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P Seshu Book

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1. Introduction
1.1 Typical Application Examples
1.1.1 Automotive Applications
1.1.2 Manufacturing Process Simulation
1.1.3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Applications
1.1.4 Aerospace Applications

2. Finite Element Formulation Starting from Governing Differential
2.1 Weighted Residual MethodUse of a Single Continuous Trial Func-
2.2 The General Weighted Residual (WR) Statement
2.3 Weak (Variational) Form of the Weighted Residual Statement
2.4 Comparison of Differential Equation, Weighted Residual and Weak
2.5 Piece-wise Continuous Trial Function Solution of the Weak Form
2.6 One-dimensional Bar Finite Element
2.7 One-dimensional Heat Transfer Element

3. Finite Element Formulation Based on Stationarity of a Functional
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Functional and Differential Equation Forms
3.3 Principle of Stationary Total Potential (PSTP)
3.3.1 RayleighRitz Method
3.4 Piece-wise Continuous Trial FunctionsFinite Element Method
3.4.1 Bar Element Formulated from the Stationarity of a Functional
3.4.2 One-dimensional Heat Transfer Element Based on the Stationari-
ty of a Functional
3.5 Meaning of Finite Element Equations

4. One-dimensional Finite Element Analysis
4.1 General Form of the Total Potential for 1-d
4.2 Generic Form of Finite Element Equations
4.3 The Linear Bar Finite Element
4.4 The Quadratic Bar Element
4.4.1 Determination of Shape Functions
4.4.2 Element Matrices
4.5 Beam Element
4.5.1 Selection of Nodal d.o.f.
4.5.2 Determination of Shape Functions
4.5.3 Element Matrices
4.6 Frame Element
4.7 One-dimensional Heat Transfer

5. Two-dimensional Finite Element Analysis
5.1 IntroductionDimensionality of a Problem
5.2 Approximation of Geometry and Field Variable
5.2.1 Simple Three-noded Triangular Element
5.2.2 Four-noded Rectangular Element
5.2.3 Six-noded Triangular Element
5.3 Natural Coordinates and Coordinate Transformation
5.3.1 Alternate Methods of Deriving Shape Functions
5.3.2 Natural CoordinatesQuadrilateral Elements
5.3.3 Natural CoordinatesTriangular Elements
5.4 2-d Elements for Structural Mechanics
5.4.1 Generic Relations
5.4.2 Three-noded Triangular Element
5.4.3 Four-noded Rectangular Element
5.4.4 Compatibility of Displacements
5.4.5 Four-node Quadrilateral Element
5.4.6 Eight-node Quadrilateral Element
5.4.7 Nine-node Quadrilateral Element
5.4.8 Six-node Triangular Element
5.5 Numerical Integration
5.5.1 Trapezoidal Rule
5.5.2 Simpson's 1/3 Rule
5.5.3 NewtonCotes Formula
5.5.4 Gauss Quadrature Formula
5.5.4 Gauss Quadrature in Two Dimensions
5.6 Incorporation of Boundary Conditions
5.7 Solution of Static Equilibrium Equations
5.8 2-d Fluid Flow

6. Dynamic Analysis Using Finite Elements
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Vibration Problems
6.3 Equations of Motion Based on Weak Form
6.3.1 Axial Vibration of a Rod
6.3.2 Transverse Vibration of a Beam
6.4 Equations of Motion Using Lagrange's Approach
6.4.1 Formulation of Finite Element Equations
6.4.2 Consistent Mass Matrices for Various Elements
6.5 Consistent and Lumped Mass Matrices
6.5.1 HRZ Lumping Scheme
6.6 Form of Finite Element Equations for Vibration Problems
6.7 Some Properties of Eigenpairs
6.8 Solution of Eigenvalue Problems
6.8.1 Transformation Based Methods
6.8.2 Vector Iteration Methods
6.9 Transient Vibration Analysis
6.9.1 Modelling of Damping
6.9.2 The Mode Superposition Scheme
6.9.3 Direct Integration Methods
6.10 Thermal Transients Unsteady Heat Transfer in a Pin-Fin

7. Application Examples
7.1 Finite Element Analysis of Crankshaft Torsional Vibrations
7.1.1 Beam Element Model of Crankshaft Assembly
7.1.2 Results and Discussion
7.1.3 Dynamic Response Analysis
7.2 Axisymmetric Finite Element Analysis of a Pressure Vessel
7.2.1 Finite Element Formulation for Axisymmetric Loads
7.2.2 Stress Analysis of a Pressure Vessel

Appendix ASuggested Mini-Project Topics
Project 1: Thermal Analysis of a Pressure Vessel
Project 2: Structural Dynamic Analysis of a Pressure Vessel
Project 3: Dynamics of a Scooter Frame
Project 4: Automotive Chassis Dynamics
Project 5: Analysis of a Turbine Disk
Project 6: Dynamic Analysis of a Building
Project 7: Thermal Analysis of an IC Engine Cylinder
Project 8: Stress Concentration
Project 9: Dynamics of a Hard Disk Drive Read/Write Head Assembly

Appendix BReview of Preliminaries
B1.1 Matrix Algebra
B1.2 Interpolation

Appendix CTypical Finite Element Program

I ndex
Many excellent books have been written on Finite Element Analysis, for ex-
ample, books authored by R.D. Cook, D.S. Malkus and M.E. Plesha; J.N.
Reddy; K.J. Bathe; O.C. Zienkiewicz, K. Morgan, et al. I have immensely
benefitted from these books, both as a student and as a teacher. Most books,
however, present finite element method (FEM) primarily as an extension of
matrix methods of structural analysis (except, for example, the ones by J.N.
Reddy and Huebner). Present-day applications of FEM, however, range from
structures to bio-mechanics to electromagnetics. Thus the primary aim of the
present book, based on several years of teaching the course at Indian Institute
of Technology (IIT) Bombay, is to present FEM as a general tool to find ap-
proximate solutions to differential equations. This approach should give the
student a better perspective on the technique and its wide range of applica-
tions. Finite element formulation, based on stationarity of a functional, is also
discussed, and these two forms are used throughout the book.
Over the past few years, several universities and engineering institutes in
India have introduced a one-semester course on finite element method at the
senior undergraduate level. The material presented in this book covers the
syllabus of most such courses. Several
worked-out examples, drawn from the fields of structural mechanics, heat
transfer and fluid flow, illustrate the important concepts. Some of the issues
are in fact brought out through example problems. At the same time, some
"problems to investigate" given at the end of each chapter encourage the stu-
dent to think beyond what has been presented in the book.
FEM is a technique (numerical tool), and the various nuances are best mas-
tered by attempting challenging real-life problems. While teaching the course
at IIT Bombay, I have successfully used two types of term projects (running
through the semester)one where a near-real-life problem is modelled using a
commercial finite element analysis software and the other where the student
attempts to develop his own code and verify the same on simple textbook
type problems. Some topics for the former are suggested in Appendix A and
a sample code is given in Appendix C for isoparametric, nine-node quadrilat-
eral element.
I am indebted to IIT Bombay and my colleagues (particularly, Profs. C.
Amarnath, Bharat Seth, and Kurien Issac) in the Mechanical Engineering De-
partment for providing a congenial work environment. The financial support
provided by the Quality Improvement Programme (QIP) at IIT Bombay for
the preparation of the manuscript is gratefully acknowledged.
My students Anurag Ganguli, Vignesh Raja, Gaurav Sharma, Kartik Srini-
vasan and V.K. Gupta did a splendid job by studiously going through the en-
tire manuscript and offering their critical and incisive comments. I am also
thankful to my student Pankaj Langote for assisting
me in getting the diagrams drawn and to Mrs. Padma Amin for keying in the
whole manuscript. I would like to thank my wife Uma and my little jewels
Soumya and Saket for their continuous support and encouragement. Prepara-
tion of the manuscript took longer than I expected and I am grateful to my
wife for helping me stay focussed till the very end. Finally, I wish to thank
the Publishers, PHI Learningtheir sales, editorial and production teamfor
patiently pursuing the scheduling of the manuscript and for its careful pro-
P. Seshu

Finite element analysis has now become an integral part of Computer Aided
Engineering (CAE) and is being extensively used in the analysis and design
of many complex real-life systems. While it started off as an extension of ma-
trix methods of structural analysis and was initially perceived as a tool for
structural analysis alone, its applications now range from structures to bio-
mechanics to electromagnetic field problems. Simple linear static problems
as well as highly complex nonlinear transient dynamic problems are effec-
tively solved using the finite element method. The field of finite element
analysis has matured and now rests on rigorous mathematical foundation.
Many powerful commercial software packages are now available, enabling
its widespread use in several industries.
Classical analytical methods consider a differential element and develop the
governing equations, usually in the form of partial differential equations.
When applied to real-life
problem situations, it is often difficult to obtain an exact solution to these
equations in view of complex geometry and boundary conditions. The finite
element method (FEM) can be viewed simply as a method of finding approx-
imate solutions for partial differential equations or as a tool to transform par-
tial differential equations into algebraic equations, which are then easily
solved. Some of the key ideas used in finite element formulation are now
Since the solution for the field variable satisfying both the boundary
conditions and the differential equation is unknown, we begin with an as-
sumed trial solution. The trial solution is chosen such that the boundary
conditions are satisfied.
The trial solution assumed, in general, does not satisfy the differential
equation exactly and leaves a domain residual defined as the error in satis-
fying the differential equation.
In general, the domain residual varies from point to point within the
domain and cannot be exactly reduced to zero everywhere. We can choose to
make it vanish at select points within the domain, but we prefer to render the
residual very small, in some measure, over the entire domain. Thus, the
weighted sum of the domain residual computed over the entire domain is
rendered zero.
The accuracy of the assumed trial solution can be improved by taking
additional, higher order terms, but the computations become tedious and do
not readily render themselves for
automation. Also, for complex real-life problems, choosing a single
continuous trial function valid over the entire domain satisfying the boundary
conditions is not a trivial task. We therefore prefer to discretise the domain
into several segments (called finite elements) and use several piece-wise
continuous trial functions, each valid within a segment (finite element).
Trial functions used in each segment (finite element) are known as el-
ement level shape functions. These are defined in the form of interpolation
functions used to interpolate the value of the field variable at an interior point
within the element from its value at certain key points (called the nodes) in
the element. Typical elements commonly used in finite element analysis are
shown in Figure 1.1.
With these shape functions, the weighted sum of the domain residual
is computed for each element and then summed up over all the ele-
ments to obtain the weighted sum
for the entire domain.
For all elements using the same shape functions, the computations will
be identical and, thus, for each type of element we have element level char-
acteristic matrices. These characteristic matrices for several types of ele-
ments are derived a priori and programmed into a finite element software
such as ANSYS, NASTRAN, IDEAS, etc. The user can choose to discretise
(model) his domain with a variety of different finite elements. The computer
program sets up the characteristic matrices for each element and then sums
them all up for the entire finite element mesh to set up and solve the system
level equations.
The basic steps of finite element analysis, as outlined above, are quite generic
and can be applied to any problembe it from the field of structural mechan-
ics or heat transfer, or fluid flow or electromagnetic fields, given the appro-
priate differential equation and boundary conditions. In view of the similarity
in the form of governing differential equations, the finite element formulation
for a particular type of differential equation can be used to solve a class of
problems. For example, a differential equation of the type

describes axial deformation of a rod when we use the connotation that f rep-
resents the axial
deformation, q represents the load, and A, C stand for cross-sectional area
and Young's modulus, respectively. The same equation, when interpreted
with the connotation that fstands for temperature, q represents internal heat
source and A, C stand for cross-sectional area and coefficient of thermal
conductivity, respectively will be the governing equation for one-dimensional
heat conduction. Thus, a finite element formulation developed for the above
differential equation can be readily used to solve either of the physical prob-
Sometimes, the governing equations are more readily available in the form
of minimization of a functional. For example, in problems of structural
mechanics, the equilibrium configuration is the one that minimizes the total
potential of the system. Finite element formulation can be developed readi-
ly for a problem described by a functional, rather than a differential equation.
When both the forms are available for a given problem, the differential equa-
tion and functional forms are equivalent and can be derived from each other.
The finite element method essentially grew up as a tool for structural me-
chanics problems, as an extension of the matrix methods of structural analy-
sis. While such an approach towards the study of finite element formulation
enables easy visualisation in the form of lumped springs, masses, etc., the ap-
proach outlined above highlights the generic nature of the method, applicable
for a variety of problems belonging to widely varying physical domains. It is
felt that this approach gives a proper perspective on the entire field of finite
analysis. In the chapters that follow, we elaborate on the various basic steps
outlined above for one- and two-dimensional, static and dynamic problems.
We now present several examples of application of finite element analysis to
real-life problems, to give an overview of the capabilities of the method. Our
application examples are drawn from the fields of structural mechanics,
aerospace, manufacturing processes, electromagnetics, etc.
1.1 Typical Application Examples
1.1.1 Automotive Applications
In a vehicle having monocoque construction, the body itself is connected to
the suspension. Therefore, the body panels are subjected to road loads.
Hence, stresses and strains in these body panels are of interest. Figure 1.2
shows a FE mesh of a floor panel from the rear end of the vehicle. Provision
for spare wheel as well as the various depressions used as stiffeners can be
seen in the figure. A total of about 13,000 quadrilateral and triangular shell
elements have been used to perform modal analysis, torsional stiffness analy-
sis, and service load analysis. The same finite element mesh is also used for
crash analysis using LS-DYNA software.
An automotive engine cylinder block experiences severe pressures and tem-
perature gradients and other transient loads. It is essential to predict accurate-
ly the stresses and the
vibration levels for further correlation with noise predictions. Figure 1.3
shows a typical finite element (shell element) model of a four cylinder in-line
diesel engine cylinder block. Such a model is used to predict the system natu-
ral frequencies and mode shapes, response to combustion gas pressure, etc.

Figures 1.41.7 show representative finite element models of various compo-
nents of a driveline where the gears have been modelled as friction wheels.
Such a model can be used for
studying the dynamic response of the entire driveline.

1.1.2 Manufacturing Process Simulation
Figure 1.8 is an illustrative example in which finite element tools have been
used for inverse analysis. A cylindrical slug is cold headed into the form of a
near spherical ball. The coefficient of friction plays an important role in the
final ball shape. However, it is difficult to measure the value of coefficient of
friction. To overcome this difficulty, the operation is simulated for various
values of coefficient of friction and the pole diameter (diameter of near flat
portion near the poles) is compared with the measured pole diameter in the
actual heading process for one case. This value is used for further analysis
and optimization of the process.
Figure 1.9 shows stress distribution in a fusion cast ceramic block. A trans-
formation behaviour of one of the components of the material mixture causes
anomalous expansion during cooling in a particular temperature range. This
leads to tensile stress build-up and failure on the cast block. A 3-d thermome-
chanical FE analysis is used to study the solidification, thermal field and evo-
lution of stress, and the cause for failure. This information is further used to
change the processing conditions so as to eliminate these high tensile stress-

1.1.3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Applications
FEA can be used for reliability enhancement and optimization of insulation
design in high voltage equipment by finding accurately the voltage stresses
and corresponding withstands. For complex configuration of electrodes and
dielectric insulating materials, analytical formulations are inaccurate and ex-
tremely difficult, if not impossible. The FEA can be effectively used in such
cases. A typical equipotential field plot for a high voltage transformer ob-
tained from finite element simulation is shown in Figure 1.10. An analysis of
eddy currents in structural conducting parts and minimization of stray losses
in electrical machines is possible using FEM. A typical mesh for one such
analysis is depicted in Figure 1.11, where it is aimed at estimating the eddy
current losses in structural conducting plate supporting high current termina-

Thermosonic wire bonding is one of the preferred processes for completing
an electrical interconnection between a semiconductor chip and a leadframe
by a thin metal wire. The wire bonder machine (solid model shown in Figure
1.12) consists of a linear motor driven
precision XY-table on which a precision Z-axis assembly integrated with an
ultrasonic transducer is mounted. The silicon chip is mounted on a hot plate
called heater block assemblywhich is maintained at 200
C. The ultrasonic
transducer helps in welding the gold wire to the silicon chip. The combined
motion of the X, Y and Z-axis helps achieve a curvilinear profile to produce
the required shape to the bonded wire.

The present day needs of the wirebonder technology are quite challenging
and have to meet stringent process specifications such as small pitch distance
of 35 m between the successive bonds, stringent bond placement accuracy
of 2 m, and loop height consistency of 5 m within a bonding area of 70
mm 70 mm. Additionally, to meet higher output, a bonding rate of 612
wires per second, depending on the wire length range of 2 to 8 mm and wire
diameter of 20 to 75 m, is necessary.
Since the bonding rate is high, the drive system experiences a peak accelera-
tion of 13 g (about 130 m/s
) in the XY-table. To achieve a position accuracy
of within 2 m, the residual vibration during such a motion should be well
within 0.1 micron. Hence the design should be aimed at higher dynamic stiff-
ness and lower mass and inertia. The main objective of the finite element
simulation (a typical mesh is shown in Figure 1.13) is to analyse the dynamic
rigidity of the system. A typical bending mode of the machine is depicted in
Figure 1.14.
The next example relates to the dynamic analysis of a one-axis linear motor.
The one-axis table (the FE model in Figure 1.15) consists of a three-phase
linear motor that directly drives a 5 kg mass in rectilinear motion. The table
is designed for a peak acceleration of about 130 m/s
. Further, the design
would be used in a typical semiconductor packaging machine such as the
wire bonder (described above) which involves bonding gold wires at a high
speed of 12 wire interconnects per second. Hence the finite element analysis
aims at finding the
resonant frequencies and the mode shapes very accurately. This will help in
achieving a high dynamic rigidity with low mass. Also, knowledge of the
mode shape helps in illustrating the weakness in the design for the various
resonant frequencies. The model consists of a coil bracket containing the
three coils and directly connected to the dummy mass by four screws. The
table is guided by roller bearings which are modelled as equivalent springs
with appropriate spring constant which corresponds to the applied preload in
the bearings. A typical mode shape is shown in Figure 1.16.

Encapsulation of integrated circuits (IC) is commonly made using the transfer
moulding process where a thermoset epoxy is heated and transferred under
pressure so as to encapsulate the silicon IC chip. The moulding machine con-
sists of a top and a bottom mould mounted on large platens. The top platen is
supported by four steel columns, while the bottom platen guided by the four
steel columns moves in a straight path using a motor-driven four bar mecha-
nism. A very high pressure (equivalent load of about 100 tons) is maintained
between the top and the bottom mould faces, so as to avoid liquid mould
compound to leak at the
interface. Heaters are placed in the moulds to produce the heat necessary for
maintaining a constant uniform mould surface temperature of 175C. Such a
uniform temperature enables uniform melting of epoxy and its smooth flow
into the mould cavities.
A typical finite element model of the complete system is illustrated in Figure
1.17. The top and bottom mould surfaces are coated with surface contact ele-
ments in order to readily determine the contact pressure. Further, thermal
analysis of the model is conducted to predict the temperature distribution on
the mould surfaces. Results also include the heat losses to the surroundings in
the form of convection and radiation heat transfer as well as conduction heat
transfer to the base of the machine. Knowledge of these heat losses helps in
deciding the number of heaters and their locations as well as their corre-
sponding wattage.

1.1.4 Aerospace Applications
In typical aerospace applications, finite element analysis is used for several
purposes, viz., structural analysis for natural frequencies, mode shapes, re-
sponse analysis, aero-servo-elastic studies, and aerodynamics. For example,
Figure 1.18 shows a typical combat aircraft designed and developed in India.
Figure 1.19 depicts a typical deformed shape of the aircraft as predicted using
finite element tools. To model the complete aircraft, various types of ele-
ments (viz., rod, shear panel, plate/shell, etc.) are used.

As may be evident from the above examples of real-life application of finite
element analysis, present day engineering design based on CAE tools in-
volves extensive use of finite elements in a wide variety of fields. The ques-
tion that naturally arises is how a single technique can be applied to such a
wide variety of application domains. Once we recognize the commonality in
the mathematical representation of these various problems (for example, the
partial differential equations or the functional expression), we realize that a
tool to solve a typeof differential equation can be used to solve a class of
problems. Knowledge of finite element principles is therefore crucial in two
significant ways: to aid intelligent use of commercial software, and to lay a
strong foundation for further research in this field. Thus this text focusses on
emphasising the fundamental principles used in the formulation of finite ele-
ment method in a lucid manner.

Finite Element Formulation Starting from Governing Differential Equations
As discussed in Chapter 1, the finite element method has been applied to a
wide variety of problems in various fields of application. This has been possi-
ble because of the common features in the mathematical formulation of these
seemingly different problems, e.g. many problems of engineering analysis
can be represented by partial differential equations. In some cases, the
same type of partial differential equation (e.g. the two-dimensional
Laplace/Poisson equation) can represent a large number of physical problems
(e.g. ground water seepage, torsion of bars, and heat flow). Thus, to gain a
proper perspective of the method of finite elements, we would like to present
it in this chapter as a method for finding an approximate solution to differen-
tial equations.
The Weighted Residual (WR) method is a powerful way of finding approxi-
mate solutions to differential equations. In particular, The Galerkin Weighted
Residual formulation is the most popular from the finite element point of
view. Piece-wise trial function approximation of the weak form of the
Galerkin weighted residual technique forms the basis of the finite element
method. In what follows, we will first introduce the general weighted residual
technique and the Galerkin form of the weighted residual technique, using a
set of trial functions, each of which is valid over the entire solution domain.
We will then introduce the weak form of the same. Finally, we will present
the piece-wise trial function approximation concept, wherein each of the trial
functions used is valid only over a small part of the domain. This leads us to
the formulation of the finite
element method.
2.1 Weighted Residual MethodUse of a Single Continuous Trial Function
Let us consider a general problem of engineering analysis described in the
form of a differential equation (to be valid within a particular domain ),
while satisfying the prescribed boundary conditions on the boundary . Our
scheme of finding approximate solution to differential equations consists of
the following steps:
Assume a guess (or trial) solution to the problem. For example, for a
one-dimensional problem, we may choose a trial solution as

In general, the function so assumed will satisfy neither the differential
equation within the domain () nor the boundary conditions (on ). By
substituting the assumed function in the differential equation and the
boundary conditions of the problem, find the error in satisfying these (we will
call these"domain residual"and"boundary residual").
Determine the unknown parameters (c
, c
, c
, ) in the assumed
trial function in such a way as to make these residuals as low as possible.
In the process, if we can make the domain and boundary residuals identical to
zero everywhere, we will get the exact solution to the problem itself.
In general, we expect to get a reasonably accurate solution to the problem at
hand. In the context of the finite element method, we will limit our
discussion to trial solutions that satisfy the applicable boundary
conditions and hence, only domain residual remains. The choice of trial
solutions that implicitly satisfy the differential equation but not the boundary
conditions (thus resulting in nonzero boundary residual) leads to the
"boundary element method". As a detailed discussion on the boundary
element method is beyond the scope of this text, the interested reader may
refer to standard texts for details of this technique.
We will use the following simple example to illustrate the above method of
finding approximate solutions to differential equations.

Example 2.1. Consider a uniform rod subjected to a uniform axial load as il-
lustrated in Figure 2.1.

It can be readily shown that the deformation of the bar is governed by the differential equation

Let us now find an approximate solution to this problem using the method
just discussed.

For this simple example, since we could make the residual identically zero
everywhere, our final solution tallies with the exact solution.

Example 2.2. The governing equation for a fully developed steady laminar
flow of a Newtonian viscous fluid on an inclined flat surface (see Figure 2.2)
is given by

where the first two boundary conditions enforce zero displacement and slope
at the fixed end and the last two conditions prescribe zero bending moment
and shear force at the free end.

which can be readily verified to be the exact solution itself. This is to be
expected since we were able to make the residual identically zero within the
entire domain.

Example 2.4. Let us consider the example of a simply supported beam under
uniformly distributed load as shown in Figure 2.4. The governing differential
equation and the boundary conditions are given by

Step 1: Assume a trial solution. We can use the approach of Example 2.3
and find a polynomial trial solution satisfying all boundary conditions.
However, in view of the special boundary conditions of simple supports, we
can make the process simple by choosing trigonometric functions. Let

Step 3: Minimise the residual. We observe that, unlike in the previous
examples, the domain residual is now varying from point to point within the
domain (0< x < L ). Since we have only one coefficient to be determined,
we can set the residual zero only at any one point of our choice within the
domain if we follow the approach of previous examples. This technique is
called the point collocation technique, wherein we set the residual
(in general, a function of x ) to zero at chosen points within the domainthe
number of points being equal to the number of coefficients in the trial
function that need to be determined. We will illustrate this procedure now. In
this procedure, however, there is a danger that the residual might be unduly
large at some other points within the domain. We may thus want to
"minimise"the residual in an overall sense over the entire domain rather than
setting it identically zero at only few selected points. This will be discussed
in the next section.

solution. Figure 2.6 shows a plot of the domain residual in each case. In this
way, we are able to generate different approximate solutions to the problem
but each of these solutions deviates appreciably from the exact solution. We
can improve our trial solution by adding one more term to the Sine series.
Since the problem at hand is symmetric about x = L /2, we modify our trial
solution as follows:

Figure 2.7 compares the solution ( x ) obtained in this manner against the
classical exact solution. Figure 2.8 shows a plot of the domain residual. We
observe that this approximates the solution perhaps better than the earlier
one-parameter solution, but it still deviates appreciably from the exact

Rather than trying to set the residual exactly zero at a few selected points and
having no control over the residual at all the other points in the domain, we
will now try to minimise the residual in an overall sense. This technique is
called the weighted residual technique.

Solution by weighted residual technique. For the problem at hand, we will
formulate this technique as where W
( x ) are appropriately chosen
weighting functions, helping us to achieve the task of minimising the residual
over the entire domain. We choose as many weighting functions as necessary
to generate the required number of equations for the solution of the
undetermined coefficients in the trial function. For example, for a two-term
trial solution, we would take two different weighting functions to generate
two equations necessary to solve for the two coefficients. While the choice of
weighting functions W(x) is entirely arbitrary (as long as they are nonzero
and integrable), Galerkin (1915) introduced the idea of letting W( x ) to
be same as the trial functions themselves. Thus, in this example, we take
the weighting function to be sin ( x / L ), sin (3 x / L ), etc. Let us
illustrate the procedure of the Galerkin weighted residual technique for the
one-term trial function, i.e., let

weighted residual minimisation process. The error in the deflection at the
mid-span is just 0.38%. Figure 2.10 shows a plot of the domain residual ob-
tained by the Galerkin process.

We have thus discussed a very powerful tool for determining approximate
solutions to boundary value problems, given the governing differential
equation and the boundary conditions. This method requires us to choose trial
solutions that satisfy the boundary conditions of the problem. We then
generate sufficient number of equations to solve for the undetermined
parameters by setting the weighted integral of the residual to zero.

We can, in principle, choose any nonzero, integrable weighting functions to
generate the necessary equations. It is easily realised that if we choose the
weighting functions to be Dirac-Delta functions, i.e.,
W ( x ) = ( x x
), the weighted residual process will reduce to
the point collocation technique discussed earlier, with the collocation points
being x = x
. In the Galerkin method, we choose the weighting functions
to be the trial functions themselves To be precise, if the trial solution is
assumed to be

We observe that our method is not limited to problems of structural
mechanics alone but can be used to solve any problem given the appropriate
differential equation and the boundary conditions. We will now work out a
few more example problems to gain further insight into the Galerkin
Weighted Residual technique. Our next example illustrates the application of
this technique to heat transfer problems.

Example 2.5. Consider the problem of a long cylinder of radius R with uni-
formly distributed heat source q
. The governing differential equation is
given by

Step 3: Minimise the residual. We observe that the residual is actually
minimised over the whole volume of the domain and in radial coordinates,
an elemental volume is given by ( r dr d dz). Considering the fact that
temperature does not vary in the circumferential direction (
) or the axial direction ( z ) for this problem, explicit integration in these
two directions leads to the constant (2 L ), and the weighted residual
statement is given by

Thus we observe that our procedure can be systematically applied to any
problem, given the differential equation and the boundary conditions.
We will now illustrate the Galerkin Weighted Residual procedure on a
two-term trial function through the following example.

Example 2.6. Consider the uniform bar problem discussed in Example 2.1.
Let the bar be subjected to a linearly varying load q = ax. The governing
differential equation is given by

2.2 The General Weighted Residual (WR) Statement
Having understood the basic technique and successfully solved a few prob-
lems, we can now attempt to write down the general weighted residual state-
For the unknown field variable u , we assume an approximate solution of
the form

weighted residual approach is that, if we are able to satisfy this criterion for a
sufficiently large number of independent weighting functions, then it is likely
that the assumed solution will be reasonably close to the exact solution. More
strongly, if we have taken a series representation (e.g. polynomial, trigono-
metric) for the trial function (and, therefore, W ), we expect that our result
will get better as we include more terms in the series. Thus we expect good
convergence properties.

Example 2.7. To show the application of the Galerkin technique to a more
complex situation, consider the simply supported rectangular plate subjected
to uniform load as shown in Figure 2.11. The governing differential equation
is given by

Example 2.8. Consider a 1 mm diameter, 50 mm long aluminium pin-fin (as
shown in Figure 2.12) used to enhance the heat transfer from a surface wall
maintained at 300
C. The governing differential equation and the boundary
conditions are given by

k = coefficient of thermal conductivity,
P = perimeter,
= cross-sectional area,
h = convective heat transfer coefficient,
= wall temperature,

= ambient temperature.

We observe that the exact solution is an exponential function. The approxi-
mate solution
obtained just now is quadratic. We can improve our approximation by taking
higher degree terms in the polynomial trial function. Let

Table 2.1 compares the various approximate solutions with the exact solu-
tion. It is observed that the accuracy of the Galerkin approximate solutions
can be systematically improved by taking more and more terms in the series
solution. However, the mathematical manipulations become very tedious. We
will instead try to improve the solution while working with simpler, lower
order polynomials. Towards this purpose, we will first introduce the weak
form of the weighted residual statement.

2.3 Weak (Variational) Form of the Weighted Residual Statement

Considering the general weighted residual statement (Eq. 2.58), it is possible
to carry out integration by parts and recast the general WR statement. This
will reduce the continuity requirement on the trial function assumed in the
solution. We will thus have a much wider choice of trial functions. Let us
illustrate this with the following example.

We observe that the continuity demanded on u(x) has gone down. In the
original weighted residual statement, Eq. (2.81), we had the
term d
while in Eq. (2.86) we have only d /dx. Thus our choice
of ( x ) should at least be quadratic for the original weighted residual
statement, while with the modified form, even linear trial functions are
permissible. Also, the force (natural) boundary conditions have been
explicitly brought out in the WR statement itself. We can actually substitute
for known natural boundary conditions on P
or P
. (Thus the trial func-
tion assumed need only satisfy the"essential"boundary condition at x = 0,
i.e. u(0) = 0 . )
This form of the WR statement is called the weak (or variational) form of
the weighted residual statement. It is referred to as the weak form because of
the weaker continuity demand on the trial solution. From now on, we will use
only this form of the WR technique.

Thus our approximate solution tallies with the exact solution only at both the
ends but is otherwise deficient (being only quadratic). From Example 2.6, it
is observed that we needed a cubic trial function to get the exact solution
using the Galerkin weighted residual statement. It is left as an exercise for the
reader to show that if we were to take the same quadratic trial solution,
i.e. ( x ) = c
+ c
x + c
, but work with the original Galerkin
weighted residual form, we would get ( x ) =
(5 aL/ (16 AE ))(2 Lx x
). Figure 2.13 compares the two quadratic ap-
proximations with the exact solution. It is observed that the weak form ap-
proxima-tion is much better than the WR approximation.
We will now review the three different mathematical statements of the same
physical problem as discussed above and compare their features.

2.4 Comparison of Differential Equation, Weighted Residual and Weak Forms

We make the following observations:
1. If the function ( x ) is the exact solution, then the weighted residual
form is implicitly satisfied for any and every weighting function W ( x ) as
the domain residual term given within the parentheses is identically zero; oth-
erwise, the error (or residual) is minimised over the entire domain in a
weighted integral sense.
2. For any given differential equation (linear/nonlinear, ordinary/partial,
etc.), we can write the
1. weighted residual statement.
2. The weighted residual statement is equivalent only to the differential
equation and does not account for boundary conditions. The trial solution is
expected to satisfy all the boundary conditions and it should be differentiable
as many times as required in the original differential equation.
3. The weighting functions W ( x ) can, in principle, be any nonzero, inte-
grable function. By choosing" n "different weighting functions, we generate
the necessary n equations for the determination of coefficients c
( i = 1, 2, . .
., n ) in the trial solution field assumed.
4. In general, the weighting function W ( x ) is subject to less stringent
continuity requirement than the dependent field variable u. For example, in
the above case, the trial solution ( x ) has to be at least twice differentiable
(because of the term d
/ dx
), but no such restriction applies for the
weighting function. The objective of performing integration by parts and de-
veloping the weak form is to distribute the continuity demand uniformly be-
tween the trial solution ( x ) and the weighting function W ( x ).

Observations on the Weak Form
1. In the weak form obtained by integration by parts, the continuity de-
mand on trial function uhas gone down and that on the weighting func-
tion W has increased.
2. For even order differential equations (the only type we will be dealing
with, in this book), we will be able to distribute the continuity demand (or the
differentiation) equally between the trial solution function, and the weighting
function by performing integration by parts sufficient number of times.
3. Since the natural boundary condition explicitly arises when we perform
integration by parts,
1. we can directly substitute the prescribed natural boundary conditions.
Only the remaining essential boundary conditions have to be satisfied by the
trial solution of the weak form equation.
2. In view of the above observations, a much wider choice of trial func-
tions (e.g. significantly lower order polynomials than is possible with weight-
ed residual forms) is available.
3. The weak form can be developed for the weighted residual form of any
given second- and higher-order differential equation or its corresponding
weighted residual form.
4. In view of the prescribed essential boundary conditions, we require that
the weighting function be zero at all those points on the boundary where such
conditions are specified, i.e., the weighting function should satisfy the homo-
geneous part of the prescribed essential boundary conditions. Though at this
stage this appears to be an arbitrary requirement, it is not really so. The
weight function can be interpreted as a virtual displacement (see Section 3.2)
and, therefore, to be consistent with the supports, it must vanish at all those
points where a prescribed displacement boundary condition exits.
We will now illustrate the intricacies of the weak form solution through the
following interesting example.

We observe that our trial solution ( x ) for Eq. (2.105) need only be twice
while a trial solution for Eq. (2.100) should be differentiable at least four
times. Thus we can now take a simple quadratic trial function.
Let ( x ) = c
( x )( L x ) which satisfies the essential boundary con-
dition that the displacement be zero at either end. Also, following the
Galerkin procedure, we choose the weighting function to be the trial function
itself and thus we have W(x) = x ( L x ), which also satisfies the re-
quired conditions on W ( x ). For simplicity, let q ( x ) = q
, a uniform-
ly distributed load. Substituting these in the weak form, we obtain

Our approximation to the maximum deflection of the beam at the mid-span is
seen to be 20% in error. However, it is interesting to see that the slopes at ei-
ther end tally with the exact solution! The reader is urged to ponder over this

1. We observe that in the form of the WR statement of Example 2.4, we
could not have considered this trial function, whereas with the weaker conti-
nuity demanded on ( x ) now, we are able to consider lower order polynomi-
2. While we obtained a not-so-bad estimate to the field variable with such
a lower order polynomial trial function, it would be interesting to study the
behaviour of the derivatives of the solution obtained in Example 2.4 and the
present one. Figure 2.14 shows a comparison of the nature of the function
(i.e. deflection here) in both the cases. The first and second derivatives are
compared in Figures 2.15(a) and 2.15(b). Thus we see that a trial function
may approximate the field variable itself reasonably well but the derivative
quantities may be very poorly approximated. The derivatives yield us infor-
mation regarding physical variables of interest in the problem, e.g. strain/
stress, heat flux, etc. It is important to predict not only the dependent
variable (e.g. displacements, temperatures, etc.) but also its derivatives
fairly accurately.

3. We can use a higher order polynomial to improve our approximation.
However, one of the primary purposes in converting the weighted residu-
al form into the weak form is to be able to work with lower order polyno-
mials. Thus we would like to improve our approximation by retaining the
lower order polynomials. We propose to achieve this by using many such
polynomials over the domain. We now describe the technique of
approximating the solution in a piece-wise manner, rather than using a sin-
gle continuous trial function for the whole domain.
2.5 Piece-wise Continuous Trial Function Solution of the Weak Form
We have seen that the general method of weighted residual technique consist-
ed in assuming a trial function solution and minimising the residual in an
overall sense. The Galerkin method gave us a way of choosing the appropri-
ate weighting functions. We have so far used different trial functions such as
polynomial and trigonometric series. However, in each case the trial function
chosen was a single composite function, valid over the entire solution do-
main. For example, c
sin ( x / L ) used in Example 2.4 was valid over
the entire solution domain 0< x < L , i.e., the entire beam in this case. Simi-
larly, the trial function c
sin ( x/a) sin ( y / b ) used in Example 2.7
was valid over the entire solution domain 0<x< a , 0< y <b , i.e., the entire

When we consider the essence of the WR method, i.e., assuming a trial func-
tion solution and matching it as closely as possible to the exact solution of the
given differential equation and the boundary conditions, we realise that this is
essentially a process of"curve fitting". It is
well known that curve fitting is best done"piece-wise"; the more the number
of pieces, the better the fit. Figure 2.16(a) illustrates this basic idea on a func-
tion f ( x ) = sin ( x / L ) being approximated using straight line seg-
ments. Since a straight line can be drawn through any two points, we can
generate one such approximation by drawing a line through the function val-
ues at x = 0 and x = L /2. Clearly, this is a poor approximation of the func-
tion for x > L/2. If we were to use two straight line segments instead of only
one, we could draw two line segments one through the function values
at x = 0 and x = L /2; and the other through the function values
at x = L /2 and x = L . Each of these is our approximation to the function
within that piece of the solution domainthe former segment in the sub-do-
main 0< x < L /2, and the latter in the sub-domain L /2< x < L. Clearly,
this is a better approximation to the function. It can be further improved by
taking four-line segment approximation as shown in Figure 2.16(b).
This is the essential idea of piece-wise continuous trial function approxima-
tion for the weak form. Of course, when we consider piece-wise trial func-
tions, we need to ensure continuity of the field variable and its derivatives at
the junctions. While the exact solution will ensure continuity of the field vari-
able and ALL the derivatives, we expect to be able to satisfy this to deriva-
tives of only desired degree with our approximate solution. This leads to an
inherent error in our solution. We aim, however, to obtain a reasonably accu-
rate solution using several convenient trial functions (e.g. simple polynomi-
als) defined in a piece-wise manner over the entire solution domain.

Let us define these trial functions, each valid in its own sub-domain, in terms
of the function values at the ends of the sub-domain. For example, for Figure
2.16, we define the trial functions in each case as follows: for the one-line
segment (Figure 2.16(a)) approximation,

For two-line and four-line segmentation, we can, in fact, more conveniently
rewrite these trial functions if we define a local coordinate x with the origin
fixed at the left end of each sub-domain as follows (ref. Figure 2.16(c)):

These characteristic functions dictate the contribution of a given f
to the
value of the function at any point P within the domain 0< X < L . Figure
2.17 shows these interpolation functions for the two-line segment case dis-
cussed earlier. Figure 2.17(a) shows the interpolation functions separately for
the two sub-domains while the Figure 2.17(b) shows them more compactly
for the whole domain 0< X < L . Figure 2.18 shows these shape functions
for the four-line segment case.

We observe that we have as many shape functions N
as there are function
values f
used in the interpolation. Since we have chosen linear shape func-
tions, each function N
ramps up and down within each sub-domain.
Each N
takes on the value of unity at the point x = x
and goes to zero at
all other end-points x = x
(i k ). This is to be expected since,
at x = x
, the full contribution to the value of the function comes
from f
alone and none else. Equally importantly, the nature of the interpo-
lation we have used is such that each f
contributes to the value of the func-
tion only within the sub-domains on its either side or, in other words, only in
those sub-domains to which it is"connected".

Once the function values f
at the ends of the sub-domains have been deter-
mined in this manner, the value of the function at any interior point can be
obtained using the appropriate interpolation functions.
This is the essence of the finite element method. Each of the sub-domains is
called a finite element to be distinguished from the differential element
used in continuum mechanics. The ends of the sub-domain are referred to as
the nodes of the element. We will later on discuss elements with nodes not
necessarily located at only the ends, e.g. an element can
have mid-side nodes, internal nodes, etc. The unknown function values f
the ends of the sub-domains are known as the nodal degrees of free-
dom ( d.o.f. ) . A general finite element can admit the function values as
well as its derivatives as nodal d.o.f. The sub-domain level contributions to
the weak form are typically referred to as element level equations. The pro-
cess of building up the entire coefficient matrices [ A ] and { b } is known
as the process ofassembly , i.e., assembling or appropriately placing the indi-
vidual element equations to generate the system level equations.
We will now illustrate the finite element formulation based on the weak form
through a simple example. Through this example we will be formulating the
one-dimensional bar finite element which is a line element with two nodes
and the axial displacement ' u ' at each node as the nodal d.o.f. This is a very
useful element to solve problems of complex network of trusses. When com-
bined with a one-dimensional beam finite element, it can be used for solving
any complicated problem involving frame structures, automobile chassis, etc.
2.6 One-dimensional Bar Finite Element
Let us reconsider Example 2.9 where we solved the problem using the weak
form, but this time we will use piece-wise defined interpolation functions.
From Eq. (2.85), the weak form of the differential equation can be written as

where we have used the fact that the term AE ( d /dx ) stands for the
axial force P in the bar at that section. Thus, P
and P
stand for the
forces at either end of the element. It is observed that these designate the al-
gebraic sum of the externally applied forces F at these nodes and the inter-
nal reaction forces R (i.e., those forces that are exerted on this element by
the adjoining elements), that get exposed when we consider this element
alone as a free body.
Combining Eqs. (2.130)(2.134), we can write the contributions of the k th
element to the
overall system equations given in Eq. (2.125) as

These two sets of terms constitute the"characteristic matrices"or"characteris-
tic equations"for the bar element. We observe that ( AE/l ) represents the
axial stiffness of a rod; the first force vector represents the nodal forces
equivalent to the distributed force q
, and the element equations are simply
the nodal force equilibrium equations. In view of the fact that these equations
represent the force-deflection relations for the bar element, the LHS matrix is
termed as the element stiffness matrix and the RHS vectors as the element
nodal force vectors.
Now we need to sum up all the element level contributions to generate the
system level equations. As already mentioned, this process would simply in-
volve repetitive use of the generic element matrices given above. To illustrate
how the element matrices get simply"placed appropriately"in system level
equations, we show the detailed computations for a two-element mesh. Based
on this illustration, we provide a general method of"assembling element
equations"for later use.

Example 2.11. Illustration of assembly. Consider a rod of total length L =
2 l , discretised into two elements, as shown in Figure 2.21. The weak form
of the differential equation is given by

With respect to the system of equations given here, we can make the follow-
ing observations:
1. The system level equations can be readily built up from the element
level equations by appropriately"placing"them in the system matrices.
2. Since each bar element can be viewed as a spring of stiffness AE/l , the
bar element mesh can be viewed as an assemblage of springs connected to-
gether at the junction nodes. Since they share the same nodal displacement,
they act as springs in parallel at the junction node, and hence their individual
stiffness gets added up (for example, at junction node 2 here).
3. The first term on the RHS represents the equivalent nodal force for the
distributed force and, at the junction nodes, the forces too get added up.
4. We may recall that the second term on RHS represents net axial force
at the section, consisting of any concentrated external forces ( F ) applied at
that section as well as the internal reaction forces (R) that get exposed when
we view a single element as a free body. However, when we assemble the el-
ements together to get the system level equations, the internal reaction forces
annul each other (based on Newton's third law), leaving out the externally ap-
plied concentrated nodal forces.
5. Each of the equations represents the nodal force equilibrium equation.
Thus, by viewing the structure as being made up of a set of discrete finite ele-
ments connected together at only their nodes, we have effectively replaced
the differential equations of equilibrium of
1. continuum mechanics by the present set of algebraic equilibrium equa-
tions applicable only at the nodes. This leads us to the interesting question of
whether or not equilibrium equations are satisfied at interior points in a finite
element. It can be shown that we cannot guarantee that the equilibrium equa-
tions are satisfied at interior points in a general finite element.
2. We may recollect that the weak form was equivalent to only the differ-
ential equation and the natural boundary conditions. Thus the finite element
equations given above, derived from the weak form, cannot be solved until
we substitute for the essential boundary conditions also. In the present con-
text, the essential boundary conditions refer to prescribed values of the dis-
placement" u ".
We illustrate the solution of finite element equations using the following two

Example 2.12 . A tip loaded rod. Consider a 1 m long steel rod (3 10 mm
cross-section) held fixed at its left end and subjected to a concentrated force
of 100 N at its right end. Let us use the two-element mesh of Example 2.11 to
model this problem. Setting

At the left end, the rod is clamped and thus the essential boundary condition
is that u
= 0. It is observed that the unknowns in these equations are there-
fore the nodal displacements u
, u
and the ground reaction
force R
. We therefore make a mental picture of partitioning the system
matrices given in Eq. (2.147) above and use the last two equations for deter-
mining u
, u
and the first equation for obtaining the reaction
force R
. Solving, we get

We observe that the axial deflection of nodes 4 and 5 is the same as expected
(rigid body motion). The reaction force at support equals the total external
force applied on the structure.
We have demonstrated how to develop the finite element equations, starting
from the weak form of the differential equation, for the axial deformation of a
bar. We will now show that our
method is quite generic and can be applied to any given differential equation.
We demonstrate that exactly the same procedure can be used to formulate,
for example, the heat transfer element.
2.7 One-dimensional Heat Transfer Element
Consider a plane wall with a uniformly distributed heat source. The govern-
ing differential equation for the steady state one-dimensional conduction heat
transfer is given by

The attention of the reader is drawn to the similarity of the weak form in the
above equation and that in Eq. (2.125) for the bar problem. We now propose
to develop the one-dimensional heat transfer element following the procedure
we used while developing the equations for the bar element. Figure 2.24
shows a typical element, with its nodes and nodal degree of freedom (viz.,
temperature). Following the similarity of the bar and heat transfer

The LHS may be considered to be the"element conductance matrix"and the
first term on the RHS is the"equivalent nodal heat flux"corresponding to the
distributed heat source/sink.
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