The document is Jeff Striks' resume. It summarizes that he discovered an interest in graphic design as a child through Microsoft Paint. He studied graphic design in college and earned a Bachelor's degree. He now works as a freelance graphic designer, building his portfolio and skills. His objective is to obtain a full-time job as a graphic designer using his creative passion and experience.
The document is Jeff Striks' resume. It summarizes that he discovered an interest in graphic design as a child through Microsoft Paint. He studied graphic design in college and earned a Bachelor's degree. He now works as a freelance graphic designer, building his portfolio and skills. His objective is to obtain a full-time job as a graphic designer using his creative passion and experience.
Original Description:
My portfolio, detailing some of my best work in areas of graphic design and photography.
The document is Jeff Striks' resume. It summarizes that he discovered an interest in graphic design as a child through Microsoft Paint. He studied graphic design in college and earned a Bachelor's degree. He now works as a freelance graphic designer, building his portfolio and skills. His objective is to obtain a full-time job as a graphic designer using his creative passion and experience.
The document is Jeff Striks' resume. It summarizes that he discovered an interest in graphic design as a child through Microsoft Paint. He studied graphic design in college and earned a Bachelor's degree. He now works as a freelance graphic designer, building his portfolio and skills. His objective is to obtain a full-time job as a graphic designer using his creative passion and experience.
When I was about four years old, my grandmother taught me how to use a computer. I learned only the basics of Windows 95, as that was all she knew. In my brief lessons, I was introduced to Microsoft Paint. After experimenting with the program, I had an immediate interest in graphic arts. I continued teaching myself for several years to come. Fast-forward to 2010, I found myself at Rider University, majoring in Graphic Design. At this point, I had some general knowledge of the Adobe Creative Suite, with most interest in learning Photoshop. I chased my childhood passion into college. And four years later I earned my Bachelor of Arts in Graphic Design, with a minor in Web Design. Today, I am embarking on a new journey into the professional design feld. I am currently a freelance designer, taking every step I can at expanding both my business, and my own skill set. I am proud to say that I pursued my lifelong passion for graphic design, and turned it into the career path of my dreams. Objective: To take my passion and creativity into the design industry, and obtain a full-time, entry level job as a graphic designer. Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] About Me Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Rsum Education Experience Clientele Skills Rider University, 2014 Lawrenceville, NJ BA in Graphic Design Major: Graphic Design Minor: Web Design GPA: 3.803 Honors/Awards Deans List, 2010-2014 Rider Presidential Scholarship Baccalaureate Honors Program Summa Cum Laude Lambda Pi Eta Honors Society SLAS Honors Society Adobe Creative Cloud: Photoshop Illustrator InDesign Dreamweaver Microsoft Offce: Word PowerPoint Excel Access Photography: Canon EOS Rebel T3 Self-Employment: Winter 2014-Present Freelance Graphic Designer Handle multiple projects Establish payment contracts Meet short deadlines Keep direct contact with clients CoSaMo USA: Summer 2013 Graphic Design Intern Designed packaging, fiers, inserts Reworked logos Photographed hair color swatches Edited existing photography Six Flags, Great Adventure: Summer 2011-2012 Games Host Explained and enforced rules Attracted guests via microphone Maintained constant cash balance Promotions & Unicorns Too: Summer 2007 Clerical Assistant Improved and enhanced artwork Created an effcient workspace Organized samples and literature CoSaMo USA RazorsDirect MilitaryUSA Promotions & Unicorns Too Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Logos/Brand Identity DIRECT Client: Military USA, Replacement Gun Parts Software: Adobe Photoshop Role: Designer Appearing on their eBay store. A brand new company, starting up on eBay. They requested a header that would feature military-like colors and gun-related graphics. This is Military USAs frst graphic branding. Client: RazorsDirect, Mens Razors Software: Adobe Illustrator Role: Designer Appeared on a web advertisement. A high resolution redesign of an existing logo. I kept the redesigned logo as consistent to the original as possible. RazorsDirect, MilitaryUSA Branding Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Logos/Brand Identity CoSaMo TM Gently Blends Away Gray TM Client: CoSaMo USA, Hair Color Software: Adobe Illustrator Role: Collaborator Appeared on the most recent product packaging. A company rebranding, based on a previous logo. I focused on color, in identifying both the product and CoSaMo, as a whole. Client: Valerios Italian Restaurant, Food Service Software: Adobe Illustrator Role: Designer Appearing on work uniforms and menus. An exact rework of a previous logo. The original artwork was no longer available in high-resolution. Original Rework Valerios, CoSaMo, Love Your Color Branding Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Packaging Design Original Auburn Auburn 7 8 0 7 8 0Auburn Auburn 7 8 0 Light/ Medium Blonde Blond clair ou moyen N/R N/R N/R Dark Blonde Blond fonc Light Brown Chtain clair Medium Brown Chtain moyen Dark Brown/ Black Chtain fonc/Noir N/R =Not Recommended N/R =non recommand Result with this shade: Rsultat couleur : 780 If your natural color is: Couleur naturelle : COMMUNIQUEZ AVEC NOUS SUR : CONNECT WITH US: INGRDIENTS DU PRODUIT COLORANT : CONTIENT UN OU PLUSIEURS DES LMENTS SUIVANTS : INGRDIENTS DU REVITALISANT : LASTS 612 SHAMPOOS DURE DE 6 12 SHAMPOINGS Rework Client: CoSaMo USA, Hair Color Software: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop Role: Collaborator Appeared on product boxes. CoSaMo was interested in enhancing their look. We moved away from their text heavy design, and made the new packaging more colorful and eye-catching. This is currently in production. CoSaMo, Love Your Color Packaging Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Packaging Design Client: CoSaMo USA, Hair Color Software: Adobe Illustrator Role: Designer Appearing on boxes in China (left). When CoSaMo was looking to rebrand themselves, I completed a few mock up designs. The frst of these three inspired their current packaging. It was also sent to Chinese distributors. The last was favored by the company, for a future box label, in the USA. CoSaMo, Love Your Color Packaging Mock Ups Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Infographics Pros and Cons of Alcohol Protects your heart- Decreases risk of death from cardiovascular causes by 25-40% 41% survivors that consume alcohol continue to beat breast cancer Decrease chances of developing dimensia 23% less likely to develop Altzheimers Reduce risk of death by 18% Improves creativity Look younger longer Good cholesterol 300+ ml of alcohol a week increases blood pressure 20% of people with depression abuse alcohol Increases chance for heart failure 33% of violent crimes involve alcohol Hangovers: dehydration, low blood sugar, poor sleep Increase chance of cancer: colon, liver, rectum, mouth, throat, breasts 38 million adults drink too much 88,000 Deaths due to drinking too much each year Blackouts It does a number on your skin Drink Responsibly Type I Diabetes Gallstones Less risk of: Pros Cons Client: CoSaMo USA, Hair Color Software: Adobe Illustrator Role: Designer With the rising popularity of infographics, I was challenged to design one for CoSaMo. Color choices and content directly appeal to their target market. I was not responsible for researching data. Class: Advanced Graphic Design and Portfolio Rider University Software: Adobe Illustrator Role: Collaborator A visual representation of the effects of alcohol, both positive and negative. The color pallet represents neon colors, as one would fnd in a night club. Pros/Cons of Alcohol, Types of Hair Dye 31 637 633 643 519 632 634 651 632 645 648 647 649 620 623 628 629 629 652 57 57 57 31 Warren Co. Trail State Park Warren Co. Trail State Park Voorhees State Park Washington Twp Mansfield Twp Oxford Twp Franklin Twp Harmony Twp Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Maps Class: Project Management in Graphic Design Rider University Software: Adobe Illustrator Role: Collaborator The Warren Heritage Scenic Byway map, redesigned for use on the states website. Note: a placeholder logo was used, it is not the Millstone Valley Scenic Byway. Warren Heritage Scenic Byway Map Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Maps Class: Project Management in Graphic Design Rider University Software: Adobe Illustrator Role: Collaborator Appeared on tee signs at the disc golf course. 4 3 A: 281 PAR An Arrows Flight NEW BROOKLYN PARK DISC GOLF COURSE A 5 3 A: 255 PAR Split Decision NEW BROOKLYN PARK DISC GOLF COURSE A 6 3 A: 314 PAR Fagans Alley NEW BROOKLYN PARK DISC GOLF COURSE A Three of the 18 tee sign maps, for the New Brooklyn Park Disc Golf Course. I was responsible for keeping the maps consistent to the approved design. The signs were produced and used by the client. New Brooklyn Park Disc Golf Course Tee Signs Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Advertisements Client: RazorsDirect, Mens Razors Software: Adobe Photoshop Role: Designer Appeared on Two different web advertisements. The ideal was a simplistic design, with set dimensions. The curved design originated in a previous banner, seen at the bottom of the advertisement on the left. RazorsDirect Web Advertisements Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Advertisements Client: CoSaMo USA, Hair Color Software: Adobe Photoshop Role: Designer Appeared on CoSaMos social media pages. Two of 22 web advertisements, for CoSaMos Love Your Color. The image of the model comes from one of their product boxes. The hair swatch in the left advertisement is my original photography, for another project. CoSaMo, Love Your Color Web Advertisements Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Advertisements Client: CoSaMo USA, Hair Color Software: Adobe Illustrator Role: Lead Designer Appeared in NationWide Campus product boxes. The package insert advertisement, for CoSaMo, Love Your Color. The distributor, NationWide Campus, sells a multitude of products. This insert was sent out, in over 500 boxes per week. The approved design was my own, but the fnal product was a collaboration. Gently Blends Away Gray CoSaMo CoSaMo CoSaMo CoSaMo Are you using the best hair color for your hair? CoSaMo Love Your Color is a softer, gentler, non-permanent hair color. This product contains no ammonia, no peroxide, and is PPD free. We are pleased to announce that CoSaMo is now available through Your hair will thank you. Available Colors Use coupon code: COSAMO for a one-time offer and save 50% off MSRP. MSRP: $9.99 Todays NWC Price: $4.99 With coupon code at 770 Beige Blonde 772 Light Golden Blonde 738 Natural Dark Blonde 755 Light Brown 775 Light Ash Brown 776 Light Golden Brown 765 Medium Brown 777 Medium Ash Brown 778 Medium Golden Brown 779 Dark Brown 780 Auburn 783 Black Questions on the product? E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 866-355-8501 Website: Need help with your order? E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 1-800-269-6181 CoSaMo, Love Your Color Package Insert Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Publication Design
Jeff Striks Season Food like a Pro By F.C. Williams you dont need to be a professional... 1 2 3 4 Follow these simple steps to become a Master Consider the unseasoned food and its original taste. Dont hide the favor of the original food. This frst step can make or break a meal. Feel free to experiment with new favors, in ways you never thought to before. Dont be afraid to go heavy, it brings out the favor you really want. Let the food absorb the favor youre adding in. This makes a huge difference in the fnal dish! Choose several stark, obviously-noticeable favors. Be generous to craft and enhance the new favor. Cook in the seasoning, dont just throw it on after! Jeff Striks Class: Advanced Graphic Design and Portfolio Rider University Software: Adobe InDesign, Illustrator Role: Designer The Student Design Competition, where the winner would have their design featured in a magazine. I chose the how-to category, detailing my knowledge of cooking and seasoning food. Like a pro. Student Design Competition Project Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Photography Available Light, Saxophone Class: Photography Rider University Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3 Software: Adobe Photoshop Role: Photographer, Editor The frst was a specifc category for a photo, available light. I set up an LED desk lamp behind a translucent green water bottle and red pen. The second was a picture of choice. It is a close-up shot of the bell of a saxophone, at an unorthodox angle. Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Photography Time-Exposure/Self-Portrait Class: Photography Rider University Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3 Software: Adobe Photoshop Role: Photographer, Editor Though technically taken for the purpose of time-exposure photography, it could also be considered a self-portrait. I set an eight second shutter speed on the camera, and stepped into the view after fve seconds. This resulted in a transparent image of myself, against the wooden door. Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Illustration Photoshop Illustration Class: Advanced Graphic Design and Portfolio Rider University Software: Adobe Photoshop Role: Designer A simple raster illustration of a day in the park. Inspired by a similar design of a rainy scene. Shows skill with various Photoshop flters, brushes, burn and dodge tools, and the liquify tool. Original Rework Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Wrapping Paper Design Segmentation Class: Project Management in Graphic Design Rider University Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3 Software: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator Role: Photographer, Editor, Designer My own original wrapping paper design. I chose black, white, 50% gray, and red, for tonal contrast. The design moves, as if an optical illusion. The photography is also original. This can serve as a stand-alone presentation, or can be used in a collection. Jeff Striks 732-278-7083 [email protected] Typography Portrait Self-Portrait Class: Advanced Graphic Design and Portfolio Rider University Camera: Canon EOS Rebel T3 Software: Adobe Photoshop Role: Photographer, Editor, Designer I started by taking a self-portrait. After adjusting levels to bring out contrast, I detailed myself completely in text. Only the Apple logo is not made of text. Techniques used include text alignment, text warping, wrapping, and custom brush patterns.
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Immediate download (Ebook) How to Do Everything with Photoshop CS2 by Colin Smith ISBN 9780071483568, 9780072261608, 007148356X, 0072261609 ebooks 2024