Like Stars On Earth REFLECTION Paper

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Pasol, Jomelle Ann D.

28, 2014
Reflection Paper: Lie Stars on Eart!
"e all !a#e in$i#i$%al $ifferences, as &ell as 's!aan in t!e mo#ie t!at !e !as
$(sle)ia. *e is a person t!at +%st cannot seem to ,et an(t!in, ri,!t in class -%t are
more intereste$ in !is s%rro%n$in, lie in t!e arts, animals an$ pla(in, ,ames an$
sometimes !e cannot -%tton !is s!orts. .!o%,! !e cannot cope %p easil( &it! !is class,
!e !as a talent t!at an(-o$( can/t !a#e.
0an( c!il$ren &it! $(sle)ia are poorl( %n$erstoo$ +%st lie &!at 's!aan
e)perience$. 0ainl(, t!e( nee$ t!eir famil( not +%st -( pro#i$in, t!e material t!in,s -%t
t!e lo#e, s%pport, an$ attention from t!eir lo#e$ ones most importantl(. Sa$l(, 's!aan
$oesn/t !a#e t!is. .!e parentin, st(le t!at !e !as, ma$e !im to -e more incompetent
an$ la1( in !is sc!ool &ors pl%s !is teac!ers t!at $on/t clearl( %n$erstan$ &!at !e is
str%,,lin, for. .!is is sa$ to no& t!at, !is teac!ers !a#e not!in, to $o a-o%t it. 'nstea$
t!e( ma$e a $ecision t!at p%t !im into t!e &orse sit%ation2 -eca%se &!en (o% $on/t
%n$erstan$ t!e c!il$/s s%fferin,, it can -e &orsen an$ it &ill lea$ !im into !a#e lo&
sense of self3esteem t!at ma( -e ca%se !im to -ac o%t in sc!ool.
.!is mo#ie almost ma$e me cr( +%st lie &!at m( ot!er classmates felt t!at time.
't is s%c! a masterpiece to -e,in &it! an$ it ,a#e me t!e time to ret!in t!in,s all o#er
a,ain. .!is mo#ie ,a#e me t!e c!ance to loo -ac to m( (o%n,er (ears an$ anticipate
on !o& ' str%,,le$ &it! m( earlier aca$emic life2 it ,a#e me t!e opport%nit( to
appreciate t!e people aro%n$ me, &!o !a#e ,reatl( contri-%te$ to m( c!aracter an$
-elief especiall( &!en ' &as in ,ra$e sc!ool2 an$ it ,a#e me t!e perfect reason to
contin%e m( a$#ocac(, &!erein &!en ' &o%l$ -e in t!e teac!in, profession in t!e f%t%re
' &o%l$ ne#er -e lie 's!aan/s teac!er in !is ol$ sc!ool, '/ll -e Ram S!anar 4i%m-!
instea$. An$ ' &ant to le#el %p t!is a$#ocac( to t!e ne)t le#el. "!(5 Beca%se ' &ant it
to s!are in e#er( teac!er t!at ma$e t!eir st%$ents afrai$ of t!em, ' &ill practice t!e ri,!t
an$ frien$l( st(le of teac!in,, for me to ,et t!eir &!ole attention so t!at t!e( &ill learn a
lot from me. .r%l(, t!is mo#ie is an e(e3opener, &!ic! e#er(one s!o%l$ tae time
&atc!in,. ' can relate m(self in 's!aan/s life. "!en ' &as in elementar( an$ secon$ar(
le#el, ' trie$ to -e in t!e top as &!at m( parents &ante$ for me. .!e( al&a(s ta%,!t me
to -e aca$emicall( competent %ntil ' reali1e$ t!is is not reall( important -ein, on t!e
top, &!at si,nificant is (o% learn an$ s!are it to one/s &!o is in nee$. "!at important is
(o% learn an$ appl( it in e#er($a(/s life. B%t m( parents $on/t %n$erstan$ t!is. 'nstea$,
t!e( ,et anno(e$ to me.
'n 's!aan/s stor(, !e str%,,les in catc!in, %p in sc!ool, !is parents an$ some of
!is teac!ers la-ele$ !im as la1(, $%m-, st%pi$, an$ an( ot!er !ars! a$+ecti#es t!ere is
t!at can -e associate$ &it! !is poor performance in sc!ool. B%t ami$st !is poor
aca$emic state, !e stan$s &it! a ,ift. *e !as t!e ,ift of ima,ination, &!ic! allo&s !im to
see a &orl$ t!at is completel( $ifferent from t!e &orl$ seen -( or$inar( people. Sa$l(,
!is parents an$ some of !is teac!ers $i$ not see t!e ot!er si$e of t!e cooie, t!e ot!er
si$e of 's!aan/s talent.
As a f%t%re teac!er, $o not $ismiss a person -eca%se t!e( are not performin, at
t!e same le#el as e#er(one else. As &e all no&, e#er( c!il$ !as in$i#i$%al $ifferences.
Loo for t!e %n$erl(in, ca%se an$ &or for it. .alin, to !is parents can c!an,e !is
str%,,les or it can -e ,ra$%all( lessen t!r% t%torial. Dismissal of 's!aan co%l$ !a#e
ca%se$ !im to -ecome m%c! &orse an$ !e mi,!t !a#e en$e$ %p -ein, a $rop3o%t.
*o&e#er, &it! a little $e$ication an$ some in$i#i$%al attention, !e &as a-le to stri#e
!ar$ an$ !is a-o#e a#era,e intelli,ence s!o&e$. *e also &as a-le to e)press !imself
t!ro%,! !is paintin,s &!ic! &ere #er( mat%re for !is a,e. Sometimes &!at a person
can offer to t!e &orl$ is not mainstream or one of t!e ma+or interest areas s%c! as
science or mat!ematics. An$ ' t!in, one of t!e factors &!( 's!aan ne,lectin, !imself in
atten$in, t!e sc!ool acti#ities, &it!$ra&in, !imself from t!e people aro%n$ !im is t!e
parentin, st(le. As parents, (o% al&a(s no& (o%r o-li,ations to (o%r c!il$ren. 'n
'sa!aan/s case, a%t!oritati#e st(le can -e a !%,e !elp for !im to -e more foc%s in !is
sc!ool &ors. .!e attention an$ care from parents &o%l$ -e a massi#e comfort in
c!il$ren/s $e#elopment. 'n spite of -ein, -%s(, (o% s!o%l$ al&a(s !a#e a 6%alit( time in
atten$in, (o%r c!il$ren/s nee$. Also, one of t!e essential t!in,s is enco%ra,ement, it
s!o%l$ -e ,i#en &!ere c!il$ren e)cel, t!o%,! it ma( -e art or anot!er area &!ic! isn7t
so l%crati#e. Beca%se t!is is t!e time &!en t!e( can e)press &!at t!e( reall( feel, lie in
's!aan/s pro-lem, t!r% paintin,, !e e)presse$ !is emotions t!at ma$e !im a -etter an$
more talente$ in sills t!at &!at !e !as.
As t!e mo#ie contin%es, ' see !o& Ram S!anar 4i%m-!, 's!aan/s teac!er,
ma$e a &a( on !o& !e &ill -e a-le to !elp 's!aan fin$ !imself. "e can also %se t!at
met!o$ to -e mae o%r learner impro#es, an$ p%t o%r &!ole !eart to tae care to t!em,
to ,i#e t!em t!e attention t!e( nee$e$ an$ let t!em fin$ t!eir sel#es. As a f%t%re
teac!er, &e s!o%l$ also no& t!e strate,( an$ tec!ni6%e to mae o%r st%$ents to
-ecome in$epen$ent. "e s!o%l$ also ,et t!e s%pport an$ e)tra ,%i$ance t!at t!e(
nee$. E#er( one of %s !as a ri,!t in t!is societ( so t!e( also !a#e t!e ri,!t -eca%se
t!e( are -elon, on it. .!e( !a#e t!e ri,!t to c!oose &!oe#er t!e( &ant to -ecome an$
&!ate#er t!e( &ant to -e in life as lon, as &e ,%i$e t!em an$ ,i#e t!em o%r attention.
.!e( m%st -e respecte$ also e#en t!o%,! t!e( !a#e $isa-ilities. .!eir !appiness an$
+o( is t!e most important in t!eir life. Bein, a f%t%re teac!er ' m%st no& an$
%n$erstan$s st%$ent/s nee$s, !o& t!e( are moti#ate$, an$ !o& t!e( learn. ' s!o%l$ -e a
moti#ator, co%nselor, inspiration, an$ a facilitator rat!er t!an a $irection. ' m%st al&a(s
prepare$ of $ifferent strate,ies an$ tec!ni6%es in teac!in, m( st%$ents -( t!at &e can
pro$%ce a ,oo$ pro$%ct an$ ' can also tell t!at '/m one of t!e professor &!o !elpe$ t!at
c!il$ to ,ain !is or !er $reams. ' s!o%l$ !elp t!e learner fin$ t!eir o&n &a(s of learnin,.
As a f%t%re teac!er ' nee$ to !a#e a positi#e attit%$es an$ o%tsi$e interest &!ic! !elps
$e#elop a &ell3ro%n$e$ personalit(. "e m%st !elp o%r st%$ents e#en if !e or s!e is a
special c!il$ -eca%se t!e( nee$ o%r !elp to -ecome -etter. 8o% s!o%l$ also t!in t!at
-ein, a teac!er is +%st not t!e mone( &e ,et -%t to !elp c!il$ren &!o are &illin, to
learn, &illin, to participate an$ to !elp t!em learn &!at is real life all a-o%t, t!e( nee$
o%r ,%i$ance to p%rs%e t!eir $reams. "e s!o%l$ also monitor t!e &a( &e teac!
-eca%se sometimes &e teac!er alrea$( mistaen on !o& to teac! c!il$ren. 9or me in
!an$lin, a class is not eas( -eca%se t!e( are $ifferent c!aracteristics of a c!il$ &!ic!
&e nee$ to -e more o-ser#ant on t!at so t!at &e can see &!o is reall( nee$e$ o%r !elp
lie &!at ' !a#e enco%ntere$ &!en ' too m( on3t!e3+o-3trainin, in sc!ool settin,. B(
$oin, lie t!at it &ill -e easier for %s to !an$le t!e class an$ it &ill -e easier to t!e
st%$ent to a$+%st t!e en#ironment an$ to a$+%st t!e &a( &e teac! t!em -eca%se
st%$ents alrea$( no& t!at &e &ill -e $oin, o%r -est to mae t!em feel comforta-le
&!en t!e( are learnin, an$ t!e( alrea$( tr%ste$ %s. ' also learne$ t!at ,oin, -e(on$ of
t!e life (o%r st%$ent is also ,oo$ -eca%se &e can !elp -ot! o%r st%$ent an$ t!eir
parents reali1e$ t!at t!e( s!o%l$ also nee$ to !a#e %n$erstan$in, to eac! ot!er
-eca%se c!il$ren also !as t!e ri,!t. 'f ' &ill -e ,i#en a c!ance to teac! a special c!il$
lie 's!aan, ' &o%l$ -e !a#in, a positi#e o%tloo an$ enco%ra,in, attit%$es in or$er for
!im to -e inspire$ $espite of !is $isa-ilit( also ' s!o%l$ -e open min$e$ al&a(s an$
fle)i-le to an(t!in, -eca%se special c!il$ t!eir moo$ is al&a(s c!an,in,. ' s!o%l$
facilitate m( class in t!e ri,!t $irection for t!e -etterment. .!e ,oo$ e)ample t!at &e
nee$ to follo& is t!e teac!er in t!e mo#ie &!ic! 0r. 4i%m-! &!o reall( $o !is -est to
!elp a st%$ent &!o al&a(s ,et scol$e$ an$ &!o is s%fferin, from $(sle)ia. *e is a ,oo$
e)ample -eca%se !e reall( #al%e !is profession !e $i$n/t min$ a-o%t t!e mone( -%t !e
min$ a-o%t t!e f%t%re of t!e st%$ents, t!e life of t!e st%$ents, !e reall( !elpe$ t!e
st%$ents to ac!ie#e t!eir ,oals in life an$ !e also %sin, $ifferent strate,ies, an$
tec!ni6%es &!ic! can -e !elpf%l to %s teac!er on !an$lin, a class or st%$ent. Bein,
patience, an$ no& !o& to %n$erstan$ feelin, is a ,reat ,ift t!at &e can -e s!are to
ot!ers. "e nee$ teac! t!em e#er(t!in, from t!e c%rric%l%m to t!e real &orl$ -eca%se '
$o -elie#e t!at c!il$ren reall( tr%st teac!er &!o is nice to t!em, &!om t!e( lie an$
most especiall( to a teac!er &!o no&s !o& to %n$erstan$ t!eir feelin,s. .!at is &!(
-ein, a teac!er is not an eas( profession -eca%se &e !a#e $ifferent role in t!e life of
o%r st%$ents2 &e can -e t!eir secon$ parent, frien$, -o$(,%ar$, c!ef, n%rse, e#en
enem(. .!at is &!( &e s!o%l$ #al%e eac! of o%r st%$ents -eca%se later on t!e( &ill
reali1e$ t!at &e are a -i, !elp to t!eir s%ccess. Beca%se teac!er pro$%ces a ,oo$
6%alit( of st%$ents an$ also t!e teac!er s!o%l$ -e pro%$ of t!at -eca%se &e mae an
effort +%st for t!em to -e a s%ccessf%l one lie %s. Al&a(s remem-er teac! &it! all (o%r
!eart not &it! t!e mone( (o% ,et.
Let7s not loo for somet!in, t!at7s not t!ere. 'nstea$, let7s start seein, t!in,s t!at
&e often ne,lect. Let7s start seein, t!ose ,ifts !i$in, in eac! an$ e#er( in$i#i$%al2 let7s
start reali1in, t!eir tr%e &ort!2 let7s start appreciatin, t!eir ,ifts2 an$ let7s start seein,
t!em as a ne& an$ #al%a-le people. An$ at t!e en$ of t!e $a(, &e &ill reali1e t!at t!ese
people are special an$ &e nee$ t!em for %s to see !o& -ea%tif%l t!is &orl$ is.

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