Early Cavity Walls
Early Cavity Walls
Early Cavity Walls
Historic Buildings
Early cavity walls
This guidance note is one of a series which explain ways of improving the energy effciency of roofs, walls and
foors in historic buildings. The full range of guidance is available from the English Heritage website:
Introduction to the series
This guidance note is one of a series of thirteen documents providing advice on the principles,
risks, materials and methods for improving the energy efciency of various building elements such
as roofs, walls and oors in older buildings. The complete series includes the following publications:
Insulating pitched roofs at rafter level/warm roofs
Insulating pitched roofs at ceiling level/cold roofs
Insulating fat roofs
Insulating thatched roofs
Open fres, chimneys and fues
Insulating dormer windows
Insulating timber framed walls
Insulating solid walls
Early cavity walls
Draught-proofng windows and doors
Secondary glazing
Insulation of suspended ground foors
Insulating solid ground foors
All these documents can be downloaded free from:
This series of guidance documents provide more detailed
information to support our principle publication:
Energy Effciency and Historic Buildings: Application of Part L of the
Building Regulations to historic and traditionally constructed buildings
This publication has been produced to help prevent conicts
between the energy efciency requirements in Part L of the
Building Regulations and the conservation of historic and
traditionally constructed buildings. Much of the advice is also
relevant where thermal upgrading is planned without the
specic need to comply with these regulations.
The advice acts a second tier supporting guidance in the
interpretation of the Building Regulations that should be
taken into account when determining appropriate energy
performance standards for works to historic buildings.
COVER IMAGES top left Page from Gwilts Encyclopaedia of Architecture 1899 bottom left EH/David Pickles
bottom right Page from Building Construction by Prof Henry Adams 1906
Energy Efciency and
Historic Buildings
Application of Part L of the Building Regulations to historic and traditionally constructed buildings
This advice acts as supporting guidance in the interpretation of
Approved Documents L1B and L2B that should be taken into account
when determining appropriate energy performance standards for
works to historic and traditionally constructed buildings
Before contemplating measures to enhance the thermal performance of a historic building
it is important to assess the building and its users to understand:
the heritage values (signicance) of the building
the construction and condition of the building fabric and building services
the existing hygrothermal behaviour of the building
the likely effectiveness and value for money of measures to improve energy performance
the impact of the measures on heritage values
the technical risks associated with the measures
This will help to identify the measures best suited to an individual building or household, taking
behaviour into consideration as well as the building envelope and services
Altering the thermal performance of older buildings is not without risks. The most signicant risk
is that of creating condensation which can be on the surface of a building component or between
layers of the building fabric, which is referred to as interstitial condensation. Condensation can
give rise to health problems for occupants as it can lead to mould forming and it can also damage
the building fabric through decay. Avoiding the risk of condensation can be complex as a wide range
of variables come into play.
Where advice is given in this series of guidance notes on adding insulation into existing permeable
construction we generally consider that insulation which has hygroscopic properties is used as
this offers a benecial buffering effect during uctuations in temperature and vapour pressure,
thus reducing the risk of surface and interstitial condensation occurring. However, high levels of
humidity can still pose problems even when the insulation is hygroscopic. Insulation materials with
low permeability are not entirely incompatible with older construction but careful thought needs
to be given to reducing levels of water vapour moving through such construction either by means
of ventilated cavities or through vapour control layers.
The movement of water vapour through parts of the construction is a key issue when considering
thermal upgrading but many other factors need to be considered to arrive at an optimum solution
such as heating regimes and the orientation and exposure of the particular building.
More research is needed to help us fully understand the passage of moisture through buildings
and how certain forms of construction and materials can mitigate these risks. For older buildings
though there is no one size ts all solution, each building needs to be considered and an optimum
solution devised.
The technical drawings included in this guidance document are diagrammatic only and are used
to illustrate general principles. They are not intended to be used as drawings for purposes of
Older buildings need to be evaluated individually to assess the most suitable form of construction
based on a wide variety of possible variables.
English Heritage does not accept liability for loss or damage arising from the use of this information.
Introduction 05
01 Early cavity wall construction 06
02 Insulating early cavity walls - issues to consider 11
03 Adding insulation to an early cavity wall 14
04 Effects of insulation on dampness in cavity walls 18
05 Cavity wall insulation and the Building Regulations 19
06 Summary 20
07 Further information 21
English Heritage Local Ofces 22
This guidance note provides advice on the principles, risks, materials
and methods for improving the thermal performance of buildings built
with early forms of masonry cavity walls dating from before the Second
World War.
Builders and architects started to experiment with cavity or hollow
walls from early in the Victorian period. By the rst decade of the 20th
century, most pattern books for houses included examples of outer
walls with two separate leaves of brickwork. Initially the development of
the hollow or cavity wall was to provide as much protection as possible
from the elements, especially driving rain together with enhanced
stability and economy of materials. These types of wall rst appeared in
exposed areas, particularly in coastal locations.
The use of cavity wall construction became increasingly common
particularly for the house building boom of the inter-war years where
developers saw its economic advantages over solid wall construction.
Around 80% of the existing housing in the UK is now estimated to be
of cavity wall construction.
Since the energy crisis of the early 1970s it has become common to
ll or partially ll the cavity with a variety of insulation materials to
reduce the heat loss through the wall. Modern cavity walls (post-Second
World War) often provide a good opportunity to improve thermal
performance with cavity insulation. Such insulation is invisible, cheap
and quick to install, with no reduction to room sizes. As a result cavity
insulation is widely promoted, and even subsidised. But cavity insulation
is not generally suitable for all cavity walls particularly those classed as
early cavity walls.
The performance of early cavity walls will differ from that of later
cavity walls and these differences need to be taken into account when
considering the addition of insulation. However, some early cavity walls
can be insulated using cavity insulation and this guidance discusses
how to determine whether any particular wall is suitable. For some
early cavity walls, cavity ll insulation will always be unsuitable and the
construction needs to be treated as a solid wall and insulated either
internally or externally.
01 Early cavity wall construction
A cavity or hollow wall consists of two masonry leaves tied together but separated by a
continuous airspace. The outer leaf acts as a protective skin against the elements, principally
driving rain. It works in conjunction with the inner leaf which serves as a dry construction to carry
the interior nishes. The two leaves need to be tied together for structural stability and to help
carry the loads imposed on them by upper oors and the roof.
The cavity serves to keep the two leaves apart, preventing damp from passing through from
the outside to the inside of the wall. The cavity can therefore protect any woodwork or other
decorative linings in contact with the inner leaf from damp and decay. It also allows for the
evaporation of any condensation or rainwater which penetrates the outer leaf and ensures a more
even temperature inside the building.
With early cavity construction the two leaves of walling were often tied together with bricks bonded
into both leaves of the wall. These early cavity walls may not be easy to recognise by the brick bond
alone as the ends of the brick ties cannot be easily distinguished from face-work. Headers visible
on the elevation may either be specials tying the two leaves together or snapped headers put in to
imitate solid construction. Measurement of the wall thickness together with a careful assessment of
the construction needs to be carried out to ensure the wall has a continuous cavity.
Snapped headers used to give
appearance of solid wall
Special bonding brick used
to bond two leaves
Internal plaster finish
Overall thickness will give a clue
as to type of construction
01 This shows an early cavity of two brick leaves with a special bonding brick crossing the cavity. Often the bonding brick
would be disguised on the face-work with a snapped header matching the rest of the facing brickwork. It is only therefore
by looking at the overall depth of the wall that will give a clue as whether there is a cavity.
02 This illustration from a construction book of the late 19th century shows three different lengths of hollow wall bonding
brick Page from Gwilts Encyclopaedia of Architecture 1899
Brickwork inner leaf
Early cavity ties either cast
or twisted wrought iron
Stone outer leaf
Cavity width can vary
between 50 100mm
03 Some early cavity walls were built with a stone facing giving a very irregular cavity size. It might be difcult from
a visual inspection alone to establish whether there is a cavity or how wide the cavity is.
Where bricks are used as ties the cavity cannot be continuous as the bricks create direct contact by
bridging between the two leaves. Moisture is therefore able to transfer across the cavity and for this
reason these walls are analogous to solid wall construction rather than modern cavity wall construction
where metal or plastic ties are used to prevent capillary transfer of moisture across the cavity.
In certain areas early cavity walls can consist of a stone outer leaf and a cheaper brick inner leaf.
In particularly exposed locations they are sometimes found with an outer brick skin erected to
give extra protection to an earlier solid stone building.
(London Bye-Laws 1920s)
Structural loading on inner leaf
1 brick thick
outer leaf
12 brick thick
inner leaf
04 This shows a cavity wall with a one brick outer leaf and a half brick inner leaf with galvanised ties.
In early cavity walls both the masonry leaves and the cavity can vary considerably in width. Cavities
can vary in width from 100mm wide to less than 50mm wide. In cheaper buildings two single skins
of brickwork would often be separated by only a 50mm cavity but it was nevertheless recognised
that the thicker the masonry and the wider the gap between the leaves the more effective the
protection against driving rain and the warmer the enclosed air space. The London Building Byelaws
of the early 1920s made it compulsory for one leaf to be a full brick wide and this may be part of
the reason why relatively few cavity walls were built in London at this time. Where the outer skin
is stonework, the cavity width will often vary considerably due to the inherent variability of this
The structural loads from the upper oors and roof were usually carried on the inner leaf of the
wall as this enabled structural timbers to be kept clear of the damp external leaf, but in partially
masonry-bonded construction the load is much more likely to be shared between both leaves. In
all cases it was necessary to ensure that the leaves continued to be well tied together to prevent
differential movement, detachment of the outer skin and/or water penetration at openings.
The presence of rendered or plastered nishes is no guarantee of the absence of a cavity. The
outer leaf of a cavity wall would in many cases still be rendered with a cement/lime or earth based
render to give extra protection against driving rain and the internal nishes would also be plastered
in just the same way as was usual with older solid walls.
As already noted the earliest cavity walls were tied together with through stones or brick headers
placed at sufcient intervals to give the wall enough strength. These were quite rapidly superseded
by patented brick, stone and metal ties which were concealed by the outer facing. These were all
as impervious as practicable, and designed to throw water off thus preventing capillary or surface
transmission to the inner leaf. Early metal ties were typically cast or wrought iron either untreated
or dipped in tar and sand before being put in the wall. These were later replaced by galvanised mild
steel ties. All these early metal ties are liable to corrosion if the right damp conditions persisted,
particularly if the ties were embedded in an acidic mortar such as one containing ash.
Some of these walls will have been built with a damp proof course above ground level often with
weep-holes to allow water that penetrated the outer skin to drain outwards. At openings in early
walls either the timber window or door itself may be found closing but as techniques developed
it became more usual for either the outer or inner leaf to be returned to close the cavity more
effectively. Lintels for the inner and outer leaves would usually be separate, sometimes with a
timber lintel to the inner leaf and a brick relieving arch to the outer. The inner leaf may contain
numerous bonding timbers.
In the early days of cavity construction there was much debate about whether or not the cavity
should be ventilated. However, by the end of the 19th century a prevailing consensus had developed
that there should be a small amount of ventilation, similar to that provided under oors, but that
the cavity should be closed effectively at openings and beneath the roof line. This provided a
degree of air movement to help any moisture which did penetrate the cavity to evaporate away.
05/06/07 Construction drawings from the turn
of the century showing different forms of cavity
construction Page from Building Construction
by Prof Henry Adams 1906
02 Insulating early cavity walls -
issues to consider
Before adding insulation, the rst step is to identify the materials and construction used for the
wall. Many older buildings may have three or four different types of wall construction, reecting
their development over a long period.
The process of assessing the movement of heat, water and salts through early cavity walls is
primarily based on theoretical calculations. However, accurate calculation data is not available
for many traditional materials; and even where data is available it is usually based upon idealised,
homogenous wall construction made of awless materials, perfectly assembled and in as new
condition. This very rarely represents the actual state of affairs in any old building. The variations
that are typically found in actual historic buildings mean that the application in reality of such
calculations must be carried out with signicant margins for error. Because of this potential for
inaccuracy it is important that whenever any theoretically modelled performance is used as a basis
for the design of improvements, the actual building performance should be closely monitored after
Early cavity walled buildings, particularly those built with softer, lime-based mortars and renders
are breathing structures in that they exchange moisture readily with the indoor and outdoor
environment. Where insulation is introduced it is important for the durability and long-term
performance of the building that this breathability is taken into consideration.
Materials used in repair and maintenance must be selected with care. Modern impermeable
materials not just vapour control layers but cement renders, plasters and pointing and many
modern paints will impair the breathable performance and will tend to trap moisture. Often this
will increase problems of damp and associated decay.
In early cavity wall construction of permeable masonry water is rstly absorbed into the outer
leaf and then freely evaporates out again when drier conditions prevail. It is only under severe and
prolonged driving rain that water tends to saturate the wall to the extent that it runs down the
inner face of the outer leaf.
As many early cavity walled buildings have individual leaves which are thicker than those in a
modern wall they have a signicant thermal mass which helps to stabilise the internal environment.
Thermal mass in external walls can take up heat during the day from the interior and then re-
release it at night, thus balancing out the need for articial heating and reducing overall energy use.
This effect will be signicantly reduced by the addition of internal insulation, but can be greatly
enhanced by external insulation.
In summer, strong sun can cause overheating and the thermal mass of the walls cools the interior
by day and then gives off the heat during the night. This helps reduce solar overheating and
therefore the need for mechanical cooling.
Location, aspect, and the differing exposure of individual elevations to direct sunlight and wind
driven rain have important inuences on a buildings condition and performance. These must be
taken into account when making alterations.
Different parts of a building are affected by very different micro-climates. For example, north
facing elevations can be subject to prolonged damp, as they do not receive the benet of a drying
sun and are often also sheltered from drying winds. However, they receive little driving rain from
the prevailing south-westerly winds, so conditions are more stable. This can mean that though
consistently damp north-facing walls may deteriorate less than south and south-west facing walls
which tend to suffer from accelerated rates of decay through the uctuations in temperature and
wetting and drying cycles.
Each buildings exposure to the elements is inuenced by the proximity and position of surrounding
buildings. It is also inuenced by its own projections and extensions as well as the general exposure
of the site. For example, a terrace of houses can exhibit widely varied levels of exposure and shelter.
Problems with dampness in walls include:
decay in timbers in contact with wet masonry
deterioration of the external fabric of the wall due to freezing and thawing
movement of salts
movement of tars and other chemicals through the walls, causing staining at the surface
growth of mould on the inside surfaces of walls
corrosion of metallic compounds in contact with, or buried within, the wall
Before making any improvements, it is therefore important to understand how masonry buildings
manage the movement of water, in vapour and liquid form. This is not only complex in itself, but
is also signicantly affected by the presence of salts. Unfortunately many insulation systems are
designed and developed solely to limit heat loss and to avoid interstitial condensation from water
vapour generated internally. They simply do not take account of the extent to which they can affect
the movement of water and salts already in an existing traditional wall. So they can easily:
exacerbate existing problems
create new problems, such as the displacement of damp and salts and the decay of timbers
in contact with the walls
create health risks for the occupants, e.g. from mould growth
be themselves affected by the moisture, reducing their performance and sometimes
failing entirely
Where walls have been damp for a long period of time it can sometime take years for them to dry
out. The selection and design of insulation must therefore take account of the drying-out process
(both before and after installation) and the presence of any residual damp and salts in the walls.
Buildings without a damp-proof course can be prone to damp and salt contamination, particularly
at low level, where ground salts are carried up into the wall in solution. Salts are also commonly
found around replaces and chimney breasts where they originated as by-products of combustion.
They can also originate from a previous use of a building, for example from animal excrement
and storage of fertilisers in agricultural buildings. Salts may also have been present in the original
building materials (stone transported by sea) or from the use of chemicals such as caustic soda to
remove paint.
Many of these salts are hygroscopic and so exacerbate the problems of damp by attracting and holding
moisture directly from the atmosphere. They may also re-crystallise with changing moisture levels,
and the resulting expansion within the pores of permeable materials can gradually turn masonry into
powder. The interfaces between existing walls and added layers of insulation are susceptible to cycles
of evaporation, condensation and salt crystallisation. Since it is hidden from view, major deterioration
can easily take place before anybody becomes aware that there is a problem.
08 Many salts are hygroscopic and so exacerbate the problems of damp by attracting and holding moisture
Tobit Curteis Associates
Several species of bird and bat make their homes in cavity walls. For example the predominant
summer and winter roosts of Serotine bats are in buildings with high gables and cavity walls.
Natural England should be consulted before any works that might disturb nests or roosts of any
protected species.
03 Adding insulation to an early
cavity wall
There are three main ways to insulate an early cavity wall. In some situations it may be benecial to
use a combination of these methods.
external insulation
internal insulation
insulation within the cavity
Regardless of the type and position of the insulation used, the wall should be in good repair and
all defects (particularly those involving dampness) remedied prior to carrying out any form of
insulating work.
Insulating walls in older buildings can be problematic. Insulation applied either externally or
internally can detrimentally affect the buildings appearance and character. For listed buildings, any
form of wall insulation is likely to require Listed Building Consent. External insulation will often
require planning permission and require adjustments and adaptations to the building, for example
to the eaves and verges of roofs, rainwater goods, and window and door reveals. This makes it
more disruptive and less cost-effective than most other improvements.
Wall insulation will also alter the performance of traditional buildings, and can exacerbate existing
moisture-related problems or create new ones. Any application of insulation requires caution
particularly where walls may be damp. Modern methods of protection including vapour barriers
and materials that are highly resistant to the passage of water vapour are not normally appropriate
for older buildings as they will tend to trap moisture and signicantly increase the risk of decay to
the fabric.
Most external insulation systems comprise an insulation layer xed to the existing wall covered by
a protective render or cladding.
Fixing external insulation will add more thermal mass to the structure as well as contributing to
the weather protection capability of the walling. This can help to increase the buildings weather
resistance and the effect of the thermal mass on the inside.
For further details on solid wall insulation see Insulating solid walls in this series.
A simple way of insulating at, even walls internally is to x insulating boards directly to the internal
wall and then apply a nishing skim coat of plaster on the surface if required.
For less even walls an alternative approach is to x timber battens to the wall and pack the space
between the battens tightly with insulation. The inner face can then be nished with plasterboard
or more traditional alternatives, such as lath and plaster. Sometimes a ventilated cavity is provided
between the insulation and the wall.
The addition of internal insulation can present signicant technical risks. The resulting reduction in
external wall temperature can cause increased dampness, mould and frost damage.
For further details on solid wall insulation see Insulating solid walls in this series.
As the insulation of the cavity can enhance the thermal performance of a wall without detrimentally
affecting its appearance or character this is the preferred alternative wherever the technical risks
can be adequately overcome.
The available techniques for insulating existing cavity walls generally involve injecting or blowing an
insulating material into the cavity. This works by entrapping and combining with the air in the cavity.
There are three generic types of cavity wall insulation that can be injected or blown into the cavity:
mineral wool
beads or granules
foamed insulation
If cavity width is less than 50mm, there
is a danger moisture will bridge the
cavity when full-fill insulation is added
Three generic types of insulants:
Mineral wool
hollow beads or granules
foamed insulation
09 Before deciding to ll an early cavity, check the cavity size and establish whether there is any material within the cavity
itself. The type of insulation material used to ll the cavity will be partly determined by the exposure of the wall.
There are no natural or recyclable materials available currently which are suitable for use as cavity
ll insulation. The products that are available for cavity insulation are not in themselves very high
performance insulators, particularly if the cavity is narrow. For this reason it is not normally cost
effective to install insulation in cavities of less than 50mm width. In addition with such narrow
cavities there is an increased danger of the insulation itself allowing water to cross the cavity to the
However, cavity wall insulation in suitable situations can be a highly cost effective measure although
there are certain technical risks in using this method to insulate an early cavity wall. The suitability
depends mainly on the local exposure to driving rain and the condition of the existing construction.
As many early cavity walls were built in areas with severe exposure to driving rain this makes many
of them particularly susceptible to damp bridging the cavity through the insulation even at widths
greater than 50mm. Urea formaldehyde foam should only be used in areas of moderate exposure
unless the wall is protected by some form of rain-screen cladding such as slate hanging.
The condition of the existing wall is critical as the addition of insulation to a wall in poor condition
not only exacerbates the situation but may well hamper later repairs.
Any cracking to the wall needs investigation. If the cracks are due to wall tie corrosion it must be
remedied rst as cavity insulation will only make the situation worse. Cavity walls with widespread
spalling to the face-work should not be lled. All mortar joints should be full and the pointing in
good repair. Where bricks or stones have been used for tying between the leaves or there is debris
or mortar blocking the cavity these may well cause sufciently serious local problems to make
cavity ll unwise.
Cavity wall insulation must always be carried out by a certied installer who is required to carry
out a thorough survey of the cavity with a boroscope (in accordance with BS8208) prior to the
work being carried out. The purpose of this survey is to check the cavity meets the stringent
requirements of the standard. There are a wide range of potential problems which can make pre-
1930s houses unsuitable for insulation and which such inspection will be likely to identify. Problems
can occur, for example, when the cavity is not closed off at the head and the insulation material
connects into the loft space.
Filling the cavity with insulation introduces the risk that moisture will be able to nd its way across
to the inside leaf, whatever the insulation material used. There is also the possibility that the
installation will be less than perfect, leaving unlled air pockets creating cold bridging to the inside
walls which may attract condensation.
Although the least visually intrusive of the three methods, retrotting cavity insulation still
necessitates drilling a considerable number of reasonably large holes in the brick or stone faade.
These can require some skill to make good to a sufcient standard which the cavity wall installers
may not have. It may be preferable to take out bricks or stones and then replace on completion.
Cavity insulation will mean that services, ventilation ducts and ues need to be sleeved where they
pass through walls. Insulation must be very carefully isolated from hot ues, particularly if it is not
completely incombustible. Any electrical wiring within the cavity needs to be relocated to prevent
overheating. Polystyrene insulation can also cause signicant damage to the cable sheathing with
which it comes into contact.
The inuence of added insulation on the movement of moisture in buildings with early cavity
walls is complicated and not always fully understood. There may as a result be unforeseen risks,
particularly where incompatible materials and systems are used. Practical experience of the repair
and conservation of historic buildings shows that the introduction of materials and systems that are
not compatible with the traditional breathing performance can exacerbate existing problems and/
or create new ones. Examples include vapour barriers, cement-based renders, and insulation which
cannot easily absorb and release moisture.
The only materials suitable for use within a cavity wall are modern impervious materials which will
not in themselves transmit moisture across a cavity via capillary attraction. The intention is that
any moisture should make its way through the material and drain out of the bottom of the cavity.
However, foams can crack under shrinkage stresses giving pathways for moisture transfer. Mineral
bre can hold moisture against vulnerable elements such as built in timber lintels. If the cavity is
bridged in any way either with mortar rubble or through stones, lling it will also encourage the
passage of damp from the outer to inner leaf.
A large number of thermal bridges may already exist in an early cavity wall construction particularly
when the leaves are tied together with bricks or ceramic ties. Cavities closed by masonry at wall
heads and around windows and doors will also provide a path where heat can be easily conducted
across the cavity. The addition of insulation can exacerbate the resulting problems and increase the
danger of localised condensation on the inside of the inner leaf. It is not always easy to distinguish
this condensation from rainwater bridging the cavity and it is possible that both effects can
Well-intentioned improvements can easily lead to the introduction of new risks; either because of
poor detailing at the design stage or inadequate care during installation. Very minor errors can lead
to serious problems such as vapour control layers with small perforations which can lead to severe
local problems of dampness, particularly in kitchens and bathrooms where large amounts of water
vapour are produced.
04 Effects of insulation on
dampness in cavity walls
Insulation applied to the external face can provide increased protection against driving rain and thus
reduce the exposure of the wall to a source of damp. However, external insulation will also protect
the wall from drying by solar heat and wind and so could impair the evaporation of moisture from
the walls. The walls can thus become even damper, especially where they are in contact with
ground moisture.
In a cavity wall where no cavity ll has been inserted and the two leaves thus remain separate this
risk would only affect the outer leaf. Evaporation would still be taking place into the cavity but this
would be warmer and so the risk to the inner leaf would be lessened.
Adding external insulation would also reduce the risk of wall tie corrosion from the continuous
wetting of the ties.
For most of the year, internal temperatures will be higher than external temperatures, so internal
insulation will reduce the amount of heat passing into the walls.
The cavity temperature can drop considerably and research has indicated that such cavities
particularly on north facing walls can be permanently damp. This can increase the risk of wall tie
corrosion, frost damage and mould.
There are reasonable concerns that adding insulation to a cavity can reduce the temperature of
the outer leaf to the point where the exposure of the masonry to freeze-thaw cycles becomes
signicant. This will accelerate damage to bricks, stones and mortar, particularly where soft
masonry walls have been re-pointed using inappropriately hard mortars. It is very difcult to
accurately calculate the likelihood that this may happen.
In any building where the existing fabric is of signicance the installation of insulation should
be carefully monitored afterwards as little is known about long-term performance. Routine
maintenance will be important to prevent the walls being subjected to excessive damp, for example
from defective roof coverings, rainwater gutters and down-pipes and any build up of external
ground levels.
The covering of walls with insulation, either externally or internally, can also conceal maintenance
problems which would be easily and cheaply resolved if spotted at an early stage.
05 Cavity wall insulation and the
Building Regulations
The Approved Document that accompanies Part L of the Building Regulations for existing dwellings,
ADL1B (2010), calls for the insulation of existing walls to be improved when a building undergoes a
change of use or when the wall concerned is being renovated. Renovation, which could include re-
plastering, re-rendering, is sufcient to trigger a requirement for the entire wall to be upgraded.
Target U-values for cavity walls are 0.55 W/mK when cavity wall insulation can be added and 0.30
W/mK when it cannot. Either of these levels will be difcult to achieve in older buildings.
Cavity walls are not expected to meet these targets if it is not economically or technically feasible
to do so. The test of economic feasibility is a payback period of fteen years or less this will
rarely be achievable in traditional buildings where insulation will have to be carefully detailed and
will have widespread knock-on effects.
The test of technical feasibility is not given. It will not be technically feasible to insulate a wall
if the only insulation methods available are likely to damage the wall by increasing dampness or
exacerbating salt migration, or if the insulation is likely to fail because of its incompatibility with the
When a change of use is taking place, walls do not have to be upgraded if their U-value is already
below 0.70 W/mK, though this is unlikely in traditional buildings.
The energy efciency requirements of the Building Regulations do not apply to:
buildings which are listed
in a conservation area
scheduled monuments
where compliance would unacceptably alter their character or appearance and without
conditions to:
buildings which are used primarily or solely as places of worship.
It is important to remember that changes which unacceptably altered the character or appearance
of a listed building may not in any case be granted Listed Building Consent.
The Approved Document also allows for several lesser categories of historic buildings to be
accorded special considerations. These considerations however are not fully dened although
it is noted that the Conservation Ofcers advice should be taken into account.
The Approved Document also notes that special considerations are to be taken into account for
buildings constructed with permeable fabric. This operates as a requirement that the particular
technical behaviour of permeable (also known as breathable) fabric in traditional buildings needs
to be recognised.
The Building Regulations are clear that work to meet the regulations must be carried out with
adequate and proper materials which are appropriate for the circumstances in which they are
used. It is clearly not appropriate to use materials in traditional buildings that are incompatible with
their performance.
06 Summary
There are instances where early cavity walls can be insulated. However, such work should only be
carried out by a certied installer and after a thoroughly detailed assessment has been made of the
particular building and its performance characteristics. Any solutions may need to be varied to take
account of the location, orientation, exposure, construction and condition of an individual section
of wall.
The aesthetic, practical and technical impacts of insulating an early cavity wall externally or
internally are comparable with those of insulating a solid wall. Where the tie between the two
leaves of a cavity wall is of a porous material, cavity insulation is not usually a suitable option
although it could be used in conjunction with external wall insulation and further weather
protection to increase the thermal insulation value of a wall.
Monitoring should be undertaken before, during and after any such insulation to ensure that the
work is not only done on an informed basis but that lessons can be learned from any successes and
failures. This will enable future practice to be made more robust and effective.
07 Further information
Brunskill, R.W & Clifton-Taylor, A: 1977,
English Brickwork, Hyperion
Hollis, M; 2005 Surveying Buildings (Fifth
Edition); RICS Books; Coventry
Inbuilt Ltd + Davis Langdon 2010; Study on hard
to fll cavity walls in domestic dwellings in Great
Britain, DECC ref CESA EE0211
Lynch, G, 1994; Brickwork History, Technology and
Practice Volume 2; Donhead, London
Melville, I.A & Gordon I.A; 1997, The Repair and
Maintenance of Houses (Second Edition); Estates
Gazette, London
British Standards Institution, 1985 Guide to
assessment of suitability of external wall cavity
walls for flling with thermal insulants existing
traditional cavity construction (BS 8208-1) British
Standards Institution
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