Callously Callousness
Callously Callousness
Callously Callousness
------------>>> CALLOUS
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
callously decide to dispose of her body?
callousness of what has been said and done
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
callous woman, a real cow
Cruel and callous bunch of sh1ts.
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Callous & cruel people
Callous & uncalled for
callous cruelty makes my blood boil
callous in Portugal
Callous is the right word
Callous nutcases
Callous remark
callous woman
callous, vile excuses for human beings
Callous/cold/calculating cows!
cruel & callous game
Cruel/callous people
Extremely callous people
hideous & callous
How can human beings be so callous?
------------>>> CANADA
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
I know you are a female alright ***...from Toronto in Canada.
These videos keep you busy over there in Canada
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
being in Canada is no protection from the law
may think she is safe in Canada from prosecution, she isn't
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
*** of Toronto Canada runs the Controversy fb group
*** painter of Toronto Canada runs Controversy fb group
------------>>> CANADIAN
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
Canadian bird ***
Canadian woman
crazy old Canadian!
Spoke about her to client who is Canadian
what we have on them I will make sure they do and the Canadian press also
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
article about your campaign on Canadian BC is not too far away
Canadian lady who runs a hate campaign
Canadian lady's fb
Canadian Lady's group
Is Beo Canadian
lead by Canadian woman
people were paid by the Canadian lady to tweet lies all day
strange Canadian activist
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
wilful lies of Canadian *** spread about daily
What has the Canadian lady *** got against the #McCann s
------------>>> CAP FITS
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
if the baseball cap fits
if the cap fits
The cap fits admirably.
The cap fits perfectly
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
if the cap fits
Whomever the cap fits
------------>>> CAR
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
car was hired 3 weeks later
ignoring th e Mccanns hire car until prompted to come back
obvious which car had been the McCanns
the dog Keela 9was it) ran straight past the Mccanns car and had to be beckoned back before she even started to sniff about.
way the dog was handled in the car park
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
all over a car park, even up the wall but not the car until called to
Dog alerted outside of the car and only when called back to do so
dog ran straight past car woofing and looking up the wall
no wheel well in that model car
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Did you see Grime call back repeatedly the dog as it rushed past ignoring the car?
dog was called back to the hire car
had to be brought back to the hire car
had to be called back to the handler at the car
he was seen calling the dog back to the car
How could he miss those car stckers FGS
no surprise Madeleine's DNA could be found among her things in the car
PJ destroying evidence in #McCann car
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
NO blood matching Madeleine #McCann DNA found in car or apt
------------>>> CAR PARK
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
in the car park where again Keela acted in a rather peculiar manner completely ignoring the Mccanns hire car until prompted to
come back.
very far from being alone with your concerns regarding the way the dog was handled in the car park
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
all over a car park, even up the wall but not the car until called to
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
we all know what goes on in that kind of car park. The dogs are unreliable that's it!
------------>>> CARDBOARD CUTOUT
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
cardboard cutout?
cardboard cut out!
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Cardboard cut out I'd say
*** is a cardboard cut out.
medieval old cardboard cutout?
cardboard cut-out
------------>>> CARIAD
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Nos Da Cariad
Nos Da Cariad!
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
Nos da Cariad
Nos da my friend cariad!
------------>>> CARING PROFESSION
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
should not be in caring profession
you're connected to caring profession?
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
caring profession & yet touts hate every day
Caring profession my arse
How can anybody in caring professions
someone who is in the caring profession
someone who works in caring profession
supposed t++o be a professional in the caring profession?
Who'd employ a liar and a #troll esp in caring profession?
woman in the caring profession
works in "caring profession" and yet is a nasty old #troll
------------>>> CAUSE FOR CONCERN
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
cause for concern as we have no evidence
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
should be cause for concern.
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
cause to be concerned
No cause for concern
no cause for concern
would have been cause for concern
------------>>> CHAV
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
chavvy kids names No class
So *** had chavy parents
thick chavvy chains & tattooes + boozed up
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
chav for a mother
you're a chav?
------------>>> CHEATS (BENEFITS)
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
Benefits cheats do not pay UK taxes!
benefits people here & jealousy
benefits scrounger
on benefits like themselves
picking up their benefit cheques
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Benefit cheats
benefits cheat with nothing better to do
benefits cheats
benefits cheats
I don't receive benefits.
I resent paying benefits from my taxes
on benefits or pensions
on benefits.
probably on benefits
------------>>> CHEEKY
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
you cheeky man
you cheeky thing!
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
cheeky woman is our Ms
cheekyguy hasn't thought this through
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
2 cheeky Eastern Europeans
cheeky little radicalised activist
Cheeky mare
cheeky mare
cheeky monkey
cheeky monkey.
cheeky monkey. Monkey prune face!
cheeky monkey?
Cheeky moo!
cheeky upstart!
Cheeky, I don't lie.
I am not 72 cheeky!
I am not the first to log in by a long chalk cheeky!
I'm a long long way off 70 cheeky boy
it isn't...cheeky!
You what cheeky?
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
Cheeky madam aren't I
------------>>> CHESTNUT
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
old chestnut
old "racist" chestnut
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
old chestnut
old chestnut
old chestnut
OMG that old chestnut
------------>>> CHICKEN
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
don't count your chickens
hardly spring chickens
he will chicken out
headless chickens
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
don't count their chickens before they are hatched?
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched
headless chicken
headless chicken
headless chickens
load of old chickens
media chickened out
no spring chick
------------>>> CHILD KILLERS
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
I would never be an apologist for child killers
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
I would never support child killers
------------>>> CHILDISH
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
rather childish
small minded and very childish people
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
childish crap
childish deliberate and wilful act
childish mantra of dogs don't lie
no childishness
rather childish
very childish
Very childish
you are childish
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
bloody childish
childish banter
childish comments
childish fruitloops
childish games
childish mantra "dogs don't lie"
Childish one
childish people
childish stuff
childish twerpos
childish/hateful trolls
how childish
pathetic childish troll
playing childish games
quite childish
silly & childish
so childish
So childish
so childish
stop being childish
stupid & childish!
stupid/childish gits
talk about childish
that is childish
that kind of childishness
very childish
Very childish
very childish
Very childish
Very childish
very childish "dogs don't lie"
very childish activists
Very childish aren't you?
very childish silly activist stuff
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
childishness of the "man"
Very childish
------------>>> CHUMP
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
silly chump aren't you?
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
chump chops
Get over yourself chump
I laugh at those chumps
never mind old chump chops
old chump
only you chumps
these chumps
What a chump!
what's with you chimp chump
You are a chumP
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
arrogant chump
bunch of chumps
chump chops
chump chops
chump chops
chump chops
Chump chops!
Chumps aren't they
Deluded chumps
He's a chump!
look a right chump
look a right chump
looks a chump
looks a chump
old chump chops
prize chump
real chump
silly chump
silly chump
Silly chump
silly chump
silly chump
silly chump!
silly chump!
Silly chump!
Silly chump!
silly chumps
Silly chumps
silly chumps
Silly chumps
Silly chumps
Silly chumps!
Such a chump
these chumps
they are chumps
They are chumps!
totally silly chumps
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
chump chops
------------>>> CIRCUS
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
Amaral and the circus in PdL
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
circus grew around
circus is on the internet
more of a circus
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
circus over there
stop this #hate circus
stop this #hate circus
------------>>> CLEAN (McCANN APT)
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
it was not cleaned properly?
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
myth the #McCann s cleaned their apartment
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
all the cleaning in the world would not get rid of evidence
apartment had not been bleached clean as is the myth
apt 5a was NOT cleaned by the #McCann s
apt cleaned many times after Madeleine's disappearance
bleach from cleaners of the apartment
Deep clean is a complete fabrication/myth
Deep clean is a complete fabrication/myth
Doctor's would know cleaning wasn't going to get rid of cadaver odour
GAs story on cleaning with bleach of 5a
I am positive no cleaning was ever done
Kate says they did no cleaning of 5a
McCann s did not clean the apartment
No #McCann cleaning done
No cleaners can eliminate every trace
no cleaning done
Nobody bleached 5a clean
Nobody cleaned 5a
Nobody cleaned up, that is a complete lie, a forum MYTH
Nobody cleaned!
Nobody scrubbed anything clean
Nowhere does it say the #McCann s cleaned their apt
There was no clean up
There was no clean up
------------>>> CLEAN (SQUEAKY)
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
track record is hardly squeaky clean
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
Mayor Flores who is not squeaky clean
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Australia squeaky clean is it
far from squeaky clean
He is not a squeaky clean man
*** is not squeaky clean
no way squeaky clean
UK not squeaky clean
------------>>> CLEVER
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
clever concealment
cleverly concealed
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
clever boy
clever clogs
clever her
Clever old
clever old woofer
Clever with your computer
How clever
I am not that clever
Jay is very humourous and extremely clever
not clever
very clever
You think you're so clever
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Amaral is not a good man but he's clever
Any clever ideas
Clever & funny
clever and crafty
clever app
clever at drugs
clever at that
Clever but not clever enough
clever clog
clever clogs
Clever clogs
clever clogs
clever clogs
clever clogs
clever clogs?
clever clogs?
clever cookie
clever dick
clever enough
Clever GA
Clever girl
Clever girl!
Clever isn't it?
clever Jay
clever little stalker
Clever magicians
clever not adding
Clever old windows7 and 8
Clever old you
Clever stuff windows 7&8
clever tactic
clever weren't they
clever with their words
cleverly done
cleverly pulled off crime of all time
exist & are clever
extrememly clever
How clever was that man?
How very clever
I am so clever!
Jay is great and clever
Jay is so clever
mighty clever
most clever crime in history
not all dogs are as clever as his top dog
not so clever
Not so clever
not that clever
Not very clever
not very clever
not very cleverly
quite clever
really very clever
so clever
so clever
SOCOs not clever in Ptgl
That's clever Jay
Theses are so clever
Too clever by half
Too clever for you
trying to be clever
Very clever
very clever
very clever
very clever
very clever
Very clever jay
very clever of them
Very clever weren't they
What a clever man
You are clever
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
clever old thing NOT
last thing I'd call him is clever
That would be clever
thought you were clever
very clever
very clever
------------>>> CLUEDO
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
like a game of Cluedo to her
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
like a game of Cluedo
------------>>> COBBLER
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
Cobblers is in there
load of old cobblers
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Cobblers to you
load of cobblers
------------>>> COHORT
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
certain ex-cop and his journalist cohorts.
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
I haven't any cohorts
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
good friend and cohort
Her cohort
his cohort
needs locking up with her cohorts
you & cohorts
you and your cohorts
you and your cohorts
your cohorts
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
his cohort the foul ***
nothing to do with her cohort
------------>>> COLLECTED
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
cool and collected criminal psychologist
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
cool, calm & collected as usual
------------>>> COMPASSION
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
compassion took over
family compassion
lack of compassion
lacking compassion
Someone with compassion
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
compassion & empathy
compassion for her
compassion for the #McCann s
compassion for the #McCann s
compassion from most
compassion would
compassionate souls
don't have compassion
FGS have some compassion!
have some bloody compassion
I feel no compassion
NOT a compassionate
------------>>> COMPETENT
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
no way of gauging their competence
police involved were less than competent
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
Amaral was an inept & grossly incompetent cop
Amaral was an inept and totally incompetent cop
dogs require a certain level of competence
PJ incompetence
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
more competent one
Portugals competence
------------>>> COMPRENDE
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
Comprende Doh!
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
I don't comprende you
No comprende
No comprende gel
No comprende!
Non comprende
Non comprende??
nor do I comprende
Sorry non comprende
yes Comprende?
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
------------>>> COMPUTER SCREENS
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
behind their computer screens
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
behind these vile computer screens.
------------>>> CONJURE
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
conjured up brilliant word
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
conjured them up
conjured up by some people
figures are conjured up
you people conjure up
------------>>> CONSPIRAL
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
conspiracy theory garbage
Conspiracy loon!
Conspiracy Theory started by a certain ex-cop
hatch conspiracy theories just out of admiration (it would seem) for a rather dubious ex-cop?
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
all conspiralunatics
conspiraloon rubbish
Conspiraloons sites
conspiraloons theory
odour of "conspiraloon"
old conspiraloon
old conspiraloon
old conspiraloons
One of the conspiraloons
typical conspiralunacy
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
all conspiraloons
Conspiraloon alert
Conspiraloon alert
conspiraloon dreams
conspiraloon gone mad
Conspiraloon head on shoulders
conspiraloon heads
conspiraloon knots
conspiraloon points/fables
conspiraloons take the biscuit!
Conspiraloons United
conspiraloons united!
daft Conspiraloon
daft old conspiraloon!
daft old conspiraloon?
freaky conspiraloons
fully fledged conspiraloon
illuminate conspiraloon
little conspiraloon
mind of the conspiraloon
more conspiraloons
NWO conspiraloon
old conspiraloon
one of those conspirallons
raving old conspiraloon
Royal Conspiraloons
Sad conspiraloons
stupid conspiraloon
true conspiraloons!
Typical conspiraloon
------------>>> CONTAMINATION
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
contaminants would hinder any search
PJ had allowed contamination of the crime scene
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
PJ contaminated it instead of sealing apt for SOCO
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
5a was allowed to be contaminated
after letting 5a become contaminated
apt was contaminated by so many
contaminants can be from a distance
contaminating crime scene
contaminating crime scene!
contamination occurred
failed to secure the area and it became contaminated
it was contaminated
undoubtedly plenty but contaminated
Unfortunately in this case contaminated
where did this contaminant come from
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
Much contamination in the meantime
------------>>> CONTRANUMPTIES
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
jayelle's Contranumpties Party Video
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
contranumpties facebook groups
contranumpties page1 is grinding to a halt
Contranumpties pages
Contranumpties party video
Contranumpties sites
not much happening on Contranumpties
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
Contranumpties page have few posters
Can I ask a question of you Contranumpties
------------>>> COOKIE
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
Crazy cookie
sick cookie
sick cookie.
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
clever cookie
cookie old woman
crazy cookies
sick cookie
sick cookie
Sick cookie
sick cookie
sick cookie
sick cookie
sick cookie and the police should be made aware.
sick cookie from the gutter
warped cookie
------------>>> COME FROM A PLACE
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
I also come from a place where multi thousands of us
you come from a place of a few disbelieving sad souls.
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
I come from a place where many thousands do support them
------------>>> CORRECTION
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
correction - *Redwood
Correction ~ why does MWT follow @**** ?
correction, Tommy Roe. Got your name on my mind there.
correction: *too excited
correction: a quarter of a century
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Correction "than the #McCann s"
correction : Brady & Hindley
Correction: women rescued by
correction: You shrieked it
------------>>> CORROBORATING
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
no corroborating evidence in this case
no corroborating evidence of Madeleine
no corroborating evidence was available
without corroborating evidence
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Always corroborating evidence
enough corroborating evidence
FFS must find some corroborating evidence
hope Operation Grange are corroborating your evidence
jailed without corroborating evidence
No corroborating evidence
No corroborating forensic evidence
takes corroborating evidence
without any corroborating evidence
without corroborating evidence
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
All corroborating evidence
Exactly, corroborating evidence
------------>>> CORRUPT
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
another corrupt PJ officer.
corrupt as well
corrupt Pj
corrupt PJ on case.
infested with corrupt cops
Not all PJ are corrupt but a few were
Portuguese judiciary even more corrupt
That is corrupt too
this man's corrupt ways
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
90% of Portuguese say their country corrupt
Algarvian corrupt cops words
all corrupt & in on it
Amaral her beloved corrupt cop
Amaral is one big filthy lying corrupt man
as corrupt as you?
corrupt & dodgy person!
corrupt & full of deviants
corrupt and lazy man he was/is!
Corrupt as the day is long
corrupt at worst.
corrupt cop
corrupt cop leading corrupt cops. No longer.
corrupt cops there
corrupt in anyway, shape or form
corrupt judiciary
corrupt men. Liars, thieves & torturers , you name it. GAs little buddies.
corrupt old wave certainly not
corrupt people like you do
corrupt PJ !!
corrupt PJ and authority figures in Portugal
corrupt PJ?
corrupt Ptgese connected to this case
Corrupt. Corrupt and Corrupt
Criminal Prosecutor in Faro who was corrupt
found to be corrupt.
how corrupt this man is
Other police forces corrupt to *****
PJ corrupt ex cop?
proven to be a corrupt man
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
rotten and corrupt cop
------------>>> CORRUPTED
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
corrupted the investigation
corrupted translated files?
original files have not been corrupted
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
corrupted files
corrupted it as is her game?
corrupted men
corrupted quotes
corrupted version a la Amaral
mccannpjfiles are corrupted
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
devoted to the corrupted man
------------>>> CORRUPTION
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
corruption from top to bottom in judiciary
corruption on the Algarve
many years of corruption
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
corruption et al
corruption everywhere as we saw within the PJ
corruption rife in their country
corruption still exists within the PJ
deeper element of corruption within their ranks.
eye-opener into corruption
lends itself to corruption
No more corruption Portugal
Portimao scandal & corruption. Seems rife in that town
Portugal corruption
Portugal leading the way in corruption
Portugal wants the corruption cleared up
works of corruption.
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
you support nastiness & corruption
------------>>> COUGH
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
(... *cough*)
*cough* just now
cough cough cough
cough needs investigating
get that cough seen to
Portuguese Beauty *cough*
vivacious *** *cough
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
*cough *splutter
*coughing as she goes
caught ***'s contagious *cough
consumption as this *cough has lasted years now!
cough has been with you for years
Could the cough be pleurisy
get that cough checked out
Get that cough checked out
Get that cough fixed
retired (*cough) Nanny
RN care manager (cough)
Still got that niggling cough
taken in by profiler *cough
the actor (cough)
true numbers *cough of their beloved
used to cough a lot to end her sentences
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
Most who have "joined" *cough recently
------------>>> COUNCIL
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
council estate parents are sometimes pretty rough & abuse kids
council scum
kids are removed from council dwellers, their bad habits
most cases heard of are from council estates
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
I was asked if I was a council house dweller yesterday and I have never lived in one in my life
I've never ever lived in a council house
live in council dwellings
mothers are from the council estate
Not all are council houses
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
Not all council estate inhabitants are trash but this one is in the gutter
------------>>> COW
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
*** cow
awful cow
Bloody stupid cow
evil cow
Evil cow
evil old cow?
let's all report the cow
old cow
old cow
old cow can't possibly know
real cow
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Bella the Moo Cow
Calloous cow
despicable old cow
evil cow
evil cow
evil old cow
Hard faced old cow
malicious old cow
right cow
sour old cow
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
heartless cow
nasty old cow
------------>>> COWARD
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
craven coward
he's a craven coward
jayelle is no coward
keyboard coward
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
He is a sick coward
he's no coward
I am far from a coward
No coward I assure you
they are down coward
wrong in her assumption Jay is a coward because she is anything but
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
he is a coward
He's a coward, that's why
------------>>> CRACK
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
cracked vinyl record, stuck, stuck, stuck
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
about to crack
Amaral has cracked mate
cracking good ROFL and I hope Jay can do some more
cracking on
has cracked
has cracked!
theories that you crack pot
totally cracked
what a crackpot
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
have you cracked
He is cracked
Maybe Amaral will crack
a lot of crackpots
She is a crackpot
She is another crackpot
They are all cracked
crack under the strain
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
He has cracked for good
full of crack
------------>>> CRAP
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
crap your groups put out
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
bombard CW phone lines with crap
childish crap
crap as I said
crap blog
crap from Amaral
crap love
crap people are putting out
crap police
crap stories
crap videos
crap x 6
crap you spout
crappy views
cut the crap
it's crap
old crap
spout crap
talking crap
the crap
their crap
their crap
they were CRAP
translations are crap
your crap
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
*** is crap
absolute and complete crap
absolute crap
absolute crapola
acid bath crap
all of this crap
all that crap
all that crap
all that crap!
believe that crap
biased crap for Amaral.
blog CRAP
conspiracy crap
crap armchair defectives
crap being said
crap coming from
crap spouted
crap they find
crap they tweet
crap videos
crap you bring
crappy networks
despicable crap
Follow your crap
for crap
her crapola
his/her crapola
libellous crap
More crap
pro Amaral crap
regurgitated crap
same old crapola
squeeze crap out
talk CRAP
talk crap
tweet CRAP!
utter crapola
videos of crapola
What crap?
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
absolute trash/crap/bunkum
------------>>> CRAVE
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
craven coward really and knows he's done wrong
craven coward who hides behind his keyboard
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
crave destructive relationships
craven cowards
craves being on the front pages
gobshite who craves attention
Is it attention you crave?
sensationalism is what she craves
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
companionship they crave
------------>>> CRAW
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
must stick in your craws
sticking in their craw
sticks in craw of most
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
sticking in the anti #McCann s craw
------------>>> CRAZY
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
bat shit crazy
batshitcrazy is what they are
bloody crazy the lot of them
crazy aren't they
Crazy cookie
Crazy fool
crazy old
crazy old bat
crazy old Canadian!
Crazy old girl
crazy old sheepdog
crazy people
Crazy woman
Crazy woman
Crazy woman
mind is crazy
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Bat Shit Crazy is how Jatyk2 describe these buffoons
batshit crazy old bird
Crazy aren't they
crazy bastardess!
Crazy but possibly very true
Crazy cops!
Crazy isn't it
crazy line up
crazy lot on ****s group
Crazy man!
Crazy old biddy
Crazy or what?
crazy people
Crazy people
Crazy people
Crazy people so full of hate
Crazy psyches!
Crazy system
crazy teacher
Crazy to donate
crazy wallies
Crazy woman
crazy woman!
Crazy women
crazy world of the internet
Crazy, the whole thing
crazy, the whole thing was crazy
Everyone was ROFLING like crazy
I am rofling like crazy
It's crazy
It's crazy isn't it
Stalks people like crazy
stir crazy
all crazy
crazy cookies
crazy people
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
Crazy man
Crazy people
------------>>> CREEP
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
a creep
Can't abide the creep
creeps are still at it
Creepy old bugger
Creepy woman
Detest that little creep
Detest that little creep
gives everyone the creeps
he is a creep
None more creepy than an anti #McCann #amaralarselickers
not the worst of the creeps
the creep
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
"Creepy Stalker
a creep though
always creepy
Always felt he was a creep
always found him creepy
Amaral is a liar and also evil personified and you are very creepy
creep Amaral
creep me out
creeped out
creepiest man
creepiest of trolls
creeps they are
creeps who need shutting up legally
creepy Australian stalker
creepy Avatar
Creepy bitch
creepy men
creepy old grannies
creepy one is back!
creepy slimeball and needs locking up
Creepy/perverse git!
disgusting & creepy!
far creepier
Filthy creep
gives me the creeps
gives me the creeps
gives me the creeps
Horrid creeps
horrid little creep of a man
how creepy he is
I just hate you creeps
makes my skin creep
most creepy's
much creepier
nasty, creepy man
Nothing at all creepy about me
Nothing creepy
real creepy man
sneaky, cunning, misbegotten creeps
That is creepy
the creep
They are creepy
they are so creepy!
They give me the creeps!
Wh is it creepy
what a creep!
what we know as a creep
you creep
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
Creepy man
------------>>> CRETIN
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
A lot about the cretin
bunch of cretins
bunch of cretins
can't abide the cretin
cretin like Amaral
Cretins is the word
Cretins still in evidence.
lies of the cretins
lying cretin
no proper substance to the cretin
vile cretins
Vile cretins
warped minded cretin
you cretins!
you lot of cretins
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
cretin old granny
cretinous woman
cretins are like some parasite
cretins carry on
Cretins doesn't go far enough
cretins make up
cretins they are.
deliberate cretins
Dreadful cretins!
facebook cretins
idiotic cretin.
It's the cretins
less brains than cretins?
libelling cretins
libellous cretins
libellous cretins.
misbegotten cretins
Nasty bunch of cretins
nasty cretin aren't you
nasty cretinous ghouls.
nasty cretinous haters
nasty, heartless cretins?
Oops I meant the cretin.
Sad cretin.
spiteful cretins
suspicious minded cretins
these cretins
these cretins
these cretins say
Vile is too mild a word for the cretins
word cretin
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
hate of such vile cretins
nasty cretinous woman!
------------>>> CRIKEY
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
crikey moses
crikey now you have me wondering
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Crikey an anti on Contr grp
Crikey the spare keys
Crikey wasn't Amaral involved in the Drugs Dept
Crikey, but why?
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
crikey you are blind as well
------------>>> CRINGE
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
I cringe at the hatred
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
did you go to Specsavers? {cringe}
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Cringeworthy! #McCann web
I cringe when US tv progs so full of the eff word
makes me cringe she is so very odd.
making me cringe at times
Uneducated! Makes me cringe!
---------------------- WBD ----------------------
they will cringe and blush.
------------>>> CRUCIFY
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
crucify an innocent couple daily
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
crucified woman
crucify suffering parents
crucifying anguish
must be crucifying
Portia, these people would crucify
your crucifying
------------>>> CRUEL PEOPLE
----------------------- PAM -----------------------
these cruel people
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Callous & cruel people.
cruel people around the place
such cruel people
Such cruel people.
warped & very cruel people
warped/cruel people
------------>>> CRUX
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
that of course is the crux of the matter
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
That is the crux
That is the crux of the matter
That is the crux of the matter
The crux of the matter is
therein lies the crux of this hate for PG
------------>>> CRYING SHAME
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
Bloody crying shame
crying shame
What a crying shame
What a crying shame.
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
Crying shame
Crying shame
it is a crying shame.
Such a crying shame
Such a crying shame
What a crying shame!
What a crying shame.
what a crying shame.
------------>>> CUCKOO
------------------- SCUMCOP -------------------
away in Cloud Cuckooland
------------------ TRULYJUDY ------------------
always cuckoo
cloud cuckoo land!
Cloud CuckooLand Station
cuckoo brain?
cuckoo statement
cuckoo stories