Expression Dance School

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Expression Dance School


April 27th – July 10th
(Timetable subject to change)
Tiny Tots (3yrs – 4yrs old)
Junior (10yrs – 12yrs old)
Teen (12yrs – 16 yrs old)

It is time to plan our Term 2 timetable that commences Monday 27th April 2009.

In order to serve you more efficiently, we are asking you to fill out and return the attached availability form so we may
know what class, day and time you may be interested in attending.

You will find on the next page a draft schedule of Term 2. The classes written with ‘TBC’ next to them are classes that
have been moved to another day and are yet to confirm numbers.

Therefore, it is important that you fill out this form accurately and clearly and put it in the mail or email to me before
Thursday 23rd April 2009. (PO Box 3007, Bellevue Hill NSW 2023).

Once again, thank you

Expression Dance School

Students name: ____________________________________________________________________

Parent/legal guardian: __________________________________________________________

Address: _____________________________________________________________________________

Phone/Mobile: _________________________________________________________________________

Class Day Time





Please fill in YOUR choice of class, availability day and time

If happy with present program, please proceed to the registration form.

The classes will be scheduled only when they have enough students to run a class.
P: 0410 436 337 F: 02 9343 4087
[email protected]
Expression Dance School
Name of Child
Date of Birth Age
Parents Name
Postal Address

Phone (h) (w)

School/Preschool/Daycare you attend
Emergency contacts (other than parents)
Have you taken dance classes before?
How did you find out about Expression Dance School?

Please give detail on any medical condition your child may have, eg: Allergies,
asthma: Including any medication currently taking and details on what to do in case
of an emergency:

To secure a spot in one of the classes, please complete the enrolment form with deposit of $25.00. The
deposit is non-refundable and includes the registration fee and one trial classes.
Once you’ve decided to continue with our program for the term; the balance is payable on or before the
second class.

Conditions of enrolment
• All fees are payable on term basis and are due on the first day of term.
• Fees are GST inclusive and are non-refundable.
• Any overdue accounts incur a 10% late fee.

I, the parent/guardian agree to allow my child to participate in the performance program at

Expression Dance School under the following conditions:
29.All dance classes can involve the risk of personal injury. While Expression Dance School takes all reasonable care in
the conduct of its classes, it accepts no responsibility for injury or loss caused during classes or whilst participants are at
or near the dance studio. You are responsible for ensuring that you are physically and medically fit for the class and during
the class you must take care of your own personal safety at all times.
30.I realise that payment of my account must be received by the first class of each term in order of my child’s place at
Expression Dance School to be reserved.

Parents Signature: …………………………………… Date: …………………………

Expression Dance School
I wish to enroll in:

∆ Tiny Tots Jazz/Hip Hop ∆ Tiny Tots Jazz & Tap

∆ Tiny Tots Ballet ∆ Junior Hip Hop / Jazz
∆ Teen Hip Hop / Jazz ∆ Teen Musical Theatre
∆ 5yrs – 6yrs R.A.D. Ballet ∆ 7yrs – 9yrs Jazz/Hip Hop
∆ 5yrs – 6yrs Jazz/Hip Hop ∆ Teen Lyrical Contemporary

Day Time Class Duration Fee





Multiple Classes Discount = No. of classes x $5 $-

Total $

Payment Options: ∆ Cash ∆ Cheque ∆ Internet Transfer

St George Bank
BSB: 112 879
Account # :419553448

Please make cheques payable to: Expression Dance School (ABN: 95 055 363 433)

PO BOX 3007, Bellevue Hill NSW 2023

I understand I am committed for the entire term’s fees regardless of any classes missed due to sickness or

 I give permission for my child to feature on the Expression Dance School website, as well as Publications
promoting the fun filled educational program. I understand the features will primarily be used for Expression
Dance School only.

 I do not wish my child to feature in any Expression Dance School promotion.

Parents Signature: …………………………………………………… Date: ……………………………………………………

P: 0410 436 337 F: 02 9343 4087

[email protected]

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