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Particle Physics Division

Mechanical Department Engineering Note

MD-ENG- 079

Date: June 20, 2005

Project Internal Reference:

Project: ILC
Title: Vacuum Vessel Engineering Note for 1.3 GHz, =1, Cryomodule
Author(s): Edward Chi
Key Words:
Crymodule, Vacuum, Pressure, Operating Temperature, Vessel Shell,
Stiffening Rib, Reinforcement, Flange, Weldment, Up & Downstream
Abstract Summary:
The vacuum vessel of 1.3 GHz, =1, Cryomodule has 38 O. D, ~ 448
Length with multiple openings for different connections and
instrumentation. This engineering note is presented extensive
discussion, analysis and calculations for the vessel and nozzle shells,
stiffening rings, multiple openings and reinforcements, different
flanges, welds and others per Fermilab, ASME and other applicable
Applicable Codes:
ES&H Manual Chapter 5033, Fermilab.
Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code ASME VIII, Div.1
Addenda July 1, 2003
Allowable Stress Design, AISC, 9th edition
Structural Welding Code-Steel, AWS D1.1-90

Vacuum Vessel Engineering Note
(per Fermilab ES&H Manual Chapter 5033)

Prepared by

Edward Chi




Reviewed by



Div/Sec Head





Identification and Verification of Compliance

Fill in the Fermilab Engineering Conformance Label information below:
This vessel conforms to Fermilab ES&H Manual Chapter 5033
Vessel Title
Vessel Number
Vessel Drawing Number
Internal MAWP
External MAWP
Working Temperature Range

Date of Manufacture
Acceptance Date

1.3 GHz, =1, Cryomodule Vacuum Vessel

5520 ME - 443027
1 psig
14.7 psi
20 oF


Director's signature (or designee) if vessel is for manned area and requires an
exception to the provisions of this chapter.
Amendment No.

Reviewed by:


Laboratory location code

Laboratory property number

Purpose of vessel

List all pertinent drawings

Drawing No.
5520 ME 443027 -1
5520 ME 443027 -2
5520 ME - 443054

Location of Original

Design Verification
Provide design calculations in the Note Appendix.
See the attached vacuum vessel engineering note #MD-Eng-079


System Venting Verification

Can this vessel be pressurized either internally or externally?

[ ] Yes
[X] No

If Yes, to what pressure? _____________

List all reliefs and settings. Provide a schematic of the relief system components
and appropriate calculations or test results to prove that the vessel will not be
subjected to pressures greater than 110% beyond the maximum allowable internal
or external pressure.




Flow Rate


Operating Procedure Section

Is an operating procedure necessary for the safe operation of this vessel?
[ ] Yes
[ X] No
(If "Yes", it must be appended)

Is a testing procedure necessary for the safe acceptance testing (acceptance testing)
of this vessel?
[ ] Yes
[ X] No
If Yes, the written procedure must be approved by the division head
prior to testing and supplied with this Engineering Note.


Welding Information
Has the vessel been fabricated in a Fermilab shop? [ ] Yes
[ X] No
If "Yes," append a copy of the welding shop statement of welder
The fabrication will be performed by using qualified welder of an
outside contractor.


Exceptional, Existing, Used and Non-Manned Area Vessels

Is this vessel or any part thereof in the above categories? [ ] Yes
[ X] No
If "Yes" follow the Engineering Note requirements for documentation and
append to note.



Exhibit A-1, Fermilab ES&H Manual Chapter 5033

(Vacuum Vessel Engineering Note)



Calculation for the Vacuum Vessel Cylindrical Shell Thickness


The Permissible Out of Roundness of the Vessel Cylindrical Shell


Analysis and Calculations for the Stiffening Rings

3.1 To Define the Stiffening Ring for the Vessel Shell Under the
External Pressure and the Calculations of the Weld
3.2 To Define the Downstream End Flange as the Stiffening Ring for the
Vessel Shell Under the External Pressure
3.3 To Define the Upstream End Flange as the Stiffening Ring for the
Vessel Shell Under the External Pressure

Calculations and Analysis for the Vessel Shell Openings
4.1. Calculations for the Opening of Port Coldmass for the Reinforcement
and Weld Size
4.2. Calculations for the Opening of MC Port (#9) for the Reinforcement and
Weld Size
4.3 Calculations for the Opening of Instrumentation Port for the
Reinforcement and Weld Size
4.4 Calculations for the Opening of Port #16 for the Reinforcement and
Weld Size
4.5 Calculations for the Opening of Port #22 for the Reinforcement and
Weld Size
4.6 Calculations for the Opening of Port #24 for the Reinforcement and
Weld Size
4.7 Analysis for the Opening Port #14 for the Reinforcement and
Weld Size
4.8 Calculations for the Opening of Port #20 for the Reinforcement and
Weld Size




Calculations and Analysis for the Flanges, Bolts and Welds

Upstream End Flange, Sliding Flange and the Bellow Flange
Downstream End Flange and the Bellow Flange
Calculations for Flanges #8, #13, #15, #19, #21 and #23



Calculations and Analysis for the Saddle Support





Figure i.1, An overall view of the vacuum vessel weldment of 1.3 MHz,
Reference drawing: ME 443027
Overall length = 448.23 in
Wws = 7,745 lbs. the weight of the vessel shell weldment.
Assuming the vessel shell is operating under the room temperature.
Vessel shell material: SA 516-60
Materials for flanges, ports and nozzles: see respective notes and drawings.

1. Calculation for the Vacuum Vessel Cylindrical Shell Thickness

The Vacuum Vessel Cylindrical Shell:
P: 14.7 psi, the external design pressure,
Do: 38.00 in, outside diameter of the vessel shell
Di: 37.25 in, inside diameter of the vessel shell
tn: The nominal vessel shell thickness.
Fa: 15,000 psi, the max. allowable stress of the shell material at the operating temp,
also know as Sv. (See Page 1-1).
Vessel shell material: SA 516-60, carbon steel, see dwg. ME-443054
Lv: Design length of the vessel between lines of the support.
M.A: Material corrosion and other misc. allowance, ~ 1/16
Lv = 228.30 in (per drawing ME-443027-01)
Find out the required vessel shell thickness tn:
1. Try tn = 0.375
Lv/Do = 228.30 / 38.00 = 6.0079
Do/tn = 38.00 / 0.375 = 101.3333
Per section UG-28, also Fig. G and Fig. CS-2 in Subpart 3 of Section II, part D,
ASME VIII, Div. 1:
It is found out that:
A = 0.0002
B = 2850
Pa = (4B) / (3Do/tn)
= (4 x 2850) (3 x 101.3333)
= 37.50 psi
Pa : The max. allowable external working pressure, psi
A: Factor determined from Fig. G
B: Factor determined from the applicable material chert in Fig. CS-2.

Try tr2 = 0.25

Lv/Do = 6.053
Do/tr2 = 38/0.25 = 152
A 0.000115
Since the value of A falling to the left of the applicable material/temperature
curve, so:

Pa2 = (2AE/3(Do/tr2)) = 15.13 psi

So, tr = 0.250
So the vessel shell thickness is required 0.25, using 3/8 as vessel shell thickness is
above the shell thickness required and it is satisfactory.

2. The Permissible Out of Roundness of the Vessel Cylindrical Shell

P: 14.7 psi, the external design pressure,
Do: 38.00 in, outside diameter of the vessel shell
Di: 37.25 in, inside diameter of the vessel shell
tn: 0.375, the nominal vessel shell thickness.
Fa: 15,000 psi, the max. allowable stress of the shell material at the operating temp,
also know as Sv. (See Page 1-1).
Vessel shell material: SA 516-60, carbon steel, see dwg. ME-443054
Lv: ~230, design length of the vessel between lines of the support.
The difference between the max. dia and the mini. dia. of the vessel shell at any cross
section shall not exceed:
0.1 x 38 in = 0.38 in
(per section UG-80 (b)(1) of ASME VIII, Div.1)
Per section UG-80(b)(2) and figure UG-80 of ASME VIII, Div.1, it is found out that
the maximum plus or minus deviation from the true circular form, measured radially on
the outside or inside of the cylindrical vessel shall not exceed the maximum permissible
deviation e:
e 0.85t
= 0.85 x 0.375 in
= 0.319 in
Do / t = 101
Lv / Do = 6.052
Per Figure UG-29.2, section UG-29 of ASME VIII, Div.1, it is found out that:
Arc length 0.36 Do
= 0.36 x 38 in
= 13.68 in
Chord length = 2 x Arc length
= 2 x 13.68 in
= 27.36 in
So, in a chord length of 27.36 in, the maximum plus or minus deviation from the true
circle form shall not exceed 0.32 in.


Analysis and Calculation for the Stffening Rings

3.1 To Define the Stiffening Ring for the Vessel Shell Under the External Pressure
and the Calculations of the Weld
Reference drawings: ME-443027
E = 29 x 106 psi, Modules of elasticity of the stiffening materials
le = 1.1 (Dot)0.5 = 1.1 (38 x 0.375)0.5
= 4.152, the effective regional length of the vessel shell
Fy: 38 ksi, min. yield stress of the stiffening material SA516-70 under the operating
To find the required moment of inertia of the combined stiffening ring shell cross
section about the neutral axis parallel to the axial of the shell, in4, Is:
Is = [Do2Ls(t + As/Ls)A] / 10.9
(per UG-29, ASME VIII, Div.1)

(eq. 3-1)

As: Cross-sectional area of the stiffening area, in2
= 1.50 in2, see figure 1.
Ls: Distance between the stiffening ring and support, ~230.0 in
( See drawing ME-443027)
B: Factor determined from the applicable chart,
= 0.75 [PDo (t + As/Ls)]
= 0.75 [14.7 psi x 38 in (0.375 in + 1.50 in2/230 in)]
= 1098
Per figure CS-2 in Subpart 3 of section II, Part D, where B = 1098 falling below the left
end of the material/temperature curve, so:
A = 2B/E
= 2 x 1098 / (30 x 106)
= 0.0000732
(per step 5 of UG-29, ASME VIII, Div. 1)
Then the Eq. 3-1 becomes:
Is = {[382 x 230 x (0.375 + 1.50/230) x 0.0000732] / 10.9}in4
= 0.851 in4
To find the combined moment of inertia of the cross section area of the stiffening ring and


Figure 3.1 is the cross-section view of the stiffening ring with the vessel shell, also refer
to view S-S of drawing ME-443027, MC-443052

Figure 3.1, Cross-section view of the vessel shell with the stiffening rings
It is found that from the figure 3.1:
A1 = 4.152 in x 0.375 in = 1.557 in2
A2 = 0.5 in x 3.0 in = 1.500 in2
y1 = 0.1875 in
y2 = 1.8125 in
y = (A1y1 + A2y2) (A1 + A2)
= 0.9848 in
dy12 = (y y1)2 = 0.6357 in2
dy22 = (y y2)2 = 0.6851 in2
I1 = 0.0182 in4
I2 = 1.125 in4
I = Ii + Aidyi2
= 3.1507 in4 > I= 0.851 in4
Since the requirement moment of inertia I is less than the value of I provided by the
combined moment inertia of stiffening ring and vessel shell, so the stiffening ring design
is satisfactory and it can be treated as a support of the vessel.
Calculations of the attachment welds of the stiffening ring:
Per UG-30(e), ASME VIII, Div. 1:
Radial pressure load PLs = 14.7 psi x 230 in

= 3381 lb/in
Radial shear load V = 0.01 PLsDo = 0.01 x 14.7 psi x 230 in x 38 in
= 1,285 lb
Weld shear flow due to radial shear load: VQ/I
where Q is the first moment of area, per figure 3.1,
Q = 4.152 x 0.375 (0.9848 0.375/2)
= 1.24 in3
VQ/I = 1,285 lb x 1.24 in3/ 3.1507 in4
= 505.73 lb/in
The combined weld load (required)
Pr = (3,3812 + 5062)1/2 lb/in
= 3,419 lb/in
The calculated welding load from the ring welds:
The most weaker material is the shell:
Sv = 15 ksi (SA 516-60)
The allowable fillet weld stress:
Faf = 0.55Sv = 0.55 x 15,000 psi
= 8,250 psi (per UW-18(d), ASME VIII, Div.1)
The minimum fillet weld leg size is: 0.25 for the attachment.
(per UG-30(f), ASME VIII, Div.1)
Since there is weld on both sides of the ring (see view S-S, ME-443027)
The allowable load from the weld is:
Paw = 2 x 0.25 in x 8,250 psi
= 4,125 lb/in > Pr = 3,419 lb/in
So the min. fillet size of 0.25 is acceptable for the current stiffening ring design.


3.2 To Define the Downstream End Flange as the Stiffening Ring for the Vessel
Shell Under the External Pressure
Reference drawings: ME-443027, MD-443039
E = 30 x 106 psi, Modules of elasticity of the flange materials
le = 1.1 (Dot)0.5 = 1.1 (38 x 0.375)0.5
= 4.152, the effective regional length of the vessel shell
Fy: 25 ksi, min. yield stress of the stiffening material A182-F304L under the
operating temperature.

Figure 3.2, The cross-section view of the end flange with the vessel shell, also refer to
detail L of drawing ME-443027, and drawing MD-443039..
To find the required moment of inertia of the combined end flange shell cross section
about the neutral axis parallel to the axia of the shell, in4, Is:
Is = [Do2Ls(t + As/Ls)A] / 10.9
(per UG-29, ASME VIII, Div.1)

(eq. 3-2)

Asd: Cross-sectional area of the downstream end flange stiffening area, in2
= (1.18 x 2.26) in2 = 2.6668 in2, see figure 3.2


Lsd: Distance between the stiffening ring and downstream end flange, ~230.0 in
( See drawing ME-443027)
B: Factor determined from the applicable chart,
= 0.75 [PDo (t + As/Ls)]
= 0.75 [14.7 psi x 38 in (0.375 in + 2.6668 in2/230 in)]
= 1084
Per figure CS-2 in Subpart 3 of section II, Part D, where B = 1084 falling below the left
end of the material/temperature curve, so:
A = 2B/E
= 2 x 1084 / (30 x 106)
= 0.0000723
(per step 5 of UG-29, ASME VIII, Div. 1)
Then the eq.3-2 becomes:
Is = {[382 x 230 x (0.375 + 2.6668/230) x 0.0000723] / 10.9}in4
= ((332,120 x 0.3866 x 0.0000723) /10.9) in4
= 0.852 in4
To find the combined moment of inertia of the cross section area of the stiffening ring
and shell
It is found that from the figure 3.2:
A1 = 2.67 in x 0.375 in = 1.001 in2
A2 = 1.18 in x 2.26 in = 2.6668 in2
y1 = 0.1875 in
y2 = 1.505 in
y = (A1y1 + A2y2) (A1 + A2)
= 1.1454 in
dy12 = (y y1)2 = 0.9176 in2
dy22 = (y y2)2 = 0.1293 in2
I1 = 0.0117 in4
I2 = 1.1351 in4
I = Ii + Aidyi2
= (1.1468 + 1.2633) in4
= 2.4101 in4 > I= 0.852 in4
Since the requirement moment of inertia I is less than the value of I provided by the
combined moment inertia of the end flange(downstream) and vessel shell, so the
downstream end flange is satisfactory and it can be treated as a support of the vessel.


3.3 To Define the Upstream End Flange as the Stiffening Ring for the Vessel Shell
Under the External Pressure
Reference drawings: Detail M of drawing ME-443027-2,
MD- 443040
Lsu: Distance between the stiffening ring and upstream end flange, ~ 45.0 in
(See figure 4-4.3 of Page 32)
Asu: 0.5 (45.67 - 38.12) x 1.57 in2 = 5.927 in2
Since Lsu < Lsd; Asu > Asd
From the calculation steps of section 3.2, we can conclude that the requirement moment
of inertia I is less than the value of I provided by the combined moment inertia of the
end flange(upstream) and vessel shell, so the upstream end flange is satisfactory and it
can be treated as a support of the vessel.



Calculations and Analysis for the Vessel Shell Openings

4.1 Calculations for the Opening of Coldmass Port for the Reinforcement and
Weld Size
The main vessel shell:
P: 14.7 psi, external design pressure
Do: 38.00 in, outside dia. Of the vessel shell.
Di: 37.25, inside dia. of the vessel shell.
t: 0.375 in, the nominal pipe wall thickness.
Fa: 15,000 psi, the max. allowable stress of the shell material at the operating temp,
also know as Sv. at the operating temp., -200 F to 1000 F (per Table 1A, part D,
Section II, ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code 1995 edition).
Vessel shell material: SA 516, grade 60, carbon steel (see ME-443054)
Lv: Design length of the vessel section between lines of support (see Page UG-28(b)),
Find out the required vessel shell thickness tr:
Try tr1 = 0.375
Lv/Do = 230/38 = 6.053
Do/tr = 38/0.375 = 101.333
From section UG-28, also Fig. G & Fig. CS-2 in Subpart 3 of section II, part D,
A = 0.0002
B = 2850
Pa1= (4B)/(3(Do/tr)) = 37.50 psi
A: Factor determined from Fig. G.
B: Factor determined from applicable material chart in Fig. CS-2
Pa: Max. allowable external working pressure, psi
3. Try tr2 = 0.25
Lv/Do = 6.053
Do/tr2 = 38/0.25 = 152
A 0.000115
Since the value of A falling to the left of the applicable material/temperature
curve, so:
Pa2 = (2AE/3(Do/tr2)) = 15.13 psi


So, tr = 0.250
The coldmass port:
do: 25.197, outside dia. of the port.
Di: 15.512, inside dia . of the port.
tn: 4.842, wall thickness of the port.
trn: required thickness of the port.
L: length of projection defining the thickness portion of integral reinforcement of the
port beyond the outside surface of the vessel wall.
E: 29 x 106 psi, modulus of elasticity of the material at the operating temp.
Material: SA 182- 304L stainless steel pipe, Fa = Sn = 16,700 psi at the operating
temp., -200 F to 1000 F (per Table 1A, part D, Section II, ASME Boiler &
Pressure Vessel Code 1995 edition).
Reference drawings: MD-443049, MD-443050, ME-443027, and also as shown from
figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1, 3D view of the coldmass port and the vessel shell
Find out the thickness required:


1. Assuming L1 = 6.64 in, tr1 = 0.375 in, then:

L1/do = 6.64/25.197 = 0.2635
do/tr1 = 25.197/0.375 = 67
From Fig. G and Fig. HA-3 of subpart 3 of Sect. II, part D:
A = 0.013
B = 13300
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr1)) = (4 x 13300)/(3 x 67) = 264 psi > P
2. Try: L2 = 6.64 in, tr2 = 0.0625 in
L2/do = 0.2635
do/tr2 = 403
A = 0.00073
B = 8000
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 8000)/(3 x 403) = 26.47 psi > P
3. Try: L3 = 6.64 in, tr3 = 0.046 in
L3/do = 0.2635
do/tr3 = 25.197/0.046 = 548
A = 0.000445
B = 6100
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 6100)/(3 x 548) = 14.84 psi P
So: trn = tr3 = 0.046 in
Size of the weld required:
Per UG-37, UW-16 and Fig. UW-16.1(p) of ASME VIII, Div.1.
to: the throat dimension of the outer attachment weld, =0.5 tmin.
ti: the throat dimension of the inside of the shell cutout, 0.7tmin
to = 0.5 tmin = 0.5 x 0.375 = 0.1875, so the fillet leg size is 0.27
ti = 0.7 tmin = 0.7 x 0.375 =0.26, so the fillet leg size is 0.37
Area of the reinforcement required Ar:
Per section UG-37(d)(1):
Ar = 0.5(dtrF + 2tntrF(1-fr1)
= 0.5 x (16.299 x 0.25 x 1.0 +2 x 4.842 x 0.25 x 1.0 x 0)


= 2.0374 in2
d: Finished diameter of circle opening, see Fig. UG-37.1 of UG-37.
D = 16.299 in (per drawing ME-443054)
F: Correction factor
fr : Strength reduction factor, not greater than 1.0
fr1 =1.0 for nozzle wall abutting the vessel wall as shown in figure UG-40(j),
(k), (n) and (o).
fr2 = Sn / Sv
Area of reinforcement available Aa:
A1: Larger of the following calculated value: (area available in shell):
= d(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)
= 16.299 x (1 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.25) 0
= 2.0374 in2

= 2(t + tn)(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)

= 2 (0.375 + 4.842) x (1.0 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.25) 0
= 1.30425 in2
So pick A1 = 2.0374 in2
A2: Smaller of the following:
= 5 (tn-trn)tfr2
= 5 x (4.842 in 0.046 in) x 0.375 in x 1.0
= 8.9925 in2

= 5 (tn-trn) fr2tn
= 5 x (4.842 in 0.046 in) x 1.0 x 4.842 in
= 116.11 in2
So pick A2 = 8.9925 in2
A3: Area available in inward nozzle, use the smallest value:
Since there is no inward nozzle
So pick A3 = 0.0 in2
A41: Outward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.272 in2 x 1.0
=0.0729 in2
A43: Inward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.372 in2 x 1.0
= 0.1369 in2


Aa = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43
= (2.0374 + 8.9925 + 0 + 0.0729 + 0.1369) in2
= 11.2397 in2 > Ar = 2.0374 in2
Per Fig. UG-37.1, section UG-37, the opening is adequately reinforced under the
current designated boundary conditions.
The analysis and conclusion should be also true for openings of #2 (have 2 openings @
both ends, see drawing ME-443027), this is because: the value of Lv for #2 opening is
equal or smaller than the value for #3 opening, the smaller value of Lv will lead to smaller
value of tr, accordingly, it will lead to the smaller value of Ar.


4.2 Calculations for the Opening of MC Port (#9) for the Reinforcement and
Weld Size
The main vessel shell:
From section 4.1, it is found that tr = 0.250
The MC port:
do: 11.339, outside dia. of the port.
Di: 10.945, inside dia . of the port.
tn: 0.197, wall thickness of the port.
trn: required thickness of the port.
L: length of projection defining the thickness portion of integral reinforcement of the
port beyond the outside surface of the vessel wall.
E: 30 x 106 psi, modulus of elasticity of the material at the opening temp.
Material: SA 249-TP304L stainless steel pipe, Fa = Sn = 14,200 psi at the operating
temp., -200 F to 1000 F (per Table 1A, part D, Section II, ASME Boiler &
Pressure Vessel Code 1995 edition).
Reference drawings: ME-443027, and also as shown from figure 4.2.

Figure 4.2, The partial 2D and 3D views of the MC port from ME-443027


Find out the wall thickness required:

1. Assuming L1 = 8.54 in, tr1 = 0.125 in, then:
L1/do = 8.54/11.339 =0.7532
do/tr1 = 11.339/0.125 = 91
From Fig. G and Fig. HA-3 of subpart 3 of Sect. II, part D:
A = 0.00225
B = 10500
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr1)) = (4 x 10500)/(3 x 91) = 153 psi > P
2. Try: L2 = 8.54 in, tr2 = 0.0625 in
L2/do = 0.7532
do/tr2 = 181
A = 0.00075
B = 8050
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 8050)/(3 x 181) = 59.3 psi > P
Try: L3 = 8.54 in, tr3 = 0.033 in
L2/do = 0.7532
do/tr3 = 344
A = 0.000280
B = 3950
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 3950)/(3 x 344) = 15.31 psi P
So: trn = tr3 = 0.033 in
Size of the weld required:
Per UG-37, UW-16 and Fig. UW-16.1 of ASME VIII, Div.1.
tmin: 0.197
tc: 0.7tmin = 0.138, so the fillet leg size is 0.195
Full penetration weld plus the fillet weld tc.
Area of the reinforcement required Ar:
Per section UG-37(d)(1):


Ar = 0.5(dtrF + 2tntrF(1-fr1)
= 0.5 x (11.339 x 0.25 x 1.0 +2 x 0.197 x 0.25 x 1.0 x 0.053)
= 1.4226 in2
d: Finished diameter of circle opening, see Fig. UG-37.1 of UG-37.
D = 11.339 in (per drawing ME-443054)
F: Correction factor
fr : Strength reduction factor, not greater than 1.0
fr1 = Sn / Sv for nozzle wall inserted through the vessel wall
fr2 = Sn / Sv = 14.2 / 15 =0.947
Area of reinforcement available Aa:
A1: Larger of the following calculated value: (area available in shell):
= d(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)
= 11.339 x (1 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.25) 2 x 0.197 (1.0 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.25) x
= (1.4174 0.0026) in2
= 1.4148 in2

= 2(t + tn)(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)

= 2 (0.375 + 0.197) x (1.0 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.25) 2 x 0.197 (1.0 x 0.375 1.0 x
0.25) x 0.053
= (0.143 0.0026) in2
= 0.1405 in2
So pick A1 = 1.4148 in2
A2: Smaller of the following:
= 5 (tn-trn)tfr2
= 5 x (0.197 in 0.033 in) x 0.375 in x 0.947
= 0.2912 in2

= 5 (tn-trn) fr2tn
= 5 x (0.197 in 0.033 in) x 0.947 x 0.197 in
= 0.153 in2
So pick A2 = 0.153 in2
A3: Area available in inward nozzle, use the smallest value:
Since there is no inward nozzle
So pick A3 = 0.0 in2
A41: Outward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.1952 in2 x 0.947
=0.036 in2


A43: Inward nozzle weld

= leg2 fr2
= 0.02 in2 x 1.0
= 0.0 in2
Aa = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43
= (1.4148 + 0.153 + 0 + 0.036 + 0.0) in2
= 1.6038 in2 > Ar = 1.4226 in2
Per Fig. UG-37.1, section UG-37, the opening is adequately reinforced under the
current designated boundary conditions.
The analysis and conclusion should be true for all 8 openings (#9 openings, see drawing
ME-443027 & ME-443054). Any issue related the multiple openings will discuss in
different section.



Calculations for the Opening of Instrumentation Port (#10 opening)

for the Reinforcement and Weld Size

The main shell (Tube #9)

From section 4.2, it is found that: tr = 0.033 in
The instrumentation port:
do: 3.50, outside dia. of the port.
Di: 3.334, inside dia . of the port.
tn: 0.083, wall thickness of the port.
trn: required thickness of the port.
L: length of projection defining the thickness portion of integral reinforcement of the
port beyond the outside surface of the vessel wall.
E: 30 x 106 psi, modulus of elasticity of the material at the opening temp.
Material: SA 249-TP304L stainless steel pipe, Fa = Sn = 14,200 psi at the operating
temp., -200 F to 1000 F (per Table 1A, part D, Section II, ASME Boiler &
Pressure Vessel Code 1995 edition).
Reference drawings: section G-G, ME-443027, and also as shown from figure 4.2.
Find out the wall thickness requires:
Assuming L1 = 2.0075 in, tr1 = 0.083 in, then:
where: L1 = 7.48 (11.339/2 0.197) = 2.0075
L1/do = 2.0075/3.50 =0.5736
do/tr1 = 3.50/0.083 = 42
From Fig. G and Fig. HA-3 of subpart 3 of Sect. II, part D:
A = 0.009
B = 13200
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr1)) = (4 x 13200)/(3 x 42) = 419 psi > P
Try: L2 = 2.0075 in, tr2 = 0.015625 in
L2/do = 0.5736
do/tr2 = 224
A = 0.0007
B = 8000
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 8000)/(3 x 224) = 47.62 psi > P
Try: L3 = 2.0075 in, tr3 = 0.0094 in


L3/do = 0.5732
do/tr3 = 372
A = 0.0003
B = 4250
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 4250)/(3 x 372) = 15.23 psi P
So: trn = tr3 = 0.0094 in
Size of the weld required:
Per UG-37, UW-16 and Fig. UW-16.1 of ASME VIII, Div.1.
tmin: 0.083
0.7tmin = 0.056, so the fillet leg size is 0.08
Full penetration weld plus the fillet weld tc.
Area of the reinforcement required Ar:
Per section UG-37(d)(1):
Ar = 0.5(dtrF + 2tntrF(1-fr1)
= 0.5 x (3.5 x 0.033 x 1.0 + 2 x 0.083 x 0.033 x 1.0 x 0)
= 0.0578 in2
d: Finished diameter of circle opening, see Fig. UG-37.1 of UG-37.
D = 11.339 in (per drawing ME-443054)
F: Correction factor
fr : Strength reduction factor, not greater than 1.0
fr1 = Sn / Sv for nozzle wall inserted through the vessel wall
fr2 = Sn / Sv = 14.2 / 14.2 = 1.0
Area of reinforcement available Aa:
A1: Larger of the following calculated value: (area available in shell):
= d(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)
= 3.50 x (1 x 0.197 1.0 x 0.033) 2 x 0.083 (1.0 x 0.197 1.0 x 0.033) x 0
= 0.574 in2

= 2(t + tn)(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)

= 2 (0.197 + 0.083) x (1.0 x 0.197 1.0 x 0.033) 2 x 0.197 (1.0 x 0.375 1.0
x 0.25) x 0.0
= (2 x 0.28 x 0.164) in2
= 0.0918 in2
So pick A1 = 0.574 in2


Since A1 = 0.574 in2

Also: Aa = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43
That leads to:
Aa > Ar = 0.0578 in2
Per Fig. UG-37.1, section UG-37, the opening is adequately reinforced under the
current designated boundary conditions.
The analysis and conclusion should be true for all 8 instrumentation ports (#10 openings,
see section G-G, drawing ME-443027).



Calculations for the Opening of Port #16 for the Reinforcement and
Weld Size

The main vessel shell:

From section 4.1, it is found that tr = 0.250
The port #16:
do: 11.811, outside dia. of the port.
Di: 11.417, inside dia . of the port.
tn: 0.197, wall thickness of the port.
trn: required thickness of the port.
L: length of projection defining the thickness portion of integral reinforcement of the
port beyond the outside surface of the vessel wall.
E: 30 x 106 psi, modulus of elasticity of the material at the opening temp.
Material: SA 249-TP304L stainless steel pipe, Fa = Sn = 14,200 psi at the operating
temp., -200 F to 1000 F (per Table 1A, part D, Section II, ASME Boiler &
Pressure Vessel Code 1995 edition).
Reference drawings: Section H-H of ME-443027, and also as shown
from figure 4-4.1 and figure 4-4.2..

Figure 4-4.1 Multiple openings of the upstream end of the vessel


Figure 4-4.2, The 2D view of the port #16 from drawing ME-443027
Find out the wall thickness required:
Assuming L1 = (23.62 18.625) in = 5.00 in, tr1 = 0.035 in, then:
L1/do = 5.00/11.811 = 0.4233
do/tr1 = 11.811/0.035 = 337
From Fig. G and Fig. HA-3 of subpart 3 of Sect. II, part D:
A = 0.00057
B = 7700
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr1)) = (4 x 7700)/(3 x 337) = 30.46 psi > P
1. Try: L2 = 5.00in, tr2 = 0.025 in
L2/do = 0.4233
do/tr2 = 472
A = 0.00033
B = 4650


Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 4650)/(3 x 472) = 13.13 psi < P

Try: L3 = 5.00 in, tr3 = 0.026in
L2/do = 0.4233
do/tr3 = 454
A = 0.00035
B = 5000
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 5000)/(3 x 454) = 14.68 psi > P
So: trn = tr3 = 0.026 in
Size of the weld required:
Per UG-37, UW-16 (d.1) and Fig. UW-16.1(k) of ASME VIII, Div.1.
to: the throat dimension of the outer attachment weld, 0.7tmin.
ti: the throat dimension of the inside of the shell cutout, 0.7tmin
to = 0.7 tmin = 0.7 x 0.197 =0.138, so the fillet leg size is 0.19
ti = 0.7 tmin = 0.7 x 0.197 =0.138, so the fillet leg size is 0.19
to + ti = 0.138 + 0.138 = 0.276 1.25 tmin =0.246
Area of the reinforcement required Ar:
Per section UG-37(d)(1):
Ar = 0.5(dtrF + 2tntrF(1-fr1))
= 0.5 x (11.417 x 0.25 x 1.0 + 2 x 0.197 x 0.25 x 1.0 x 0.053)
= (1.4271 + 0.0026) in2
= 1.4297 in2
d: Finished diameter of circle opening, see Fig. UG-37.1 of UG-37.
D = 11.417 in (per drawing ME-443054)
F: Correction factor
fr : Strength reduction factor, not greater than 1.0
fr1 = Sn / Sv for nozzle wall inserted through the vessel wall
fr2 = Sn / Sv = 14.2 / 15 =0.947
Area of reinforcement available Aa:
A1: Larger of the following calculated value: (area available in shell):
= d16(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)
= 4.90 x (1 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.25) 2 x 0.197 x 1.0 x .125 x 0.053


= (0.6125 0.0026) in2

= 0.6099 in2

= 2(t + tn)(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)

= 2 (0.375 + 0.197) x (1.0 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.25) 2 x 0.197 x 1.0 x .125 x
= (0.143 0.0026) in2
= 0.1404 in2
So pick A1 = 0.6099 in2
d16 2 x 51% x [( do x 13.3o) 360o + 2dn] = 4.90, per UG-42 (a)(1) and section
C-C of drawing ME-443054. 51% is the portion of the cross section can be
considered between two openings (#16 & #9) by the ratio of the diameters.
A2: Smaller of the following:
= 5 (tn-trn)tfr2
= 5 x (0.197 in 0.026 in) x 0.375 in x 0.947
= 0.3036 in2

= 5 (tn-trn) fr2tn
= 5 x (0.197 in 0.026 in) x 0.947 x 0.197 in
= 0.1595 in2
So pick A2 = 0.1595 in2
A3: Area available in inward nozzle, use the smallest value:
Since there is no inward nozzle
So pick A3 = 0.0 in2
A41: Outward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.192 in2 x 1.0
=0.036 in2
A43: Inward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.192 in2 x 1.0
= 0.036in2
Aa = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43
= (0.6099 + 0.1595 + 0 + 0.036 + 0.036) in2
= 0.8414 in2 < Ar = 1.4297 in2
The opening is not adequate, either to reduce the tr value or adding reinforcing element.
Assuming to add a stiffening rib like #26 of drawing ME-443027 at the location as shown
in figure 4-4.3


Figure 4-4.3, New version upstream end of the vessel with new stiffening rib.
If going through the similar procedures as shown on section 4.1, it was found that:
tr 0.13 when Lv = 45
Area of the reinforcement required Ar:
Per section UG-37(d)(1):
Ar = 0.5(dtrF + 2tntrF(1-fr1))
= 0.5 x (11.417 x 0.13 x 1.0 + 2 x 0.197 x 0.13 x 1.0 x 0.053)
= (0.7421 + 0.0014) in2
= 0.7435 in2
Area of reinforcement available Aa:
A1: Larger of the following calculated value: (area available in shell):
= d16(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)
= 4.90 x (1 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.13) 2 x 0.197 x 1.0 x .245 x 0.053
= (1.2005 0.0051) in2


= 1.1954 in2

= 2(t + tn)(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)

= 2 (0.375 + 0.197) x (1.0 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.13) 2 x 0.197 x 1.0 x .245 x
= (0.2803 0.0051) in2
= 0.2752 in2
So pick A1 = 1.1954 in2
d16 2 x 51% x [( do x 13.3o) 360o + 2dn] = 4.90, per UG-42 (a)(1) and section
C-C of drawing ME-443054. 51% is the portion of the cross section can be
considered between two openings (#16 & #9) by the ratio of the diameters.
A2: Smaller of the following:
= 5 (tn-trn)tfr2
= 5 x (0.197 in 0.026 in) x 0.375 in x 0.947
= 0.3036 in2

= 5 (tn-trn) fr2tn
= 5 x (0.197 in 0.026 in) x 0.947 x 0.197 in
= 0.1595 in2
So pick A2 = 0.1595 in2
A3: Area available in inward nozzle, use the smallest value:
Since there is no inward nozzle
So pick A3 = 0.0 in2
A41: Outward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.192 in2 x 1.0
=0.036 in2
A43: Inward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.192 in2 x 1.0
= 0.036in2
Aa = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43
= (1.1954 + 0.1595 + 0 + 0.036 + 0.036) in2
= 1.4269 in2 > Ar = 0.7435 in2
Per Fig. UG-37.1, section UG-37, the opening is adequately reinforced under the
modified boundary conditions.


Applying the similar approach, it also will find out that the opening #9 at the upstream
end is adequately reinforced under the modified boundary condition.



Calculations for the Opening of Port #22 for the Reinforcement and
Weld Size

The main vessel shell:

From section 4.4, it is found that tr = 0.13
The port #22:
do: 8.780, outside dia. of the port.
Di: 8.386, inside dia . of the port.
tn: 0.197, wall thickness of the port.
trn: required thickness of the port.
L: length of projection defining the thickness portion of integral reinforcement of the
port beyond the outside surface of the vessel wall.
E: 30 x 106 psi, modulus of elasticity of the material at the opening temp.
Material: SA 249-TP304L stainless steel pipe, Fa = Sn = 14,200 psi at the operating
temp., -200 F to 1000 F (per Table 1A, part D, Section II, ASME Boiler &
Pressure Vessel Code 1995 edition).
Reference drawings: Section K-K and detail L of ME-443027, and also as shown
from figure 4-5.1
Find out the wall thickness required:
1. Assuming L1 = 14.533 in, tr1 = 0.0625 in, then:
L1/do = 14.533/8.780 =1.6552
do/tr1 = 8.780/0.0.0625 = 140
From Fig. G and Fig. HA-3 of subpart 3 of Sect. II, part D:
A = 0.00053
B = 7400
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr1)) = (4 x 7400)/(3 x 140) = 70.48 psi > P
2. Try: L2 = 14.533 in, tr2 = 0.03125 in
L2/do = 1.6552
do/tr2 = 281
A = 0.00017
B = 2300
Pa= (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 2300)/(3 x 281)
= 10.91 psi < P


Figure 4-5.1, The 2D view of the ports of #22, #24 & #14

Try: L3 = 14.533 in, tr3 = 0.035 in

L2/do = 1.6552
do/tr3 = 251
A = 0.00021
B = 2800
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 2800)/(3 x 251) = 14.87 psi P
So: trn = tr3 = 0.035 in


Size of the weld required:

Per UG-37, UW-16 (d.1) and Fig. UW-16.1(k) of ASME VIII, Div.1.
to: the throat dimension of the outer attachment weld, =0.5 tmin.
ti: the throat dimension of the inside of the shell cutout, 0.7tmin
to = 0.7 tmin = 0.7 x 0.197 =0.138, so the fillet leg size is 0.19
ti = 0.7 tmin = 0.7 x 0.197 =0.138, so the fillet leg size is 0.19
to + ti = 0.138 + 0.138 = 0.276 1.25 tmin =0.246
Area of the reinforcement required Ar:
Per section UG-37(d)(1):
Ar = 0.5(dtrF + 2tntrF(1-fr1))
= 0.5 x (8.386 x 0.13 x 1.0 +2 x 0.197 x 0.13 x 1.0 x 0.053)
= 0.5 x (1.0902 + 0.0027)
= 0.5465 in2
d: Finished diameter of circle opening, see Fig. UG-37.1 of UG-37.
D = 8.386 in (per drawing ME-443054)
F: Correction factor
fr : Strength reduction factor, not greater than 1.0
fr1 = Sn / Sv for nozzle wall inserted through the vessel wall
fr2 = Sn / Sv = 14.2 / 15 =0.947
Area of reinforcement available Aa:
A1: Larger of the following calculated value: (area available in shell):
= d22(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)
= 3.243x (1 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.13) 2 x 0.197 x (1.0 x 0.375-1.0 x 0.13) x
= (0.7945 0.0051) in2
= 0.7894 in2

= 2(t + tn)(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)

= 2 (0.375 + 0.197) x (1.0 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.13) 2 x 0.197 x (1.0 x 0.375-1.0
x 0.13) x 0.053
= 0.28 0.0051
= 0.2749 in2
So pick A1 = 0.7894 in2
d22 2 x 77% x [( do x 5.4o) 360o + dn22 + dn24 ] = 3.243, per UG-42 (a)(1) and
section C-C of drawing ME-443054. 51% is the portion of the cross section can
be considered between two openings (#22 & #24) by the ratio of the diameters.


A2: Smaller of the following:

= 5 (tn-trn)tfr2
= 5 x (0.197 in 0.035 in) x 0.375 in x 0.947
= 0.2877 in2

= 5 (tn-trn) fr2tn
= 5 x (0.197 in 0.046 in) x 0.947 x 0.197 in
= 0.1408 in2
So pick A2 = 0.1408 in2
A3: Area available in inward nozzle, use the smallest value:
Since there is no inward nozzle
So pick A3 = 0.0 in2
A41: Outward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.192 in2 x 1.0
=0.0361 in2
A43: Inward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.192 in2 x 1.0
= 0.0361in2
Aa = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43
= (0.7894 + 0.1408 + 0 + 0.0361 + 0.0361) in2
= 0.9979 in2 > Ar = 0.5465 in2
Per Fig. UG-37.1, section UG-37, the opening is adequately reinforced under the
current designated boundary conditions.
The analysis and conclusion should be also true for openings of #2 (have 2 openings @
both ends, see drawing ME-443027), this is because: the value of Lv for #2 opening is
equal or smaller than the value for #3 opening, the smaller value of Lv will lead to smaller
value of tr, accordingly, it will lead to the smaller value of Ar.



Calculations for the Opening of Port #24 for the Reinforcement and
Weld Size

The main vessel shell:

From section 4.4, it is found that tr = 0.130
The port #24:
do: 2.756, outside dia. of the port.
di: 2.52, inside dia . of the port.
tn: 0.118, wall thickness of the port.
trn: required thickness of the port.
L: length of projection defining the thickness portion of integral reinforcement of the
port beyond the outside surface of the vessel wall.
E: 30 x 106 psi, modulus of elasticity of the material at the opening temp.
Material: SA 249-TP304L stainless steel pipe, Fa = Sn = 14,200 psi at the operating
temp., -200 F to 1000 F (per Table 1A, part D, Section II, ASME Boiler &
Pressure Vessel Code 1995 edition).
Reference drawings: Section K-K and detail L of ME-443027, and also as shown
from figure 4-4.3 and figure 4-5.1.
Find out the wall thickness required:
1. Assuming L1 = (22.44 18.625) in = 3.815 in, tr1 = 0.0625 in, then:
L1/do = 3.815/2.756 =1.3843
do/tr1 = 2.756/0.0.0625 = 44
From Fig. G and Fig. HA-3 of subpart 3 of Sect. II, part D:
A = 0.0035
B = 11500
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr1)) = (4 x 11500)/(3 x 44) = 348 psi > P
3. Try: L2 = 3.815 in, tr2 = 0.03125 in
L2/do = 1.3843
do/tr2 = 88
A = 0.0012
B = 8950
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 8950)/(3 x 88) = 135.6 psi > P


3. Try: L3 = 3.815 in, tr3 = 0.013 in

L2/do = 1.3843
do/tr3 = 212
A = 0.00033
B = 4550
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 2800)/(3 x 251) = 28.62 psi > P
4. Try: L3 = 3.815 in, tr3 = 0.011 in
L2/do = 1.3843
do/tr3 = 251
A = 0.000215
B = 2900
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 2900)/(3 x 251) = 15.41 psi P
So: trn = tr3 = 0.011 in
Size of the weld required:
Per UG-37, UW-16 (d.1) and Fig. UW-16.1(k) of ASME VIII, Div.1.
to: the throat dimension of the outer attachment weld, =0.5 tmin.
ti: the throat dimension of the inside of the shell cutout, 0.7tmin
to = 0.7 tmin = 0.7 x 0.118 =0.0826, so the fillet leg size is 0.117
ti = 0.7 tmin = 0.7 x 0.197 =0.0826, so the fillet leg size is 0.117
to + ti = 0.0826 + 0.0826 = 0.165 1.25 tmin =0.148
Area of the reinforcement required Ar:
Per section UG-37(d)(1):
Ar = 0.5(dtrF + 2tntrF(1-fr1))
= 0.5 x (2.52 x 0.13 x 1.0 + 2 x 0.118 x 0.13 x 1.0 x 0.053)
= 0.5 x (0.3276 + 0.0016) in2
= 0.1646 in2
d: Finished diameter of circle opening, see Fig. UG-37.1 of UG-37.
d = 2.52 in (per drawing ME-443054)
F: Correction factor
fr : Strength reduction factor, not greater than 1.0
fr1 = Sn / Sv for nozzle wall inserted through the vessel wall


fr2 = Sn / Sv = 14.2 / 15 =0.947

Area of reinforcement available Aa:
A1: Larger of the following calculated value: (area available in shell):
= d24(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)
= 0.9686 x (1 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.13) 2 x 0.118 x 1.0 x .245 x 0.053
= (0.237 - 0.0031) in2
= 0.2339 in2

= 2(t + tn)(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)

= 2 (0.375 + 0.118) x (1.0 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.13) 2 x 0.118 x 1.0 x .245 x
= (0.1208 0.0031) in2
= 0.1177 in2
So pick A1 = 0.2339 in2
d24 2 x 23% x [( do x 5.4o) 360o + dn22 + dn24 ] = 0.9686, per UG-42 (a)(1)
and section C-C of drawing ME-443054. 51% is the portion of the cross section
can be considered between two openings (#22 & #24) by the ratio of the
A2: Smaller of the following:
= 5 (tn-trn)tfr2
= 5 x (0.118 in 0.011 in) x 0.375 in x 0.947
= 0.190 in2

= 5 (tn-trn) fr2tn
= 5 x (0.118 in 0.011 in) x 0.947 x 0.118 in
= 0.0598 in2
So pick A2 = 0.0598 in2
A3: Area available in inward nozzle, use the smallest value:
Since there is no inward nozzle
So pick A3 = 0.0 in2
A41: Outward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.112 in2 x 1.0
=0.012 in2
A43: Inward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.112 in2 x 1.0
= 0.012in2


Aa = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43
= (0.2339 + 0.0598 + 0 + 0.0121 + 0.0121) in2
= 0.3179 in2 > Ar = 0.1646 in2
Per Fig. UG-37.1, section UG-37, the opening is adequately reinforced under the
current designated boundary conditions.


4.7 Analysis for the Opening of Port #14 for the Reinforcement and Weld Size
The main vessel shell:
From section 4.1, it is found that tr = 0.250
The port #14:
do: 6.625, outside dia. of the port.
di: 6.187, inside dia . of the port.
tn: 0.219, wall thickness of the port.
trn: required thickness of the port.
L: length of projection defining the thickness portion of integral reinforcement of the
port beyond the outside surface of the vessel wall.
L = 22.44- 18.625 = 3.815
E: 30 x 106 psi, modulus of elasticity of the material at the opening temp.
Material: SA 249-TP304L stainless steel pipe, Fa = Sn = 14,200 psi at the operating
temp., -200 F to 1000 F (per Table 1A, part D, Section II, ASME Boiler &
Pressure Vessel Code 1995 edition).
Reference drawings: Section K-K and detail L of ME-443027, and also as shown
from figure 4-4.3 and figure 4-5.1.
Find out the wall thickness required:
1. Assuming L1 = (22.44 18.625) in = 3.815 in, tr1 = 0.0625 in, then:
L1/do = 3.815/6.625 =0.5758
do/tr1 = 6.625/0.0625 = 106
From Fig. G and Fig. HA-3 of subpart 3 of Sect. II, part D:
A = 0.0023
B = 10500
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr1)) = (4 x 10500)/(3 x 106) = 132 psi > P
2. Try: L2 = 3.815 in, tr2 = 0.02 in
L2/do = 0.5758
do/tr2 = 331
A = 0.0004
B = 7000
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 7000)/(3 x 331) = 28.2 psi > P
3. Try: L3 = 3.815 in, tr3 = 0.0170 in


L3/do = 0.5758
do/tr3 = 390
A = 0.00031
B = 4350
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 4350)/(3 x 390) = 14.87 psi P
So: trn = tr3 = 0.017 in
Size of the weld required:
Per UG-37, UW-16 (d.1) and Fig. UW-16.1(k) of ASME VIII, Div.1.
to: the throat dimension of the outer attachment weld, =0.5 tmin.
ti: the throat dimension of the inside of the shell cutout, 0.7tmin
to = 0.7 tmin = 0.7 x 0.219 =0.153, so the fillet leg size is 0.216
ti = 0.7 tmin = 0.7 x 0.219 =0.153, so the fillet leg size is 0.216
to + ti = 0.153 + 0.153 = 0.306 1.25 tmin =0.274
ti22 = to22 = 0.19 < ti14 = to14 = 0.21
Area of the reinforcement required Ar:
Per section UG-37(d)(1):
Ar = 0.5(dtrF + 2tntrF(1-fr1))
= 0.5 x (6.187 x 0.25 x 1.0 + 2 x 0.219 x 0.25 x 1.0 x 0.053)
= (0.7734 + 0.0058) in2
= 0.7792 in2
d: Finished diameter of circle opening, see Fig. UG-37.1 of UG-37.
d = 6.187 in (per drawing ME-443054)
F: Correction factor
fr : Strength reduction factor, not greater than 1.0
fr1 = Sn / Sv for nozzle wall inserted through the vessel wall
fr2 = Sn / Sv = 14.2 / 15 =0.947
Area of reinforcement available Aa:
A1: Larger of the following calculated value: (area available in shell):
= d14(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)
= 5 x (1 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.25) 2 x 0.219 x 1.0 x .125 x 0.053
= (0.625 - 0.0058) in2
= 0.6192 in2



= 2(t + tn)(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)

= 2 (0.375 + 0.219) x (1.0 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.25) 2 x 0.219 x 1.0 x .125 x
= (0.1485 0.0058) in2
= 0.1427 in2
So pick A1 = 0.6192 in2
d14 2 x 71% x ( do x 10.9o) 360o = 5.08, per UG-42 (a)(1) and section C-C of
drawing ME-443054. 71% is the portion of the cross section can be considered
between two openings (#24 & #14) by the ratio of the diameters.
A2: Smaller of the following:
= 5 (tn-trn)tfr2
= 5 x (0.219in 0.017 in) x 0.375 in x 0.947
= 0.3587in2

= 5 (tn-trn) fr2tn
= 5 x (0.219 in 0.017 in) x 0.947 x 0.219 in
= 0.2095 in2
So pick A2 = 0.2095 in2
A3: Area available in inward nozzle, use the smallest value:
Since there is no inward nozzle
So pick A3 = 0.0 in2
A41: Outward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.212 in2 x 1.0
=0.044 in2
A43: Inward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.212 in2 x 1.0
= 0.044in2
Aa = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43
= (0.6192 + 0.2095 + 0 + 0.044 + 0.044) in2
= 0.9167 in2 > Ar = 0.7792 in2
Per Fig. UG-37.1, section UG-37 and UG-42, the opening is adequately reinforced
under the boundary conditions.
1. The actual tr = 0.13 in the upstream end area after adding the stiffening rib as
shown in figure x.1, that leads even smaller value of Ar and larger value of Aa,


so the additional reinforcing element is not necessary.

2. The analysis of the above is based on the opening in the upstream end of the
Vessel. Per sections A-A and C-C of drawing ME-443054, sections A-A and K-K
of drawing ME-443027, #14 opening in the downstream end of the vessel has
larger space distance to its neighboring opening, to this end, we conclude that #14
opening at the downstream end is adequately reinforced under the current design



Calculations for the Opening of Port #20 for the Reinforcement and Weld Size

The main vessel shell:

From section x.x, it is found that tr = 0.130
The port #20:
do: 4.50, outside dia. of the port.
di: 4.26, inside dia . of the port.
tn: 0.120, wall thickness of the port.
trn: required thickness of the port.
L: length of projection defining the thickness portion of integral reinforcement of the
port beyond the outside surface of the vessel wall.
E: 30 x 106 psi, modulus of elasticity of the material at the opening temp.
Material: SA 249-TP304L stainless steel pipe, Fa = Sn = 14,200 psi at the operating
temp., -200 F to 1000 F (per Table 1A, part D, Section II, ASME Boiler &
Pressure Vessel Code 1995 edition).
Reference drawings: Section J-J of ME-443027, and also as shown
from figure 4-4.3 and figure 4-8.1..

Figure 4-8.1, The 2D view of the port #20 from drawing ME-443027-2


Find out the wall thickness required:

1. Assuming L1 = 2.771 in, tr1 = 0.035 in, then:
L1/do = 2.771/4.50 = 0.6158
do/tr1 = 4.50/0.035 = 129
From Fig. G and Fig. HA-3 of subpart 3 of Sect. II, part D:
A = 0.0015
B = 9500
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr1)) = (4 x 9500)/(3 x 129) = 98 psi > P
3. Try: L2 = 2.771 in, tr2 = 0.025 in
L2/do = 0.6158
do/tr2 = 180
A = 0.00089
B = 8400
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 8400)/(3 x 180) = 62.2 psi > P
3. Try: L3 = 2.771 in, tr3 = 0.013 in
L2/do = 0.6158
do/tr3 = 375
A = 0.00032
B = 4400
Pa = (4B)/(3(do/tr2)) = (4 x 4400)/(3 x 375) = 15.64 psi > P
So: trn = tr3 = 0.013 in
Size of the weld required:
Per UG-37, UW-16 (d.1) and Fig. UW-16.1(k) of ASME VIII, Div.1.
to: the throat dimension of the outer attachment weld, 0.7tmin.
ti: the throat dimension of the inside of the shell cutout, 0.7tmin
to = 0.7 tmin = 0.7 x 0.120 =0.084, so the fillet leg size is 0.119
ti = 0.7 tmin = 0.7 x 0.120 =0.084, so the fillet leg size is 0.119
to + ti = 0.084 + 0.084 = 0.168 1.25 tmin =0.15
Area of the reinforcement required Ar:


Per section UG-37(d)(1):

Ar = 0.5(dtrF + 2tntrF(1-fr1))
= 0.5 x (4.26 x 0.13 x 1.0 + 2 x 0.120 x 0.13 x 1.0 x 0.053)
= 0.5 x (0.5538 + 0.0017) in2
= 0.2778 in2
d: Finished diameter of circle opening, see Fig. UG-37.1 of UG-37.
d = 4.26 in (per drawing ME-443054)
F: Correction factor
fr : Strength reduction factor, not greater than 1.0
fr1 = Sn / Sv for nozzle wall inserted through the vessel wall
fr2 = Sn / Sv = 14.2 / 15 =0.947
Area of reinforcement available Aa:
A1: Larger of the following calculated value: (area available in shell):
= d20(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)
= 3.346 x (1 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.13) 2 x 0.120 x 1.0 x .245 x 0.053
= (0.8198 - 0.0031) in2
= 0.8167 in2

= 2(t + tn)(E1t Ftr)-2tn(E1t Ftr) x (1-fr1)

= 2 (0.375 + 0.120) x (1.0 x 0.375 1.0 x 0.13) 2 x 0.120 x 1.0 x .245 x
= (0.2426 0.0031) in2
= 0.2395 in2
So pick A1 = 0.8167 in2

d20 2 x 27% x 6.1975 = 3.346, per UG-42 (a)(1) and front view of drawing
ME-443054. 27% is the portion of the cross section can be considered between
two openings (#16 & #20) by the ratio of the diameters.
6.1975 = 14.036 (ctr. to ctr. distance of the openings #20 & #16) 0.5 x

A2: Smaller of the following:

= 5 (tn-trn)tfr2
= 5 x (0.120 in 0.013 in) x 0.375 in x 0.947
= 0.190 in2

= 5 (tn-trn) fr2tn
= 5 x (0.120 in 0.013 in) x 0.947 x 0.120 in
= 0.0608 in2
So pick A2 = 0.0608 in2


A3: Area available in inward nozzle, use the smallest value:

Since there is no inward nozzle
So pick A3 = 0.0 in2
A41: Outward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.122 in2 x 1.0
=0.014 in2
A43: Inward nozzle weld
= leg2 fr2
= 0.122 in2 x 1.0
= 0.014in2
Aa = A1 + A2 + A3 + A41 + A43
= (0.8167 + 0.0608 + 0 + 0.014 + 0.014) in2
= 0.9055 in2 > Ar = 0.2778 in2
Per Fig. UG-37.1, section UG-37, the opening is adequately reinforced under the
designated boundary conditions.


5. Analysis and Calculations for the Flanges,Their Bolts and Welds

5.1 Upstream End Flange, Sliding Flange and Bellow Flange
References: ME-443027-1, MD-443039, MD-443038,
TTF-CRY3-01.01.00, TTF-CRY3-01.03.00,
and Figure 5.1

Figure 5.1, Upstream end flanges with the below flange

Figure 5.1 is the assembly configuration of the upstream flange connecting with the
below flange, where the upstream flange is assumed as the combination of the flange
MD-443038 and MD-443039.
It was found that:
A = 45.669 (dia.)
B1 = 42.677 (dia.)
B2 = 37.25 (dia.)

C = 44.488 (dia.)
G = 43.15 (41.85) (dia.)*
T1 = 1.654
T2 = 1.181
P = 14.7 psi
n = 24
E1 = E2 = 29 x 106 psi
*: There are 2 oring grooves, conservatively pick the larger one.
Material: SA 182-F304L stainless steel, Fa = Sf= 16,700 psi at the operating
temp., -200 F to 1000 F (per Table 1A, part D, Section II, ASME Boiler &
Pressure Vessel Code 1995 edition).
assuming bolt spec: - 13 UNC
Ab = 24 x 0.1257 in2 = 3.0168 in2
The cross-sectional area of the bolts using the root dia. (0.4001) of the
thread in sq. in.
Per section Y-5.1, Y-5.2, figure Y-5.1.2 of Appendix Y,
Section 2-4, figure 2-4 of Appendix 2 of ASME VIII:
B1 > C,
So it is defined as: Class 2, Category 3 flange
Flange Analysis:
The moment due to the pressure Mp:
Mp = HDhD + HThT (per Y-6.2(3), Appendix Y, ASME VIII)
HD= 0.785 B22 P
= 0.785 x 37.252 in2 x 14.7 psi
= 16,012 lbs.
HT= 0.785P (B12 B22)
= 0.785 x 14.7 psi (42.6772 37.252) in2
= 5,006 lbs.
hD = (B1 B2) 2
= (42.677 37.25) in 2
= 2.7135 in
hT = (B1 B2) 4
= (42.677 37.25) in 4
= 1.3568 in
So: Mp = (16,012 x 2.7135) lbs-in + (5,006 x 1.3568) lbs-in
= 50,241 lbs-in


= C5
(per section Y-6.2(4)(a), Appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div.1)

C6 = 0.829 / log(B1/B2)
= 0.829 0.059
= 14.051
(per section Y-6.2(4)(b), Appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div.1)
C1 = [1 2.095Js log(A/B1)] (- C6 1.738 Js)
(per section Y-6.2(4)(c), Appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div.1)
Js = (1/B1) [2hD/ + hC/] + B
hD = (C B) / 2
= (44.488 42.677) / 2 in
= 0.9055 in
hC = (A C) / 2
= (45.669 44.488) / 2 in
= 0.5905 in
= ( C + B)/ 2B
= (44.488 + 42.677) / (2 x 42.677)
= 1.021
= ( A + C)/ 2B
= (45.669 + 44.488) / (2 x 42.677)
= 1.056

B = (1/n)[4/(1 ( A R )2)1/2 tan-1((1+

A R )/(1 - A R ))1/2 -2 A R ]

A R = nD/ C

= (24 x 0.551) / 44.488

= 0.0946
D: the bolt hole diameter
B = (1/24)[4/(1 (0.0946)2)1/2 tan-1((1+ 0.0946)/(1 0.0946))1/2
2 x 0.0946]
= 0.041667 x (4.018 x 47.7141- 0.1892)
= 7.849
Js = (1/42.677) [2 x 0.9055/1.021 + 0.5905/1.056] + x 7.849
= 0.0234 x (1.774 + 0.559) + 24.658
= 24.713
C1 = [1 2.095 x 24.713 x log(45.669/42.677)] ( - 14.051 1.738 x 24.713)
= ( 1 1.5236 ) (-57.0022)
= 0.0091


C2 = (1.738JpMp C5C6) (- C6 1.738 Js)

(per section Y-6.2(4)(d), Appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div.1)
Jp = (1/B1) [hD/ + hC/] + B
= (1/42.677) [0.9055/1.021 + 0.5905/1.056] + x 7.849
= 0.0234 x (0.8869 + 0.559) + 24.658
= 24.692
Mp = HDhD + HThT + HGhG (per sectionY-3, Appendix Y, ASME VIII)
HD = 0.785 B12 P
= 0.785 x 42.6772 in2 x 14.7 psi
= 21,017 lbs.
H = 0.785G2P
= 0.785 x 43.152 in2 x 14.7 psi
= 21,486 lbs.
HT = H - HD
= 21,486 21,017
= 469 lbs.
hG = (C G)/2
= (44.488 43.15) in / 2
= 0.669 in
hD = 0.9055 in
hT = (hD + hG) / 2
= 0.7873 in
HG = W H, gasket load
(per section 2-3, appendix 2, ASME VIII)
W = H + Hp,
flange design load for the operating condition
(per section 2-5(c)(1), appendix 2, ASME VIII)
which leads to:
HG = W H
= H + Hp H
= Hp
= 2b x 3.14GmP
= 2 x 0.315 in x 3.14 x 43.15 in x 6.00 x 14.7 psi
= 7,529 lbs.
Mp = HDhD + HThT + HGhG


= (21,017 x 0.9055 + 489 x 0.7873 + 7,529 x 0.669) lbs-in

= (19,031 + 385 + 5,037) lbs-in
= 24,453 lbs-in
C2 = (1.738JpMp C5C6) (- C6 1.738 Js)
= (1.738 x 24.692 x 24,453 14.051 x 52,041) lbs-in (-14.051 1.738 x
= 318,165 lbs-in / (- 57.002)
= - 5,582 lbs-in
For the rigid body rotation of the flange times E*:
E1* rbi = X(C4 C2) (1.206 log(A/B1) XC3 (1 X)C1)
C3 = - (0.575 1.206 Js log(A/B1)) (Js + t13/F1)
F1= 0 (per section Y-3(6c), Appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div.1)
C3 = - (0.575 1.206 Js log(A/B1)) (Js)
= - (0.575 1.206 x 24.713 x 0.0294) / 24.713
= 0.0122
C4 = - (JpMp) (Js + t13/F1)
= - (24.692 x 24,453 lbs-in) / 24.713
= - 24,432 lbs-in
X = E1* / (E1* + E2*)
E1* = E1 t13
E2* = E2 t23
E1 = E2
X = E1 t13 / (E1 t13 + E2 t23 )
= t13 / (t13 + t23 )
= 4.525 / (4.525 + 1.647)
= 0.733
E1* rbi = 0.733(-24,432 (-5,582)) [(1.206 x 0.0294) (0.733 x 0.0122) (1
0.733) x 0.00919)]
= 0.733 x (-18,850) lbs-in (0.0355 0.0089 0.00245)
= - 13,817 lbs-in 0.02415
= - 572,133 lbs-in
E2* rbii = - E1* rbi (E2* / (E1*)
= - (-572,133 x 0.3635) lbs-in
= 207,970 lbs-in
Total Flange Moment at Diameter B1:


Ms1 = C3 (E1* rbi) + C4

= 0.0122 x (- 572,133 lbs-in) + (- 24,432 lbs-in)
= - 31,412 lbs-in
Ms2 = C1 (E2* rbii) + C2
= 0.00919 x 207,970 lbs-in + (- 5,582 lbs-in)
= - 3,671 lbs-in
Unbalanced Flange Moment at Diameter B1:
Mu1 = 1.206 (E1* rbi) log(A/B1)
= 1.206 x (- 572,133 lbs-in) x 0.0294
= - 20,286 lbs-in
Mu2 = 1.206 (E2* rbii) log(A/B1)
= 1.206 x (207,970 lbs-in) x 0.0294
= 7,374 lbs-in
Balanced Flange Moment at Diameter B1:
Mb1 = Ms1 - Mu1
= - 31,412 lbs-in - (- 20,286 lbs-in)
= - 11,126 lbs-in
Mb2 = Ms2 - Mu2
= - 3,671 lbs-in 7,374 lbs-in
= - 11,045 lbs-in
Slope of Flange at Diameter B1 times E:
E1 Bi = (5.46/ t13) (JsMb1 + JpMp) + E1* rbi / t13
= 0.384 in-3 x (24.713 x ( 11,126 lbs-in) + 24.692 x 24,453 lbs-in) + (572,133 lbs-in / 4.525 in3)
= (126,273 + (-126,438)) psi
= -165 psi
E2 Bii = (5.46/ t23) (JsMb2 + JpMp) + E2* rbii / t23
(per section Y-6.2(e), Appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div.1)
= [1.055 x (24.713 x (-11,045) + 24.692 x 24,453) + 207,970 / 1.647] psi
= (349,035 + 126,272) psi
= 475,307 psi
Contact Force between Flange at hc:
Hc = (Mp + Mb1) / hc
= (24,453 +(- 11,126)) lbs-in / 0.5905 in
= 22,569 lbs.
Bolt Load at Operating Conditions:


Wm1 = H + HG + HC
=( 21,486 + 7,529 + 22,569) lbs
= 51,584 lbs.
Operating Bolt Stress fb:
fb = Wm1 /Ab1
= 51,584 lbs / 3.0168 in2 (See page 52, section 5.1 of the note)
= 17,099 psi
Design Pre-stress in Bolts:
Si = fb 1.159 hc2 (Mp + Mb1) / (2(1 X)a t13 l re1B1)
re1: 1.0, elasticity factor, the ratio between Eflange and Ebolt
a = (A + C) / 2B1
= (45.669 + 44.488) in / 2 x 42.677 in
= 1.056 (shape factor)
l: = t1 + t2 + 0.5db (calculated strain length of the bolt)
= (1.654 + 1.181 + 0.25) in
= 3.085 in
Si = 17,099 psi 1.159 x 0.59052 in2 x (24,453 11,126)lbs-in / (2(1 0.733) x
1.056 x 1.6543 in3 x 3.085 in x 1.0 x 42.677 in)
= 17,099 psi 5,386 lbs-in3 / 336 in5
= 17,083 psi
Redial Stress in Flange I @ Bolt Circle:
SR1 = 6(Mp + MS1) / t12(C nD)
= 6 x ( 24,453 -31,412) lbs-in / 1.6542 in2 x ( 44.488 in 24 x 0.551 in)
= - 41,754 lbs-in / 346.175 in3
= | -121 | psi < Sn = 16,700 psi
Tangential Stress in Flange I @ Inside Diameter:
St1 = t1 E1 Bi / B1
= 1.654 in x -165 psi / 42.677 in
= |-6.39 | psi < Sn = 16,700 psi
Tangential Flange Stress Adjacent to Central Nozzle:
St2n = Y(Mp + MS2) / t22 B2
Y = (1/(K-1))[0.66845 + 5.71690 K2log10K/(K2 -1)]
(per figure 2-7.1, Appendix 2, ASME VIII, Div. 1)

K = A/B
= 45.669 / 37.25
= 1.226
Y = (1/(1.226-1))[0.66845 + 5.71690 x 1.5031 x log10K/(K2 -1)]
= 4.4248 x (0.6685 + 5.7169 x 0.2643)
= 9.6437

St2 = 9.6437 x (50,241 3,671) lbs-in / (1.1812 x 37.25) in3

= 8,644 psi < Sn = 16,700 psi

Longitudinal Hub Stress in Flange 1:

Sh1 = 0
(per equation (34c), section Y-6.3, appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div.1)
Radial Stress in Flange 2 @ bolt circle:
Sr2b = 6(Mp + MS2) / t22(C nD)
= 6 x ( 24,453 3,671) lbs-in / 1,1812 in2 x ( 44.488 in 24 x 0.551 in)
= 124,692 lbs-in / 176.492 in3
= 707 psi < Sn = 16,700 psi
Radial Stress in Flange 2 @ Diameter B1:
Sr2B1 = 6 MS2 / t22 B1
= 6 x (-3,671) lbs-in / 1.1812 in2 x 42.677 in
= |- 118 | psi < Sn = 16,700 psi
Tangential Stress in Flange 2 @ Diameter B1:
St2B1 = t2 E2 Bii / B1 1.8 MS2 / t22 B1
= (1.181 in x 475,307 psi / 42.677 in) (1.8 x ( 3,671 lbs-in)) / 1.1812 in2
42.677 in
= 13,153 psi + 35 psi
= 13,188 psi < Sn = 16,700 psi
Radial and Tangential Stress at Center of Flange 2:
Sr2 = St2 = (0.3094 PB12 / t22) (6 MS2 / B1 t22)
= (0.3094 x 14.7 psi x 42.6772 in2 / 1.1812 in2 )
- ( 6 x (-3,671 lbs-in) / 42.677 in x 1,1812 in2 )
= 5,939 psi + 118 psi
= 6,057 psi < Sn = 16,700 psi
Welds Analysis and Calculations:

See UW-13 (e)(2), Fig. UW-13.2, section 2-3 and Fig. 2-4(4a), Appendix 2 of
ASME VIII, Div.1. for the related codes and the physical representation of the
Per above codes, it is required that the throat of the fillet c = 0.7tmin. = 0.26,
So the fillet leg size is ~ 0.37.
However, per the assembly configuration of the upstream flange connecting with
the below flange (see drawing TTF-CRY3-01.01.00 & TTF-CRY3-01.03.00), it is
found that there only has ~0.19 clearance between flange MD-443038 and
MD-443039, so it is suggested to use 0.37 bevel groove instead of 0.37 fillet weld to
meet the related code required and to avoid the parts interference.
It is found that:
tp= 0.32 > 0.25
where is the smallest of tn, tx and 0.25 is 0.25
c = tn = 0.375 = leg of the fillet or bevel groove
b = 0.16 + 2 x tan 15o x 0.43
= 0.39
a = 0.43 + 0.37- 0.06
= 0.74
a + b = 1.13 3tn = 1.125
The weld design for the end flange is ok.
Also run a weld strength calculation for the noted location as the 2nd analysis
Radial pressure load Frp:
Frp = P Lsd
= 14.7 psi x 230 in
= 3,381 lbs/in
Shear flow due to radial shear load Fsr:
Fsr = VQ/I
Radial shear load V:
V = 0.01 P Lsd Do
= 0.01 x 14.7 psi x 230 in x 38,0 in
= 1,285 lbs.
The 1st moment of area Q:
Q = 2.67 in x 0.375 in x (1.1454 0.1875) in
= 0.959 in3
I = 2.4101 in4


Fsr = VQ/I
= 1,285 lbs. x 0.959 in3 / 2.4101 in4
= 511 lbs/in
The required resultant weld load Frw:
Frw = ( 3,3812 + 5112)1/2 lbs/in
= 3,419 lbs/in
The welds for connecting the flange and the vessel shell is single groove weld inside
and intermittent fillet outside, the lowest allowable weld stress Faw:
Faw = 0.60 Sn = 0.60 x 16.7 ksi
= 10.02 ksi
The requires calculated minimum weld size Cm:
Cm = Frw / Faw
= 3,419 / 10,020 (in)
= 0.341 in < 0.43 in (designated single groove weld)
If adding the value of the outside intermittent bevel groove weld (0.0.37), the weld
size even can go further smaller size.
So, the design of the weld for the upstream end flange is satisfactory.
Per the above calculations and analysis, the upstream end flange and the bellow flange
have met the codes of ASME VIII, Div.1.



Downstream End Flange and Bellow Flange

References: ME-443027-1, MC - 443040,

TTF-CRY3-01.01.00, TTF-CRY3-01.03.00
Since there some information are missing at this moment, so it is to make the best
assumption as followings:
1. The downstream end flange MC-443040 connect to the upstream end flange of the
bellow (see drawing TTF-CRY3-01.03.00).
2. The above two flanges are connected by the clamps, the center line of the clamp
C = 43.78 + (45.47 43.78) / 2 = 44.625.
3. A = 45.669, G = 44.488, T1 = 1.57, T2 = 1.57, B1 = 42.677, B2 = 37.37.25.
4. n = 12, D = 0.55
Material: SA 182-F304L stainless steel, Fa = Sf= 16,700 psi at the operating
temp., -200 F to 1000 F (per Table 1A, part D, Section II, ASME Boiler &
Pressure Vessel Code 1995 edition).
Per section Y-5.1, Y-5.2, figure Y-5.1.2 of Appendix Y,
Section 2-4, figure 2-4 of Appendix 2 of ASME VIII:
B1 > C,
So it is defined as: Class 2, Category 3 flange
In order to reduce the amount of work required as shown on section 5.1, per section Y-9,
of Appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div.1, we apply the method of estimating flange thickness
and bolting for the downstream flanges.
ta = 2.45 [Mp / ((C nD)Sf)]1/2
(per eq. 39 of Y-9, appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div.1)
Mp = HDhD + HThT + HGhG (per sectionY-3, Appendix Y, ASME VIII)
HD = 0.785 B12 P
= 0.785 x 42.6772 in2 x 14.7 psi
= 21,017 lbs.
H = 0.785G2P
= 0.785 x 44.4882 in2 x 14.7 psi
= 22,839 lbs.
HT = H - HD
= 22,839 21,017
= 1,822 lbs.


hG = (C G)/2
= (44.625 44.488)in / 2
= 0.0685 in
hD = (C B) / 2
= ( 44.625 42.677) / 2
= 0.974 in
hT = (hD + hG) / 2
= 0.5213 in
HG = W H, gasket load
(per section 2-3, appendix 2, ASME VIII)
W = H + Hp,
flange design load for the operating condition
(per section 2-5(c)(1), appendix 2, ASME VIII)
which leads to:
HG = W H
= H + Hp H
= Hp
= 2b x 3.14GmP
= 2 x 0.315 in x 3.14 x 44.488 in x 6.00 x 14.7 psi
= 7,766 lbs.
Mp = HDhD + HThT + HGhG
= (21,017 x 0.974 + 1,822 x 0.5213 + 7,766 x 0.0685) lbs-in
= (20,471 + 950 + 532) lbs-in
= 21,953 lbs-in
ta = 2.45 [Mp / ((C nD)Sf)]1/2
= 2.45 x [ 21,953 lbs-in / (( 44.625 in 24 x 0.551 in) x 16,700 psi)]1/2
= 2.45 x 0.102 in
= 0.250 in
tb = 0.56 B1 (P/Sf)1/2
= 0.56 x 42.677 in x (14.7 psi / 16,700 psi)1/2
= 0.56 x 42.677 in x 0.0297
= 0.71 in
Since tc is the greater of ta or tb, so:
tc = tb = 0.71
Per equation 42 of A-7, Appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div. 1:
Ab = (H + 2 Mp / (A C)) Sb


= (22,839 lbs + 2 x 21,953 lbs-in / (45.669 44.625) in ) 20,000 psi

= (22,839 lbs + 42,056 lbs) / 20,000 psi
= 3.245 in2
Per Table Y-9.1, Appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div.1, it is found:
t1 = 1.1ta = 0.275 < T1 = 1.57
t2 = 1.1tc = 0.781 < T2 = 1.57
So the thickness of the flanges are ok for the downstream end flanges.
Welds Analysis and Calculations:
The weld configurations are the same as the upstream flange, it designed per section UW13 (e)(2), Fig. UW-13.2, section 2-3 and Fig. 2-4(4a), Appendix 2 of ASME VIII, Div.1
Also, since the valus of Lsd for downstream end flange is ~45 (~230 for upstream end
flange), I value for downstream end flange is large than the upstream flange, all these
lead to a smaller values of Frw and Cm than the upstream end flange requires, however, the
designated welds of the downstream end flange are the same as the upstream end flange,
so the welds design are satisfactory.
Per the above calculations, the upstream end flange and the bellow flange have met the
codes of ASME VIII, Div.1.



Flanges #8, #11, #13, #15, #19, #21 & #23

In order to reduce the amount of work required as shown on section 5.1, per section Y-9,
of Appendix Y, ASME VIII, Div.1, we apply the method of estimating flange thickness
and bolting for the above flanges.
Since the information of the most mating flanges are not available at this moment, I made
some engineering judgments per the best of my logic knowledge.
Table 5.3, Estimated Calculated Flange thickness and bolting VS. the designated data




Flanges (see drawing ME-443027)




















The most representation of nomenclature of the Table can be found from section 5.1 of
this note, also from the appendix 2 and appendix Y of ASME VIII, Div.1, except:


t1, Estimated calculated flange 1 thickness

t2, Estimated calculated flange 2 thickness
Ab, Estimated calculated root diameter area of the bolts.
t1d, Designated flange 1 thickness
t2d, Dersignated flange 2 thickness
Abd, Designated root diameter area of the bolts.
Per table 5.3, it is found that all t1 > t1d; t2 > t2d and Ab > Abd for all respective flanges, so
the flange design are satisfactory.
Per figure UW-13.2, section UW-13, appendix 2 of ASME VIII, Div. 1 and drawing ME443027, it is found that all flange welds are designed per the related codes.



Calculation and Analysis of the Saddle support

Reference drawing:

Figure: 6.1 and Figure 6.2

Per drawing ME-443027 and figure x.x.1, it is found that:

Lc = 163.50 x 2 = 327 in (the ctr. distance between 2 saddle support.)
Wws = 7,745 lbs. the weight of the vessel shell weldment.
Wother = 8,846 lbs.,
the weight of coldmass shields & pipe, 8 cavity string w/mech. turners,
individual dressed cavity w/turner, main coupler.
Wtot = 1.05 (Wws + Wtot ) 17,421 lbs
(Total weight including 5% mice. parts weight applying to two saddle supports)

Figure 6.1, The weight and the location of the ctr. of gravity of the vessel shell assembly.
The force distribution diagram on figure x.x.2 is created conservatively based on the information
from figure x.x.1 and drawing ME- 443027.
It is found that:
Q1 + Q2 = 17,421 lbs = Wtot
Q2 = (Wtot x 148.13) / 327


the reaction force on the downstream saddle support.

= 7,892 lbs
Q1 = 9,529 lbs.
the reaction force on the upstream saddle support.
A = 76.854 in
the distance from the end of the upstream end to the ctr, of the 1 st saddle support.
Ltot 448 in

= 120o, the value of the assuming contact angle of the saddle support.




Figure 6.2, The force distribution diagram of the vacuum vessel.

To find the longitudinal stress on the saddle support 1:
f1s = QA [ 1 (1 A/L + (R2 H2) / 2AL) / (1 + 4H/3L)] / KR2ts
where H = 0,
R = 19.0
K = constant, from page 88 of Pressure Vessel Handbook, 7th edition,
by E. Megyesy
f1s = 9,529 lbs x 76.854 x [1 - (1 76.854 / 448 + (192 / 2 x 76.854 x 448))
(1 + 0)] / (0.335 x 192 x 0.375 in3)
= 732,342 lbs-in x [ 1- (1 0.1715 + 0.0052)] 45.351 in3
= 2,686 psi
To find the longitudinal stress on the middle of the span:
f1m = (QL/4) [(1 + 2 (R2 H2) /L2)) / (1 + 4H/3L) 4A/L] / KR2ts
= 1,067,248 lbs-in x ( 1.0036 0.6862) 45.351 in3
= 7,469 psi
Stress due to the pressure:

fp = PR / 2ts
= 14.7 psi x 19.0 in / 2 x 0.375 in
= 373 psi
So, the total longitudinal stress at the middle span of the vessel:
fbm = f1m + fp = 7,469 psi + 373 psi
= 7,842 psi < 0.80 Fa = 12 ksi
Fa: allowable stree, see page x.
0.80, joint efficiency, see Table UW-12, section UW-12, ASME VIII, Div.1.
To find the tangential stress on the vessel shell:
f2t = (K2Q / Rts )( L -2A) / (L + 1.333H)
= ((1.1712 x 9,529 lbs./ 19 in x 0.375 in) x (448 2 x 76.854) in) 448 in
= 1,834 psi x 294.29 in / 448 in
= 1,197 psi < 0.80 Fa = 12 ksi
To find the circumferential stress on the vessel shell:
f4c = (Q / (4ts(b + 1.56(Rts)1/2) 3K6Q / 2ts2
where: b, the width of the saddle support, assuming 3/4 inch, so:
f4c = [9,529 lbs / 4 x 0.375 in x (0.75 + 1.56 x (19 x 0.375)1/2 in] (3 x 0.053 x 9,529
lbs / (2 x 0.3752 in2))
= -1,293 psi 5,387 psi
= |- 6,680| psi < 1.50 Fa = 22.5 ksi
So, all the stresses are less than the allowable stress respectively, so the saddle support
design is satisfactory (Since the design hasnt finished yet, the calculation and analysis is
based on the assumption of: the saddle support has al least 120o degree contact angle
with 3/8 in thick wear plate).

7. Appendix

7.1 The Lists of the Design Drawings of 1.3 MHz, = 1, Cryomodule Vacuum
Vessel (Fermilab)
1. Vacuum Vessel Weldment Assy.
2. Vessel Shell
3. Port End Coldmass
4. Port Middle Coldmass
5. Pick Point Weldment
6. Pad Weld Upper
7. Vessel Support Weldment
8. Pad Weld Lower
9. Flange MC Port
10. Instrumentation Flange
11. Flange Side Rib
12. Flange K1, K3
13. Flange D
14. MC Bracket Weldment LH
15. MC Bracket Weldment RH
16. Flange E.O.D. 166
17. Flange G.O.D. 285
18. Flange DN 63 DF
19. Ring Flange Stop
20. Stiffening Rib
21. Pipe Support Plate
22. Plate Welded Outrigger
23. Gusset Welded Outrigger
24. Flange, Fixed Downstream
25. Flange, Fixed Upstream
26. Flange, Bellow Sliding
27. Flange Weld Ring

ME 443027 1 (2)
ME 443054
MD 443050
MD 443049
MC 443028
MC 443043
MC 443029
MC 443042
MC 443037
MC 443034
MB - 443051
MC 443036
MC 443031
MC 443058
MC 443059
MC 443033
MC 443035
MC 443032
MC 443053
MC 443052
MC 443047
MC 443048
MC 443041
MC 443040
MC 443039
MD 443038
MC 443060

7.2 The Lists of the Design Drawings of 1.3 MHz, = 1, Cryomodule Vacuum


Vessel (ARES - TTF)

1. Vacuum Vessel Shell Assy.
2. Support Post Cover
3. Vacuum Vessel Shell Details
4. Adjustable Support Assy.
5. Adjustable Support Details
6. Universal Expansion Joint

TTF CRY3 01.01.00

TTF CRY3 01.01.01
TTF CRY3 01.01.02
TTF CRY3 - 01.02.00
TTF CRY3 01.02.01
TTF CRY3 01.03.00


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