Creative Communities
Creative Communities
Creative Communities
Anna Meroni | with essays by: Priya Bala | Paolo Ciuccarelli | Luisa Collina | Bas de Leeuw | François Jégou |
Helma Luiten | Ezio Manzini | Isabella Marras | Anna Meroni | Eivind Stø | Pål Strandbakken | Edina Vadovics |
ISBN: 978-88-87981-89-2
© 2007 Edizioni
First Edition: January 2007
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And to: Sabina Amato Molinari, Megliomilano; Valeria Dalla Francesca, Parco Nord ; Fabio Fiminiani, VAS Lombardia; Alessandro Galli, Minimoimpatto; Davide Maggi, +bc; Nicoletta Morrone, Milano Car Sharing; Veronica
Piccardi, Solidarietà è progresso; Massimo Rizza; Federica Sorbi, Comune S. Donato Milanese; Luigi Tomasso, Banca del Tempo; Mario Vitiello, GAS; Harri Niukkanen, Kari Honkanen, Työ & Toiminta, Robert White, Vesa
Peipinen, Silvia Modig, Oranssi; Uusi Tuuli ry; O2 Finland ry; Markku Mäkelä, Lars Relander, Symptom Distribution; Juuso Juutilainen, Joonas Verwijnen, Liberté; Eveliina Pöyhönen, Päivi Tahkokallio, STAKES; Aleksi
Neuvonen, Demos; Alex Nieminen, Direction Helsinki; Mikko Syränen, Mari Hjelt, Gaia Group; Markku Wilenius, Finland Futures Research Centre; Kari-Hans Kommonen, MediaLab; Outi Peltonen, Live! Design; Terhi
Lindqvist, Marttaliitto; Pavel Antonov; Melita Rogelj; Simon Milton; Centre d’Expression et de Créativité des Ateliers de la Rue Voot; Emilie Lemaire; Goliath Dyèvre; Milamem Abderamane-Dillah
Cases studies authors: Yanick Aarsen, Milamem Abderamane-Dillah, Mario Aloi, Florence Andrews, Begum Arseven, Luigi Boiocchi, Lucas Bos, Grzegorz Cholewiak, Alessandra Ciampalini, Roy Damgrave, Andreas Deutsch,
Emilia Douka, Goliath Dyèvre, Didem Erciyes, Ates Ergin, German Espinoza, Sabina Francuz, Carlo Frisardi, Marta Gianighian, Adriano Giannini, Mine Gokce Ozkaynak, Annjosephine Hartojo, Teun Heesterbeek, Chris Heger,
Miro Holopainen, Rick Hölsgens, Nelson Issa, Ülle Jehe, Szonja Kadar, Kätlin Kangur, Lindsay Kenzig, Dominika Konieczkowska, Jussuf Kopalit, Maris Korrol, Natalia Kotljarova, Emiel Lagarde, Natalie Lambert, Emmy
Larsson, Eric Lemaresquier, Arianna Madiotto, Ana Maia, Tatu Marttila, Floor Mattheijssen, Elvis Meneghel, Magdalena Misaczek, Marieke Moerman, Kärt Ojavee, Ahmet Ozan Sener, Eduardo Staszowski, Ivo Stuyfzand,
Davide Nava, Bart Nijssen, Luca Peluso, Marijn Peters, Ryszard Poniedzialek, Liina-Kai Raivet, Joel Rene, Anna Roomet, Dick Rutten, Luiz Henrique Sà, Julia Schaeper, Tomas Schietecat, Laurie Scholten, Bart Smit, Lilian
Sokolova, Joanne Tauber, Alex Thomas, Krista Thomson, Ela Tluszcz, Eric Toering, Joran van Aard, Remco van den Broek, Ron van den Ouwenland, Willeke van der Linden, Bram van der Vlist, Maartje van der Zanden,
Marieke van Liempd, Gilles van Wanrooij, Mathijs van Wijnen, Niko Vegt, Eelike Virve, Jurgen Westerhoff, Sophia Westwick, Wouter Widdershoven, Barbara Wierzbanowska, Mathijs Wullems, Joris Zaalberg, Patricia Zapfl,
Chiara Zappalà, Anna Zavagno, Ralph Zoontjens.
| Creative communities | People inventing sustainable ways of living I Edited by Anna Meroni I
with essays by
Priya Bala
Paolo Ciuccarelli
Luisa Collina
Bas de Leeuw
François Jégou
Helma Luiten
Ezio Manzini with contributes from
Isabella Marras Liz Davis
Anna Meroni Ian Grout
Eivind Stø Simone Maase
Pål Strandbakken Cindy Kohtala cases studies editor
Edina Vadovics Ruben Mnatsakanian Doors of Perception
04 EMUDE _ Emerging User Demands for Sustainable Solutions
“Creative Communities. People inventing sustainable ways of living” is the first of two books resulting from the programme of activities EMUDE
(Emerging User Demands for Sustainable Solutions), funded by the European Commission, the aim of which was to explore the potential of social
innovation as a driver for technological and production innovation, in view of sustainability.
To this end it seeks to shed more light on cases where individuals and communities use existing resources in an original way to bring about system
innovation. It then pinpoints the demand for products, services and solutions that such cases and communities express, and drafts lines that could
lead to improved efficiency, accessibility and diffusion.
This first book focuses on the presentation of some of these cases and their providers: the creative communities.
The second book focuses on the possibility of these communities, supported by different enabling systems, becoming the drivers of new welfare and a
new model of local development.
Emude was promoted and developed by a Consortium of European universities and research centres. In order to identify promising cases, it set
up a network of observers, known as Antennas, encompassing teams of researchers and students from 8 European design schools: who acted as
researchers and disseminators of Emude findings both inside and outside their own institutions.
16 Cases
Housing 18
Eating 48
Commuting 74
Working 92
Learning 104
Socialising 120
142 Reflections
Pål Strandbakken, Eivind Stø
Utopian by design and/or by coincidence?
Isabella Marras
European creative communities and the “Global South”
Edina Vadovics with contributions from Ruben Mnatsakanian
Emerging creative and sustainable solutions in Central Eastern Europe
Helma Luiten
Replication of the cases: environmental considerations and technological demands
158 Annex
Luisa Collina
The network of schools + contributions from schools
Anna Meroni and François Jégou
The ethnographic approach
Paolo Ciuccarelli
The Promising Cases Repository: using ICT for supporting research activities
Creativity is the disposition of thought and behaviour that enables us to imagine and put into practice such solutions as: time banks,
home nursery playgroups, car-sharing, ethical purchasing groups, producer markets, self-help groups for the elderly, shared gardens, eco-
sustainable villages, vegetable gardens in parks, weblogs, co-housing, neighbourhood self management, home restaurants, local micro-
logistics, community supported agriculture, tool exchange, elective communities, small producer networks...
Creativity on the field Briefly, we chose on-the-field research using a quasi ethnographical method. A sizeable group
of young “creatives by profession”: designers (students from 8 design schools in different
This book does not set out to give yet another theoretical definition of creativity. Instead it European countries) armed with notebook and camera, descended on the places, met people,
seeks to define creativity through a series of innovative responses to the various problems interviewed promoters and users, often tried out services, collected information... This was a
that emerge in everyday life, or rather, through the results of these on the field. So the demanding activity, but far more satisfying than desk research.
creativity we are talking about is on-the-field creativity (and therefore innovation) triggered by
the real context of needs, resources, principles and capabilities.
Ordinary people?
These responses are presented in the book in the form of case studies that are not
only interesting because they are innovative, but they are also aesthetically “beautiful”: It’s surprising to see how many (apparently) “ordinary people” are able to make the
there is something in the way they appear that invokes positive emotions and recalls the extraordinary possible, if given the opportunity. During the course of our research we have
straightforward aesthetics of the useful. They are beautiful because they are colourful and often called these people “heroes” of everyday life. If you hear them talk, these people give
they are authentically and surprisingly creative. They express vitality and spirit of initiative: no hint of the difficulty of their actions, rather they seem to do the most unusual things quite
they are the unthinkable made possible, the alternative getting itself into working order. normally. Probably their true heroism lies here. What we have understood about them is that
And these cases are also “good”: whether intentionally or by coincidence (cf. essay by community spirit is the secret that moves them and fuels their actions; community both in
Strandbakken, Stø) they propose solutions in which individual interests converge with those terms of the group that supports, shares and recognises the value of what they are doing,
of society and the environment, creating conditions for a more satisfying use of resources and in terms of the sense of togetherness they aspire to. So, it is in the community or in
(human, environmental and economic), which restores, or bestows, meaning and value to community as a goal that the creative character of our heroes becomes fully apparent.
everyday activities and therefore seems promising as a transition towards sustainability (cf.
essay by Manzini). And so we come to another key point in our argument: this book seeks to debunk some of
the clichés about creativity, and particularly that it is the domain of professionals. Our heroes
All in all, these solutions just appeal to our fancy: those who put them forward are sometimes are not “professional” creatives, neither are they members of a social elite invested with
enthusiastic dreamers, and sometimes simply individuals motivated by practical urgency, but institutional roles, they are forward-looking people, capable of sharing their vision with others.
they are always satisfied with their own initiative and moved to untiring, incessant activity. If anything, they are “professionals of the everyday”, run-of-the-mill people with run-of-the-
From outside, such industriousness appears incredibly demanding, and often it is so. However, mill problems (ranging from care of the elderly to childcare, from the upkeep of the home to
it was interesting to discover that precisely in what, to us, looks like fatigue, lies a good part the purchase of food and household goods), but at the same time they are different because
of the deeper quality that our creative communities attribute to their activities. So it is not they are able to see and face these problems in a “slightly crazy”, authentically “creative” way,
fatigue, but quality of experience, pleasure in relationship, pleasure in doing, recovery of a going beyond the obviousness of dominant ideas about how such problems are “normally”
sense of togetherness and a source of real satisfaction. resolved. In short, they challenge what is taken for granted and think provocatively, adopting
This aspect of quality of experience would go unnoticed if the systems in question were not in doing so one of the “techniques” put forward by the guru of creative thinking: “ Lateral
observed close hand, or better still from “inside”. Now that we have completed our research thinking”, says Edward de Bono, “seems close to madness to the extend by which it distances
we can say that, whether by intuition or experience, the approach we chose for our case itself from the rules of logic...”.
study proved to be the right one precisely because these aspects were brought to light. In what exactly does the creativity of these communities, and the innovations they generate,
10 consist? To be creative we must turn upside down current ways of thinking and preconceived a way of building community values and also of instilling a sense of personal well-being.
ideas about services and our own public and private role in everyday life. Above all, we must Here, we wish to underline that an attitude of this kind is within the reach of everybody, it does
be able to look at problems from different perspectives, and change our point of view. This not concern only large enterprise but also daily activities, and it occurs when we stop seeing
ability depends on personal aptitude, the origins of which we do not wish to investigate. ourselves as “consumers” and discover that we are able to determine our own lives.
Observing creative communities, we can see certain common attitudinal characteristics: a non- Self-determination, our free choice to do something and really feel that we are changing our
rhetorical view of reality, a positive even cheerful attitude, and an intrinsically entrepreneurial situation, brings genuine satisfaction and self-fulfilment, but to bring these solutions about and
spirit (and courage). keep them going requires a heavy investment of energy by the community. So, if people are to
keep investing time, attention and enthusiasm such solutions must give rise to good, positive
We cannot know exactly where the ideas behind these solutions came from, but from subjective experiences. What experiences are we talking about?
interviews with their organisers we understand that, more often than not, there is no more than
a problematical context behind them to which people have responded naturally, in their own Once again, this book seeks to make qualities evident that are not at all obvious in the
way. Of course, principles, ideology, beliefs, and specific experience have often contributed meaning and subjective value of relationships with people and artefacts. Of course, not even
to a considerable extent, but for everybody, at the base of everything, was the will to not just in this case is it possible to generalise, but we can say on the basis of our findings that for a
accept the way things had always been seen and done, but to look beyond the traditional growing number of individuals the quality of the experience lies in the fatigue we were talking
organisation of everyday life, interpreting limits as opportunities, limitations as stimuli and about, the effort of achieving a result (not only in the result itself), and the richness lies in the
people, without exception, as resources. unfolding of convivial social relationships.
Psychology teaches us that to activate creativity, it is not enough that there is a problem to Latouche (2004) notes that to bring about this kind of experience, some social groups
resolve. It is essential that the individual perceives a discordance between his own way of implement “relational strategies” that contrast with current development logic and contemplate
acting and interpreting reality and that of the social system he is part of (Inghilleri 2003). In the most far-fetched economic activities, not (or to a lesser extent) professional, but based
other words, he must have a vision of how things could go, be sufficiently motivated to follow on the “art of making do”. An art that finds expression in the formation of innovative social,
it, and feel able to do so alone or with the support of others. In short, it is essential to be economic and work networks that correspond to what we call diffuse creativity in everyday life.
imaginative, determined and self-confident to change the rules and roles in society. These networking relational strategies presuppose an active way of interpreting the services,
where the roles of client and producer, of user and provider merge in the co-creation of value
In this case too, we are seeing some of the techniques of creative thinking being put and benefit. In this way we have solutions that are not only innovative in terms of their idea
into practice: the terms of a problem, i.e. their relationship (cause and effect, priority, of who will and how to take charge of resolving problems, but are also innovative because
limitations.....), are being spontaneously or deliberately turned upside down in order to based on the principle of collaborative networking between several individuals, in an economy
reformulate it, and the chance elements or circumstances (the context) are being used as of reciprocity. Such solutions that can be defined as co-products or open products in technical
opportunities to think up a different solution, instead of being seen as obstacles. design language (Cottam, Leadbetter 2004), meaning that they can only be completed by the
contribution and participation of all involved. Creative communities tell us that the value of
The heroes in our communities have gone beyond themselves, creating a combustion between co-creation lies not only in the economic advantage that they sometimes enable us to achieve,
intuition and experience and finding that the impossible can be possible, if we start thinking but also and above all in the fact that contributing to the achievement of a result leads to
it is. The courage lay in acting, overcoming the inertia of living in conditions that are not really emotional involvement and a profound, long-lasting sharing of aims and means. Analogously,
satisfactory but that are apparently easier and undoubtedly less demanding. The discovery was statistics tell us that people who feel they play an active part in a social network are usually
that the quality of life does not only lie in the results obtained, but in the way of doing things: healthier than people who are isolated.
it is possible to act in a situation driven only by the desire to be, or the enjoyment of being, So, we can conclude that in spite of the greater energy investment required by the people
there and for the pleasure of doing something we are able to do. involved, networking relational strategies have the dual advantage of being able to produce
The variegated and multiform collection of cases presented in this book, each characterised by positive, meaningful experiences both for the community and for the individual.
a lesser or greater invention, tells us of a different way of interpreting quality of life, associated
with proactive behaviour, with decision making, with a diffuse tendency to innovative action,
bringing to the forefront what is an innate potential in every human being: creativity. Beautiful and possible
Although we have several times talked of “heroes” when referring to the organisers of the
Happy to do solutions presented in this book, we wish to conclude that it is not necessary to be such to
live better, consuming less and generating sociality. Efficiency, saving resources, respecting
Social psychology upholds that in rich countries, in spite of materialist pressure, subjective the environment and creating bonds of solidarity prove to be advantageous in every sense,
well-being is related to a belief in interpersonal relationships: the capacity to bring people not only in terms of value options but also in terms of general convenience dictated by
together around an idea, to get people moving, to get together to resolve a problem, all of common sense and necessity (cf. essays by Strandbakken, Stø e di Luiten). Just as for quality
which are characteristics that are clearly expressed by creative communities. They are therefore of individual experience, the effort to implement virtuous practices to save resources can give
rise both to immediate, quantifiable, material benefits (savings in time and money) and at the technology and equipment; and “soft” conditions like network systems and people to people 11
same time to long term environmental benefits, once again a dual advantage. contacts. (Landry, 2000). So, we are talking about contributing to the quality of interaction
required between the many individuals involved in the solutions. This means shifting the focus
How is it possible to support the heroes of creative communities? of design from results to the processes that bring them about, and so to what is materially
Supporting their actions with activities and instrumental platforms, means helping them and organisationally required to achieve them. Not as a justification but to strengthen the
act more fluently and efficiently, eliminating disturbing factors and maximising satisfactory point, we observe that both marketing and economics are reorienting themselves from result
ones. Effective support would enable even those who are not heroes to overcome inertia to process, in answer to the growing attention paid by certain consumer groups not only to
and decide to take part in activities similar to those reported in this book. The first step the quality of the product but also to the quality of the process that produced it. In other
towards supporting creative communities is undoubtedly their recognition: identifying and words, to its true story, to work ethics and to context identity.
communicating their reality is a useful initial gesture in sanctioning their existence and
bringing them inside our collective imagination. The choices made by these people may be This is a design book also because it talks about design: how else would we want to define
imitated or they may provoke opposition but either way they are not unimportant. Obviously the activity of planning geared to creative communities? It is a diffuse design just as its
these solutions are precise localised responses to equally precise problems, but they can characterising creativity is diffuse: social behaviour from which professional designers have
be generalised both in their ideas for services and in the “entrepreneurial model” they put much to learn, rich in stimuli for anyone looking at reality with curiosity.
forward. They present a picture of spontaneous and diffuse entrepreneurship that does not
respond to a global logic based on values, principles and rules generated elsewhere, but is Finally, this is a design book because it came out of designer sensitivity and it aspires to
motivated by and matched to local systems and is consequently potentially self-regenerating increase such sensitivity even in those who do not professionally deal with design, stimulating
(Latouche 2004; Cianciullo, Realacci 2005). debate on these new forms of creativity and social innovation.
Finally, they propose a variety of “life styles” that share the same sense of responsibility
towards the quality of their own lives and that of the context they live in, lived in a positive In the pages that follow we present 56 case studies, mainly described through photographs
and propositive way. All together it is a pleasure to see such an optimistic panorama of and notes taken on the field by the youngest researchers who took part in this collection:
Europe. technical imperfections do not mar their beauty which, rather, lies precisely in their frank,
documentary nature. A series of detailed reflections then bring us to a better understanding
How are these solutions seen by those who do not live in the European countries where they of these cases with the help of experts from various sectors. Finally, experts explain what lies
were found? What is the reaction of those who come from the countries of Central Eastern behind the scenes regarding the research activities, the protagonists and the tools used to
Europe or the Global South? In these countries where, for various reasons, the social fabric complete our task.
has not (yet) fragmented as it has in Western Europe, but where there is marked social and
economic inequality and needs are often of a primary nature, the motivations that underpin
the solutions presented in this book may appear at times implausible and at others entirely
normal, according to the extent to which perspectives differ when looking at the problems (cf.
essays by Marras, Bala e di Vadovics).
Diffuse design
This is a design book. Certainly it is not the kind of design book that first springs to mind,
just as the creativity we are talking about is not what is traditionally recognised in people
and artefacts. From the contributions that follow, a way of interpreting design emerges that is
moving away from products towards services and strategies; when we ask ourselves how it is
possible to support our creative communities, we are asking a design question, where design
is seen as an activity that aims to make innovation (whether social, technological, production Bibliography
or relational) practicable and desirable. Design can help creative communities not to withdraw Cianciullo A., Realacci E., 2005, Soft Economy, Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli, Milano Italy
into isolation, but build up an overall framework that we can all directly or indirectly refer Cottam H., Leadbeater C., 2004, Red paper 01. Health: Co-creating Services, Design Council, London, UK
to, and can work towards reaching a balance between demands arising from different living De Bono E., 1967, New Think: The Use of Lateral Thinking in the Generation of New Ideas, Basic Books, New York, USA
De Bono E., 1970, Lateral Thinking. A textbook of Creativity, Penguin Books Ltd, UK
contexts and people’s ability to deal with them. In this way they can encourage action and Fletcher A., 2001, The art of looking sideways, Phaidon Press, UK
confidence in achieving results (Manzini, Jegou, 2003). Florida R., 2005, Cities and the creative class, Routledge, UK
Inghilleri P., 2003, La « buona vita ». Per l’uso creativo degli oggetti nella società dell’abbondanza, Guerini e Associati, Milano, Italy
Design can contribute to creating the hard and soft infrastructure that establishes the Landry C., 2000, The Creative City. A Toolkit for Urban Innovators, Earthscan, London, UK
conditions for a creative context: “hard” conditions like places, cultural concessions, facilities, Latouche S., 2004, Survivre au développement, Mille et un nuits, Paris, France
Manzini E., Jegou F., 2003, Sustainable everyday. Scenarios of Urban Life, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano, Italy
Ezio Manzini 13
Politecnico di Milano
To foster the transition towards sustainability we must look beyond mainstream positions, behaviour and opinions and know how to
recognise, in the complexity of signals that society sends us, those that are most promising. In other words, those emitted by certain
minorities who have been able to set up on a local scale radical innovations in ways of being and doing things. Once identified we must
foster them and facilitate their diffusion.
Within the next few years, we will have to learn to live (and to live better, in the case of most In view of the ever-increasing evidence of the problems generated by our current way of
of the inhabitants of this planet) consuming fewer environmental resources. And we will have life and production, contemporary society emerges as a blocked system: corporations
to do so by establishing new social undertakings at all levels, from the local to the planetary, and politicians claim that they can do nothing about it given that “people” do not want to
giving rise to a new sense of proximity and distribution among the human beings inhabiting change while, on the other hand, people and communities, when considering the possibility
this small, dense, and today more than ever depleted planet. In our opinion, this is the of transformation, state that they cannot change because “corporations” and “politicians”
working sense we should attribute to the concept of ‘transition towards sustainability’. do not present them with alternative solutions. Designers, too, find themselves trapped
in this paralysing gridlock, caught within a mechanism that seems to leave nothing to the
The grounds for this statement are painfully evident to all (or, at least, to all those who do not imagination barring the creation of new and useless gadgets or, in the best of cases, the
close their eyes to reality). However, its implications might require further explanation, since introduction of gradual improvements into a system which, as we now know, is intrinsically
they entail coming to terms with certain forms of systemic discontinuity in which, as a general unsustainable. In brief, given the current state of things, the world seems to be heading in a
rule, we are not used to thinking. direction that is as disastrous as it is non-modifiable.
To break free of this deadlock it is necessary, first and foremost, to embrace a different
The concept of living well while at the same time consuming fewer resources and generating representation of reality; we must no longer consider “people”, “corporations” and
new patterns of social cohabitation is related to an idea of wellbeing (and, consequently, “politicians” as “standard” entities but see them for what they really are, i.e. communities and
to a specific economic and industrial model) that is diametrically opposed to the one which groups of individuals with different and often contradictory points of view.
industrialised society has until now engendered and propagated throughout the world and
which, put in a nutshell, can be expressed with the following equation: more wellbeing is Once this vital step is taken, the world will continue seeming a very worrisome place, but its
equivalent to more consumption and less social quality. This pronounced difference proves profile will be that of a much more diverse, more dynamic and less blocked reality than the
a stark fact: it is simply impossible to take large steps towards sustainability if we limit our one engendered by standard values. If we go beyond these, we will see that, although there
actions to improving already existing ideas and ways of doing things. Each step towards are much more perturbing phenomena than the “average”, there are also occurrences of a
sustainability must involve a systemic discontinuity with pre-existing situations. different kind that point to the concrete and definite viability of other ways of being and doing
things. These anomalous behaviours, these unconventional ways of thinking are, or could be,
How can this discontinuity be achieved? This is not the place for an exhaustive discussion on the seeds that could engender, context permitting, the plants capable of generating the new
how complex systems evolve and, particularly, on how systemic discontinuities are produced. ideas of wellbeing, production and economy needed so badly today.
We will simply state - since this is the theoretical basis of everything that is discussed in this
article - that the groundwork for great systemic changes, for macro-transformations, is laid by
micro-transformations, i.e. by the radical innovations introduced into local systems. We will A laboratory of ideas
also point out that recognising and observing these micro-transformations makes it possible
for us to get a first-hand glimpse of the new systems that, at a given moment, could stem
from these changes. If our way of looking at things changes, what will emerge is a society that is (also) a great
laboratory of ideas and innovations for everyday life: ways of being and ways of doing that
14 express a capacity to formulate new questions and find new answers. These creative communities and the promising cases they engender teach us a very important
lesson: that it is already possible to take steps in the direction of sustainability. And they
Some of the examples we find around us today include: types of housing where, to improve do this by offering us in advance specific examples of what could become “normal” in a
the quality of life, spaces and common services are shared (as in co-housing); the development sustainable society, fuelling up social debate and giving rise to shared views on this subject.
of productive activities based on local resources and skills which are also part of wider At the same time they reflect, implicitly or explicitly, a demand for certain products and
global networks (as is the case of certain products typical of a specific local area); a variety services, pointing to new market opportunities for the development of sustainable solutions.
of initiatives aimed at promoting a healthy and natural diet (from the international slow-food
movement to the spread, in many cities, of a new generation of farmers markets); self- It is interesting to note that cases and communities of this kind can be found in all
managed services for the care of the very young (such as microcrèches, small kindergartens “urban” areas: each obviously with its own particular characteristics but also sharing many
or nursery schools promoted and managed by parents) and the elderly (such as the living- characteristics in common Despite the fact that these initiatives are still a minority, as we
together initiatives: where young people and senior citizens share housing). New forms of have already pointed out, they are spreading and acquiring the profile of a large cosmopolitan
social interchange and favour exchange (such as the local exchange trading systems – LETS workshop: a dynamic and motley group of individuals and communities that are putting a lot of
- and time banks); systems of mobility that present alternatives to the use of individual cars effort into constructing specific hypotheses of potential futures.
(from car sharing and car pooling to the rediscovery of bicycles); fair and direct trade networks
between producers and consumers (such as the direct trade initiatives that have already been
established around the globe); and the list could go on, as can be seen in other chapters of The role of design
this book.
To sum up: fostering the transition towards sustainability is a question of establishing
a ‘virtuous circle’ encompassing social innovation (which we recognise here in creative
Creative communities communities and in the new ideas and solutions they generate) and technological and
institutional innovation (that can be implemented by the actors who, through their decisions,
It must be pointed out here that all the cases making up this motley panorama of social can advance the possibilities of success of promising proposals). On the other hand, setting up
innovation have one crucial thing in common: they are all radical innovations of local systems, this virtuous circle requires first and foremost the development of the communication, design
i.e. discontinuities with regard to a given context, in the sense that they challenge traditional and strategic skills necessary to recognise, reinforce and transmit, in an adequate manner,
ways of doing things and introduce a set of new, very different (and intrinsically more the ideas and solutions generated at a social level, transforming them into original working
sustainable) ones: organising advanced systems of sharing space and equipment in places proposals and endowing them with greater potential in terms of large scale dissemination, and
where individual use normally prevails; recovering the quality of healthy biological foods in to find ways to institute them in the most efficient manner.
areas where it is considered normal to ingest other types of produce; developing systems of
participative services in localities where these services are usually provided with absolute Having reached this point, it is time to make a detailed analysis of the role that could be played
passivity on the part of users, etc. by design - and with this term we mean to encompass the entire design community, i.e. the
group of professional, economic and cultural entities that make up this community, with special
Moreover, all of these promising cases share another distinguishing feature: they are the reference to the schools of design - in this process. Take the idea of the virtuous circle which
outcome of initiative taken by individuals endowed with special project skills who set we have just described. Surely design should use design-specific skills to be actively involved
themselves specific objectives and find satisfactory tools to attain them; specially creative in the establishment of this circle ande give visibility to promising cases, highlighting their most
and entrepreneurial people who, without expecting to trigger general changes in the system interesting aspects, drawing up a map of the existing state-of-things and building scenarios
(economy, institutions, large infrastructures), manage to reorganise the existing state-of-things of potential futures; interpreting the questions which arise from promising cases; conceiving
producing something new. On the other hand, if, as the French mathematician Henri Poincaré and developing systems of products, services and information to increase their efficiency and
stated, “creativity means joining pre-existing elements in new useful combinations,” then we accessibility.
can definitely call these active minorities ‘creative communities’.
If this is, in a nutshell, what design should do, then the next question we can ask is whether
Additionally, these creative communities have many common traits: they are deeply rooted in a design is capable of carrying it out. Personally, we believe that it is. However, in order to play
place, they make good use of the local resources and, directly or indirectly, they promote new this role, design must update its traditional cultural and functional legacy. Moreover, the very
ways of social exchange. At the same time, they are linked to networks of similar initiatives idea of what a designer is in our day and age must change.
being undertaken in different places, which enable them to exchange experiences and share
problems at an international level (thereby turning them into cosmopolitan rather than merely We must learn to see designers as social actors in a society in which, as contemporary
local entities). Finally, and this is the aspect which most interests us here, they introduce new sociology points out, “everybody designs” and in which, as we can see clearly in this book,
solutions that bring individual interests into line with social and environmental interests (which a host of active minorities are inventing new ways of being and doing things. Given that they
means that they have a high chance of becoming authentically sustainable solutions). occupy a place in this society and that they are exposed to all of its characteristics, designers
should accept the fact that they can no longer aspire to a monopoly on design, since we or with a firm. In the new scenario, the designer tends to become an operator who acts within 15
are living in an era in which everybody designs. They should accept that today design is not a more complex network of actors (that may certainly include firms but not exclusively) where
only executed in design studios, but everywhere. And yet, designers can continue playing his main interlocutor, his actual client, may be an institution, a local authority or, as in this
their specific role. It is precisely because contemporary society is the way that it is that the case, creative communities.
role of “design professionals” acquires even greater importance. Designers can come to the
fore in the great “diffuse” design arena, becoming “solution providers”, contributing their
specificities, such as their capacity to produce visions of what is possible (i.e. the ability to Agents of sustainability
imagine something that does not exist but could potentially exist) and set in motion strategies
to help them materialise (i.e. concrete steps to transform potential visions into real solutions). So, the programme of activities that led us to focus on the creative communities presented
in this book lies in this context. Envisaging that designers can and must play the role we are
talking about, and that design schools are the places where this new way of doing things
Designers with new skills must emerge and take shape, it was natural to take design schools as interlocutors, and
particularly as “antennas” to identify, amplify and transmit promising cases. Leaving a more
These peculiar traits, in unison with the characteristics that distinguish contemporary society precise description of the purpose-built network of schools to another part of this book (cf.
and the social innovation subjects we have discussed here, require a series of relatively the Annex), we think it useful here to underline the extent to which this choice has in fact
new skills, even for designers: generating collaborations among diverse social actors proved correct. In fact, the young designers who took part in the programme not only proved
(local communities and companies, institutions and research centres); participating in the highly enthusiastic about these issues, but were also particularly sensitive towards a form of
construction of shared visions and scenarios; co-designing articulated systems of products, innovation that is, at the same time, both behavioural, organisational and technological.
services and information. In other words, the experience of this programme of activities has demonstrated that
designers can be particularly sensitive in detecting (and capable in describing) promising
If, as is frequently said, the transition towards sustainability must be seen as a social cases of social innovation. In facts: they are trained to consider at the same time: new user
learning process and ground for diffuse design ability, the designer increasingly takes the demands, innovation in the supply of products, services and systems, and the complex
role of facilitator in the learning process, and of support for diffuse design skills. In other phenomena that link them together.
words, his field of action moves further and further away from the figure of a traditional If we then consider young designers in particular, as was done in this case, we can add that
designer towards that of an actor operating to make orientated events happen and make sure they have the mental elasticity to look in new and initially unforeseeable directions. That is:
interested subjects participate, and do so creatively. He becomes a process facilitator who in the way we must do in order to see examples of radical social innovation.
acts with design tools i.e. by generating ideas on possible solutions, visualising them, arguing
them through, placing them in wide, many faceted scenarios presented in concise, visual and In conclusion, we must say that design schools are places where this kind of exercise not
potentially participatory forms. only can be done but it must be done. And for several reasons. To train a new generation of
designers able to recognise such solutions and develop their implications for design projects.
A new, different and fascinating role for the designer emerges from what has been said here. To develop new tools suitable for this purpose, but also, and maybe most importantly, to give
A role that does not substitute the traditional one, but that works alongside it opening up new the schools themselves the role of agents for sustainability that they should have. The role of
fields of activity, not previously thought of. promoters and facilitators of a huge social learning process, which is so much needed today.
The first step on this ground is to take the social innovation as a kick off point and use one’s
specific skills and abilities to indicate new directions for product and service innovation (in
practice this involves moving in the opposite direction from that more frequently taken by
designers i.e. where, starting by observing a technical innovation the designer proposes
products and services that are socially appreciated). Florida, R., 2002, The Rise of the Creative Class. And How it is transforming work, leisure, community and everyday life, Basic
Books, New York, USA
Jégou, F., Joore, 2004, P. (edited by), Food Delivery Solutions. Cases of solution oriented partnership, Cranfield University, UK
The second step designers must make is to consider themselves part of the community they Landry, C., 2000, The Creative city. A toolkit for Urban Innovators, Earthscan Publications LTD, London UK
are collaborating with. To be and act as experts participating peer-to-peer with the other Manzini, E., Collina, L., Evans, E. (edited by), 2004, Solution oriented partnership, How to design industrialized solutions,
Cranfield University , UK
members of the community in the generation of the promising cases they are working on, and Manzini, E., Jegou, F., 2003, Sustainable everyday. Scenarios of Urban Life, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano; Italy
their evolution towards more efficient and accessible systems. Manzini E., Vezzoli C. 2002, Product-service Systems and Sustainability. Opportunities for Sustainable Solutions, UNEP
Publisher, Paris, France
Mont, O,. 2002, Functional thinking. The role of functional sales and product service systems for a functional based society,
When things are put in this way, the professional profile of a designer tends to appear rather research report for the Swedish EPA, IIIEE Lund University, Lund
differently from the historically consolidated form we are used to. The classic idea of a Moscovici, S. 1979, Psycologie des minorités actives
Ray, P.H., Anderson, S.R., 2000, The Cultural Creatives, How 50 Million People Are Changing the World, New York: Three Rivers
designer is of an operator who, case by case, refers his activities to a final user, working for Press USA.
housing 18
20 Aquarius - Social elderly community of age 55+
22 De Kersentuin - Sustainable Housing and Living
24 Earthship, Fife
26 Findhorn Ecovillage
28 Jardin Nomade - Nomadic Garden
30 Loan Gardens
32 - Used construction material recycling
34 Milieuvriendelijk Tuinieren - Environmental friendly gardening
36 Model Eco - Friendly Hamlet
38 Mööblikom - Furniture re-designing studio
40 Neighbourhood Shares
42 Nieuwlande - Villagers active involvement
44 Prendi a casa uno studente - Lodge a student at home
46 Oranssi - Housing company
eating 48
50 Biomercatino - The Little Organic Market
52 Chmielnik Zdroj Ltd - Alfred food and drinks delivery
54 Cream o’Galloway dairy farm
56 GAS Gruppo d’Acquisto Solidale - Group purchasing organisation
58 Gemüsekiste - Vegetable Box
60 Huiskamerrestaurant Schuif ‘s Aan - Living Room Restaurant
62 Les Jardins de Cérès - Cérès’s garden
64 Local Food Link Van Group
working 92
094 Ayrshire LETS (Local Exchange Trading System)
096 Banca del Tempo - Time Bank
098 CICP Centre International de Culture Populaire - International centre of popular culture
100 The sheep project
102 Työ & Toiminta - Job and Action Association
socialising 120
122 Bracka Street Festival
124 Buchticket - Book Exchange
126 Club Liberté
128 Exchange corner in radio Krakow
130 Happihuone - ‘Oxygen Room’ cultural greenhouse
132 Meerhoven Senior Club
134 Omaabi - Self help community
learning 104
136 Raciborowice Senior Club
138 Weblogs
140 - MP3 distribution company
106 Artist involvement in creative education
108 Cafezoïde - Playground café
110 Coach House Trust
112 Comenius Kindergartens
114 La Boutique Pédagogique - Training Shop
116 Nidi in Casa - Nurseries at home
118 NUBLU Minilasteaed - Mini kindergarten
20 (housing)
People over 55 live in a resource-sharing community
suited to their diverse needs and lifestyles.
Economy. The economics of Aquarius are comparable to normal life. Inhabitants rent a house and
the activities are organised voluntary by fellow inhabitants. Mutual co-operation saves money for
Context the people and social activities are affordable.
In 1984 a group of elderly people who did not feel comfortable living alone, but even less
comfortable living in a home for the elderly, took the initiative to establish a community for the
elderly in Eindhoven. These people wanted a housing environment that was better adjusted to
the needs and wishes of their age. Some of these people lived on their own and felt lonely. Other
people felt insecure in their own houses and wanted to get a fell safer feel.
Current situation
The founders of the community initially spent a lot of time investigating postive features of
other senior communities to implement in their own. Since it started in 1990, not much has
changed,except for the arrival of a few newcomers and small practical improvements to the The experience Design challenges
community. The inhabitants rent their houses from an Eindhoven housing society, which owns the
buildings. They also share the rent of the communal area. Committee work is voluntary The main A peaceful, well-run common garden acts as a Creating communal spaces in the buildings
garden is maintained by a gardener who they also pay for collectively. transition zone and place to meet others. would allow inhabitants to organise more
A communal area for activities is a perfect kinds of activities together.
combination of public and private space. Creating the opportunity to share
Helping neighbours and living close together equipment and services with easy and
engenders a feeling of safety and being cared for. voluntary access.
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Yanick Aarsen, Emiel Lagarde, Dick Rutten, Niko Vegt
“Aquarius is like a student house for elderly people. People there seem to be socially connected but also able easily to maintain their privacy.
Many people told us the arrangement is the perfect compromise between living on your own and living in a nursing home.”
22 (housing)
A community creates the conditions for
environmentally friendly living.
Current situation
De Kersentuin came to life in December 2004. Now it is an active community in a mature stage
of development. The community now opens up and informs other people and organisations The experience Design challenges
interested in the initiatives. There are no plans to expand De Kersentuin, but the inhabitants hope
that the number of similar initiatives will keep growing, and new schemes will be started by people The pleasure of taking care of, and feeling responsible Creating a platform for sharing ideas
like themselves. for, their own and the common environment. and opinions.
Pride in making and maintaining a real sustainable
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Yanick Aarsen, Emiel Lagarde, Dick Rutten, Niko Vegt
The Earthship is located on the edge of Kinghorn Loch, beside Craigencalt Ecology Centre.
Kinghorn itself is a small town with little commerce. The construction programme started with
an intensive eight-day building programme with American Earthship builders, including Earthship
pioneer Michael Reynolds, and 11 trainees from across the UK. Since then, more than 200 volunteers
have helped complete the Earthship over weekends and work experience days from the Sustainable
Communities Initiative, which provides experience opportunities to learn building skills required in
Earthship building. Volunteers can be involved for a day, or for as long as they wish, however the
majority of users are visitors who want to learn how to make their own lives more eco-friendly.
There is an increasingly urgent need for positive models that demonstrate a viable, sustainable
future for humans and the planet. The Findhorn Foundation, established by the community in 1972,
is a major centre of holistic education, conducting programmes for more than 4,500 residential
visitors a year from more than 50 countries. Today it is the heart of what has become one of
largest holistic communities in the world and is the centre of this rapidly developing eco village.
Since 1981 the foundation has been involved in the development of the Ecovillage Project as a
natural continuation of the community’s work with nature. A number of other organisations within
the community work in partnership with the foundation to help create and develop the Findhorn
Ecovillage Project.
Current situation
Eco Village began in 1982: the next major development phase for the Findhorn Community will be
expanding the village with hundreds of new, non-toxic eco homes.The community has grown and The experience Design challenges
expanded since 1962, and is now deeply rooted and stable. The foundation has received great
recognition from the local enterprise board, which now appreciates that it generates £5 million Pleasure from being part of a pilot Making an eco-system available and affordable for
worth of household income in the area and supports over 400 jobs. It also acknowledges the domestic use.
social, educational, cultural and environmental benefit to the area. The foundation is a not for project of sustainable living.
profit charitable organisation. Some figures from annual report 2004:
- 75% of the foundation’s revenue (£1,091,484) comes from educational income
- net assets in 2004 were £2,242,000, and after costs the surplus was £82,000. School of Design, The Glasgow School of Art, Scotland.
- he main expenditure was staffing (£355,000) followed by rent, fuel and maintenance costs(£201,000). Arianna Madiotto, Sophia Westwick
28 (housing)
Residents transform an abandoned plot into a
shared neighbourhood garden.
France, Paris
Jardin Nomade - Nomadic Garden
By Association Quartier Saint Bernard AQSB
Current situation
After several years of trying and a change of municipal leadership, JN came to life in 2003.
The experience Design challenges
From an empty plot, the first flowers and vegetables were harvested in 2004. The garden was
Pleasure in taking care of one’s own Using used growing boxes designed by students in
blooming! The JN is now authorised to remain on site until 2010. JN has inspired the design
and common environment and feeling other projects.
of the Main Verte system - an environmental charter created by the Ville de Paris parks and
responsible for it. Developing decorations by designers with local
gardens department which underpins the protocol for use of the garden, and sets out rules
Pride in making and maintaining a children.
for environmental behaviour. The charter has served to inspire other similar projects in Paris
better neighbourhood.
and periphery. The garden has matured and the success of the neighbourhood dynamic widely
Expressing oneself in creating original
garden designs.
Originally designed to be moved on once the city-owned plot is reclaimed (a multimedia centre is
scheduled to replace the garden in 2010), locals hope that the city will make the garden permanent.
This seems more and more likely. City Hall loans the site, provides infrastructure, servicing and
equipment. JN provides management, supervision and gardening advice, and distributes the 54
garden plots. Each cost 21 euro each, of which 50% goes to JN, and 50% to City Hall. ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris, France.
Context Economy. The local authority can save on public space maintenance, now the green spaces are
better managed.
Overvecht is a suburb built in the 1960ties in Utrecht. It consists mainly of appartament buildings
rented by people with low incomes and from different cultures; the area tended to be drab and
grey, and lacked a positive identity. Another problem was that residents tended not to know each
other, even in their own appartament block, and felt no responsibility for their neighbours.
Current situation
Loan Gardens came to life in the 1980s. The general idea is not new, but was a new concept for
this neighbourhood, giving it an identity and solving the problem of lack of social contact in the
neighbourhood. From the Loan Gardens initiative, initially taken by an artist of the neighbourhood,
new services have been developed The Loan Garden service itself has improved, and housing The experience Design challenges
corporation Portaal has created a new division, focusing on social circumstances, which aims to
improve the neighbourhood. Inhabitants mostly buy the plants and tools themselves, with the Pleasure in taking care of both individual Creating services and infrastructure to manage
district office or the housing corporation providing funding when necessary. The district office has and common environment, and feeling problems collectively.
a district budget which is also available for the gardens. responsible for it. Generating platforms for sharing instruments
Pride in creating, and maintaining, a better and skills.
Expressing oneself in creating original garden
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Lucas Bos, Jussuf Kopalit, Joel Rene, Bart Smit
32 (housing)
How valuable used construction materials and
components are re-used.
Estonia, Tallinn – Used construction material recycling
Context Economy. New compoments cost more than used components. In fact, saving money is very often
the main reason why young families buy used materials.
Tallinn and other Estonian cities are rich in original, preserved wooden housing. But the intensive
period of construction and renovation that started following independence in 1991, and following
the shift from public to private property, has had a strong influence on people’s taste and
preferences. Now, everything that is new and imported is attractive, and the old and homemade
is not worth considering. This attitude has resulted in several culturally and historically important
buildings being destroyed, and the waste of valuable materials.
Environmental thinking has developed in the opposite way to Western Europe, only gaining
attention in the last few years. Fortunately, there are organisations that promote sustainable
thinking and resource-saving. One of these is the Information Centre for Sustainable Renovation
(SRIK), whose main project is
The experience Design challenges
Pleasure of adapting valuable Similar centres should be set up all over Estonia to
Current situation building components from the past cover a larger area, and awareness of recycling historical
to enrich one’s own house. building components encouraged systematically and was started in the beginning of 2002 by SRIK and Tallinn Cultural Heritage Department, Leaning to restore valuable parts of vigorously via mass communication.
driven by Tarmo Elvisto, who is a passionate promoter of sustainable thinking and renovation. old buildings. The project encourages people to think sustainably and
The concept of recycling used materials and elements was created with support from renovators to make maximum use of existing resources.
and other specialists, who form a strong and supportive community. Although this kind of project
can be found in other European countries, especially in the Nordic region, recycling is still rare in
old Soviet countries. The project initiated in Tallinn can be considered as a pilot, and members of
Authors will open facilities for stocking and preserving materials in other Estonian cities in Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia
the near future. Ülle Jehe
For people interested in renovating their own homes, is perfect. Once they have attended the
lecture on sustainable renovation techniques or bought a used component, they will probably be involved with
sustainable thinking for the rest of their lives.
Typical users of the project are young families, renovating their apartments themselves in a district of old
wooden houses, and want to do it cheaply, stylishly and with originality.
34 (housing)
Amateur gardeners learn to reduce the use of herbicides
while keeping their garden healthy.
Economy. Gardening could become a more popular hobby, providing an opportunity for a new
range of products and services. For small gardening the costs of adopting environmentally friendly
The background context methods are pretty low, by using, for example, compost made from waste from the same garden.
Most gardens are less environmentally friendly than they might appear. People often use machines
and chemicals, such as herbicides and fertilisers, to keep the plants healthy and growing well. It
is possible to achieve a healthy garden without using chemicals, but this knowledge of ecological
gardening is not widely shared.
Current situation
The Milieuvriendelijktuinieren project – financed by the government and executed by
DLVGroen&Ruimte – started in 1995 and was finished in January 2005. The VELT association has
been running for several years, has 13,000 members, and is still growing.
The web site still exists, but unfortunately is not updated anymore.
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Roy Damgrave, Remco van den Broek
Pupils, parents and teachers of the Number 4 Elementary School in Przyslop decided to expand around the whole region and even create an organisation called ‘The Small Hamlets of Great
it into a tourist information and environmental education centre to prevent its closure. It now Europe.’ Association members find sponsors for the project development. The residents cover the
includes an environmental education centre whose activities include organising courses and costs of guests who arrive for consultation purposes of a given project. People largely work as
ecological education events. The project makes available a variety of existing but previously volunteers, but the creators of the project and census takers are paid. It is worth emphasising that
separate resources: products by local craftspeople, natural riches, cultural monuments, the Amber with the school saved, the teachers could keep working and earning.
Trail route and the monastery wind power-station. Now, products are easily accessible, as they are
sold in a special shop, the Sklepik pod Magurka. Tourists walking the Amber Trail can also visit
newly marked-out paths (the Educational Trail and the Trail of Local Chapels), stay the night in one
of the agro-tourist hostels, and buy souvenirs from one of the ecological shops. The Association The benefits
for Sustainable Development, which has its headquarters in the school, comprises people who
most actively want to solve the problems in their area, and work to improve quality of life while Society. People get socially engaged, local residents have activities, the school is maintained,
respecting the local cultural and natural heritage. teachers keep their jobs, and children can learn in a friendly, intimate atmosphere close to home.
The greatest drawback is that it clearly divides the residents into two groups: active and passive,
which can divide rather than unite the society.
Context Environment The scheme promotes environmental defence and saves water and energy, by
introducing sustainable energy systems.
Zawoja Przyslop is a village at the foot of Babia Gora mountain. Residents were inspired to develop
environmental projects by an ecological windmill erected by Father Wilk from a nearby monastery. Economy. The cost of the ecological installations is recouped over time, the children don’t have to
The ‘Model Eco-Friendly Hamlet’ project, carried out by the Association for Sustainable Development pay for transport to school, and the school earns lots of money at the festivals. Some of the active
in co-operation with the Barefoot Carmelite Monastery, aims to create a modern hamlet using residents sometimes get one-off payments, if, for example, they come up with a project.
renewable energy, in which the residents save water and energy, separate and recycle all their
garbage, and create a clean environment, while bearing in mind their traditions and their roots.
Based on pre-existing ecological investments (wind power stations, school-time garbage clean-ups,
solar panels and hot air pumps), a plan was developed to introduce this sort of innovation to
individual households. The first task is to identify the most forward-thinking ‘good householders’
and encourage them to change the heating systems in their homes. Once they see the economic
advantages of the changes, the idea is that the pioneering house-owners inspire others to do the
The experience Design challenges
Involvement in activities which result in the Improving access to and implementation of the
positive development of the village. ecological system to produce energy and manage
Being part of a pilot project which can resources.
Current situation spread to the whole region. Developing marketing.
The building of a wind power-station in 1993 changed the hamlet’s destiny. The residents created
the Association for Sustainable Development in the year 2000. The idea of an ecological hamlet
was already known in Poland and around the world, and the development and transfer of these Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland
ideas to other locations is quite possible. Zawoja Przyslop’s leader wants to spread such activities Barbara Wierzbanowska
38 (housing)
Old furniture is given a new lease of life.
Estonia, Tallinn
Mööblikom - Furniture re-designing studio
By Mööblikom
Economy. The cost of restoring old furniture or buying a restored one is similar to buying a new
When people move into a new home, they often cannot use their old furniture but it may be
perfectly suitable for other people. The aims of the project are to wake people’s consciences, and
make them think more deeply about how they live. Basically it costs the same to restore an old
chair as to buy a new one, but by saving one chair you also save the materials for the new, now
un-needed, chair.
Current situation
Mööblikom started in December 2002, and believes it is unique. It would like to expand, and take
advantage of the increase in environmentally friendly thinking, as well as consumers who want
something a bit different. Any profit comes from the sale price, minus time, service and materials.
Mööblikom has 50 to 100 clients in a month, with more in the summer and fewer in the winter.
Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia
Kärt Ojavee
Economy. The system saves money for the community. As well as the responsibility for
neighbourhood maintenance, the local authority also transferred the municipal budget reserved
Context for these tasks to residents’ associations. A neighbourhood maintenance fund has been created
which is managed by the residents; shareholder meetings decide how to invest the money in
The idea of resident involvement emerged from a discussion group called the Denktank (thinktank). upgrading the neighbourhood.
This panel of resident and local authority representatives continues to have monthly meetings
where they share ideas about how to improve the neighbourhood.
Current situation
In the first half of 2004 the planning of Neighbourhood Shares started and, in autumn, the first
activities were organised. It was initiated by the International Institute for the Urban Environment,
NV Woningbeheer (a company organising communal maintenance projects for houses in private
ownership) and the department of Nature and Environmental Education of the City of The Hague.
It is one of the first examples in the Netherlands of such an initiative being taken on a local level.
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Szonja Kadar, Bart Nijssen, Marijn Peters, Ralph Zoontjens
42 (housing)
Villagers improve their living circumstances
and the health of local social networks.
Nieuwlande is a small village in the east of the Netherlands. Its residents did not have much
contact with each other. After the area’s administrative boundaries were re-shaped, Nieuwlande
became part of the municipality of Hoogeveen; this gave residents hope for some improvement in
their village. But after four years nothing had changed; then the Local Interest group ‘Plaatseling
Belang’ took the initiative to sent an angry letter to the municipality of Hoogeveen.
Current situation
The development plan was established in 2002/2003, and is working well because of a high level
of resident participation in Nieuwlande. The results of the plan are visible, and validated by the
winning of an international award. Each solution that comes out of the workgroups of the village
development plan has to be approved by the municipality of Hoogeveen, which then provides the
funding if necessary.
The experience Design challenges
Pride in improving living circumstances Creating a platform for sharing ideas and
in their village, maintaining it and expressing opinions, also involving the young
being involved in deciding about the people living in Nieuwlande.
development of the village.
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands.
Floor Mattheijssen, Laurie Scholten, Gilles van Wanrooij, Maartje van der Zanden
44 (housing)
Intergenerational house sharing helps students find
cheap, family-style accommodation.
Italy, Milan
Prendi a casa uno studente – Lodge a student at home
By Associazione Megliomilano and Provincia di Milano
Environment. Reducing the number of student commuters has the potential to reduce traffic,
pollution and overcrowding on public transport. Sharing of buildings, rooms and facilities reduces
Context the need for heating per person, and produces a more efficient use of the buildings.
Large European cities like Milan have a huge demand for student accommodation; in 2003, nearly Economy. There are clear economic benefits for both users of the service: The elderly people get
20,000 places were needed in the city. An increasing number of elderly people living alone need financial and practical help; while students get access to low-cost rooms and so can afford to live
a little help with everyday activities. In addition, room prices in Milan are some of the most and study in Milan and enjoy the cultural life of the city. The providers are currently using funds
expensive in Italy, forcing students to live in nearby cities and to commute to college. As the Milan from the private sector and their own resources, but this will not be enough for much longer.
universities cannot offer a solution to these problems, students often decide to study somewhere
else, and Milan loses out both culturally and economically. Meanwhile, increasing numbers of
elderly people need help to live independently in their own homes.
Current situation
Megliomilano’s campaign was launched in June 2004. A pilot project of the first 12 intergenerational The experience Design challenges
house-shares started on November 2004, in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano.
Intergenerational house sharing had already been successfully developed in Piacenza and Como, For the elderly: to have, everyday, As populations age, large numbers of households in
two small towns in Italy. The problem in Milan is on a different, much bigger, scale - similar to someone to provide supportive Europe will contain elderly people who have unused
Barcelona and London which run similar schemes. care that they can rely on. rooms.
By 2005, 30 intergenerational house-sharing cases were under way, all monitored weekly for For the students, it seems like The Milan system of matching these people with roomless
feedback. The cost per room varies from 150 to 250 Euros per month, paid directly to the house finding a new grand-father or students is one response; another could be a service that
owner. MeglioMilano provides the resources, with a little funding coming from a private company. grand-mother. enables older people to pool resources in other ways and
As the service is still at the pilot stage, there are not yet any financial figures to study. among themselves, not just with students.
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Ahmet Ozan Sener, Anna Zavagno
Elderly people use the service because they are tired of living alone. They
often need the company more than the money and enjoy having young people
around: that makes them feel younger. Young students, keen on social issues,
love the idea, especially considering the high cost of accommodation in Milan.
There are two main aspects to keep in mind: the elderly people need to
remain independent (and can’t depend on the students, who are only meant
to be giving a little every-day help) and male and female users should both
have equal access the service (female students and hosts seem to be the main
46 (housing)
How young people live independently,
yet communally.
Finland, Helsinki
Oranssi – Housing company
By Oranssi
Oranssi renovates houses for young people looking for a more communal way of living. Inhabitants registered firm that owns all the residential buildings and handles the rent contracts. Residents
participate in the renovation from the beginning, and maintain the houses afterwards. Neighbours pay for their own renovations while Oranssi Housing pays for the larger collective renovations and
know each other and are active in taking care of communal maintenance. Oranssi flats are as maintenance.
cheap as the cheapest council flats (for which there are long queues), and residents are allowed
to renovate their flat as they wish and to participate in their house community, with its socialising
as well as repair and maintenance work.
Members, who must be under 24, need to take responsibility for the work involved and to be The benefits
prepared for a more communal way of living. The original members have become valued experts
in traditional wooden house repair techniques, which they pass on to new residents. Unemployed Society. Young people can afford Oranssi housing and are not therefore threatened with
young people can also get temporary work placements and young carpenters can do their practical homelessness or cold, isolated council living. Unemployed young people can get work placement
training there. experience on a renovation site and learn valuable skills. Helsinki residents are inspired By the
members’ active participation to create their own opportunities.
Environment. Residents, neighbours, and others learn the value of older buildings, especially
Context wooden houses, and members learn important skills, such as construction techniques, alternative
energy choices, etc. The material waste is reduced. One problem is that Oranssi is perceived as too
There is a shortage of houses for the young people of Finland. This has come at a time when marginal and ‘hippie’ by more conservative, older members of society.
people are starting to look for more communal ways of living, for company and security.
Oranssi emerged in Helsinki during a deep recession about ten years ago. Rents (and deposits) Economy. The residents learn the direct relationship between cost and value: ‘The more you do
in the city were, as now, very high, with very little ‘cheap’ housing available. Youth employment yourself the cheaper your rent becomes’. Cheaper rents and employment opportunities mean fewer
was, and still is, a problem. In 1990, a group of people, all under 20, began squatting in protest social security payments. The return on investment is very high, as the buildings gain in value
at this situation, taking over abandoned industrial residential buildings, only to be evicted a few when renovated and maintained to a high standard. The city authorities benefit as they do not
days later by the authorities. Eventually, the city offered them two empty wooden houses that have to cover the cost of renovation or demolition. Challenges in the future may be retaining the
had been squatted and needed renovating. In exchange for cheap rents, the group took over the renovation skills needed, and attracting and retaining those with a good head for business.
renovation. A system evolved whereby the city offered the group empty residences, and young
residents moved in and renovated them. Oranssi became well-known, so numbers grew quickly
from 20 to 600.
The experience Design challenges
Participants learn how to live independently To develop services to encourage more people
Current situation from the family but surrounded by people to build or restore houses themselves.
willing to create a community.
Oranssi was registered in 1990. At the moment it maintains about 80 apartments, with about 110 People also learn how to restore and mend
residents, in Helsinki. The Oranssi Youth house at Herttoniemi has evolved into an open-minded their own home.
culture centre and a lively meeting point. The group does not want to grow too large or take on any
new houses at the moment. There is, however, a new phase planned whereby Oranssi will design
and build a new set of houses from the ground up. Authors
The Oranssi association is run by one paid staff member and volunteers, and is financed by RAY University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland.
(a gaming association raising funds for social organisations). Oranssi Housing Ltd is a private Cindy Kohtala, Miro Holopainen
50 (eating)
People living in a town access high-quality organic
food directly from producers.
Italy, Milan
Biomercatino – The Little Organic Market
By VAS Verdi Ambiente e Società
Biomercatino came from an initiative by VAS Lombardia in reaction to the increasing threats to
food safety, like the introduction of genetically modified seeds, the use of pesticides and the
monopolisation of food production. Its aim was also to put producers and consumers in direct
contact to encourage trust and shorten the food chain.
Current situation
The monthly Biomercatino started in April 2003. Today it is in a phase of optimisation, and is The experience Design challenges
increasing the direct involvement of local institutions; it is also increasing its range of products
and services, adding value to the existing goods and helping spread the values of the initiative. It Knowing and trusting the producers Creating places and circumstances to enable farmers to
is searching for partners in order to become a larger operation, selling the complete range of food met in the farmers market. sell their own products.
requirements. VAS doesn’t have the resources to put forward new ideas and identify improvements Improving personal knowledge Creating multi-channel and multi-media communication
all that effectively. In general, Biomercatino is trying to refine its management system through the about food products and using it to platforms to connect producers and consumers directly
implementation of a database, more efficient communication and the possibility of using paid make the best choices. to each other.
labour to organise the market, despite the current model of volunteer work. Designing dedicated packaging and logistics to be used
in the network by small producers.
Politecnico di Milano, Italy.
Adriano Giannini, Eduardo Staszowski
Current situation
The visitor centre and the sustainable model is one that could easily and effectively be implemented
elsewhere. The visitor centre shows how sustainable and organic farming and can be beneficial,
how it works and how to provide excellent customer service. Plans for the future include diversifying
into organic lamb and pork and joining with other farmers in the area to run a cooperative abattoir.
The experience Design challenges
For the farmers, the pride of carrying on Designing services, events and places where the
traditional work, and rediscovering its local traditional products are presented.
importance. Develop marketing.
Discovering traditional products and food
from their original environment, while
making an ethical choice.
School of Design, The Glasgow School of Art, Scotland
Florence Andrews, Alex Thomas
Italy, Milan
GAS Gruppo d’Acquisto Solidale – Group purchasing organisation
By GAS Lambrate
Conventional models of purchasing food do not show how it is produced and distributed, or give
any guarantees of respect for human rights and the environment. Consumers are increasingly
dissatisfied by the products offered by large distributors such as supermarkets (which normally
exclude small producers from their trade), and are looking for quality, transparency and traceability.
They would like to actively find out about the background of the product rather than being a
passive consumer. Consequently alternative forms of shorter supply chain are emerging.
Current situation
The project was started in 1995 by the Apfelbacher family, a couple of farmers adopting ecological
methods of production because of a deep belief in sustainable growth.
Today the enterprise employs, in addition to the owner, between two and five for farming and
managing the service, and has around 400 clients. In the Cologne area there are two organisations The experience Design challenges
offering similar services, but the Apfelbacher Gemüsekiste is the most experienced and most
organised. Without any marketing or advertising, Apfelbacher Gemüsekiste is still growing, showing The luxury of receiving food to your Creating multi-channel and multi-media communication
that customers do want organic quality food. home, and feeling confident about platforms to connect producers and consumers directly
its provenance. to each other, and to network producers.
Being in touch with the surrounding Create a platform of technical services to support local
region, getting the best from it. small farmers and food producers.
Design dedicated packaging and logistical solutions for
small producers in the network.
School of Design, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany.
Weekly, one of the farmers travels If she is not home, the box is
with a little truck around the city left in front of her apartment.
to deliver the boxes for the clients.
60 (eating)
People who love cooking use their skills to cook
for a larger group.
Many older people are cut off from society, and often miss being able to cook for and entertain
their children and family, once the children leave home. The people who started the scheme want
to make friends, be socially active and create a support network. They love to cook and want to
offer a cheap alternative for people who like to go out to dinner.
Current situation
Maaike and Wouter started the initiative in February 2005, and other similar “restaurants” have
also started recently.
The couple will keep going with the project as long as they like it, they are quite happy with the
current set up and are not looking for any changes or expansion.
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Ivo Stuyfzand, Eric Toering, Mathijs Wullems
62 (eating)
People interested in a healthy lifestyle and preserving
the environment obtain organic food from local farmers,
and also support their production.
France, Paris
Les Jardins de Cérès – Cérès’s garden
By Les Jardins de Cérès, Association
Palaiseau is a small town in the suburbs of Paris, which has becoming more and more built up, Economy. Any economic benefit in the first year was mostly for the farmer, as the association
with shopping malls and industrial areas eating into farmland over the past few years. Several paid the ‘shop-price’ for the potatoes to help the farmer buy the necessary tools, get to know the
groups formed to protest against these developments. Isabelle Morgan, living in Palaiseau, joined organic process, etc. Over the coming years they will steadily decrease the price so that consumers
a demonstration organised by a group campaigning against the construction of a new shopping also benefit economically.
centre on a huge stud farm. She realised that just protesting was not offering any solution, so
she contacted existing associations to increase the impact of their actions. During this process
she heard about the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) in the USA and saw the model as a
solution to the problem. Looking for similar organisations in France the group found the AMAP.
After contacting several farmers in the region, Isabelle and her friends met Emmanuel Vandame, a
farmer willing to try such a venture
The experience Design challenges
Supporting a local farmer in using natural Creating multi-channels and multi-media
Current situation methods of cultivation. communication platforms between producers
Being in touch with the local area and and consumers.
Les Jardins des Cérès was founded in December 2003. For the first year of its existence its 150 getting the best from it. Designing dedicated packaging and logistic
members ordered a batch of three tons of potatoes, which were grown on the Plateau de Saclay Taking part in the farming activities, and solutions for a network of small producers
close to Palaiseau. The process created a social network, where people share their environmental getting back to nature.
convictions, experiences and ways of life. The farmer was paid in three parts: first third in advance
to pay for the plants and the tools; the second third half-way through production, and the third
part when the potatoes were harvested. The price for one kilo was evaluated in advance by taking
the average price of organic potatoes.The association doesn’t get any external financial support. Authors
ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris, France
Milamem Abderamane-Dillah, Andreas Deutsch, Luiz Henrique Sà
Economy. The scheme’s future aim is to both reinforce the notion of self-sufficiency through local
produce and increase cooperation between producer and customer on the other. Making such
Context high-quality food available to local people and visitors encourages aspects of local and family
economy and ensures the future of sustainable agriculture on Skye.
Food distribution was made difficult by the large distances between producers, retailers and
consumers, decreasing the availability of local food produce on the island. To improve this
situation, the food link van was initiated on a voluntary basis in 2000, with a try out period of
six months. Following its success, Food Link Skye and Lochalsh was incorporated in 2003 as a
non-profit making company to manage the award-winning foodlink van and secure its future as a
viable local distribution service.
School of Design, The Glasgow School of Art, Scotland.
Emmy Larsson, Julia Schaeper
Natural Food-system near the roads
By Various Estonian farmers
Economy. Economic benefits are evident for both producers and consumers. As it is a shorter chain,
Context with the customer paying the farmer directly, prices are much lower than at the market, but better,
for the farmer, than wholesalers. There are also savings on transport, packaging, time, selling
Half of Estonians live in towns, and often own a summer home or have relatives in the countryside. points and storage.
Commuting to the countryside is done by car as public transport infrastructure is not very well-
developed. Tallinn-Haapsalu road is one of the main roads for this kind of journey, and has a lot
of farms along it. Farmers in Estonia often have problems with selling their production through
wholesalers, because the prices are too low. With this, and EU bureaucracy, smaller farms have
stopped producing goods. At the same time a lot of city people are losing their connection with
natural lifestyles, and their knowledge about country life and how natural food is produced.
Current situation
This kind of relationship between passing city people and farmers is well established, and a
The experience Design challenges
common tradition all over Estonia. But as it started in the Soviet era, the practice was secret The adventure of visiting the farms, Creating multi-channel and multi-media communication
and unofficial, and no research has been done into it. Sometimes the farmer and consumers and discovering people and products. platforms to connect producers and consumers directly
communicate by phone or online, which makes the process easier and enables the farmer to The fun of searching for a farmer to to each other.
prepare the necessary products. buy from. Develop infrastructure and services to support farmers
Behaving ethically. direct selling in the farm.
Design a proper communication system along the roads.
Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia.
Kätlin Kangur, Anna Roomet
Economy. The solution provides a new and alternative retail channel from small organic producers
directly to consumers, which cuts the costs for both. In addition, growing organic food is
Context economically responsible in Estonia, because of the characteristics of the existing farms and
There are two concepts behind the idea: that many people want to eat natural, locally produced
food, even in urban areas; and that small farmers can not compete with huge industrial-scale
producers, so it is vital for them to find alternative retail channels. These same producers are often
involved in the organic farming movement that started with the establishment of the ‘Estonian
Bio-dynamic Association’ in 1989 (in the Soviet era). Its rapid rise began in 1999, thanks to the
growing public interest in organic farming.
Current situation
The experience Design challenges
Ökosahver started in 2003, and runs in two cities – Tallinn and Tartu. It is the first company in
Estonia to retail and wholesale certified organic products. The organic food box service is quite Pleasure of eating ‘out of the box’, Creating multi-channel and multi-media
a new idea in Estonia, and at the moment is the only example of this kind of initiative in all the and selecting food according to communication platforms to connect producers and
Baltic states. quality and seasons. consumers directly to each other.
It has connections with seven or eight organic farms, and employs three people. Until the company Being in touch with the surrounding Developing concepts for food-shops as multiservice
can afford to employ more people, it will not be able to get more customers. To get more region and getting the best from it. food points.
customers, Ökosahver feels it needs to expand its product range, but as the Estonian climate Behaving ethically. Designing dedicated packaging and logistics to be
doesn’t allow fresh vegetables to be grown all year round, possible expansion may have to use used in the network by small producers.
canned food.
Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia
Ülle Jehe, Eelike Virve
Italy, Milan
Orti del Parco Nord – Parco Nord Vegetable Gardens
By Consortium Parco Nord
Economy. It improves and maintains the quality of a green area for low cost, and may stimulate
Context small-scale local enterprise: gardening shops, selling or rental of gardening tools, or co-operatives
of professional gardeners.
Parco Nord is a big semi-urban park very close to residential areas. As many other parks, it suffers
from a lack of maintenance, and has huge unused spaces that could be devoted to many other
uses. The consortium that manages the park wanted to both solve the problems of the park and
find a solution to the isolation experience by many people, especially pensioners, especially in
urban areas which lack public spaces or facilities for children, teenagers and the elderly. A few
years ago, parts of the railway embankments had been given to retired people to farm: this
inspired the idea of dividing up parts of the park to and giving them to potential urban farmers.
Current situation
The scheme started in 1996 and has stood the test of time. It has incorporated lessons learned
from the many similar initiatives in Milan and elsewhere in Italy and the world, under which
an estimated 200 million urban farmers cultivate for 700 million people. Although the concept
The experience Design challenges
is widespread, Parco Nord’s system is unusual in having a public competition to be given an The satisfaction of growing fruit and Creating services and tools to support non-
allotment. Once a farmer is in, they pay a very low rate (around 26 euros per year) for use of the vegetables themselves. professional farmers and gardeners.
garden and dedicated services, but they have to buy seeds and plants themselves. Meeting other people with the same Creating networks for enthusiasts to share
passion for gardening. experiences and skills.
Enjoying open-air activities.
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
German Espinoza, Elvis Meneghel
72 (eating)
Quality organic food is guaranteed by a brand.
Context Economy. There are currently 13 producers, working under the common ‘Soplicowo i okolice’
brand, and around 40 distributors in Warsaw alone, with all the participants profiting from the
On one hand, consumer awareness of quality is growing. Visana’s target group in Warsaw attaches co-operative venture. Producers and distributors split the risks and profits evenly. The company is
importance to traditional taste and, with little time for cooking, eats out in restaurants offering employing more staff, the production firms are expanding, by investing in a machine park, and as
regional cuisine or buys ready-made product with ‘home-made’ associations. On the other hand confidence grows, new ideas emerge all the time.
concern about biodiversity in agriculture is increasing.
Current situation
The scheme, run by Visana Consulting Group, has been going since August 2003. Warsaw is the
main market, with Krakow included recently as well, but the target is to cover the whole of Poland.
To increase sales, the company may take over co-operative production companies, or investing in
new product lines. These would have significant impacts on the profit margin, the prices of raw
material purchases, and production quality control. When the company started, shouldered their
The experience Design challenges
own investment, which allowed for the basic needs of the company to be paid for. At present, the Rediscovering traditional food. Creating services, events and places to present and taste
company is surviving off dividends. Costs include office rental, storehouses, accountancy, staff local traditional food.
salaries and transportation (rental costs and petrol). With the opening of the European Union Conceiving a platform of technical services to support local
borders and the large interest in Polish food in the West, the company is planning to enter the small farmers and food producers.
European market in the space of the next few years. Designing a visual identity for the brand which still allows
the individual producers their own identity.
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland
Grzegorz Cholewiak
76 (commuting)
Bikers learn to maintain their own bikes and are
helped to commute by bike.
Economy. The service enables users to maintain their own bicycles for a low price.
The scheme is concerned with developing and disseminating innovative models of integrated
mobility to reduce environmental, economical and social problems in the city. +BC has two main
locations: one in downtown Milan, mainly dedicated to maintenance activities; the other one is at
the San Donato Milanese metro station to encourage people to use bicycles instead of private cars.
Current situation
+BC has been running since 2003. The idea of a bicycle station with added services has existed
in northern Europe for many years, but in Italy the idea of combining a bicycle parking lot with
renting, maintenance, repairing, indoor parking and courses and events is a novelty. The scheme
is unique to both Milan and Italy.
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Didem Erciyes, Carlo Frisardi
Italy, Milan
Andiamo a scuola da soli – Walking bus
By School of via Bottego, Milan
Economy. This solution both gives parents time to do other activities, and saves money on fuel.
Walking bus is an initiative by some teachers at an elementary school in Milan to improve the
health and the well-being of children. In Milan, a large part of daily traffic congestion is caused by
taking children to and from school by car. However, it’s difficult for children to walk on their own,
because of unsafe roads and pavements often being blocked by parked cars. The walking bus
protects and organises the groups of children.
Current situation
The pilot project began in 2000 and finished in August 2004. Now, the programme continues
with volunteers from grandparents, friends and teachers. The system is based on an idea first
proposed in the USA and UK, which had the same or other kinds of problems in implementation:
little support from the public administration and bad infrastructure. In Milan the solution has been
enriched with many activities inside and outside the school, such as cultural and art festivals, The experience Design challenges
board games and art work which have increased the neighbourhood’s respect for children and the
environment. Nowadays, there are very few costs. The children have the fun of going to To create communication tools and
school together on a daily urban adventure. infrastructures to help children become
Elderly people who help have the independent and skilled.
satisfaction of feeling useful in society.
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Emilia Douka, Luca Peluso
Children are the main users of this Its success is due to the interest from
scheme, and like it because it gives the school’s director and teachers
them the chance to socialise with and to the curiosity of children about
each other outside school. They doing new activities with new people.
would like to adopt the solution But there are problems: parents are
permanently, getting more and more still scared to let children walk to
autonomy over the five years of school alone and public administration
school. doesn’t support this project.
Finland, Turku
Bicycle Flea Market
By Uusi Tuuli ry
Turku, population 170,000, is the cultural centre of Finland. The many students, who live in the city
only during academic term time, want an ecological and cheap method of transport. Meanwhile,
there are lots of unemployed people, many of them immigrants, who need work. Voluntary work is
sometimes the only way to maintain their skills or keep them in touch with society.
At the moment there is only one Bicycle Flea Market. The scheme solves two problems: it revives
bikes that people otherwise discard, believing it cheaper to buy a new one than repair the old
one; and helps clear the spare bikes left in communal parts of apartment blocks when their owners
move out.
University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland
Ryszard Poniedzialek
France, Paris
By Cyclo-Pouce
Current situation
CP was developed 10 years ago by 16 very different people who shared a passion for bikes. The
aim was to create an association using bicycles to improve the lives of people with social/physical
difficulties. CP took four years to develop, studying existing needs and projects, economic/legal
requirements and bureaucratic problems. CP finally started in 2000.
In the future, CP would like to establish itself in other French regions. The Paris site is nice at
weekends, but can become quite abandoned in the week or on rainy days (weather is a big The experience Design challenges
factor in this activity). CP expects to create stronger links with disabled associations like APF
(Association des Paralysés de France), which would extend client awareness of special services Feeling part of a community of people Designing bicycle-based vehicles for those with
offered. Meanwhile CP has participated in events like ‘Championnats du monde d’athhlétisme’, with the same passion for sport and disabilities.
‘Descente des Champs-Élysées’, ‘Défi de l’exploit’ and in professional encounters. The number of way of life. Designing multi-use accessories to make biking easier.
CP users is gr owing, thanks to the variety of services presented, a professional attitude and an Behaving sustainably. Creating open workshops where people can undertake
open-minded spirit. CP is already well-organised, with employees, working schedules, timetables, repairs while supervised by experts.
and a growing number of clients. But it wants to grow further and increase its range of services to
the handicapped. This will need bigger financial investment, wider promotion, and dissemination
to other Parisian areas. Four people work full-time, with five volunteers. The workers come from
‘Nouveaux emploi, nouveaux service’, supporting ‘unemployable’ under 30s. Authors
ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris, France
Ana Maia
Italy, Milan
MCS – Milano Car Sharing
By Legambiente, MCS
Economy. For people driving fewer than 10,000 kilometres in a year, using the MCS system works
Context out as 4,000 euros cheaper per year than owning a car.
Like many other big cities, Milan has the problems of traffic jams, pollution and lack of parking,
especially during rush hours, mainly caused by private cars. Mostly people prefer to own a car
rather than use public transportation or alternative transport. In other major cities in Europe,
alternative transport solutions such as car sharing have been available for many years and in
some cities, such as Berlin, are very popular. Nowadays the costs of owning a car are very high. It
would often be cheaper to pay for the car only when you use it, and for the time you use it. Also
it can be time-consuming to find parking and maintain the car. The car-sharing concept deals with
these issues.
Current situation
The experience Design challenges
Legambiente introduced the car-sharing service to Milan in September 2001. It started with three
cars, a garage and a website; by 2005, the MCS had several vehicles in three different categories Being part of an elite of trend-setters, Developing technical services to support
and 13 parking areas. There are more than 200 members using the service each month. The trying to improve city life. community sharing.
scheme is working well, in the opinion of the users and organisers, but the system could work even Having a range of cars to sample. Designing cars suitable for easy and frequent
better on a larger scale. What is missing, on the practical side, is some technological investment to Behaving in a sustainable way. personalisation.
optimise the service and some support from the public administration; on the communication side Developing low-emission cars.
it needs more promotion which could really change people’s mind-set about private commuting.
Annual membership costs between 70 and 100 euros, the hourly rate is 1.80 euros from 7:00 to
24:00 ( it is free between 24:00 and 7:00) and the cost per km is 0.32 euros per km, including
the fuel. Authors
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Mario Aloi, Mine Gokce Ozkaynak
86 (commuting)
Paths and services for urban cyclists are
Cologne is crowded with cars and public transport, resulting in pollution, danger for children and
congestion. One answer to this problem is bicycles. Although there are 550,000 bicycles on the
streets of Cologne, cyclists do not get much attention, as they are politically unimportant.
Current situation
The scheme has been running since 2002, based on the concepts of other organisations interested
in the environment and cycling: ADFC, VCD and BUND. In the small area it is responsible for, it
works very well, but wants to expand to cover more of Cologne. The response from local people is
good, and MFG contacts get articles about their projects published in the local press. The members
of the MFG work voluntarily, and devote a lot of time to it. Funds come from sponsorship, and
advertising by local bicycle dealers on the MFG’s website. The experience Design challenges
Pleasure in taking care of the common Creating places where residents can discuss the
environment and feeling responsible for it. problems of the community.
Pride in improving the neighbourhood.
School of Design, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne, Germany
Italy, Milan
Minimo Impatto – Minimum Impact
By Alessandro Galli, Minimo Impatto
The idea behind the trading of these second-hand goods is about how to extend the lifespan of
products, allowing people to enjoy sport without spending a lot of money, and decreasing waste.
Minimo Impatto is located in the north of Milan, a quite run-down area not well-served by public
transport. The idea came to founder Alessandro Galli while cycling in Australia few years ago.
Before this trip he had worked as a manager in a multinational firm, but found this didn’t give
him the time he wanted for thinking, travelling or cycling. He decided to change his life and do
something to improve his quality of life. This project combines his love of bicycles and the idea
of recycling, and makes him enough money to go travelling. Buying something second-hand but
perfectly good means you have to work less and have more time to enjoy more time off, at the
same time as reducing waste and improving the areas where cyclists go.
Economy. Users get their bikes repaired conveniently for a good price. The popularity of the service
means the provider fulfills a clear need.
There used to be at least one bike repairman in nearly every Dutch neighbourhood, but as bicycles
have got more reliable, their workload reduced and they closed down. Nowadays there are much
fewer such handymen, and the market has been taken over by larger companies. It therefore takes
longer to get a bike repaired, and it can of course be difficult actually getting to the repair company.
Current situation
The project has been going for three years, and has attracted a lot of interest. At the moment
Giovanni is the only provider of the Mobile Bicycle Repairman service, but he is ready to recruit
other repairmen and give them busses to work in other districts. At the same time, a franchising
company ‘Fietsnet’ is preparing a full-scale national project to provide this service (with about 150
vans) all over the country.
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Teun Heesterbeek, Rick Hölsgens, Marieke Moerman
94 (working)
Local residents exchange time and skills.
Economy. A LETS proposes an alternative economy based on time instead of money: it creates a
different framework of meaning and value for human activities, which can generate problems in
Context the legal recognition of this scheme of exchange.
All over Europe feelings of isolation are increasing, as are the desire to become part of the
community. Offering professional and non-professional skills to exchange gives the chance to start
meeting people not only for business purposes, but also with the aim of building an atmosphere
of mutual trust and exchange.
Current situation
This is a relatively young LETS scheme which is still improving and maturing. The original project
started in 1976, when a group of Friends of the Earth members decided to start a LETS scheme in
Ayr to counter the increase in non-local trade and consequent declining sense of community, and The experience Design challenges
the associated environmental impact of large-scale business.
Starting up costs and subscriptions are around £20 per member. Other than that, all trading is Meeting neighbours in exchanging services. Developing low-tech and high-tech
‘free’ in normal monetary terms. Sometimes traders pay for materials etc. LETS schemes suffer from Building relationships is more important than platforms for managing the exchange of
having a ‘critical mass’: 50 members is optimum, but 150 is too large. Traders cannot get to know saving time. skills and goods among the community.
each other so are less likely to trade. The LETS model is easy to replicate, and a pack is available Being part of an inclusive scheme where Improving communication in the
explaining how to start up a scheme. everybody’s contribution is valued and welcomed. neighbourhood.
Contact with sustainability-minded people Developing regulations to guarantee the
interested in innovation through social exchanges.
The value of trust.
School of Design, The Glasgow School of Art, Scotland
Florence Andrews, Alex Thomas
96 (working)
Local residents help each other out through the
mutual exchange of skills.
In big European cities such as Milan, people are no longer surrounded by family and need different
kinds of help and assistance in everyday life. People can sometimes find solidarity in their own
neighbourhoods, but it’s hard to get problems solved in a professional way. Many people are
willing to offer their time, but others are too shy to ask for it, or worry about how they’ll repay the
favour. Barter solutions like the Time Bank are emerging to help out.
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Alessandra Ciampalini, Ates Ergin
France, Paris
CICP Centre International de Culture Populaire – International centre of popular culture
By Centre International de Culture Populaire
Economy. The CICP gives a bit of leeway on rent demands if an association is having a financial
The CICP was founded in 1976 by the Centre d’études et d’Initiatives de Solidarité Internationale to
enable associations working on international solidarity without any state support, and struggling
against all sorts of domination (political, economic or cultural), by giving them the technical,
material and logistical support they needed for their work. It is now in a three-floor building in the
11th arrondissement of Paris, adapted by an architect to accommodate various associations in a
sort of ‘co-housing’ system. The CICP provides the space for meetings and events, organises the
maintenance of the building, helps communication inside the ‘community’ and offers audiovisual
equipped meeting places.
Current situation
The CICP now has about 80 associations as members: about 30 have their offices in the house and
the others have mailboxes. The CICP functions without any state funding. It pays its workers with
the rent from the associations. The associations can earn their own money too by renting rooms to
other organisations for a short period.
The experience Design challenges
Motivation from working with people with Building or renovating buildings especially for
the same mission in society, and sharing business co-housing
Enjoying an animated working environment.
ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris, France
Milamem Abderamane-Dillah, Goliath Dyèvre
A Work fund co-finances the purchase of small flocks of sheep, ensuring sufficient meat and wool, monitoring begun.The Work Fund refunds part of the costs of equipping the work stations and part
with ongoing monitoring, training and program promotion. Its primary goal is to limit the effects of of the costs incurred in carrying out farm activities, and gave loans for the creation of new work
unemployment in village areas through creating shepherding self-employment and places of work areas and for carrying out farm activities.
in shepherding homesteads. It also wants to create an integrated economic model of shepherd
production, increase the social and professional activity of village residents, supply the market
with valuable and healthy food, and prevent the mountain landscape from becoming spoilt. The The benefits
scheme was started by a businessman: he bought the first flocks and gave them to owners of
pasture that had become overgrown following a decline in sheep farming. He organised the market Society. Professional qualifications gained through training, maintaining of cultural traditions
for the meat, milk, wool and skin. connected with breeding and the grazing of sheep. One of the greatest advantages of this project
A restaurateur from Krakow promotes the mutton dishes. The project revives tradition, encourages is the reduction in the unemployment rate of about 20%, alomg with enabling local integration,
eco-lifestyle, produces healthy, nutritious food, preserves the area’s scenery, develops tourism and spreading ecological solutions, strengthening the link between city and village, and helping
prevents unemployment in the area. neglected areas and endangered species.
Environment. The Beskidy landscape is maintained, and the region’s attractiveness improved,
panoramic viewing points are revealed, existing pastures and meadows maintained and the
Context mountain landscape rescued.
There is a long tradition of sheep breeding in Polish mountains, but following sheep farming Economy. The scheme has created an integrated economic model for sheep goods production
control, sheep herds were greatly reduced in number. Pastures once used for herding were invaded and places for self-employment, limits effects of unemployment in village regions, has helped the
by new species of plants. The collapse of sheep herding resulted in an increase in regional development of agro-tourism, and supplies the market with nutritious and healthy food.
unemployment.Nowy Sacz is a quite mountainous region, with high unemployment. The villagers
faced long-term unemployment, due to their low qualifications and lack of professional experience.
It was essential that steps were taken to give them prospects for social/professional work, to
combat their increasing inactivity, unwillingness and apathy. An equally important matter was
restoring the Beskidy landscape. The grazing of sheep has a fundamental impact on this, as it
allows upkeep of the mountain pastures and meadows, preventing their overgrowth with less
desirable plants and the encroachment of the forest, and in this way maintaining the picturesque
areas of the Beskidy.
The experience Design challenges
For the breeders, the pride of carrying Designing services, events and places to
on traditional work, with its rediscovered promote local traditional products.
dignity and importance. Facilitating communication between breeders
Current situation Citizens discover traditional products and and the public administration.
food. Developing place marketing.
The scheme started in May 2003 and should conclude in January 2007. The programme could only
be carried out in Nowy Sacz, and not spread to other regions, because of changes to financing
rules. Between July 2003 and June 2005 farms were assessed for their suitability for the programme,
36 unemployed people were signed up and accepted the contract for partial refund of costs and Authors
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland
sharing of loans from the Work Fund for the activities, sheep were received, and a programme of Sabina Francuz
The main goal of the association is to provide work for unemployed, rehabilitated, immigrant and/ For electric and electronic items like TVs, computers and fridges J&AA charges a very reasonable
or disabled people. The second goal of the association is to ‘promote the policy of sustainable recycling fee, and will collect equipment and furniture for a small fee. It now employs around 60
development by increasing the life cycle of consumer goods, by finding new ways of recycling, and people.
by boosting the recycling activities in Helsinki area’, and it runs a second-hand store selling the
goods. Other benefits: employment is kept local, workers have high motivation, and immigrants
are able to adapt to Finnish working culture. 30% of workers find employment after working here. The benefits
The scheme reduces a large amount of industrial and consumer waste, and provides household
goods to the community and disadvantaged countries at reasonable prices. In the future, it hopes Society. There are many benefits for individuals working in this sustainable, enthusiastic place.
to collaborate even more with artists and designers in reusing material that cannot be recycled. From the consumer’s point of view, there is the benefit of recycling unwanted goods, and of buying
products at reasonable prices. Putting immigrants to work (currently 35 nationalities) in society
alongside Finns helps create a more multicultural and open-minded atmosphere, and allows them
to develop skills and contacts not otherwise possible.
Environment. The environmental benefits are clear, with the repair/reuse of products, extending
The association was founded by a group of unemployed people in Vuosaari, a multicultural area of their lifespan, and material recycling. Between 25 and 40 tons of material comes through the
the city. At the time, unemployment associations were popular because of the economic recession, operation per month, with about four tons of computers received per week from the government
and provided somewhere for people (mainly men) to do social activities such as fishing. Honkanen alone. J&A’s burning of plastic generates enough energy to heat 17 houses in Finland a year.
was hired as the leader of one association in 1997/98, and he introduced recycling as a profitable
activity. First of all, household goods were sold at a flea market, and then computers became more Economy. The creation of local jobs (600 since 1999) and new products is obviously good for the
of the items being dismantled, reused and recycled. Opportunities with the new WEEE laws coming economy in Helsinki. By providing employees with new skills, they are then able to go on to find
into effect, and collaborations with the Municipality of Helsinki, drove growth of the officially work in other areas of the city, with 30% getting jobs afterwards. Companies appreciate this service
registered association. Companies in Finland must comply with the strict recycling laws, and this which enables them to abide by business practice laws, while also lowering costs through reuse
solution provides a way for them to recycle at low cost. Consumers also appreciate an outlet that of waste.
enables them to recycle their goods in a culture where environmental friendliness is important.
Workers find this a valuable place to work because it pays better than unemployment, provides a
place for them to put their skills to work and be active, and the atmosphere is relaxed and ‘like
a big family’. The experience Design challenges
Reintegration into the world of work Designing innovative equipment and tools for recycling
and active life. materials.
Current situation Feeling part of a big-family in a Developing and applying disassembling criteria.
positive working atmosphere. Spreading the culture of recycling and recovering by
A private limited company “social firm” (called Neo-Act Ltd) has recently been registered and designing quality products from recycled material.
activities will move from the non-profit association to the social firm. Its dual mission is to create
jobs while making a profit according to legal social firm regulations. This association seems to
be well organised and appropriate to its culture and society. The Job and Action Association
cooperates with other Finnish social firms (supported by the national ‘Elware’ project) and is also Authors
University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland
part of the European-wide network, RReuse, a network of social firms operating in a similar way. Lindsay Kenzig, Cindy Kohtala
106 (learning)
Young people’s creativity and resource-
awareness is stimulated.
Economy. Although the artists are paid by the schools, they are more motivated by the enjoyment
Context of sharing their passion, and the inspiration they get from working with children. To make the
initiative more economically sustainable solutions have to be found for funding the projects, eg.
The Western world produces enormous amounts of garbage. Although society considers it useless selling the results to a larger public.
and ugly, there is a growing interest in using garbage in art. These forms of art do not reach
young children who are taught to express themselves through techniques such as painting or
pottery. Teachers often focus on the quality of the artistic creations themselves rather than the
thought that provoked them. Also, teachers are often not artists themselves, being more concerned
with educational issues rather than creativity itself. Artists love to share their passion for art and
creativity with young people, who are open-minded and enthusiastic to experiment.
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Chris Heger, Laurie Scholten, Wouter Widdershoven
France, Paris
Cafezoïde – Playground café
By Cafezoïde association
Environment. Even though there are no obvious benefits to the environment, the people and
children of Café Zoïde try to contribute to saving our planet. They try to use biodegradable
Context materials for their various projects, consume fair-trade products, take care of the green area of
Paris and their immediate surroundings and, in particular, try to instil the value of the environment
A group of people decided to create a warm place to go in the winter, where young people in the children.
could meet and play. They also formed an artists’ studio, where they exhibit and promote young
people’s work, and a place where families can meet and interact. Building a café focusing on a Economy. The town-hall of the 19th arrondissement supports the project financially and by
specific target audience, in this case children, is an easy and positive thing to replicate elsewhere donating space. Still, the Café Zoïde-team hopes to be independent soon to be free of conventional
– all it needs is a well-functioning team of people that concentrate on the specific needs of the bureaucratic rules. Being independent without diminishing the positive image of the association
customers. And, of course, giving children of all ages a place where they can play, learn and grow is very important to all involved. They do not want to turn this project into a business for fear of
as individuals is always positive and would benefit any community. losing the spirit of a community-project.
Current situation
Started as a unique café in Paris in 1997, Café Zoide is now developing a concept that can
replicate the idea in other neighbourhoods. The organisation is financed by subsidies and other
small contributions, which could be boosted by selling the children’s artwork or promoting the
organisation more efficiently.
ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris, France
Patricia Zapfl
Economy. The non-profit organisation is funded by various bodies, such as the health authority
Context and charities. Regular attendees must have funding, which goes towards training, materials and
equipment and staff. It would be hard to find enough funding for the trust to expand, even if it
Adults recovering from addiction, mental health problems, physical disabilities and learning wanted to, meaning that new clients are increasingly unable to join or participate. Any work sold
difficulties are often excluded from society, making it difficult for them to gain valuable practical through the shop or restaurants/markets goes towards materials/tools etc.
skills and participate in meaningful work.
Current situation
The trust was set up in 1998, when it bought a derelict building and renovated it to become a
centre promoting innovative approaches to education training and employment. Glasgow city
council let the trust landscape public areas, starting with the Triangle garden, which used to be a
public Victorian drying green. People come to the project through an open referral system and have
to be funded by local health boards. The trust now has 100 clients, 70 or 80 or whom are regulars.
There is no time limit. It has reached maximum capacity, but does not wish to grow and become
The experience Design challenges
a major organisation crippled by bureaucracy. It relies on many sources of funding but makes little There is no pressure on clients to make a Providing an outlet for the handicrafts produced
profit. The annual turnover is 1 million pounds. profit - the pleasure is all in the teaching. by non-professional artisans.
Learning skills and understanding sustainable
practices, which can be used in everyday life.
School of Design, The Glasgow School of Art, Scotland
Natalie Lambert, Eric Lemaresquier
Many find that going to the Coach House on a regular basis gives
them a reason to get up in the morning. It provides a second home
to many of these people, who feel comfortable and welcome in the
environment. If they decide they do not enjoy one activity, they
can do another, as the Coach House understands that many clients
are not comfortable performing certain tasks, or are unable to due
to certain mental or physical difficulties.
This freedom makes them feel part of a voluntary group, not
forced to participate in anything they are not happy with.
112 (learning)
How children benefit from a pre-school education in
rural areas where there have been no kindergartens.
Current situation
The Preschool Club goes year-round, with a break for summer. The popularity and accessibility The experience Design challenges
of the scheme is shown by the numerous new centres opening in the local area and in other
communities taking part in this programme, as well as the waiting list to take part.Jastków started Peace of mind of providing your children Developing school services to allow the
with four pre-schools, with five groups of children, and now has seven schools with eight groups. with access to the school. participation of the parents.
A total of 37 preschool clubs have been started up in eight towns. The scheme is very flexible, and Pride in contributing effectively to the Conceiving ways of stimulating children’s creativity
can be adapted to suit the needs of any area, which differ in the way they run finance and hire education of own children. in inventing and manufacturing the toys.
teachers. Teaching methods are continuously adapted. The cost of one child is 70 zl. per month – a
normal village preschool costs 400 zl. The local authority ensures space and equipment, as well as
teachers’ salaries. The foundation pays for a quality consultant and teaching assistant. Other costs, Authors
such as car rental for field trips, are paid by the parents or sponsors. Parents can also contribute Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland
to the cost of materials. Ela Tluszcz
France, Paris
La Boutique Pédagogique – Training Shop
By Association T.E.R.E.M
Current situation
The project was founded in 2001, and was supported by the European Social Fund for its three
first years. As the training shops are recognised as training centres, the Conseil Regional de Paris The experience Design challenges
contributes funds for each student under 26 and the DDTEFP funds for the older students. All
money earned through sale of the products goes to the fair trade producers. TEREM runs four Feeling part of a big-family, a group, in a positive Developing multi-service centres where
shops in Paris and its suburbs and wants to see how they work in a network. It has written a working atmosphere. complementary functions can be merged.
report to help other organisations start their own similar schemes. It has some other projects in the Learning skills by doing and getting self-confidence
pipeline, including selling fair trade products online (at to succeed in their working and social life.
ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris, France
Milamem Abderamane-Dillah, Goliath Dyèvre
116 (learning)
A flexible, customised professional day nursery for
small groups of infants, at a reasonable price, and with a
socialising environment.
Italy, San Donato Milanese, Milan
Nidi in Casa – Nurseries at home
By Cooperativa Sociale Solidarietà è Progresso, Municipalità di San Donato Milanese
Developed as an industrial area back in the 1960s, San Donato Milanese is home to many young
professional people and immigrants, all living away from their families and their help in raising
their children. The number of children keeps increasing, and the existing nurseries cannot satisfy
the community’s nursery needs. In 1999 more than 60 families were denied places at nurseries. The
local authority developed the service with the cooperative in 2000.
Current situation
At first, the families only used the service because there were no spaces in the existing nurseries.
But today, even if places are available, and even though this service is a little bit more expensive, The experience Design challenges
some parents prefer it to nurseries. What’s more, families that start using the service for one
year usually stick to it until their babies are three. In 2002, the service started being open to For parents, being able to have a trusted, Creating dedicated spaces for common services
foreign residents and using foreign childminders, which was considered an important step in its homely nursery so nearby. (such as small private kindergartens) close to, or
development. Childminders are paid 3.30 euros an hour per child. The costs are shared between Being able to take part in the education of inside, residential buildings.
the local authority and the family: 20% is paid by the family, 20% is paid by the local authority their own children and making a small home- Developing methods of allowing teachers and
and 60% is divided between the two according to the family’s income. The cooperative supplies based business using their own skills. parents to communicate in real time.
nappies and changing equipment, mattresses, pushchairs, high-chairs and toys. The initiative
brings a monthly income for the cooperative of around 35.000 euros, which is partly reinvested
in the service.
Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Begum Arseven, Chiara Zappalà
118 (learning)
An alternative to traditional kindergartens.
Estonia, Tabasalu
NUBLU Minilasteaed – Mini kindergarten
By Ele and Raivo
NUBLU is in Tabasalu in the Harku district, and is mostly surrounded by private housing. Tabasalu is
a reasonably wealthy suburb just outside of Tallinn with quite well-developed infrastructure; there
are food stores, a school, a kindergarten, a clinic, a pharmacy, etc. The waiting list for the existing
kindergarten was more than 150 children, with people enrolling their children before they were
even born. This problem was seen as a business opportunity. The idea developed from the model
of the micro kindergarten, whereby young mothers at home with their babies take in some more
children to look after, creating an informal business.
Current situation
Ele and Raivo were confronted with the problem of lack of places in the public kindergarten when
they had their own child. To solve the problem, they started a business of their own. They found a
The experience Design challenges
suitable house, made any alterations needed, and got all the necessary paperwork for establishing For parents, being able to have a trusted, Creating dedicated spaces for common services
a licensed kindergarten. The kindergarten is still developing. None of the management has formal homely nursery so nearby, and being able (such as small private kindergartens) close to, or
experience, and are working out problems as they go along. At the present there are 10 staff and to take part in the education of their own inside, residential buildings.
42 children. Fees pay for the salaries, meals and housekeeping. children and making a small home-based Developing methods of allowing teachers and
business using their own skills. parents to communicate in real time.
Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia
Natalia Kotljarova, Liina-Kai Raivet, Lilian Sokolova
122 (socialising)
Promoting shops, restaurants, galleries in a
run-down street.
Poland, Krakow
Bracka Street Festival
By The businesses of Bracka street
Germany, Cologne
Buchticket - Book Exchange
By Buchticket
Current situation
The service has existed since 2002 and it is unique. Other exchange formats exist but not for
books, and without the integrated forums and social platforms. The interface works perfectly, and
needs very little maintenance. When it started, the providers thought they would have to invent
fictional members to attract other users. This was not necessary and by 2005 18,000 members were
using the platform actively. This number is still increasing without any marketing or advertising.The
solution providers are considering extending the service abroad, and including DVDs, software and
media products. A network of friends and supporters provides service and web hosting. The experience Design challenges
The platform earns no money.
Talking to other people about books. Creating technical platforms to manage the
Meeting people with similar reading habits, exchange of goods among people.
who tend to have similar interests in general. Defining a system of trade not based on money.
School of Design, University of Applied Sciences,
Cologne, Germany
Finland, Helsinki
Club Liberté
By Libertè
Economy. When the work is done as a group it enables a sophisticated result to be produced for
Context a lower budget. To reduce costs, the club staff have had to work on a local level and use recycled
material as much as possible, in the most effective way.
Kallio is an old city district of Helsinki that used to be characterised by cheap beer and lots of The club gives job opportunities for various people, and creates a more democratic work
unemployed middle-aged people. During the 1990s and onwards, the number of students in the environment through using Tosko Catering.
area increased, but the number of clubs and venues for them had not. The bars are still targeted
mostly to the old customer base, and many young people have adapted to the situation. However,
the chance existed for change, and many locals felt motivated enough to take action.
Current situation
The club started in November 2004, and is already running at its fullest capability. There are plans
to expand, but the group wants to make sure it can run the club affordably. It is not the only one
in Finland, and is part of a growing phenomenon. Many urban districts lack proper cultural services,
and this idea, which starts in the grass roots, is based on the actual local needs. This phenomenon
is already expanding into the cultural capitals of Europe and the USA.
The experience Design challenges
Discovering unknown musicians and cutting-edge Designing bars and venues with new
music. collaborative patterns of customer-
Being part of underground initiatives and culture. owner relationships.
University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland
Tatu Marttila
Exchange corner in radio Krakow
By Radio Krakow
Current situation
Exchange Corner has been running since 1990, and is the only exchange scheme in the world to
make use of radio, and the only one to eliminate money, relying exclusively on an honest, often
symbolic exchange. Its many years of operation and the number of exchanges testifies to the
huge popularity of this sort of undertaking, and to what degree it has been accepted. Although
The experience Design challenges
the service is at an advanced stage of development, after many incarnations and organisational The novelty of the radio providing unexpected Designing sustainable delivery services
changes, it could be even better, without becoming commercialised, and remaining an intimate answers to personal needs. from user-to-user.
and well-operating initiative. The only person paid is an employee of Radio Kraków. Any possible Enjoying social interaction while solving a problem.
costs associated with exchanges such as transport are not monitored by the radio station, which
is solely a go-between.
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland
Dominika Konieczkowska, Magdalena Misaczek
Mr Waclaw wants to exchange his tape-recorder,
so he calls Radio Krakow on Saturday.
...Mr Waclaw and Ms Maria Both were contacted via radio and a
meeting arranged.
Finally and easily the exchange take place.
130 (socialising) Environmental art and design exhibitions
among nature.
Finland, Helsinki
Happihuone – ‘Oxygen Room’ cultural greenhouse
By O2 Finland
‘Happihuone’ greenhouse (‘oxygen room’) and garden in Helsinki city centre serves as a forum The main source of financing is grants from the city and state cultural funds. Exhibitors must pay
for environmental art and design exhibitions, workshops, and lectures. It offers city dwellers rent for exhibition space, and individuals can rent the building and sauna for private functions.
rare opportunities to see, learn about and even buy and use vegetables and plants, and to view Visitors can buy coffee, tea and snacks from the café, which operates at cost.
unusual art and design products not in mainstream shops and galleries. The greenhouse offers the
opportunity for various NGOs and grassroots groups to disseminate their work too. Eco-designers
and environmental artists use it for exhibitions, and organic retailers and caterers use it to operate
a café. NGOs use it for lectures and discussions, and educators use it for workshops. The benefits
The aim of the solution is first, to provide a flexible cultural platform ‘sustainable’ activities; and
secondly, to educate the general public on sustainable lifestyles and design, functional plants, and Society. The greenhouse provides the city residents with an unusual place to visit and relax, to
alternative art and artists. It also acts as an urban garden oasis where visitors can relax with a fair learn about and sometimes buy vegetables and plants, and to see exhibitions. Groups such as fair
trade drinks. trade associations can promote fair trade products through the café. Artists may display their work.
A drawback is that the voluntary work requires a high level of motivation on the part of members.
Environment. There are many educational lessons for visitors on the environmental benefits of
Context functional plants such as flax and plants for natural dyes, on design for sustainability through
exhibitions, and on the environmental value of the area, which is a popular nesting site for water
The greenhouse sits in an underdeveloped park region in Helsinki city centre which, controversially, birds.
may be built up in the next few years. The project began in 2000 when Helsinki was one of
Europe’s Cultural Capitals. One well-known painter suggested building a greenhouse out of old Economy. The café system gives income and publicity to participating partners. Individuals such as
windows, use it as an exhibition space and café, with a surrounding garden of allotments. The students and artists gain summer employment through the employment office’s work placement
next year it was not dismantled as planned but instead bought and used by a Winter Light festival, programme. Exhibiting artists may sell their work. A drawback is that the greenhouse must survive
and then by o2 Finland, a non-profit association of sustainability oriented designers, which has on a grant-by-grant basis.
continued to organise eco-design and environmental art exhibitions; operate the café; organise
lectures and workshops; provide a venue for music, dance and theatre; and sell pick-your-own
organic vegetables. The experience Design challenges
Contribution to culture, and to taking Developing new ways of organising cultural offerings
care of one’s own and common along themes, such as the environmental issue.
Current situation environment and feeling responsible for it. Developing and enhancing the beauty of unusual
Enjoying a lovely place while attending places to attract initiatives, visitors and business.
The greenhouse and garden began life as part of a large city art garden. The scheme is interesting events and debates about nature and Creatively integrating different activities to generate
especially because of its temporality: intended as a half-year project, the greenhouse still stands environment. enough people and interest to ensure a venue’s
and continues to motivate artists and cultural actors to exploit its location. It is also difficult for the survival.
general public to ‘classify’: is it a real, functional greenhouse? Or a garden? An art piece? A café? A
gallery? This makes it an intriguing place. Each summer of operation it offers different services, as
the management and operation depend on the individual/s in charge that particular year.
Certain offerings (such as the café service or the textile workshops) remain relatively consistent, Authors
University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland
however. Cindy Kohtala
In spring the planting at the 131
greenhouse starts: onions, flax fields,
flowers, vegetables, herbs, while the
peat smoke sauna is heated once or
twice a week.
As people grow older, their social networks often fall apart. Friends or partners die and it is not
easy to build up new friendships? Zandrijk is a new housing estate in Eindhoven build on a former
army air base. Like many new housing estates, it now lacks liveliness and facilities, and the
atmosphere is still like a building site. The old army barracks covered with graffiti, now being used
as a skate bowl, contrasts with the dull terraced houses of the new district. Facilities like super
markets, community buildings and sports centres will be not realised immediately. Since everyone
is new in this neighbourhood and no one knows each other, a small group of elderly people took
the initiative to set up a place to meet and socialize.
Current situation
The Senior Club has been running since February 2004. Although there are similar schemes
The experience Design challenges
throughout the Netherlands, as well as abroad, this one is unique for being set up by the users Being able to contribute to society, running a Designing buildings which allow social
themselves, rather than by an old people’s home, for example. Because the district is still growing service which supports other people. Meeting activities in common spaces, not driven
and not totally occupied yet, the Senior Club will grow in the future, and will need a larger location other people with the same expectations and by business needs.
and more facilities. Participants pay around 50 cents for snacks, which makes a small profit spent needs in terms of leisure time.
on, for example, a free Christmas lunch. Members maintain the location and facilities themselves
by turn. Energy, water and rent are paid by the local authority.
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Joran van Aard, Marieke van Liempd, Willeke van der Linden, Bram van der Vlist
134 (socialising)
Elderly people support each other, earn extra
income and dine out cheaply.
Estonia, Tallinn
Omaabi – Self help community
By A group of elderly people
Estonia is at a political stage when lots of the population feel insecure. Pensioners and widows find
it especially difficult to find their place in today’s fast-moving society. During the political changes
of the past 12 years ago, society has become more focused on the young. The welfare system is
not very highly developed – pensions are low and lot of old people have financial problems.
Current situation
The organisation has been going since 1992 and is working well. Whether it can keep going in the The experience Design challenges
future depends on money. If the government could give just a little support the group would have
no problems carrying on. Profit is only made in the handicraft shop, which keeps a percentage of Feeling useful in the society, running a Designing easy-to-use handicraft tools for amateurs.
the price to pay for electricity and firewood for heating. Every member works in the shop for free, service which supports other people. Developing multiservice meeting centres for retired
although they might get some food stamps for the cafeteria, and does a shift three or four times Meeting other people with the same people, integrating different activities and open to
a month. expectations and needs in terms of the all residents.
leisure time, though not having to do Designing buildings which allow social activities in
anything special. common spaces, not driven by business needs.
Estonian Academy of Arts, Estonia
Maris Korrol, Krista Thomson
Everyone in the community has
similar problems and outlook and
everybody has the will to help and
care. Most of the members are well-
educated women who have worked as
specialists and scientists. Together
they have Christmas, birthdays or
other celebrations: the attitude is to
get over personal problems and give
happiness to others.
‘There are many things in life that we do not think about. But these things
may mean very much to someone.
These things can be like the meaning of life. It was a lovely surprise for us
to see old people with a smile in their eyes and positive attitude.
The view from a designer – there are many aspects in life that we do not
think about.
Design is not just making life more beautiful – design also includes social,
artificial and cultural tasks.
The main task for the designer is to ask himself – is there any way I can
help someone?’
136 (socialising)
Old, sick and disabled people are
supported in daily life.
Poland, Krakow
Raciborowice Senior Club
By Senior Club association
Raciborowice is a small farming community, with a population of 1,000, around 15 km from Krakow.
The culture and social life is concentrated mainly around the parish church, which also operates
as a small cultural centre. The residents either work as farmers or commute to Krakow, so it is
mainly elderly people, or pensioners, who have free time. This is a very small place, so has few
opportunities for cultural or social life. The elderly, despite being healthy and potentially active,
used to spend most of their time in their homes.
Current situation
The Senior Club has been running since 1993. There are similar schemes all around the world,
since it is a natural sort of activity for the elderly, but in Poland they are rare. The pensioners’
circle initiative in Raciborowice has so far only been replicated in small towns, even though The experience Design challenges
administrative authorities are happy to support, and even sponsor, such clubs.
The circle in Raciborowice works mainly thanks to the very low but regular contributions of its Feeling useful in the society, running a Designing buildings which allow social activities
members (about 12 zl = 3 Euro a year), but it is also supported by the administrative authorities service which supports other people. in common spaces, not driven by business needs.
and the parish church, in which it operates. The circle has no full-time staff and nobody makes any Meeting other people with the same Developing services to employ elderly people with
money from its activities. expectations and needs in terms of long work experience in activities which can even
leisure time. make them money.
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, Poland
Dominika Konieczkowska, Magdalena Misaczek
Current situation
Weblogs can be realised with current technology and take minutes to set up. As internet access is
becoming more widespread, the number of weblogs is growing quickly. Now conventional media
are becoming aware of this previously niche phenomenon and are beginning to see the potential.
Because they use open source technology available to everyone with an internet connection, and The experience Design challenges
can be seen by a large audience, weblogs evolve rapidly. Some started only two years ago with
a handful of visitors and now receive more than 700,000 visitors a day. This has accelerated the Having the chance, every day, to freely Developing a search engine for finding weblogs on
development of the technology behind the weblogs, which in turn improves the weblogs. Starting express opinions on current affairs, particular subjects.
a weblog costs nothing. If users want a domain they need web hosting, which costs about 5 euros reading items of interest, with easy Protecting users and privacy while maintaining the
a month. Hosting costs increase when the weblog contains large amounts of information which is access. freedom of speech.
downloaded by users. Most weblogs rely on the work of volunteers. Getting to know other people online. Seeing weblogs as new equally valid way of
For the creators of the weblog, raising gathering information as conventional media.
awareness of their issue. Controlling improper use, without restricting
freedom of speech.
TU Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Tomas Schietecat, Mathijs van Wijnen
140 (socialising) Small record labels advertise and release their
product; people passionate about music have easy
access to experimental, non-mainstream music.
Finland, Helsinki – MP3 distribution company
By Symptom Distribution
Current situation
The solution was launched in summer 2004, but planning started in summer 2003.
Some companies around the world offer a similar service, but is one of the
very first. The solution has run smoothly since it started. Customers pay 0.99 euros per track, or The experience Design challenges
less if they buy a whole album. Half of this stays in the company and half goes to the labels.
Discovering unknown musicians and cutting-edge Developing a technological platform to
music. exchange digital music recordings.
Feeling part of underground initiatives and culture.
University of Art and Design Helsinki, Finland
Miro Holopainen
Pål Strandbakken, Eivind Stø 143
SIFO, Norway
This collection of cases highlights a number of different reactions to heavy societal trends in different parts of Europe. The cases cover
a very wide definition of the concept of sustainability, where not only environmental matters are highlighted, but social, cultural and
economic ones as well. They could be signals of unease among citizens, but not only that. They are also signals of optimism and belief
in human potential. People believe that change is possible and they believe in co-operation, in community and creativity. They exemplify
emerging user demand for sustainable solutions.
Youthful perspectives: the selection students all over Europe take an interest in problems of the elderly, of small children and of
marginalised groups as well. What it does mean is that their approach to information hunting,
The cases collected in the book are drawn from a larger pool of cases that young observers combined with their more or less age based outlook on the world, gives the selection a certain
from all over Europe; design school students used as “antennas”, have found interesting, bias. Some initiatives come into view easier than others. This is not a fault, it is a filter.
promising or challenging. Without going into details of procedures and on the number of
hurdles and filters each case has had to pass, the common criterion for their inclusion is that
they were perceived by the design students to be alternatives to what they hold to be the Actors’ motives
societal mainstream. The first selection, then, reflects differences of age, national cultures
and the personal outlook and ideology of the antennas. Thus, we observe that students from With the focus placed on bottom up initiatives reacting to what is held to be the societal
Eastern Europe regard Slow Food as an alternative, while the students from the areas where mainstream, we expected to find two main types of motives behind the cases. On the one
the Slow Food movement originated, do not. Similarly, the perhaps most obvious example of hand, citizens’ initiatives aimed at specific and immediate problems, like the Nurseries at home
social enterprise, the car sharing scheme, is almost absent. We do not know if this is because (Nidi in Casa) and the Walking Bus (Andiamo a scuola da soli). On the other, we expected more
the concept is considered old news, or if it is because car sharing does not answer any utopian projects, rather more ideological ones, perhaps anticipating future conditions, like the
widespread needs among students in big cities. Findhorn Eco-village, the Group purchasing organisation (GAS Gruppo d’Acquisto Solidale) and
It is probably a little bit of both. others. These dimensions are present, but they are perhaps less visible than we believed them
This does not mean that students are only concerned with their own problems, but it probably to be.
has something to do with perspectives and paradigms. What you see has something to do
with where you sit. The scarcity of car sharing cases is perhaps not more surprising than the To have access to some kind of organised care for your children is actually a precondition for
scarcity of fair trade initiatives; this is another concept that either is regarded as more or less seeking employment, so if you need the income, Nurseries at home might be an immediate
mainstream or that has failed to capture the imagination of design students. reaction to an urgent problem. Being a specific answer to a problem in your daily life, this
solution might actually be unconnected to your more general ideas and ideals about family,
The type of mobility that tends to dominate the cases is biking. Bicycles are affordable, they about family and work and about ideal learning and developing conditions for children. In
are environmentally friendly and they are elements in healthy life styles. Micro enterprises principle you might believe that free kindergartens should be offered to everybody by the
are built around repair, maintenance, bike rental and second hand shops. Different types of community, or – contrarily - you might insist that all children should stay at home with their
collectivism are developed by bike clubs and event races. mothers until they reach school age. Still you could find yourself using the Nurseries at home
When we highlight sustainability, alternatives to mainstream trends, and bottom up initiatives, in order to solve the pragmatic and immediate challenge of combining paid work and private
the bicycle really is the perfect “new urbanism” vehicle; it is reasonably cheap, it is non matters.
polluting, and it contributes to the social fabric and to the health of its user. An urban area
dominated by bicycles, pedestrians, and collective means of transport is different from The Walking Bus has some rather similar features. You, as a parent, want to make sure that
an urban area dominated by private cars. Further, the bicycle was an icon of the utopian your children are brought safely to and from school. Even if you envision another society
communities based in Amsterdam in the early seventies. and you hold well crafted ideas about urban planning, spatial solutions and traffic patterns,
The strong presence of bicycle related cases does not mean that design students are only political action only yields results slowly, if ever, and your need for safe transport is here and
interested in their own problems however. This would be an unfair accusation. Design now.
144 This realisation should not let us underestimate the additional benefits of the “urgent motive” and Omaabi can be regarded as two specific answers to the problems of elderly people in two
cases. Some of them contribute to cross generational contacts, reduce isolation and strengthen different economical and political situations. The Estonian case is perhaps a bit more need
the social fabric in general, result in fewer cars in the vicinity of schools, more physical exercise driven than the Dutch one, but both have to do with senior citizens that try to define their own
for children and for retired persons, allow single mothers to earn money and get out of the problems, their needs and wants and who try to act in their own interest. As actors, they refuse
house and into society, give less inner city pollution and probably less inner city crime as well. to be marginalised by a society that often makes old people invisible.
But no matter how many added benefits we are able to identify, these initiatives are motivated Other forms of marginality beside the age related are relevant in a number of cases, like
by some kind of problem solving urgency. If they are utopian, they are so by coincidence. problems of unemployment and of addiction. Prime examples could be the Job & Action
Some other cases seem to be more driven by positive visions and ideas about desirable Association for the long term unemployed and the Coach House Trust, dealing with drug
futures. They are utopian by design. Individuals or smaller groups act as social entrepreneurs addiction and reintegration. It is worth noting that most of these cases are “multi” ideological;
and employ resources like time, creativity or money to facilitate something that seems like the Job & Action Association that works from a primarily social perspective, counteracting
important. Not to solve a problem, but rather to follow a dream. The activities of Group negative effects of long term unemployment, but at the same time promotes environmental
purchasing organisation are mainly driven by wants and not by needs. The group is motivated sustainability through repair and recycling.
by the members’ demand for purchasing products that neither violates human rights nor the In these “social” initiatives, we notice at least three different models of social action and
environment. We regard this motive as more ideological than the pragmatic drivers mentioned enterprise. In Aquarius resourceful persons engage in improving their own living conditions by
above. going beyond what the welfare state normally will be able to offer. In Omaabi marginal persons
Given this dimension, these two types of motives for taking action, for engaging in societal (marginality mainly caused by poverty) organise in order to protect themselves, while the
matters and being an active citizen, we would expect the initiatives to be promoted by different Coach House Trust mainly is characterised by resourceful idealists who engage for improving the
types of actors. Behind the urgent cases we expect to see more or less ordinary middle class conditions of others. These three approaches to marginality are all valid reactions to some of
persons, responding to a challenge and a situation, while the utopian initiatives would tend to the shortcomings of state social security and protection against a runaway and all penetrating
be more dominated by activists. economy, even if social and economical conditions are very varied. All of them might be
A lot of the cases will probably not fit into this urgent vs. utopian dimension, however, but elements in a developing new active concept of welfare through citizen participation.
more develop out of attempts at doing something interesting and worthwhile that corresponds
to your political concerns. Further, the analytical split between needs and wants should not
blind us to the potential strengthening of initiatives through a synergy of these two motives. Alienation
The concept of alienation might mean a lot of different things; many of those meanings
Participation, inclusion and marginality are relevant to the cases already commented upon, like powerlessness and isolation. Here,
however, we want to focus on alienation from nature.
A number of cases deal with initiatives to increase participation, empowering citizens and A major trend in modern societies is defined by the nature-culture split. People living in large
offering welfare solutions that re-introduces different groups into society. Some of the most urban areas find themselves alienated from natural processes, both as experience with rural
interesting initiatives try to counteract the isolation of seniors, most notably the Social elderly landscapes and “free” nature and as familiarity with food production. In the early modern age
community Aquarius in the Netherlands. this break with nature was wanted, nature was threatening and taming nature was conceived
A rich society like the Dutch tends to have a rather large population of retired persons in as a civilizing process. Originally the links between the farmer and the consumer in the city
reasonable good health that is rather well off, economically. Culturally and socially this group probably were numerous, but today they apparently have to be re-established. Les Jardins de
often suffers from isolation, loneliness and boredom. The establishment of the Aquarius Cérès was founded in order to create such a direct link between producer and consumer of
community seems like an adequate answer to this situation; senior citizens (55+) living in food, and to promote organic production as well.
separate houses but growing old together in a community with mutual and voluntary help and While Nomadic Garden (Jardin Nomade) works the other way, introducing nature and gardening
social support. This enables people to be active and independent into old age, until they need into the urban industrial wasteland, engaging schools, the local community elderly people
more intensive support and care. It is a fair guess that most young and middle aged observers in beautification of the surroundings, in daily care and cultivation of a garden where social
would consider Aquarius to be the kind of place they would like to see their parents in, and activity, cheap food production and closeness to natural processes go together. A lot of the
eventually a place for themselves to grow old. This is both about empowering or enabling organic food initiatives might also be seen is this context of a less alienating food provision;
people and about social-cultural participation and about retaining an active life. whether you subscribe to a home delivery Vegetable Box or you promote markets for organic
In a less affluent society like the Estonian the problems of elderly and retired people are food.
quite different, so the focus of the Self Help Community Omaabi is more directed at providing
food at the lowest possible price, at distributing free food coupons to elderly people with
extremely low income, or no income at all, and at providing a venue for selling handicrafts to
improve the economic situation. In addition, old people in Estonia obviously have the same
need for communicating and socialising as old people more or less everywhere. So Aquarius
Synergy 145
These reflections are really a set of sociological first impressions of the assembled material.
More ambitious clustering and deeper analysis will be provided elsewhere; here we mainly
wanted to identify some tentative patterns in and paths through this compendium of citizens’
reaction to heavy social trends or to the more negative and frightening aspects of “modernity”
and globalisation. Creative, active and resourceful agents try to push or pull society in
alternative directions and try out elements of another way of life here and now. Some
initiatives are small and rather local, while others are more ambitious, demanding organisation
and capital, but all of them are initiatives aimed at generating individual well being, social
quality and reduced environmental strain.
The relation between the promising cases and society at large is still rather under theorised,
however. On one hand, we might envision a community or even a larger city where a
number of these initiatives or social experiments were operating simultaneously, so that the
accumulated effects of transport alternatives actually amounted to something. And where the
inclusion and participation cases combined with pedagogical and cultural ones. A picture of
an alternative future is present already, just by combining them. From such a combined picture
we might be able speculate on the potential synergy of the cases. What might further happen
in a community that employs a number of these initiatives and solutions?
On the other hand we operate without a clear vision of the development of the cases, and
of their relation to the societal mainstream because we do not know if we mean to have
alternative distribution of organic food as a permanent feature, or if we want to use the
alternative channels to demonstrate sufficient user demand for retail chains to take over.
Should the Dutch welfare state make Aquarius like solutions available to more or less all
healthy retirees, or should such initiatives remain self-organised and bottom up? Is the
Walking Bus a critique of modern city planning or is it a permanent solution for the good
society? Should the difficult combination of parenting as daily care for children and parenting
as earning money for the family be left to the individual and his ingenuity or is it a job for
larger communities?
By identifying and presenting these cases of social innovation geared towards sustainability
we have initiated a debate over these issues; we have highlighted small pieces of alternative
realities that question and challenge the apparent inevitability of dominant social trends. At
this stage they demonstrate that other solutions are possible. This is an important, but not a
sufficient step towards re-orienting society.
Isabella Marras (UNEP) 147
and Priya Bala (CI)
“Developing countries” can be found in all parts of the world and include a vast number of cooperative purchasing to promote cost savings for the consumer, but also contribute poverty
cultures. Here, one can find a myriad of situations ranging from remote villages, or nomadic alleviation through sustainable consumption choices. For example, the MGP purchases from
people who live in harsh environments, to urban, educated professionals who enjoy middle- Tugi, a company that buys fruits from forest dwellers – a socially marginalized group - and
and upper class living standards that rival the material intensive lifestyles found elsewhere in makes them into preserves, thereby ensuring that they do not have to use slash and burn
the so-called “developed countries”. Likewise, some of the harshest conditions of poverty can agriculture to survive economically, but can use forests in a sustainable manner. Care is also
be seen in countries defined as ‘developed’. The concept of “creative responses to emerging taken to avoid excessive packaging and deliveries are packed in reusable cloth bags. Due to
needs” to define the solutions produced by the creative communities therefore changes vastly the membership size (almost 17,000 families) it makes a considerable impact.
whether we look at the urban middle class in Niamey in Niger or at the nomads living in
the desert areas of the same country, to the upper class in Sao Paulo or to the remote rural The promising cases of social innovation in Europe and the Global South evidence that
communities in China. creative communities do exist and moreover that they are re-orienting their spatial, temporal
For this reason, we chose to focus our discussion on the term Global South as it is preferred and human relationships toward increased sustainability measured from social, economic and
over “Third World” or “developing” countries. This term allows for an acknowledgement environmental aspects. Some cases do address all three dimensions of sustainability such
of the diversity between these countries, while accepting that because of common as the eco-housing examples, such as Findhorn eco-village (UK) and Sustainable Housing
development trajectories, the countries of the Global South face similar challenges with and Living De Kersentuin (The Netherlands). At the same time, cases such as the Milan Car
regards to sustainability. When viewed from a strictly economic paradigm, the economically Sharing, while at first glance appear to support environmental goals of reduced pollution
underdeveloped countries of the Southern Hemisphere, mainly in Asia, Africa, Oceania, and etc, do not necessarily translate to a sustainable solution from a macro perspective. In this
Latin America can be considered as an entity with common characteristics. These include a instance, improvements to existing public transport infrastructure and additional financial and
growing middle class, poverty, high birthrates, and economic dependence on the countries of convenience incentives for consumers could have a much larger impact on the environment.
the North (ie predominantly Western countries in the Northern Hemisphere, which includes Of course car sharing, as all the other cases, is not the only solution, but is a possibility to
Europe). For these reasons, adopting a Global South perspective allows one to create a link reduce traffic-related pollution and, most of all, to break the culture of mobility that is tied
between sustainability concerns and actions at the grassroots and the macro levels. to single-user car ownership. In addition, most of the promising case solutions appear to be
highly localized and mostly occur on a small scale. Self-organization and bottom-up innovation
A common feature among the European promising cases, and cases evident in the Global are also key commonalities between the cases. In this respect, European consumers appear
South is that they all address, to varying degrees, problems associate with sustainable to mainly be motivated by predominantly ethical concerns, striving for a balance between
consumption. These range from consumption of basics such as food and clothing, to mobility material and physical well-being, civic duty and social reconnection. Therefore, it was
and social relationships. Sustainable consumption should be understood as a situation where important to question whether creative communities in the Global South are motivated for
consumer needs and demands are fulfilled in as efficient and resource lean way as possible similar reasons when they engage in developing solutions for their own problems. We can
resulting in minimized negative environmental, social and economic impact. The ultimate goal observe that the European cases might be applicable to Global South communities that are
of sustainable consumption is improved quality of life for all consumers. For consumers in the urban, educated and have similar consumption patterns to consumers in the North. However,
Global South, sustainable consumption is also an important strategy for poverty alleviation, this is not necessarily the case for resource poor communities in the Global South. To reflect
where improving access to basic services such as water and energy facilitate economic on this question, we now consider the interaction of creative communities in Europe and the
development. This is evident from cases such as the Mumbai Grahak Panchayat (MGP) in India Global south based on the three pillars of sustainability: social, economic and environmental
(Charkiewicz, Bennekom and Young, 2001). It is an innovative distribution model that uses dimensions.
148 The Social Pillar in their own societies. Moreover, where sustainable collective responses are in place, these
are more needs based than ethically based solutions. A clear example here is the situation
Motivations for sustainable innovation that focus solely on social engagement do not translate of purchasing clubs. European cases such as the Group purchasing organisation (GAS Gruppo
equally in the Global South context. This is because, collective identities are still prevalent to a d’Acquisto Solidale) and Local Food Link Van Group cite concerns over food safety (health) and
high degree in many societies outside Europe. Despite the challenges posed to such collective environmental pressures as key motivations for collective action, but also were encouraged
identities in the wake of increased urbanization and loosening of traditional gender and kinship since this sustainable behaviour offered practical economic advantages as well. Whereas,
roles, non-Western societies are generally far more rooted in a strong human infrastructure. comparable initiatives such as the Zimbabwe purchasing club, cite product affordability
This human infrastructure alleviates problems associated with child-care and care for the as the main driver for action. Such examples highlight the limits of translating Western
elderly that are experienced in Europe as highlighted by the Playground café Cafezoïde, Self motivations on ethical consumption in the Global South where the paradox of poverty amidst
Help Community Omaabi, Social elderly community Aquarius in the Netherlands and Senior Club plenty is evident. This not to suggest that consumers in the Global South are not motivated
(Raciborowice and Meerhoven) cases. For instance, in many cultures the concept of family by ethical/environmental values, but rather that the scale of this motivation as it relates to
extends beyond the concept of the nuclear family and encompasses a much wider set of sustainable consumption choices appears to be much more detectable in the European cases
relationships. of social innovation. This could be due to a variety of reasons such as the use of different
Urban communities in the Global South, started developing the features and relative “illnesses” technologies and information platforms. It also highlights why more in-depth research on
of the so-called modern industrial societies rather recently. These features find a rather creative communities in resource poor communities is very much warranted. These cases also
strong resistance in the traditional way of living of the majority of the populations and in the highlight the unique pitfalls associated with consumer choice and access where resource poor
traditional values of family and community. Even the most cosmopolitan upper/middle class in communities co-exist beside affluent communities. Another important factor is the widening
the Global South still live in a mix of the two models and integrates the traditional structures gap between a middle class that is more and more oriented towards a more individualistic
with the newly adopted modern lifestyle. This is evident for example in the “joint-family” consumption and functionality oriented society model on one hand, and urban poor and rural
systems of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. This is a reason why urban societies in communities that are still - out of necessity and cultural values- linked to intra-solidarity models
developing countries do not (yet) have the same feeling of alienation and individualism that on the other. In the latter case can we speak of creative solutions? The poorer levels of society,
seems to be the major driver for the creative communities in Europe. Creative communities have whether in urban slums or in rural areas, need sharing, mutual help and creative solutions
created something new; they have organized their time, their days sometimes, or their leisure sometimes simply to survive rather than for a “morally-driven” ideal as is the case in many of
around the idea of sharing and extending the individual sphere to a community one. Other the European cases.
examples also include the “paying guest” concept in many parts of South and South-East Asia,
where students pay a small subsidy to reside with families in exchange for a room. Cultures of
hospitality are also strong in the Global South and European cases such as the Lodge a student The Economic Pillar
at home (Italy) and the Living Room Restaurant (the Netherlands) are areas where developing an
information flow from the Global South to the consumers in the North could be useful. Without The promising factor evident in the creative communities cases is that they are often embedded
idealizing the social situation in developing countries, one can certainly observe a higher level in local systems of production and consumption. Examples include those cases that have a
of mutual help and communitiy structure. tangible contribution to make to poverty alleviation through the promotion of sustainable
consumption and production systems. In Europe, such cases include the traditional food
markets, the Sheep project (Poland) and the Cultural Greenhouse Happihoune (Finland) In
The Environmental Pillar India, a relevant example is that of the dabbawallas explained in detail in Box 1. As these
cases indicate, successful examples offer localized solutions that help create the opportunity
Similarly, while European consumers appear to engage in creative communities out of a to develop skilled workers and generate employment, while reducing the material intensity
genuine desire to consume sustainable and environmentally friendly products, these desires of consumption. Economic and environmental benefits are to be gained from creating and
are not as evident among consumers in resource poor communities of the Global South. These supplying markets for sustainable consumer products. For the Global South, excellent economic
poor communities are necessarily engaged in a daily effort to meet basic needs, and primary opportunities exist to expand organic food production and pro-local sustainable production
drivers in meeting these needs are oriented towards price affordability and safety, rather than of cultural products, as well as traditional food products, not necessarily on a scale that will
environmental concerns. In addition, many of the daily practices of resource poor communities feed the ever-increasing desires of the affluent consumer, but rather for the needs of the local
are already sustainable (such as high levels of re-use and recycling of plastic products) despite consumer. In this respect, building networks with creative communities evident in the Cream
the fact that such actions are not branded as being sustainable. o’Galloway Farm and the Training Shop (La Boutique Pédagogique) could be very beneficial.
Another pertinent point is that, the level of environmental and consumer education Another persistent character in the middle class urban context in the Global South is the
infrastructure is far less available to resource poor communities and this is a significant barrier strong persistence of the so-called informal economy. Many of the needs that are addressed
to consumers having the awareness and self-organization capacity to reorient their consumption by creative communities are satisfied without the conscious and deliberated positive action
to patterns based on ethical or environmental criteria. Affluent consumers, who are aware of of a group of people. For example, repairing, taking care of children, preparing food, keeping
environmental problems, sometimes consider these issues as an obstacle to economic growth the streets clean etc. are often functions filled by groups of self organized people that would
be hardly visible in any social research exercise. A clear example here would be the rubbish To conclude, in the Global South, priorities in lifestyle differ from those of the North, 149
pickers of Rio De Janeiro, Mexico City, Manila or Dhaka. They sort through garbage piles, including Europe’s developed economies. Environmental impacts due to over-consumption or
often sorting materials that can be re-used or recycled not as an ethically motivated exercise, unsustainable-consumption are less understood and taken into account (although it is also
but rather out of a need for economic gains from selling such items. Future work on creative true that the environmental impacts are smaller). Creative communities, as we choose to
communities at the global level, should involve as much as possible, participants of such refer to them, certainly exist and create initiatives in accordance with local needs. However,
informal sectors. the motivations and the direction of these solutions are very different from the examples
found with the research and are less easily traceable. Moreover, though consumers in Europe
From a wider context, in the Global South there are a number of examples of how creative and the Global South are becoming interested in ethical consumption, this in itself is not
communities are endeavoring to sustain themselves despite the new demands and pressures enough as it provides options to a limited segment of society and would not provide options
of globalization. Among the examples of efforts to sustain and propogate the value of local to alleviate and prevent poverty by way of enabling sustainable production systems on a
economies is Gandhi’s concept of non-exploitative ‘moral economies’ and the village self- wider scale. Creative communities in Europe are inspiring cases and examples of the great
sufficency he advocated in promoting the principles of swadeshi (interiority) and sarvodaya value of a community and appear to be a search to re-build social cohesion. Therefore, they
(improving everyone’s living conditions) (Charkiewicz, Bennekom and Young. 2001). At could be seen as well as a reminder to the Global South; like a whisper to keep their existing
the same time, the history of coping with pressures of development includes more recent collectiveness as they go forward in their own economic development process.
experiences of creating local urban markets to generate a means of livelihood and reduce
poverty and environmental stress in local communities. Among such responses are also mixed
systems, a combination of international and local production, with local distribution, which still
exists in many countries in the South. A case in point here would be the Coopa Roca Women’s
sewing cooperative in Brazil. Women from poor communities used materials that are either
donated or recycled to create new textile products using traditional quilting techniques. These
products are sold both nationally and internationally and have been a remarkably sustainable
Home-Food Logistics in Mumbai, India
economic enterprise.
The International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) identifies the benefits
of such systems as having lower energy input, lower mobility of products and consumers,
What: Dabba translates as lunch box or tiffin carrier; wallah means a man. Middle-class suburban
sustaining local jobs and preservation of sustainable production and consumption at the local housewives prepare 3-tiered lunch boxes known as dabbas for their husbands, hard at work in the
level. Certainly such systems should not be romanticized, and many could be improved with city’s offices. The meal is delivered direct to the workplace by one of the city’s devoted dabbawallahs.
an eye for instance on gender equity (Charkiewicz, Bennekom and Young. 2001). Such local This system is one of the oldest basic-life services in town (dating almost 100 years of activity). This
consumption-production systems have not yet received prominent attention in the debate lunch-time home to office food delivery by dabbawallahs was originated by the military efficiency
on changing consumption and production partners. Focusing on the contributions of creative system of the British Raj.
Where: Mumbay, India. There are no dabbawallahs anywhere else in India (or the world), and they
communities could be a vital pathway in drawing attention to these systems.
are extremely proud of their work.
How: every day, a crew of about 5.000 dabbawallahs, disseminated from the suburbs to the centre
of Mumbay, deal with more than 150.000 lunch boxes. The meal includes a main dish, a side dish,
Conclusions rice or chappatis, and pickles. The dabbawallahs can’t read but use an ingenious system of codes,
colours and symbols to distinguish between the 30 dabbas they deliver on a daily basis. The task
Despite the obvious differences in motivations, there are many opportunities for creative is completed in just two hours, from midday to 2pm, and at 2 o’clock the whole process is reversed
communities in the Global South and in Europe to build synergies and exchange experiences. and each box is returned to its rightful home, making no mistakes. It’s a miracle of organisation
and efficiency.
Such exchanges would be vital in moving the isolated cases of social creativity to a larger scale
Price: a dabbawallah charges 200 rupees ($4) per client per month and earns about 2,000 rupees
where they would be more visible on the global sustainability discourse. It should be noted ($40) per month.
that in facilitating synergies between creative communities, the aim would be not to replicate Special features: This is a very good example of keeping alive local cultures and food traditions.
the models of civic action on consumption in the European creative communities, – which in The success of the service is granted by the high-level vs. low-tech organisational structure and the
any case cannot answer the problems encountered by those living in poverty in the South. The ensuing satisfaction of customers. It represents an excellent alternative solution to the on-going
aim would be to overcome the more visible causes of poverty, and in doing so embrace the increase of fast food and western-tendency restaurants in town, which threaten local food habits
idea that a different form of consumption and production is possible and can form a basis of and the many different eating cultures of India.
a consumption policy geared to promoting local production as a permanent dimension of the
larger struggle against poverty. It translates to the generation of jobs and income for the poor Bibliography
who produce for the poor. Local products and services of the people’s economy provide the
basis for an alternative form of consumption, not only at low prices, but also engaging local Charkiewicz, Bennekom and Young, 2001, Transitions to Sustainable Production and Consumption: Concepts policies and
actions. Part 4: Regional Perspectives. Shaker Publishing: Netherlands, p.162.
resources and invention (Hagaye 1998). Hagaye Ag M., 1998, Senegal in Development, vol 41, ENDA, No 1, pp. 86-89
Edina Vadovics with contributions from Ruben Mnatsakanian 151
Central Europe University
Some background change of regime. The variety of creative community solutions can be exemplified by the fact
that a quarter of the cases presented in this book were collected from Estonia and Poland,
Central Eastern Europe (CEE) is a region that can be defined in different ways; however, in two of the countries in the region. Now we will examine them following the logic behind
this book this term refers to the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, the presentation of the cases in the book, and point out similarities as well as differences
Slovakia, and Slovenia - eight of the ten countries that joined the European Union in 2004. between the Western and Eastern European aspect of creative communities in the sections
Apart from their common accession though, what is similar about these countries that made that we find most interesting.
us group them together?
Most importantly, they all belonged to the so-called socialist block, which means that they all
had centrally-planned economic and political systems that did not encourage local creativity, Housing
and kept choices (thus household consumption) at a relatively low level. At the same time,
although initiative taking outside the communist party was not welcome, participation in There is a diverse selection of cases included in the book under this heading, some of them
the various activity and voluntary groups organised by the party was greatly encouraged catering for the needs of the growing number of elderly, others focusing on improving the
- in a way often semi-compulsory. As a result, people were involved in youth groups, took quality of neighbourhoods through gardening, still others promoting the extension of the
part in local clean-ups, tree-plantings, party festivals, helped their children to collect waste life-cycle of building materials or furniture, and an important group of cases is about people
separately, attended clubs for seniors and participated in neighbourhood watch schemes and searching for a completely new way of life in the form of eco-villages. Some of these groups of
in a variety of other collective activities. So, we can say that the communist party tried its cases are more relevant to the CEE region than others as they cater for emerging needs or are
best to include everyone in some kind of a group, each of which had quite a full and varied part of the specific culture of consumption there.
schedule of activities. Thus, unless you were someone with individual creative ideas, you felt For example, recycling and reuse on the household scale has a long and strong tradition
integrated into society and properly taken care of. in CEE. People are reluctant to throw their things away; they can always find a new use for
In the background, however, there was mounting pressure on the environment as it was old objects, give them to their neighbours or get rid of them at the annual junk-clearance
viewed as a resource freely available for exploitation, and neither material nor energy organized by municipal governments. On the junk-clearance days, people put their unwanted
efficiency of production were priority issues. Additionally, full employment, free education for objects, furniture, clothes, bicycles, etc. on the street and before the municipal government
all, well-planned and cheap public transport systems as well as a very good social and health collects them anyone can come and take them away for free. This practice and the strong
care system were very expensive to maintain. These, together with the increasing number of tradition of reuse can explain why initiatives teaching people new ways of reuse and recycling
people demanding more political freedom, the freedom of speech and the freedom to self- such as the Furniture re-designing studio (Mööblikom) or Used construction material recycling
organise, necessitated a change that took place in the late 1980s and early 1990s. ( are widespread.
Eco-villages appear to be very popular in the CEE region, too. In the book they are exemplified
by the Model Eco-friendly Hamlet in Poland, but we can find a great number of similar projects
Creative communities in CEE in CEE countries. In Hungary alone we have information about more than ten eco-village
initiatives. What is common to them is that they promote an environmentally friendly lifestyle
People in the CEE region, just as much as in Western Europe, have been active in finding and including housing, work and food while attempting to overcome social problems. They
constructing their own solutions to their needs unsatisfied by mainstream society and/or the offer complex solutions to various challenges present in the countryside: environmental
state. This is true in the countries of the CEE region, especially since the above-mentioned degradation (organic agriculture and utilisation of alternative energy sources), depopulation
152 of villages (creating local jobs and attracting people from the cities), and lack of local jobs friends and the extended family. With the change of the political and economic system both of
(reviving local crafts and traditions, as for example in The Sheep Project). The popularity of these trends started changing rather dramatically. Families now often own more than one car, are
such initiatives in the region can be explained by these characteristics and the fact that they very eager to use them, and - following a reduction of subsidies - the public transport system is
are often promoted by very devoted people who would like to find alternatives to capitalism deteriorating. Furthermore, an increasing number of parents drive their children to school causing
and the market economy, the only options presented in the late 1980s – early 1990s. traffic jams and air pollution.
At the same time, initiatives aiming at solving housing problems and taking care of the Thus, the time is not yet ripe for initiatives such as in the Milan Car Sharing example, or the
elderly, such as the Social elderly community Aquarius, at least to our knowledge, cannot Walking Bus (Andiamo a scuola da soli), but trends are definitely pointing towards times when
yet be found in the region. Similarly to the Global South, the elderly are usually taken care they will be badly needed. As CEE countries are now part of the European Union, it would be
of by members of their own family in CEE countries. Another consideration is that in this advantageous for them to learn about such successful sustainably-orientated alternatives from
region people most often own the house or flat they live in and are less likely to rent than in Western countries, not only the examples of consumption-driven policy and practice that are so
Western Europe. The elderly are very reluctant to sell their houses unless it is because they often aped.
want to move closer to their families. Renting a flat in a communal place such as the one It is important to note that cycling is increasingly popular in the region; however, the lack of good
described in Aquarius is unlikely at the moment in CEE. quality bicycle roads is a big obstacle to widespread use and further development.
Eating Conclusions
Reflecting on the cases relating to gardening and family-scale food production led us to the In this section, we tried to draw attention to certain characteristics of the CEE region, but our
next group of cases collected under the title of ‘eating’. There are various traditions and analysis was far from comprehensive. As a conclusion, we would like to emphasize two messages
trends that need to be mentioned here. First of all, quite a few people in CEE countries have that thinking about creative communities in CEE countries conveys. In the first place, a great
gardens (often loan gardens) where they grow food for themselves and for sale in the local number of creative initiatives exist in the region, some of them because they have been part of life
market. there for a long time. However, with the advancement of consumerism, there is a danger that they
In the very recent past, most towns held regular local markets where these people could may get lost and may not enjoy priority status when funds are distributed, as is in the case with
sell their produce and generate extra income for themselves. However, with the change building new roads over preserving and upgrading existing public transport networks, or erecting
of economic system and more stringent EU legislation for markets (regarding food safety, large shopping centres over keeping small town markets. For this reason, it is of vital importance
hygiene and market operation), a great number of the markets needed to be closed that the contribution of these initiatives to more sustainable forms of living is valued and their
down. This way, small growers were forced out of the market or now need to travel long more widespread use is promoted.
distances to be able to sell their produce. Thus, initiatives such as the Little Organic Then, learning as well as the exchange of ideas and creative solutions between the Eastern and
Market (Biomercatino), Alfred Food and Drink Delivery (Chmielnik Zdroj Ltd), the Eco-pantry Western part of the European Union should become general practice and facilitate a transition
(Ökoshaver), the Natural Food System near the Roads, aiming to assist small growers and to more sustainable everyday solutions. Both the East and the West have a great number of
connect them with consumers in urban areas are very important, popular in the region, and examples to offer, and what has already been learnt in one region should speed up learning in
can greatly contribute to nurturing local traditions, livelihoods and diversity. the other, with attention to local needs and skills, and without endangering diversity, vital to the
Secondly, a trend that is just taking root is socially responsible purchasing, or fair-trade. resilience and survival of any system.
At the moment, creative communities like the Group purchasing organisation (GAS Gruppo
d’Acquisto Solidale) cannot be found in the region. If one would like to find fair-trade
products he/she would run into enormous difficulties, as certified fair-trade products are
very rare even in the largest cities. This, however, is likely to change thanks to the work of
NGOs promoting conscious consumption and people’s growing awareness of environmental
and social exploitation.
When discussing the recent past of CEE, we mentioned that all of these countries had very
effective public transportation systems reaching even the most remote settlements. At the
same time, it was quite rare for families to possess cars. Even if families could afford to buy
a car, they had to wait on an official waiting list for years before they could get one. These
factors naturally promoted the use of public transport and encouraged car sharing among
Helma Luiten 153
TNO The Netherlands
Environmental lessons The case contributes to the environmental by increase of natural environment in the
neighbourhood (for example neighbourhood public green of the Loan gardens) or reduction of
All cases have been qualitatively evaluated on their impact on the environment. Both material damage. But, these initiatives contribute mainly to social cohesion, pushing people to
the intended positive contributions to the environment as the unintended effects on the do things together with a common aim.
environment are considered.
The cases that show people applying environmental technologies are promising from an
Housing environmental point of view. In general centralised power generation seems to be efficient
because of scale advantages; centralisation, though, induces transportation of energy.
The cases within this category show: From an environmental point of view it is advisable to produce alternative energy on a
_ people living together and sharing (parts of) their life, living in one house, a building or local scale. It limits the need for transportation but is at the same time more efficient than
separate houses within a small area. production on an individual level.
_ people organizing local activities for safety and/or a nice living environment and by doing so What is interesting to see in a few of the cases is the motivation to organize on a local scale
increasing the social fabric and to organize among a group of people. These forms of distributed power generation is a
_ people that individually or within a group apply environmental friendly energy systems, promising concept for environmental sustainability.
building material, reuse furniture, etc.
Considerations for replication
The main environmental advantage of (new kind of grouping of) people living together is the When thinking of replication the optimum of the amount of attendees to one initiative should
reduction of energy use for heating because of shared use of living space. Heating is the main be looked for. The more attendants to one initiative, the more there is to share. But a large
environmental impact factor of households. The smaller an average household becomes the group of users can induce the feeling of irresponsibility and as a consequence result in bad
more energy is used in total for heating because of inefficient use of spaces. maintenance.
Another environmental advantage of sharing housing is that it reduces building waste from old For social cohesion benefits it is preferable to limit the amount of attendees too. It is better to
buildings and reduces the need for new building material. Some of the cases show initiatives try to multiply initiatives and thus to facilitate starting up of new creative communities than to
that intentionally rebuild old buildings for co-housing purposes. And also the co-housing of enlarge a creative community with more attendees.
students within private houses of elderly reduces the need for new houses. A group of people that co-operate on a local level seems a promising concept. And a lot of
Moreover, living together, people experience less need to commute: they relate to, live nearby, cases can obtain a higher environmental benefit from incorporating environmental friendly
like the case of the Social elderly community Aquarius. systems.
Finally living together also induces the sharing of products, like washing machines, lawn
mowers, cars, bikes, as for example can be seen in the case of Sustainable Housing and Living
De Kersentuin. Eating
Some of the cases within the category of Housing show people that organize themselves and The cases that deal with food and eating are almost all focussed on organic food and/or local
others to get a pleasant living environment, by inducing the safety in the neighbourhood, produced food. The environmental advantages of this kind of food are less toxic substances
maintaining green parts, etc. By doing so, these people increase the social fabric. (specifically for organic food), a contribution to biodiversity, reduction of energy use for
154 cooling, because of consumption of seasonal products, and for transportation, because of the their children walk by this special school-bus. This situation resulted in a minimum of attendees
local base supply chain. in this specific example.
The most negative impact to the environment is the land use. Especially for the production of With the aim to improve the condition of the public space, in Germany the Cycle Association MFG
organic food more land is needed, compared to the industrialised production of food. Fahrrad Gruppe was initiated in order to report the local government parts of the infrastructure
Transportation has an important impact on the total food chain. The way the logistics are that needs to be improved.
organized determines the environmental impact of the food chain. The cases around food show
closer interaction between consumer and producer: this will imply a new way the logistics are Considerations for replication
organised, but the way it is organised within the cases is probably not always more efficient The commuting cases show that a system approach is needed and that small creative
communities can offer dedicated solutions for a (small) part of this total system. Anyway it is
There are other interesting environmental beneficial mechanisms to be seen within the cases: needed to have initiatives acting on three factors:
_ reduction of choice but increase of the discovery of the seasonal food: the vegetable boxes _ the means of transportation
offer customers organic or local food by subscription. People can not choose themselves, but _ the amount of passengers and the optimisation of the journeys
have, every week, the availability of the seasonal food. _ the infrastructures
_ increase the access to organic and or local food. Many cases are about offering people the
opportunity to buy the food they want, by increasing the accessibility. The accessibility is
increased by a market in the neighbourhood, near the road, delivery at home, etc. Working
_ transportation of the local production in co-operation: the cases show good examples of co-
operative providers making efficient transportation chains. The cases that show alternative platforms of time and disposed goods (that also induces
_ people search for alternatives they want (see for example the people within the Group socialization among people) offer the opportunity to save on material use (as the Time Bank and
purchasing organisation G.A.S. that together buy food from local producers) according to the LETS Local Exchange Trading System, for example): product reusing becomes an option again.
various principles. The power of the group is again an important enabler . It can also reduce the need for time-efficient products (that often contain high toxicity or use a
_ people take part in the production. The added value for them is that they know what lot of energy during use) because mobilizing time of people seems to reduce consequently the
they get, where it comes from, etc. And this induces the social cohesion and the sense of need for “time efficiency”.
responsibility towards the environment too, as the cases show.
_ people eating and cooking together. This results in more efficient use of energy for cooking, Some cases benefit mainly from the multiple use of products, services and spaces. Sharing of
less food waste, etc. spaces induces efficient use of energy and building space: the example of the sharing office
of CICP (Centre International de Culture Populaire) shows an association that facilitates small
Considerations for replication organizations to practice their work: a small organizations can rent an office and a meeting room
A closer relationship between the producer and the consumer of food have several and makes use of all kinds of equipment
environmental advantages. At the same time the way the transportation is organised should
be well thought through: co-operation for efficient logistics seems important as also covering a Considerations for replication
limited area for one service. The alternative trading platforms can introduce more individual transportation to transports
people’s quality and products. In order to reduce this consequence the distance that is covered
by one platform should be limited. And professional ways of transportation and/or environmental
Commuting sound ways of transportation should be incorporated.
The cases that benefit from multiple users should search for the optimum of attendees. In case it
The initiatives within the field of commuting cover varied parts of the transportation system: gets too big responsibility and maintainability gets a problem.
walking, bicycling, facilitation to public transportation, infrastructure and car sharing.
The main environmental contribution is similar: the substitution of car kilometres by alternative
means of transportation. Learning
Cases act both on the means of transportation and on the infrastructures.
On one side, because of the car chaos in Milan, the Car Sharing seems to become a serious In the category of ‘learning’, one is the factor impacting on the environmental issue: the use of
and attractive alternative to users. Especially as an alternative for people that feel the need for communal spaces or the share of the space. This leads, for instance, to the reduction of energy
buying a car (and did not have one before) or want to purchase a second car. for heating and induces a more efficient use of the living space.
On the other side, the same car crowdedness is a reason for the Milanese walking-bus
(Andiamo a scuola da soli) initiative to fail to really succeed: the school is located between two Social care and helping people back to work by teaching new skills (Coach House Trust) can have
very busy streets and sidewalks are often parked by cars, so that some parents of the children, an (indirect) effect on the (material) damage done to society, by drug addicts, criminals, etc.
although they think it is healthy for them to walk to school, do not think it is safe enough to let The environmental impact of cases that focus on child care is not significant: the advantages will
lay mainly in the social field. Co-operating 155
All cases face the problem of how to find and connect people with similar interests and aims.
Considerations for replication This issue is about how to find these people, build mutual trust, shared visions and, finally, a
These initiatives, as in other cases, do well when the service covers a limited area. This will solid result-oriented partnership.
namely minimise mobility.
A lot of cases face the problem of how to facilitate practical co-operation between people
Socializing with different time organizations and how to facilitate product exchanges between people.
Synchronization is therefore about how to tune people to people, people to products and
The cases within this category show examples of initiatives that induce the social fabric even products to products. Fluidity is an important element of the need for synchronization:
of people. A few of the cases show alternative trading platforms (like Book Exchange – the need for fluid booking facilities, easy check of availability, etc.
Buchticket – in Germany and Exchange corner in radio Krakow). Their benefit is similar to the
one described under the category of working. But all cases in this category mainly benefit on Sharing
social aspects and this will contribute to a better quality of life. This issue is about organizing and maintaining the sharing of products and spaces by a group
The long term environmental benefit of a better quality of life can be a reduction of illnesses of associated people.
and consequently hospitalisation (with a high environmental impact). This becomes Who is going to maintain a product that is not owned by one owner? Who is responsible? How
specifically interesting for cases that focus on elderly. But it is still uncertain whether these can products be made “robust”, because people are less careful with products that are not
initiatives actually will keep people healthier during their lifetime. Research needs to be done ones own? How can a product be made accessible without someone personally handing over
on this subject: what are the new life patterns of (elderly) people and what will be the impact “the keys” or something?
on health?
Considerations for replication Personalising can play an important role in the acceptance of sharing of products and spaces.
Again, it is recommended to limit the area that is covered by cases that specifically deal with How to achieve communal products and spaces that are able to recognize the different
the socializing issue: this limits the distance the people live from each other and make lively potential users and adapt themselves consequently? Can products be adapted to multiple
interaction more possible. users in a way that they are personalized for a specific user?
Technological research issues Because the services offered by the creative communities are often small and have an
amateurish character potential attendees will probably feel the need to know more about
The cases in the current situation contain only minor technological support. The people that other people’s experiences and the perceived quality of a certain service. Technology can
initiated the service concepts of the cases are people with strong motivation and, sometimes, support the sharing of experiences people have with a specific service. This would offer the
strong ideologies. These “heroes” sometimes act from a need and sometimes because they possibility of a bottom up quality evaluation.
want to. Both these groups of people show behaviour that will not become mainstream easily.
We believe that technology is one way to support “followers” to apply to a service the Quality assurance
“heroes” initiated. Or to support a follower to initiate a corresponding service himself. Where Linked to the former issues there will in some cases also be an opportunity for a more
the heroes were willing to invest time and money to get what they wanted, technology can objective quality assurance. Technology can be used to assure the reliability of a variety of
support the followers to get the same without what some of the followers will consider as different entities (like people, places, services, products...). In some cases people will need
“inconvenience”. a well-founded quality assurance for these entities. In comparison to the former technology
demand, this demand has a more top-down approach.
There are two ways to look at support from technology:
_ technology can be added to an initiative to support the initiative as it is right now Sheltering
_ technology can be added to make it more easier for followers to become participant of the A suitable place where a social enterprise can perform its service can be an important
service and technology that can support the starting up of corresponding services. precondition for the arising of a new initiative. Sometimes the house itself will be the starting
They are much interrelated because technology that supports the initiative as it is right now, point, but often other spaces are needed. Can technology be of a support for achieving
can make the difference for a follower to attend the service. However, the technological (finding) open, flexible places? And can technology support the managing of it in such a way
evaluation focussed on adding technology to support the multiplication of services. that individuals and communities can give life to different initiatives and different forms of
What can be seen is that a lot of cases show similar technological opportunities, which are:
156 Tracking and tracing _ intensive use of (communal) space (and consequently efficient use of energy for heating) and
Tracking and tracing technology can support people in knowing where somebody and/or _ possibilities to (relative) easily add technological solutions for energy/ water saving and other
products are and what people are doing. How is it possible to localize and follow them/it? environmental friendly solutions, etc.
How to do it in real time and for a large number of people and/or products? This technology is
probably also needed when technology is implemented for synchronization purposes and in a 2_ The power of the group
certain degree also for co-operation purposes. Consumers that group together in order to be able to make a sustainable choice (this does not
necessarily mean living together). This would not be possible when people act on their own
Moving and often it would not be sustainable on an individual basis.
The cases show examples of people getting together, most of the time physically and in a much
lesser degree “virtually” by internet(-like) services. This can probably induce the mobility of 3_ Mutual help, organised in group form
people. People go for example directly to the farmer. How can we get people but also things People exchange time and skills in order to help each other out and to create a safe and
from one place to another and how to do it in the most efficient way? Potential threat of direct enjoyable living environment. “People for people”. This solidarity induces the life extension of
relationship between producers and users and between users themselves is the increase of products, but more over enlarges the quality of life. This mutual help is organised in a group
the transportation: these logistics are more difficult to streamline compared to large scale form in order to enlarge the exchange of help.
organized distribution.
Behind this, we can recognise in the cases some positive actions in terms of environmental
Privacy-guaranteeing sustainability as:
This issue arises actually when technology is introduced and people are getting more and _ to enhance the solidarity between people: mobilize time of people to help each other out;
more connected to each other and to the products and spaces they share. When technology for _ to intensify the use of space;
co-operation, for synchronization, personalization and tracking and tracing is used, personal _ to organise on a local scale: to enhance the social interaction and minimise mobility;
information of people is needed. How can people and products or spaces be connected to each _ to enhance using and sharing in stead of owning;
other, traceable and be guaranteed of ones privacy in all other events of life, at the same time? _ to induce life extension of products;
_ to enable customers to make a sustainable choice (by offering sustainable alternatives);
Payment _ to offer a Customized solution (by offering a solution that fits to the situation);
A lot of cases will face the problem of payment. Think of how to deal with payment for the use _ to reduce the choice (in order to create a high volume and efficiency and to avoid “wrong”
of a product. How can payment exchanges be facilitated? Especially for cases where there is choices);
not a clearly defined provider there is a need for support on this. How can this be done fluidly _ to co-operate for efficiency reasons (on a local scale);
without for example the burden of continuously dealing with payment? _ to add technology for saving energy use, water use, etc. if possible.
The network of schools. New ways for bottom up design driven innovation
Luisa Collina (Politecnico di Milano)
What lies behind a group of young designers from eight different universities roaming around European cities, armed with pen, paper
and camera, on the look out for new creative solutions for everyday life?
What new idea of innovation, research, creativity and design is hidden behind the operation?
And why should a university like the Politecnico di Milano get involved in the creation of such a researcher network?
The hidden mechanisms _ from the opportunity to exercise their sensibility for observation and enquiry in an
experimental activity of this kind, to the need to train their ability to synthesise and interpret;
Behind the cases presented in the previous pages, behind the bright, even cheerful, coloured _ from the general relational “freshness” of young people, to the importance of bringing them
pictures of everyday life, lies a less attractive and more complex engine. This mainly consists in direct contact with different, untested, more sustainable lifestyles.
of four largely intangible elements, which have together enabled us to build up an interesting This experience and its results, both in terms of didactics and research, is the subject of
and original body of knowledge: contributions by Ian Grout for The Glasgow School of Art, Simone Maase for the Department
_ a survey network of Industrial Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Liz Davis for ENSCI Les Ateliers di
_ a codified process Parigi and Cindy Kohtala for the University of Art and Design Helsinki, university teachers
_ a tutoring service who co-ordinated and supervised the experimental activities in four of these European design
_ a technological platform schools.
The survey network is made up of eight European design schools: Politecnico di Milano (Italy); To undertake the survey the university teachers and tutors were supplied with a kit (cf. essay
The Glasgow School of Art - School of Design (Scotland); University of Art and Design Helsinki by Meroni and Jegou) that was later distributed to the students themselves. This contained,
(Finland); ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris (France); University of Applied Sciences, Cologne - School among other things, ways of selecting potentially interesting cases (what do we look at?),
of Design (Germany); Department of Industrial Design - Eindhoven University of Technology kinds of survey data (what information do we collect?; in what format?) and the timing
(Netherlands); Innovation Center of Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallinn; Academy of Fine Arts, required (what is the deadline?).
Krakow (Poland). The Politecnico di Milano gave back-up at critical moments (such as the start up of activities,
the selection of cases for examination etc.) by taking part in presentation workshops and
The selection of these schools as “antennas” was based on four main factors: creating a helpdesk to answer questions from students and assess material as it was
_ pre-existing relationships (five of these schools form part of a network – MEDes Master of collected.
European Design – started up in 2001);
_ geographical dislocation (in order to obtain a representative sample of European realities in Lastly, a technological platform was the place for interaction between network co-ordinators
a highly heterogeneous context); and their “sensors”, for exchanging experiences between the “antenna” communities, and for
_ their proximity to presumably lively, dynamic and innovative urban contexts; storing the wealth of knowledge being acquired (cf. the essay by Ciuccarelli).
_ their interest in acting as local project catalysers in this kind of unusual experimental A complex, articulated, structured research process emerges from this brief backstage
activity. description of the project, which took almost a year of energy and hard work by a
considerable number of people to bring to its conclusion. Far from chance, on-the-spot, survey
Each of these centres called on a number of design students to carry out field surveys. The methods this was a demanding way of researching, with aims that go well beyond the case
decision to use design students as researchers was made for several disciplinary and didactic collection presented.
reasons. These range:
_ from their predisposition for non-neutral observation, since this is already orientated
towards identifying future design potential, to their skill in transforming what they have
observed into visual forms that are easily transferable to other subjects;
Research hypotheses analyse, interpret, map out and visualise what is happening now and at the same time foresee
potential future scenarios. In other words, the research here is mediated by the sensibility of
Recognition is growing that as well as the purely technological innovation involved, the designers called both to observe existing reality, picking up on its innovative features, and to
project contains other forms of significant innovation among which the creation of new outline possible visions for the future.
organisational and managerial modes, new distributional processes, new social models, new
projects and services. In this kind of research, analysis, interpretation and design merge, recognising the special
One of the principles behind this project takes its inspiration from such recognition and, more nature of the information gathered through direct observation: information thought by some
precisely, from the idea that design is not limited to styling operations. Rather, it operates as academics to be “sticky”, i.e. difficult to transfer if not in visual, qualitative, rarely quantitative
a real innovation driver: so called “design driven” innovation, meaning a kind of innovation terms, and capable of generating new design solutions already at the observation stage.
that is not necessarily (or exclusively) technological, but is hybrid, combining technology with
social, relational, organisational, productive and market type components. This is a kind of research that, as we said, supports an idea of design that is a long way
Design-driven innovation refers to the reconfiguration processes of value creation that are from what can be seen on glossy magazine pages exalting the pure whim of the designer
the result of the generative (i.e. capable of giving birth to unexpected solutions) interface of the day. It is an innovative rather than inventive approach to design, where innovation is
between technical potential (the “field of what is technically possible”) and social potential increasingly associated with discovering what already exists; with improving, transferring,
(the “field of what is socially possible”). This principle has been made evident by the success hybridising, structuring, globalising and/or industrialising existing, but little known and as
of many small firms producing “Made in Italy” that have made formal, cultural, symbolic yet unvalued solutions that are at times homemade and localised in distant contexts; where
research, rather than advanced technology, the basis of their success. creative processes are grafted onto such mines of knowledge as to generate visions and
future scenarios.
If this is a shared principle then it follows that design research exists (EMUDE, which We have been highlighting an idea of design that is certainly not new, but that is
triggered the case collection presented here, is an example) and is exploring these ambits of extraordinarily more important than the purely stylistic exercises ascribable to the specific
innovation, the nature of which is very different from purely scientific and technological type tradition of Italian design (suffice it to think of the work of prominent figures in Italian design
research. such as Ettore Sottsass, Alessandro Mendini, Massimo Morozzi, Andrea Branzi e Clino Trini
This kind of research is fed by social and cultural phenomena, as well as by technology, and Castelli). The prevailing design, or rather metadesign, research approach here is not limited
by the organisational modes working in different international contexts, on different scales only to the formal aspects; here the outcome of designers’ work does not only include
from mass to community down to the individual level. products, but also design tools able to generate new visions and scenarios for the future.
Work in these ambits does not therefore limit itself to desk study but consists mainly of
field research: a detailed examination of whatever is under observation in its usual context
(focusing attention on context-artefact relationships, be they material or intangible-user What significance does this kind of activity have for a university?
phenomena) and in some cases even going to the point of involving the people concerned
in self-observation and co-designing activities. In such activities there is a prevailing bottom It is by looking at this experience that one of the possible roles for a design university, rather
up flow of information (from single individuals operating in their usual everyday contexts, to than the institutions and the entrepreneurial fabric concerned, emerges: to provide research
the researchers) rather than top down (where everything takes place inside laboratory walls services, support tools able to sustain, activate and catalyse design driven innovation
and research centres) and the core activity is carried out by project workers, able to observe, processes. This is a particularly important role in situations characterised by a web of small
enterprises that do not have an internal research and development unit at their disposal and and institutions. This is one of the tasks
where innovation processes have, up until now, been limited mainly to optimising production that the Politecnico di Milano, in its capacity
processes and emulating their competitors offers. as design research centre at the service of
This is one of the purposes of the present collection of cases. It does not seek only to talk companies and industrial districts operating in
about innovative cases or enhance and clarify positive visions present in our contemporary the reference sectors, has appointed itself
society. More than this, it seeks to stimulate the birth of new solutions on a wider scale that and on which it has started working through
are less amateurish and more structured; new service enterprises (both profit and non-profit) this and other projects.
able to improve our quality of life.
The aims of the relational information system (the technological platform) and the network of
antennas are even more ambitious: the intention is to set up a genuine research infrastructure
able to pick up on innovation signals in various international contexts, to gather and file
such information and, on the basis of this, to bring project design products into being (in the
shape, for example, of cognitive maps, trend books, visualisations of future scenarios, etc.). In
other words we seek to produce a sort of meta-tool able to support studies that differ widely,
both in terms of theme and sector and in terms of geographical extension, sample size, depth
and mode of analysis.
This will be a huge scanner called, for example, to reveal the diffuse creativity existing in a
local area and in the everyday life of each one of us, by identifying and examining cases of
excellence that stand out in current practice (whether of a social, cultural, organisational, Bibliography
technological or other kind). However, it will at the same time be capable of wide angle
Carroll J.M., 1995, Scenario-based design, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, USA
scanning, in order, for example, to map out lifestyles and contemporary habits, highlight C.D.M., 1975, “Il Design Primario”, in Casabella, n. 408, pp.41-48
existing general trends, or track progress and advanced scenarios for sectors with a high level Collina L., Simonelli G., (edited by), 2004, Designing Designers: Design schools as factories of knowledge. Research
through design education,, Milano, Italy
of design content. Collina L., Simonelli G., 2004 “Generating Tools: fighting barriers to innovation”, in Stuart MacDonald (edited by),
It will be an interactive platform, able to link researchers and project addressees – whether Design Issues in Europe Today, BEDA, pp.16-17
Collina L., 2005, Design e Metaprogetto. Teorie, strumenti, pratiche,, Milano, Italy
we call them clients, users, or beneficiaries – at times involving them actively in co-designing. Florida R., 2005, Cities and the creative class, Routledge, UK
Lakatos I., Worrall, J., Currie G., 1980, The Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes: Philosophical Papers
It will provide research infrastructure that can be set to give detailed, in-depth readings (Philosophical Papers Volume I), Paperback - Nov 28.
Los S., 1976, L’organizzazione della complessità, Il Saggiatore, Milano, Italy
of exceptional cases and wide-ranging studies of diffuse practices; that can dialogue with Manzini E., Jegou F., 2003, Sustainable everyday. Scenarios of Urban Life, Edizioni Ambiente, Milano, Italy
possible interlocutors, privileged knowledge holders; that files this wealth of knowledge Manzini E., F. Jégou, 2004, “Design degli scenari”, in Bertola P., Manzini E. (a cura di), Design multiverso. Appunti di
fenomenologia del design,, Milano, Italy, pp. 177-195
according to formalised protocol, making it available to designers and researchers. Morace, F. (edited by), 1996, Metatendenze, Sperling & Kupfer, Milano, Italy
On the basis of this mine of information researchers and designers are called to elaborate Schön, D. A., 1987, Educating the Reflective Practitioner: Towards a New Design for Teaching and Learning in the
Professions, Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, USA
visual products of synthesis, interpretation and strategic orientation for the use of companies Van der Heijden, K.,1997, Scenarios: The art of strategic conversation, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York, USA
The Glasgow Experience The Eindhoven Experience
Ian Grout, Professor, Department of Product Design, The Glasgow School of Art. Simone Maase, Assistant Professor, Department of Industrial Design,
Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands
I remember going to Brussels for the first meeting of EMUDE thinking that there was no time to fit “This was the first time I had to analyse a product service system. Before I only worked on single products.”
another project into the programme and returning thinking that there was no way that we were not going
to do this. It presented an interesting problem. So we simply ran that project as a parallel activity, giving “ doing the interview we discovered that the most important part of the system are the inhabitants
an additional experience to our students. This approach also allowed us to attract participants from all themselves and their mutual approach to each other.”
year groups and especially those with a committed or growing interest in sustainability. It also enabled
us to be inclusive of our visiting international students. In preparation we sent out a general invitation “I’ve learned that sustainability is more than long-lasting products or eco-design. It is about developing
and started from an initial interest from some 30 students. Eventually, 20 were involved in the light cases alternative and sustainable solutions that fulfil people’s needs.”
search with 12 completing the in depth studies. We also took the strategic choice to extend our antenna
activities beyond the city of Glasgow. Our rationale for this was to reflect more holistically the true nature
of the Scottish culture where it can be observed that a significant proportion of communities leave the Contrary to the Scottish way of involving students in the EMUDE programme, we integrated the research
urban environment to live and act differently. Our intention from the outset was to be as inclusive as activities in the bachelor phase of the Industrial Design curriculum at the Eindhoven University of
possible within the research framework. Technology. We aim to train our students to become designers of intelligent products, services and
systems. To develop their design competencies, students have to choose from a set of assignments. The
We found working with the EMUDE methodology complimentary to our educational approach in Glasgow. gathering and analysis of promising cases is part of one of the assignments dealing with the competency
Our courses are concerned with human centred design drawing influence from culture and society, “socio-cultural awareness”. In this research programme our students had the opportunity to work in a
working from a sociological perspective, to form new approaches and roles for design education and real life scientific setting. Simultaneously the close interaction with people in society, gave them new
practice. openings for involving “users” in the design process, and, even more important, how to design with,
instead of for people. As can be read in the students’ quotes at the top, their view on design has
In undertaking the project we found that we were able to interact with our communities in a natural way widened. Presenting the cases to each other, created a platform for discussion among the students,
and the experience was involving and rich, engendering an awakening realisation in the students of the which gave them valuable insights for their future design profession and the integration of sustainability
value of being hands on and feet on the ground in their research approach. Likewise, we found that in design.
the communities were afforded and took the opportunity to reflect on and communicate what they were
doing, why they were doing it and what value this had to their interaction with the wider world. One The first round of gathering cases delivered 17 cases. Eleven of these cases are described in this book.
of the enduring memories is of being with people who, being driven by passion and vision make their Outside this research scope, students started to elaborate and analyse these cases further. The exchange
own sense of an increasingly complex society. Another experience is watching the realisation within the between the creative communities and students was valuable for both. Students experienced a new kind
students of the possibilities of researching and potentially designing from a different perspective, for a of interaction with the people of the creative communities, making them more aware of the communities’
different set of values and a different kind of client. The project generated great commanderie amongst motivators, needs and wants. Students also got the assignment to design an intervention for the case
all the students helping them to grow in confidence, maturity and perspective as they develop towards they analysed. This intervention could be at a systemic or product level and should increase the level of
the new designers of the future. sustainability of a case. Asking for feedback from stakeholders in a promising case, created an even more
profound understanding of the importance of stakeholder involvement in the design process. For the
In Glasgow the value of this project can be seen as part of a wider initiative, a new piece of the jigsaw stakeholders of a case, the interventions created new insights in the way they set up the initiative, they
puzzle of sustainable design if you will. The project occurred in Glasgow at an important time of got fresh ideas on how to improve the level of sustainability of their solution, and sometimes the design
experimental change enabling us to, in a concrete and physical sense, take theory further into action. intervention even influenced the further development of a case.
Building on the EMUDE framework we have started creating projects more able to reflect the needs In October 2005 we organized the symposium “Creative Communities and Design”. The aim of this
of society. Overlapping the project and running on to its conclusion some months later was a Green symposium was to disseminate the EMUDE results and create the opportunity for interaction between
Mapping project looking at the extent and sustainable value of Charity Shops in Glasgow. It was informed the creative communities, designers, members of the EMUDE consortium and students. Around 90
and enhanced by our experience. This project encouraged our students to be more attached to the wider people took part in this event. The discussions taking place at the round table sessions revealed that
issues of design for society through active participation in the process of understanding people, their co-operating with communities in the design process is relatively new for designers and manufacturers.
actions, needs and desires more clearly. It involved students being out in the environment and working Designers expressed the wish to integrate sustainability more in their work, expanding from eco-design to
with the users and stakeholders in a very direct way. Through this project we have begun to develop a sustainability on a more systemic level. The latter is experienced as complicated and new.
new methodology for design, production, distribution and consumption being more clearly centred in an
inclusive ethical framework. This will be taken forwards and developed in further projects. From 2004 up till now over 75 students in the bachelor phase at the department of Industrial Design at
the Eindhoven University of Technology, were involved in gathering and analysing promising cases. The
We see these types of projects as neither top down, bottom up, conclusive or definitive but rather part of Promising Cases Internet Repository is a still growing and valuable database for further research. As both
an evolving learning process. We can see that in this way we can encourage our students to participate assistant professor and school co-ordinator for this research programme, I had the opportunity to study
in and reflect on the needs of the various stakeholders, both in the process and also the extended value the promising cases from new perspectives. Studying the development of the Dutch promising cases
of the activity of co-designing. closer, made us aware of the presence of bottom-up co-design processes. Co-design in the design field
is defined as a collaborative design process in which the “user” becomes the designer. Due to the fact
As we all know, the role of design is changing and as we continue to increase our knowledge we can, that in a promising case often a lot of different stakeholders are involved, co-design methods and tools
with a more certain assurance, project forwards to a new designer and way of designing. This future will become of major importance for the successful development of a case. Any designed solution is only as
be one in which it is essential to construct new methodologies, opportunities and meanings for design good as the amount of stakeholder support, and the quality of the stakeholder involvement. Therefore,
and to aid this we will need to develop new models of holistic, flexible co participation through which it is interesting to explore the tools and methods that are described in budding literature on co-creation,
we may be able to give deep and meaningful sustainable design solutions for our emerging ecologically and see how these could be used in the context of the creation of sustainable innovations.
aware society. In this context EMUDE has been an important part of that development within the Glasgow
School of Art.
The Paris Experience The Helsinki Experience
Liz Davis, Head Studio International at Ensci/Les Ateliers, Paris, France Cindy Kohtala, lecturer, University of Art and Design Helsinki
It’s easy to forget that the real experts of a problem are the people dealing with it in their everyday lives. From the outset of the EMUDE project it became clear to us – the Helsinki Antenna – that Finland is a
In this sense, EMUDE has been a lesson in humility. The creativity demonstrated in the communities we very organised society indeed. Even the smallest grassroots group tends to organise itself and list itself
worked with proved that the act of design is not exclusive. with the Trade Register as a non-profit association, despite the rules and bureaucracy this entails. As with
Les Ateliers was founded in 1982 to educate designers to be partners in social and economic groups such as Housing Oranssi - Housing company and o2 Finland this is often for reasons of financial
development. One of the school’s early project groups (Richard Neill, Jean-François Archieri) dealt governance, societal recognition and greater ease in applying for grants and sponsorship funding.
exclusively with socio-cultural cooperation and the studio international ran a design for development
studio. Creative engagement was seen as essential in a society looking for feasible, sustainable, Finland as a Nordic country also enjoys the benefits of a welfare state, but is experiencing the growing
alternatives. We wanted to educate “responsible” designers. pressures on government expenditure and tax levels that most or all of the developed world is now
It’s not that easy to find project platforms which satisfy educational ambitions and offer useful results. It’s undergoing. Complaints are common: people are increasingly dissatisfied with public health care (i.e.
a long journey from explaining the potential of design to non-designers and gaining the trust to create long queues for surgery and dental services) and are for the first time in decades unsure about what
co-design partnerships. This research offered us the perfect chance for a human-led project, in situ. faces them after retirement. Generations of womb-to-tomb services have however rendered the general
After a pilot study in 2004, EMUDE was launched and programmed as an optional activity under populace somewhat paralyzed: ‘we pay high taxes – we thus deserve high quality medical care and
the auspices of Studio international (Tutor: Liz Davis with the support of Licia Bottura, expert in security for the elderly. We should not need to create our own solutions.’
sustainability). Working as a trans-European team was stimulating. It also justified the nocturnal sessions
writing up cases in English on the website! Our own (small) team was also multi-cultural: French students The issue to which this attitude does not apply as strongly is unemployment. Finland experienced a
led the interviewing and English-speakers were responsible for summaries. It was fascinating to discover deep recession in the early 1990s and while unemployment has finally dropped to single digit figures,
which cases were “missing” in Paris or how certain dynamics were universal (Cyclo-pouce for example) structural unemployment in particular remains a significant factor. Jobless numbers in the immigrant
The case research and collection activity offered a valuable exercise in understanding context. Students communities is also of growing concern, especially as it relates to assimilation or integration into an
learnt the value of non-directive questioning. They sensed the influences and interactions at play in a otherwise extremely homogenous Finnish society. In a country where the work ethic and social cohesion
complex system and tried to break the codes. They learnt to be apprentice ethnologists without losing are valued highly, this has meant the development of many work creation initiatives, both bottom-up and
their design skills. It’s all a matter of how to talk to people, to explain your skills, to build bridges of top-down.
understanding. Finally, being invested with a task and a role within a consortium of experts demonstrated
how important interaction is between professions. Many insights were gained from face to face contact Another key observation that can be drawn from the Helsinki cases is that creativity and culture are
which we would like to have shared. However, seeing the efforts of the schools taken seriously was extremely valued and deemed worthy of protection in Finland. Finnish arts funding is among the highest
hugely rewarding. It wasn’t easy to unearth “bottom-up” cases in a society used to state-led initiatives. in the world, but, as with the decline of the Welfare State since the recession, governmental bodies (state
However, many actions were created under the umbrella of “Associations 1901”, deep-rooted in French and municipalities) have less of a role as the direct financiers of cultural services and arts activities. At
culture since the invention of legislation supporting non-profit making alliances. the same time influential studies such as the ones conducted by Richard Florida have stimulated the
Success-stories were those which inspired new frames for further action. Recognition is the major reward discussion on cultural competence and the importance of attracting and retaining a creative, innovative
for huge personal investment. The opportunity to share experience and knowledge and to inspire other workforce. It is thus important to business people, policymakers, and private citizens that Helsinki
groups to create their own projects is in itself an empowerment. The AQSB association (The Saint Bernard maintains its vibrant, creative milieu, and that Helsinki as an urban space acts as a platform for diverse
Quartier neighbourhood Association) spent years persuading City Hall to “lend” an abandoned plot to cultural activities, large and small. Throughout the course of the EMUDE research, this topic came up
local residents for a community garden. The resulting Jardin Nomade finally inspired a green charter for again and again in our discussions, and indeed several of the Finnish students signed up for the course,
Paris, leading to a multitude of similar projects. attracted by its subtitle Creative Society.
Although design follow-up was not part of our brief, we wanted to extend our relationships with the
communities. Students Milamem Abderamane-Dillah and Goliath Dyeres worked to improve internal/ In my view, this research project as a whole carries important lessons for designers, authorities, and
external communication with the CICP community of associations (corporate identity, signage, entrepreneurs. Where we truly see systemic innovation in the promising cases are the many that seem
organisational supports...). They then joined Solutioning-design in Brussels as interns working on the to transcend generally understood categories of societal organisation and the boundaries between
following phase of the research: the scenario building. professional and amateur. For example, Liberté is a traditional bar and music venue from the outside, but
In 2005, EMUDE cases were presented as part of the Solutioning Design contribution to “D-Day” at the Liberté patrons and musicians are much more involved in the club’s operations and environment: this
Pompidou Centre. D-Day demonstrated how design has matured into a creative process at the service completely blurs the border between service provider and customer. The Happihuone run by o2 Finland is
of sustainability. A conference with Ezio Manzini and François Jégou allowed a design-related public also a multifaceted project: on their first visit visitors have been inclined to ask if it were a greenhouse,
to understand the EMUDE project and challenges. Subsequently, a meeting was organised for people or a gallery, or a café, or an interactive sculpture of some kind, insisting on a categorisation that is in
interested in hearing our stories and visiting the Paris communities involved in the project. This was my the end irrelevant. Housing Oranssi – Housing company too would not exist in its present state without
chance to witness interaction between “the public” and our communities. Around an autumnal picnic in the innovative, progressive approach of Helsinki city authorities. One suspects that a more orthodox
the Jardin Nomade, the mood was uplifting. People were inspired to action and a civil servant from a municipal decision maker would clear space in an existing student- or council house, thus sweeping the
suburban city hall decided to look for similar cases in her town to offer financial support. Such weekend long-haired troublemakers – and the problem – under the carpet, as it were. Thanks to the collaborative
encounters, a personal initiative of Pompidou staff are a success-story in themselves. Paris city dwellers, effort Housing Oranssi – Housing company is now a viable economic concern, a cultural service provider
often singles, sign up to learn more about a subject presented at the museum, meeting the people and an employer to boot.
involved and visiting related sites. Friends are made, addresses exchanged.
Did our project coincide with increasing political frustration in France or a wave of new energy ? It seems
we were witness to an upsurge in community initiative, followed by an explosion of media interest in
«good news» endeavours (see, for example “Le tour du monde en 80 hommes”: meeting the pioneers
of sustainable development. The actors of the communities seemed delighted to
share their stories. Possibly the very “telling” makes their achievement more tangible.
On behalf of the French team we would like to fondly remember Thierry Kazazian, 02 France, who for twenty years worked for the development of
sustainable design in France and who was a constant support to our students. Thierry was lost to illness in February 2006.
An ethnographic designer view
Anna Meroni and François Jégou* (Politecnico di Milano and Strategic Design Scenarios)
Eight design schools, a couple of hundred students, a collection of 140 cases, three years of work: these are some of the numbers
characterising the collection of case studies on creative communities that forms the essence of this book. An enterprise distinguished by
the fact that each case was the fruit of personal, direct contact between the designer-researcher and the main actors in the case itself.
An absorbing encounter on the verge of ethnography.
Young designers as researchers researchers along a structured path into direct contact with the situations analysed.
The reasons behind this choice of approach appear particularly evident in relation to the
The cases presented emerged from a programme of research activities called EMUDE, funded didactic aims:
by the European Commission as part of its 6th framework programme. The key element in the _ field research leads researchers to a direct acquaintance with the facts and therefore,
EMUDE programme was its partner group of 8 European design schools, co-ordinated by the potentially, to feeling they are discoverers taking part in what is observed;
Politecnico di Milano, whose task was to carry out a field search for creative communities. _being in the thick of situations with strong emotional connotations (cases of social creativity
These “Antennas” worked through their students in the role of researchers: young university where the protagonists will presumably have mainly positive emotions) generally provokes
students from different backgrounds in the thick of their formative years as future designers. some kind of mirroring empathy (in our case, of enthusiasm);
_ the experimental nature of the work method is more involving when it draws students out
In our role as co-ordinators for a substantial number of researchers (planned at around 200 of the classroom and into the street to meet people: the more knowledge researchers acquire
but in fact more) and in order to obtain comparable results, we set ourselves a series of and the more their know-how develops the more incisive what they are doing becomes.
operational and didactic objectives. However, the decision to use the field observation technique also seemed advantageous from
The operational aims, those concerned with case identification and analysis, were: an operational point of view: it is in fact the only way to gather original visual documentation
_ initially, to communicate and share the research criteria to be used in identifying possible and eye witness accounts of the phenomena observed.
cases for study;
_ later on, to collect the first cycle of proposed cases for screening, in order to select the The need to apply common criteria and produce consistent, comparable results led us to
most relevant and interesting for in-depth analysis; create itemised case observation formats rooted in a centralised collection system. This
_ to end up with a consistent collection of cases, carefully described so as to make them system, the Promising Cases Repository, was set up as a website able to gather research
comparable both in terms of crucial content and visual material; contributions directly from the various Antennas (cf. essay by Ciuccarelli).
_ to gather firsthand information on the phenomena observed, unfiltered by third party The desire to create a description structure peculiar to a designer approach gave rise to a
interpretation, and a sizeable portfolio of “authentic” images; reading and reproduction format that is particularly sensitive to factors like actor motivation,
_ to develop a case description model peculiar to a designer approach: peculiar because interaction mode between subjects observed, visual evidence and quality of experience.
it is marked by a somehow characteristically “designer” ability to look at phenomena, and
because it contains information of significance to designers.
Participant observation and quasi-ethnographic method
Among the didactic aims were:
_ to develop sensitivity towards the issues of innovation and social creativity, and more How can we distinguish the “field observation” developed in this research project from what
generally towards sustainability in socio-technical systems; in anthropology and ethnography is known as “participant observation”?
_ to stimulate the curiosity of researchers and enhance their personal creativity in research; The expression “participant observation” is used to mean a situation where the observer is
_ to feed enthusiasm and foster the young designers’ empathy with the situations observed part of the context under observation. More specifically, it is a situation characterised by:
_ to provide students with, and at the same time experiment, an observation and work _ the presence of a field observer inside and actively involved in the phenomenon being
method that will be usable in subsequent activities and in their future profession. observed
These were ambitious aims directing us towards a “field observation” approach that led
to the point where he identifies with the other actors; also requires a sharpened capacity for selective observation. There are numerous advantages
_ the possibility of gathering data on the non verbal behaviour of the social actors in for designers in applying a quasi-ethnographic technique, which derive particularly from a
particular contexts (instead of or to complete an interview); direct, firsthand vision of the problems that they will then be called on to deal with in their
_ the possibility of gathering data in the observed setting without asking people to designing role.
participate; When a designer observes and analyses a situation firsthand he/she is able to elaborate a
_ the use of a prearranged grid of descriptive categories containing the factors for study, to personal definition of the problem (problem setting) that is crucial to its subsequent “re-
direct attention. solution”; an activity that is otherwise left to theory and literature.
We hold that the ability to identify problems and go right to the heart of their definition rather
Participant observation leads to documents characterised by: than just seeking to solve them (problem solving) is the distinguishing mark of a strategic
_ accurate viewing and the use of descriptive language to report what is observed; designer.
_ the absolute abolition of valuation adjectives and the exclusion of any emotional aspect
from the list of objective information concerning the observed phenomenon; In addition to the descriptive categories chosen to guide case observation, the main
_ the absence, as far as possible, of “distortions” and interpretations caused by the observer differences in the approach we use compared to the participant observation method are:
and/or by the observed person (e.g. due to a desire to please or contradict the researcher). _ the degree of participation in the observed phenomena, which may be more or less intense,
Participant observation is one of the research techniques used by the ethnographer (along and the relatively brief observation period;
with interviews) to gather data on the culture of a people. _ the importance of emotional and experiential aspects both in case observation and its
documentation: the emotions of the actors involved, including those of the observer, are,
Can we call the work that generated this collection “participant observation”? We must for the designer, symptoms of well or badly functioning relationship mechanisms among
first of all point out that although many of the elements that distinguish the participant individuals and with the service;
observation technique are consistent with the objectives we declared previously, a designer _ the non-problematical nature of observer interpretation: here the observer actually sets out
works with aims and with skills that are substantially different from those of an ethnographer. on the design path by interpreting what he/she observes.
However, we wanted to use this technique for all the useful, creative and at the same time On this point we should make two aspects clear: on the one hand, we positively encouraged
methodical aspects it could contribute to the way a designer identifies and analyses emerging the “passing” of emotion between observed and observer (and there was a fair quantity of
phenomena. So, let’s call this special form of “participant observation” a quasi-ethnographic enthusiasm among the researchers), on the other, quite apart from observer interpretation,
approach, to underline its connection with this discipline, but seeking also to note the we organised the analysis in such a way as to gather all the practical information required to
A designer can exercise a capacity for observation and understanding of a case study that Work tools and methods
is particularly attentive to the way it works and to the aspects of sense and quality of
experience. A guided, structured immersion in a phenomena leads to an overall vision, but From the process point of view, case collection was carried out in four main stages using a
centralised repository with internet access (cf. essays by Collina and by Ciuccarelli). Antenna researchers themselves, via the internet, then uploaded the cases they found to the
The four operational stages, taking about 8 months to complete, were as follows: special Repository that had been structured to mirror the case description model perfectly,
1_ communicating and sharing criteria, aims and research tools; so facilitating collection and organisation operations. At this point (stage 3), the project co-
2_ gathering an initial cycle of proposals for possible case studies; ordinator was able to view the cases and give the Antennas feedback on the ones selected
3_ the assessment of these proposals and selection of cases for analysis; for in-depth analysis.
4_ further, homogeneous analysis of the selected cases and assembling the collection.
Stages 1 and 3 were carried out “centrally” by the research group. The others were carried out The last stage in collection (stage 4) was the longest and most complex.
locally by the various Antennas, with back up for technical problems and theory issues from a The in-depth, uniform analysis of selected cases required the setting up of an articulated
central helpdesk. In this account we wish briefly to outline a description of the formats used, format that standardised some of the description items to obtain comparable results, but
some of the specific research and reproduction tools, and the kit created to help teachers and did not penalise the researchers’ creativity in reporting (by word and picture) what they had
students in the Antenna schools to carry out the field research. seen. A special notebook for researchers to use during field activities, the Reporter’s book,
was created to make the format easier to use. We shall talk further about it later on. In it the
Let’s start with the training kit: this consisted in a set of documents of different kinds various description categories were turned into suggestions to orient the observer’s attention.
prepared and distributed during the initial stages of research to share work criteria, The Promising Cases Repository was in turn adapted to match this format, so that uploading
description formats and “rules of the game”, i.e. relationship norms and deadlines, with the information to the website became a perfectly smooth operation.
whole researcher community. The kit was presented, discussed and distributed directly to
the heads of each school who found in it a set of tools (multimedia presentations, examples The in-depth description format organised the work of analysis into a sequence of steps,
and brochures) for presenting the research project to their students (in a locally organised alternating more technical descriptions with narrative parts where the observers (working in
workshop)and to equip them in turn with the support tools for on-the-field observation. So, small groups) were free to transfer extracts from their interviews with the protagonists, or
each kit (downloadable from the research website) contained the various formats for use their personal comments on what was done.
at different stages of case study collection, examples of previously analysed cases, general The format integrates the case “identity card” required in the previous stages with more
suggestions for description rhetoric (visual and narrative) and an original, observation detailed analyses, namely:
guidance tool, the Reporter’s book. _ an accurate description of the actors, their motivations, their roles and their viewpoints;
_ a list of elements (services and products) making up the solution and technology employed;
For stage 2, where the Antennas proposed cases for analysis, a very light description _ an intuitive evaluation of the benefits the initiative offers to environment, society, economy;
format called the case study “identity card”, was set up. Here, researchers were asked for However, the most original part of this descriptive model, the aspect closest to the
a brief description of the solution indicating: how it worked and how it was innovative; the sensitivity and critical ability of a designer, is all that concerns the pictorial case description
problematic context; the actors involved; and a set of key words and functions chosen from a and the collection of visual documentation. This is also the part where our researchers
list of possibilities provided to aid cataloguing. They were also asked for an initial assessment produced the most interesting and original results. To document the case study under
of the environmental and social benefits afforded by the case and a meaningful visual image; observation, interpreting it at the same time, the researcher was asked to produce two
from the outset we insisted on aspects of visual description that were to become still more kinds of visualisation: moodboard and storyboard. A moodboard is a synthetic visualisation:
important in the later stages of work. Lastly, we asked that case studies be looked for in the a composition of photographs aiming to reflect an image that evokes the characteristic
immediate vicinity of the researcher so they could be analysed by firsthand observation. atmosphere of the situation observed: people’s moods, the silent language of objects and
spaces, gestures and activities. Researchers could create moodboards using images of their Results
own choice, which they were free to compose and produce as they wished within a series of
geometric grids.
A storyboard is an analytic visualisation: a sequence of images describing the course of an The material published in this book is only a small selection from that collected; a selection of
action peculiar to the observed situation. Researchers were free to decide the time sequence, both cases and information.
screenplay and framing of the pictures according to their own judgement. The Promising Cases Repository contains over 140 cases, largely described using the in-depth
Together with the written texts, these two kinds of visualisation enabled us to obtain an format: hundreds of pictures, scores of moodboards and storyboards, of reports and stories
effective, original description of the cases analysed, and like the written texts the pictures from those involved. In addition, the Reporter’s books, compiled by researchers with notes
were catalogued in the Repository by standardised criteria and are mutually comparable. and drawings, constitute in themselves an impressive collection of original material.
What lies before our eyes tells us that the work method experimented has on the whole
been successful: there have been setbacks and difficulties, some stages were unnecessarily
The Reporter’s book laborious, and some of the information asked for has probably been of little use in the end.
However, we think everything has been useful, at least for didactic purposes: the narrative
Among the various work tools developed and used in this research project the Reporter’s book originality of the written texts, the curiosity and charm even to the point of tenderness of
deserves a little further comment. As we said, the highly positive aspect of case observation many of the pictures, catching the enthusiasm in the eyes of the protagonists (evidently
undertaken firsthand by designers is that from the outset it directs them to thinking about the reflecting the light in the eyes of the observers) lead us to think of success.
development and improvement of what they see. On the other hand, its weaker aspect is that The rhetoric is often laboured, the English (obviously) imperfect, the photos at times blurred,
in their role as observers, designers often lack habit and method. The Reporter’s book was the technical understanding of the services in some cases dubious, the observations naïve
thought up to help them overcome this difficulty without limiting their individual personalities. ... but, overall, it is a collection of stories that communicate the amazement of discovery, the
A quasi-ethnographic approach would logically require an empty notebook where the enthusiasm of encounter and a little of the spirit of our “hero” protagonists. In our opinion,
researcher can freely jot down his observations as they occur during ongoing contact with this is possible, thanks to the experience lived by our researchers on the field: the quasi-
the case. However, lack of experience in investigation and the short time available called for ethnographic approach has not left them indifferent. Observing, they have caught what we
support to conduct interviews effectively. Therefore a “semi-instruction” guide, similar to those can describe as the genius loci of creative communities, the spirit that animates them and
used in structuring focus group discussion, was included at the beginning of the Reporter’s that animates the situations they have been capable of engendering. At the same time they
book: this enabled us to ensure that interviews covered the minimum number of stages have begun to exercise the critical eye of the designer, imagining that what they saw could
essential to compiling the required format and to the subsequent phases of analysis. become even more beautiful, work better and spread...
The same is true in collecting visual images: the designer’s photographic eye is naturally
geared to pick up the characterising dimensions of a solution, from technical-organisational
details to the quality of atmosphere. However, it is not systematic enough for full
documentation or for observations that are useful in a wider, interdisciplinary analysis. So, the
Reporter’s book included a step-by-step “photo check-list” of the minimum shots required to * Anna Meroni has written the paragraphs: Young designers as researchers; Participant observation and quasi-
ethnographic method; The designer and the quasi-ethnographic method; Results. François Jégou has written the
describe the context and for the sequence of actions in the storyboard. paragraphs: Work tools and methods; The Reporter’s book.
The Promising Cases Repository: using ICT for supporting research activities
Paolo Ciuccarelli (Politecnico di Milano)
It may appear frustrating and restrictive for design students to use a rigid, standardized, digital format to describe a phenomenon as
complex and rich as Creative Communities are. However, we have to admit that this is the only way to create a consistent and sharable
knowledge base that could also be expanded and re-used. The existence of a Promising Cases Repository is a necessary base for any
strategy aiming to disseminate the values behind Creative Communities.
The premises something that would help the contents and assumptions of this action to survive their given
The use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in teaching and research By creating an open collection of cases (contents) and a web interface to allow the
activities is becoming more and more common, specially when these activities involve implementation of the collection (know-how) we expect to reach a deeper diffusion and
different actors in different countries. In brief we can say that - when ICT in themselves are understanding of the “creative communities’” principles.
not the topic of these research activities - they are used with four principal aims, other than
connecting people:
1_ to build a common knowledge background through the gathering, organizing and sharing The solution: some technical features
of information and documents produced by others (fertilization);
2_ to collect and share information and knowledge produced during - and specifically for - the From the technical point of view, we developed a php-based website, connected to a standard
research/teaching activity (stabilization); SQL database*. The architecture of the database is strictly linked to the case-format, with the
3_ to codify a methodology - a specific know-how - into a software procedure and allow aim of making the fill-in process easy and so to collect and organize as much as possible of
participants to produce standard outputs that can be compared for analysis purposes the information gathered by the researchers.
(production); The description of the records has been divided into two phases: in the first one, the schools
4_ to boost comments and feedback - discussions - about information and documents upload a synthetic description and some pictures of the selected cases ( the “identity
gathered and produced, or about the activity itself, in order to build a further level of card”). The scientific coordinator of the program uses this description to evaluate and select
participated knowledge (exploitation). cases that are coherent with the idea and the definition of “promising cases”; we defined
this process as “validation”. The selected cases are shown in the website as “validated”,
The use of ICT to support EMUDE (the EU funded Specific Support Actions which generated and from this moment on it’s possible, for the authors, to continue with the second
the collection of cases here presented) was restricted, at the beginning, to the fulfilment of phase, the description of the cases, following the steps defined in the “in-depth format”.
the management need of a common space for information and documents to be used by the The centralization of the validation process, led by Politecnico di Milano, guarantees the
participants and for collecting the documents they produced: in other words, aims 1 and 2, consistency of the database.
according to the categories defined above.
Closing the preparation of the “in-depth format” for analysing the promising cases (cf. the In this process, the repository recognises various typologies of user, with different profiles:
essay by Meroni and Jégou), we decided to build up a repository (a collection of records _ the “administrator” profile allows users to read, modify and eliminate all the records (all the
describing resources) and a web application, to enable researchers from each school of the cases). This is also the only profile enabled to “validate” cases;
network to upload via Internet all the information required about the cases. _ the “author” profile allows users to read, modify and eliminate records inserted with a
In fact there were no technical reasons for this choice: we knew from the beginning that the specific username and password (personal records), while the other records can only be read.
number of cases would not be large enough to justify a similar investment. More than this, _ the “school” profile enables users to create new “authors”; they can also read all the
Internet itself can be an opportunity, but also a barrier for those who are not familiar with records.
on-line fill-in procedures and/or haven’t a broadband connection. So the decision was taken _ the “guest” profile only enables users to read all the records
more as a result of the strategic approach and the “mood” of openness that characterized
all the activities than as a consequence of practical requirements. We wanted to build up
172 Fig. 1
(Fig. 1: The web interface of the Promising Cases Repository) been validated by the Politecnico di Milano.
This repository enabled the schools of the network to be actively involved in the process of In particular, during the fill-in process, information control was guaranteed by:
collecting and describing promising cases: more than 200 students and teachers accessed the 1_ giving a closed list of options to choose among, in order to describe the solutions: i.e.
website and used the proposed features, often giving useful feedback and suggestions on keywords, values, functions addressed ...;
how to improve the repository’s effectiveness. 2_ giving a base-list of options, with the possibility of “candidating” new ones to be
evaluated by the scientific coordinator before being added to the base-list;
One of the considerations arising from this experience is the strengthening of the role of 3_ showing the list of the previous new entry options, in order to guide the free data-entry
email as the main communication tool and working tool for distant partners: as the dimension process and avoid repetition.
of attachments is no longer a problem, and the power of email software in organizing and
managing messages is growing continuously (all these characteristics are well represented
by the Gmail web-service provided by Google), working in research and didactic networks is Such a centralized approach gave rise to some criticism, but indubitably offers at least one
becoming easier and easier. Furthermore, the availability of open source or freeware webtools advantage: it ensures the consistency of the database, by standardising the meaning of
for communication activities is rapidly growing. The possibility of using email and/or freeware keywords and the criteria for case validation. On the other hand , it can be argued that for
tools to meet a wide range of communication needs (from sharing information to collecting the same reasons we lose something in terms of richness and variety of the descriptions.
documents), liberates resources that can be utilized to develop more complex tools for Furthermore, the validating activity itself is a cost in terms of resources, and also a possible
advanced or very specific functions, as we did with the Promising Cases Repository. bottle-neck in the process of populating the repository.
Some short notes must be made on the interface of the Promising Cases Repository: A similar debate – standard vs open description - is currently growing within the development
_ the website has been designed using a simple, flexible grid with one head-line, a dynamic of the web, particularly in the evolution towards the idea of a “semantic web”, as described
menu on the left, filters and other operational tools on the right, and the contents in the in Wikipedia: “The Semantic Web is a project that intends to create a universal medium for
centre; information exchange by putting documents with computer-processable meaning (semantics)
_ the menu shows all the available folders - named “case collections” - and a number of other on the World Wide Web. Currently under the direction of the Web’s creator, Tim Berners-
functions depending on the user profile; Lee of the World Wide Web Consortium, the Semantic Web extends the Web through the
_ each case is shown with the title and a picture: this is a first step towards giving a use of standards, markup languages and related processing tools”. In other words, to really
visual impression of the cases at every phase of the description, unlike-other web-based extract value from the use of a variety of web-sites, the pages of these web-sites have to
repositories (i.e. The prominence of the visual be described in a standard way. A similar problem is also emerging in the fast-growing
approach is also evident in the so called moodboards that come with each case. phenomenon of open, web-based digital archives (i.e. Flickr for digital pictures): as anybody
is allowed to use personal keywords (tags) to describe the digital documents they want to
share with other users, there are no guarantees that a specific keyword will be used with a
Centralize or delegate? similar meaning. So, if you search for a specific keyword, the larger the archive the larger the
possibility of finding results that are not pertinent; documents that have been indexed using a
In the first version of the Repository, the process of publication was heavily controlled by the different meaning for the same keyword.
“central administration”: all the proposed cases (briefly described by an “identity card”) have
Fig. 2 Fig. 3 173
There are a number of possible ways and tools for cataloguing and indexing digital Knowledge as an open (re)source
documents, from thesauri and dictionaries to tags and folksonomies. The choice of tools and
methodologies to be used for indexing documents is strictly related to the purposes of the At the current stage, every school (or analogous institution) can be enabled, as a delegate, to
process, and to the level of expected authority of the document ensemble. The possibility use the Web Repository, and - as a consequence - the methodology and the knowledge about
of browsing consistently through different archives or through an archive fed by users from how to describe a promising case, condensed into the so called “in-depth description format
different countries, cultures and languages can be guaranteed only by a controlled system of ”. Schools willing to contribute have to apply for a ‘professor’ account and, if not yet familiar
keywords, shared by all users. with this activity, download the instructions and case description format from the website. .
From a more general point of view, even if a strong set of rules is provided, opening the This possibility of re-using the methodology autonomously in fact represents the second step
possibility of contributing to the construction of a common database to a wide user group, towards “opening the knowledge” generated in the making of the kind of EU funded Specific
always represents a risk: Wikipedia, for example - despite the indubitable richness created by Support Actions which generated this collection of cases.
open participation – sometimes, and especially in specific, historically important moments, , The first step in this process is offering free access to the repository using the “guest”
suffers problems linked to the possibility of easily manipulating information: the definitions profile, for people not involved in the research activity, and to the identity cards of all the
of some terms are often “polluted” by personal opinions and/or unreliable information or cases published by the schools, visible on the homepage (anybody can access the www.
lack a clear reference to a valid author. Moreover, there are a lot of software agents that are
programmed to put information (typically advertising) automatically onto open websites, such We also identified – symmetrically with the validation process - the third and final step in
as blogs, forums etc. the knowledge-opening process: the transformation of the web-based application into an
open source software. This means that conditions should exist to enable other developers to
For these reasons, in the current and latest second version of the Promising Cases Repository, access and modify the source code of the web application, in order – for example – to modify
we decided to maintain the validation process, but, at the same time, to give schools a or add new data fields to the original analysis format. Or, better, to add new functions to the
certain level of autonomy, we also hold the validation process to be necessary because the original web tool.
repository is conceived as a supporting tool for teaching activities with a primary one-to-many
learning relationship (professor-to-students). The possibility of many-to-many relations comes (Fig. 3: Access profiles and possible activities)
later, with a second level of information (information about information). An example is the
creation of a blog about the case collection on the Sustainable Everyday Project website, to Open source doesn’t mean “no rules”, there are at least two necessary tasks we should
collect comments and discussions on published promising cases ( complete: first, choose a licence from the huge number of existing open licences (from Creative Commons to General Public Licenses); and second, write a set of documents enabling
To support schools in their autonomous validation process, we created a specific profile (the developers to understand how the web application has been produced, and so make their
“professor” profile), which enables each single participating school to create a new folder (a contributions autonomously.
new case collection) and a list of authors allowed to upload information onto this folder; each
school can also validate the cases produced by the authors on the list. The transformation of each application into an open source one typically requires a
considerable amount of time if not planned from the beginning of the development process:
(Fig. 2: Typologies of validation process and possibilities for contents-control) the code should be written according to standards that make it easily understandable to
developers with minimum skills. But as the development of the Promising Cases Repository creative communities.
was an experimental project, with a fluid feedback process and without an a priori planning The Promising Cases Repository plays a role in the dissemination of the results (a phase
document, it was not possible to define all the requirements from the beginning. specifically requested by the Specific Support Actions program). In fact, it also works as a
Nevertheless the possibility to transform the web application into an open source one can be communication tool: the Promising Cases Collections have been public since the 13th of
considered as one of the possible ways to exploit the knowledge generated with this action. December 2005, and everyone can read a brief description of each promising case on the
According to the rules provided by the EU to guide funded projects, exploitable results website, without any specific authorization. The first experiment
are defined as “...knowledge having a potential for industrial or commercial application has been made in collecting information and knowledge about the published promising cases
in research activities or for developing, creating or marketing a product or process or for using other web sites. This is the case of the previously mentioned blog, Sustainable Everyday
creating or providing a service.” (from Appendix 1 “Project reporting in FP6- Guidance notes”) Project (SEP), which aims to collect comments about the published promising cases.
. Starting from that, we can reasonably say that the web application behind the Promising The Promising Cases Repository and the SEP blog are both addressed to any recipient
Cases Repository – its software code - can be seen as “knowledge having a potential (...) for interested in deepening knowledge about the “creative communities” phenomenon.
developing, creating a process or for creating or providing a service”, if enough resources are Both dissemination and exploitation of knowledge relating to this research are complicated
put on the table. by copyright and privacy legislation. For information in the database, from on-line
descriptions of promising cases, we chose to apply the Creative Commons open licence,
More in detail, the exploitable results relating to the development of the Repository are: which can also be applied – by using the Science Commons agreement – to the database
1_ A relational database, generated by the transformation of the “case description format” itself (for more information about Creative Commons and Science Commons licences, go to
into an E-R (Entity-Relations) standard structure., and
The transformation of the “case description format” into a relational database enables: (a) Again, the idea behind this choice was to open the information and knowledge generated
organization of contents (b) collaboration in using the format (c) growth of the knowledge through all the activities as far as possible so as to spread and heighten awareness of
base on Promising Cases (d) export of information to other database/applications; “creative communities”.
2_ The Web interface, which determines user experience, the way in which different actors * The Promising Case Repository has been developed by Daniele Galiffa, (
participate in the collaborative activity of collecting Promising Cases (i.e. access profiles, within the DesignNet research unit.
validate and candidate functions...)
These products can be used in design didactics / design research / research and didactics in
Ruben Mnatsakanian Luisa Collina Simone Maase Cindy Kohtala Paolo Ciuccarelli
Ruben Mnatsakanian since Luisa Collina is full professor of Simone Maase works as researcher Cindy Kohtala received her BFA Paolo Ciuccarelli is associate
2000 is head of Department of Design at Politecnico di Milano. and teacher at the department of degree in Industrial Design from professor at the Industrial Design,
Environmental Sciences and Policy Since 2000 she co-ordinates the Industrial Design in the Designed the University of Alberta, Canada, Arts, Communication and Fashion
at Central European University, international relations and projects Intelligence group, Eindhoven in 1991 and an MA degree in Department at Politecnico di Milano,
Budapest. He has specialised in of the Design Faculty and Design University of Technology. Originally Craft Design from the University where he teaches Communication
analysis of information on the state Department. trained and working as an industrial of Art & Design Helsinki in 1999. Design. Research and publishing
of the environment in the former She collaborates with universities, design engineer, her focus shifted She currently lives and works in activities are focused on knowledge
socialist countries, including the research centres and companies from product development “pur Helsinki, Finland, as a researcher transfer mechanisms in design
former USSR: he published a book in international research and sang” to sustainable development concentrating on design-for- processes and information/
and a number of articles on the strategic innovation projects in the in the field of industrial design. She sustainability and strategic foresight. knowledge visualization. He’s
issue. design field. She has been project studies how and to what extent She also works in communications responsible of the DesignNet project
He is part of the group that coordinator of some of these co-design tools and methods and dabbles in craft design, (Tools and Methods for Information
prepared the GEO report series international projects. The results contribute to the development of especially working with recycled and Knowledge Management in
for the UNEP; he was working of her research and didactic activity sustainable solutions. A new role for materials. She is Vice President of Design Processes) and coordinator
as a consultant in environmental have been presented through industrial design profession is about o2 Finland, an NGO for of the POLI.teca Design Knowledge
policy issues for WHO, UNEP, IFEN various international conferences to emerge. designers interested in sustainable Centre, both at Politecnico di Milano.
(French National Institute for the and publications. solutions. He coordinates the participation of
Environment). Since 2000 she is member of the the Design Faculty in the Master of
PhD board in “Industrial Design and European Design.
Multimedia Communication”.
178 Antennas: the network of schools Poland
Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow
local coordinator: Monika Bielak
ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris
local coordinators: Licia Bottura, Liz Davis
Estonian Academy of Arts, Tallin
local coordinator: Martin Parn
Politecnico di Milano
local coordinators: Ezio Manzini, Anna Meroni
United Kingdome
School of Design, The Glasgow School of Art, Scotland
local coordinator: Ian Grout
School of Design, University of Applied Sciences, Cologne.
local coordinator: Holger Mueller
The Netherlands
Eindhoven University of Technology, Department of Industrial Design
local coordinators: Simone Maase, Peter Joore
University of Art and Design Helsinki
local coordinators: Raimo Nikkanen, Cindy Kohtala
This book is about social innovation as a driver for sustainable technological and production innovation. Adopting
a design perspective, it presents several case studies and their providers, the creative communities, where individuals and
communities use existing resources in a creative, original way to bring about system innovation.
This book does not set out to give yet another theoretical definition of creativity. Instead it seeks to define creativity through a
series of innovative responses to the various problems that crop up in everyday life. So it talks about on-the-field creativity (and
therefore innovation) triggered by the real context of needs, resources, principles and capabilities.
The cases and the people presented in this book are not only interesting because they are innovative, but they are also
aesthetically “beautiful”: there is something in the way they appear that invokes positive emotions and recalls the
straightforward aesthetics of the useful. They are beautiful because they are colourful and authentically and surprisingly
creative. They express vitality and spirit of initiative: they are the unthinkable made possible, the alternative getting itself
into working order. And they are also “good”: whether intentionally or by coincidence they propose solutions in which
individual interests converge with those of society and the environment, creating conditions for a more satisfying use of
resources. Because this restores meaning and value to everyday activities they look promising as a transition towards