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Hydrocarbon Engineering May2005 Dyn Sim

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simulation: a
case study
Jorge Contreras, SENER Ingeniera
y Sistemas, Spain, and Jos Mara
Ferrer, AspenTech, Spain, describe
how dynamic simulation is being used
to verify safety system performance
and study transient behaviour for
the new Sagunto LNG terminal.
lanta de Regasificacion de Sagunto, S.A (Saggas)
is constructing a new LNG receiving facility in
Sagunto, 50 km north of Valencia (Spain), with a
capacity of 3 million tpy of LNG, to be supplied from Egypt
through a project initially promoted by Union Fenosa.
Saggas is owned by three major electric companies in
Spain: Union Fenosa (50%), Iberdrola (30%) and Endesa
(20%). Saggas will be in charge of the management of the
plant from construction through to the final operational
stage, including responsibility for the operation and mainte-
nance of the facility once it is fully operational.
In February 2003, Saggas awarded the EPC contract to
a consortium of five European and Japanese companies:
ACS, a general construction firm in Spain, and leader of the
consortium; SENER, a Spanish engineering firm;
DYWIDAG, a German civil engineering firm; TKK, a
Japanese LNG tank construction firm; and Osaka Gas
Engineering (OGE).
SENERs scope of responsibility in this project includes:
Basic engineering update, from the initial Kellogg design.
Detailed engineering.
Purchase management of all equipment.
The Sagunto regasification plant is of prime strategic
importance for the Spanish gas market, as it will allow the
injection of LNG into the Spanish system, resulting in
increased competition. The new terminal is scheduled to
commence operations in March 2006.
Process description
The process of an LNG import terminal is relatively simple; a
simplified diagram of the process shown in Figure 2.
When a ship arrives at the docking bay, the gas is in its
liquid state (LNG) at a temperature of -163 C. The liquid is
unloaded from the containers on the vessel through arms
located on the dock. Then the LNG is transported through a
600 m pipe and is held inside cryogenic storage tanks.
The addition of heat to the LNG (from the pumping
process or from solar radiation) causes a fraction of the liq-
uid to become vaporised. This boil off gas is used for refill-
ing the empty space in the ship as the liquid is unloaded,
and for reinjection into the process via the recondenser
unit. When there is an excess of boil off gas, it is flared.
The primary pumping system is located inside the
tanks. It pumps the LNG towards the recondenser, where
the liquid is collected prior to the secondary pumping stage,
and any boil off gas is added back to the liquid gas flow.
The LNG is then pumped to the vaporisers at high pressure
by the secondary pumps, where it is transformed into
vapour above 0 C.
There are two kinds of vaporiser: the open rack vapor-
isers (ORVs), which use seawater to heat the LNG; and the
submerged combustion vaporisers (SCVs), which burn a
portion of regasified gas to heat a water tank, which in turn
heats the LNG.
The gas from the vaporisers is directed through a common
collector to the regulation, measurement and odourisation
systems. The gas is then injected into the general network.
In the first phase of the project, the plant has two LNG
storage tanks, providing a capacity of 600 000 Nm
/h with
a peak flow of 750 000 Nm
/h. In the second phase, a third
LNG tank will be added, increasing the capacity to
1 million Nm
/h with a peak flow of 1.3 million Nm
Dynamic modelling
An LNG terminal has two modes of operation: unloading from
a ship or no ship present. Neither of these modes reaches a
true steady state, as the ship or LNG storage tanks are con-
tinually being filled or emptied. As a result, the material bal-
ance of the ship or the tanks is never zero.
The design simulation tools typically used by engineer-
ing companies only work in steady state mode, so the
material balance is always set at zero (no accumulation).
When these simulation tools are used to model LNG termi-
nals, some special treatments and custom calculations are
required to calculate the right material balance within the
ship and tanks, and the right amount of gas to be evacu-
ated from the loading tank or suctioned from the ship.
In contrast, however, the intrinsic nature of dynamic
simulation tools means that all these effects are taken into
account by default, thus avoiding the need for any special
custom calculations or analysis.
To maximise the efficiency and quality of its engineering
design work for the Sagunto project, SENER therefore
decided to utilise both steady state and dynamic modelling
tools as a core part of its approach. The company chose
the Aspen HYSYS

software from AspenTech as the main

simulation platform, using it to develop all the steady state
models for the process engineering design, and then using
these models as the starting point for developing the
dynamic models used in the subsequent transient studies.
Aspen HYSYS is an integrated package for both steady
state and dynamic simulation, and it is a key application
within the aspenONESimulation and Optimization for Oil
& Gas module. Within Aspen HYSYS, steady state simula-
tions can be transformed easily into dynamic simulations by
specifying additional engineering details, such as vessel
and pipe sizes; valve characteristics; pumps curves; control
structures; elevations; and boundary specifications. The
Dynamics Assistant in Aspen HYSYS makes this a simple
task, initialising all items from the steady state models
Aspen HYSYS Dynamics is also flexible enough to allow a
dynamic model to be built directly without a steady state
simulation if this is the preferred approach.
Analysis of safety systems and
transient behaviour
For the Sagunto project, the main applications of dynamic
simulation were to analyse and verify the performance of the
emergency shutdown (ESD) system and to study other tran-
sient conditions, such as pump or compressor startup/shut-
down, cutting supply gas to the network, or startup/shut-
down of vaporisers. This analysis was then used to check
the correct sizing of control and pressure relief valves, flar-
ing system dimensions, closing time of ESD valves and min-
imum cooling flows to prevent gasification.
As the basic steady state models had been created by
SENER during the process design phase, it was possible to
generate the dynamic model by initialising the process
items directly from the steady state solution
. To support
this process, Aspen HYSYS provides a number of powerful
and easy to use dynamic modelling tools: stripcharts; con-
trollers (on-off, PID, ratio, split-range, Feedforward, anti-
surge, DMCplus); signal selectors; transfer functions;
Boolean gates; and Cause and Effect Matrix (Figure 4).
All emergency shutdown valves (ESDVs), with their cor-
responding closing time, were represented in the model and,
in order to provide an accurate representation of the tran-
sients, a number of fidelity aspects were taken into account:
Elevation and nozzle location for static head
Holdup and heat loss of significant pipe segments.
Seawater modelling.
Burner with Gibbs reactor for SCV vaporisers.
Non-flash equilibrium for tanks.
Pressure relief valves (PRVs) and venting system.
Detailed heat loss model for tanks.
Primary pumps produced heat to tank.
Emergency shutdown system:
conceptual design and validation
Safety is an area that has always been an important factor
for process plants. Stricter regulations regarding hazardous
spills and waste generation, and the ever increasing fines
that result from infractions, have placed an even greater
emphasis on fault tree and plant safety design.
One of the most critical systems of a plant is the ESD
system, and the most common way to define the logic of
the ESD system is through a cause and effect matrix
(CEM). This matrix looks at values throughout the process
and, based upon safety thresholds, determines whether
certain equipment and/or valves should be shut down. The
rows are the inputs (or causes), which are based on critical
instrumentation signals of the plant.
The columns are the outputs (or
effects), which close or open certain
valves (ESDVs) or shut down equip-
ment to leave the plant in a safe con-
dition. Figure 6 shows a hypothetical
example of a small CEM.
The safety analysis consists of
the design of the relief and shutdown
systems and a review of the behav-
iour of these systems during emer-
gencies. These systems are inte-
grally tied to the process and are
inherently dynamic. Specialised
expertise is necessary to design
Figure 3. Main flowsheet of the LNG terminal model.
Figure 2. Main equipment in LNG regasification
Figure 1. Virtual picture of the LNG terminal.
these systems with confidence, and dynamic simulation is
a valuable tool in the effort
3 - 5
With the CEM and the event scheduler integrated in
Aspen HYSYS, realistic chains-of-events can be modelled,
tested and evaluated against industry standards and guide-
lines. In this way, problem areas in the plant can be identi-
fied in the design phase, and can either be redesigned or
fitted with ancillary safety equipment. Additionally, by being
able to model the sequence and duration of events leading
to a fault or safety incident, plant personnel are able to
define more effective safety action plans and
shutdown/evacuation strategies. Again, using this informa-
tion early in the design stage helps to ensure that the
process design is intrinsically safe, and that personnel,
property and equipment are protected.
As well as its use in safety system design, the dynamic
model is particularly useful in the hazard identification tech-
niques: Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) studies, or Failure
Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)
. These methodologies
analyse failure modes and safety system robustness. The
dynamic model offers the review committee the luxury of
asking and answering many more questions than are prac-
tical given the normal time limitations.
SENER used dynamic simulation to study a range of
scenarios, including:
Pump startup/shutdown (primary/secondary). This
involved provoking the tripping conditions to shut down
primary and secondary pumps, and studying the restart
transients. The analysis confirmed the correct sizing of
valves, closing time and minimum flow assurance to
keep lines cooled with a certain liquid flow.
Supply gas cutoff and vaporiser shutdown. In a supply
shutdown, the supply gas valve is closed and the plant
is isolated from the gas network. The secondary pumps
and the SCV vaporisers are stopped, but ORV vaporis-
ers continue using the seawater and vaporise all the
remaining liquid. The study showed how the vaporised
gas can be accommodated by the supply collector, a
250 m, 30 in. pipeline, without opening the PRV valves
of the venting and flare system. The ORV vaporisers
and supply collector work at 85 bar and the PSVs are
set to 130 bar, so there is a 45 bar margin with the vol-
ume of the supply collector line to avoid opening the
PRV valves. This study demonstrated that the process
operated safely without the need to double the size of
the venting system to evacuate this extra amount of
gas, resulting in significant cost savings.
General or partial shutdown. The total gas flow to flare
was calculated during general or partial shutdown,
recreating the tripping conditions of each specific unit or
area. This analysis verified the calculated sizing of the
venting system.
Failure in the boil off gas (BOG) compressor. During the
LNG unload from the ship, one BOG compressor is
stopped, analysing the pressure transients, time to PRV
opening, and different procedures to reach normal
The dynamic model can also be used in a number of
other ways to support the safe and efficient operation of the
new facility. These include:
Startup support tool. The dynamic model allows
process engineers to anticipate problems that could
arise during startup conditions or in normal operation of
the plant. This makes it possible to identify solutions
during the design phase, avoiding any production dis-
ruptions, increases in capital investment or delays to
the project schedule.
Control loop tuning. As the dynamic model incorporates
the key control and logic elements from the process,
and the fidelity of the model is very close to the real
plant, this enables control engineers to use the simula-
tion results to pre-tune the control loops of the plant,
thus saving time during the operational startup of the
Procedure development and timing. In addition to veri-
fying equipment sizing, dynamic simulations can also
be used to help develop operational procedures for the
facility. For example, analysis of ship unloading allows
engineers to size the BOG system correctly, but it also
helps in understanding the time available to take cor-
rective action in the event of situations such as com-
pressor shutdown, or other operational disturbances.
Figure 4. Control features in Aspen HYSYS.
Figure 5. Detail of LNG storage tank sub-flow-
Figure 6. Example of a cause and effect matrix.
The Sagunto project demonstrates that dynamic simu-
lation can be a valuable tool for supporting the efficient
and safe design of LNG facilities. Dynamic models
developed using the Aspen HYSYS platform provide
engineers with a straightforward way to analyse
process performance during the design and implemen-
tation phases of a new plant. The development of the
models requires a deep knowledge of the plant equip-
ment and processes, but the tool is capable of being
used by any engineer with limited experience of Aspen
The new cause and effect matrix object introduced
in Aspen HYSYS (Figure 7) extends the use of dynamic
simulation to emergency system design. It allows engi-
neers to represent the Cause and Effect logic configu-
ration in a generic way, independently of any vendor
specific ESD system.
The project also illustrated that dynamic simulation
can be an excellent tool for the support and verifica-
tion of HAZOP studies. Using this approach, it was
possible to identify that the proposed sizing of the
venting system was enough to handle all potential sce-
narios safely. Due to the limitations of steady state
analysis, rigorous dynamic simulation of this kind is
the only way to explore system behaviour under these
1. MAHONEY, D.P., HYSYS: An integrated system for process engi-
neering and control, Hydrocarbon Asia, November/December
2. LUYBEN, W.L., Plantwide Dynamic Simulators in Chemical
Processing and Control, 2002, Marcel Dekker, Inc. ISBN 0-8247-
SEN, G.L., Dynamic Modelling of the Plant Gas System: Process
control and design applications, ISA Expo 2003. USA.
4. STANLEY, P., Dynamic Simulation for Insight - Achieve a better
understanding of the process during startup and shutdown,
Chemical Processing, December 1999, pp. 47 - 50.
5. MAHONEY, D.P. and TYRUS, B.D., Applications of Dynamic
Simulation, Proceedings of the Chemical Engineering
Chemputers II Conference, March 1994.
Computer Control and Human Error, 1995, IChemE, Gulf
Publishing Company, ISBN 0-88415-269-3.
Figure 7. Cause and effect matrix in Aspen
w o r l d w i d e h e a d q u a r t e r s
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