Merritt Morning Market-Nov9/09#1943

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97 00
FROM Protect your
Winter Rims investment with a
all makes & sizes wheel alignment
Please recycle
per tire + taxes from $50 check $1999 with pur-
& installation plus taxes chase of
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SERVING IT UP FRESH… 3 TIMES A WEEK! 2049 Nicola Ave, Merritt. •
Phone (250)378-9255 • Toll Free 1-888-378-9255


Our beat is local... our bend, up! The classifieds are free! Box 313, Merritt BC V1K 1B8

Western Horseman are HERE

T(250)378-5717 F(250)378-4700 [email protected]
On Wednesday, we will be honouring Remembrance Day. 8AM TO 6:30PM
Next MMMarket will be published on Friday, November 13th.
Frame your memories
8AM-8PM We also have
Letters to the editor
City contemplating Christmas
Remembrance Day
The Remembrance Day ceremony
$300,000 expenditure starts 10:15am at the Civic Centre, on
•Free •Best Quality
Conservation •Personal City Council is contemplating a Wed., Nov. 11. Laying of the wreaths at QUILCHENA STORE
Estimates Service $3000,000 expenditure towards a country the cenotaph afterwards. Refreshments
Framing music hall of honour and museum. The following the parade & march to the Hwy 5A, 20km N. of Merritt •
OPEN 7 DAYS • 378-2753 • [email protected]

2001 Voght St. • (250)378-5900 • City’s contribution is intended to attract Legion Hall. Baron of beef dinner cour-
grants of $900,000. tesy of the Sanders family at 4:30pm.
The $300,000 would come from a For more info, 378-5631.
$400,000 fund to pay 1/3 of the costs of Country Music Hall of Honour &

AVAILABLE reconstructing the Voght-Belshaw intersec-
tion and the Gasoline Alley frontage road.
Museum public meeting
Thurs. Nov. 12, 7pm at the Civic
That project cannot go ahead now, because
Centre. You may also indicate your opin-
a gov’t grant for 2/3 of the cost is not avail-
ion by contacting councillors, or phon-
able at this time. When grants were avail-
ing City Hall 378-4224.
able the City could not find funds for its
Brookmere share of the cost. When grants become available again the City will be back at square
Vintage, and one, because the money for its share has been spent on the museum.
The museum, another Walk of Stars initiative, is now located in Calgary where the arti-
facts are in storage because there is insufficient public support to keep the museum open.
I admire the Walk of Stars for trying to help downtown business. The big box stores
Bug Books
that are amenities for us mean disaster for downtown. Something needed to be done. I
admire the Walk of Stars for their ingenuity, tenacity and their ability to attract million
dollar gov’t grants and the ability to dominate City politics.

Golden Palace
However, I cannot help wondering how much this brute force of cash will really
improve tourist traffic, and I have a concern about the cost to the local taxpayer.
My concern is shared by most Merrittonians, but we have politely kept quiet because at the

Friday, Nov. 13
“Get us online!” “Man who say it cannot be done should not interrupt man doing it.”
City Hall has no tally of local cash spent on Walk of Stars related ventures, and
NICOLA VALLEY COMMUNITY ARTS COUNCIL nobody has shown any interest in making that calculation. It has to be over $1 million.
Our share of the Voght St. bridge decorations was $60,000. Our share of Spirit Square is
PAINTINGS & $425,000 so far and it is half finished.
Call to reserve (250)378-8283
SCULPTURES BY One big surprise that any newly elected City Councillor gets is that there is very little
money for discretionary spending. The bulk of the $5.4 million tax revenue is spoken for.
If you decide to spend on wants instead of on needs, you have to rob the infrastruc- 378-8283 • 1953 Nicola Ave.
ture budget. Merritt has been replacing its aging sewage collection system at a rate of
$200,000 annually, but not this year. There was no money for it. The City has predicted
annual tax increases to be in excess of 10% for the next couple of years. A 1% increase
raises only $54,000. Do we still feel rich? Henry Norgaard, Merritt Arnold Mosley
Jack Andreasen
Re: Hall of Honour and Museum Bill Edmonds
I have a number of concerns about this issue that make it impossible for me to support an Roger Kamp
"investment" of $300,000 local taxpayer dollars. It seems incredibly irresponsible to be spend- Mary Longman
ing taxpayer money at three different levels on a project that, under current economic condi- Opie Oppenheim
tions, can at best be considered marginal. There is, as far as I understand, no coherent business Pius Chong
plan from the Walk of Stars on how this money will be spent. How much of this money is going Doug Strand

to directors/employees of the Walk of Stars simply for getting the grants? Given that the Walk Cass Dolen

of Stars has never adequately shown their expenditures to council in the past, I am dubious Shannon Kilroy

about how this money will be spent. In short, $1.2 million seems excessive for an upgrade to MK Dahlquist-Gray

an existing building and I have no confidence the Walk of Stars will adequately account for it. A keepsake Jean Kiegerl

Similarly, beyond the vague reference to "important tourism draw", there is nothing to book
Ellen Norgaard

suggest that anyone has any idea what the potential economic benefits to the community
Evelyn Armstrong
featuring Bev Veale
will be. It would take many, many tourists attracted *only* by this "attraction" to provide
27 local
Georgina Beatty
any economic effect on the community. If it is simply a side visit for tourists who are already John Taylor
coming to Merritt then what would these visitors have to be charged to enter the museum artists — a Leonard A. George Jr.
and how long before this revenue came anywhere close to paying off the $1.2 million?
Why the rush? We only have a week to decide? We must "cast a ballot" at the fundraiser Cindy Trent
Available at
Surinder Panghali
November 12th meeting indicating our support or opposition? Why do I need to cast a for the Arts
Joslyn Freels
ballot (I've never cast a ballot at any previous public meeting held by the city)? We will
Council •Baillie House Info Booth Les Hampton
have no time to digest the information presented? Again, I am leery of obtaining taxpay- Bobbi Parkes
1840 Nicola Ave., er money on short notice. What are the checks and balances on obtaining and using this •Country Bug Books •Courthouse Art Gallery Gwayne Point
Supported by the BC Arts Council T [250]378-6515, [email protected]
money? How will we assess the effectiveness of any plan presented? Again, when peo- Nancy Saddleman
ple are asking me for my money and are in a rush to get it I am especially leery.
This project &
NV Arts Council
FRIDAY & SATURDAY 10AM-4PM Finally, taxpayer money is taxpayer money. When I boil down all the hype from the supported by Barbara Rode
"notice" I am left with: this is a unique opportunity to get money from you so we can get
more money from you. Look after the infrastructure of this community properly
(build/pave/repair roads and repair the aging water supply system) and we will attract Let us fill your
business. Let that infrastructure languish while we foolishly spend money on "pet" proj-
ects and no one will want to come or return to the town anyway.
Feel, taste
I urge council to take a long and sober look at this proposal and not be rushed into Christmas Child
something without adequate study. Yours truly, Peter Vogt, Merritt

T his Week’s Horoscope

& enjoy the
Shoebox for you!
$1000 plus tax
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer

Red Top Restaurant

March 21 April 20 - May 21 - June 21 -
- April 19 May 20 June 20 July 22
Railyard Mall • 378-2266 With More
Listen to what friends have to Put your talents on display, Take a philosophical & positive You are under the spell of
tell you - they can help you you can turn history into a for- view of where you are heading, uplifting emotions & sense the

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

nce D
achieve your hopes and wishes. ward looking development. inspirational influences come. beauty of the life force.

b r a
me m 7pm
On Re 1 t h , 8am-
er 1
July 23 - Aug 23 - Sept 23 - Oct. 23 -
vemb OFF

The Ram-Rod Band

N o 6
Aug 22 Sept 22 Oct 22 Nov 21
Wed . ,
iv e $ NOV. 12, 13 & 14 •Texas Hold’em

Rece u items
Uplifting interchanges are a The contribution you make to Your creative expression tunes You can heal long-standing Wed 7pm
heady realisation that you are the welfare of others enable into future possibilities. You rifts & put things onto a positive

Sagittarius Aquarius Pisces

in this •Fun Darts Mondays,

bring on &
sense the new opportunities. footing.

all mle equantities last)

on the right wavelength. you to feel good.
drop-ins welcome
•Karaoke Tuesdays
•We do STEAK
(Whi Nov 22 - Dec 22 - Jan 20 - Feb 19 - FUNDRAISERS, call
2099 Nicola Ave., Merritt Dec 21 Jan 19 Feb 18 Mar 20 the office
You are inspired bypersonal You can cash in on your tal- You can get on the right wave- Dig deep & discover talents
(250)315-3737 experiences with art, music, ents & training, they are valu- length with others to offer inspi- that have been sleeping. Time
• OFFICE 378-2821 • PUB 378-5711
•RESTAURANT 378-4543 • BEER/WINE 378-8859
dance & creative expression. able and useful to others. ration & guidance. to let in the light of day.
Acidophilus with
MONDAY EDITION — NOVEMBER 9, 2009 #1943 Bifidus & RFOS

$ 99
Box 313, Merritt, BC V1K 1B8 Tel: (250)378-5717 Fax 378-4700 Email [email protected]
personal SET 4 14” Univ. racng rims $500 280-1482 TODDLER bd w/ matt. $50obo. Dining
FORD Ranger, nds some wrk, ext cab, tbl w/ 2 leaves $25obo. Gls chandelier,
WILL cln house for you, Sherrillee 315-0406 $2600 worth nw prts, offrs 378-2067 gd shape $25obo. 378-9432

ANGIE’S Tea Leaf Reading. Present, 19” Dodge 318 motor evrythng wrks SET diningrm furn.: tbl, 6 chairs, bufft,
future, money, relationships, pers. prob- gd $1500 cash. Canopy for lngbx $200 hutch, cherry wd, lk nw $1400obo 378-5627
lems, 1 ask no questions. 378-8326 firm. 4 all-seas. tires 185/65R14 2 END tbls $7. Coffee tbl $15. Comp. dsk
RELAX.-oriented massage 378-8394

Black’s Pharmacy
Motomstr SE, 90% $100. 280-1440 $15. Stl filing cab. $7. Microwave $10. 3
LOST: slvr watch, sent. value, Halloween 2 SETS tires: 195/60R15, 195/75R14 kitch. chairs $12. Foot stool $15. 378-5698
Civic Ctr area, reward 378-3484 on rims 378-6539 ROUND oak drop leaf tbl $50obo.
2037 Quilchena Ave. 378-2155
ND hse cleaned? 2 exper’d hsecleaners 89 FORD 4x4 stndrd, 33” summr tires, Armchair, exc cond, carved wd arms &


378-1897, 378-6868 wntr tires, cnpy $2000obo 378-2768 legs $50obo 378-2284
HSEKEEPNG avail. Mon-Fri 378-5683 96 DODGE 1/2-tn 4x4 ext cab, shrt- OAK drssr fits tv inside, 3 bott. drwrs
FOUND: nice fem. tabby w/ red collar, bx, blk sport mdl, 2 sets tires, well- $375 378-4729
Voght Prk area 378-5717 maint’d $3000 378-2221 TV stnd, 5’h exc cnd $150obo 378-5977


YNG lady lookng to earn xtra Xmas $,, will SET 4 wntr tires used 1 seas. 225/50R16 SNGLbd, matt., bx sprng, frame $50 378-1361
do hsewrk, yrdwrk, organizing 378-8383 Hankook, pd $900, sell $450 315-0146 SETgls coff. tbl & 2 end tbls $125obo 378-9225

TEL (250)378-5151
MISSNG: Chihuahua, lst seen Oct. 20, CHCKRBRD alum. dry bx $100 378-6925 TODDLER’S car bd $60 378-9021
Rocky Pines/LN area, "Joey", tan col., blk

Looking for work?

90-95 FORD Flo-thru tailgate, used 3 ANT. oak/gls display case 378-4141
collr. Brandy 378-6127, (250)574-8127 mos. $350. Canopy for 80-86 Chev/Ford,
nds tlc $50obo 315-9317, 378-5144 LOVESEAT 4 yrs old, multi-blk/grey
MISSNG: orange tabby, wht chst, ear

Start here!
$100 firm 315-1428
tattoo “Tigger” 280-1482
WRCKNG: 98 Subaru Forrestr awd,
2.5l a/t, 136k, prts $5 & up. 97 Ply Grnd COUCH & coff. tbl, offrs 378-2606 Auto • Light Truck • Trailer • Tires

Our services are FREE!

Voyageur prts $5 & up 378-8802 CRNR tv unit, 5’tall, rose-col., vry gd
PLANET Fitness 3 lookng for mat., 92 SUBARU Loyale, 4wd, $1100 wrth shape, hlds 32” tv $150 378-5977 REPAIR & WELDING
resp. frnt dsk/clnr for aft./eves/some for sale - electronics/software MOBILE SERVICE
“Providing a complete
nw prts, gd tires $2000obo 378-4177
wknds. Drop resume @ 1901 Quilchena OTC syst. mntr 2000 for GM, Ford & Fo r be st va lue &
se rv ic e in to w n,
range of employment
WAITERS & waitresses wtd @ Red 13” SANYO tv $50. 378-5813
Top Rest., mat., rel., wage commensu-
Chryslr $50. Set imprt Mtchll auto
FREE: wd cab. RCA Colourtrac tv,
Mike Wainwright
co nt ac t…
services to Merritt and the
repair man. 80-02, lk nw $1200 OTF
rate with exper. 2099 Nicola Ave. WHY. 81 Westfalia cmpr van, 39k on wrkng 315-0111

Nicola Valley”
services (250) 280-9432
“Funded in whole or part through nw mtr $7500 378-8802 SONY PSP syst., 10 games w/ carry case
the Canada-British Columbia & charge cbls $200 Jordan 378-6715
2 NORDIC m&s studded wntr tires
Labour Market Development PRIVATE sale real estate solutions P105/70R15 $200 Mark 315-0315 SEARS elect. port. typewrtr w/ b-i correct., [email protected]

Merritt’s ONLY transmission shop!

Agreement”. Property 280-8888 115 AC & 60Hz, case, man. $50obo 378-5627
4 WNTR tires, m/s/ice P175/70R13
BOBCAT, snw remvl, any job 378-2496 Gdyr Nordic 90% wear $100obo. Stl JVC tv 32" w/ sat. rcvr & dsh $200 378-3987
TINKER Extraordinaire. Handyman rims off 06 Vibe, 16” $100. 378-6731 25" oldr flr mdl tv, gd for rec. rm

$25obo days 315-7183, aft 4 378-6492


seeks sml jbs, repairs, shds, pck-up/deliv., 93 JEEP Grand Cherokee, lots nw prts

etc. $12/hr, fuel/trlr xtra 378-9626 $3500obo. 378-3908, 936-8097 Corey GAME Cube Plat. Ed., still in bx, w/ Trani Tech Mechanic

Diagno y
OPEN 7am-9pm DAILY
•Over 60 plus years experience
TILESETTER w/ 23 yrs exper., reas. SET 4 mounted Hankook snw tires for Zelda game, mem. chip, sp. ed. guidebk
rates. Dan 315-4762, 280-1804 Pon. Vibe w/ tire press. mntr syst., 205- $90obo 378-9626

• Servicing all makes & models s tic

PIPE IT Plmbng, res., comm., renos, 24- 55R16 $500obo 378-3993 5-CD disc plyr RCA stereo syt., mp3, 300w,

• Guaranteed prrofessional workmanship Road Te

Full breakfast hr emerg. serv. Brian 378-4892, 936-8330 97 HONDA CRV 254k, blk, awd, auto, 6 mos. old, pd $200, sell $50 378-9676

loaded, rns well, gd condi. 378-4916 PR Cabela’s 8x25 contact binoculars, lk
DRYWALL, textured ceiling, painting. nw $95. Pentax SLR 35mm camera w/
86 JEEP 4x4, v6 $1000obo. Dune
menu available Call Jeff (250)378-3709, (250)315-2066
RENT A HUSBAND Fences, lawn care,
buggy 378-8308 28-90 zoom, lk nw $345 378-9614

•From 7am-11am •Seniors’ menu

rubbish removal, hsehold moving, rototilling, 2 TIRES: 145/80R12, gd shape on rims FREE: lrg Radio Shck tv antenna. Kenwd
wndw & gutter cleaning, chimney sweeping, 378-5120 aft 5:30pm quad am/fm/rcrd, 2-4 chnl & spkrs $100.

Get a “jumpstart” to your day — have breakfast at Han’s

int/ext. painting. Lance (250)378-4614 FBRGLS canopy for sml trk w/ boat rck 60 tapes $100. (250)295-3642
ODD JOBBER. Sincere, honest gent Gen. (250)295-3642 GE radio cass. tape dck $15 378-6027
cntrctr, mchncl, crpntry, maint./repair, lnd- TRCK tire carrier $15. 378-6027 3 NINTNDO DS kids games $30 315-6063
scp, vry versatile, gd refs., reas. rates to fit 4 ALL-SEAS. tires for Vibe, nw/used for sale - recreational
part. seas. 78 Ford 1-tn, rns. 315-9711
250.378.9241 | 2676 Nicola Ave.
your budget. Mike 315-1039, 315-5398 76 TRAVELAIRE trvl trlr $1500. 8'
87 NISSAN pck-up for prts 315-1474
ARROW canopy fits 5.5' bx, 04 or nwr canopy cmpr, nds wrk FREE 378-2186
STEP UP New aftrschl program, 2175 F150, lw profile wht w/ tinted side DORA bike w/ training whls, nvr riddn
Nicola Ave (Family place), ages 5-12 wndws, lk nw cond. $500obo. 378-0470 $25 280-0623
providing kindercare & afterschl care, 4 FACT. alloy whls, 16x7, 5-spk, 6-blt., incl. STAIR climber, pd $1400, sell $400
11:30am-6pm M-F. Jody 378-2973 caps, fit 92-99 Chev/GMC trcks/Suburbans, 378-2162
HIDEE-HO Daycare, LN, acceptng nw $650, sell $350obo 315-2255 aft 5pm 95 EXCITER 570 skidoo, exc cnd
kids f-t & p-t, lic’d, 1st aid, lnch/sncks 4-CYL. 2.5L turbo-charged Plym. $2200obo 378-3583
prov’d. Cody 378-6442 Acclaim, a/c syst. nwr environ.-friendly 8' CMPR 82 Okanagan, shp-kpt, cln,
WTD: reliable, p-t sitter, eves/some 12A, nw all-seas. radials tires, lots nw evrythng wrks $1500. Ladies bike,
wknds. Theresa 280-1670 prts $2000obo 378-0902 spec'd Rockhopper mtn bike, hrdly used
for sale - appliances livestock/pets & access. SPACE FOR YOUR AD
$300, Shimano components. 315-3411

1675 Tutill Court

TREADMILL, lk nw, pd $779, sell
10-YR old gas stove $150. Lrg oldr 2 HUGE oskars $20ea. Free plato fish $325, hrdly used 378-6758
(formerly 2201 Coldwater Ave.) frzr, wrks gd FREE. 378-2186 315-1024 OLDR Arctic Cat Cheetah 440cc, rns Tel 378-5717 • fax 378-4700
Admission by donation
OLDR stove, gd as 2nd stove 378-8102 TROPICAL fish, 2 silver dollar fish,
nice sz 378-9912
grt, compl., $500obo 378-1904
[email protected]
Winter Hours:
3-YR old GE ort. dshwshr, wd top, exc LAKEFLD 10-shot blt-action 22-cal. rifle,
rn cnd $300 378-0901 5 BOXER puppies, wonderful fam. pets, 4x scope, case, 1200 rnds ammo, triggr lot,

Mon. to Fri.
600W Sanyo microwave w/ turntable 3 male, 2 fem., brindle, tails doc'd, shots, cleaning kit $250obo 378-9626
de-wormed, ready Oct 29 $800 378-9199
10am to 3pm
$25 378-5813 97 HONDA400 Foreman quad w/ snwplw/
FRIDGE 2-dr, dp frz wrks, fridge nds MEAL worms, elect. yllw cichlids wnch/wndshld/tool bx $2500 378-5661
Tel: (250)378-4145
repair $20. Stove. 378-8326 $5ea., blk cnvct cichlids $2.50ea. Beaut. BRND nw RV marine batt., 1100amps,
INGLIS dryer, wrkng cnd $100 378-6840 55-gal aquarium w/ everythng $300, 5 wks old. Fshng mtr, Minkota 30lb
can email pics 378-6312 thrust, 12v, used 1x. Honda 2hp fshng
KENMORE hvy duty wshr & dryer,
3 CUTE, healthy kittens read for gd

exc cnd 378-5806 mtr, 4-strk, 206, 25hrs. 378-4053
homes. Mike, Melissa 315-4477 STEPPR exerc. mach $30 (778)232-5547
Honest, sincere gent. Home, yard, sect., wht $200obo 378-6265 FISH: guppies, swordtails, guppaswords, 92 23.5' Terry Resort 5th whl, exc. cond.,

bright yllw African chiclids, bright blue slps 6, rear kitch. $5500 378-6206
garage & auto; forestry. Will take on any PANASONIC microwave "the Genius" African chiclids, convict chiclids, vry lrg
$15. 378-5210, [email protected]
plecostomus, lrg oscars 378-2540 CANE fly rod, J.S. Sharpe, the "Scotty",
of your needs. Mr. Fix-It. Very versatile, INGLIS stove, slf-cln, 4yrs old, wrkng ordr. 9'6", 2/1. V/G in orig. bag. $125 378-9461

always available. Reasonable. Refs. 2 MALE Jck Russell puppies $500 378-0306
$250. 378-9009 BSKTBALL hoop w/ stnd $60. 2 kids
COW hay, approx. 100 bales @ bikes $50ea 378-2269 aft 4pm
Mike 315-1039 or cell 315-5398 OLD-fash. wd stove & elect. stove 378-3697 $3.50/bale. 2nd cut alfalfa hay, approx.
FREE: smlr stove, works 378-6115 140 bales @$7/bale 378-2124 BALABUSHKA GB-11 pool cue, brnd •classified deadlines:
WSHR & dryer, wht 315-4954
DRYER, prfct wrkng ordr $75obo 378-6840
7-YR old unbroke, stndrd-brd bay male, nw, unchlkd, pd $950, sacrifice @ half
price $475, w/ case. Viper Q-Vault pool 10am Sun. Tues. thurs.
NWR 24” wshr $175. Match. w&d $225.
16.1hnds $300 378-6383
2 TEACUP male & female Yorkies for
cue, brnd nw, in tubular case $85. 378-9461 •garage sale deadline: Thurs. 12pm
Whrlpl dryer lk nw $200 378-8802 adoption, Akc regist'd to someone who will GD fshng equipt & tckle, some lk nw, •to get on the current garage sale

Baillie House
DRYER, 81 Inglis, lk nw $100 378-6840 take care of them. [email protected] gd for Xmas gifts 378-4053
email list: email us
for sale - automotive
Let us know what your think of our new website!
33-GAL fsh tnk, lots fsh, food, stnd SNWMBL exc cnd $2500obo 378-5977
$150obo 378-5973 PR Nike boys skates, sz 4 $100 378-8383
FREE scrap car removal. We buy all
Tel 378-5717 • Fax 378-4700 • Email [email protected]
2 COCKATIELS, 1 grey, 1 wht, w/ cage 41' FBRGLS boat mold, could be used
scrap metal 378-9241 $100 378-0064 for in-grnd swmmng pool or build a pwr
93 CHRSLR Intrepid, 280k, wntr tires, HAPPY PUPPY Dog Grooming. Sml boat. $500 378-6787

grt stereo $1200obo 378-6650 aft 6pm

Heritage Site &

dogs $35 378-6289 24+ duck decoys $85 378-1361
for sale - miscellaneous
04 CHRYSLER Seberg, lw km, gd 10’ alum. boat w/ elect. mtr, batt., oars

tires, 4-dr, v6 315-0210 $400 315-1090
THREE 5-blt 15” GM stl whls $5ea. 2 FIREWOOD sale, get your wood for

AIRhockey tbl $60. Foosball tbl$100 378-6312

I will work with you to help

P235/75R15 all-wntr radials on GM next year now, $120/cord 378-5379 77 PACE Arrow, 89,000 orig. mi., 440 on
whls $30/pr 378-4877 POTATOES .35/lb, grwn in Sunshine prop, cls A, 31’, spls 6 $3500 firm 315-2465

establish your new business!

97 GMC 250, 3/4-tn 4WD stndrd, lng Valley 378-9703 ELAN PSX 188 Reactor Parabolic alpine

Downtown commercial/retail space available on

bx, 128,400km, htch & trlr brk, nw FIREWD pck-up load $100 378-8331 skis w/ Tyrolia SL100 bndngs, Filmar ski
wntr tires, well-maint'd, $6000 378-9899 GEN. porcelain dolls. House plnt, 6’ h, bag & Elan 125cm poles. $250 378-4853

busy Quilchena Ave. Newly renovated with new

05 GRND Caravan, 68k, frnt/rear air, 4 capt in nice pot, healthy $50. 378-8326 HORIZON fld-away treadmill, hrdly
chairs, 4 wntr, exc cnd $12,500 315-0111

WINTER HOURS: paint and carpet. Will stagger rent for new
TRICHEM, Artec products hlf price 378-1387 used $300 firm 378-9225
97 SUNFIRE GT, mtr gone, body grt ANT. treadle sewng mach. wrks, nds tlc. 33- SLATE pool tbl used 3 mos, snookr & #'d

Tues-Sat, 10am-4pm start-up of business - with lease.

shape, nw wntr tires, 5-spd trans grt 1/3 vinyl lps, many hrdly used, several sets. balls, rck, cues, brs lt fixt., wrth $6000,
shape 315-6747, 378-4295 Ant. rcrd playr w/ rcvr. Acoustic guitar, lrg.

Large windows, washroom, semi-kitchen &

sell $1500. Zodiak 1 pontoon boat, oars,
95 BLK canopy for sml trck 280-0857 4-6 closet doors, vry gd cnd 315-9711 pmp mtr, batt., hrd flr $900 280-1440

Corner of Voght & Mammette 100 amp service.

87 F150, 180k inline 6, gd farm vehicle SMOKERS: Nicorette lozenge 4mg $5 OFF/on-rd dirtbike TF skidoo 280-1482
for sale - tools/equipment
$500. 315-3411 & Nicorette inhaler $15 315-2336

(250) 378-0349 604-533-6905

97 WINDSTAR, nds batt., nw filtrs/plugs/ PR. men’s Gortex snwmbl pnts, sz med.
oil, nds some mtr wrk/rns ok,. must be gone, $200 378-6925 DELTA Porter-Cable tbl sw $400 315-3411
take it $1000 378-6016, 2535 Jackson Ave. 2 DOZ. wine bottles. Wine rck for 15 KOZI Bay wndw mdl pellet stove $800,
225/60R17 Yokohama Ice Guard wntrs, bottles 378-5341 1.5 yrs old Gerry, Sue 315-0201
for sale house/property
nw $203ea 378-4513 DRY fir firewd $150/cord 378-9229 COLEMAN 1850w port. generator BSMT ste, 1-, 2- or 3-bdrm w/d cov’d
90 DODGE Caravan, rns gd $800obo. BATHTUB, gd for rnch for water/feed $300obo 378-8758 prkng, f/s/dw, reno’d, immed., refs 378-8862
Ed 378-0068 $10. Bthrm cabinets, mpl, 3 sections 500-GAL. fuel tnk w/ raised stnd. Fuel TIRED of rntng? Will hlp you own your 4-BDRM hse, Logan Lk, pets welcome,
Arnold Mosley
99 DODGE Caravan nds trans. $300obo $25. 3-pc, gold, hrd-sided luggage set hose & nozzle, nw, indust. sz 315-9711 mbl home. Ser. inq only. Dwnpaymnt Dec 1, f/p, lux. home (250)523-9408
315-1321 $15. 378-5210, [email protected] re’d. Pls call 1-800-361-8111, 315-1000 RENO’D hse trlr, Dec 1, no pad rnt,
Jack Andreasen
DELTA 9” wd bandsaw, nw $200 w/ 3
WNTR tires on rims, 145/80 R12, lk nw 3-WHL Medi chair, lk nw/hrdly used blades 378-2759 3-BDRM, 4 appl., 2 bths, priv. lot, 15 2 bdrms, lrg lot nr schls/bus stop,
Bill Edmonds
$60/set 378-5210, [email protected] $1200obo 778)232-5547 mins south of twn, nice unit 315-9711 nice neighbrhd $750. 315-0201
STIHL 361 chain saw, Westward wrenches,
3-BDRM hse, go to
Roger Kamp
TIRE w/ rim P185/70R13 378-6602 ANT. cash register, wrks $500 firm 280-8888 ridged aluminum pipe wrenches, 220 wired 2-BDRM bsmt ste nr twn/arena
HVY duty trck chains fit 16” tires 378-6585 WNTR squash 35¢/lb, some parsnips, air compressor, lots of other tools 280-1055 for details Nov 1 $600 util incl., refs 378-4136
Mary Longman 88 GMC Sierra 1500 hvy 1/2-tn, 177k, locally-grown 378-5813 80 WSTRN Star grvl trck, nw mtr/hoist/ tires, DPLX beaut. renos, 2 bdrms, rear BDRM ste $650 378-4201
Opie Oppenheim
nw tires/many ns prts $3000 378-1832 SEW. machine, Singer $175 378-5275 exc cnd, trade for sml excvtr (250)587-6433 prkng, grnd, shd, nr schls/prk/bus 3-BDRM dplx, 1.5 bths, f/s w/d,
top/rvr. Both units rntd 1730 Hill
Pius Chong
2 NORDIC studded wntr tires P215/ FIREWOOD 280-3745 DELTA 12.5” planer $175 378-1361 frsh pnt, gd neighbrhd, fncd yrd,
70R15 off Pont. Montana $150 315-0315 St.. $229,000. 3-bdrm home, dbl lot $950 (250)769-7243 collct
Doug Strand
FIREWOOD the Wood Man 378-4053 6’X8’ shed, 1 yr old $350 378-5489 Collttville, 2700sq, fin. bsmt, 2 bths, nw
P205/70/R14 wntr tires, 1 pr 80% tread CALIF. sprng lmb ladies jckt sz 14 U-BUILT tilt bd boat trlr, can convert 3-BDRM hse, f/s, nr CMS, immed
oak kitch., flrng, wndw & foyer entr.,
Cass Dolen
$100 378-6289 $100obo 378-6027 for ATV or snomo, 3" L angle frame 315-2345, 525-0240
fruit trees, grdn, lrg detachd gar., bth
1-BDRM bsmt ste, end Oct. nr Cntrl
Shannon Kilroy
PONTIAC Vibe 16" wntr whls w/ CUST.-ordered firewd, reas. James 280-6615 w/ 3" sq. tow bar. $400 378-4853 alley entr., priv. yrd/nw fncnd, crprt
TPMS, used 1 seas. 250-280-0560 prkng in frnt 1720 Hill St. $349,000 or schl $600 incl gas/hydro (250)554-2392
MK Dahlquist-Gray
SET Pearl drums, offrs. Chainsaw. WD splitter, nw 378-4135
wanted/wanted to buy
<3K 195/60R15 4 all-seas. tires Canoe 378-2067 as pgn $500,000. 378-2247, 525-1555 3-BDRM & lndry hkup main flr
Jean Kiegerl for rent
$350obo. 195/65R15 studded 2 tires unit. nr sch/Cooper's/twn, fncd
CEDAR fncng: 4' x8', 6'x8', solid or lat-

A keepsake
$150obo. 2 rear bike rcks for cars yrd, n/p, n/s, n/prties, refs $750
Ellen Norgaard
tice 378-5745, 378-9766 1-2 conibear traps, approx. 4.5"x4.5" 378-4853
$30ea. obo fit htchbck & reg. 378-9757 MANUF’D home, 3-bdrm, 2-bth, sndck, Nov 1 Joe 378-9560
PMPKNS$1-$5. Pie pmpkns$2.50 378-2124 32” exter. dr, prfr pre-hng 378-0842
Evelyn Armstrong
04 DODGE 1-tn dually, loaded quad lrg lot, priv./fncd for ret’d/semi-ret’d cple LRG 2-bdrm bsmt ste, cln/mdrn open
for sale - furniture
COUNTRTOP w/ bott. cabinets. Area lvng space incl. lndry/util/cbl. 1041
Bev Veale
cab 6-spd w/ dck 120k on mtr 280-1055 only, $975, dep. 1-800-361-8111

rug 378-8326 Coldwater Rd. $975 Will 378-1360
84 FORD Bronco lxt 4x4 for prts, gd NICOLA APTS. Bach, 1, 2 bdrms,
Georgina Beatty
MALAYSIAN oak dininrm tbl, LRG, insul'd dog hse, asap, for rotti 378-9841
shape 378-2543 BSMT ste, Coldwater Ave. 378-4623

27 local
33.5"x51", 4 chairs $125obo 378-6256. nwly reno’d, nr bus stop, move-in
GLD chain & St. Chrstper (250)320-9937
John Taylor
2 TIRES P185/75R14 m&s w/ rims 5- LOVESEAT $30. Rckr swvl chair & bonus (250)378-9880 SML 2-bdrm house $500 378-8101
GD, used eavestrough 378-4007

artists — a
hole studs 378-3716 1/2 dplx LN, 1 lvl, nw flrng, 5 appl,
Leonard A. George Jr.
foot stool $25. Gls/brs shlvng unit $20. ROOMS @ Coldwtr Hotel, starting
07 NISSAN Versa sedan, lw km, w/ Plnt stnd $5. 378-6765 CHILD'S toy kitch. play set 378-6655 from $400/mo 378-2821 fncd yrd, shd, u/g sprnklr, paved prkng,
Cindy Trent
GD wrkng fridge, sngl bd, chst of drwrs,

Available at
wntr tires on rims, exc cond. 378-1878 SWVL rckr $20. Coff. tbl $50. 54” bd 2-BDRM ste dwntwn, w/d/f/s/dw beaut. n/s, n/p, lngtrm tenants pref. 378-6283
Surinder Panghali
01 PONTIAC Grnd Am SE, grt cnd., 147k, bx sprng & matt, area rug. Angie 378-8326 space, gar., n/s, Dec 1 $950 378-6824 3-BDRM dplx, reno'd, cln, 1968sf,

for the Arts

w/ hdbrd, bx sprng, mtl frame $25. Wall
kumho wntr tires, a/c, p/w, cd $4000 378-2481 mirrors $25ea. Lk nw Joy Baby VNTAGE wndw frame suit. for stained 2-BDRM apt, f/s, hrdwd flrs, ovr- fncd yrd, nw f/s/w/d, nr amenities,
Joslyn Freels glass use 378-5790 nice nghbrhd $900 315-4454

CAR chains, fit 15” lt trck/car 378-4053 playpen $40 Gerry 378-1387 lookng dwntwn, immed., hydro not

•Baillie House Info Booth Les Hampton 99 FORD 4x4, no rst/mnt cnd, loaded, MPL tbl, 6 chairs & hutch, exc cond $350 60-GAL. fish tnk fltr, reas., gd cnd. Oldr incl. 378-9263, 378-7746 SML 1-bdrm cottage avail. immed.,
mtl lawn darts, reas. 378-6312 n/p, n/s, refs req’d $375 378-9595
Bobbi Parkes
moving us sell 378-9509 aft 5pm obo. Dbl bd & frame, cln $125 obo 378-6758 2-BDRM bsmt ste, quiet, nr dwn-

•Country Bug Books •Courthouse Art Gallery Gwayne Point

FOUR 235/85R16 Traction T tires on 3-PC sofa & coff tbl $200 378-4565 aft 3pm NAT.gas stove, ovn. Kitch. cupbrds 378-2540 twn, n/s, n/p, n/drnkng $650 incl BSMT 2 rms, shared kitch. & lndry,
Chev 8-blt rims $200 315-2829 DLX dingrm chairs, 8. Mrbl/gls dingrm BLK ballet shoes, ladies sz 8. 378-0902 util/wifi, refs 315-0111 Bnch, nr college & schl $600 315-2508
Nancy Saddleman
4 TIRES on rims LT235/85R16 M&S, 40% tbl. Crnr unit, hrdwd w/ lts. 11’x18’British TO RNT: wrkng cpl w/ 5-yr old son wnt 3- 2-BDRM hse dwntwn, n/p, n/s, 1-BDRM ste $500 Jim 315-0082
This project & n/parties, fncd yrd, nr schls, immed.,
Jana Sasaki
tread, 1 rim damaged $125obo. 378-9225 India wool rug, exc cnd. Oak counter. Nw 4 bdrm hse, pets must be ok, exc refs, must MAT. woman will share 3-bdrm hse,
NV Arts Council FOUR 215/70R15 Gdyr wntrs 95% tv, 27”. Sofa, loveseat. Qu-sz bdrm suite not be for sale. Richard, Michelle 315-1321 senior disc. $800 + dep. 378-0842 20 min. to twn, incl $375 util. incl.,
supported by Barbara Rode remaining $300. 4 whls, 5 on 100mm, fit w/ bd compl.. Much more 315-0209 WAGON or cart whls, wd, 2 @ 42", 2 2-BDRM 1-bth 5 appl, lrg shop/gar., n/s, n/p, shared kitch./bth 378-2906
Pont. Grnd Am or sim. $40ea. 378-4315 BLUE hide-a-bd, exc cond. $100 378-6968 @ 36" [email protected] 2 blks to dwntw, dep., refs 315-4453 2-BDRM ste, Low. Nic 378-0990

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