Kisan Shankar Kathore V.arun Dattatray Sawant

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The appellant heren !a" the "#$$e""%#l $an&&ate n the
ele$t'n '% le("lat)e a""e*+l,- !h$h he $'nte"te& %r'* ./-
A*+ernath 0'n"tt#en$,- Thane D"tr$t- 1ahara"htra. There !ere
%)e $an&&ate" n the %ra, %'r !h$h the ele$t'n" !ere hel& 'n
O$t'+er 23- 4556 an& the re"#lt" !ere &e$lare& 'n O$t'+er 2/- 4556.
A%ter he !a" &e$lare& ele$te&- h" ele$t'n !a" $hallen(e& +, the %r"t
re"p'n&ent- !h' " a )'ter n the "a& $'n"tt#en$,. He %le& the
ele$t'n pett'n n the H(h 0'#rt '% 7#&$at#re at 8'*+a, "tatn( that
the appellant9" n'*nat'n ha& +een *pr'perl, a$$epte& +, the
Ret#rnn( O%%$er an& the ele$t'n !a" )'& &#e t' n'n:$'*plan$e '%
the pr')"'n" '% the 0'n"tt#t'n '% In&a- the Repre"entat'n '% the
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 1 of 40
Page 2
Pe'ple A$t- 2;.2 (herena%ter re%erre& t' a" 9the A$t9) a" !ell a" R#le"
an& Or&er" %ra*e& #n&er the "a& A$t.
4. The ele$t'n pett'n !a" %le& #n&er Se$t'n 255(2)(&)() an& ()) '%
the A$t 'n the (r'#n& that n the n'*nat'n %'r* %lle& n +, the
appellant he ha& "#ppre""e& h" &#e" pa,a+le t' the <')ern*ent-
"#ppre""e& the a""et" '% h" "p'#"e an& al"' "#ppre""e& the
n%'r*at'n an& a""et" '% a partner"hp %r* '% !h$h he " a partner.
The appellant $'nte"te& the "a& pett'n. E)&en$e !a" le&. A%ter
hearn( the ar(#*ent"- the H(h 0'#rt pa""e& =#&(*ent &ate& A#(#"t
2/- 455> a$$eptn( the plea '% the %r"t re"p'n&ent that the n'*nat'n
%'r* '% the appellant !a" &e%e$t)e an& "h'#l& n't ha)e +een
a$$epte& +, the Ret#rnn( O%%$er. Th#"- !hle all'!n( the ele$t'n
pett'n an& "ettn( a"&e '% the ele$t'n '% the appellant- the H(h
0'#rt re$'r&e& the n'n:&"$l'"#re 'n %'ll'!n( $'#nt"?
a) N'n:&"$l'"#re '% &#e" t' 1ahara"htra State
Ele$tr$t, 8'ar& n re"pe$t '% t!' "er)$e $'nne$t'n"
hel& +, h* a*'#ntn( t' R".>;-455@: an& R".//-4.5@:.
+) The appellant %ale& t' &"$l'"e the '!ner"hp '%
8#n(al'! N'. A// an& the taBe" &#e" there'%
a*'#ntn( t' R".3-66.@: '!ne& +, h" !%e.
$) The appellant %ale& t' &"$l'"e the part$#lar" '% the
)eh$le 1H:5.:A0:.. '!ne& +, the !%e.
&)The appellant " (#lt, '% n'n:&"$l'"#re '% pr'pert,
'!ne& +, %r* Pa&*a)at De)el'per" '% !h$h the
appellant " a partner- !h$h '!n" t!' pl't" '% lan&"
*ea"#rn( 2323 "C.*tr". an& 24;4 "C.*t". n S#r)e,
N'. 6A- H""a N'. ; '% 1'#De Kal,an- Tal#Ea
A*+arnath- D"tr$t Thane- 1ahara"htra.
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 2 of 40
Page 3
0hallen(n( the *p#(ne& =#&(*ent- the pre"ent "tat#t'r,
appeal " %le&- a" pr')&e& #n&er Se$t'n 22/A '% the A$t.
3. We *a, "tate- at the '#t"et- that there " n' &"p#te 'n %a$t"- na*el,-
the appellant ha& n't &"$l'"e& $ertan n%'r*at'n"- a" %'#n& +, the
H(h 0'#rt an& n'te& a+')e- n h" n'*nat'n %'r*. Entre &"p#te
re"t" 'n the ""#e a" t' !hether t !a" n$#*+ent #p'n the appellant
t' ha)e &"$l'"e& "#$h an n%'r*at'n an& n'n:&"$l'"#re there'%
ren&ere& h" n'*nat'n n)al& an& )'&. The nat#re '% n%'r*at'n
()en +, the appellant n h" n'*nat'n %'r*- 'n the +a"" '% !h$h
the appellant $'nten&" that t '#(ht t' ha)e +een treate& a"
"#+"tantal $'*plan$e- !'#l& +e taEen n'te '% later at the
appr'prate "ta(e. We &ee* t appr'prate t' "tate the le(al p'"t'n
$'ntane& n the A$t- R#le" an& Or&er" a" !ell a" the =#&(*ent" '%
th" 0'#rt n 'r&er t' #n&er"tan& a" t' !hether there !a" a
"#+"tantal $'*plan$e +, the appellant n the %'r* '% n%'r*at'n
()en +, h* 'r t a*'#nte& t' n'n:&"$l'"#re '% the *ateral
n%'r*at'n !arrantn( re=e$t'n '% h" n'*nat'n.
6. Sn$e the pett'n %le& +e%'re the H(h 0'#rt !a" #n&er Se$t'n
255(2)(&)() an& ())- !e %r"t taEe n'te '% the"e pr')"'n"- !h$h are
t' the %'ll'!n( e%%e$t?
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 3 of 40
Page 4
F100. Gr!"#$ %r #&'()r*"+ &(&',*" , -& .*#. / (2)
S#+=e$t t' the pr')"'n" '% "#+:"e$t'n (4) % the H(h
0'#rt " '% 'pn'n G
(&) that the re"#lt '% the ele$t'n- n "' %ar a" t
$'n$ern" a ret#rne& $an&&ate- ha" +een *aterall,
a%%e$te& G
() +, the *pr'per a$$eptan$e 'r an, n'*nat'n-
()) +, an, n'n:$'*plan$e !th the pr')"'n" '%
the 0'n"tt#t'n 'r '% th" A$t 'r '% an, r#le" 'r
'r&er" *a&e #n&er th" A$t-
the H(h 0'#rt "hall &e$lare the ele$t'n '% the ret#rne&
$an&&ate t' +e )'&.H
.. Se$t'n 255(2)(&) talE" '% re"#lt '% ele$t'n +en( 9*aterall, a%%e$te&9
+, *pr'per a$$eptan$e- !e !'#l& lEe t' repr'&#$e here Se$t'n
33(2) '% the A$t- !h$h *an&ate" %ln( '% a n'*nat'n paper
$'*plete& n the pre"$r+e& %'r* n 'r&er t' $'n"tt#te t t' +e a )al&
n'*nat'n. It rea&" a" #n&er?
F33. Pr&$&",),*" % "0*"),*" 1)1&r )"#
r&2!*r&0&", %r ) .)(*# "0*"),*". / (2) On 'r
+e%'re the &ate app'nte& #n&er $la#"e (a) '% "e$t'n 35
ea$h $an&&ate "hall- ether n per"'n 'r +, h"
pr'p'"er- +et!een the h'#r" '% ele)en '9$l'$E n the
%'ren''n an& three '9$l'$E n the a%tern''n &el)er t' the
ret#rnn( '%%$er at the pla$e "pe$%e& n th" +ehal% n
the n't$e ""#e& #n&er "e$t'n 32 a n'*nat'n paper
$'*plete& n the pre"$r+e& %'r* an& "(ne& +, the
$an&&ate an& +, an ele$t'r '% the $'n"tt#en$, a"
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 4 of 40
Page 5
/. Other rele)ant pr')"'n" are Se$t'n" 33A- 36- 3. an& 3/ '% the A$t-
!h$h are a" #n&er?
F33A. R*+4, , *"%r0),*". / (2) A $an&&ate
"hall- apart %r'* an, n%'r*at'n !h$h he " reC#re& t'
%#rn"h- #n&er th" A$t 'r the r#le" *a&e there#n&er- n
h" n'*nat'n paper &el)ere& #n&er "#+:"e$t'n(2) '%
"e$t'n 33- al"' %#rn"h the n%'r*at'n a" t' !hether G
() he " a$$#"e& '% an, '%%en$e p#n"ha+le !th
*pr"'n*ent %'r t!' ,ear" 'r *'re n a pen&n(
$a"e n !h$h a $har(e ha" +een %ra*e& +, the
$'#rt '% $'*petent =#r"&$t'nI
() he ha" +een $'n)$te& '% an '%%en$e 'ther than
an, '%%en$e re%erre& t' n "#+:"e$t'n (2) 'r "#+:
"e$t'n (4)- 'r $')ere& n "#+:"e$t'n (3)- '%
"e$t'n A an& "enten$e& t' *pr"'n*ent %'r 'ne
,ear 'r *'re.
(4) The $an&&ate 'r h" pr'p'"er- a" the $a"e *a, +e-
"hall- at the t*e '% &el)ern( t' the ret#rnn( '%%$er the
n'*nat'n paper #n&er "#+:"e$t'n (2) '% "e$t'n 33-
al"' &el)er t' h* an a%%&a)t "!'rn +, the $an&&ate n
a pre"$r+e& %'r* )er%,n( the n%'r*at'n "pe$%e& n
"#+:"e$t'n (2).
(3) The ret#rnn( '%%$er "hall- a" "''n a" *a, +e a%ter
the %#rn"hn( '% n%'r*at'n t' h* #n&er "#+:"e$t'n
(2)- &"pla, the a%'re"a& n%'r*at'n +, a%%Bn( a $'p,
'% the a%%&a)t- &el)ere& #n&er "#+:"e$t'n (4)- at a
$'n"p$#'#" pla$e at h" '%%$e %'r the n%'r*at'n '% the
ele$t'r" relatn( t' a $'n"tt#en$, %'r !h$h the
n'*nat'n paper " &el)ere&.H
36. D&1$*,$. / (2) A $an&&ate "hall n't +e &ee*e& t'
+e &#l, n'*nate& %'r ele$t'n %r'* a $'n"tt#en$,
#nle"" he &ep'"t" 'r $a#"e" t' +e &ep'"te&. G
(a) n the $a"e '% an ele$t'n %r'* a Parla*entar,
$'n"tt#en$,- a "#* '% t!ent,:%)e th'#"an&
r#pee" 'r !here the $an&&ate " a *e*+er '% a
S$he&#le& 0a"te 'r S$he&#le& Tr+e- a "#* '%
t!el)e th'#"an& %)e h#n&re& r#pee"I an&
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 5 of 40
Page 6
(+) n the $a"e '% an ele$t'n %r'* an A""e*+l, 'r
0'#n$l $'n"tt#en$,- a "#* '% ten th'#"an&
r#pee" 'r !here the $an&&ate " a *e*+er '% a
S$he&#le& 0a"te 'r S$he&#le& Tr+e- a "#* '%
%)e th'#"an& r#pee"?
Pr')&e& that !here a $an&&ate ha" +een n'*nate& +,
*'re than 'ne n'*nat'n paper %'r ele$t'n n the
"a*e $'n"tt#en$,- n't *'re than 'ne &ep'"t "hall +e
reC#re& '% h* #n&er th" "#+:"e$t'n.
(4) An, "#* reC#re& t' +e &ep'"te& #n&er "#+:"e$t'n
(2) "hall n't +e &ee*e& t' ha)e +een &ep'"te& #n&er
that "#+:"e$t'n #nle"" at the t*e '% &el)er, '% the
n'*nat'n paper #n&er "#+:"e$t'n (2) 'r- a" the $a"e
*a, +e- "#+:"e$t'n (2A) '% "e$t'n 33 the $an&&ate
ha" ether &ep'"te& 'r $a#"e& t' +e &ep'"te& that "#*
!th the ret#rnn( '%%$er n $a"h 'r en$l'"e& !th the
n'*nat'n paper a re$ept "h'!n( that the "a& "#*
ha" +een &ep'"te& +, h* 'r 'n h" +ehal% n the
Re"er)e 8anE '% In&a 'r n a <')ern*ent Trea"#r,.
3.. N,*'& % "0*"),*"$ )"# ,4& ,*0& )"# 1()'&
%r ,4&*r $'r!,*"5. / The ret#rnn( '%%$er "hall- 'n
re$e)n( the n'*nat'n paper #n&er "#+:"e$t'n (2) 'r-
a" the $a"e *a, +e- "#+:"e$t'n (2A) '% "e$t'n 33-
n%'r* the per"'n 'r per"'n" &el)ern( the "a*e '% the
&ate- t*e an& pla$e %Be& %'r the "$r#tn, '% n'*nat'n"
an& "hall enter 'n the n'*nat'n paper t" "eral
n#*+er- an& "hall "(n there'n a $ert%$ate "tatn( the
&ate 'n !h$h an& the h'#r at !h$h the n'*nat'n
paper ha" +een &el)ere& t' h*I an& "hall- a" "''n a"
*a, +e therea%ter- $a#"e t' +e a%%Be& n "'*e
$'n"p$#'#" pla$e n h" '%%$e a n't$e '% the
n'*nat'n $'ntann( &e"$rpt'n" "*lar t' th'"e
$'ntane& n the n'*nat'n paper- +'th '% the $an&&ate
an& '% the pr'p'"er.
3/. S'r!,*"5 % "0*"),*". / (2) On the &ate %Be& %'r
the "$r#tn, '% n'*nat'n" #n&er "e$t'n 35- the
$an&&ate"- ther ele$t'n a(ent"- 'ne pr'p'"er '% ea$h
$an&&ate- an& 'ne 'ther per"'n &#l, a#th'r"e& n
!rtn( +, ea$h $an&&ate +#t n' 'ther per"'n- *a,
atten& at "#$h t*e an& pla$e a" the ret#rnn( '%%$er
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 6 of 40
Page 7
*a, app'ntI an& the ret#rnn( '%%$er "hall ()e the* all
rea"'na+le %a$lte" %'r eBa*nn( the n'*nat'n
paper" '% all $an&&ate" !h$h ha)e +een &el)ere&
!thn the t*e an& n the *anner la& &'!n n "e$t'n
(4) The ret#rnn( '%%$er "hall then eBa*ne the
n'*nat'n paper" an& "hall &e$&e all '+=e$t'n" !h$h
*a, +e *a&e t' an, n'*nat'n an& *a,- ether 'n
"#$h '+=e$t'n 'r 'n h" '!n *'t'n- a%ter "#$h
"#**ar, nC#r,- % an,- a" he thn(" ne$e""ar,- re=e$t
an, n'*nat'n 'n an, '% the %'ll'!n( (r'#n&"?G
(a) that 'n the &ate %Be& %'r the "$r#tn, '%
n'*nat'n" the $an&&ate ether " n't C#al%e&
'r " &"C#al%e& %'r +en( $h'"en t' %ll the "eat
#n&er an, '% the %'ll'!n( pr')"'n" that *a,
+e appl$a+le- na*el,?G
Art$le" A6- 254- 2>3 an& 2;2-
Part II '% th" A$t- an& "e$t'n" 6 an& 26 '% the
<')ern*ent '% Un'n Terrt're" A$t- 2;/3I 'r
(+) that there ha" +een a %al#re t' $'*pl, !th an,
'% the pr')"'n" '% "e$t'n 33 'r "e$t'n 36I 'r
($) that the "(nat#re '% the $an&&ate 'r the
pr'p'"er 'n the n'*nat'n paper " n't
(3) N'thn( $'ntane& n $la#"e (+) 'r $la#"e ($) '%
"#+:"e$t'n (4) "hall +e &ee*e& t' a#th'r"e the
re=e$t'n '% the n'*nat'n '% an, $an&&ate 'n the
(r'#n& '% an, rre(#lart, n re"pe$t '% a n'*nat'n
paper- % the $an&&ate ha" +een &#l, n'*nate& +,
*ean" '% an'ther n'*nat'n paper n re"pe$t '% !h$h
n' rre(#lart, ha" +een $'**tte&.
(6) The ret#rnn( '%%$er "hall n't re=e$t an, n'*nat'n
paper 'n the (r'#n& '% an, &e%e$t !h$h " n't '% a
"#+"tantal $hara$ter.
(.) The ret#rnn( '%%$er "hall h'l& the "$r#tn, 'n the
&ate app'nte& n th" +ehal% #n&er $la#"e (+) '% "e$t'n
35 an& "hall n't all'! an, a&='#rn*ent '% the
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 7 of 40
Page 8
pr'$ee&n(" eB$ept !hen "#$h pr'$ee&n(" are
nterr#pte& 'r '+"tr#$te& +, r't 'r 'pen )'len$e 'r +,
$a#"e" +e,'n& h" $'ntr'l?
Pr')&e& that n $a"e an '+=e$t'n " ra"e& +, the
ret#rnn( '%%$er 'r " *a&e +, an, 'ther per"'n the
$an&&ate $'n$erne& *a, +e all'!e& t*e t' re+#t t n't
later than the neBt &a, +#t 'ne %'ll'!n( the &ate %Be&
%'r "$r#tn,- an& the ret#rnn( '%%$er "hall re$'r& h"
&e$"'n 'n the &ate t' !h$h the pr'$ee&n(" ha)e
+een a&='#rne&.
(/) The ret#rnn( '%%$er "hall en&'r"e 'n ea$h
n'*nat'n paper h" &e$"'n a$$eptn( 'r re=e$tn( the
"a*e an&- % the n'*nat'n paper " re=e$te&- "hall
re$'r& n !rtn( a +re% "tate*ent '% h" rea"'n" %'r
"#$h re=e$t'n.
(>) J'r the p#rp'"e" '% th" "e$t'n- a $ert%e& $'p, '%
an entr, n the ele$t'ral r'll %'r the t*e +en( n %'r$e '%
a $'n"tt#en$, "hall +e $'n$l#")e e)&en$e '% the %a$t
that the per"'n re%erre& t' n that entr, " an ele$t'r %'r
that $'n"tt#en$,- #nle"" t " pr')e& that he " "#+=e$t t'
a &"C#al%$at'n *ent'ne& n "e$t'n 2/ '% the
Repre"entat'n '% the Pe'ple A$t- 2;.5 (63 '% 2;.5).
(A) I**e&atel, a%ter all the n'*nat'n paper" ha)e
+een "$r#tnDe& an& &e$"'n" a$$eptn( 'r re=e$tn(
the "a*e ha)e +een re$'r&e&- the ret#rnn( '%%$er "hall
prepare a l"t '% )al&l, n'*nate& $an&&ate"- that " t'
"a,- $an&&ate" !h'"e n'*nat'n" ha)e +een %'#n&
)al&- an& a%%B t t' h" n't$e +'ar&.H
>. A%ter ha)n( taEen n'te '% the a%'re"a& "tat#t'r, pr')"'n"- let #"
n'! pr'$ee& t' &"$#"" "'*e '% the *p'rtant =#&(*ent" '% th" 0'#rt
an& t' $#ll '#t le(al prn$ple" there%r'* 'n the "#+=e$t- !h$h ha)e a
&re$t +earn( 'n the ""#e '% &"$l'"#re '% n%'r*at'n.
A. Jr"t $a"e that nee&" a *ent'n- !h$h " a *le"t'ne an& tr(erre&
ele$t'ral re%'r*" n th" $'#ntr,- " Union of India ). Association for
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 8 of 40
Page 9
Democratic eforms ! Anr.- (4554) . S00 4;6. In th" $a"e- the
0'#rt hel& that t !a" n$#*+ent #p'n e)er, $an&&ate- !h' "
$'nte"tn( ele$t'n- t' ()e n%'r*at'n a+'#t h" a""et" an& 'ther
a%%ar"- !h$h reC#re*ent " n't 'nl, e""ental part '% %ar an& %ree
ele$t'n"- na"*#$h a"- e)er, )'ter ha" a r(ht t' En'! a+'#t the"e
&etal" '% the $an&&ate"- "#$h a reC#re*ent " al"' $')ere& +,
%ree&'* '% "pee$h (rante& #n&er Art$le 2;(2)(a) '% the 0'n"tt#t'n
'% In&a. The "#**n( #p the entre &"$#""'n n the =#&(*ent $an
+e %'#n& n the %'ll'!n( pa""a(e?
F6/. T' "#* #p the le(al an& $'n"tt#t'nal p'"t'n
!h$h e*er(e" %r'* the a%'re"a& &"$#""'n- t $an +e
"tate& that?
2. The =#r"&$t'n '% the Ele$t'n 0'**""'n " !&e
en'#(h t' n$l#&e all p'!er" ne$e""ar, %'r "*''th
$'n&#$t '% ele$t'n" an& the !'r& Fele$t'n"H " #"e& n
a !&e "en"e t' n$l#&e the entre pr'$e"" '% ele$t'n
!h$h $'n""t" '% "e)eral "ta(e" an& e*+ra$e" *an,
4. The l*tat'n 'n plenar, $hara$ter '% p'!er "
!hen Parla*ent 'r State Le("lat#re ha" *a&e a )al&
la! relatn( t' 'r n $'nne$t'n !th ele$t'n"- the
0'**""'n " reC#re& t' a$t n $'n%'r*t, !th the "a&
pr')"'n". IN $a"e !here la! " "lent- Art$le 346 " a
re"er)'r '% p'!er t' a$t %'r the a)'!e& p#rp'"e '%
ha)n( %ree an& %ar ele$t'n. The 0'n"tt#t'n ha" taEen
$are '% lea)n( "$'pe %'r eBer$"e '% re"&#ar, p'!er +,
the 0'**""'n n t" '!n r(ht a" a $reat#re '% the
0'n"tt#t'n n the n%nte )aret, '% "t#at'n" that *a,
e*er(e %r'* t*e t' t*e n a lar(e &e*'$ra$,- a" e)er,
$'ntn(en$, $'#l& n't +e %'re"een 'r ant$pate& +, the
ena$te& la!" 'r the r#le". 8, ""#n( ne$e""ar,
&re$t'n"- the 0'**""'n $an %ll the )a$##* tll there
" le("lat'n 'n the "#+=e$t. In Kanhiya Lal Omar $a"e
(2;A.) 6 S00 /4A the 0'#rt $'n"tr#e& the eBpre""'n
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 9 of 40
Page 10
F"#pernten&en$e- &re$t'n an& $'ntr'lH n Art$le 346(2)
an& hel& that a &re$t'n *a, *ean an 'r&er ""#e& t' a
part$#lar n&)&#al 'r a pre$ept !h$h *an, *a, ha)e
t' %'ll'! an& t *a, +e a "pe$%$ 'r a (eneral 'r&er an&
"#$h phra"e "h'#l& +e $'n"tr#e& l+erall, e*p'!ern(
the Ele$t'n 0'**""'n t' ""#e "#$h 'r&er".
3. The !'r& Fele$t'n"H n$l#&e" the entre pr'$e"" '%
ele$t'n !h$h $'n""t" '% "e)eral "ta(e" an& t
e*+ra$e" *an, "tep"- "'*e '% !h$h *a, ha)e an
*p'rtant +earn( 'n the pr'$e"" '% $h''"n( a
$an&&ate. Jar ele$t'n $'nte*plate" &"$l'"#re +, the
$an&&ate '% h" pa"t n$l#&n( the a""et" hel& +, h* "'
a" t' ()e a pr'per $h'$e t' the $an&&ate a$$'r&n( t'
h" thnEn( an& 'pn'n. A" "tate& earler- n Common
Cause case- (2;;/) 4 S00 >.4 the 0'#rt &ealt !th a
$'ntent'n that ele$t'n" n the $'#ntr, are %'#(ht !th
the help '% *'ne, p'!er !h$h " (athere& %r'* +la$E
"'#r$e" an& 'n$e ele$te& t' p'!er- t +e$'*e" ea", t'
$'lle$t t'n" '% +la$E *'ne,- !h$h " #"e& %'r retann(
p'!er an& %'r re:ele$t'n. I% 'n an a%%&a)t a $an&&ate
" reC#re& t' &"$l'"e the a""et" hel& +, h* at the t*e
'% ele$t'n- the )'ter $an &e$&e !hether he $'#l& +e re:
ele$te& e)en n $a"e !here he ha" $'lle$te& t'n" '%
Pre"#*n(- a" $'nten&e& +, the learne& Sen'r
0'#n"el 1r. A"h!an K#*ar- that th" $'n&t'n *a, n't
+e *#$h e%%e$t)e %'r +reaEn( a )$'#" $r$le !h$h ha"
p'll#te& the +a"$ &e*'$ra$, n the $'#ntr, a" the
a*'#nt !'#l& +e #na$$'#nte&. 1a, +e tr#e- "tll th"
!'#l& ha)e t" '!n e%%e$t a" a "tep:n:a& an& )'ter"
*a, n't ele$t la!:+reaEer" a" la!:*aEer" an& "'*e
%l'!er" '% &e*'$ra$, *a, +l'""'*.
6. T' *antan the p#rt, '% ele$t'n" an& n part$#lar
t' +rn( tran"paren$, n the pr'$e"" '% ele$t'n- the
0'**""'n $an a"E the $an&&ate" a+'#t the
eBpen&t#re n$#rre& +, the p'lt$al parte" an& th"
tran"paren$, n the pr'$e"" '% ele$t'n !'#l& n$l#&e
tran"paren$, '% a $an&&ate !h' "eeE" ele$t'n 'r re:
ele$t'n. In a &e*'$ra$,- the ele$t'ral pr'$e"" ha" a
"trate($ r'le. The lttle *an '% th" $'#ntr, !'#l& ha)e
+a"$ ele*entar, r(ht t' En'! %#ll part$#lar" '% a
$an&&ate !h' " t' repre"ent h* n Parla*ent !here
la!" t' +n& h" l+ert, an& pr'pert, *a, +e ena$te&.
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 10 of 40
Page 11
..The r(ht t' (et n%'r*at'n n &e*'$ra$, "
re$'(n"e& all thr'#(h'#t an& t " a nat#ral r(ht %l'!n(
%r'* the $'n$ept '% &e*'$ra$,. At th" "ta(e- !e !'#l&
re%er t' Art$le 2;(2) an& (4) '% the Internat'nal
0')enant 'n 0)l an& P'lt$al R(ht"- !h$h " a"
F(2) E)er,'ne "hall ha)e the r(ht t' h'l& 'pn'n"
!th'#t nter%eren$e.
(4) E)er,'ne "hall ha)e the r(ht t' %ree&'* '%
eBpre""'nI this right shall include freedom to seek,
receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds,
re(ar&le"" '% %r'nter"- ether 'rall,- n !rtn( 'r n prnt-
n the %'r* '% art- 'r thr'#(h an, 'ther *e&a '% h"
/. On $#*#lat)e rea&n( '% a pleth'ra '% &e$"'n" '%
th" 0'#rt a" re%erre& t'- t " $lear that % the %el& *eant
%'r le("lat#re an& eBe$#t)e " le%t #n'$$#pe&
&etr*ental t' the p#+l$ ntere"t- th" 0'#rt !'#l& ha)e
a*ple =#r"&$t'n #n&er Art$le 34 rea& !th Art$le" 262
an& 264 '% the 0'n"tt#t'n t' ""#e ne$e""ar,
&re$t'n" t' the eBe$#t)e t' "#+"er)e p#+l$ ntere"t.
>. Un&er '#r 0'n"tt#t'n- Art$le 2;(2)(a) pr')&e" %'r
%ree&'* '% "pee$h an& eBpre""'n. V'ter9" "pee$h 'r
eBpre""'n n $a"e '% ele$t'n !'#l& n$l#&e $a"tn( '%
)'te"- that " t' "a,- .,&r $1&)6$ !, r &71r&$$&$ -5
')$,*"+ .,&. J'r th" p#rp'"e- n%'r*at'n a+'#t the
$an&&ate t' +e "ele$te& " a *#"t. V'ter9" (lttle *an G
$tDen9") r(ht t' En'! ante$e&ent" n$l#&n( $r*nal
pa"t '% h" $an&&ate $'nte"tn( ele$t'n %'r 1P 'r 1LA
" *#$h *'re %#n&a*ental an& +a"$ %'r "#r))al '%
&e*'$ra$,. T4& (*,,(& 0)" 0)5 ,4*"6 .&r -&%r&
0)6*"+ 4*$ '4*'& % &(&',*"+ ()89-r&)6&r$ )$ ()89
;. On the +a"" '% the a%'re"a& &"$#""'n- th" 0'#rt ""#e& &re$t'n"
%'r %ln( a%%&a)t an& the nat#re '% n%'r*at'n !h$h !a" t' +e ()en-
"pelln( '#t the "a*e n para 6A '% the =#&(*ent- !h$h rea&" a"
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 11 of 40
Page 12
F6A. The Ele$t'n 0'**""'n " &re$te& t' $all %'r
n%'r*at'n 'n a%%&a)t +, ""#n( ne$e""ar, 'r&er n
eBer$"e '% t" p'!er #n&er Art$le 346 '% the
0'n"tt#t'n '% In&a %r'* ea$h $an&&ate "eeEn(
ele$t'n t' Parla*ent 'r a State Le("lat#re a" a
ne$e""ar, part '% h" n'*nat'n paper- %#rn"hn(
theren- n%'r*at'n 'n the %'ll'!n( a"pe$t" n relat'n
t' h"@her $an&&at#re?
(2) Whether the $an&&ate " $'n)$te&@a$C#tte&@
&"$har(e& '% an, $r*nal '%%en$e n the pa"t G % an,-
!hether he " p#n"he& !th *pr"'n*ent 'r %ne.
(4) Pr'r t' "B *'nth" '% %ln( '% n'*nat'n- !hether
the $an&&ate " a$$#"e& n an, pen&n( $a"e- '% an,
'%%en$e p#n"ha+le !th *pr"'n*ent %'r t!' ,ear" 'r
*'re- an& n !h$h $har(e " %ra*e& 'r $'(nDan$e "
taEen +, the $'#rt '% la!. I% "'- the &etal" there'%.
(3) The a""et" (**')a+le- *')a+le- +anE +alan$e-
et$.) '% a $an&&ate an& '% h"@her "p'#"e an& that '%
(6) La+lte"- % an,- part$#larl, !hether there are an,
')er&#e" '% an, p#+l$ %nan$al n"tt#t'n 'r
(')ern*ent &#e".
(.) The e&#$at'nal C#al%$at'n" '% the $an&&ate.H
25. The =#&(*ent n Association for Democratic eforms le& t'
a*en&*ent n the A$t !th the n&#$t'n '% Se$t'n 33A (alrea&,
repr'&#$e& a+')e) a" !ell a" Se$t'n 338 theren. Ele$t'n
0'**""'n al"' la& &'!n (#&elne" n the ,ear 4554. In"'%ar a"
Se$t'n 338 " $'n$erne&- t !a" "tr#$E &'!n +, th" 0'#rt n the
$a"e '% People"s Union for Civil #i$erties %PUC#& ! Anr. .. Union
of India ! Anr.' (4553) 6 S00 3;;.
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 12 of 40
Page 13
22. In 'r&er t' +rn( the &re$t'n" $'ntane& n the a%'re"a& t!'
=#&(*ent" !thn the "tat#t'r, %ra*e!'rE- re)"e& (#&elne" !ere
""#e& +, the Ele$t'n 0'**""'n 'n 1ar$h 43- 455/. In para . '%
the"e (#&elne"- para 26 '% the =#&(*ent n Association for
Democratic eforms " repr'&#$e&. LEe!"e- para 23 taEe" n'te '%
the &re$t'n" ()en n the $a"e '% People"s Union for Civil
#i$erties. In para 2.- t " n'te& that the S#pre*e 0'#rt- !hle
"trEn( &'!n Se$t'n 338 '% the A$t- "tate& that earler &re$t'n" '%
Ele$t'n 0'**""'n &ate& 7#ne 4A- 4554 !'#l& $'ntn#e t' 'perate
"#+=e$t t' the a%'re:*ent'ne& &re$t'n" '% the 0'#rt an&- there%'re-
re)"e& &re$t'n" ha& +e$'*e ne$e""ar,. In para 2/- the"e
&re$t'n" are ""#e& n "#per"e""'n '% earler &re$t'n" &ate& 7#ne
4A- 4554. Para" 2 an& 3 '% the"e (#&elne"@&re$t'n" are rele)ant
%'r #"- an&- there%'re- !e repr'&#$e the "a*e a" #n&er?
F(2) E)er, $an&&ate at the t*e '% %ln( h" n'*nat'n
paper %'r an, ele$t'n t' the 0'#n$l '% State- H'#"e '%
the Pe'ple- Le("lat)e A""e*+l, '% a State '% the
Le("lat)e 0'#n$l '% a State ha)n( "#$h a $'#n$l-
"hall %#rn"h %#ll an& $'*plete n%'r*at'n n re(ar& t'
the *atter" "pe$%e& +, the H'n9+le S#pre*e 0'#rt an&
C#'te& n para" 23 an& 26 a+')e- n an a%%&a)t- the
%'r*at !here'% " anneBe& heret' a" AnneB#re:I t' th"
(3) N'n:%#rn"hn( '% the a%%&a)t +, an, $an&&ate
"hall +e $'n"&ere& t' +e )'lat'n '% the 'r&er '% the
H'n9+le S#pre*e 0'#rt an& the n'*nat'n '% the
$an&&ate $'n$erne& "hall +e la+le t' re=e$t'n +, the
ret#rnn( '%%$er at the t*e '% "$r#tn, '% n'*nat'n
"#$h n'n:%#rn"hn( '% the a%%&a)t.H
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 13 of 40
Page 14
24. We !'#l& al"' lEe t' repr'&#$e para 2> '% the"e (#&elne"- !h$h
$'n$ern" the $a"e at han&?
F2>. J'r the re*')al '% &'#+t- t " here+, $lar%e& that
the earler &re$t'n $'ntane& n para 26(6) '% the earler
'r&er &ate& 4Ath 7#ne- 4554- n "' %ar a" )er%$at'n '%
a""et" an& la+lte" +, *ean" '% "#**ar, enC#r, an&
re=e$t'n '% n'*nat'n paper 'n the (r'#n& '%
%#rn"hn( !r'n( n%'r*at'n 'r "#ppre""n( *ateral
n%'r*at'n " n't en%'r$ea+le n p#r"#an$e '% the 'r&er
&ate& 23th 1ar$h- 4553 '% the ApeB 0'#rt. It " %#rther
$lar%e& that apart %r'* the a%%&a)t AnneB#re:I heret'
re%erre& t' n para 2/(2) a+')e- the $an&&ate "hall ha)e
t' $'*pl, !th the 'ther reC#re*ent" a" "pelt '#t n the
Repre"entat'n '% the Pe'ple A$t- 2;.2- a" a*en&e& +,
the Repre"entat'n '% the Pe'ple (Thr& A*en&*ent)
A$t- 4554 an& the 0'n&#$t '% Ele$t'n R#le"- 2;/2- a"
a*en&e& +, the 0'n&#$t '% Ele$t'n" (A*en&*ent)
R#le"- 4554.H
23. The *eann( an& "$'pe '% the"e (#&elne" $a*e #p %'r &"$#""'n
+e%'re th" 0'#rt n es(rgence India .. )lection Commission of
India ! Anr.' (4523) 22 S$ale 36A. That =#&(*ent !a" ren&ere& n a
!rt pett'n %le& #n&er Art$le 34 '% the 0'n"tt#t'n '% In&a %'r
""#an$e '% "pe$%$ &re$t'n" t' e%%e$t#ate *eann(%#l
*ple*entat'n '% the =#&(*ent" n Association of Democratic
eforms- People"s Union for Civil #i$erties an& al"' t' &re$t the
Ele$t'n 0'**""'n t' *aEe t $'*p#l"'r, %'r the Ret#rnn( O%%$er
t' en"#re that the a%%&a)t" %le& +, the $'nte"tant" are $'*plete n all
re"pe$t" an& t' re=e$t the a%%&a)t" ha)n( +lanE part$#lar". Th"
pett'n- th#" !a" %le& taEn( n'te '% the pra$t$e !h$h ha& "tarte&
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 14 of 40
Page 15
pre)aln(- na*el,- *an, $an&&ate" !ere lea)n( "'*e '% the
$'l#*n" +lanE n ther a%%&a)t" there+, '*ttn( t' pr')&e the
reC#re& n%'r*at'n. A" per the pett'ner n that $a"e- n "#$h an
e)ent#alt, the Ret#rnn( O%%$er "h'#l& re=e$t the n'*nat'n
!herea" the Un'n '% In&a plea&e& that t "h'#l& +e treate& at par
!th %ln( %al"e a%%&a)t" an& the $an&&ate %ln( "#$h an a%%&a)t
"h'#l& +e pr'"e$#te& #n&er Se$t'n 24.A '% the A$t. The 0'#rt t''E
n'te '% the pr')"'n" '% Se$t'n" 33A- 3/ an& 24.A '% the A$t an&
therea%ter re%erre& t' the earler three 7#&(e 8en$h =#&(*ent '% th"
0'#rt n *+aligram *+rivastava .. Nares+ *ing+ Patel, (4553) 4
S00 2>/- !heren the 0'#rt ha& &"$#""e& the p'!er '% re=e$tn( the
n'*nat'n paper +, the Ret#rnn( O%%$er '% a $an&&ate %ln( the
a%%&a)t !th part$#lar" le%t +lanE. The rele)ant &"$#""'n n th"
+ehal% " n para" 2. an& 2/ '% the "a& =#&(*ent- !h$h rea& a"
F2.. Alth'#(h- the (r'#n&" '% $'ntent'n *a, n't +e
eBa$tl, "*lar t' the $a"e 'n han& +#t the rea"'nn(
ren&ere& n that )er&$t !ll $'*e n a& %'r ar)n( at a
&e$"'n n the ()en $a"e. In 'r&er t' arr)e at a
$'n$l#"'n n that $a"e- th" 0'#rt tra)er"e& thr'#(h the
'+=e$t)e +ehn& %ln( the pr'%'r*a. The pr'%'r*a
*an&ate& n that $a"e !a" reC#re& t' +e %le& a" t' the
ne$e""ar, an& rele)ant n%'r*at'n !th re(ar& t' the
$an&&ate n the l(ht '% Se$t'n A '% the RP A$t. Th"
0'#rt %#rther hel& that at the t*e '% "$r#tn,- the
Ret#rnn( O%%$er " enttle& t' "at"%, h*"el% !hether
the $an&&ate " C#al%e& an& n't &"C#al%e&- hen$e-
the Ret#rnn( O%%$er !a" a#th'rDe& t' "eeE "#$h
n%'r*at'n t' +e %#rn"he& at the t*e 'r +e%'re "$r#tn,.
It !a" %#rther hel& that % the $an&&ate %al" t' %#rn"h
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 15 of 40
Page 16
"#$h n%'r*at'n an& al"' a+"ent" h*"el% at the t*e '%
the "$r#tn, '% the n'*nat'n paper"- then he "
'+)'#"l, a)'&n( a "tat#t'r, nC#r, +en( $'n&#$te&
+, the Ret#rnn( O%%$er #n&er Se$t'n 3/(4) '% the RP
A$t relatn( t' h" +en( n't C#al%e& 'r &"C#al%e& n
the l(ht '% Se$t'n A '% the RP A$t. It " +'#n& t' re"#lt
n &e%e$t '% a "#+"tantal $hara$ter n the n'*nat'n.
Th" 0'#rt %#rther hel& a" #n&er?
F2>. In the $a"e n han& the $an&&ate ha& %ale& t'
%#rn"h "#$h n%'r*at'n a" "'#(ht 'n the pr'%'r*a
()en t' h* an& ha& al"' %ale& t' +e pre"ent
per"'nall, 'r thr'#(h h" repre"entat)e at the t*e
'% "$r#tn,. The "tat#t'r, &#t,@p'!er '% Ret#rnn(
O%%$er %'r h'l&n( pr'per "$r#tn, '% n'*nat'n
paper !a" ren&ere& n#(at'r,. N' "$r#tn, '% the
n'*nat'n paper $'#l& +e *a&e #n&er Se$t'n
3/(4) '% the A$t n the l(ht '% Se$t'n A '% the A$t.
It $ertanl, ren&ere& the n'*nat'n paper "#%%ern(
%r'* &e%e$t '% "#+"tantal $hara$ter an& the
Ret#rnn( O%%$er !a" !thn h" r(ht" n re=e$tn(
the "a*e.H
2/. It " $lear that the Ret#rnn( O%%$er" &er)e the
p'!er t' re=e$t the n'*nat'n paper" 'n the (r'#n&
that the $'ntent" t' +e %lle& n the a%%&a)t" are
e""ental t' e%%e$t#ate the ntent '% the pr')"'n" '% the
RP A$t an& a" a $'n"eC#en$e- lea)n( the a%%&a)t
+lanE !ll n %a$t *aEe t *p'""+le %'r the Ret#rnn(
O%%$er t' )er%, !hether the $an&&ate " C#al%e& 'r
&"C#al%e& !h$h n&ee& !ll %r#"trate the '+=e$t +ehn&
%ln( the "a*e. In $'n$"e- th" 0'#rt n Shaligram
(supra) e)al#ate& the p#rp'"e +ehn& %ln( the pr'%'r*a
%'r a&)an$n( latt#&e t' the Ret#rnn( O%%$er" t' re=e$t
the n'*nat'n paper".H
26. The le(al p'"t'n "- therea%ter- "#**arDe& n para 4>- !h$h
+e$'*e" *p'rtant %'r '#r p#rp'"e an&- there%'re- !e pr'&#$e the
"a*e here#n&er?
F27. :4), &0&r+&$ %r0 ,4& )-.& #*$'!$$*" ')"
-& $!00)r*;&# *" ,4& %r0 % %((8*"+ #*%&',*"$<
() The )'ter ha" the ele*entar, r(ht t' En'! %#ll
part$#lar" '% a $an&&ate !h' " t' repre"ent h* n the
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 16 of 40
Page 17
Parla*ent@A""e*+le" an& "#$h r(ht t' (et n%'r*at'n
" #n)er"all, re$'(nDe&. Th#"- t " hel& that r(ht t'
En'! a+'#t the $an&&ate " a nat#ral r(ht %l'!n( %r'*
the $'n$ept '% &e*'$ra$, an& " an nte(ral part '%
Art$le 2;(2)(a) '% the 0'n"tt#t'n.
() The #lt*ate p#rp'"e '% %ln( '% a%%&a)t al'n( !th
the n'*nat'n paper " t' e%%e$t#ate the %#n&a*ental
r(ht '% the $tDen" #n&er Art$le 2;(2)(a) '% the
0'n"tt#t'n '% In&a. The $tDen" are "#pp'"e& t' ha)e
the ne$e""ar, n%'r*at'n at the t*e '% %ln( '%
n'*nat'n paper an& %'r that p#rp'"e- the Ret#rnn(
O%%$er $an )er, !ell $'*pel a $an&&ate t' %#rn"h the
rele)ant n%'r*at'n.
() Jln( '% a%%&a)t !th +lanE part$#lar" !ll ren&er
the a%%&a)t n#(at'r,.
()) It " the &#t, '% the Ret#rnn( O%%$er t' $he$E
!hether the n%'r*at'n reC#re& " %#ll, %#rn"he& at the
t*e '% %ln( '% a%%&a)t !th the n'*nat'n paper "n$e
"#$h n%'r*at'n " )er, )tal %'r ()n( e%%e$t t' the 9r(ht
t' En'!9 '% the $tDen". I% a $an&&ate %al" t' %ll the
+lanE" e)en a%ter the re*n&er +, the Ret#rnn( O%%$er-
the n'*nat'n paper " %t t' +e re=e$te&. We &'
$'*prehen& that the p'!er '% Ret#rnn( O%%$er t' re=e$t
the n'*nat'n paper *#"t +e eBer$"e& )er, "parn(l,
+#t the +ar "h'#l& n't +e la& "' h(h that the =#"t$e
t"el% " pre=#&$e&.
()) We $lar%, t' the eBtent that Para >3 '% People's
nion for Civil Li!erties case (supra) !ll n't $'*e n the
!a, '% the Ret#rnn( O%%$er t' re=e$t the n'*nat'n
paper !hen a%%&a)t " %le& !th +lanE part$#lar".
()) The $an&&ate *#"t taEe the *n*#* e%%'rt t'
eBpl$tl, re*arE a" 9NIL9 'r 9N't Appl$a+le9 'r 9N't
En'!n9 n the $'l#*n" an& n't t' lea)e the part$#lar"
()) Jln( '% a%%&a)t !th +lanE" !ll +e &re$tl, ht +,
Se$t'n 24.A() '% the RP A$t. H'!e)er- a" the
n'*nat'n paper t"el% " re=e$te& +, the Ret#rnn(
O%%$er- !e %n& n' rea"'n !h, the $an&&ate *#"t +e
a(an penalDe& %'r the "a*e a$t +, pr'"e$#tn(
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 17 of 40
Page 18
2.. Keepn( n *n& the a%'re"a& "tat#t'r, %ra*e!'rE a" !ell a" the le(al
prn$ple" en#n$ate& n the a%'re:n'te& =#&(*ent"- !e n'! pr'$ee&
t' &"$#"" the nat#re '% n%'r*at'n a+'#t !h$h there !a" n'n:
&"$l'"#re +, the appellant.
RE / N"9#*$'($!r& % G.&r"0&", #!&$
2/. The appellant ha& n't &"$l'"e&- n h" n'*nat'n paper@ a%%&a)t-
that he !a" n arrear" n re"pe$t '% t!' ele$tr$t, *eter" "tan&n( n
h" na*e- n re"pe$t !here'% ele$tr$t, $'nne$t'n !a" ()en +, the
1ahara"htra State Ele$tr$t, 8'ar& (%'r "h'rt- 91SE89). The
'#t"tan&n( a*'#nt n the"e t!' *eter" !a" R".>;-455@: an&
R".//-4.5@: re"pe$t)el,. It !a" pr')e&- 'n the +a"" '% e)&en$e le&
+, the re"p'n&ent heren- that the a%'re"a& &#e" !ere '#t"tan&n(
a(an"t the"e t!' ele$tr$t, $'nne$t'n". The &e%en$e '% the
appellant- h'!e)er- !a" that 'ne ele$tr$t, *eter- !h$h !a" n h"
re"&ental +#n(al'!- !a" &e%e$t)e an& $'*plant" n th" +ehal% !ere
*a&e t' 1SE8 %r'* t*e t' t*e an& +e$a#"e '% that &"p#te he !a"
'rall, a&)"e& +, the '%%$al" '% 1SE8 n't t' pa, the a*'#nt.
2>. The H(h 0'#rt pr'$ee&e& 'n the a""#*pt'n that there !a" a
&"p#te. H'!e)er- a" per the H(h 0'#rt that $'#l& n't +e a )al&
rea"'n %'r n't &"$l'"n( th" n%'r*at'n !th a n'te that the *atter
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 18 of 40
Page 19
!a" pen&n( re)e! at the han&" '% 1SE8. Therea%ter- the H(h
0'#rt p'"e& the C#e"t'n a" t' !hether "#$h n'n:&"$l'"#re $an +e
treate& a" a te$hn$al &e%e$t 'r t " a "#+"tant)e 'ne. A" per the
H(h 0'#rt- the an"!er $'#l& +e %'#n& +, a&)ertn( t' the %'r* an&
the a%%&a)t" t' +e %le& al'n( !th the n'*nat'n %'r*. The"e %'r*"
reC#re& the $an&&ate" t' &"$l'"e h" la+lte"@')er&#e" t' p#+l$
%nan$al n"tt#t'n an& <')ern*ent &#e". Sn$e 1SE8 " a
<')ern*ent +'&,- the appellant !a" "#pp'"e& t' ()e th"
n%'r*at'n. The H(h 0'#rt 'pne& that n'n:&"$l'"#re '% th"
n%'r*at'n- !h$h " )er, )tal t' ena+le the )'ter t' %'r* h" 'pn'n
a+'#t the $an&&ate9" ante$e&ent"- re"#lte& n *"n%'r*at'n an&
&"n%'r*at'n there+, n%l#en$n( the )'ter" t' taEe an #nn%'r*e&
&e$"'n. The &"$#""'n 'n th" a"pe$t " "#**e& #p +, the H(h
0'#rt n the %'ll'!n( *anner?
FA$$'r&n(l,- I ha)e n' he"tat'n n taEn( the )e! that
t " a $a"e '% n'n:&"$l'"#re '% la+lt, n re"pe$t '%
'#t"tan&n( ele$tr$t, +ll" pa,a+le t' <')ern*ent
Un&ertaEn( (1.S.E.8.)I an& that n'n:&"$l'"#re " a
"#+"tant)e &e%e$t n the a%%&a)t" %le& al'n( !th
n'*nat'n %'r*. The te"t t' h'l& that the &e%e$t "
"#+"tant)e- n *, 'pn'n- " n't the a*'#nt n)'l)e&-
+#t the $'n"$'#" a$t '% n'n:&"$l'"#re an& "#ppre""'n
'% that %a$t. It !'#l& +e a $a"e '% te$hn$al &e%e$t %
there !a" "'*e $ler$al err'r n the n%'r*at'n
&"$l'"e& +, the $an&&ate 'r %'r that *atter- a $a"e '%
'*""'n &#e t' la$E '% En'!le&(e '% eB"ten$e '% "#$h
&#e". In the pre"ent $a"e- the Re"p'n&ent !a"
$'n"$'#" an& a!are '% the %a$t that 'n the &ate '% %ln(
'% the n'*nat'n %'r*- there !ere t!' '#t"tan&n(
ele$tr$t, +ll" n relat'n t' t!' *eter" "tan&n( n h"
na*e- pa,a+le t' 1.S.E.8. It !'#l& ha)e +een a
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 19 of 40
Page 20
&%%erent *atter % the Re"p'n&ent !a" #na!are '% that
%a$t 'r that n' "#$h +ll !a" e)er ""#e& +, the 1.S.E.8.
That " n't the $a"e '% the Re"p'n&ent. Th#"
#n&er"t''&- n'n:&"$l'"#re a+'#t the '#t"tan&n(
ele$tr$t, +ll n the "#* '% R". >;-455@: pa,a+le +, the
Re"p'n&ent t' 1.S.E.8. I" a "#+"tant)e &e%e$t n the
a%%&a)t. Re"#ltantl,- the n'*nat'n %'r* %le& al'n(
!th "#$h a%%&a)t !'#l& +e$'*e tante& an& %'r !h$h
rea"'n- t !ll ha)e t' +e hel& that the "a*e ha" +een
*pr'perl, a$$epte& !thn the *eann( '% Se$t'n
255(2)(&)() '% the A$t. 8e"&e"- the $an&&ate ha" %ale&
t' $'*pl, !th the reC#re*ent" '% the 'r&er ""#e& +,
the Ele$t'n 0'**""'n n eBer$"e '% p'!er" #n&er
Art$le 346(2) '% the 0'n"tt#t'n '% In&a !h$h 'r&er "
%'#n&e& 'n the La! &e$lare& +, the ApeB 0'#rt n the
$a"e '% Un'n '% In&a )". A""'$at'n %'r De*'$rat$
Re%'r*" ("#pra) an& +n&n( #n&er Art$le 262 '% the
0'n"tt#t'n- there%'re- a%%e$tn( h" n'*nat'n a" !ell
a" the Ele$t'n +en( )'& #n&er Se$t'n 255(2)(&)()) '%
the A$t.H
2A. In"'%ar a" '#t"tan&n( &#e" n re"pe$t '% the "e$'n& ele$tr$t, *eter
are $'n$erne&- that pertane& t' pre*"e" !h$h ha& +een let '#t +,
the appellant t' h" tenant". There !a" n' &"p#te that the a*'#nt
!a" '#t"tan&n(. H'!e)er- the &e%en$e '% the appellant !a" that the
pr*ar, la+lt, '% *aEn( pa,*ent !a" that '% the tenant". The H(h
0'#rt ha& &"$ar&e& th" &e%en$e !th the '+"er)at'n" that ele$tr$t,
*eter "t''& n the na*e '% the appellant n relat'n t' !h$h there
!a" an '#t"tan&n(- !h$h a*'#nt !a" pa,a+le 'n the &ate '% %ln( '%
the n'*nat'n. E)en the pre*"e" !here th" *eter ha& +een
n"talle& !ere '!ne& +, the appellant. There%'re- n la!- t !a" the
appellant !h' !a" la+le t' +e pr'$ee&e& a(an"t %'r re$')er, '% the
a*'#nt an& th" %a$t !a" en'#(h =#"t%$at'n t' &"$l'"e the a%'re"a&
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 20 of 40
Page 21
'#t"tan&n(. A" per the H(h 0'#rt- e)en th" n'n:&"$l'"#re
a*'#nte& t' "#+"tant)e &e%e$t.
On that +a""- the H(h 0'#rt hel& that n'n:&"$l'"#re '%
the"e <')ern*ent &#e" ren&ere& the n'*nat'n paper n)al& an&-
there%'re- t !a" a $a"e '% *pr'per a$$eptan$e.
. RE / N"9#*$'($!r& % -!"+)(8 N. =66 *" ,4& ")0& % $1!$&
)"# !,$,)"#*"+ ,)7&$ ,4&r&%
2;. 8#n(al'! N'. A// at 8a&lap#r n the l*t" '% K#l(a'n:8a&lap#r
1#n$pal 0'#n$l "tan&" n the na*e '% Ka*al K"h're Kath're- !%e
'% the appellant. At the t*e '% %ln( the n'*nat'n- there !ere
*#n$pal &#e" n the "#* '% R".3-6/.@:. Alle(at'n '% the %r"t
re"p'n&ent !a" that +'th the a%'re"a& n%'r*at'n" !ere "#ppre""e&
an& n't &"$l'"e& n the a%%&a)t %le& +, the appellant al'n( !th the
n'*nat'n %'r*. A$$'r&n( t' h*- th" !a" $r#$al n%'r*at'n
re(ar&n( **')a+le pr'pert, '!ne& +, the appellant9" !%e-
"#ppre""'n !here'% a*'#nte& t' %ln( a &e%e$t)e a%%&a)t an& "#$h
an a%%&a)t !a" n' a%%&a)t n the e,e" '% la!.
45. S(n%$antl,- the a)er*ent '% the %r"t re"p'n&ent n the ele$t'n
pett'n that the appellant ha& "#ppre""e& n%'r*at'n re(ar&n( the
a%'re"a& **')a+le pr'pert, +el'n(n( t' h" !%e !a" n't
"pe$%$all, &ene& +, the appellant. The appellant 'nl, &ene& the
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 21 of 40
Page 22
la+lt, '% taBe" pertann( t' th" pr'pert,- that t'' 'n the (r'#n& that
th" pr'pert, !a" reC#re& t' +e p#t t' re)al#at'n an& rea""e""*ent
%'r the p#rp'"e '% a""e""n( the taBe" an& %'r th" p#rp'"e "n$e the
*ea"#re*ent '% the pr'pert, !a" #n&ertaEen t' a""e"" the taBa+le
)al#e- n' &e*an& n't$e" !ere ""#e& +, the *#n$pal a#th'rt,.
E)en hearn( re(ar&n( re:a""e""*ent t''E pla$e 'n De$e*+er 4A-
4526 +e%'re the 0'lle$t'r an& t " 'nl, a%ter the $'*plet'n '% the
rea""e""*ent !'rE the *#n$pal a#th'rt, ha& ""#e& taB &e*an&
42. In )e! '% the a%'re"a&- the H(h 0'#rt '+"er)e& that a" %ar a" the
'!ner"hp '% the pr'pert, n the na*e '% the !%e '% the appellant "
$'n$erne&- t !a" a $lear $a"e '% n'n:&"$l'"#re an& the '!ner"hp
!a" pr')e& e)en 'n the +a"" '% e)&en$e pr'&#$e& +e%'re the 0'#rt.
A" %ar a" n'n:pa,*ent '% *#n$pal &#e" " $'n$erne&- the H(h
0'#rt n'te& that the appellant *erel, eBplane& the $r$#*"tan$e" n
h" !rtten "tate*ent a" t' !h, the *#n$pal taBe" n relat'n t' that
pr'pert, ha& n't +een pa&. H'!e)er- the *#n$pal taBe" !ere pa&
n part 'n O$t'+er 4A- 4556- a%ter the &ate '% %ln( '% n'*nat'n !th
the pa,*ent '% R".2->A3@: pertann( t' the ,ear 4553:56. It !'#l&
"h'! that the appellant !a" n arrear". The 0'#rt al"' &"$#""e& the
e)&en$e 'n th" a"pe$t- na*el,- a+'#t the p#rp'rte& &"p#te relatn(
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 22 of 40
Page 23
t' the rea""e""*ent a" "et #p +, the appellant n h" &e%en$e an& ha"
ret#rne& a %n&n( '% %a$t that- n %a$t- there !ere arrear" '% *#n$pal
taBe" n relat'n t' that h'#"e.
44. A" %ar a" n'n:&"$l'"#re '% the **')a+le pr'pert, " $'n$erne&- the
'nl, repl, ()en +, the appellant !a" that there !a" a "#+"tantal
$'*plan$e +e$a#"e '% the rea"'n that the appellant n h" a%%&a)t
ha& &"$l'"e& the )al#e '% all the pr'perte" +el'n(n( t' h* an& h"
"p'#"e- n the "#* '% R".22-25-555@:. The H(h 0'#rt- h'!e)er-
%'#n& that n' "#$h $a"e !a" *a&e '#t n the !rtten "tate*ent.
1're')er- n the a%%&a)t %le& +, the appellant- a(an"t the $'l#*n '%
**')a+le pr'perte"- he ha& &"$l'"e& the pr'perte" at 8a&lap#r
an& K#l(a'n- )al#e& at R".22-25-555@:- "h'!n a(an"t the $'l#*n
9Sel%9. Th#"- the )al#at'n '% the pr'perte" ()en n the a%%&a)t !a"
'% th'"e pr'perte" !h$h +el'n( t' the appellant an&- there%'re- t
!a" a $lear $a"e '% n'n:&"$l'"#re '% !%e9" pr'pert,. Th" n'n:
&"$l'"#re " al"' taEen a" a *ateral &e%e$t. S#**n( #p the
&"$#""'n 'n th" a"pe$t- the H(h 0'#rt- n para >6- '+"er)e& a"
F>6. In"'%ar a" the pre"ent $a"e " $'n$erne&- a" "
*ent'ne& earler- the %a$t a""erte& +, the Pett'ner "
that the Re"p'n&ent ha" n't &"$l'"e& the '!ner"hp '%
h" !%e n relat'n t' h'#"e N'. A//@6 n the a%%&a)t Fat
allH. That alle(at'n ha" re*ane& #n$hallen(e& an&
#n&ene&. In *, 'pn'n- there%'re- there " "#+"tan$e
n the "tan& taEen 'n +ehal% '% the Pett'ner that the
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 23 of 40
Page 24
a%%&a)t %le& +, the Re"p'n&ent al'n( !th the
n'*nat'n paper " 'nl, t' &' lp:"er)$e an& " n'
a%%&a)t at all a" " reC#re& +, the *an&ate '% la! 'r the
'r&er ""#e& +, the Ele$t'n 0'**""'n !h$h "
%'#n&e& 'n the La! &e$lare& +, the ApeB 0'#rt. A" the
a%%&a)t %le& +, the Re"p'n&ent al'n( !th the
n'*nat'n %'r* "#%%er" %r'* th" "#+"tant)e &e%e$t- the
n'*nat'n '% the Re"p'n&ent ha" +een *pr'perl,
a$$epte& !thn the *eann( '% Se$t'n 255(2)(&)() '%
the A$t. 8e"&e"- the ele$t'n '% the Re"p'n&ent !a"
)'& al"' 'n a$$'#nt '% n'n:$'*plan$e '% the 'r&er
pa""e& +, the Ele$t'n 0'**""'n #n&er Art$le 346 '%
the 0'n"tt#t'n '% In&a- !h$h " %'#n&e& 'n the La!
&e$lare& +, the ApeB 0'#rt #n&er Art$le 262 '% the
0'n"tt#t'n '% In&a- !thn the *eann( '% Se$t'n
255(2)(&)()) '% the A$t.H
RE / N"9#*$'($!r& % .&4*'(& MH90>9AC9>>> 8"&# -5 ,4&
)11&(()",?$ 8*%&
43. Here a(an- %r'* the &etale& &"$#""'n $'ntane& n the *p#(ne&
=#&(*ent '% the H(h 0'#rt- t +e$'*e" $lear that +, lea&n( reC#"te
an& "#%%$ent e)&en$e- the %r"t re"p'n&ent pr')e& that !%e '% the
appellant '!ne& the a%'re"a& )eh$le an& the part$#lar" there'%
!ere n't &"$l'"e&. The &e%en$e '% the appellant !a" that he ha&
*ent'ne& the )al#e there'% n h" a%%&a)t- +#t a$$epte& that t !a"
a(an"t $'l#*n 9Sel%9 an& n't n the n&epen&ent $'l#*n '% h"
"p'#"e. H" &e%en$e " &"$#""e& an& re=e$te& +, the H(h 0'#rt n
the %'ll'!n( *anner?
FA;. On anal,"" '% the plea&n("- t %'ll'!" that the
Re"p'n&ent a&*t" that *'t'r )eh$le n C#e"t'n "
'!ne& +, h" !%e. H'!e)er- t " n't h" $a"e that n the
n'*nat'n %'r*- he ha" &"$l'"e& the '!ner"hp '% the
"a& )eh$le '% h" !%e. Perhap"- the Re"p'n&ent
nten&" t' "#((e"t that he ha" "#+"tantall, $'*ple&
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 24 of 40
Page 25
!th the reC#re*ent" +, &"$l'"n( the '!ner"hp '%
*'t'r )eh$le )al#e& R"..-.5-555@: an& that t !a"
p#r$ha"e& a(an"t l'an ()en +, 1 & 1 Jnan$al
Ser)$e" Lt&.
;5. 8e%'re !e &eal !th the '$#lar e)&en$e '% the
parte"- t !ll +e #"e%#l t' *aEe re%eren$e t' the &etal"
t' +e &"$l'"e& +, the $an&&ate a" per the pre"$r+e&
a%%&a)t. The reC#re*ent " that the $an&&ate "h'#l&
&"$l'"e the F&etal" '% the *'t'r )eh$le"H '!ne& an&
p'""e""e& +, h*- h" !%e an&@'r 'ther &epen&ent
*e*+er" '% h" %a*l, "eparatel,. The Re"p'n&ent-
h'!e)er- a(an"t the "a& $'l#*n ha" 'nl, *ent'ne&
%(#re '% R"..-.5-555@: #n&er the $'l#*n 9Sel%9- !h$h
()e" an *pre""'n that the Re"p'n&ent h*"el% '!n"
)eh$le )al#e& R"..-.5-555@: an& n'thn( *'re. N'
&etal" '% the *'t'r )eh$le "#$h a" n#*+er '% )eh$le-
the *aEe- the *'&el "#$h a" e$'n'*$- l#B#r, 'r the
,ear '% p#r$ha"e an& the lEe are &"$l'"e& "' a" t'
ena+le the )'ter" t' a""e"" !hether the &etal"
&"$l'"e& are $'rre$t 'r #n&er)al#e&- n$l#&n( the
le(t*ate *ean" an& $apa+lt, '% the $an&&ate t'
p'""e"" "#$h a""et". A" n the $a"e '% &"$l'"#re *a&e
+, the Re"p'n&ent n re"pe$t '% +#l&n("- n "*lar
*anner- the &"$l'"#re n re"pe$t '% )eh$le " al"'
n$'*plete- )a(#e an& *"lea&n(. The $an&&ate
$ann't (et a!a, !th the eBplanat'n that he ha"
&"$l'"e& "'*e a*'#nt n 'ne '% the $'l#*n" a"
"#%%$ent 'r "#+"tantal $'*plan$e. The p#rp'"e '%
&"$l'"#re '% a""et" (*')a+le an& **')a+le) an&
la+lte" t' +e *a&e +, the $an&&ate- " t' e&#$ate the
)'ter" a+'#t the $'*plete %nan$al "tat#" '% the
$an&&ate- !h$h n%'r*at'n al"' %a$ltate" the )'ter t'
a""e"" !hether the a""et" (*')a+le an& **')a+le)
&e$lare& +, the $an&&ate ha)e +een pr'$#re& +, h*
'#t '% h" le(t*ate an& En'!n "'#r$e '% n$'*e. The
)'ter" ha)e a %#n&a*ental r(ht t' En'! an& re$e)e
"#$h n%'r*at'n a+'#t the $an&&ate +e%'re the, taEe
an n%'r*e& &e$"'n t' ele$t ther $an&&ate. A" t " the
%#n&a*ental r(ht '% the )'ter"- there " $'rre"p'n&n(
&#t, 'n the $an&&ate t' &"$l'"e tr#th%#l an& $'*plete
n%'r*at'n re(ar&n( the a""et" (*')a+le an&
**')a+le) a" per the pre"$r+e& a%%&a)t" !h$h %'r*"
nte(ral part '% the n'*nat'n %'r*.H
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 25 of 40
Page 26
RE / N"9#*$'($!r& % 1r1&r,5 1!r'4)$&# *" ,4& ")0& % ,4&
46. The %r"t re"p'n&ent ha& alle(e& that the appellant ha" a r(ht- ttle
an& ntere"t n lan& *ea"#rn( 2335 "C.*t". +en( S#r)e, N'. 6A-
H""a N'. ;- Pl't N'.4 an& al"' n lan& a&*ea"#rn( a+'#t 24;4
"C.*t". +en( S#r)e, N'. 6A- H""a N'. ;- Pl't N'.3 at 1'#=e Kal,an-
Tal#Ea A*+ernath- D"tr$t Thane. The"e pr'perte" are p#r$ha"e& n
the na*e '% the partner"hp %r* 1@". Pa&*a)at De)el'per" #n&er
a(ree*ent '% &e)el'p*ent an& "ale. The appellant !a" 'ne '% the
partner" n the "a& %r*. H'!e)er- the appellant ha& n't &"$l'"e&
h" ntere"t n the a%'re"a& a""et" n the a%%&a)t %le& al'n( !th the
n'*nat'n %'r*. The &e%en$e '% the appellant n relat'n t' th"
alle(at'n !a" that he ha& retre& %r'* the partner"hp %r* n the ,ear
4553 an& n h" letter &ate& O$t'+er 4A- 4556 "ent t' the Ret#rnn(
O%%$er- he ha& "tate& that the a%'re"a& t!' pr'perte" &' n't +el'n(
t' h*. The H(h 0'#rt n'te& that a&*tte&l, there !a" n' re%eren$e
a+'#t the t!' pr'perte" n the a%%&a)t" %le& al'n( !th the
n'*nat'n %'r*. J#rther- t !a" a $'**'n $a"e that 1@". Pa&*a)at
De)el'per" !a" %'r*e& a" a partner"hp %r* n the ,ear 2;;.- '%
!h$h the appellant !a" 'ne '% the partner". There !a" al"' n'
&"p#te that the +anE a$$'#nt !a" 'perate& n the na*e '% the "a&
partner"hp %r* an& appellant !a" 'ne '% the ='nt "(nat'r,. Th#"-
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 26 of 40
Page 27
the 'nl, a"pe$t !h$h nee&e& &eter*nat'n !a" a" t' !hether the
appellant ha& retre& %r'* the "a& partner"hp %r* n N')e*+er
4553- a" $la*e& +, h*. H'!e)er- %r'* the pleth'ra '% &'$#*entar,
e)&en$e pla$e& 'n re$'r&- the H(h 0'#rt ret#rne& a %n&n( that
th'"e &'$#*ent" $learl, "h'! that the appellant $'ntn#e& t' re*an
an a$t)e partner e)en a%ter 4553 an& !a"- n %a$t- a partner 'n the
&ate '% %ln( '% the n'*nat'n. Apart %r'* )ar'#" &'$#*ent"
re)ealn( an& e"ta+l"hn( th" %a$t- *'"t *p'rtant &'$#*ent !a" the
Dee& '% D""'l#t'n '% the partner"hp %r*- !h$h !a" &ate& 7an#ar,
22- 455. an& at the t*e '% e)&en$e- the appellant ha& a&*tte& the
$'ntent" there'%- a" !ell a" the "(nat#re" '% the three partner"
appearn( 'n that &'$#*ent.
The H(h 0'#rt "#**e& #p the &e$"'n 'n th" a"pe$t n the
%'ll'!n( *anner?
F246. On ')erall anal,"" '% the e)&en$e- I ha)e
n' he"tat'n n $'n$l#&n( that the Pett'ner ha"
e"ta+l"he& the alle(at'n that the Re"p'n&ent
$'ntn#e& t' +e partner '% the partner"hp %r*
Pa&*a)at De)el'per" at lea"t tll De$e*+er 4556. It "
al"' *atter '% re$'r& an& a&*tte& p'"t'n that nether
the Re"p'n&ent n'r an, 'ther partner '% Pa&*a)at
De)el'per" $a#"e& t' ()e p#+l$ n't$e '% the
retre*ent '% the partner 'r %'r that *atter- nt*at'n t'
the Re("trar '% Jr*" tll 7an#ar, 455.. O+)'#"l,-
nt*at'n ha" +een "ent t' the Re("trar '% Jr*" 'nl,
a%ter the n"tt#t'n an& "er)$e '% the pre"ent Ele$t'n
Pett'n- ha)n( real"e& the "er'#"ne"" '% the
alle(at'n. I% "'- t !a" '+l(at'r, 'n the part '% the
Re"p'n&ent t' &"$l'"e h" ntere"t n the pr'perte"
p#r$ha"e& n the na*e '% the "a& %r*.H
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 27 of 40
Page 28
4.. It !'#l& +e pertnent t' *ent'n here that the %r"t re"p'n&ent ha&
alle(e& n'n:&"$l'"#re '% *an, 'ther a""et"- la+lte"- et$. 'r
"#ppre""'n '% 'ther *ateral n%'r*at'n n the a%%&a)t". H'!e)er-
apart %r'* the a%'re"a& %'#r n'n:&"$l'"#re"- 'ther alle(at'n" ha)e
n't +een a$$epte& +, the H(h 0'#rt. We !'#l& al"' lEe t' *ent'n
at th" "ta(e t"el% that 'n all the %'#r $'#nt" the H(h 0'#rt ha"
re$'r&e& %n&n( '% %a$t"- !h$h are +a"e& 'n the e)&en$e pr'&#$e&
'n re$'r&. A" !'#l& +e n'te& herena%ter- learne& "en'r $'#n"el
appearn( %'r the appellant && n't e)en atte*pt t' ar(#e that the"e
%n&n(" are !r'n( 'n %a$t". He 'nl, *a&e le(al "#+*""'n" an& h"
entre en&ea)'#r !a" that %'r n'n:&"$l'"#re '% the a%'re"a&
n%'r*at'n- the H(h 0'#rt $'#l& n't ha)e hel& that the n'*nat'n
!a" !r'n(l, a$$epte& an& %#rther that "n$e there !a" a "#+"tantal
$'*plan$e- there !a" n' rea"'n t' "et a"&e the ele$t'n '% the
4/. On the"e a"pe$t"- the H(h 0'#rt ha& %ra*e& ""#e" N'. > an& A-
!h$h are a" #n&er?
F(>) D'e" the Pett'ner pr')e" that the Re"p'n&ent9"
N'*nat'n J'r* " *pr'perl, a$$epte& +, the
Ret#rnn( O%%$erH
(A) Whether 'n a$$'#nt '% *pr'per a$$eptan$e '% the
n'*nat'n paper- the Ele$t'n re"#lt " *aterall,
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 28 of 40
Page 29
4>. On I""#e N'.>- %n&n( '% the H(h 0'#rt " that n'*nat'n !a"
*pr'perl, a$$epte& +, the Ret#rnn( O%%$er +, ()n( the %'ll'!n(
F235. That taEe" *e t' the neBt ""#e a" t'
!hether Pett'ner pr')e" that the Re"p'n&ent9"
n'*nat'n %'r* " *pr'perl, a$$epte& +, the
Ret#rnn( O%%$erK In"'%ar a" th" ""#e " $'n$erne&-
the Re"p'n&ent *a, +e r(ht t' the eBtent that the
Ret#rnn( O%%$er $ann't +e %a#lte& %'r ha)n( a$$epte&
the n'*nat'n %'r* '% the Re"p'n&ent. That !a"
reC#re& t' +e a$$epte& n"pte '% the '+=e$t'n- n )e!
'% the &e$"'n '% the ApeB 0'#rt n the $a"e '% PU0L
("#pra) an& the 'r&er ""#e& +, the Ele$t'n
0'**""'n 'n the +a"" '% the La! &e$lare& n the "a&
7#&(*ent. Ina"*#$h a"- t !a" n't 'pen t' the
Ret#rnn( O%%$er t' enC#re nt' $'ntent'#" ""#e"
ra"e& n th" Pett'n n the "#**ar, enC#r, at the
"ta(e '% "$r#tn, '% n'*nat'n %'r*". Th'"e *atter"
ne$e""arl, ha)e t' +e a&&re""e& 'nl, a%ter t "
&"$l'"e& n an enC#r, #p'n taEn( e)&en$e 'n the
rele)ant %a$t" at the tral '% the Ele$t'n Pett'n. That
&'e" n't *ean that the n'*nat'n '% Re"p'n&ent !a"
pr'per an& la!%#l. A" the Re"p'n&ent9" n'*nat'n
paper "#%%ere& %r'* the &e%e$t" alrea&, re%erre& t' n
the earler part '% th" &e$"'n- t " planl, a $a"e '%
*pr'per a$$eptan$e '% h" n'*nat'n paper +, the
Ret#rnn( O%%$er- $')ere& +, the r('#r" '% Se$t'n
255(2)(&)() '% the A$t. The ""#e N'.> !ll ha)e t' +e
an"!ere& a$$'r&n(l,.H
4A. I""#e N'. A pertan" t' the C#e"t'n a" t' !hether the ele$t'n re"#lt
!a" *aterall, a%%e$te& +e$a#"e '% n'n:&"$l'"#re '% the a%'re"a&
n%'r*at'n. The H(h 0'#rt t''E n'te '% pr')"'n" '% Se$t'n 255(2)
(&)() an& ()) an& &"$#""e& the "a*e. Therea%ter- "'*e =#&(*ent"
$te& +, the appellant !ere &"tn(#"he& an& &e$&n( th" ""#e
a(an"t the appellant- the H(h 0'#rt $'n$l#&e& a" #n&er?
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 29 of 40
Page 30
F23>. In *, 'pn'n- t " n't ne$e""ar, t' ela+'rate
'n th" *atter +e,'n& a p'nt- eB$ept t' '+"er)e that
!hen t " a $a"e '% *pr'per a$$eptan$e '% n'*nat'n
'n a$$'#nt '% n)al& a%%&a)t 'r n' a%%&a)t %le&
there!th- !h$h a%%&a)t " ne$e""arl, an nte(ral part
'% the n'*nat'n %'r*I an& !hen that $hallen(e
$'n$ern" the ret#rne& $an&&ate an& % #phel&- t " n't
ne$e""ar, %'r the Pett'ner t' %#rther plea& 'r pr')e
that the re"#lt '% the ret#rne& $an&&ate ha" +een
*aterall, a%%e$te& +, "#$h *pr'per a$$eptan$e.
23A. The a)'!e& p#rp'"e '% %ln( the a%%&a)t " t'
*aEe tr#th%#l &"$l'"#re '% all the rele)ant *atter"
re(ar&n( a""et" (*')a+le an& **')a+le) an&
la+lte" a" !ell a" $r*nal a$t'n" (re("tere&- pen&n(
'r n re"pe$t '% !h$h $'(nDan$e ha" +een taEen +, the
0'#rt '% $'*petent =#r"&$t'n 'r n relat'n t'
$'n)$t'n n re"pe$t '% "pe$%e& '%%en$e"). Th'"e are
*atter" !h$h are %#n&a*ental t' the a$$'*pl"h*ent
'% %ree an& %ar ele$t'n. It " the %#n&a*ental r(ht '% the
)'ter" t' +e n%'r*e& a+'#t all *atter" n relat'n t'
"#$h &etal" %'r ele$tn( $an&&ate '% ther $h'$e. Jln(
'% $'*plete n%'r*at'n an& t' *aEe tr#th%#l &"$l'"#re
n re"pe$t '% "#$h *atter" " the &#t, '% the $an&&ate
!h' '%%er" h*"el% 'r !h' " n'*nate& %'r ele$t'n t'
repre"ent the )'ter" %r'* that 0'n"tt#en$,. A" the
$an&&ate ha" t' &"$l'"e th" n%'r*at'n 'n a%%&a)t-
the "'le*nt, '% a%%&a)t $ann't +e all'!e& t' +e
r&$#le& +, the $an&&ate" +, '%%ern( n$'*plete
n%'r*at'n 'r "#ppre""n( *ateral n%'r*at'n-
re"#ltn( n &"n%'r*at'n an& *"n%'r*at'n t' the
)'ter". The "an$tt, '% &"$l'"#re t' +e *a&e +, the
$an&&ate %l'!" %r'* the $'n"tt#t'nal '+l(at'n.H
4;. A" p'nte& '#t a+')e- there " n' &"p#te 'n %a$t" that n%'r*at'n n
re"pe$t '% the a%'re"a& %'#r a"pe$t" !a" n't &"$l'"e& +, the
appellant n the a%%&a)t %le& +, h* al'n( !th the n'*nat'n %'r*.
The &e%en$e an&@'r =#"t%$at'n ()en %'r n'n:&"$l'"n( the"e
part$#lar" " r(htl, re+#%%e& +, the H(h 0'#rt. H'!e)er- "#+*""'n
'% 1r. 8. A&nara,ana Ra'- learne& "en'r $'#n"el appearn( %'r the
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 30 of 40
Page 31
appellant- !a" that ha)n( re(ar& t' the =#&(*ent '% th" 0'#rt n
,.-. * .. Prasanna /(mar' (4523) 6 S00 >>/- the
0'#rt !a" reC#re& t' eBa*ne a" t' !hether n%'r*at'n ()en n the
a%%&a)t" !a" "#+"tantal $'*plan$e '% th'"e part$#lar" re(ar&n(
<')ern*ent &#e"- a""et" an& la+lte"- et$. He "#+*tte& that the
n%'r*at'n a*'#nte& t' "#+"tantal $'*plan$e. J'r th" p#rp'"e-
h" atte*pt !a" t' &e*'n"trate that n"'%ar a" ele$tr$t, &#e" '%
1SE8 are $'n$erne&- there !a" a (en#ne &"p#te a+'#t the n'n:
pa,*entI a" %ar a" '!ner"hp '% +#n(al'! N'. A// n the na*e '% h"
!%e " $'n$erne&- t !a" a&&e& t' the )al#e '% the pr'perte"
+el'n(e& t' the appellantI *#n$pal taBe" n re"pe$t '% th" +#n(al'!
!ere a(an "#+=e$t *atter '% &"p#teI the )al#e '% the )eh$le '!ne&
+, h" !%e !a" al"' &"$l'"e& a(an"t h" '!n na*eI an& a" %ar a"
pr'perte" '!ne& +, the partner"hp %r* are $'n$erne&- the appellant
!a" "*pl, a partner %r'* !h$h he ha& re"(ne&- e)en !hen th"
e)ent '$$#rre& a%ter the %ln( '% the n'*nat'n %'r*.
35. We *a, "tate- n the %r"t n"tan$e- that the =#&(*ent n ,.-.
* ha" n' appl$at'n n"'%ar a" the pre"ent $a"e "
$'n$erne&. The 0'#rt !a" &ealn( !th the %'r* '% a%%&a)t that "
reC#re& t' +e %le& al'n( !th the ele$t'n pett'n n 'r&er t' $'*pl,
!th the pr')"'n" '% Se$t'n A3(2) pr')"' '% the A$t. The )er,
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 31 of 40
Page 32
*antana+lt, '% the ele$t'n pett'n !a" $hallen(e& 'n the (r'#n&
that the a%%&a)t %#rn"he& +, the ele$t'n pett'ner !a" n't n
a+"'l#te $'*plan$e !th the %'r*at a%%&a)t (J'r* 4.). The 0'#rt-
h'!e)er- #phel& the )e! '% the H(h 0'#rt h'l&n( that 'n per#"al '%
the a%%&a)t- there !a" "#+"tantal $'*plan$e !th the pre"$r+e&
%'r*at. E)en !hen "'*e &e%e$t !a" %'#n& n the )er%$at'n t' the
ele$t'n pett'n- t !a" hel& that "a& &e%e$t " al"' $#ra+le an&
$ann't +e hel& %atal t' the *antana+lt, '% the ele$t'n pett'n. In
the pre"ent $a"e- !e are $'n$erne& !th the a%%&a)t !h$h a
$an&&ate "eeEn( ele$t'n " reC#re& t' %le al'n( !th h" n'*nat'n
%'r*. At the "a*e t*e- !e pr'$ee& 'n the +a"" that % there " a
"#+"tantal $'*plan$e '% the reC#re*ent" $'ntane& n the "a&
a%%&a)t"- n the "en"e that there " a &"$l'"#re '% reC#re&
part$#lar"- n$l#&n( a""et"@la+lte" et$.- t $an +e treate& a"
a&eC#ate $'*plan$e '% the pr')"'n" '% the A$t- R#le" an& Or&er".
32. We ha)e al"' Eept n *n& the %'ll'!n( '+"er)at'n" n ,.-.
* !hle #n&ertaEn( '#r anal,"" '% the ""#e n the
pre"ent $a"e?
F32. The 0'#rt *#"t *aEe a %ne +alan$e +et!een the
p#rt, '% the ele$t'n pr'$e"" an& the a)'&an$e '% an
ele$t'n pett'n +en( a "'#r$e '% ann',an$e t' the
ret#rne& $an&&ate an& h" $'n"tt#ent". In "#har
$ussain ). %a&iv 'andhi, 2;A/ S#pp S00 32. th" 0'#rt
'+"er)e& (n the $'nteBt '% "#**ar, &"*""al '% an
ele$t'n pett'n)? (S00 p. 346- para 24)
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 32 of 40
Page 33
F24...S' l'n( a" the "!'r& '% Da*'$le" '% the
ele$t'n pett'n re*an" han(n( an ele$te&
*e*+er '% the le("lat#re !'#l& n't %eel "#%%$entl,
%ree t' &e)'te h" !h'le:hearte& attent'n t'
*atter" '% p#+l$ *p'rtan$e !h$h $la*'#r %'r h"
attent'n n h" $apa$t, a" an ele$te&
repre"entat)e '% the $'n"tt#en$, $'n$erne&. The
t*e an& attent'n &e*an&e& +, h" ele$te& '%%$e
!ll ha)e t' +e &)erte& t' *atter" pertann( t' the
$'nte"t '% the ele$t'n pett'n. In"tea& '% +en(
en(a(e& n a $a*pa(n t' rele)e the &"tre"" '% the
pe'ple n (eneral an& '% the re"&ent" '% h"
$'n"tt#en$, !h' )'te& h* nt' '%%$e- an& n"tea&
'% re"'l)n( ther pr'+le*"- he !'#l& +e en(a(e& n
$a*pa(n t' e"ta+l"h that he ha" n %a$t +een &#l,
34. In )e! '% the a%'re"a&- t!' %a$et" '% the ""#e- !h$h reC#re
$'n"&erat'n- are a" %'ll'!"?
a) Whether there " a "#+"tantal $'*plan$e n &"$l'"n( the
reC#"te n%'r*at'n n the a%%&a)t" %le& +, the appellant al'n( !th
the n'*nat'n paperK
+) Whether n'n:&"$l'"#re '% the n%'r*at'n 'n a$$'#nt '%
a%'re"a& %'#r a"pe$t" ha" *aterall, a%%e$te& the re"#lt '% the
33. We ha)e alrea&, &"$#""e& n &etal ea$h te* '% n'n:&"$l'"#re a"
!ell a" &e%en$e '% the appellant pertann( theret'. J'r the rea"'n"
re$'r&e& n &etal at that "ta(e +, the H(h 0'#rt an& "tate& a+')e-
!th !h$h !e a(ree- !e are '% the 'pn'n that t" %n&n( a+'#t n'n:
&"$l'"#re '% the n%'r*at'n (ua all the a"pe$t" " !th'#t +le*"h.
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 33 of 40
Page 34
There " a "pe$%$ %'r*at n !h$h the n%'r*at'n " t' +e ()en-
!h$h !a" n't a&here& t'.
36. Wth the"e re*arE" !e pr'$ee& t' &eal !th the %r"t a"pe$t.
In"'%ar a" n'n:&"$l'"#re '% the ele$tr$t, &#e" "
$'n$erne&- n the ()en %a$t" '% the $a"e- !e are '% the 'pn'n that t
*a, n't +e a "er'#" lap"e. N' &'#+t- the &#e" !ere '#t"tan&n(- at
the "a*e t*e- there !a" a !ona fide &"p#te a+'#t the '#t"tan&n(
&#e" n re"pe$t '% the %r"t ele$tr$t, *eter. It !'#l& ha)e +een +etter
'n the part '% the appellant t' ()e the n%'r*at'n al'n( !th a n'te
a+'#t the &"p#te- a" "#((e"te& +, the H(h 0'#rt- !e "tll %eel that
!hen the appellant n#rt#re& +ele% n a !ona fide *anner that +e$a#"e
'% the "a& &"p#te he " n't t' ()e the n%'r*at'n a+'#t the
'#t"tan&n( a*'#nt- a" t ha& n't +e$'*e 9pa,a+le9- th" "h'#l& n't
+e treate& a" a *ateral lap"e. LEe!"e- a" %ar a" the "e$'n&
ele$tr$t, *eter " $'n$erne&- t !a" n the pre*"e" !h$h !a"
rente& '#t t' the tenant" an& the &#e" !ere pa,a+le +, the tenant" n
the %r"t n"tan$e. A(an- n "#$h $r$#*"tan$e"- 'ne $an !ona fide
+ele)e that the tenant" !'#l& pa, the '#t"tan&n( a*'#nt. N' &'#+t-
% the tenant" &' n't pa, the a*'#nt the la+lt, !'#l& ha)e +een that
'% the '!ner- .e. the appellant. H'!e)er- at the t*e '% %ln( the
n'*nat'n- the appellant $'#l& n't pre"#*e that the tenant" !'#l&
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 34 of 40
Page 35
n't pa, the a*'#nt an&- there%'re- t ha& +e$'*e h" la+lt,. Sa*e
" the p'"t'n !th re(ar& t' n'n:pa,*ent '% a "#* '% R".2->A3@: a"
'#t"tan&n( *#n$pal &#e"- !here there !a" a (en#ne &"p#te a" t'
re)al#at'n an& rea""e""*ent %'r the p#rp'"e '% a""e""n( the taBe"
!a" ,et t' +e #n&ertaEen. Ha)n( "a& "'- !e *a, $lar%, that t
!'#l& &epen& n the %a$t" an& $r$#*"tan$e" '% ea$h $a"e a" t'
!hether "#$h a n'n:&"$l'"#re !'#l& a*'#nt t' *ateral lap"e 'r n't.
We are- th#"- $lar%,n( that '#r a%'re"a& '+"er)at'n n the %a$t" '%
the pre"ent $a"e "h'#l& n't +e treate& a" ha)n( (eneral appl$at'n.
3.. E)en % t " "'- n re"pe$t '% the a%'re"a& a"pe$t"- 'n 'ther n'n:
&"$l'"#re"- the $a"e '% the appellant ha" t' %al. We %n& $lear $a"e
'% n'n:&"$l'"#re '% +#n(al'! N'. A// n the na*e '% the appellant9"
!%e- !h$h " a "#+"tantal lap"e. S' " the $a"e a+'#t the n'n:
&"$l'"#re '% )eh$le n the na*e '% appellant9" !%e. LEe!"e- n'n:
&"$l'"#re '% the appellant9" ntere"t@"hare n the partner"hp %r* " a
)er, "er'#" an& *a='r lap"e. On all the"e a"pe$t"- !e %n& that the
&e%en$e@eBplanat'n %#rn"he& +, the appellant &'e" n't n"pre an,
$'n%&en$e. It " "*pl, an a%terth'#(ht atte*pt t' !r((le '#t '% the
*ateral lap"e 'n the part '% the appellant n n't &"$l'"n( the
reC#re& n%'r*at'n- !h$h !a" "#+"tantal. We- there%'re- are '% the
)e! that n the a%%&a)t" ()en +, the appellant al'n( !th the
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 35 of 40
Page 36
n'*nat'n %'r*- *ateral n%'r*at'n a+'#t the a""et" !a" n't
&"$l'"e& an&- there%'re- t " n't p'""+le t' a$$ept the ar(#*ent '%
the appellant that n%'r*at'n $'ntane& n the a%%&a)t" +e treate& a"
"#%%$ent@"#+"tantal $'*plan$e.
3/. We ha)e alrea&, repr'&#$e& a+')e the rele)ant p'rt'n" '%
=#&(*ent" n the $a"e" '% Association for Democratic eforms an&
People"s Union for Civil #i$erties an& the (#&elne" ""#e& +, the
Ele$t'n 0'**""'n p#r"#ant theret'. A $'n='nt an& $'*+ne&
rea&n( there'% $learl, e"ta+l"he" that the *an rea"'n %'r ""#n(
&re$t'n" +, th" 0'#rt an& (#&elne" +, the Ele$t'n 0'**""'n
p#r"#ant theret' " that the $tDen" ha)e %#n&a*ental r(ht #n&er
Art$le 2;(2)(a) '% the 0'n"tt#t'n '% In&a t' En'! a+'#t the
$an&&ate" $'nte"tn( the ele$t'n" an& th" " the pr*ar, rea"'n that
$a"t" a "'le*n '+l(at'n 'n the"e $an&&ate" t' %#rn"h n%'r*at'n
re(ar&n( the $r*nal ante$e&ent"- e&#$at'nal C#al%$at'n" an&
a""et" hel& +, the $an&&ate- h" "p'#"e an& &epen&ent $hl&ren. It
" 'n that +a"" that n't 'nl, Ele$t'n 0'**""'n ha" ""#e&
(#&elne"- +#t al"' prepare& %'r*at" n !h$h the a%%&a)t" are t' +e
%le&. A" a %'rt'rar- t %'ll'!" that % the reC#re& n%'r*at'n a" per
the "a& %'r*at n re"pe$t '% the a""et" '% the $an&&ate- h" !%e an&
&epen&ent $hl&ren " n't ()en- t !'#l& a*'#nt t' "#ppre""'n@n'n:
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 36 of 40
Page 37
3>. It !a" ar(#e& that a$$eptan$e '% n'*nat'n " a" per Se$t'n 33 '%
the A$t- !h$h $'ntan" reC#re*ent %'r a )al& n'*nat'n. J#rther
Se$t'n 3/(4) &eal" !th re=e$t'n '% n'*nat'n 'n (r'#n&" "pe$%e&
theren. It !a" the "#+*""'n '% the learne& "en'r $'#n"el that at
the t*e '% "$r#tn, '% the n'*nat'n #n&er Se$t'n 3/- n'*nat'n
$'#l& +e re=e$te& 'nl, % an, '% the (r'#n&" "tp#late& n "#+:"e$t'n
(4) are "at"%e& an& there $ann't +e an, 9&ee*e&9 (r'#n&- !h$h "
n't $')ere& +, Se$t'n 3/(4) '% the A$t. There%'re- the Ret#rnn(
O%%$er ha& r(htl, a$$epte& the n'*nat'n %'r* a" n'ne '% the
(r'#n&" "pe$%e& n "#+:"e$t'n (4) '% Se$t'n 3/ !ere attra$te&. He
%#rther "#+*tte& that Se$t'n" AA- ;- ;A- 25 an& 25A pr')&e
&"C#al%$at'n" %'r 1e*+er" '% Parla*ent an& State Le("lat#re. A"
per the $'#n"el- %r'* the "$he*e '% the A$t t $an +e "een that at the
t*e '% "$r#tn, '% n'*nat'n- all that the Ret#rnn( O%%$er " reC#re&
t' eBa*ne " a" t' !hether the $an&&ate "#%%er" %r'* an, '% the
&"C#al%$at'n" *ent'ne& n Se$t'n A t' 25A '% the A$t an& a" t'
!hether the n'*nat'n " n the %'r* pre"$r+e& +, Se$t'n 33 an&
a$$'*pane& +, the &'$#*ent" *ent'ne& n "#+:"e$t'n" 4 t' > '%
Se$t'n 33 an& !hether t " a$$'*pane& +, an a%%&a)t pre"$r+e&
+, R#le 6A an& the &ep'"t reC#re& +, Se$t'n 36 '% the A$t. Apart
%r'* the a%'re"a&- the Ret#rnn( O%%$er " n't e*p'!ere& t' re=e$t
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 37 of 40
Page 38
the n'*nat'n 'n an, 'ther (r'#n&. He ar(#e& that the r(ht '% the
Ret#rnn( O%%$er t' $'n&#$t a "#**ar, nC#r, nt' the $'rre$tne"" 'r
'ther!"e '% the $'ntent" '% the a%%&a)t %le& al'n( !th the
n'*nat'n !a" eBpre""l, taEen a!a, a" $an +e "een %r'* the
=#&(*ent '% th" 0'#rt n the $a"e '% People"s Union for Civil
#i$erties. Ha)n( n'te& that the Ret#rnn( O%%$er ha" n' p'!er t'
re=e$t a n'*nat'n !here %al"e n%'r*at'n " %#rn"he& 'r *ateral
n%'r*at'n " "#ppre""e&- the Ele$t'n 0'**""'n '% In&a an&
Un'n '% In&a ha)e reC#e"te& th" 0'#rt t' treat the "a*e a" eC#al t'
a +lanE a%%&a)t- a" n'te& n the $a"e '% es(rgence India.
It " &%%$#lt t' a$$ept the a%'re"a& "#+*""'n" '% the
learne& "en'r $'#n"el a" that !'#l& a*'#nt t' n#ll%,n( the e%%e$t '%
the =#&(*ent" a" !ell a" (#&elne" ""#e& +, the Ele$t'n
3A. When the n%'r*at'n " ()en +, a $an&&ate n the a%%&a)t %le&
al'n( !th the n'*nat'n paper an& '+=e$t'n" are ra"e& theret'
C#e"t'nn( the $'rre$tne"" '% the n%'r*at'n 'r alle(n( that there "
n'n:&"$l'"#re '% $ertan *p'rtant n%'r*at'n- t *a, n't +e p'""+le
%'r the ret#rnn( '%%$er at that t*e t' $'n&#$t a &etale& eBa*nat'n.
S#**ar, enC#r, *a, n't "#%%$e. Pre"ent $a"e " t"el% an eBa*ple
!h$h l'#&l, &e*'n"trate" th". At the "a*e t*e- t !'#l& n't +e
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 38 of 40
Page 39
p'""+le %'r the Ret#rnn( O%%$er t' re=e$t the n'*nat'n %'r !ant '%
)er%$at'n a+'#t the alle(at'n" *a&e +, the '+=e$t'r. In "#$h a
$a"e- !hen #lt*atel, t " pr')e& that t !a" a $a"e '% n'n:&"$l'"#re
an& ether the a%%&a)t !a" %al"e 'r t && n't $'ntan $'*plete
n%'r*at'n lea&n( t' "#ppre""'n- t $an +e hel& at that "ta(e that
the n'*nat'n !a" *pr'perl, a$$epte&. 1". 1eenaE"h Ar'ra-
learne& "en'r $'#n"el appearn( %'r the Ele$t'n 0'**""'n- r(ht
ar(#e& that "#$h an enC#r, $an +e 'nl, at a later "ta(e an& the
appr'prate "ta(e !'#l& +e n an ele$t'n pett'n a" n the n"tant
$a"e- !hen the ele$t'n " $hallen(e&. The (r'#n&" "tate& n Se$t'n
3/(4) are th'"e !h$h $an +e eBa*ne& there an& then an& 'n that
+a"" the Ret#rnn( O%%$er !'#l& +e n a p'"t'n t' re=e$t the
n'*nat'n. LEe!"e- !here the +lanE" are le%t n an a%%&a)t-
n'*nat'n $an +e re=e$te& there an& then. In 'ther $a"e" !here
&etale& enC#r, " nee&e&- t !'#l& &epen& #p'n the '#t$'*e
there'%- n an ele$t'n pett'n- a" t' !hether the n'*nat'n !a"
pr'perl, a$$epte& 'r t !a" a $a"e '% *pr'per a$$eptan$e. On$e t "
%'#n& that t !a" a $a"e '% *pr'per a$$eptan$e- a" there !a"
*"n%'r*at'n 'r "#ppre""'n '% *ateral n%'r*at'n- 'ne $an "tate
that C#e"t'n '% re=e$t'n n "#$h a $a"e !a" 'nl, &e%erre& t' a later
&ate. When the 0'#rt ()e" "#$h a %n&n(- !h$h !'#l& ha)e
re"#lte& n re=e$t'n- the e%%e$t !'#l& +e "a*e- na*el,- "#$h a
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 39 of 40
Page 40
$an&&ate !a" n't enttle& t' $'nte"t an& the ele$t'n " )'&.
Other!"e- t !'#l& +e an an'*al'#" "t#at'n that e)en !hen
$r*nal pr'$ee&n(" #n&er Se$t'n 24.A '% the A$t $an +e ntate&
an& the "ele$te& $an&&ate " $r*nall, pr'"e$#te& an& $'n)$te&- +#t
the re"#lt '% h" ele$t'n $ann't +e C#e"t'ne&. Th" $ann't +e
3;. The #p"h't '% the a%'re"a& &"$#""'n !'#l& +e t' h'l& that the
pre"ent appeal " t'tall, &e)'& '% an, *ert" an& "- a$$'r&n(l,-
(S#rn&er Sn(h N==ar)
(A.K. SEr)
Ne! DelhI
1a, 5;- 4526.
Civil Appeal No. 4261 of 2007 Page 40 of 40

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