This document discusses making aquaponics more accessible to urban communities. It proposes developing social enterprise frameworks to support community aquaculture ventures. Aquaponics grows fish and plants symbiotically and can be done close to consumers while recycling urban waste streams. This could improve local food security and combat food poverty by producing more food locally with fewer resources. The document also discusses the need to radically rethink the global food system due to declining resources and increasing demand. A vision for regenerative, sustainable cities that do not depend on extracting finite resources is presented.
This document discusses making aquaponics more accessible to urban communities. It proposes developing social enterprise frameworks to support community aquaculture ventures. Aquaponics grows fish and plants symbiotically and can be done close to consumers while recycling urban waste streams. This could improve local food security and combat food poverty by producing more food locally with fewer resources. The document also discusses the need to radically rethink the global food system due to declining resources and increasing demand. A vision for regenerative, sustainable cities that do not depend on extracting finite resources is presented.
This document discusses making aquaponics more accessible to urban communities. It proposes developing social enterprise frameworks to support community aquaculture ventures. Aquaponics grows fish and plants symbiotically and can be done close to consumers while recycling urban waste streams. This could improve local food security and combat food poverty by producing more food locally with fewer resources. The document also discusses the need to radically rethink the global food system due to declining resources and increasing demand. A vision for regenerative, sustainable cities that do not depend on extracting finite resources is presented.
This document discusses making aquaponics more accessible to urban communities. It proposes developing social enterprise frameworks to support community aquaculture ventures. Aquaponics grows fish and plants symbiotically and can be done close to consumers while recycling urban waste streams. This could improve local food security and combat food poverty by producing more food locally with fewer resources. The document also discusses the need to radically rethink the global food system due to declining resources and increasing demand. A vision for regenerative, sustainable cities that do not depend on extracting finite resources is presented.
Alice-Marie Archer The Challenge: The need to rapidly intensify global food production, coupled with the declining availability and affordability of the fuels, fertilisers and other inputs on which our current agricultural systems depend, mean that we must now radically rethink the food system. If more food can be produced locally with fewer and more effectively used (and re-used resources, it may be possible to improve urban food security and combat food poverty. A!uaponics - growing fish and plants symbiotically " is a food-production techni!ue which vastly reduces the need for water and nutrients during production, can be undertaken close to the consumer, and can absorb multiple urban waste streams. The challenge is to make a!uaponics more easily accessible to urban communities, and to do so in ways that support their local economies. #ne possible solution is to develop social enterprise frameworks for community supported a!uaculture ventures. 1. Global food s!!l": n#$%en# losses& g$o'%ng de(and& %nse)$%#" and %ne*al%#" $umanity depends on the environment for both development and human well-being, yet in the past %& years we have lost a !uarter of our productive soils and a third of our forests' by (&() *.+ billion people will reside in countries or regions with absolute water scarcity. * The ,nited -ations .nvironment /rogramme (,-./ estimates that global net losses of crop land productivity is on average &.(0 a year due to unsustainable agricultural practices. ( 1ecent research indicates that we may have hit the time of 2peak3 phosphorus production' % phosphates are essential to agriculture, but currently only around (&0 of phosphorus in the global food system is recycled through composting processes. 4e may also be at or near peak soil, peak wild fish and peak oil. 5 It is therefore essential that we more effectively manage the flow of essential nutrients6 phosphates, potassium, nitrogen, (and to a lesser e7tent magnesium, selenium, 8inc and copper. 9or the most part it is in our urban areas that these vital nutrients are lost, by being buried in landfill or flushed into streams, rivers and oceans. This suggests that urban areas may be one point in the human food system where effective interventions can ensure the recycling of these essential resources. :rowing demand acts as a multiplier of the sustainability challenges already facing agriculture. Around ;)0 of people in developed countries live in urban areas' by (&)& this is likely to increase to +<0. ) 9or .urope=s (; member countries, that would mean that by mid-century over 5)& million people will live in cities. This puts huge pressure on the agricultural system, which must increase supply to urban areas by appro7imately )&0 within the ne7t 5& years. < :lobally, the 9A# estimates that for demands to be met, food production must increase by as much as ;&0 by (&)&' although * >teffen, 4., >anderson, 1.A., Tyson, /.?., @Ager, @., Matson, /.A., Moore III, B., #ldfield, 9., 1ichardson, C., >chellnhuber, $.-@., Turner, B.D., 4asson, 1.@. ((&&5. :lobal Ehange and the .arth >ystem6 A /lanet ,nder /ressure. Dondon6 >pringer. ( ,--$ABITAT ((&&<, The >tate of the 4orld=s Eities, (&&<F;. Dondon6 .arthscan. % >verdrup, $. G 1agnarsdottir, C.H. ((&** Ehallenging the planetary boundaries II6 Assessing the sustainable global population and phosphate supply, using a systems dynamics assessment model. Applied Geophysics, Holume (<, >upplement *, @une (&**, pp. >%&;->%*&. 5 1agnarsdIttir C.H., >verdrup $.,. and Coca ?. ((&** Assessing Dong Term >ustainability of :lobal >upply of -atural 1esources and Materials. In E. :henai (ed. Sustainable Development. Intech. Available from6 http6FFwww.intechopen.comFbooksF ) 9A# - The ,nited -ations 9ood and Agriculture #rganisation ((&** 9ood agriculture and cities6 Ehallenges of food and nutrition security, agriculture and ecosystem management in an urbani8ing world. Food for the Cities multi-disciplinary initiative (www.fao.orgFfcit. Accessed #ctober (&**. < Adapted from the .urostat /opulation /roJections " see * Maing A!uaponics Accessible - A Schumacher Institute Challenge Paper " May #$%# even this is seen by some to be an underestimation. ; Increasing and increasingly volatile food prices tend to affect the poorest first, undermining the possibility of those communities to meet their basic needs. .ven in affluent .urope food security is an issue for vulnerable groups such as the elderly, low income, disabled and isolated. It is estimated that *<0 of the ., population - around * in ) .uropeans - live below poverty level, and *% million people use domestic food aid. /overty promotes food insecurity and the consumption of unsafe foods of low nutritional value. Amongst the more affluent, consumer habits trend towards a demand for greater convenience and higher !uality, whilst in low income areas the distance to retailers increases. This drives up food prices, further disadvantaging the lowest income families. + +. Lo)al food and #he !$od)e$ , )ons(e$ d%-%de In parallel with concerns about food security, another trend is emerging6 increasing consumer demand for locally produced, good !uality, safe and sustainably-grown foods. In the ,C during (&** a leap in demand for local food followed the &'coli outbreaks across .urope. K The view that local is somehow safer and more reliable seems to e7tends across .urope' research e7amining local food culture in -orway and 9rance has shown that foods sourced nearer to the consumer are considered to be sustainable foods, both because of =food miles= and because smaller scale of production is implied by pro7imity, in contrast to the intensive, large-scale agriculture typical for long-distance food chains. *& It was found that, what constitutes =local= is a =borrowed reality=, not restricted to geography' it involves consumer relationships, human know-how, culture and tradition. In urban areas it is this =borrowed reality= that is driving demand for urban, local open markets, run by real producers. This consumer trend may be part of a wider change taking place in .uropean cities, where the distinctions between urban and rural, producer and consumer, brownfield and greenfield appear to be blurring. This emerging climate of localism offers considerable opportunities for small to medium enterprises (>M.s, which in some sectors are outperforming their corporate counterparts. 9or e7ample in the ,C, where the alcohol industry has generally been loss-making over the past ) years, micro-breweries have seen increased sales and profits even through the economic downturn. **
.. The /egene$a#%-e C%#" , a -%s%on fo$ ss#a%nable $ban food s"s#e(s In (&*& the urban ecologist and futurist $erbert :irardet published his vision for self-regenerating urban areas as6 2...places where people, their developments and structures as well as culture are a symbiotic part of the ecosystem.3 *( :irardet uses the notion of &copolis to describe how a regenerative, sustainable city functions6 it does not depend on the e7traction of resources - oil, ; >ee Tilman ?. ((&*& ,nderstanding the present and proJecting the future of global food demand. Proc' AAAS Annual Meeting #$%$' >an ?iego6 AAA>' Tilman, ?., Eassman, C. :., Matson /. A., -aylo,r 1., /olasky, >. ((&&(. Agricultural sustainability and intensive production practices. (ature 5*+, pp <;*-<;;' >chmidhuber, @., Tubiello 9. -. ((&&;. Elimate change and food security special feature6 global food security under climate change. Proc' (atl' Acad' Sci' *&5 ()& pp *K;&%-*K;&+' >medshaug E. ((&*&. Feeding the )orld in the #%st century " a historical analysis of agriculture and society. Anthem /ress, Dondon. + 4orld $ealth #rganisation (4$# .uropean Action /lan for 9ood and -utrition (&&;-(&*(. http6FFwww.euro.who.intFLLdataFassetsFpdfLfileF&&*;F;55&(F.K**)%.pdf Maccessed %*st #ctober (&**N K #n demand see ?ay-9arnsworth. D, McEown, B., Miller, M. G /feiffer, A. ((&&K. >caling ,p6 Meeting the ?emand for Docal 9ood. ,4-.7tension Ag Innovation Eenter G ,4-Madison Eenter for Integrated Agricultural >ystems. #n the impact of health concerns see e.g. $ome, @. ((&** Boost for local produce after e-coli scare. Farmer*s +eely &K @une (&**. *& Amillien, H. 9ort. 9, and 9erras. -, $yper-real territories and urban markets6 changing conventions for local food " case studies from 9rance and -orway. Anthropology of Food S# (March (&&;6 9rom local food to localised food. ** ?oward, @ G 4ilkinson, B. ((&** =After real ale, brewers cash in on trend for =real lagers=. The #bserver, (* st August (&**. *( :irardet. $, (&*&. ,egenerative cities- Commission on cities and climate change. $amburg6 The 4orld 9uture Eouncil and $afen Eity ,niversity, $amburg. ( Maing A!uaponics Accessible - A Schumacher Institute Challenge Paper " May #$%# phosphates, and metals - from the earth=s crust' its food system uses energy from renewable sources interconnected through smart grids while urban and peri-urban agriculture provides food and also energy from biofuels, heat-e7change composting, and anaerobic bio-digestion. The flows of finite materials through .copolis are aligned to bio-geochemical cycles - rhythms that provide and naturally restore them - and wherever finite resources are used, they are upcycled *% in the system, indefinitely and with a high degree of efficiency. In the regenerative city, =wastes= are turned into assets6 food and human waste are composted' phosphates are recovered from urea in waste water, and used for fertiliser' waste heat from industry is used to heat water for brewing or a!uaculture' packaging is multiple use, derived from recycling and upcycled into other useful products. As conceptualised by :irardet, the stocks and flows of material and energy through an urban area comprise a cyclical urban metabolism6 each outflow - whether of food waste, waste heat, waste water rich in nutrients, solid waste, E#( emissions etc' - provides an input for another process. This biomimicry, i'e' thinking of a city as a living organism, is the key to creating a cyclical urban metabolism where =waste is food=, either for nature or another industrial process. *5 The sustainable use of outputs from one process as inputs for another is referred to as =closing the loop=. 0. Closed,loo! a*a!on%)s as a !o#en#%al o!#%on fo$ ss#a%nable $ban food !$od)#%on A!uaponics provides an e7cellent e7ample of a closed-loop food production process suitable for sustainable urban and peri-urban food production. It involves the growing of plants and fish together in a specially constructed, recirculating environment, thus combining two sophisticated modern food production techni!ues " a!uaculture (farming a!uatic animals and plants and hydroponics (growing plants in sand, gravel, or li!uid, with added nutrients but without soil. In contrast to hydroponics or a!uaculture carried out separately, where both depend on the regular introduction of fresh water and nutrients, the symbiotic relationship between fish and plants in a!uaponics largely removes the need to discard water or use chemical fertilisers. 9urthermore, the =plant= side of the closed-loop food production process can be undertaken both hori8ontally and vertically, making it ideal for growing in constrained urban spaces. 4hile outdoor a!uaponics makes use of greenhouses and the sun=s natural light and warmth (which can be complimented with additional synthetic heat, Eo( and light as re!uired, indoor systems employ artificial heat and light. *) Eurrently, most a!uaponics proJects involve using high amounts of energy to heat water to encourage speedy development of the species in the a!uaculture component of the system. 4hile cold-water a!uaponics reduces the amount of energy re!uired by the system and thus could potentially vastly reduce the cost of farming in the manner, so far research in this area is limited. *< Although the commercial benefits of closed-loop food production in urban areas have not yet been thoroughly investigated, some small-to medium scale a!uaponics enterprises are emerging that are both producing foods commercially and determinedly closing material loops. In the >wiss Alps, the Tropenhaus 9rutigen 11 uses waste geothermally-heated water from a nearby railway tunnel to warm its greenhouses where vegetables, flowers and fish - >iberian >turgeon " are cultivated. Tropenhaus connects directly to its consumers who can tour the greenhouses, shop and also eat in the on-site *% .pcycling is the process of converting waste materials or useless products into new materials or products of better !uality or a higher environmental value. *5 #n biomimicry as a concept see Benyus, @. ((&&( Biomimicry6 Innovation Inspired by -ature. -ew Oork6 /erennial. 4ays of e7tending this approach to materials flows in urban and peri-urban agriculture are e7plored by Braungart and Mc?onough through their =cradle to cradle= business model' see Braungart, M., Mc?onough, 4, ((&&(. Cradle to Cradle- ,emaing the +ay +e Mae /hings. -ew Oork6 -orth /oint /ress. *) A demonstration of indoor urban a!uaponics can be seen at the 9A1M6shop in ?alston, Dondon. >ee http6FFfarmlondon.weebly.comFfarmshop.html *< In the ,C, research into A!uaponics is taking place at the ,niversity of >tirling through their consultancy A!uaponics ,C. >ee http6FFwww.a! *; http6FFwww.tropenhaus-frutigen.chFen.html % Maing A!uaponics Accessible - A Schumacher Institute Challenge Paper " May #$%# restaurant. Another inspiring e7ample is The /lant in Ehicago, ,>A. *+ /art vertical farm, part food- business incubator, part research and education space, the proJect has re-purposed a +<K& m ( former meatpacking facility where it farms fish and plants a!uaponically for sale to the local market. The /lant aims to divert over *&,&&& tons of food from landfill annually to its on-site anaerobic digester, meeting all of its heat and power needs with almost no E#( emissions while creating *() Jobs. 2. Ma3%ng a*a!on%)s a))ess%ble: d$a'%ng on e(e$gen# (odes of o'ne$sh%! ?espite the pressing need for new modes of sustainable local food production, many urban and peri- urban agriculture start-ups fail. This can be attributed in part to a lack of management skills and competencies, lack of budget for technical advice, competition for land, lack of infrastructure, water management issues, and escalating production costs. There are currently modes of ownership emerging in both rural and urban food production which provide useful pointers toward overcoming these barriers. #ne is the ,> method of >/I- farming " =how to farm commercially on less than one acre= - a >mall /lot I-tensive method designed to get the most from organic sub-acre cultivation, partly by connecting geographically distinct plots into one larger =farm=. *K In the ,C, there is Eommunity >upported Agriculture (E>A, a partnership between farmers and their local community which involves consumers renting or buying (through e'g' a community share offer a plot of farmland and having vegetables grown on their behalf. E>A shareholders can get involved with the running of a farm, supporting a farm shop or receiving a weekly bo7 of vegetables, and may also undertake work in e7change for discounted or free produce. (& In terms of legal frameworks, a Eommunity Interest Eompany (EIE, is a new form of incorporation in the ,C designed to support business for community benefit. EIE=s are registered and subse!uently monitored by a government regulator' a =community interest test= and =asset lock= ensure that company activities are for community purposes and that assets and profits remain dedicated to those purposes. (* These new kinds of production techni!ues and business frameworks may facilitate the establishment of successful urban food production enterprises wherever limitations would otherwise prevent commercial scale production. They can compensate for the typically small scale of these types of proJects by recycling urban resources, eliminating transportation costs, creating active, face-to-face relationships with neighbours and customers, and enlivening and enabling new forms of community support. By supporting the closing of material loops, meeting the growing demand for sustainable, local, healthy food and bridging the producer-consumer divide, a!uaponics has the potential to play a maJor part in creating .copolis, the regenerative city. There is now an urgent need to build up detailed information on which modes of a!uaponics are best suited to different urban and peri-urban areas, and to identify ways of channelling the skills, capacities and information necessary to overcome the barriers to success. As the e7amples outlined above demonstrate, closed-loop a!uaponics is both technically feasible and socially and economically desirable' the challenge now is to make it truly accessible in those areas and communities where it is most needed. Alice-Marie Archer is a 1esearch 9ellow at the >chumacher Institute for >ustainable >ystems, Bristol, ,C. >he is currently undertaking research at the ,niversity of Iceland evolving the Eommunity >upported Agriculture model for a!uaponics-centred social enterprise. *+ >ee http6FFwww.plantchicago.comF *K >ee http6FFwww.spinfarming.comF (& 9or an overview of E>A and e7amples in the ,C, see http6FFwww.soilassociation.orgFcommunitysupportedagriculture (* 9or more on EIEs see 5