Top 40 Interview Questions For Flight Attendant
Top 40 Interview Questions For Flight Attendant
Top 40 Interview Questions For Flight Attendant
Top 40 Interview questions for Flight attendant | Flight attendant Interview questions
1. Tell me about yourself?
. !hy did you leave your last "ob?
#. !hat are your $areer goals for flight attendant?
4. !hat is your greatest wea%ness?
&. !hat %ind of salary are you loo%ing for flight attendant?
'. !hy do you thin% you would do well flight attendant?
(. !hat motivates you to do your best on the flight attendant?
). *ow would you %now you were su$$essful on this flight attendant?
+. ,o you thin% you are overqualified for flight attendant?
10. !hen were you last through emergen$y and first aid-defibrillator training? .bring
$opies of all training $ertifi$ates./
11. 0re you e1perien$ed on our type air$raft?
1. ,o you have $ulinary s%ills and are you good with food presentation?
1#. !hy did you de$ide to be a flight attendant?
14. !hat are your $areer goals and future plans? *ow long do you plan to wor% here?
1&. !hat do you thin% and how mu$h do you %now about the flight attendant "ob? !hat
do you %now about us .airline/?
1'. ,o you have any e1perien$e in $ustomer servi$e "ob?
1(. !hy should we hire you? !hat are your qualifi$ations for this "ob?
1). !hat are the advantages and disadvantages of the flight attendant "ob?
1+. *ow would you handle disagreements between passengers?
0. *ow would you handle a situation in whi$h an annoying passenger brea%s the basi$
flight rules su$h as seat belt et$.?
1. ,es$ribe a stressful situation in whi$h you have to use your $ommuni$ation s%ills or
problem solving s%ills. *ow did you handle the situation and what were the results?
. ,o you %now how mu$h this "ob pays? !hat are your salary requirements?
#. *ow do you feel about being away from home for e1tended periods of time?
4. ,o you have a $urrent passport?
&. 0re your immuni2ations $urrent for spe$ifi$ travel?
'. ,o you $arry a paging devi$e-$ellular telephone?
(. ,o you have a $urrent aviation I, $ard3 su$h as 4niversal3 0ir 5outing3 or I607?
). ,o you have reliable transportation to and from the airport or our fa$ility?
+. *ave you ever wor%ed as a Flight 0ttendant before?
#0. ,o you spea% a foreign language .if appli$able to the $ompany8s operation/?
#1. ,o you have a $redit $ard for travel e1penses until reimbursement?
#. !hat made you $hoose to apply to flight attendant?
##. !hat are %ey tas%s for flight attendant?
#4. !hat are top # s%ills for flight attendant?
#&. *ow $onfident are you with 9ubli$ :pea%ing?
#'. In your re$ent "ob3 have you ever re$eived any negative feedba$%?
#(. *ave you ever had a good $ustomer servi$e e1perien$e?
#). Tell me a time when you have resolved a $onfli$t?
#+. !hat would you $onsider the top quality a flight attendant should possess?
40. !hat would you do if you were late for your flight and a passenger stopped and
as%ed for help to find their gate?