This unit is all about plants! The students in the rst grade class will get to experiment with science and plants, while using technology to support their learning. This lesson would be taught to a group of 1st grader towards the end of the year, where they have already been exposed to the different technology. The technology aspects of each lesson will be completed in a station type of setting or in a computer lab with the assistance of the lab teacher, so that the students can get specic attention and help with the program if needed. There is enough iPads for half of the class to have individual iPads when necessary. These particular group of students attend a high-end school, where they are exposed to a lot of technology at home, as well. They are all pretty tech savory for being rst graders. There doesnt seem to be an potential problems with the use of technology in the lessons.
Lesson 1 :: What Do Plants Need to Grow? An Experiment
Est. Time. For Lesson Grade On going experiment during plant unit First
Content Standards Life Science 2b. Students know both plants and animals need water, animals need food, and plants need light.
Goal Students will collaborate on a google doc form to compile their learning of plant needs through this hands-on experiment.
Objective On a google doc form, the students will show their understanding of plant needs and identify/explain that plants need water, nutrients, and sunlight.
Materials 4 single ower plants 3 ower pots 1 clear plastic cup soil card board box watering can Computer with Internet Picture of dead plants
Activities 1. The students will watch a BrainPop Jr. video to introduce photosynthesis on a rst grade level. The teacher will pause and discuss the video with the students.
2. The teacher will bring out the plants and the materials to make the experiment. She will use the materials to discuss the different points that the movie made in regards to what a plant needs to survive.
3. Student volunteers will assemble the plants and identify them by writing what the plants has and what the plant doesnt have. These are the plants. a. Plant "A" has air, water, light, but NO SOIL (NUTRIENTS). Put the plant in the clear plastic cup with water. b. Plant "B" has soil, water, air but 'NO Light'. Put the plant inside a cardboard box. c. Plant "C" has soil, air, light but 'NO Water'. d. Plant "D" has soil, air, light and water. 4. On a google doc form, the class and I will write down the initial observations that they see in each one of the plants.
5. Over a period of a week or two, the students will record their observations on the google doc form. Two particular students (new every day) will record what they see.
6. When the two weeks are over, we will discuss the journal, observations, and the plants themselves.
Assessment of the Objective Teacher observation Google Doc
Lesson 2 :: The Tiny Seed
Est. Time. For Lesson Grade 30 minutes First
Content Standards Life Science 2b. Students know both plants and animals need water, animals need food, and plants need light.
English Language Arts Writing application 2.1 Write brief narrative (e.g. ctional, autobiographical) describe an experience.
Goal Using an iPad, students will create a story on Powerpoint.
Objective Students will be able to describe different things that can hurt and harm a plant or seed based on a story created through a presentation on PowerPoint.
Materials Poster board Marker The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle Pencils Seeds iPad
Activities 1.The teacher will brainstorm with the students as to what different events or things help and hurt plants growth.
2. The teacher will read The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle to the students and ask the following questions: How does the seed change? What season provides the requirements for the seed to develop into a small plant? What environmental conditions (like weather) are necessary for the tiny seed to grow?
3. The teacher and students will discuss the story by making a bubble map of the things that hurt and helped the seed. The teacher will also encourage the students to think of other things that may not be in the story that hurt or help a seed/plant to grow. 4. Each table group will be given an iPad. The students will write their own "adventure" for their seeds by creating a PowerPoint presentation of 5 slides. Each student will be responsible for one slide, as each slide builds upon another. They will include things that hurt some of the seeds and things that helped some of the seeds to grow into plants.
Conclusion Student groups will share their PowerPoint with the class.
Assessment of the Objective Teacher observation iPad notes PowerPoint Presentation
Lesson 3 :: What is a Root?
Est. Time. For Lesson Grade 45 mins. First
California Content Standard Life Science 2. Plants and animals meet their needs in different ways. As a basis for understanding this concept: e. Students know roots are associated with the intake of water and soil nutrients and green leaves are associated with making food from sunlight.
Goal Students will use their individual iPads to write notes & observations as they explore the outdoors.
Objective Students will be able to identify the two roles that roots play in the life of a plant by presenting their knowledge on their iPads.
Materials Large plant Bounty paper towel cup of blue water iPad
Activities 1. The teacher will take a large planted ower out of its pot and wash off the dirt. The teacher will show the roots to the students and compare them to other roots that they are familiar with from other experiments.
2. The teacher will ask the students why they think plants have roots. After some discussion, the teacher will take a Bounty paper towel and dip it in blue water to demonstrate how roots absorb water. She will go around to groups of students to allow them to see this demonstration. She will also explain that the roots are necessary to hold down the plant and to keep it up right. The previous planted ower will be used to demonstrate this concept. The plant can no longer stay up right because the support from the roots is gone.
3. In two separate groups, the students will go on a nature walk to observe and investigate the roots that they see in the ground around campus. They will be encouraged to take note of the size, length, and place of the roots that they see compared to the plant that it supports on the Notes app of their individual iPads.
4. The students will come back to the class and write down their observations on their iPads.
Conclusion Everyone will come to the circle to discuss what they saw in the two different groups. The teacher will help the students make the connection between big roots and trees to the absorption of water. The bigger the tree is, the more water it needs, which is why the roots have to be big.
Assessment Teacher observation, student iPad notes, class discussion
Lesson 4 :: The Celery Experiment
Est. Time. For Lesson Grade 30 minutes 1 day First
Content Standards Life Science 2b. Students know both plants and animals need water, animals need food, and plants need light.
Goal Using websites, the students will explore and learn the need of water for the life of a plant.
Objective By using the websites provided, the students will be able to identify the plants need for water to live and grow.
Materials Celery Cup of water Food coloring computer lab graphic organizer
Activities 1. Introduce the concept of xylem and phloem by dening what they are in a plant. The teacher will participate in singing the following song (lyrics on the board): Sung to "This Old Man" Xylems up, phloems down Carrying food all around Xylem takes it from the roots Phloem transports sugary food
In between them, you will find Cambium makes cells all the time Phloems closest to the bark Xylems near the center part
Photosynthesis, youll see Makes the food for the tree CO2 and the sun And chlorophyll, round out the fun
Making food in the leaves Glucose that is sugary Xylems up, phloems down Carrying good food all around! 2. The students will explore the following websites to learn about the celery experiment. They will take notes on a graphic organizer. - - -
3. The students will come back to class and perform the celery experiment themselves. They will draw a picture of what the celery looks like before it goes into the food dye. They will make predictions of what they think I will do with all of the supplies on my table, and then what will happen in the experiment. a. Teacher will pour food coloring in the water with the celery. b. The students will observe the celery sporadically throughout the day. c. At the end of the day, or the following morning, the students will draw a new picture of the celery stem. d. On their paper, they will try to explain why the celery turned out the way that it did. e. The teacher will discuss the experiment with the students and review the xylem and phloem, emphasizing why those are important for plant life.
Assessment of the Objective Teacher observation Students graphic organizer
Lesson 5 :: Plant Part Functions
Est. Time. For Lesson Grade 45-60 mins First
Content Standards Life Science 2. Plants and animals meet their needs in different ways. As a basis for understanding this concept: e. Students know roots are associated with the intake of water and soil nutrients and green leaves are associated with making food from sunlight.
Goal Students will use the drawing application on the computer to demonstrate knowledge of plant parts and their purpose.
Objective On the drawing application, students will label and explain the purpose of the parts of the plant.
Materials Plant Poster Foam board Markers Parts of a Plant by Wiley Blevins Computer with drawing application
Activities 1. The teacher will take a live plant lay it on a foam board. The teacher will tell the students that every plant has special parts that play an important function to the life of the plant.
2.The teacher will read Parts of a Plant to the students and then label the parts of the plant on the foam board.
3. The students will participate in an activity that will allow them to act out the role of each part of the plant. The teacher will assign a group of students to be the roots, stem, leaf, or flower. The students will hold a paper that represents each part and then make a noise and gesture that represents what the parts does. Roots: Flex your arm muscles. Make suction noises Stem: Move body and arms up and down. Make transportation noises. Leaf: Make motions of stirring a pot. Make sizzling noises. Flower: Make arm and hand motions of a flower blooming and dropping seeds. Make dripping noises. The teacher will call out each individual part of the plant and the students will be a living plant.
4. The students will use the computer application drawing to draw the plant and label the part and function accordingly. They will print their work.
5. The students will share their plant drawing and description.
Assessment of the Objective Teacher observation in group discussion/living plant activity and evaluation of parts of the plant drawing.
Unit Final Assessment
Students will complete a typed document of their learning under the following guidelines during a station time when the unit is complete: -The word document will include: ~Identify the 4 basic needs of a plant ~Identify parts of a plant ~Include at least 1 picture ~A sentence of your favorite experiment. Explain why. When they are done typing, they will print and turn it in to the teacher.
Word Document Rubric Neat & Organized Identies 4 basic needs of plants Identies the parts of a plant Sentence & explanation on experiment A Neatly organized with 1 picture Identies all of the 4 basic needs of a plant Identies all parts of a plant The sentence & explanation of experiment was clear and detailed. B Some disorganization with 1 picture Identies 3 basic needs of a plant Identies most parts of a plant __________________ C Little organization with 1 picture Identies 2 basic needs of a plant Identies some parts of a plant __________________ D Little organization with no picture Identies 1 basic need of a plant Identies a few parts of a plant __________________ F No organization & no picture No basic need identied Does not identify any parts of a plant There was no sentence & explanation of experiment Reflection This assignment was a ton of fun! Going through the videos on lesson planning, it helped affirm my feelings and teachings in the importance of lesson planning. In fact, I have actually experienced some of the negative effects of not lesson planning that one of the videos presented. Being organized in thought with a purpose is important I know that and have experienced that. Going through the different lesson plans provided on the links, I learned that there is so many different ways to write a lesson plan. Some of them, I have never seen before. In the lessons that I have taught, my brain works best with the format that I have used in my unit. Every lesson that I saw online incorporates the same concept, but it a different format. I believe that teachers need to do what works best for them, while including the basic forms of a lesson. Writing this unit took a lot of work. I have already used some parts of the lessons in this unit to teach my students about plants, which helps affirm the fact that when I use this again (while incorporating technology) my students will be successful. I think it helped me realize that any lesson I have planned can incorporate some type of technology standard from the NETS- ISTE Standards. The only part of the unit that I feel will be interesting for my students is the units final assessment. I will have to be very clear with the on how/what it needs to look like. I think that I will need to provide an example. Otherwise, the students know how to use a word document, type, and insert a clip art or picture. The lesson planning was very intentional. Each lesson, either built upon each other, or added another important aspect of the overall purpose. This unit has a perfect combination of science experiments and technology. The students will most definitely be engaged and excited to learn. A lot of the lessons are built upon the idea of a student-centered classroom, where the students get to explore and learn things with the guidance and assistance of the teacher.