When Does The Day Begins According To The Creator

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The passage discusses when the Bible says a new day begins according to Genesis 1:5.

The passage says that Genesis 1:5 establishes that the light period is the evening and the morning, not the night and the day.

The passage says the two periods established by God for a day are a period of light (evening and morning) and a period of darkness (night).

Definition of day and night according to the Creator

Most people believe that a new day starts at midnight (think of new year's eve / birthdays etc.)
Some people believe that a new day begins after the setting of the sun (think of the messianic
believers, 7
day Adventist , etc.) But what does the Word of The Most High says about when the day

Genesis 1:1-5 1 In the beginning The Most High created the heaven and the earth. 2 And the earth
was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of The Most
High moved upon the face of the waters. 3 And The Most High said, Let there be light ! And there
was light. 4 And The Most High saw the light that it was good ; and The Most High divided the light
from the darkness. 5 And The Most High called the light Day , and the darkness He called night. And
the evening and the morning were the first day.

This is very important to ponder on. We read that it was already dark in the beginning of creation,
and that the first thing The Most High says is that there should be light. The light The Most High calls
day and the darkness he called Night! This appointing of the day and night should be taken literally
as it stands. If we do not take this part literally it will cause confusion about the meaning of day and
night, and we know that The Most High is not the author of confusion ( 1 Corinthians 14:33).

The Most High tells us in Genesis 1:5 that the light represents the day and that the evening and
morning together make up a day. The evenings and mornings are called days! It is not written that
the night is part of the day but it is written that the evening is part of the day and that the evening
contains light!! The Creator lets us know that the evening belongs to the day (again: when there is
light!). What we must understand is that the word H6153 ere often translated as evening /
twilight / between 2 nights, does not have the same meaning as the word night H3915. The Hebrew
word H6153 ere is the translation of an old English word for evening, but in former times the
word for evening was the English word for afternoon. Language changes over time and the meaning
of words also changes over time. The meaning of the word evening was changed over time and in
current day it is seen as a period when the sun is down. We can see this change in the New
Testament, when the word evening ( the time now known as when it is dark) was already common
and implemented as when the sun is down. The Hebrew word ere in the old testament is a period
of light according to the Creator and His Word is above that of men. The evening is in the afternoon
and ends just before dusk, approximately from 12:00 to 18:00. An article on the subject :

There are two periods established by The Most High, namely a period of light and a period of
darkness . The period of light is appointed as evening and morning. And there is a period of darkness
and this period is called the night. The Creator clearly let us know that the periods of light are the
evenings and mornings. The Most High did NOT give the sequence of night and day (Genesis 1:5) as
many think and say , but He describes the period in the evening (when it is still light toward the going
down of the sun) and the period in the morning as part of the day, and He says that these moments
in time together are called a day. When the Creator created the heavens and the earth the first thing
He brings to life by speaking: "Let there be light" is LIGHT and The Most High saw that the light was
good (Genesis 1:4 ). When light was created it was the first time that it became (and being called
good as well) good on the earth. At first the Creator created life; the light of life in a way by calling
light into existence: In the beginning was the Word (John 1:1 ). After this He separated the good thing
on earth, which is the light, from darkness. The darkness was already present because it was upon
the face of the deep , but it was not called into existence by the Word and is not mentioned as being
good. The darkness had been separated from the light and this is called a period of darkness .
Literally it is stated in Genesis 1:5: God called light day darkness called night, evening morning one
day: http :/ / biblehub.com/lexicon/genesis/1-5.htm. We can see that it is written that morning (the
morning light) and night are one (echad) day. When the Messiah says in John 11:9, "Are there not
twelve hours in one day?, then this is what He is referring to. A day (consisting of light) has
(depending on the period) 12 hours of light and these 12 hours the Creator calls one day. In Genesis
1 and part of Genesis 2 we read that the Creator always created in the morning and evening (when
there is still light). The creation process takes place in the light, He creates during the day! Why?
Because He is light and in Him there is no darkness at all as stated in 1 John 1:5: This then is the
message which we have heard of Him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in Him is no
darkness at all. Bible verses about the light: http://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/Bible-Verses-

Please read also: Job :33-36, Psalm 36:9, Psalm 112:4, Psalm 119:105, Proverbs 6:23, Isaiah 2:5 Isaiah
5:20, Jeremiah 31:35, John 1:9/ 8: 12/ 9:5/ 12:35-36. In 1 Thessalonians 5:5 it is written that we are
children of light and children of the day. We, His children are not of the night nor of darkness. KJV: Ye
are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. He is
the light of the world (John 1:9) and John 8:12: Then spake Yashaya again unto them, saying, I am the
light of the world; Whoever follows Me will never walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life.
Those who follow Him will have the light of life because life is in Him (1 John 5:11-12). We are
children of the Light and are told to walk in the light: 1 Thessalonians 5:5.

The Most High has made His Word very easy to understand for His righteous ones, but is has been
made difficult by our own- and others -misinterpretation and false teachings. But yet we choose
complexity above simplicity. We easily adopt doctrines from others without investigating and often
we come to the understanding that many of our beliefs are based on traditions and doctrines of men.
Much of our knowledge is not based on the Word of The Most High, but is based on the word and
teachings of men. The Scripture says in 2 Peter 1:20 that no prophecy of Scripture allows any private
interpretation. The Word and the Word alone is our authority: 1 Thessalonians 5:21.

"The Observance of the day before the Sabbath...is not mentioned in the written
law and shows the development of the oral law..." (The Interpreter's One -
Volume Commentary on the Bible, p. 539)

The day begins in the morning

The day
and the night
consist of two periods; a period of day and a period of night as
mentioned before. Sometimes a day covers 12 hours and sometimes a night covers 12 hours. The
, is half (6 hours) of a day and the evening
is the last part of the day (6 hours). The
morning means the breaking through of the daylight and after the breaking through of the daylight it
has become a new day. This is what the Scripture says in many places. Information about this can be
read at:



http://c950485.r85.cf2.rackcdn.com/When % 20Does % 20a % 20Day % 20Begin.pdf

That the day starts in the morning is also confirmed in the 'New' Testament. Time was calculated
from sunrise at the break of daylight. The third hour, the sixth hour and the ninth hour were then
respectively: 9.00 oclock, 12.00 oclock and 15.00 oclock. The counting of the hours from daylight
we see in Matthew 27:45-46, Mark 15:25/33-34, Luke 23:44, Acts 2:1/30/ 3: 1/ 10 : 3, John 4:6/ 52.

Because the word night is mentioned before the morning it is said that a new day begins when the
sun goes down. But nowhere in Scripture we will find that a new day begins at night or at evening
time. Because darkness (upon the face of the earth) was there before the light was created this
verse has often been (miss)interpreted as that a new day begins in the dark, at sunset. Would The
Most High , the Creator of life (John 3:15), gives the darkness authority to rule over a day? Is He is
not the God of the living, the God of Light, in Whom is no darkness at all?

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil ;
that put darkness for light, and light for darkness;

When does a day ends?

My hope is that this teaching will give you a better understanding on when the day begins and as will
to understands when it ends. As mentioned; according to the Creator the day begins in the morning
when the light breaks through and the evening (which part is still light) is part of the day. The Creator
creates ONLY IN THE DAY (Genesis 1 : 5/8/13/19/23/31). When the Creator had finished everything
on the 6th day (light ) He rested on the 7th day from all His work (Genesis 1:31, Genesis 2 : 1-2 )! He
did not rested in the 7
(nor the 6
) night when there were darkness, but He rested during the 7

day when there was light. If we are commanded to cease from our work will we ceased from our
daily work starting in the night when it is dark or in het day when there is light? Most people work
during daytime, especially in the times where the Israelites had an agriculture lifestyle. So when the
Most High commanded them to ceased from their work this automatically means cease from their
work in daytime. The day lasts as long as there is light as Scripture mentioned from the beginning.
When the setting of the sun the day has ended! An in-depth study on this subject :

Job 17:12 They make the night to day ,
and they say that the light is close, despite the darkness.

SATAN AND EVIL: Deuteronomy 16:4,6, Ecclesiastes 11:7-8, Isaiah 42:16, Jeremiah 13:16,
Amos 5:18, 20, John 3:19-21, Acts 26:18, Ephesians 5:8, 6:12, Colossians 1:12-13, 1Peter 2:9,
1 John 1:5-6 (The Most High separates GOOD from EVIL and many times equates them with
LIGHT and DARKNESS which He also separated because He never meant them to be the
same): (a) "Woe unto them that call EVIL GOOD, and GOOD EVIL; that put DARKNESS for
LIGHT, and LIGHT for DARKNESS..." (Isaiah 5:20).
The signs in the heavens
In Genesis 1:14-18 it is written that the great light called the sun and the lesser light called the moon
were created and placed in the heavens for the following reasons :

1. To distinguish/ make a separation between day and night
2 . To give light on the earth
3 As a sign for set times ( Moad :
4 . For days
5 . For years

The sun and the moon are both used to indicate the days and nights and to indicate the calendar of
the Most High Almighty. The Most High uses the two lights in the sky (and also the stars) for His
appointed times, and not just the moon.

Daniel 7:25: And he (Satan) shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the
saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand
until a time and times and the dividing of time. In Daniel it stated that Satan will try to change the
times and the laws that the Most High has given to His people. Satan has invented ways to deceive
the people of the Most High by giving His people another calendar (times) so that they would
celebrate the Festivals and Sabbaths (His set times, Moad :
) on other days /times rather than at
the fixed/set times. In addition to this, Satan the deceiver, has deceived the people of The Most
High, into believing that the laws of the Almighty are no longer valid and has also given them other
feasts to celebrate. Satan has not only convinced His people that the Feast (this includes the Sabbath
day because it is a set of time appointed by Him)are changed and are to be celebrated on different
days (and times), and deceived many by giving other feast such as Christmas, Easter, etc. The
Sabbath is a time set by The Most High, and a feast (Genesis 2:2, Leviticus 23:1-3), and it is a sign
between The Most High and His people (Leviticus 23:2-2, Exodus 31:13-17, Ezekiel 20:20). Satan has
tried so hard to change this sign between The Most High and His people by making us belief that the
(Sabbath) day begins and ends in the night. Satan knew that the true children of the Most High
would wake up one day and has puts a people in the land of the Most High. Knowing that the true
chosen ones would follow the people, who are not the people of the Most High, in there doctrines
and false teachings to lead them astray.

The Most High 's laws and times have been established since the foundation of the world and cannot
be changed as the Most High changes not. So the changes Satan will try to make has to do with
deception. That why it is written that he (Satan) will think, in other words try, to change times and
laws. We know that The Most High does not change (Malachi 3:6, James 1:17) and this also applies to
His (set)times and laws. Nevertheless, we know that Satan his plans had worked and that he has lead
the whole world astray (Revelation 12:9) and made everyone believe that the Most High has
changed. Well, Satan has not changed also because he is a deceiver and liar from the beginning:

To get a more complete understanding on the calendar of the Most High, it is recommended that the
two books Enoch and Jubilees are read and examined:



Those who have read and examined the book of Enoch and the book of Jubilees will come to the
understanding that we are warned about the deception of Satan and in which way the deception of
the changing of the time will take place. This article: http://enochcalendars.webs.com/ points out
that the calendar written in the book of Enoch has to be hold on continually and explains the reasons
why. Please note: I do not agree on everything written in this article, but I do agree on the part that is
written in the beginning about the changing of the calendar of the Most High and the explanation
that is given about most of these changes.

In the beginning of the book of Enoch it is written that that the SUN is given as a sign for the days,
months, Sabbaths, feasts and seasons. Chapter 72 and 73 of the book of Enoch describes how the
two lights in the sky work (or collaborate). Here we read that the sun, the dominant light, is the first
to rise into the sky and that the moon, the weaker light, follows the sun. Here we see that even the
moon (female) is following the sun (male) and that those two lights (we are also the light of the
world Matthew 5:14 and are made in His image Genesis 1:27) are working together as one (the moon
reflects the light of the sun and both are called light Genesis 1:14). The moon is the helpmate of the
sun (Genesis 2:18) and follows the course of the sun as written in the book of Enoch. In this way we
should follow the sun and not the moon concerning the times of The Most High and His holidays (and
hence the Sabbath). This has nothing to do with sun worship because the same could be said about
the moon worship.


When you examine the translation of the words new moon and month in the Bible, you will come
to the conclusion that the words which are translated as new moon in the Bible has not been
translated correctly. The Hebrew word
chodesh is the word translated in the Bible as month
and sometimes as new moon. This is remarkable because the word moon has its own Hebrew word
Yarech. http://biblehub.com/hebrew/3394.htm When you study the verses that have been
translated as new moon it will be very clear that the translation of the word chodesh for new moon
is incorrect and should have been translated for the word month instead of new moon. To clarify
this a piece from an article by http://enochcalendars.webs.com/:
The Birthday of the Month Festival was observed by most of the Hebrew people because they feared King
Antiochus. After the death of King Antiochus, in 164 BCE, the Hebrew priests tried to restore the Solar
Calendar, although the Greek New Moon influence was all around them. Later, in 359 CE, Hillel II introduced
the fixed calculated New Moon Calendar that is based on the conjunction of the earth, moon, and sun, and
this Lunar Calendar has been used by Jews and others to this day, to determine the 1st Day of the Months
and the Annual Feast Days. However, the term "New Moon" (yareach chadash ) is Not Written
anywhere in the Hebrew Scriptures. The Scriptures only use the word "month" (chodesh ) and it pertains
to a Solar Month. The translators mixed up a few of the Hebrew words due to vowel point errors, like
CHODESH which means either "month/s" or "new month" and the word CHADASH which means
"New." They also confused the word YERACH which means "Month," as in a "Complete Month," with the
word YAREACH which means "Moon," and this is where the translation error of New Moon came into
the various books and bibles, as it was commonly known that the Hebrew people observed the New Moon
and kept a New Moon Festival every month. However, observing the New Moon is not commanded in the
Torah, nor is the term "New Moon" ever mentioned in the whole Tanach when you look at the original
Hebrew text, and the word moon (yareach) is only mentioned THREE times in the Torah, of which two times
are warnings not to worship or serve the moon.

Psalm 81:4 is often cited as evidence that the (feast) day starts with the sighting of the (new) moon.
Unfortunately this Psalm is wrongly interpreted and can therefore not be used as proof to celebrate
the feast of the Most High at the sighting of the (new) or full moon nor can it be seen as evidence
that a new day starts at sundown. KJV Psalms 81:3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the
time appointed, on our solemn feast day. American Standard Version : Blow the trumpet at the new
moon, at the full moon, on our feast-day. Unfortunately both versions are NOT translated correctly .
The Hebrew word H3677 kese or keseh is translated in our Bible as full moon. This is what is stated in
the Strong's Exhaustive Concordance about the word kese: Strong's Exhaustive Concordance time
appointed Or keceh {keh'-seh}; apparently from kacah; properly, fullness or the full moon, i.e. Its
festival -- (time) appointed. The word that is translated in our Bible for feastday is the Hebrew word
H2282 chag.The Strong's Exhaustive Concordance defines chag as: Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
solemn feast day, sacrifice, solemnity Or chag {khawg}; from chagag; a festival, or a victim therefor -
- (solemn) feast (day), sacrifice, solemnity.
If you look into the Strong Concordance you will see that the original text in Greek as well in Hebrew
reads that the trumpet must be blown in the month at the time appointed. The original text is in
perfect harmony with Numbers 29:2-3, it states: KJV; And in the seventh month, on the first day of
the month, ye shall have an holy convocation; ye shall do no servile work: it is a day of blowing the
trumpets unto you. 3 And ye shall offer a burnt offering for a sweet savour unto the LORD; one
young bullock, one ram, and seven lambs of the first year without blemish. American Standard
Version; And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, ye shall have a holy convocation;
ye shall do no servile work: it is a day of blowing of trumpets unto you. 2 And ye shall offer a burnt-
offering for a sweet savor unto God: one young bullock, one ram, seven he-lambs a year old without
blemish. The Psalmist refers here to the feast of trumpets set up at the time appointed by the Most
High. The verse after Psalms 81:3 confirms my statement Psalm 81:4: For this is a statute for Israel,
and a law of the God of Jacob.

What is translated in the Bible as new moon is related with the sacrifices written in Numbers 28 &
29. The Almighty states in Numbers 28 and Numbers 29 which sacrifices His people had to offer unto
Him on which specific ( feast) day. As example we read in Numbers 28 & 29 that it is written that
Israel had to offer each day two continually burning offers unto the Most High (one in the morning
and one before the sun goes down). Besides the daily sacrifices two lambs had to be offered each
Sabbath day and at the beginning of each month two young bulls had to be offered as burnt offerings
(Numbers 28:11). Furthermore, next to the daily offers and the offering on the Sabbath day there
were also fixed offers on the appointed feast days. The verses we read in the Bible which are
translated as new moon specifically speaks about the beginning of a month, the first day of the
month upon which the monthly burning offers were sacrificed. Scripture where the word month is
translated as new moon : http://www.statenvertaling.net/concordantie/m/2436-1.html
Please read Leviticus 23:37-38, 1 Samuel 20:5-6, 2 Kings 4:23, Ezra 3:5, Nehemia 10:33 with the
above in mind.

In this study I have added a number of websites. However, this does not mean that I agree with everything
listed on these websites. The websites I have posted are for further study and clarification of what is written in
this study. I do not agree with everything on these websites only that what I have written here and have
researched for myself. It is our duty to examine all things and to test the spirits if they are of the Most High:
Acts 17:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:21 and 2 Timothy 2:1, 1 John 4:1. I pray that the Creator, the Almighty Father, the
Power of Israel Who gives eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to understand His truth, will lead His children to
the truth which set them free. Amen.

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