to a reasonable
index that calls attention to the divergent
evolution between the performance of a
national economy and the welfare or quality
of life that it was able to generate, but this
has almost nothing to do with the idea of
sustainability, which necessarily refers to the
future. Showing that the rate of increase in
welfare is lower than the GDP growth rate says
nothing about the possibility of these two being
sustainable or not.
In this regard, it was great that in 2004 the
qualification of the index created in 1989 by
DALY and COBB changed. It can certainly allow a
reasonable valuation of the "genuine progress"
achieved by a nation, even if such progress
cannot be understood as a "sustainable" growth
of welfare.
This is exactly why it is important to pay
attention to the estimate that shows that, on
a global level, the two measures per capita
GDP and GPI were highly correlated until
1978, when the global GDP per capita reached
US$ 7,000 (US$ of 2005). After this peak, they
began to diverge, with successive falls of GPI
per capita, despite incessant increases in GDP
per capita. This assessment is based on data
from 17 countries that account for 53% of
the population and 59% of the global GDP
(KUBISZEWSKI et al., 2013).
Nevertheless, none of these approaches
intended to "correct" or "adjust" the GDP
prevailed in the debate about the difference
between growth and development. On the
contrary, around the same time DALY and
COBB (1989) put forward their proposal, UNDP
launched the only measure that obtained
recognition after the GDP: the Human
Development Index (HDI).
2.4 GDP versus development: the HDI
The HDI is the result of the arithmetic average
between the GDP per capita of a collective
(without any significant adjustment), and
evaluations on its population's access to health
and education. Therefore, deficits in these
other dimensions health and education are
easily "compensated" by high levels of GDP
per capita. Hence, the absurdity of assigning
the same degree of development to such
contrasting countries, like Chile and the United
Arab Emirates, where the poor educational
performance is motivated by horrendous
discrimination against women.
Even if the absence of other dimensions
of development for which there is still no
convenient metric available is accepted like
the political, civic or cultural it is doubtful
that this arithmetical average between GDP
per capita, longevity and education is the one
that best reveals the degree of development
attained. On the contrary, it is more reasonable
to assume that the key question lies precisely
in the possible discrepancy between the level
of income obtained and the social standard
attained, even if this is only indicated by
Note 03
The ISEW, one of the most
important creations of
the successful ecological
economist Herman E. DALY,
is included in the book that
resulted from collaboration
with theologian John B.
COBB, Jr.: For the Common
Good, of 1989.
Note 04
Canada, Germany, United
Kingdom, Scotland, Austria,
Netherlands, Sweden, Chile,
Italy, Australia and Thailand.
Note 05
Relative declines in
what came to be called
sustainable well-being
per inhabitant in the United
States and the United
Kingdom, between 1974
and 1990, are refected in
three graphics of the GADREY
and JANY-CATRICE (2006)
book. In the case of the U.S.,
calculations for a period of
forty years (1950-1990) were
added in the second edition
of the book For the Common
Good, revised and updated
in 1994. The ISEW per capita,
which in 1950 was 71% of
the GNP per capita, decreased
to 42% in 1990. In other
words, while the per capita
GNP had increased 121%, the
ISEW had risen 30% (DALY
and COBB, 1994, p. 463).
Note 06
This is a broader problem,
which makes extremely
precarious the insertion
exercises in the National
Accounting System of the
so-called Environmental
Accounts (see YOUNG,
2010), and it tends to make
more preferable the use of
biogeophysics indicators
to measure environmental
Socio-Environmental Indicators
schooling and longevity.
The arithmetic average used in the HDI ends
up mixing two essential facts: the frequency
of wealthy collectivities that drag precarious
social conditions, and the existence of others
with decent social conditions without high
levels of income. As the HDI of the first type of
collectivities tends to be higher, it reinforces
the same illusion that its creators wanted
to undo: that it all boils down to the issue of
income per capita. Or that rich collectivities,
although little solidary, can be regarded as
more developed than others that can promote
broad access to health and education despite
being only "remedied".
For that reason the user of the HDI must
be emphatically advised not to stick to the
arithmetic average of its three ingredients,
and to check what is the disparity between the
measures of the three dimensions that compose
it.7 It is important, at least, to know what the
relative distances between the income and the
other two dimensions are.
Many other criticisms have been made to the
design of the HDI and these tend to multiply as
the methodology moves away from the original
simplicity, as was recently emphasized by
COMIM (2013). The most serious issue, however,
is that such an important index was launched
in 1990, precisely at the same time that the
notion of "sustainable development" first
established itself as a leading value, in the ethic
and civilizing sense, for the coming twenty-first
century that approached.
Thus, in addition to the precariousness
imposed by the use of the GDP per capita,
the HDI was already born with a high risk of
obsolescence as it did not even consider the
socio-environmental problem that brought out
sustainability as a core value of our time. It can
be said that it was a frustrating outcome for
the noble ambition of Pakistani diplomat and
economist Mahbub ul Haq (1934-1998), leader
of the UNDP who mobilized the best minds
of economic development for the creation
of an index that could gradually become an
alternative to the GDP per capita.
3 Emerging indexes
Until today only the indexes published by
three major international organizations have
acquired fair global visibility they are:
- Genuine Savings Indicator (GSI), from the
World Bank;
- Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) and
the Environmental Performance Index (EPI), from
the Davos Forum (World Economic Forum, WEF);
- The Ecological Footprint, from the WWF
(World Wide Fund for Nature, formerly World
Wildlife Fund).8
3.1 The Genuine Savings Indicator (GSI), from
the World Bank
The Genuine Savings Indicator (GSI) was the
monetary index that gained more prominence
in recent years, breaking radically with the
previous idea of "correction" or "adjustment"
of GDP. 9 The main reason for that being the
assertion that economic growth should be
seen as growth in per capita wealth, and not
as growth of per capita product, since the GNP
does not include the depreciation of many
assets, such as the degradation of ecosystems.
The per capita GDP can grow while the per
capita wealth decreases.
According to this perspective, which has been
strongly encouraged by the World Bank, the
objective is to calculate the "genuine savings",
soon renamed "adjusted net savings.
This is calculated by subtracting the
consumption of fixed capital from the gross
domestic savings. Then investments in education
are added. Finally, the main manifestations of
decrease in natural capital (reduction of energy,
mineral and forest resources, and damage
caused by emissions of carbon dioxide) are
subtracted (WORLD BANK, 2006).
The problem lies in the great disparity in the
calculations made by the World Bank between
environmental goods to which is easier to
assign monetary values and those to which this
is very difficult, if not impossible.
The data regarding depreciation of resources
such as oil, natural gas, minerals, the logging of
forests, or the use of the atmosphere to dump
carbon dioxide seems very consistent. However,
there are many types of natural capital whose
depreciation does not appear in the statistics
published in the report Where is the Wealth
Note 07
A problem that applies to
any index, which results from
the combination of various
indicators. Its redundant,
in fact, to call them
synthetics, compounds
or aggregated. Its better
to think of them as a kind of
pyramid that has as its base
the universe of information
(primary data), just above
are the statistics, then the
subset of indicators, and
at the top the indexes
themselves, explain MIBIELLI
(2010, pp. 102-3).
Note 08
Gender indexes proliferate,
as demonstrated in
the Compendium for
Sustainability <http://www.
com.br/>. However,
indexes created by some
individuals - whether they
are university professors,
researchers, or consultants
- cannot be equated to
those undertaken by
international organizations
of great prestige on socio-
environmental matters.
In addition, the so-called
dashboards (CGSDI, 2002)
do not guarantee efective
communication. Thus, a
good solution for what came
to be called the classic
dilemma of index versus
system of indicators was
proposed by SCANDAR NETO
(2006) when presenting the
information in a pyramid-
shaped fgure whose top
is occupied by the index
and the lower levels by
indicators. However, it does
not seem that there has
been an emulation of this
pioneering initiative.
Jos Eli da Veiga
of Nations? (2006). Among them are: potable
water, soil, oceanic fishing areas, forests and
mangroves as providers of ecosystem services,
as well as the atmosphere as a destination of
particulates, nitrogen and sulfur oxides. And
all the prices estimated by the World Bank
are based on premises that ignore the limited
capacity of natural systems to recover from
disturbances (that is, resilience).
However, the main reason for the uneasiness
with this monetary approach is not a technical
one. Even if it is possible to predict a sharp
increase in its persuasive power, should these
obvious empiric limitations be overcome, the
bottom line is that this methodology is based
on the assumption that there is a possibility of
complete replacement among the three factors:
labor, capital and natural resources. That is,
between human capital, man-made capital and
natural capital, in the language they prefer. In
such a design it would be even possible on
one extreme to extinguish all natural capital,
as long as duly compensated by significant
increases in the other two factors.
3.2 The Sustainability (ESI) and the Performance
(EPI) of the WEF
Since 2002, studies supported by the WEF
provide a couple of indexes: the Environmental
Sustainability Index (ESI), and the Environmental
Performance Index (EPI). Both are calculated for
the WEF by the Yale Center for Environmental Law
and Policy and by the Center for International
Earth Science Information Network, of the
Columbia University two of the most important
academic institutions in the area.
The ESI is understood as something deeper
and structural, while the EPI is more focused
on the countrys efforts to improve its
environmental performance. Since the EPI is
more operational, one could conclude that the
ESI would be a victim of growing disinterest.
However, against such prognosis, its authors
consider the EPI as a transitional resource, built
with the sole purpose of attending the specific
demand for something more expeditious and
convenient that could serve the Millennium
Development Goals (MDGs).
Through the EPI approach, 43 countries fail,
including India and China. At the other end,
24 countries have excellent environmental
performance, with grades higher than 70
in a scale from 1 to 100. Mostly, these are
Scandinavian and Western European countries,
followed by New Zealand and Japan. Brazil
exceeds the median, ahead of Russia and very
close to the United States - all three with grades
barely above 60.
3.3 The ecological footprint, adopted and
published by the WWF
Since 1998 the biennial reports of the WWF
compare the Ecological Footprint (EF) of each
country to the average biocapacity of the
planet, in global hectares (gha) and in global
hectares per capita (gha/pc). It aims to measure
the pressure exerted by the consumption
of populations on natural resources and to
Note 09
Theres a big wall between
the metrics that face up to
the challenge (or reject the
need) of imputing monetary
values to environmental
goods and services for
which there is no market.
The option for monetary
or physical unities derives,
ultimately, from diferent
theoretical conceptions of
sustainability (environmental
or developmental).
These two approaches
have been experiencing
parallel evolutions, with
very diferent institutional
supports, what makes it
impossible to predict, at the
moment, any kind of victory
of one of them in terms of
Note 10
See Adjusted Net Saving,
The World Bank
Note 11
For a long time this issue
has been highlighted by
the pioneers of Ecological
Economics, and even on
the part of supporters of
Environmental Economics.
It is, in short, a conception
which is only really accepted
by orthodox followers of
the neoclassical theory of
welfare, and of its resultant
weak sustainability.
Systematic exemplifcations
of this cleavage can be
found in AMAZONAS (2002),
(2007) and MAY (2010).
Box 3.1 The Genuine Savings Indicator (GSI) of the World Bank
The World Bank is fond of changing the monetary calculus of the national wealth,
mainly through the deduction of the value of depreciations arising from the
consumption of the stocks of natural resources and pollution, counterbalanced by
the addition of the value of investments in human capital (public expenditure on
education). Presented as a percentage of the gross national income, the lower the
index, the less environmentally sustainable the countrys economic growth is. In
that light, 23 countries are on unsustainable trails, as their GSI is negative. Under
the spotlight are the United States and Russia, with identical red light: -0.8%. At the
opposite end are 51 countries for which the index is higher than 10%. Among them,
China is the champion, with 39.7%, followed by India with 24.1 % and South Korea
with 20%. Brazils 4.6% puts the country far below median, represented by New
Zealands 8%.10
Socio-Environmental Indicators
Box 3.2.2 The ecological footprint, adopted and published by the WWF
The Environmental Performance Index (EPI) is a very simplified version of the
ESI (see Box 3.2.1) that resulted mostly from the need to easily monitor the
seventh MDG, related to environmental sustainability. It is centered on two broad
objectives of protection: (a) reducing environmental stresses on human health,
and (b) promoting ecosystem vitality and consistent management of natural
resources. In 2012 the EPI classified 132 countries using performance indicators
in ten policy categories: 1) water (effects on human health); 2) air pollution
(effects on human health); 3) air pollution (ecosystem effects); 4) water resources
(ecosystem effects); 5) biodiversity and habitat; 6) forests; 7) fishing; 8) agriculture;
9) climate change and 10) environmental consequences of diseases. These 10
categories track performance and progress in two broad objectives: environmental
health and ecosystem vitality. Each indicator is associated with two goals: one of
environmental public health and other of ecosystem sustainability.
compare it to the regeneration capacity of the
biosphere called "biocapacity", rather than
correct the monetary evaluation of a nations
wealth or estimate the ecosystem vitality and
environmental health.
This approach shows that there are dozens
of societies that still have some kind of
ecological credit for having footprints below
the quota corresponding to the average global
biocapacity: 1.8 gha/pc in the last evaluation,
in 2008. And it also reveals national deficits
that reach the triple of that quota.
There are 60 countries with credit, among
them stand out India and Indonesia. At the
other end, there are 20 whose deficits are
twice as high as the global standard. Starting
with petro-monarchies, like the Emirates
and Qatar, comprising the more advanced
countries, like the United States, Canada,
Australia and several Europeans including
Scandinavians, as Denmark, Finland, Sweden
and Norway. With a 2.9 footprint, Brazil is
already 60% above the global quota, but
not far from the median, which is occupied
by South Africas 2.3 footprint.
In global terms, the footprint rose from 2.5 to
2.7 gha/pc between 1961 and 2008, while the
biocapacity fell from 3 to 1.8 3 gha/pc. In other
words, in less than fifty years we went from an
ecological surplus of 20% to a 50% deficit.
According to the WWF, "progress towards
sustainable development" could be assessed
comparing the HDI, as an index of welfare, and
the Ecological Footprint as a measure of human
demand on the biosphere. Nevertheless, it is
important to reiterate that it is not the balance
between the footprint and biocapacity of each
country that the WWF compares with the HDI, it
Note 13
See Environmental
Performance Index (EPI),
Yale University, <www.epi.
Box 3.2.1 The Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) of the WEF
The Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) involves five dimensions: 1.
environmental systems, 2. stresses 3. human vulnerability, 4. social and
institutional capacity, and 5. global responsibility. The first one considers four
environmental systems: air, water, soil and ecosystems. The second considers as
stress any highly critical kind of pollution or exorbitant level of exploitation of
natural resources. In the third, the nutritional situation and environment-related
diseases are understood as human vulnerabilities. The fourth dimension refers to
the existence of socio-institutional capacity to deal with environmental problems
and challenges. And the fifth comprises the efforts and international cooperation
schemes as global responsibility.
Note 12
See Environmental
Sustainability Index (ESI),
Socioeconomic Data and
Applications Center,
Jos Eli da Veiga
Box 3.3.1 The ecological footprint, adopted and published by the WWF
The ecological footprint measures the pressure that mankind exerts on the
biosphere, represented by the biologically productive area (both terrestrial and
marine) that would be required to provide the spent natural resources and to
assimilate the residues (consumption of fresh water is treated separately because
it is impossible to express it in global hectares). Once this "footprint" is obtained
for a given territorial unit (town, region, country, etc.), it can be compared to the
"biological capacity" (be it the average of the planet or of the specific territorial
unit), also presented in global hectares (WACKERNAGEL et al., 2005). 4
Box 3.3.2 Problems of the Ecological Footprint
The absolute necessity that the environmental sustainability aspects are properly
accompanied by the use of specific physical and well-chosen indicators could be
interpreted as an adherence to the Ecological Footprint approach. However, the
STIGLITZ-SEN-FITOUSSI report remarkably summarizes the criticisms that have been
made to the footprint methodology, highlighting five problems: those that refer to
the land used for farming, the land destined for construction, fishing and forestry
resources, and the way to calculate the carbon footprint, which constitutes more
than 50% of the Ecological Footprint. Of all these criticisms, the most relevant is
the first one, on how to evaluate the biocapacity of the areas occupied by farming.
The Ecological Footprints reference of productive potential is not based on what
would be a sustainable productivity of soils. On the contrary, its reference is the
proven productive capacity. This approach can only exaggerate the biocapacity of
countries with ultra-intensive production systems (such as the Netherlands or Japan),
and underestimate the biocapacity of countries with ultra-extensive systems (such
as the Scandinavians, for example). This problem is not that serious in assessing the
global biocapacity, because one can accept that such exaggerations may balance
themselves out. But it creates a serious embarrassment to certain statements about
national or regional deficits and credits. Therefore, it is not reasonable to compare
ecological footprints with local biocapacities. The right thing to do is to compare
them to the global biocapacity. In this sense, the footprint is not an index of
sustainability of a country or region, but of its contribution to global unsustainability.
is the "average biocapacity available per person
on the planet, which could denote sustainability
at the global level" (WWF, 2006, p. 19).
3.4 Comparisons
From the perspective of the World Bank (GSI)
and of the WEF (ESI and EPI), the most important
level of environmental sustainability is not the
global one, although that could be achieved if
all nations increased their own savings and also
retained their own ecosystems. The focus of the
Footprint is the opposite: the populations which
exert the most pressure on the global biocapacity
are the ones who should be the pioneers of the
evolution of modes of consumption, an issue
which is not even remotely grasped by the other
two types of indexes. At the end, the Footprint
measures the different contributions to global
unsustainability made by regions, countries,
subnational entities, and even individuals.
The WEF two indexes (ESI and EPI) tend
to produce better evaluations of the richer
and more developed countries, whereas the
opposite occurs with the Ecological Footprint.
While the latter is essentially "objective"
because it compares anthropogenic pressures
Note 14
See Global Footprint
Network <http://www.
Socio-Environmental Indicators
("footprints") to biocapacities, the two other
indexes tend to dilute this type of evaluation
as they aggregate dimensions of "subjective"
type. For example, the "socio-institutional
capacity", in which there are four variables to
capture the "ability to debate", eight for the
"environmental governance", and five for the
responsiveness of the private sector". From
this point of view, countries that are at the
forefront of institutional developments tend to
be necessarily more favorably assessed in terms
of environmental sustainability.
Moreover, the differences between the
methodologies of these indexes have
consequences that go far beyond mere empirical
assessment discrepancies. For the results
to be so contrasting, it is clear that there is a
substantial difference. A problem of conceptual
nature, about the meanings attributed by these
two groups of experts, who prepared the WEF
and WWF indexes, to notions of environmental
sustainability, environmental performance, and
sustainable development.
4 How to advance?
In 2015, the MDGs (Millennium Development
Goals) should give way to the SDGs (Sustainable
Development Goals). However, as a result of
a really complicated preparatory process that
already involves besides the "Open Working
Group" of 30 members, mandated by the Rio+20
Conference no less than six other subsidiaries
instances called "Work Streams" (see box 4.1
on the Post-2015 Process).
The four monthly sessions held between
March and June 2013 by the "Open Working
Group" showed that the group still is in the
preliminary conceptual phase of approach
regarding what could be the substitutes for the
MDGs. Thus, it is too soon to speculate about
the most likely paths that should lead to the
creation of the SDGs. This fact also advises
against conjectures about which indicators
may be selected to monitor these goals. These
decisions may or may not highlight the need for
"broader measures of progress that complement
the GDP", another crucial determination of the
Rio+20 Conference.15
However, the main ideas that aroused in this
early stage send several clues about the context
in which the more decisive guidelines should be
adopted. That is, those that the "Open Working
Group should submit to the 68th session of
the General Assembly (September 2013 to
September 2014).
As of June 2013, there were three important
reports available, composed by subsidiary Work
Streams for the General Secretariat: a) one
from the task team that gathers 59 international
organizations (UN-STT, 2012); b) one from
the high-level panel composed of 29 eminent
persons (UN-HLPEP, 2013); and c) one from
the Council of the Sustainable Development
Solutions Network, formed by a large number of
scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs and activists
(UN-SDSN, 2013).
The report of the task team, which appeared
a few days after the conclusion of Rio+20
Conference is strictly methodological and
conceptual. It had a good critical review of
the MDGs, which led to an emphatic proposal
for a reconsideration of the so-called "global
partnership for development" (the eighth and
final MDG). The new partnership should respect
three principles Human Rights, Equality and
Sustainability and four main dimensions:
Inclusive Social Development, Environmental
Sustainability, Inclusive Economic Development,
and Peace/Security. 16
The other two important reports available
were published practically at the same time
(between the end of May and the beginning of
June 2013). Both emphasize the need for the
horizon of the SDG to be 2030 and put forward
converging proposals regarding issues such
as eradication of extreme poverty, education,
health, nutrition, access to water and sanitation.
Still, the report by the solutions network is more
advanced with regards to the economy and the
environment, because unlike the report of
eminent persons it not only rejects the use
of the GDP, but also emphasizes the need for
planetary boundaries to be respected. That
does not mean there are only proposals that lag
behind in the report of the eminent persons.
The opposite occurs, for example, in the
emphatic requirement of a serious investment
in the production of statistics, which they call
"Data Revolution".
In any case, for the central purpose of this
Note 15
The 38th paragraph of the
declaration The Future
We Want (2012) reads:
We recognize the need
for broader measures of
progress to complement GDP
in order to better inform
policy decisions, and in this
regard, we request the UN
Statistical Commission in
consultation with relevant
UN System entities and other
relevant organizations to
launch a program of work in
this area building on existing
initiatives. However,
so far the UN Statistical
Commission seems to have
simply ignored such demand.
Note 16
On the deadline for the
future SDG that document
hesitated between 15 and
25 years (2030 or 2040).
Jos Eli da Veiga
Box 4.1 Post-2015 Process
Based on the fnal documents of the MDG Review Summit (2010) and the Rio+20 Conference
(2012), the UN intends to build a post-2015 global development agenda, focused on sustainable
development. This process should be led by the Secretary-General, with the support of the
Deputy Secretary General and of the Special Adviser of the Secretary-General for the Post-2015,
and must be conducted by Member States with broad participation from other interested parties
(civil society organizations, the private sector, academia and scientists). Seven working groups
have been established (Work Streams) for the construction of the process:
1. The Open Working Group, which consists of 30 members (with each seat in the group
being shared up to 4 States) and was created by the General Assembly to develop the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), according to the fnal document of the Rio+20
Conference. It must submit its proposals to the 68th session of the General Assembly
(September 2013 to September 2014).
2. The Secretary-Generals High-Level Panel of eminent persons on the Post-2015
Development Agenda, which is chaired by the Presidents of Indonesia and Liberia and by the
Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, and gathers representatives of the civil society, the
private sector, academia and local and regional governments. It produced a report on their
visions and recommendations for the global development agenda post-2015, released in May
of 2013 (UN-HLPEP, 2013)
3.The Task Team on the post-2015 Development Agenda, whose frst report was released in
June 2012 (Realizing the Future We Want for All), which gathers more than 60 UN agencies
and international organizations, and has three main focuses of work, one of them being the
creation of a Technical Support Team to assist the Open Working Group.
4. The Sustainable Development Solutions Network, a global and independent network of
research centers, universities and technical institutions, led by Jefrey Sachs, who, among
other activities, assists the Open Working Group.
5. National, Global and Thematic consultations designed to facilitate an inclusive global
debate, taking place in more than 60 developed and developing countries, covering 11
diferent topics. Citizens can participate in such consultations through the initiative My
World, in which they answer a survey about priorities, whose results must be submitted to
the Secretary-Generals High-Level Panel.
6. Regional consultations promoted by the Regional Commissions that will culminate in a
report on regional perspectives on the post-2015 development agenda.
7.UN Global Compact, which has been working to ensure that the views and contributions of
businesses and the private sector feed the post-2015 process.
To ensure the consistency of the diferent working groups, without undermining their
independence, an informal coordination group was created, comprised by four Assistant
For more information, see Post-2015 process, United Nations Sustainable Development
Knowledge Platform, <http://sustainabledevelopment.un.org/index.php?menu=1561>.
Socio-Environmental Indicators
text, the most important thing is to point out
that each one of the ten or twelve goals listed
by the two reports corresponds to multiple
targets. The report of the eminent persons
proposes four to six of them for each one of its
twelve goals, a total of 54. And the report of the
solutions network provides three solutions for
each of its ten goals, a total of 30. So, even in
the very remote case that each goal would only
be monitored by one indicator, it would already
be accompaniment by a system of dozens of
What these two reports seem to suggest
is, hence, the almost certainty that it will be
practically out of question to use the HDI, to
legitimize any of the four emerging indexes
previously presented or any other measure that
also results from a combination of indicators.
Simultaneously, none of the two reports
propose a more advanced way of measuring
economic performance, although it is important
to call attention to the fact that the report of
the eminent persons points to employment
creation as a measure of economic performance
far superior than the GDP.
On the other hand, all the goals, even those
regarding environmental sustainability, will not
refer to indexes, but to indicators. Therefore,
with regards to environmental sustainability,
the incorporation of the basic proposal of the
STIGLITZ-SEN-FITOUSSI report (2009, 2010)
already seems unavoidable, even if the so-
called "carbon footprint", "water footprint" and
"nitrogen footprint" are not adopted.17
Furthermore, carbon, water and nitrogen,
although extremely important, are three of the
ten vectors that are contributing the most to
global unsustainability. Among the others, only
the phosphorus load can be calculated along
the lines of the recent "nitrogen footprint".
Among the issues that cannot be addressed in
this fashion are the ones of biodiversity, ocean
acidification, stratospheric ozone, chemical and
atmospheric pollution, and changes in land use.
For the erosion of biodiversity, theres the
excellent Living Planet Index (WWF) that points
Box 4.2 Proposals of the Panel of Eminent Persons (UN-HLPEP, 2013)
Twelve objectives
1) End of poverty
2) Gender equality
3) Quality education
4) Healthy life
5) Food security
6) Universal access to water and
7) Sustainable energy
8) Job creation/equitable growth
9) Sustainable management of natural
10) Good governance and efective
11) Stable and peaceful societies
12) Catalyze long-term fnancing
Five big shifts
1) Leave no one behind;
end extreme poverty.
2) Put sustainable development at
the core; Act now to stop the alarming
pace of climate change.
3) Transform economies for jobs and
inclusive growth.
4) Build peace and efective, open and
accountable institutions for all
5) Forge a new global partnership.
Note 17
Calling such indicators
footprint necessarily
implies that they are sons
of the older and more well-
known Ecological Footprint.
However, it should not be
forgotten that the approach
of the Ecological Footprint
has always been spatial: the
surface, in global hectares,
which supports a certain
level of consumption
of renewable natural
resources. This is not the
case of the indicators that
are being called footprints,
so as to beneft from the
immense popularity of
the presumed mother. It
would be more appropriate
to call them loads. They
are weights or volumes
per year that correspond
to the consumption of a
given collective, individual
or product. So, whatever
the drawbacks in the
defnition process of the
SDG are, it is very likely
that the indispensable new
environmental goals will
require the adoption of
physical indicators without
conversion in area, as in the
case of water, carbon and
nitrogen loads, which, for
emblematic reasons, are
being called footprints.
Jos Eli da Veiga
a decay of 28% between 1970 and 2008,
mainly in tropical zones. Likewise, the new
Ocean Health index (OHI)18 will certainly allow
monitoring of the acidification. Stratospheric
Ozone depletion has been well monitored by
the Montreal Protocol, "the most successful
international agreement of all time", according
to Kofi Annan. And for the other three the
pollutions and the land use the problem
of establishing targets based on scientific
consensus will be far greater than choosing the
best among many available indicators.
In short, in order to advance, the main
challenge will be to avoid that, in the process of
elaboration of the SDG, the adoption of a wide
range of indicators to monitor the goals will
simply dismiss the need for broader measures
of progress that complement GDP", as stated in
paragraph 38 of the document "The Future We
Want ", adopted at the Rio+20 Conference.

5 Conclusions
From this set of considerations on socio-
environmental indicators for the SDGs derive
two intertwined conclusions, but with very
different deadlines.
5.1 Directions for the multilateral process
In the medium term it will be of crucial
importance to take the Open Working Group to
realize the need for the economic performance to
have a less misleading metric than the GDP. And
that the limitations of its obsolete accounting
can be overcome through the adoption of the
so-called "household perspective", one of the
most important - if not the most important one
of the STIGLITZ-SEN-FITOUSSI (2009, 2010)
report's recommendations.
The monitoring of the economic performance
needs to reveal the actual material progress
of the population, and not only the productive
capacity of the country one lives. Production
can increase and income decrease, or vice
versa, as long as are taken into account:
depreciations, income flows inward and
outward the country, and differences between
Box 4.3 Proposals of the Solutions Network (ONU-SDSN, 2013)
Four dimensions
1) Economic development (including end of
extreme poverty).
2) Social inclusion.
3) Environmental sustainability.
4) Good governance (including peace and
Four normative concepts
1) The right to development.
2) Human rights and social inclusion.
3) Convergence of life standards.
4) Shared responsibility and opportunities.
Ten priority challenges
1) End of extreme poverty/hunger.
2) Development within the planetary
3) Efective learning for all children and
young people.
4) Gender equality, social inclusion and
human rights for all.
5) Health and welfare in all ages.
6) Improve agricultural systems and rural
7) Empower inclusive, productive and
resilient cities.
8) Control anthropogenic climate change and
ensure sustainable energy.
9) Ensure ecosystem/biodiversity services
and ensure good water management.
10) Transform the governance of sustainable
Note 18
See Ocean Health Index,
Socio-Environmental Indicators
the prices of production and consumption.
Commonly, the real household income
increases less than the GDP. Therefore, it
must be taken into account the tax payments
that go to the Government, the social benefits
allocated by the Government, and the interest
payments that the households make to
financial corporations. It is also crucial to
include non-monetary services provided by
the Government to families, mainly through
the health and education systems, and pay
more attention to the distributive structure of
income, consumption and wealth.
No less important, the measurement of
economic performance also needs to include
non-market activities, especially the ones
derived from family relations. For that, the
best starting point may be the incentive to the
realization of estimates on the use of time by
In short, the slogan "Beyond GDP" should
be the main axis of the "Data Revolution"
advocated by the report of the eminent
persons(UN-HLPEP, 2013).
5.2 Recommendations for Brazil
As there are signs that Brazil is likely to have a
very important role in the complex process that
will lead to the adoption of the SDGs by the United
Nations,19 the conclusion above necessarily refers
to the defnition of the countrys position on this
historic issue of overcoming the GDP. And that
cannot occur without an institutional articulation
of that goal.
For Brazil to be a key player, its
representatives that will participate more
directly in the negotiation process notably, of
the most decisive discussions under the Open
Working Group scope should already be on
top of the issues examined in this text, with
emphasis on those relating to the measurement
of economic performance. However, for this to
occur, they should have already been getting
subsidies from institutions that are home to
skilled specialists. Starting with the Brazilian
Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) and
the Brazilian Institute for Applied Economic
Research (IPEA), but also the universities, where
most researchers linked to the Brazilian Society
of Ecological Economics are, for example.
Therefore, we must hope that the success
of the project Pathways to the Future We
Want", developed by the Brazilian Center for
International Relations (CEBRI) with the support
of the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), and in
which this text is inserted, stimulates Itamaraty
to organize a network of consultations and
exchanges on socio-environmental indicators.
A crucial initiative for Brazil to be a leading
voice" in the preparation and negotiations of
the SDGs, which begin to make possible, with
long overdue, an effective global governance of
sustainable development (VEIGA, 2013).
*With the most sincere thanks to the
oral contributions on the occasion of the
preparatory workshop held by CEBRI in
4/18/2013 and, in particular, to Renata Dalaqua
(CEBRI), Paulo Gonzaga Mibielli de Carvalho
(IBGE and SBEE) and Eduardo Viola (UnB) for
suggestions regarding earlier versions. Of
course, this does not mean that they agree or
take responsibility for the result.
Note 19
The UN Assistant Secretary
General Olav Kjorven, goes
on to say that this would
be one of the few countries
with high credibility when
speaking in progress
aimed at sustainable
development. I would like
to propose a challenge
to Brazil. (...) I think that
Brazil could be the leading
voice in this process, one
of the few countries with
high credibility when it
comes to progress towards
a sustainable development
(emphasis added, jev), cf.
KJORVEN (2013).
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Editorial Production
Roberto Fendt
Rafael Costa
Renata Hessmann Dalaqua
Julio Carpio Zegarra
Technical Revision
Clarissa Vargas
Jos Renato Botafogo Brito
Graphic Project
Barbara Coelho
Caio Alves
Walprint Grfca e Editora
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Centro Brasileiro de Relaes Internacionais
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Since the 1950s, when the international debate
on the diference between development and
growth began, the supremacy of the Gross
Domestic Product (GDP) as an indicator of
development is being questioned.

The Measurable Economic Welfare (MEW) and the
Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare (ISEW)
are limited indicators, created to correct the
GDP, which include components of development
and welfare, but leave out environmental
The Human Development Index (HDI) was the
only measure that achieved notoriety similar
to the GDP. Despite its popularity, the HDI can
lead to a precarious welfare analysis; since its
an arithmetical average, a high level of GDP per
capita can compensate for defcits in the other
dimensions of health and education. Moreover,
the HDI expresses an outdated notion of
development, as it does not consider the socio-
environmental problem.
Although it is featured among the emerging
indexes, the Genuine Savings Indicator (GSI)
is controversial, because it presupposes the
possibility of complete replacement between
labor, capital and natural resources.
The Environmental Sustainability Index (ESI) is
a deep and structural indicator that encloses
fve broad dimensions: environmental systems;
stresses; human vulnerability; social and
institutional capacity; and global responsibility.
A simplifed version of this indicator, the
Environmental Performance Index (EPI) was
developed to facilitate the monitoring of
the Millennium Development Goal regarding
environmental sustainability.
Considering that the Ecological Footprint
indicates the pressure that the consumption of a
given nation exerts on the biosphere, this index
can be useful to identify the populations that
contribute the most to global unsustainability
and, thus, promote positive changes in
consumption patterns.
In the process of creating the Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), the high number of
indicators for monitoring these goals must not
obliterate the need for "broader measures of
progress that complement the GDP".
"Beyond GDP" must be the main axis of the
Data Revolution advocated by the report of
the eminent persons. It is important that the
economic monitoring, under a household
perspective, reveals the actual material progress
of the population and not just the productive
capacity of the country in which they live.
For Brazil to be a key player in the United
Nations process of adopting the SDGs, Brazilian
representatives need to be well-versed in the
current socio-environmental indicators and
the main issues regarding the measurement of
economic performance.
The Project Pathways to the Future We Want represents the continuation
of the eforts promoted by CEBRI to advance the knowledge on the
international agenda for sustainable development. The main objective
of this initiative is to contribute to the implementation of the decisions
agreed by countries in multilateral meetings.
The use of socio-environmental indicators in the conception,
implementation and evaluation of sustainable public policies constitutes
the core topic of this article.

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