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Design for Learning

Instructor: Taylor Blair Grade Level/Cooperating Teacher: 6

Lesson Title: Mean Absolute Deviation Date: April 10. 201
Curriculum Area: !re " A! Math Estimated Time: # minutes
Standards Connection:
6. $ummari%e numerical &ata sets in relation to their conte't such as by(
a. Describe the nature o) the attribute un&er investi*ation+ inclu&in* ho, it ,as measure&
an& its unit measurement.
b. -ivin* .uantitative measures o) center /me&ian an&/or mean0 an& variability
/inter.uartile ran*e an& mean absolute &eviation0+ as ,ell as &escribin* any overall
pattern an& any strikin* &eviations )rom overall pattern ,ith re)erence to the conte't in
,hich the &ata ,ere *athere&.
Learning Obective!s": $tu&ents ,ill learn ho, to )in& the Mean Absolute 1ariation o) a set o)
numbers+ an& be able to compare t,o variations )rom &i))erent sets o) &ata.
Learning Obective!s" stated in #$id%&riendl'( language: Be)ore the lesson the teacher ,ill
put the learnin* ob2ective up on the boar& an& rea& throu*h it ,ith the stu&ents. Today class we
are going to learn the, pause an& let stu&ents rea& ,hat is ,ritten on the boar&. Yes how to find
the mean absolute deviation. What is it that we are going to learn? 3ave the stu&ent repeat back
to you a*ain. Now you all know how to find the mean, the absolute value of a number and the
deviation when given a set of data. Today we are going to learn how to put each of these
concepts together.
Evaluation o& Learning Obective!s": 4hen *iven an e'it slip+ stu&ents ,ill be able to i&enti)y
an& &escribe the steps )or )in&in* the mean absolute &eviation )or a &ata set o) three numbers.
Engagement: Now that you all are confident in finding the mean, median and mode, who can
explain to me how each of these three help us describe a set of data? Think first, then we will
discuss. -ive stu&ents time to think about ,hat they alrea&y kno,. Call on select stu&ents to
share. What exactly does the mean tell us? 3ave class ans,er as a ,hole. What does it mean
when we have found the median? 3ave class ans,er as a ,hole. nd finally what is the mode
within a set of data? 3ave class ans,er as a ,hole. !ach of these three concepts help us to find
an accurate center within a set of particular data. "nce you find the center of the data, you are
able to find out a variety of information about how the data is distributed. #f you are given the
five numbers$ %, &, ', ( and ) what would be the mean of those five numbers? *irst we? $tu&ents
respon&+ add all of the numbers correct. Then we do what, stu&ents respon&+ divide yes by how
many? Class respon&s as a ,hole. Yes divide the sum of the numbers by five+ Now keep this in
mind as we start to learn what the mean absolute deviation is for a set of data.
Learning Design:
5. Teachin*( s # work out this first problem to teach you the exact steps to finding the mean
absolute deviation, # want you all to be writing in notebooks the exact procedure # use. Teacher
,ill have the )irst e'ample problem on the boar& )rom the !o,er!oint. Now, lets read the
problem together , -The table shows the maximum speeds of eight roller coasters. *ind the
mean absolute deviation of the set of data. .escribe what the m.a.d. represents/. #n different
problems you may find more or less numbers but you will still use the same procedure. Now the
first step is to find the mean of the set of numbers, which you all know how to do. 0o take the
time to find the mean of this set of numbers. -ive stu&ents time to )in& the mean. "kay class first
what is the 012 of the numbers in the data set? Be sure that the stu&ents *ive you the sum 67T
the )inal mean. 3ood sum of all of these speeds is 456. Now what number will you divide the sum
by to find the mean? 3ave the class ans,er as a ,hole. Yes there are ) numbers or ) speeds, so
you will divide the total sum by )+ We have the 2!N, now we will subtract that mean from
each of the numbers. # do not like the way the book explains this next procedure, so we are going
to watch a tutorial to help us understand better. Now keep in mind this video is going to use
different numbers, so we will use the same method, but use the numbers form this problem after
we watch it. !veryone pencils down and watch the video+ Teacher ,ill sho, the Maisonet Math
vi&eo tutorial8 pausin* in bet,een steps to make sure the stu&ents are keepin* up ,ith it an&
un&erstan&. Now, lets take this method and look back at our original problem. 7ust in the video it
had us right the numbers out vertically. 0o right out the numbers from the data vertically, it does
not have to be from least to greatest but it may make it easier for you later on. Then, you will
subtract the 2!N, subtract the what? $tu&ents repeat a)ter teacher. Yes, the mean, which is
what in this problem? The class ,ill ans,er as a ,hole. (8 correct, so # want you to subtract (8
from each number. Now notice you will have a negative number for some of the differences, you
should expect that to happen, make sure you right out that it is negative. "nce you have
subtracted the mean (8 from each number, give me thumbs up+ Now here is where the
90":1T! .!;#T#"N comes into play. You are going to find the absolute value of each of
the numbers you found, in simple terms you will make sure that each answer in the positives.
These numbers represent how far away each of the numbers in the set is from the mean, so we do
not want a negative direction. The absolute value you will find will simply tell you how many
spaces away the number is from the mean. Now, we still have a whole set of numbers, so we still
have one more step. That is to find the mean of all the absolute deviations, hence the name ,
2!N 90":1T! .!;#T#"N, the what class? The class ,ill repeat a)ter the teacher. 0" you
will now find the 2!N of these numbers. -ive stu&ents time to )in& the mean. "kay class first
what is the 012 of the numbers in the data set? Be sure that the stu&ents *ive you the sum 67T
the )inal mean. 3ood sum of all of these deviations is 5<<. Now what number will you divide the
sum by to find the mean? 3ave the class ans,er as a ,hole. Yes there are ) numbers, so you will
divide the total sum by )+ Now we have the 2!N, which is what class? 3ave stu&ents ans,er as
a ,hole. Yes, the mean absolute deviation is 56.4+ 0o what exactly does this number represent?
3ive me an explanation, not =ust that it is the mean absolute deviation. Call on select stu&ents to
ans,er. 56.4 is the average distance each data value is from the mean.
55. 7pportunity )or !ractice( Now # am going to give you your own problem that only has five
numbers in the set of data, so that you can have practice on your own before moving on. :ets
read the problem together, -The table shows the number of miles that >atie =ogged in five days.
*ind the mean absolute deviation of the set of data. ?ound to the nearest hundredth. .escribe
what the mean absolute deviation represents./ # will help you with the first step, what is the first
thing we do? Class ans,ers as a ,hole+ yes we find the mean of these numbers in the data.
Teacher ,ill ,rite out )in&in* the mean )or the stu&ents to see on the boar&. Now on your own
N"T with a partner or your table, find the mean absolute deviation. -ive stu&ents time to ,ork
out the problem. 7nce a ma2ority o) the stu&ents are &one+ the teacher ,ill sho, her ,ork on the
boar&+ an& ,alk throu*h ho, she solve& it.
555. Assessment( Now you all are going to do the same type of problem, but you will have to find
the mean absolute deviation for two sets of numbers and then compare the two. :ets read the
problem together$ -The top five salaries and the bottom five salaries for the 6<5< New York
Yankees are shown in the table below. 0alaries are in millions of dollars and are rounded to the
nearest hundredth. *ind the 2ean absolute deviation for each set of data./ Now be sure to
recogni@e we are talking about numbers in the millions, you do not need to write out the entire
number with six @eros, but be sure to write the word million next to the number when necessary.
Teacher ,ill ,alk aroun& an& ans,er .uestions. 7nce a ma2ority o) the stu&ents are &one+ the
teacher ,ill sho, her ,ork an& ,alk throu*h it step by step. Now # want you to write a sentence
below your work comparing the variation of the two numbers.
51. Closure( Now to be sure that you all have the right understanding of how to find the mean
absolute deviation, # want you to identify and describe the steps for finding the mean absolute
deviation for a set of three numbers. This will be your exit ticket. Now remember, even though
you do not have real numbers for this problem, you can still explain the steps you would take to
find the answer. This will be your exit ticket.
)aterials and *esources:
" !romethean boar&
" Maisonet math 9ouTube tutorial
" -lencoe :esson !o,er!oint
" Calculators
Di&&erentiation Strategies !including plans &or individual learners":
3 " stu&ents ,ill be *iven a problem similar to the one )or the assessment &urin* practice be)ore
movin* on to the assessment.
: " stu&ents ,ill be *iven a problem much like the one in the practice &urin* the assessment.
Data Anal'sis: 5 &i& more o) a )ormative assessment throu*hout the &ay as 5 tau*ht+ by askin*
stu&ents .uestions an& ,alkin* aroun& as they ,orke& in&epen&ently. The stu&ents ha&
home,ork to complete an& the teacher ,oul& clear up any con)usion the ne't &ay.
*e&lection: This ,as the best lesson 5 have tau*ht ,hile bein* at $am)or&; My teacher *ave me
*reat )ee&back+ an& as 5 ,as closin* the lesson+ 5 ma&e a *enerali%ation that &irectly relate& to a
concept the stu&ents ha& learne& be)ore 5 ha& *otten to 4<; 5t ,as cool to see ho, the stu&ents
sa, the connection that measure o) center an& variation have to &i))erent concepts; 5n the )uture 5
,ill be sure to talk more to the stu&ents instea& o) to the boar& as 5 am ,ritin*+ an& *ive the
stu&ents more time to think be)ore 5 have them ans,er a .uestion.
Samford University
Design for Learning

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