Flow Over A Cylinder
Flow Over A Cylinder
Flow Over A Cylinder
= f
u e
where N = 8. The density is determined from the particle distribution function. The density and the
velocities satisfy the Navier-Stokes equations in the low-Mach number limit [12].
In the D2Q9 square lattice, a suitable equilibrium distribution function that has been proposed is [15]
= 1 , = 0
2 2
= 1 3( ) + 4.5 ( ) - 1.5 , = 1, 2, 3, 4
2 2
= 1 3( ) + 4.5 ( ) - 1.5 , = 5, 6, 7, 8
f w i
i i
f w i
i i
f w i
i i
e .u e .u u
i i
e .u e .u u
i i
where the lattice weights are given by w
= 4/9, w
= w
= w
= w
= 1/9, w
= w
= w
= w
= 1/36.
Figure 1: Two-Dimensional nine-velocity square lattice model.
The relaxation time which fixes the rate of approach to equilibrium is related to the viscosity by [13]
6 1
where u is the kinematic viscosity measured in lattice units.
3. Problem and Associated Features of LBM
The schematic diagram of the flow past a circular cylinder confined in a channel is shown in
Figure 2. The present problem deals with a cylinder with circular cross section with diameter D
mounted centrally inside a plane channel of height H with blockage ratio B = H/D. The channel length
L is fixed at L/D = 50 to reduce the influence of outflow boundary conditions on accuracy. An
upstream length of l = L/4 or 12.5D has been chosen. In this problem, the inlet boundary conditions
are given by a uniform velocity profile. The LBM simulation studies are carried out for different
values of Reynolds numbers Re = UD/, where U is the velocity at the channel entry and D is the
cylinder diameter.
Figure 2: Schematic diagram of the flow past a circular cylinder confined in a channel.
It is known that, in LBM simulation the boundary condition for the particle distribution
function on a solid wall can be given by a popular approach known as bounce-back scheme [13].
Therefore, in the present work, we use bounce-back boundary condition on the top and bottom walls,
which indicates no-slip. We use bounce-back with additional momentum to the inlet boundary with
known velocity to provide the required inlet condition for the particle distribution function f
, as
proposed by Yu et al., [14]. It creates a mechanism for the pressure wave from the interior of the
computational domain to interact with the inlet boundary and it can be reflected back. At the outlet of
the computational domain, f
can usually be approximated by a simple extrapolation boundary
condition proposed by Guo et al. [21]. On the solid curved boundary, i.e., on the surface of the
cylinder, a robust second order accurate boundary treatment proposed by Bouzidi et al., [16] is used
for the particle distribution function.
In the present LBM simulation, we use the momentum exchange method to compute the fluid
force on the circular cylinder. The total force acting on a solid body by fluid can be written as [14]
( ) ( ) ( )
1 , ,
b b b
F f f t t w x e
e x t x e
o o o o o
= ( + + + (
where N
is the number of non-zero lattice velocity vectors and ( )
w x e
+ is an indicator, which is 0
at x
and 1 at x
. The inner summation calculates the momentum exchange between a solid node at x
and all possible neighbouring fluid nodes around that solid node. The outer summation calculates the
force contributed by all boundary nodes x
. The two most important characteristic quantities of flow
around a cylinder are the coefficient of drag and coefficient of lift. The coefficients are defined as
Coefficient of drag
Coefficient of lift
where F
and F
are the x- and y- components of the total fluid force acting on the cylinder, A is the
projected area. Themes of present studies are as follows:
(i) For a fixed blockage ratio to study the circular cylinder flow field characteristics.
(ii) For different blockage ratios to study the circular cylinder flow field characteristics.
(iii) For different outlet boundary locations to study the cylinder flow field characteristics.
(iv) For different lengthwise cylinder locations to study the flow field characteristics.
4. Results and Discussions
4.1. Fixed blockage ratio
For a blockage ratio B = H/D = 8 computations are carried out at different Reynolds numbers
with the help of Lattice Boltzmann method with single-relaxation-time collision model. The lattice
size of 50080 is used for the present configuration.
(i) Steady flow
Streamline patterns for a blockage ratio B = 8 at Reynolds numbers Re = 4, 5, 10, 20, 30 and
40 are shown in Figure 3. At low Reynolds number (Re = 4) the steady flow past the circular cylinder
persists without separation as shown in Figure 3(a). As Reynolds number increases the separation of
the steady flow laminar boundary layer is clearly observed in Figure 3(b) and Figure 3(c). At Re = 5,
separation of steady flow just begins and as Reynolds number increases a pair of vortices develops
behind the circular cylinder and they grow in size with Reynolds number. It is seen (Figure 3(c) - 3(f))
that two vortices downstream of the cylinder, symmetrically placed about the channel centreline,
develop and remain attached to the cylinder. From Figure 3(a) - 3(f), it is again seen that for steady
flows the size of the vortices increases with Reynolds number. In Table 1, we present the coefficient
of drag for different steady-flow Reynolds numbers. Expectedly as the Reynolds number increases
coefficient of drag (C
) decreases.
(a) Re = 4
(b) Re = 5
(c) Re = 10
(d) Re = 20
(e) Re = 30
(f) Re = 40
Figure 3: Streamline patterns for steady flows past a circular cylinder at different
Reynolds numbers for a blockage ratio B = 8: (a) Re=4 (b) Re=5 (c) Re=10 (d) Re=20
(e) Re=30 and (f) Re=40; Lattice size: 50080.
Table 1: Coefficient of drag for different steady-flow Reynolds numbers.
Tritton (Experimental) [2] - 2.22 - 1.48
Fornberg (Numerical) [4] - 2.00 - 1.50
Calhoun (Numerical) [7] - 2.19 - 1.62
Present LBM 3.21 2.25 1.74 1.50
(ii) Unsteady flow
In our LBM simulation the periodic flow is computed at Re = 60, 100 and 150 for which the
streamline patterns at a certain instant are shown in Figure 4(a) 4(c). At Re = 60, many experimental
and numerical results have shown conclusively that eventually asymmetry sets in and the flow
becomes unsteady. From Figure 4(a) 4(c), it is seen that as the Reynolds number increases the
streamline patterns becomes wavy and sinuous on the rear-side of the circular cylinder. Figure 5
depicts the vorticity contours for flow past a circular cylinder at various Reynolds numbers (Re = 4, 5,
40, 60, 100 and 150). Interestingly for the steady flow, on the line of symmetry downstream of the
cylinder flow is irrotational. Steady flow vortices seem to be more and more elongated as the
Reynolds number increases. From the vorticity contours we clearly observe that vortices with negative
and positive vorticies are alternatively shed at Re = 60, 100 and 150. This is known as the famous von
Karman vortex street. The point of separation is also clearly observed from the vorticity contours.
From Figure 5(d) 5(f) it is seen that for a fixed length of the confining channel, number of periodic
vorticities shed increases with Reynolds number. Thus without quantifying the associated frequencies
for the Reynolds numbers, it is possible to say that frequency of vortex shedding increases as
Reynolds number increases.
(a) Re = 60
(b) Re = 100
(c) Re = 150
Figure 4: Instantaneous streamline line patterns for flows past a circular cylinder at different Reynolds
numbers for a blockage ratio B = 8: (a) Re = 60 (b) Re = 100 and (c) Re = 150; Lattice size: 50080.
In order to study the flow field characteristics, velocity variation along the channel centreline
are presented for Re = 45. Figure 6 shows the distributions of x- and y- velocity components along the
channel centreline. It is observed that fluctuations of velocity at the exit boundary are small. At the
surface of the cylinder velocity is zero and at upstream locations flow velocity varies smoothly
without much oscillation. Figure 7 shows similar plots when the channel length is increased from 500
to 600 lattice units. It is observed that the fluctuation at the outflow boundary is smaller for this
increased channel length. This is the justification for applying the outflow boundary condition at a
large distance from the cylinder.
(a) Re = 4
(b) Re = 5
(c) Re = 40
(d) Re = 60
(e) Re = 100
(f) Re = 150
Figure 5: Vorticity contours for flows past a circular cylinder at different Reynolds numbers for a
blockage ratio B = 8: (a) Re = 4 (b) Re = 5 (c) Re = 40 (d) Re = 60 (e) Re = 100 and (f) Re = 150;
Lattice size: 50080.
Figure 6: Instantaneous results at a certain moment for the flow over a circular
cylinder: (a) stream wise (u) and (b) cross stream (v) velocities along the centerline
(y=0); Re = 45, Lattice size: 50080.
Figure 8 shows the periodic time variation of the lift coefficient (C
) and drag coefficient (C
for the flow past a circular cylinder at Re=60 and 100. It is seen that for each time period, C
has two
crests and two troughs of unequal amplitudes, which are a consequence of the periodic vortex
shedding from the top and bottom surfaces. The same figure shows that C
for each time period has
just one trough and one crest; this is because C
is not influenced by the pressure distribution on the
rear side of the cylinder, which is strongly influenced by the vortex shedding at the top and bottom
sides of the cylinder. The value of the lift force fluctuation is directly connected to the formation and
shedding of the eddy and, therefore, its value varies between a positive maximum and a negative
maximum of equal magnitude. In Table 2, we present the mean drag coefficient and coefficient of lift
for Re = 100. All the results computed with present LBM compare well with existing numerical results
[17, 18 and 19].
Figure 7: Instantaneous results at a certain moment for the flow over a circular
cylinder: (a) stream wise (u) and (b) cross stream (v) velocities along the centerline
(y=0); Re = 45, Lattice size: 60080.
Figure 8: Flow over a circular cylinder: Time dependent lift and drag coefficients (C
and C
) at (a) Re=60 and (b) Re= 100 on a lattice size of 50080.
Table 2: Mean drag coefficient and coefficient of lift for the flow over a cylinder at Re = 100
Braza et al. (1986) 1.364 0.25
Calhoun (2002) 1.330 0.298
Present LBM 1.290 0.289
Figure 9 shows how a critical Reynolds number can be roughly predicted [20]. Here A
indicates, at a point in the wake region, the amplitude of fluctuations of u when periodicity sets in and
indicates the same for v. For five different Reynolds numbers, close to the critical, A
and A
plotted against Re. Linear fits through these points intersects at a point, which approximately indicates
the Reynolds number at which vortex shedding starts. Here it is observed that for a blockage ratio B =
8 critical Reynolds number is between 43 and 44.
Figure 9: Onset of unsteadiness for a blockage ratio B= 8.0 (A for u, A
for v
as a function of Re).
4.2. Different blockage ratios
To study the effect of different blockage ratios Re = 44 is chosen in the present work. Cylinder
location of l = L/4 and a channel length of L/D = 50 is considered here. Figure10 shows the vorticity
contours for confined flow over a circular cylinder at different blockage ratios. Six different blockage
ratios B = 4, 7, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30 and 40 are studied in the present work. From our LBM simulations we
observe that the moderate blockage ratio B = 8 onwards unsteadiness develops in the flow field. The
flow happens to be steady for lower values of blockage ratio B (4 and 7 here). It can be clearly
observed that at low blockage ratios wall boundary layer has strong influence over the flow around the
cylinder so that it inhibits vortex shedding. Flow becomes unsteady at higher values of blockage ratio
B. As the blockage ratio increases computation time required for obtaining unsteadiness increases.
(a) B = 4
(b) B = 7
(c) B = 8
(d) B = 10
(e) B = 15
(f) B = 20
(g) B = 30
(g) B = 40
Figure 10: Instantaneous vorticity contours for flows past a circular cylinder at different
blockage ratios (a) B = 4 (b) B = 7 (c) B = 8 (d) B = 10 (e) B = 15 (f) B = 20, (g) B = 30 and
(h) B = 40.
4.3. Different Outlet Boundary Conditions
To study the effect of different outlet boundary locations Re = 44 is taken. In this case,
blockage ratio B = 8 and upstream length l = L/4 is chosen. In the present case L/D = 30, 40, 50 and
60 are considered. Figure 11 shows the vorticity contours for confined flow over a circular cylinder at
different outlet boundary locations. It is clearly observed that the outlet boundary location is also
playing important role in the vortex shedding process for a particular Reynolds number. For the
extrapolation boundary condition on the particle distribution function at the outflow boundary to hold
accurately, the boundary should be far enough downstream of the cylinder. In our present study,
simulation results reveal the fact that L/D = 50 onwards periodic solutions are obtained for Re=44.
(a) L/D = 30
(b) L/D = 40
(c) L/D = 50
(d) L/D = 60
Figure 11: Vorticity contours for flows past a circular cylinder at different outlet boundary locations for
Re=44, l=12.5D: (a) L/D =30 (b) L/D =40 (c) L/D =50 and (d) L/D =60.
4.4. Different cylinder locations
To study the effect of different cylinder locations Re = 44 is chosen in the present work. As
usual a blockage ratio of B = 8 and L/D = 50 are considered. All the cases studied so far take l =
12.5D. In the present case, l = 5.0D, 8.5D, 12.5D, 16.0D and 25.0D are considered. Figure 12 shows
the instantaneous vorticity contours for confined flow over a circular cylinder for various cylinder
locations. It is seen that only for the cylinder location of 12.5D and beyond the vortex shedding
appears. Also differences in the size and strength of the vortices are observed as the cylinder location
changes. This can be attributed to the fact that at a different cylinder locations the wall boundary layer
produces different effect. Also as l increases, the exit boundary may come too near for the prescibed
outflow boundary condition to hold accurately.
(a) l = 5.0D
(b) l = 8.5D
(c) l = 12.5D
(d) l = 16.0D
(e) l = 25.0D
Figure 12: Instantaneous vorticity contours for flows past a circular cylinder at different cylinder
locations for B = 8, Re = 44: (a) l = 5.0D (b) l = 8.5D (c) l = 12.5D (d) l = 16.0D and (e) l = 25.0D.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, LBM computation is carried out for the flow past a circular cylinder confined in
a channel. Three different aspects of the problem are studied. First, for a fixed blockage ratio
computations are carried out to study the effect of Reynolds number on the flow pattern. At lower
Reynolds numbers the flow is steady and a pair of stationary vortices symmetric about the channel
centreline develops and remains attached to the rear side of the cylinder. As the Reynolds number
increases the vortices grow in size and finally at a certain Reynolds number, the symmetry breaks and
periodicity of flow sets in downstream of the cylinder. Using a plot of amplitudes of fluctuation in the
x- and y-component of velocities at a downstream point, the critical Reynolds number at which
unsteadiness sets in is found to be between 43 and 44, a result substantiated by experiments. Plots of u
and v along the channel centerline downstream of the cylinder is also given to show that the
oscillations are small at the outflow boundary where extrapolation seems appropriate to be used to
determine the boundary particle distribution function. Periodic variations of the lift and drag
coefficients at two Reynolds number are plotted and explanations are given for their typical behaviour.
Then the effect of blockage ratio, defined in this work as the ratio of the channel width to the cylinder
diameter, on the flow characteristics is studied. It is seen that lower blockage ratio tends to inhibit
unsteadiness. The effect of the outlet boundary location is also studied and expectedly it is seen that
keeping the boundary at a large distance downstream tends to favourably influence the accuracy of the
computations. Overall it is seen that the lattice Boltzmann method can be used very effectively to
produce accurate results and capture all the flow features that conventional continuum-based methods
like finite difference (FD) and finite volume (FV) methods are capable of capturing.
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Authors Affiliations
Dr. Arumuga Perumal D (Corresponding Author)
Associate Professor
Automotive Research Centre, SMBS
VIT University, Vellore-14,
Tamilnadu, India
Email: [email protected] (or) [email protected]
Gundavarapu V.S. Kumar
Fluids & Thermal Engineering
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati-781039, India.
Dr. Anoop K. Dass
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati-781039, India.