- The authors are living in Su Refugio, Paraguay but plan to travel to Costa Rica on May 8th and return to Paraguay on June 1st.
- Their initial plan was to stay in Costa Rica through May but things changed when Bill stayed in Paraguay after an event. They are returning to Costa Rica for tutoring before going back to Paraguay.
- They are waiting for documents to be corrected on land they want to buy to start construction of their house.
- The authors are living in Su Refugio, Paraguay but plan to travel to Costa Rica on May 8th and return to Paraguay on June 1st.
- Their initial plan was to stay in Costa Rica through May but things changed when Bill stayed in Paraguay after an event. They are returning to Costa Rica for tutoring before going back to Paraguay.
- They are waiting for documents to be corrected on land they want to buy to start construction of their house.
- The authors are living in Su Refugio, Paraguay but plan to travel to Costa Rica on May 8th and return to Paraguay on June 1st.
- Their initial plan was to stay in Costa Rica through May but things changed when Bill stayed in Paraguay after an event. They are returning to Costa Rica for tutoring before going back to Paraguay.
- They are waiting for documents to be corrected on land they want to buy to start construction of their house.
- The authors are living in Su Refugio, Paraguay but plan to travel to Costa Rica on May 8th and return to Paraguay on June 1st.
- Their initial plan was to stay in Costa Rica through May but things changed when Bill stayed in Paraguay after an event. They are returning to Costa Rica for tutoring before going back to Paraguay.
- They are waiting for documents to be corrected on land they want to buy to start construction of their house.
%u Re&gio - Paraguay May 6, 2014 !"# %"##&'( )(*("+ AL Lhe momenL, we are llvlng ln an aparLmenL aL Su 8efuglo, buL we are preparlng Lo reLurn Lo CosLa 8lca on 1hursday May 8 and Lhen back Lo araguay on !une 1. Cur lnlual plan was Lo be ln CosLa 8lca Lhrough Lhe end of May buL Lhlngs changed when 8lll sLayed ln araguay aer auendlng Lhe openlng of Lhe CenLer of Pope. We are golng back Lo CosLa 8lca for some nal LuLorlng before reLurnlng Lo araguay ln !une. We are sull walung for Lhe documenLs Lo be correcLed on Lhe land we wanL Lo buy. Should be soon and Lhen we can sLarL consLrucuon on our house. ,-*( ./"# )"00/#( 1+ 233/4056+-6'78 We boughL 16 addluonal seLs of sheeLs for Lhe glrls (some had been uslng Lhe same sheeLs dally for 3+ years). We boughL 10 8lbles for Lhe youLh pasLor Lo oer Lo Lhe youLh aL a reduced raLe. We boughL sheeLs for Lhe beds vlslLors use when Lhey serve aL Su 8efuglo We hosLed an asado" (llke a 88C dlnner) for 18 people Lo celebraLe Sandy's arrlval We boughL MAn? blns Lo help sorL maLerlal, yarn and sewlng supplles ln Lhe CenLer of Pope We wlll buy more LuLorlng for Sandy, helplng her learn deLalled vocabulary ln varlous Loplcs (sewlng, knlmng, cooklng, halr cumng, eLc) !"# %&'()*" +,-.#/0 Lngllsh classes sLarLed on March 8 and conunue! We have abouL 18-20 regular sLudenLs plus we are LuLorlng some people LhaL cannoL come on SaLurdays. Cur Lhree 1LlL-cerued Leachers meeL each lrlday Lo revlew lesson plans so LhaL all are ln sync wlLh whaL Lhey are Leachlng, and Lhen debrlef each SaLurday aer class. !"#$ &' '(" )"*'"+ ,- .,/" 0 12 )"*'+, 3" 1$/"+&*4& ln Lhese phoLos, kendra ls evaluaung a sLudenL's level of Lngllsh and showlng a movle Lo Leach colors Lo Lhe class. 123 4)3*5 6(-** 783 98/#&: ;&)<&'= ln our conunulng eorL Lo provlde skllls for local women Lo help supporL Lhelr famllles, our rsL knlmng class ls scheduled Lo sLarL on SaLurday, May 17. A woman who knlLs for a llvlng has agreed Lo Leach whaL she knows ln a serles of ve classes. We wlll use donaLed yarn and needles. What have YOU done? We want to show examples of what your donations for us and Su Refugio have accomplished... 1) go to www.uwm.org 2) click on GIVE you can mail a check to the address shown, or use a credit card 3) click on GIVE ONLINE (for credit cards) 4) under Designation, select Missionary 5) below Missionary, scroll down and select Stevener, Bill & Sandy 27668 6) to the right, in the amount area, enter how much you want to spend on the bins 7) click Add to finish this part of the form 8) continue to fill out the rest form (name, address, credit card info, etc) Remember our call for donations to buy bins so we could sort and organize the material and supplies that had been donated? Here are some before and after pictures of the material in suitcases, empty boxes, and empty shelves. WITH YOUR DONATIONS we were able to buy all the bins we needed and Sandy and another tia sorted and filtered the donations so now we know what we have and can easily find what we need! THANK YOU! How to give Pastor Luis and the 10 bibles YOU bought for his youth ministry! What were doing BILL: Providing logistics for the Center of Hope and coordinating maintenance around the facilities. SANDY: Helping to prepare food in the comedor and adapting to life in Paraguay!